Wednesday, December 13, 2017



REVEALED: Secret Tape of Woman Being Bribed to Accuse Trump of Sexual Harassment

Bill O’Reilly stated back in October he has an audio recording of a woman being bribed with $200,000 to accuse President Donald Trump of sexual harassment. 

Due to the recent interviews Megyn Kelly did on her show ‘Today’, this tape has been brought up in conversation once again.

O’Reilly described the evidence as “shocking” and certain raises serious questions about the new allegations against him.

In an interview with Newsmax:

O’Reilly told Newsmax on Monday that investigators working for him had uncovered an audio recording of “an anti-Trump attorney” offering an unidentified woman $200,000 to file sexual harassment charges against then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.

“It exists,” O’Reilly said. “We have urged the person who has the tape to hand it over to the U.S. attorney, because my investigative team believes there are three separate crimes on the audio tape.”   

Bombshell:  Look Who's Funding the Women 
Accusing Trump!  This is an outrage!!

BOMBSHELL: LOOK Who’s FUNDING The Women ACCUSING TRUMP, This Is An OUTRAGE!!! With the latest trend of women coming forward to accuse men of dirty deeds from decades ago, the women from the 2016 election who accused President Trump of sexual misconduct are coming out again to tell their stories, and a look at who’s funding them says everything we need to know.During the election, woman after woman came forward to claim the President had mistreated them in one form or another, but they quickly faded into the shadows once he had won, leading most to believe they were full of equine scat and merely accusing him to derail his presidential hopes. Not much has changed on that front, but since the Russian collusion narrative has fallen apart, the left is now trying to use these accusations to unseat the duly-elected President despite the fact voters knew about them before they cast their ballots and still put him in office.

Yesterday, Samantha Holvey, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks all sat down with Megyn Kelly on her NBC ‘Today’ show demanding they have justice.

‘All of a sudden, he’s all over, me, kissing and groping and groping and kissing,’ said Leeds, a Democrat who claims she went public with her story because ‘I wanted people to know what kind of a person that Trump really is…what a pervert he is.’

The democrat claims the assault occurred on a plane in the ’70s and later on he called her a ‘c***’ when he bumped into her at a New York party, while still married to his first wife Ivana.

Holvey’s run in with Trump was at a Miss USA contest, where she was former Miss North Carolina, and alleged Trump went back stage in 2006 and ‘reviewed the women while they were indecent,’ reports the Daily Mail.

She said Trump was ‘just looking me over like I was just a piece of meat.’  ‘I was not a human being. I did not have a brain I did not have a personality. I was just simply there for his pleasure. It left me feeling very gross, very dirty, like this is not what I signed up for.’

Via the Daily Mail: Crooks claims that Trump assaulted her near the elevator bank in his office building. The office she worked in had rental space there. She says it started with him hitting on her.

‘I was so uncomfortable, and a little, yeah, threatened, like I didn’t have a choice,’ Crooks said.  ‘And then he kissed me on the lips, and I was shocked, yeah, I mean, devastated, and it happened so fast, I guess, I wish I would have been courageous enough to be like, what’s going on, and you need to stop this.’

After declining comment on the matter initially, the White House sprung a statement on Kelly in the middle of her program.

‘These false claims, totally disputed in most cases by eyewitness accounts, were addressed at length during last year’s campaign,’ the statement said, ‘and the American people voiced their judgement by delivering a decisive victory.’

It went on to say that the ‘timing and absurdity’ of the accusers’ claims, along with their ‘publicly tour’ they’ve started ‘only further confirms the political motives behind them.’

Leeds says she began telling her story publicly once it became clear that Trump was serious about running for president.

Trump has responded in the past stating: “All I can say is it’s totally fake news – just fake. It’s fake, it’s made up stuff. And it’s disgraceful what happens.”  

Democrats Panic as Bill O'Reilly Reveals 'Secret Tape' 
of Woman Being Bribed to Accuse Trump!

As the sexual perversions of many Democrats are being found out and their crimes are being exposed, in  particular concerning rape and bribery of women and children, they are attempting to use accusations of the same or similar flavor to discredit the conservatives/ Republicans. However, the Democrats are unable to produce PROOF of their lies and claims.  And, now, PROOF of these women being bribed to attack our President is coming forth. These women should be charged and sent to prison. 

