November 9, 2017
Minister Paul, a YouTube broadcaster based in northern California, shares a series of prophetic dreams in which God revealed the shocking role President Trump will play in these last days. I’ve only watched a few of Minister Paul’s videos, but so far the ones I’ve seen have confirmed what God has shown me.
Minister Paul has a great track record with accurate prophecies regarding U.S. presidents and elections. In 2011, the Holy Spirit gave him a vision of Obama and asked, “Do you see this man, Obama? He will win and that will be the beginning of the end.”
It proved to be accurate as Obama won the 2012 election, but was it the beginning of the end? Few people today are aware of it, but thousands of years ago the Mayan Indians and other ancient civilizations in China, Central America and South America identified a specific date which pointed to December 21, 2012 as the end of the age and beginning of a new age.
The news media misrepresented the ancient prophecies, calling it the end of the world, but the ancients saw it as the start of a new age marked by the release of the great feathered serpent, the one identified in the Bible as the dragon, satan. The Mayans called him Kukulkan. To the Aztecs he was Quetzalcoatl, but the meaning is the same - feathered serpent. (Source: Wikipedia)
In the past few centuries, many well-known Christian leaders claimed 2012 would mark the beginning of the end, the start of the rise to power for both the antichrist and false prophet, including Evangelists Jonathan Edwards, William Reid, and Rene Thibaut. (Source:
Still today, the illuminati believe something significant began in 2012, which is why it’s hidden in the Great Seal of the United States of America which appears on the back of every U.S. one dollar bill, displaying the Latin phrase, Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means “New order of the ages”. Like the ancient civilizations, the illuminati believe a new world order started rising in 2012. They’ve hidden their plans in plain view with the layers of the pyramid symbol revealing 2012 as their start date.
So, Minister Paul’s 2012 prophecy was fulfilled by Obama’s election victory and the beginning of the end was confirmed by many other prophecies.
In addition, Minister Paul received other prophetic dreams regarding U.S Presidents and elections, also accurately fulfilled, including the outcome of the 2016 election which he saw about six months before it happened.
On April 26 2016, God showed him Hillary Clinton would be hit with infirmity. The fulfillment was shown in her public appearances, like the coughing fit she had while speaking at a campaign event in New York. When Minister Paul received this word, all the polls showed Hillary Clinton winning the election, but he prophesied “Her health will begin to be hit harder and harder because God will not allow her to become President. Her lies will be exposed. If there is an election, she won’t win it.” (Source:
His prophecy was fulfilled when Hillary Clinton lost the election, lost her health, and just recently lost her cover as her lies were publicly exposed by former interim chairperson for the DNC, Donna Brazile. What a wonderful turn of events after decades of horrible crimes committed by both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Also in 2016, Minister Paul also accurately saw Donald Trump winning the 2016 election in a prophetic dream where President Trump was standing at a podium as gold coins fell from the ceiling, representing the rebound in the stock market that has continued for one year since his election.
Five years ago, about three months prior to the 2012 presidential election, on August 9, 2012, Minister Paul received a dream revealing Donald Trump in a position as world leader. Minister Paul clearly stated he does not believe Donald Trump is the antichrist and he was not shown that in the dream. If he was claiming that, I would not be sharing his video because I know Trump is not the antichrist and have yet to hear of anyone who believes he is.
Here is how Minister Paul described his dream:
In this dream, I’m sitting in my family room and a man comes on the TV. I could see his silhouette and he had a darkness about him, but he also radiated this false sense of peace. You got to understand, he was very believable. He was convincing, he spoke very softly, and yet professionally. He was well trained, and he was very knowledgeable and very cunning.
