By Anna Von Reitz
the last year or so I keep knocking into bright-eyed, bushy-tailed
idealists preaching about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
promoted by the United Nations.
"hue-man" by legal definition is not a man (or woman). It is a "color
of Man"--- something that appears to be a man, but not isn't actually,
similar to "color of law"-- a statute or other representation that
appears to be a law, but isn't.
Another definition of "human" is "monster"---- a thing, and again, not a man or woman.
So, are you a "human"? No.
"humans" have rights? Arguably not, if they exist. Why would you give
rights to something that only appears to be a man, but which is in
fact, a monster--- an animal or a thing only appearing to be a man?
Universal Declaration of Sasquatch Rights?
What does that have to do with the price of beans in China?
me tell you---- it's all about what lawyers call "admissions", and it
is the same filthy game that you have already seen before, when they
used similar names deceits to get your Mother to agree that you were a
"US Citizen". She admitted it, so it must be true, right? Even if she
was deceived, even if she was coerced, there is a record of accusation
called an "information" signed by your own Mother standing against your
good name that admitting you are a "US Citizen".
and also an unwanted bastard child born out of wedlock and cast upon
the mercy of the State of Whatever corporation as a ward of the state.
fact--- unless you are a federal employee or dependent or political
asylum seeker, there is no way that you are now nor ever were a "US
Citizen", nor have you ever been a "citizen of the United States"----
but by getting your Mother (and you) to ignorantly sign paperwork
agreeing that you are such a "citizen" the vermin have an excuse for
treating you as one.
that's the whole point of the exercise--- to test you and see if you
know who and what you are. If you don't, you are prey.
is how they gain the evidence needed to "presume" against you in
court. This is how they allege that you are liable to pay federal
income taxes, that you are obligated to follow all 80 million federal
codes and statutes, that you are responsible for paying their public
debts, that you are subject to their government, that you are "eligible"
(and required) to pay into Social Security (which is their private
pension plan) and so on.
you admit to being a "US Citizen", you are one until you go through a
very arduous learning and reclamation process to prove that you
aren't in fact a "US Citizen" and don't desire any such foreign
political status.
that's the Entrapment Game--- get you to ignorantly admit being
something you aren't and then take full advantage of the admission.
It's the same thing with admitting to being a "human".
you are not a man, they are justified in treating you as something
subhuman, something that merely appears to be a man. And the whole
diatribe about "human rights" is just sop, a means of allegedly
providing you with "benefits" that you are already owed anyway, that
cost them nothing, in exchange for your admission that you aren't really
a man or woman--- and are therefore inferior and subject to them.
common gambit is to call you "Mister" or "Miss" or "Missus" or some
other "title"---- titles are a British means to subject people to the
rule of their government. In fact, a "Mister" is either a Midshipman in
the British Navy, or a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marines,
which is, interestingly enough also the definition of a "Withholding
once witnessed an absolutely brilliant defense against tax charges. It
was clear that the man had won his case. As he was walking out the
Judge called him, "Mr. Smith" (not really his name, but you get the
point) and he didn't immediately object and he didn't just keep on
walking. The victim turned around and answered politely ----and zap!
Right back into the net, right back into the presumption that he was in
fact a "Mister"--- a renegade Withholding Agent who failed to do his
duty and didn't give the Queen and the Pope their cut.
judge then proceeded to ream him and sentence him on the spot to 3
years in jail and a huge fine---and the poor man had no idea what
happened or why.
you know and I know that he admitted to being a "Mister" which then
gave the judge the needed prima facie evidence to convict him of tax
the same thing with the word "resident". US Citizens--- real ones---
can't own land in the states, because they are foreigners merely
"residing" here on a temporary basis while they conduct their business
of providing "essential government services".
you admit to being a "resident" either by calling yourself one or by
allowing one of them to apply that description to you, your claim to own
your own property (as in a foreclosure case where this is a common
ploy) flies right out the window. Such verbal tricks are the stock and
trade of these fraud artists and you must learn to be wary and
recognize them and rebut them whenever and wherever they rear their ugly
time anyone applies any kind of descriptive label to you--- balk.
Object. Even if you are not sure that there is any agenda afoot, object
and "demur" anyway. Give yourself the chance to look up the legal
meanings of the words or force your opponent to define the meaning of
the word for you.
Anyway, a big
thumbs down on "human rights" and a big thumbs up for the natural and
unalienable rights of all natural men and woman worldwide.
Next time someone starts blathering to you about human rights--- you know what to do.
that glazed-over, starry-eyed individual in the eye and with as
straight a face as you can manage, say, "Oh! How interesting! Are you a
monster, or just favorable to their cause?"
----------------------------See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here: