Thursday, November 16, 2017

!!! State of The Nation! BRIBED CALIFORNIA JUDGES!! #PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is Inconceivable

 emailed to me to post:

Read an article about BRIBED CALIFORNIA JUDGES, #PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is Inconceivable,which is published on a wonderful website, State of the Nation.100% Truthful information!

 On Monday, November 13, 2017, I visited the Santa Clara County Court of California. The big demonstration took place in the front of the Santa Clara County Court.  The Desperate Residents of the Santa Clara County requested to arrest and bring to justice-corrupted judges of the Santa Clara County Court, who took children from their mothers and families and sent these little children to the pedophiles. The Residents of the Santa Clara County wore white T-shits with photos of little children, whom corrupted judges took from their mothers and families and sent to the pedophiles. I talked with a woman, a God Mother of two little children, whom corrupted judges took from their mother and sent to a custody of pedophiles. The little girls were sexually abused! I will send you photos.

I was in the court because the organized pedophile satanic crime syndicate filed their eight fraudulent lawsuit against me, Case 17CV318715. I submitted documents, in which I exposed corrupted Judges such as Jewish Fraud Judge Carol Overton, her crime partners: former Presiding Judge Rise Pichon and well-known in California Jewish Satanist Attorney Rothbard, a High Level Fraud! 

Two days prior to this visit, I helped a desperate disabled woman, who resides in the Foster City. I exposed Fraud Attorney Rothbard, who forged her signature in the San Mateo County Court of California, trying to evict this disabled senior citizen from her apartment, the Case UDL-08887.

The Wild Brigandage and Lawlessness in the Courts of California!

Nina Sidorova   
Some Quotes from an article below:

The California Superior Court system into a profit center! 

To maintain due process, all Judges are required to disclose pecuniary ($) interest in any case in which they preside.  If Superior Court Judges receive payments from the County under a “secret” contract, they must recuse themselves from any case where the County is a party.

Clearly this does not happen; however, any defendant or plaintiff which raises this issue will see all the rats, I mean Judges, rapidly recuse themselves.  The contracts between the Judges and the County are NOT public documents and attempts to get access to them have been protected by the very Judges the contract seeks to implicate.  What are they hiding?
In immediate response to “Sturgeon I,” the California Legislature passed section 68220 to the Government Code which gave (1) retroactive immunity to the judges that received the bribes, (2) allowed counties the choice of whether to pay supplemental benefits at all; and (3) it left existing disparities in judicial benefits between the various counties intact.
And once the State has the child in foster care, they have no obligation to track whether they have gone missing.  Missing children mean loss of payments, so no one reports it, especially CPS.  Only when the parent goes looking for the child is it determined that they are missing.  Children are sold, sexually assaulted, abused, raped, and killed all while in the care of CPS.  But the California needs the money and Judge need the bribes.


#PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is



David Samuels
An Exclusive SOTN Investigative Report
We are all too familiar with how Child Protective Services has been implicated as a major source of Child Trafficking, but what we are not aware of is how the bribed State Judges and the Department of Health and Human Services make it all possible.  Let’s take the California Superior Court System as an example.  What you are about to hear should chill you to the bone.  It is a story of Judicial Treachery on a scale unprecedented in US history and is 100% true.
To understand how this all works, we must understand the landscape and how it almost came to an end in California.
Associate Justice Patricia Benke wrote in her 37-page opinion of Sturgeon v. County of Los Angeles (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 630 (Sturgeon I), “The duty to prescribe judicial compensation is not delegable. Thus the practice of the County of Los Angeles (the county) providing Los Angeles County superior court judges with employment benefits, in addition to the compensation prescribed by the Legislature, is not permissible.”  This affirmed the principle that judicial compensation is a state, not a county, responsibility. The Appeals court found that by providing substantial employment benefits to its superior court judges, defendant County of Los Angeles (the county) violated article VI, section 19 of our Constitution, which requires that compensation for judges be prescribed by the Legislature.
Wikipedia states, “The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution each contain a due process clause. Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the due process clause acts as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law.[1] The Supreme Court of the United States interprets the clauses more broadly because these clauses provide four protections: procedural due process (in civil and criminal proceedings), substantive due process, a prohibition against vague laws, and as the vehicle for the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. Due process ensures the rights and equality of all citizens.”
To maintain due process, all Judges are required to disclose pecuniary ($) interest in any case in which they preside.  If Superior Court Judges receive payments from the County under a “secret” contract, they must recuse themselves from any case where the County is a party.  Clearly this does not happen; however, any defendant or plaintiff which raises this issue will see all the rats, I mean Judges, rapidly recuse themselves.  The contracts between the Judges and the County are NOT public documents and attempts to get access to them have been protected by the very Judges the contract seeks to implicate.  What are they hiding?
Your initial response might be, “So what, Judges are venerable and these payments do not corrupt them.  How dare you imply a corrupt motive?”
First, it was the Appeals Court which determined these bribes were illegal payments in violation of the California Constitution.  But let’s consider the broader ramifications.  If you are prosecuted by the County, how can a Superior Court Judge of the same county preside over the case if they are receiving an illegal bribe via a “Secret” contract?
Even after the payments were deemed illegal, did they end?  No, the Counties continue to make them.  Why?  All you need to do is ask, who benefits.
Why are these payments important?
There are several reasons why the counties continue to make these payments.
  1. County Supervisor pay is linked to Superior Court Judges compensation.
  2. Bribed Judges give favorable rulings to County Prosecutors.
  3. Title IV Incentive payments.
Numbers 1 and 2 are self-evident greed.  Number 3, “Title IV Incentive Payments,” leads to due process violations, bias, and child trafficking.  These Title IV payments to the State create an incentive.  Specifically, Title IV includes:
Part-A (Grants to States for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families),
Part-B (Child and Family Services),
Part-D (Child Support and Establishment of Paternity), and
Part-E (Fed Payments for Foster Care & Adoption Assistance).
The designation “IV” actually refers to Title IV of the Social Security Act of 1975, which covers grants to states for the purpose of providing aid and services to needy families with children.  The Administration of Children and Families (ACF) administers benefit payments under Title IV through HHS.  The FY 2017 Budget request for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is $63.0 billion.  The Mandatory Budget is $43.1 Billion with the majority based on Title IV:
Child Care Entitlement to States $2.917 billion,
Child Care and Development Fund $5.678 billion,
Child Support Enforcement and Family Support $4,311 billion, and
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) $16.739 billion.
If $63 Billion is available and California has 14% of the US Population, the State stands to receive almost $9 billion in Federal Reimbursements.
The California Superior Court system into a profit center!
Sturgeon I threatened to shut off this source of federal reimbursement funds because the Judges, for their part in the conspiracy were not going to do it for free.  The California Legislature understood the threat, “If you don’t do something to ensure the payments to the California Judges continue, we will shut off Title IV Federal Reimbursement payments.”
In immediate response to “Sturgeon I,” the California Legislature passed section 68220 to the Government Code which gave (1) retroactive immunity to the judges that received the bribes, (2) allowed counties the choice of whether to pay supplemental benefits at all; and (3) it left existing disparities in judicial benefits between the various counties intact.