He began to talk about, this just kind of broke in, it was like a breaking news alert. They were announcing him as a world leader. They were declaring that governments had failed and they mentioned several countries. The United States was one of them, and he described what he meant by saying they failed. Crime was at an unprecedented proportion. Their debt had risen too much. There were not enough jobs and there was no foreseeable way out of the debt. He talked about the financial burden, the rising debt, the wars, the cost of the wars, the violence, the revolution. There was a revolution taking place around the world, literally widespread revolutions as the citizens were rebelling against their government. It was occurring here in the United States, too. Martial law wasn’t working and it was too expensive and it was just taking us deeper into debt.
He had this vision and this plan for world peace, not just peace for the United States or peace for Europe or peace for the Middle East or peace for Israel, but a world peace. And he explained it so clearly that I’m here to tell you that I’m going to leave this as an “In Case You Get Left Behind Video.” That’s how convincing this was in my dream. He made it make so much sense, saying “We’re to be united. We’re to love one another.”
He talked as if he was reading from the Bible almost, asking, “Aren’t we supposed to love one another? If we love one another, why are we not paying each other back? Aren’t we supposed to pay our debts? If we love one another, why are we at war with each other? Aren’t we supposed to help each other and not hurt each other?”
He/Trump had a solution and he said, “What the world needs is a total overhaul, not at the city level, not at the county level, not even at the federal level, but at the world level.”
And they’ve been planning this for years and they finally came up with the solution and the main thing was that it was going to take the world’s trust. So, he had this like ten-point plan; how to fix the world’s finances. That includes the United States. Just put yourself in whatever country you’re in. The finances, the violence, the wars, the diseases would all stop if we came together as one, the famine. In other words, if a country has too much and another country has too little, we could just share it like we’re supposed to in the Bible and no one should have to starve. We shouldn’t be shooting expensive bombs at each other. We should be shaking each other’s hands in love.
So, he/Trump was giving a grace period on these rules and there was a database. He mentioned not to worry because what he was going to do, he was going to introduce new world rules, world laws, and world currency. And he was so understanding. He was like, “I know it’s a lot to take in all at once. We’re going to give you a grace period and we’re going to help you through this and it’s for the best and it’s the only solution. The only other solution is we all just kill each other off.”
The person giving the speech and introduced as a world leader was not Obama. That was not his voice or presence. It was Donald Trump. At the time, I didn’t really know anything about him, but God did.Some of the things Minister Paul saw in the dream were fulfilled in the speech President Trump made in South Korea two days ago on November 7 2017. He was introduced to the audience with this, “Now, let me introduce you to the leader of the world, the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump.”
President Donald Trump
Speech in South Korea
That title, “leader of the world”, not just leader of the free world, along with the content of the speech, caught Minister Paul’s attention because it was what he saw in the dream. He explained,
“When President Trump began this speech (in South Korea) that I watched, I couldn’t help but notice I had already seen most of this speech in the dream. I could literally tell you what he was going to say before he said it. This speech was being given and it was during the rise of the antichrist. The prophetic dream came so alive when I heard Trump give that speech.
Many of the things I saw happening in the dream have already started, but there will be further speeches as tribulation starts and wars break out. The worst part of it hasn’t happened yet. It’s going to happen in the tribulation. And Barack Obama and Pope Francis are going to be involved. There will be more speeches. There will be speeches from Obama and this man.”My Comments:
How could Minister Paul see Donald Trump five years ago in a position of world leader unless God revealed it to him? I believe his dream is from God. The accuracy of his track record also supports that. His introduction to the audience in South Korea as the world leader also confirms it.
I believe this dream is an important warning to the Church because many Christians have embraced President Trump and are in danger of following him anywhere.
Like many others, I also believe President Trump’s election was a supernatural blessing from God because if Hillary Clinton had won, we might already be in the midst of world war three (and in the extermination camps/FEMA).
As Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj explained, God gave us more time so we could get our houses in order, which means preparing spiritually by learning to be led by the Spirit of God, but also financially, preparing for the coming financial trouble by getting out of debt. So, I thank God for giving us this reprieve from the severe shakings ahead, even though lesser shakings have already started, as evidenced by the recent solar eclipse crossing over our nation and the two hurricanes hitting Texas and Florida.