Trump To Be Handed Something So Serious

Trump To Be Handed Something So Serious
It Will Drastically Change His Life & This Nation

Published on Dec 11, 2017
Trump To Be Handed Something So Serious, It Will Drastically Change His Life & This Nation
Pray for our government. Pray for its leaders. Pray for repentance! AND

Chemtrails & How To Survive

Insider Reveals Their Plans with Chemtrails
 & How To Survive

How They Affect You and What You Can Do

Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of "weather modification" programs — also referred to as "solar radiation management" or "chemtrails". The international program involves spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high altitudes that then fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies, our water, our soil and the air we breathe.

Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks

This video contains text, which was forwarded to me. The source is highly credible, and has given permission to post his youtube account here: If you have questions, you can contact him directly. This message originally came from a USAF pilot, who flies Aerosol Tankers, as part of the secret Indigo Skyfold (geoengineered aerosol "chemtrail") program.
Please save this text, and forward the video! (The text was too long for Youtube to put in the description, so I will put the entire message in the comments section.)

I've known the source for over a year, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he's told me, IN ADVANCE.
Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be "after Jan 20, 2015, they are shutting down the program".
INSTEAD, he says the opposite: "a very new "extremely toxic" chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible."
That is not how disinfo works. The last communication was the opportunity to calm the herd, instead, it is a call to action.
If you have a geiger counter, with an alpha/beta probe, please test the aerosol fallout. The best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe your car hood, and windshield, with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radon sources upwind.

BTW, the building at 7:30 is the International Criminal Court, at The Hague, Netherlands. This is where the criminals behind these programs need to be taken, to be put on trial, while the world watches.




More Specious BS From the "Bar"

By Anna Von Reitz

Larry Becraft and his side-kick Bob Hurt have been spreading this around the internet attempting to keep those dollars rolling into their coffers and discredit me at the same time:

Some friends brought it to my attention and asked what happened, so here’s my official reply:

Well, nothing happened to it or with it, of course, because it involves two federal PERSONS and not me nor my husband at all. Wake up! I went to the Tax Court without ever "petitioning" it or allowing it to assume any jurisdiction related to me or my husband, and they were made to look ridiculous in front of the 62 lawyers they had brought in for the event.

I then turned around and posted my $12 million dollar judgment against them and the IRS in the land jurisdiction records. The difference is that they hold a delegated authority from me, but I hold the actual and supreme non-delegated authority over them. So I am turning over my judgment against them to the Marines for enforcement, as the international land jurisdiction is their "beat".

You have to get it really, REALLY straight in your mind who you are and what you are and where the jurisdictional lines are, and then you can go in and stomp all over these rats with impunity.

My husband and I officially revoked our "election to pay" federal income taxes back in 1998. You will note a typical trick in this paper-fraud case. We revoked under our actual Given Names --- James Clinton Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger, so what the Federales did (and this is typical) is that they pretended that "Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz" was a new federal PERSON they could glom onto and pretend that the revocation of election didn't apply to "HER"----but of course, I just turned around and revoked "HER" election to pay federal income taxes, too, and shoved it all back up their butts.

The US TAX COURT comes to Anchorage, Alaska, once a year in June. There were two cases – mine and an elderly black woman from Fairbanks, Alaska, who appeared using a walker to get around.
We were the only two cases on the docket and the room was absolutely packed full, standing room only. They had extra bailiffs and police on hand, as if these two elderly women were going to be a big problem.

The other lady’s case came first. She had the misfortune of having her house burn down along with all her records in it. Like many other Alaskans, she received a Permanent Fund Dividend the prior October, her house burned down in the winter, and by springtime and the April 15th filing date, she couldn’t remember exactly how much the dividend was, so she made an honest guess and was off by a hundred dollars or so.

The sanctimonious ass on the “bench” threw the book at her, charging her with crimes and perjury because her 1040 wasn’t absolutely accurate and fined her up one side and down the other so that she suddenly owed twenty times what the entire dividend had been and on and on and on. She was in shock and tears.

And the vermin in the room were in awe, staring at that judge like he was God Almighty.

And next, he turned to me and thought it was all going to go his way with me, too. The Bar Members were all gathered around like wolves on the hunt, leaned over in their chairs, eager to watch him dispatch me in the same way, but instead, I avoided their usual tricks, didn’t identify myself as “the NAME” and stated right up front for the record that I wasn’t a “Petitioner” and that I didn’t “understand” anything that they were alleging and didn’t agree to any of their proceedings. Period.