45 CFR Part  § 304.12 (b) Incentive payments to States related to Title IV. Essentially, reimbursement is based ratios of the State’s Title IV-A, Title IV-D, and non-title IV-A collections.  Putting people into Title IV programs, voluntarily or involuntarily, means money for California, money for Judges, and money for Supervisors.  Whose money?  YOUR MONEY.
So how does this work?
The bribes mean that Judges AND attorneys both have an incentive to create “high conflict” cases which extend Family Court proceedings while they order psychiatric evaluations of mothers and fathers by unlicensed con-artists, force minors into foster care, remove children from homes, award high child support, alimony payments to abusive and raping spouse, and bleed both parties to ensure there is a higher chance one or both parties will continue to need state assistance.  The more money sent means larger incentive payment. Higher ratios of Title IV means high percentage reimbursement.
A bridge too far?  Maybe you can explain why would Judge Gregory Pollack of San Diego Superior Court awarded the sexual assault victim to pay alimony to her rapist husband in November 2012?  Simple, it was the end of the year and California needed to ensure maximum reimbursement § 304.12 (b) Incentive payments to States.  We suspect California needed to boost its ratio to increase its percentage returns.  Only because the victim went on a political campaign that led the California Legislature to introduced a bill that would keep any victim of violent sexual crime perpetrated by a spouse from having to pay alimony to the abusive former spouse.  Who can disagree with that?  Well, I can because it was the “Incentive Payments” which lead to this decision.  The decision by Judge Gregory Pollack was egregious, but the source of the problem was Title IV incentive payments.
On May 29, 2015 S. 178, the “Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015” was signed into law after much political fighting.  However, this is more in the wrong direction.  Solutions like these will make the problem worse, not better!  Government funding is the problem and in comes in the form 45 CFR Part  § 304.12 (b) Incentive payments to States.  Bribes to California Superior Court Judges in the form of these “secret” contracts ensure the Judiciary provides a steady stream Title IV rulings in a ratio to maximize federal reimbursements.
Ironically, the “S. 178 – Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015” that just passed under the auspices of dealing with child sex trafficking, will actually perpetuate the problem and make it worse, by funneling even more federal funds into social services for children and troubled youth.  Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer was one of the few who did speak out about the bill and try to do something to stop this horrendous problem, but predictably she now is dead.  Her published report, The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services, is reproduced is here.
How much money are we talking about?
Enough money to bribe judges! One child taken into foster care can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs.  So guess what, California Foster Care prescribes psychiatric drugs at a rate well beyond malpractice, but it ensures more money. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)
And once the State has the child in foster care, they have no obligation to track whether they have gone missing.  Missing children mean loss of payments, so no one reports it, especially CPS.  Only when the parent goes looking for the child is it determined that they are missing.  Children are sold, sexually assaulted, abused, raped, and killed all while in the care of CPS.  But the California needs the money and Judge need the bribes.
Where is the Child Trafficking?
The child trafficking industry, or human trafficking industry right now, makes more money than the illegal drug trade, and illegal arms trade, combined.  In California, all of this is possible due to the bribed Judges, California Superior Court system, and the legislature’s insatiable appetite for Incentive Payments to fill the budgetary gap.
There is so much corruption between Family Court and Child Protective Services
Anything else?
In 2012, the $2 billion California Court Case Management System was set to be rolled out to all of California.  It was intended to automate California court operations with a common system across the state and replace 70 different legacy systems.  However, the State had other plans after wasting all our money.  The system would have made information regarding Judicial corruption at everyone fingertips.  Statistically speaking, it would be very easy to determine which County places Judicial Bribes above the good of the people, what time of year to file a divorce, or any amount of statistical information that could be used to describe the current state of affairs.
While we are unable to find information related directly to the amount of incentive payments made according to each County, we suspect that if we looked at the amount contributed by each county and compared it to the amount of supplemental pay to Superior Court Judges by the County, we would see a strong correlation. The contract between the County and the Superior Court would likely spell this out, which is the reason these contracts are protected.
We suspect that we could make a huge dent in Child Trafficking by eliminating these Incentive Payments, but the corruption must continue no matter the cost.  And in case you think these bribes are needed to ensure competent Judges, consider that the Judges are elected positions in California.  Having practiced in front of many California Judges, I can tell you that we can’t do any worse.  Maybe, just maybe lower pay will call more principled individuals to the job, but they are lawyers to begin with.  You can take the Judge out of the lawyer, but you cannot take the lawyer out of the Judge.

KEY POINT: The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing.

State of the Nation
November 14, 2017

North America Ice age

The following was sent to us with request to post.  Can you stand some more good news?!

 Global Unrest, Famine, Mass Migration, 
 Increased Vulcanism, Flooding


North America Ice age


Global warming peaked in 1988 and slowly ending the Interglacial Warm Holidays to begin the short Mini Ice Age affecting all spectrum. After a return to short warming period, we expect a U-turn to long sleep of Ice Age Glaciation. It happened many times in the past, each time resetting Human evolution.

During this shortcoming Ice Age, there won't be enough space to grow food and for comfort living, except between the two 33° latitudes north and south of the equator which is not enough lands, and there won't be enough cheap and fresh drinking water neither for mass survivals.

Our SEAWAPA project is to harvest fresh drinking water from the 7 month monsoons and rains, the melting ice from Tibet and from the most abundant tropical cyclones region in the world on top of Lao mountain range, transfer it below via gravity by producing electricity, food, and goods, at the same time, distribute them to far-flung floating agricultural modules, to newly built megacities, and to industrial complex across the equator, between the tropical cyclones zone, connecting them to other continents, avoiding post ice age big melt danger. Once done, we can tap into the Primary Water Cycle for larger scale space programs, build Hyperloop transport system for universal distribution of drinking water, food, goods, electricity and heat, all year round. The heat and coldness redistribution across the world will minimize risks caused by Ice Age and post-Ice Age. Asteroids mining and universal commodity dispersion will allow humanity to progress beyond "Sustainability", and to solve other risks.

Dem Senator Accused Of Groping And Other Misconduct



The Swamp is NOT being drained quick enough
Send in the EXTERMINATORS if need be!

Who will be next to be EXPOSED? 

Lorie Shaull
November 16 2017  

According to News Busters, a woman has come forward accusing DEMOCRAT Senator Al Franken of kissing and groping her without her consent.  Franken's response? "It was intended to be funny."


In an article in 790 KABC, Leeann Tweeden describes the terrible story in horrific detail:
"On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’

He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth."
Her account is just another in the long list of people crossing the line, especially in Hollywood. 
Tweeden goes on to describe how awful he treated her after she declined his advances.

Continue to check back with TTN as this story develops.


Bill Clinton Gets Horrific News

BREAKING: Bill Clinton Gets Horrific News, He Deserves This

With the numerous allegations of sexual harassment following the Harvey Weinstein revelations, others have been caught up in scandals of their own.

According to The Daily Caller, the media has made a surprising move. They’ve decided to address the numerous sexual harassment allegations facing former President Bill Clinton.

The bold accusations from supposed victims of sexual harassment has inspired others to come forward with their own stories, encouraged by the acknowledgment and attention others have received.

Alleged victims of former President Clinton’s advances have found themselves going unheard and unacknowledged given the power and influence he held. 

Now that he and Hillary Clinton have lost some of their political might after the failed 2016 election, and in the wake of other accusations, some journalists and members of the media are finally putting a light on their stories.

Most prominent among the accusations leveled at Mr. Clinton comes from Paula Jones, Kathleen Wiley, and Juanita Broaddrick, women who have long fought for their voices to be heard and the crimes against them acknowledged, only to be silenced by the Democrat Party or Mrs. Clinton.

Paula Jones said she was harassed by Mr. Clinton at a hotel room in Arkansas where she worked. Apparently, Mr. Clinton had made numerous, albeit unsuccessful, advances towards her before he exposed himself and solicited oral sex.

Kathleen Wiley says Mr. Clinton had made numerous advances to her and groped her a number of times within the Oval Office — a place where he infamously received oral sex from the young intern, Monica Lewinsky.

As bad as these allegations are, the worst comes from Juanita Broaddrick who says she was raped by Mr. Clinton while he was serving as Arkansas’s Attorney General. On Twitter in early 2016, she stated, “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General, raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away.”

All three women’s stories have been disregarded and ignored by the media. Following the many other allegations against notable individuals, some have decided to revisit their stories.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes said on Friday “…that Democrats and the center left are overdue for a real reckoning with the allegations against [Bill Clinton]”

Editor of The Atlantic, Caitlin Flanagan, wrote an article titled “Bill Clinton: A Reckoning” where she stated that those individuals who defended Mr. Clinton were “on the wrong side of history.” She also said that “The Democratic Party needs to make its own reckoning of the way it protected Bill Clinton,” particularly attacking feminists who were quick to defend Mr. Clinton and reject the allegations.

The sudden support and acknowledgment of these accusations from members of the media have left Juanita Broaddrick stunned. On Monday she posted on Twitter, “New York Times opinion ‘I Believe Juanita’. Hell has definitely frozen over.”

Will Bill Clinton face justice?


Now that the drama of the 2016 elections has finally settled and sexual harassers are being held accountable for their crimes, perhaps these women can finally have their stories heard fairly without political agendas getting in the way.

If Mr. Clinton abused these women, he should be held accountable for his actions and brought to justice.

Big Brother is Watching You at Every Turn


Global Reset Sooner Than Most Think

Trump Declares One World Currency
Global Reset Sooner Than Most Think

Video(s) of a Democ-RAT 'politician' groping kids surfaced


Joe Biden is a CREEP!

The political world was rocked when one candidate was accused of being creepy around children.

They were shocking allegations that no one could believe.

Now all hell broke loose when one video surfaced that proved the charges.

 Vice President Joe Biden has a history of 
getting too close for comfort with women.

Liberals who are attacking Judge Roy Moore on questionable allegations of sexual impropriety need to tend to their own house.

Last year, radio host Mark Simone tweeted out a video of the Vice President groping women – some of whom were children.

Joe Biden 'loves' Children

The Daily Mail reports:
“Still battered by accusations that he made unwanted advances on women and touched them without consent, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is pointing to vice president Joe Biden’s ‘long history of groping.’
Trump Monday morning retweeted a video posted by New York broadcaster Mark Simone titled, ‘Watch Joe Biden’s Long History Of Grabbing, Kissing and Groping Women Who Are Cringing.’
The video, set to mood music that might be found in a 1970s skin flick, stitches together footage of Biden, known as a back-slapping politician when he was in the Senate, touching, massaging, and whispering to a number of women during televised swearing-in ceremonies there.”
'Friendly'  Joe Biden Groping Women

Conservatives are wondering why liberals – and the so-called “mainstream” media – are quick to condemn Judge Moore based on unproven allegations, but casually dismiss Biden being caught on film acting in a creepy manner.

Furthermore, the timing of the allegations against Moore is suspicious, as it dropped one month before the special election to fill Jeff Sessions’ senate seat.

Moore’s accuser claims the incident happened nearly 38 years ago, so many are wondering why this is just surfacing now?

Judge Moore has strongly denied the allegations on the campaign trail.

Breitbart reports:
“I’ve been married 32 years so far, it will be 33 in a few weeks,” Moore continued:
We have four children. I have a daughter. I have five granddaughters. I have the highest regard for the protection of young ladies.
When I returned to Gadsen 40 years ago after military service, I went to work at the office of the District Attorney. I have been a student of the law for over 40 years in and out of public office, served as a judge, a prosecutor, a defense lawyer, then Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. To be attacked for sexual impropriety contradicts my entire career in law.
I want to make this clear: I have not provided alcoholic beverages to a minor. I have not been guilty of sexual misconduct with anyone. These allegations come only four weeks—30 days, about—before the general election. Why now
For 40 years I’ve been so scrutinized in the press, investigated by the attorney general at one time years ago, investigated by the Judicial Inquiry Commission of the Court of the Judiciary. I’ve run five statewide campaigns, every one of them hotly contested. Three county elections, every one of them hotly contested. And you know I’ve been at the center of two national controversies over religious liberty, one over the Ten Commandments - the other over same-sex marriage.
To think that these charges come just 30 days prior to the general election is incomprehensible.”

(And THAT, my friends, is EXACTLY HOW THE DEMOC-RATS WORK!   They are so buried in their self-made satanic traitorous black hole that they will try and DO ANY thing to pull up out of it to regain lost seats. We cannot allow these AHOs to get away with this, especially defaming Judge Roy Moore who has PROVEN through the years to be an HONORABLE man and judge. The 'accusers' are DEMOC-RATS and proven associated with some of the WORST of the WORST in their party. One is even employed at a hefty salary as a housemaid by Mikie / Michelle Obama.)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Trump Learns Nickname Chinese Have Been calling Him

Trump Learns Nickname Chinese Have Been calling Him
During Asia Trip!  Jaw Hits the Floor!!!