Monday, November 13, 2017

Second Roy Moore Accuser Works For Michelle Obama Right NOW


NOTE:  Of course these 4 women just now came forward with their non-provable accusations - not years earlier when Judge Moore sat on the bench but NOW when he decided to run for the Senate during the President Trump / GOP administration was in control of the CON-gress. It has already been made known that "none of these 4 know each other." One is proven to be currently employed by Michelle/Mike Obama. Interesting? The girls' accusations just happen to come forth at an appropriate time to put in to question (by those who are working to destroy Trump and the GOP majority) whether Moore should be placed on the ballot or withdraw from the race altogether. There has been NO PROOF of these allegations; thus being forced to withdraw is being 'judged' to be 'guilty' with a trial and sufficient EVIDENCE of proof of the allegations. Parents and friends of these girls can receive payment and/or threats from the DEMS at ANY time as encouragement to go along with these ridiculous allegations, which do NOT FIT Moore's conservative/Christian history on record.  THIS IS YET ANOTHER PLOY BY THE DEMOCRATS TO MANIPULATE THE VOTING AND OUTCOME OF THE ALABAMA SENATE RACE - PURE AND SIMPLE.

Nov 12 2017

Liberals sure are afraid of Roy Moore. Not only did they push a woman in front of the cameras to cry and lie about some stuff that allegedly happened 35 years ago, she’s just now remembering to mention (we refuse to repeat the salacious allegations because they are 100% verifiable fake news) but when the fake 14-year-old didn’t work for them, the Democrat Party did something even worse: they doubled down on the story, introduced a new actress, and had her tell an even more horrible lie.

Fiona Dourif says she was 11 years old when Moore “groped her in the alley behind the” church they both attended in 1957. “It was the most horrifying moment of my life,” she told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Friday night. She then described the series of events that allegedly happened, including the obviously false allegation that he baited her into the alley with candy. “Roy Moore definitely did all of those things and more,” she said looking into the camera, dry-eyed. (These girls are being provided and coached with scripts in an attempt to convince the media and public.  If, indeed, these incidents HAD occurred years ago, girls that age would have told their girlfriends, who would have told parents and other friends, and any attempts then would have been reported to the police and investigated. OBVIOUSLY these things NEVER DID HAPPEN as they are now 'rembering' and 'reporting'.)



Maddow then interviewed Dourif’s parents who said that they knew of the alleged abuse but didn’t say anything until he was running for Senator because they “feared for their lives.” (Are they kidding us?  It was supposed to have happened 30 years ago and it wasn't important to them at that time to report the incident to the police? Only now that Moore is running for the Senate? What kind of parents are these AHOs?) Of course, if that was the case they would not have waited until he had more political power and wealth than he did when this allegedly happened.

One piece of information Dourif failed to mention is that she is currently employed as a housekeeper for Michelle Obama at the D.C. mansion “she” and her “husband” Barack share. This information was uncovered by Gateway Pundit’s Charles C. Johnson, who notes in his report that Dourif is paid extremely well according to public documents, which report a $250,783.33 annual salary for Dourif.”  (If YOU were receiving a 'salary' of that magnitude, would YOU CONSIDER LYING to keep that job and salary?!)

“Why would Barack and Michelle Obama’s housekeeper suddenly remember that she was molested by someone 
(30 to 35 years ago?!) who is running for public office – someone of the opposing party,” Johnson writes. “This stinks more than Malia Obama’s dorm room after one of her reefer parties.”

What exactly is going on? Ever since her employer was revealed, Dourif has gone dark, removing all of her social media presences and refusing to respond to interview requests from any source.

(It's not at all 'difficult' to figure out whats going on - outright lies to discredit Judge Moore - plain and simple - period.)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Enemy Turns and Devours One Another and Military Tribunals

The Enemy Turns and Devours One Another
Mark Taylor
Nov 4 2017

Published on Nov 4, 2017

Author of “The Trump Prophecy,” Mark Taylor also points out, “America is not under judgment. It is the systems that are under judgment right now. Whether it’s our political system or judicial system, the immigration system, and even the church is under judgment right now. If you are a leader in this country and you are corrupt, God himself is going to expose you, and he will remove you. . . . The day they arrest Hillary Clinton, do you think she is going to go down by herself? No way. She is going to sing like a bird. What you are seeing right now with Donna Brazile and Hillary Clinton, you are seeing the enemy turn on one another and devour one another which is Second Chronicles 20:21 and 20:22. That’s where it talks about in the Bible where the enemy turns and devours one another. Notice those numbers 2021 and 2022, which was the New World Order timeline to have America captured. God is saying right now, ‘No, that’s not going to happen.’ The enemy has his timeline 2021 and 2022, and God is saying, ‘I have my timeline,’ and God does not go by any man’s written timeline – period. God has stopped the enemy’s timeline. So, you should just strap in. This is going to get bigger and bigger. The exposures are going to continue to keep coming, and these military style tribunals are going to take place. You’re even seeing Hollywood getting wrecked right now. This is just the beginning.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former firefighter Mark Taylor, author of the hit book “The Trump Prophecies.”

Military Tribunals Coming for the Wicked
Mark Taylor

Published on Sep 4, 2017
How can the so-called deep state and crooked politicians keep doing evil to America? Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says it's God's will for that to stop. Taylor starts with fired FBI Director James Comey. Taylor contends, “James Comey was the clog in the pipe that was keeping the swamp from being drained. Now that he’s out of the way, you are starting to see things happen. . . . In 2015, I wrote a prophetic statement from God, and it says the spirit of God says your time has come to an end. You are both (Bill and Hillary Clinton) being omitted tor the crimes you have committed. . . . this is what God told me to write. . . . They are going to go down. I believe at some point she (Hillary) will go to jail. It will be a sign to the United States that that spirit of Jezebel has been locked up and the key thrown away. God is not going to let this stuff go, and look at the pedophilia. There has been a total media blackout, and there has been 4,000 arrests. . . . This is what God has been telling me for a long time. There are military style tribunals coming because this thing goes so deep. I think it is even boggling the mind of Donald Trump right now. He’s trying to get his team in place so they can go after these people and prosecute them. There are going to be military style tribunals break out when the names come to light.”

Taylor says, “Don’t fall for the doom and gloom. . . Some of my prophecies I have written say America is going to prosper like never before. Everybody thinks America is under judgment . . . but what about all the good things America has done. There are 100 different countries out there that are way worse than America, and they are still on the map. 90% of the Gospel that has gone throughout the earth has come from America. Where are all those seeds? God is going to use Donald Trump to bring those seeds back, and part of that is going to be getting America out of debt. You have a hard time prospering if you are in debt.” 

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies.”

All Links (and there are many) can be found on in the "After the Interview" section:

Offered BIG MONEY to Accuse Roy Moore

Woman Says She was Offered BIG MONEY
 to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct


WATCH: This One's a DOOZY.. 
Cooper Battles GOPer Who Said 
Roy Moore’s Accusers Should Be Prosecuted

Mueller's Indictments Have been Leaked

Counsel Mueller's Indictments Have been Leaked


President Trump Just Won Huge China Victory

President Trump Just Won Huge China Victory


Saturday, November 11, 2017

A Marine's Letter to the NFL

A Marine's Letter to the NFL


You Gotta Love Millenials

You Gotta Love Millenials
Micah Tyler

John McCain Is Working With To Betray Trump


You won’t believe what John McCain is up to. OR - perhaps you WILL!!!

The RINO Senator has spent the last year fighting to block Donald Trump’s agenda. You know - that 'agenda' that is returning prosperity and hope to the American people!

Now he is about to betray Donald Trump with one stunning move that will hand power over to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

After John McCain single handedly killed two attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare, Republican leaders quickly realized they needed to pass tax reform to inspire the GOP base ahead of the 2018 midterms.

In the wake of the Democrat sweep in Virginia – where conservative voters stayed home because Congressional Republicans spent more time  investigating Trump than helping him pass his agenda – leadership ramped up the urgency behind passing tax cuts.

Senate Republicans can only afford to lose two votes or else any effort to evade a Democrat filibuster will fail. So it was only natural that McCain schemed to kill the bill by pronouncing it “dead on arrival.” 

McCain’s disloyalty on Obamacare and immigration has infuriated conservatives.  But blocking tax cuts would throw the 2018 midterm prospects into chaos.

Republican voter enthusiasm would be depressed as the rank and file watches their congressional leaders fight with Donald Trump instead of uniting behind his agenda.

If that happens, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi will run Congress.  They will move to impeach Trump and it will have all been possible because John McCain stabbed his President, his party, and his voters in the back.  (A traitor, McCain is well known for his back stabbing 'talent' to both President Trump and the American people. )

Conservatives are calling on McCain to resign.  If he is going to thwart the will of the voters of his state – and outright lie to them – by battling Donald Trump, then he has no business in the United States Senate.

Do you agree? 