Also, I said that I knew for sure that I wasn’t a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine Service known as a Withholding Agent and if there was any evidence that either I or my husband held such a position, they better bring it forward right now.

And things went south for them rapidly from that moment on. It would after all be a felony crime for me to impersonate an officer of a foreign government, and it would also be a felony crime for any officer of the court to knowingly address a foreign national and solicit them to commit perjury.

I nailed the judge’s sweating butt to his chair and though he huffed and puffed he couldn’t blow my house down and he had no signature authority based on the evidence, so both he and his Clerk went home hungry to bed and all the attorneys were most let down and discomfited. They shuffled out with backward glances, downcast eyes, and sat through my testimony on the matter with their heads down like bad school boys caught by the teacher.

After the fact the “judge” issued his “order” against the federal PERSONS, but it was meaningless and unenforceable, because I simply wrote two new letters to the Commissioner(s) of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service revoking the “presumed” election of “ANNA M. RIEZINGER-VON REITZ” to pay federal income taxes, too, and made it effective prior to any of the years they were trying to collect upon.

So their fraudulent paperwork remains on the court record, but it has no force or effect.

Fiction can never stand against properly stated and evidenced fact. And I am a fact that the fraud artists definitely don’t want to contend with.

Afterward I met the elderly black woman and her friend in the courtyard outside the courthouse and explained to them exactly what they needed to do to make the US TAX COURT beat feet back to WASHINGTON, DC.

I don’t know what happened to her appeal, but I have reason to hope that she served them back with an Equal Civil Rights Claim and that she also reclaimed the copyright to all variations of her Given Name so that the vermin couldn’t just play more word games and come after her again.

That was all before I got serious about claiming up absolutely every possible variation and permutation and order and punctuation and style and format and font of both my given name and my Pen Name, so the IRS continued to come back and try to attack all sorts of variations of my Name/NAMES, and I continued to revoke election to pay for each and every one of them. Since there are a lot of variations possible with a name like mine, we had quite a correspondence before I nailed their feet permanently to the floor.

I now know that I could have saved myself that paperwork if I had just done a proper Certificate of Assumed Name and claimed all my Names/NAMES at once, but hey, it does have the halcyon affect that the IRS/Internal Revenue Service has registered letters from me revoking election to pay for every single variation of my Name/NAME.
Nowadays, I just spit like Clint Eastwood if I see them coming.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

For Those Incapable of Connecting the Dots

By Anna Von Reitz

For Those Incapable of Connecting the Dots .....