I thank God for the great things He has done and will do through President Trump, but I believe all the credit belongs to God and not to any man. Just because God made a way for Trump to take office and has so far sustained him against many enemies, we should not misread that as an endorsement of everything he does.
God also allowed Obama two terms as President, but that does not mean He wants us to support Obama.
God will allow the antichrist to rule over the global government for 42 months, but that does not mean He wants us to follow the antichrist. (Revelation 13:5)
God does not want us to be deceived, but the only way to avoid deception is by keeping our eyes focused on God, not blindly following any man. We must keep our minds filled with His word and our hearts filled with His Spirit, not relying on any man to lead us. Only those who are led by the Spirit of God are truly sons and daughters of God. (Romans 8:14)
The speech Minister Paul heard in his dream was as evil as anything I’ve ever heard because Trump was using the Bible to persuade people to put their trust in the spirit of antichrist. This is the cunning nature of the serpent, presenting himself as an angel of light. All those wonderful benefits of unity, peace, and equality only work under the rule of God, in submission to His commandments, walking uprightly before Him, keeping Him at the center of our lives. Anyone offering those benefits without mentioning any requirements to obey God is a deceiver, a liar, and a servant of satan, even if they call themselves a Christian. It is heartbreaking to hear that kind of deception coming upon the world because I believe many Christians would fall for it without even questioning it, many even thinking it is the will of God.
If Minister Paul had watched the speech relying only on his physical eyes, he would surely have been deceived too, but he watched it with his spiritual eyes which revealed Donald Trump “had a darkness about him” and “radiated a false sense of peace.” This refers to spiritual darkness, not physical darkness. The source of all spiritual darkness and falseness is satan, the prince of darkness and the father of lies. Only by relying on the inner witness of the Holy Spirit will we be able to accurately see what is happening. Anyone who is not relying completely on the Lord will be in great danger of being swept away by the great deception.
Minister Paul’s dream confirms what I have seen in several dreams, a time of great trouble coming, including economic collapse, the collapse of major world currencies, civil war, civil unrest, famines, and war. I believe we have been granted a reprieve from the most severe judgments, but the smaller shakings have already started and will continue with increasing severity.
Although I was not shown any dates, I agree with Minister Paul’s dream because I believe many of these things will happen over the next seven years, the period between the two eclipses, which would conclude in 2024, which would be the final year of Trump’s second term.
Minister Paul discerned the speech was given during the time when the antichrist was rising, which is a sad statement for President Trump personally because it means not only will he be deceived, but he will be used mightily by satan to deceive the whole world and prepare the way for the antichrist. It might be hard for some people to believe this could happen because he has surrounded himself with many Christians and some have claimed he has become a believer. Only God knows his heart, but satan often works through Christians, so it would not be the first time.
It might be harder for me to believe satan could use Donald Trump like this if I had not heard his speech in Saudi Arabia in May at the Global Center for Combatting Extremist Ideology. It was like watching an apocalyptic horror movie, but it was real and it was led by Donald Trump. Like the speech Minister Paul heard in his dream, the Saudi Arabia speech was filled with spiritual darkness and lies.
Trump's Entire Speech
to the Arab World
I am planning to share a separate post with more details about that event for the sake of alerting everyone to the danger of blindly following Trump.
We are truly living in the last days, the time when the antichrist is arising. Great shakings are coming - the birth pangs leading up to the tribulation and great tribulation. These shakings will cause many people to turn to God and many sleeping Christians to awaken. The same shakings will also cause the world to put their trust in godless solutions. So, the light will get lighter and the darkness will get darker, resulting in a great separation as the contrast between the two becomes much clearer.
I believe these are the days the prophet Isaiah saw, days of deep darkness covering the nations, but at the same time he saw the light of God arising on His people and His glory appearing on them in tangible ways that even the heathen could see, causing them to be drawn to our light. (Isaiah 60:1-5)