Trump Gives Notice to the World

Trump Gives Notice to the World, “I Am Always Going to Put America First”

In his speech to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Da Nang, Vietnam, President Donald Trump pushed his “America First” agenda and said his administration would fight “chronic trade abuses,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

During his Friday remarks to the summit, in which accusations of “unfair trade practices” played a major role, Trump put his audience on notice: “We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore.”

“While we lowered or ended tariffs, reduced trade barriers, other countries did not open their markets to us,” Trump said. “The current trade balance is not acceptable.”

Trump used the occasion to push his “America First” economic agenda.  “I am always going to put America first, the same way that I expect all of you in this room to put your countries first,” the president said, garnering applause.

“Jobs, factories, and industries were stripped out of the United States and out of many countries in addition,” Trump said. “And many opportunities for mutually beneficial investments were lost because people could not trust the system.

“We can no longer tolerate these chronic trade abuses. And we will not tolerate them,” he continued.

“I do not blame China or any other country, of which there are many, for taking advantage of the United States on trade,” he added. “If their representatives are able to get away with it, they are just doing their jobs.

“I wish previous administrations in my country saw what was happening and did something about it,” the president continued. “They did not, but I will.

“From this day forward, we will compete on a fair and equal basis. We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of any more.”

Full speech here, for the curious:

Economic nationalism and job creation have been big items on the president’s agenda, obviously, but the venue for airing them was certainly interesting — and telling.

By making the remarks at a meeting of world leaders on foreign soil, Trump threw down the gauntlet on trade, letting the world at large know that this isn’t just about campaign rhetoric.

Now, he has to step up and prove he can turn words into deeds.

The Real Comet Pizza Pedo Ring’


Flagg Eagleton
August 16, 2017


Trey Gowdy personally went to see Judge Melvin Tubernickel of the 15th Circuit Federal Court to obtain a warrant to search a small marina in Port Weatherly, North Dakota that he says he has concrete proof is the real location of the pedophile ring made famous by being wrongfully reported as being inside a pizza shop.

The marina, owned by a shell corporation of George Soros, is frequented by powerful men from all over the world who come to “savor the beauty of Lake Huron.” What they actually savor are children sold into slavery from across the globe. One member is documented as saying, “variety is the spice of life.”

Gowdy told 4A314 Correspondent Cynthia Luwhoe: 
“The raid went off as planned and yielded records we’ll be using over the coming weeks to prosecute a lot of bad men…and women. Ultimately, we’re hoping to tie this to Bill and Hillary Clinton because we know the Clinton Foundation is the catalyst that brings these power players and politicians together.”

The FBI says they won’t have an update on the raid until the scene is processed, which could take hours or even days. 

Clintons : $400 Million in US Dollars

BREAKING: British Intelligence Seizes Clinton Foundation Warehouse, $400 Million In Cash

Flagg Eagleton
November 10, 2017

The Clinton Foundation is once again trying to distance itself from a scandal surrounding something they’re involved in. This time the warehouse they use in the UK to 'store food and toiletries to make ready for shipping to Africa and Indonesia' was raided by MI6.

The warehouse, which is leased by the Foundation and one other tenant, is owned by a man known for shady arms deals and exploiting cheap Asian labor for counterfeit goods. The Brits took down his office and storage space, finding $400 Million in US Dollars. Maleek Bin Shalakta has been on the UK terrorist watch list for some time.

The Foundation claims to only be renting the space.

Chelsea Clinton’s assistant told LLOD correspondent Cynthia Luwhoe:  “Who owns the building is irrelevant. We rented through an agency.”

The agency in question is also owned by Bin Shalakta, as is the trucking company the Foundation uses in France, Germany and Latkavia. 

Commander Ian Humes says the coincidences are far too many to ignore:

What interests us is that the cash is the same amount as the US payments to Iran for hostages. It was palletted and wrapped in US State Department plastic sheeting.  We believe we may be looking at more than money laundering here. This may be a massive fraud perpetrated against Americans and the world.”

What we’re looking at here is yet another crime against America. Once MI6 is finished processing the scene, they’ve vowed to work with the FBI to figure out if there’s a connection. 

(WHICH FBI - the customary criminal side? Or the 'good' side?)

About Flagg Eagleton 86 Articles 
Flagg Eagleton is the son of an American potato farmer and a patriot. After spending 4 years in the Navy and 7 on welfare picking himself up by the bootstraps, Flagg finally got his HVAC certificate and is hard at work keeping the mobile homes of Tallahassee at a comfy 83 degrees.


A Spectacularly Bad Month


Can anyone say "YEA!" and "Hallelujah!" 

November 4, 2017

It’s been an especially bad month for Hillary Clinton, with many of her closest supporters either heavily damaged in the public eye, or very publicly turning on the failed former Presidential candidate.

First it was the tidal wave of allegations against Hollywood’s Harvey Weinstein. Disobedient  Media thoroughly reported Weinstein’s many ties to the Democratic Party establishment and the Clintons.

Then it was Kevin Spacey, another Clinton insider and Hollywood insider who Disobedient Media reported has been accused of sexually assaulting a number of men, including two who were adolescents at the time. One has accused Spacey of attempted rape when the actor was 14. 

Since Disobedient Media covered this story, it has emerged that Spacey was has been suspended from House Of Cards, after workers for the show alleged Spacey had sexually harassed crew members ‘routinely.’

Disobedient Media also reported that Spacey was documented to have traveled with Bill Clinton and convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein on the infamous ‘Lolita Express’ flights. Epstein was eventually jailed for soliciting girls as young as 14 for prostitution.

In an even more bizarre twist, a hedge fund manager for mega wealthy banker George Soros was reported to have “lured women to a sex dungeon,” where multiple women claim he then raped and severely beat them.

The Daily Beast wrote: “Three Florida women, filing under pseudonyms, have accused 62-year-old Howard Rubin of leading an organized human-trafficking ring in which he allegedly employed women to lure models to his $8 million Manhattan Penthouse… he led them into a sex-dungeon where he subjected them to sexual assault, rape, false imprisonment, and beatings so severe they would lose consciousness and one had to undergo reconstructive surgery to repair her breasts.”

George Soros, for whom Rubin worked as a portfolio manager, was reported by the Wall Street Journal to have lost up to $1 billion “as a result of the stock-market rally spurred by Donald Trump’s surprise presidential election.” Soros was reported to have donated $9 million to pro-Clinton SuperPACs during the campaign season. Soros’ various charitable groups have additionally donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.

The revelations began with Hollywood, but did not end there. First there was bombshell news regarding Uranium One, indicating that Clinton’s former campaign Chief of Staff’s brother Tony Podesta is now under investigation by Robert Mueller. Press reports indicate that Tony Podesta left his lobbying firm The Podesta Group as a result of the ongoing investigation.

Additionally, it has been revealed that Clinton’s campaign was responsible for payments to Fusion GPS in order to produce the infamous dossier that accused Trump of bizarre sexual acts last year, which has been widely regarded as a hoax. The Hill reports that former FBI Director James Comey called the dossier “salacious and unverified” in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Despite this, Reuters reports that the dossier was central to investigations by a special counsel and congressional committees into U.S. intelligence agency allegations that Russia tried to help Trump’s campaign. This raises serious questions regarding the origin of such investigations, given the fact that Clinton’s campaign sponsored the creation of the document.

The disastrous series of events for Hillary Clinton did not end there. Her former ally Donna Brazile stunned the public when she outright stated via Politico that the DNC had rigged the Democratic Primary last year against the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. 

Brazile stated: “Debbie was not a good manager. She hadn’t been very interested in controlling the party—she let Clinton’s headquarters in Brooklyn do as it desired… How much control Brooklyn had and for how long was still something I had been trying to uncover for the last few weeks. By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart. ”

In the wake of Brazile’s stunning turn-around, even Clinton ally Elizabeth Warren confirmed on CNN that she believed the DNC had rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders. This is monumentally important because both Brazile and Warren had been strong supporters of Hillary Clinton during her campaign, with Donna Brazile infamously fired from her position at CNN last year due to revelations that she aided Clinton prior to Primary debates with Sanders.

The impropriety of the DNC Primary process was also implicated when it was revealed that Twitter had censored almost half of the tweets including the #DNCLeak hashtag, adding to news that the NYC Board of Elections admitted purging over 100,000 Democratic voters from the electoral roles improperly in the lead up to the 2016 Primary.

In the wake of multiple bombshell reports which have hit Hillary on multiple fronts in the last few weeks, legacy media has doubled down on dishonest rhetoric in terms of both the Russian hacking narrative and Wikileaks.

Some establishment press outlets appear to be in the midst of a desperate attempt to deflect from the rapid fire stories that have drowned Hillary and her closest supporters’ reputations in unbelievable amounts of muck over the last month. That legacy press is forced to cite a long debunked, empty narrative regarding Russian election meddling despite emerging details of the DNC’s primary election rigging against Bernie Sanders is appallingly hypocritical to many.

It remains to be seen as to what new bombshells regarding Clinton’s misconduct or that of her close associates might emerge in the coming weeks, but Disobedient Media will continue to report on the matter as it develops.