We are being "occupied" by our own Army.
The Army we pay for. The Army that we allow our sons and daughters to serve in. The Army that is strictly charged with preserving our freedoms, protecting our money, and supervising the activities of the Bar Association on our shores.
That Army.
How, you might ask, is this possible? It's possible because the so-called "American Civil War" wasn't a war. It was and is an illegal commercial mercenary conflict on our shores. It was never actually declared by any Congress. It was never officially ended by any Peace Treaty.
In 1863, during the so-called war, Lincoln bankrupted the original United States (Trading Company) and placed the responsibility for preserving the Union and fulfilling the contractual mandates of the actual Constitution on the Grand Army of the Republic -- and the Union Generals.
With respect to the Territorial United States, they have carried on in that role ever since, and grossly expanded upon it. The rules that Lincoln gave them, The Lieber Code, has morphed into The Hague Conventions. The Grand Army of the Republic, also known as the Union Army, has morphed in the US ARMY, the United States Army, and many other permutations. But nothing ever got resolved.
President Andrew Johnson who was Lincoln's Successor Vice-President declared "peace on the land" in three very public declarations, establishing a public contract. As a result, the people owed the land jurisdiction were recognized as peaceful non-combatants and innocent Third Parties who are all owed The Law of Peace.
Instead of honoring that, successive generations of generals and members of Congress have colluded together to define all of us as "Enemy combatants" and they have directed the falsification of the public records to that end.
Beginning with alteration of Title 37 of the old Federal Code to conscript doctors and dentists and other "uniformed officers" into the Army, and then with the original "Maternity Act" and Sheppard Townsend Act they conspired to register American babies as they were born.
Registration gives up our ownership interest in our own names and estates to the "State of ____________" as our "presumed beneficiary". So the "State of Wisconsin" organization, for example, would be the presumed beneficiary of my name and estate and would receive the "beneficial title" to the trust ACCOUNT established in my NAME, while the "STATE OF WISCONSIN" organization would receive the "legal title" and be enabled to administer my ESTATE for the benefit of the "State of Wisconsin".
And as for me, I would get nothing out of the deal whatsoever, except for an "indemnity receipt" from whichever federal corporation seized title to my name and estate, guaranteeing as my "presumed usufruct" that no harm would come to me or my estate as a result of their use of my assets.
This vicious swindle was in effect a species of genocide on paper, unlawfully converting the public records and political status of American state nationals to that of "federal citizens" merely "residing" here temporarily while performing our "presumed" duty to provide "essential government services".
It also allowed them to subject us to their corporate tribunals being run in lieu of the American Common Law courts we are owed, under the false presumption that we were all federal employees or dependents or political asylum seekers.
They've gotten away with this crap for so long that they actually believe their own lies. And all these presumptions which were made about you without your knowledge or consent have not been rebutted because you have been kept in the dark and never told of their existence.
For six generations.
How do you rebut a lie if you don't know it exists?
But now the game is up, and the Army is looking at the Navy and the Navy is looking at the Army and the Marines are looking at every other branch of service and the Air Force is going, "OMG!" and the plain fact of the matter is that both the Congress and the Armed Forces have been acting in treason against us, their actual employers, and against our Constitution.
These two groups of employees have been attacking us under color of law, under deliberately contrived and known false pretenses, and all behind our backs.
The sheer size and scope of the crime is breath-taking. The complexity and duration of the fraud beyond any simple imagining. And the cost to the American states and people is in the quadrillions of dollars defined as ounces of silver.
It should come as no surprise, then, that our entire "National Credit" --- the flip-side of their "National Debt" -- has been embezzled from the coffers of the Department of Defense.
How is all this fraud possible? In a debt-credit system, debts are supposed to immediately cancel out via the receipt of equal credit, but the answer is--- it's because they never credited us.
To put it bluntly, the "occupying Army" was double-dipping the whole time, siphoning off the credit owed to us and leaving the debts unpaid, so that they could come in and pretend that they were bankrupt because of our bad behavior and insolvency, and give themselves an excuse to sell off our assets to satisfy their debts as they have done already twice before in 1907 and 1933.
They were using their own cleverly disguised territorial court tribunals to collect on all these supposed debts--- which we never owed. Ever.
Why do I say that? Because the debts were racked up by the Municipal United States --- which was serving itself, not us---and the debts were being collected by the Territorial United States --- which was serving itself, not us.
Remember? We were cut totally out of the picture at birth.
None of this is our debt and none of this criminality is our doing. It's entirely a federal matter that has nothing to do with us.
Please bear in mind that we are not alone, because the same infectious disease has eaten away at the foundations of lawful government in virtually every country on Earth. The same venal "system" of "federal districts" overlaying the land jurisdiction of every country has imposed the same form of de facto slavery on people from Japan to Belize, from Queensland to Point Barrow, from Manchuria to Moscow and from Moscow to Denmark.
This crime syndicate which has used our country as its home base for 150 years has now moved on to China, where it proposes to set up shop and use its ill-gotten gains to dominate the rest of the world forever.
And what do you all say to that?
Is it time to kick some Generals where it hurts?
Force some actual useless eaters to perform their Oaths and duties?
Tell the Lord Mayor of London exactly where to shove it and how far?
Escort the Popes out of Vatican City to hear the roar?
Bury Buckingham Palace under the enormous pile of manure that they have bequeathed as their legacy to the rest of the world?
How about giving all these bankers new jobs cleaning public toilets?
They can share rooms with members of Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and attend my lectures every morning.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

No, China Does Not Own California

By Anna Von Reitz

There is an obnoxious video/email going around the circuit claiming that China "owns" California.  I am not sorry at all that this isn't true, but like most lies, it does contain a kernel of buried truth.  Consider what I am going to tell you now very carefully: 

No, China does not own California.  CHINA may own the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, which is a different matter entirely... Oh, and for everyone's information, we, the actual United States of America (unincorporated) own the UNITED STATES, INC., which owns CHINA.  

I hope that you are all now suitably confused and aroused and want to know what is really happening. 

Most of the speculation can be set at rest.  The vermin centered in portions of California are being "burned out" --- unfortunately many innocent people and their property remain in harm's way.  Bear in mind that those targeted have been instrumental in embezzling the entire "National Credit" owed to the American states and people, and that they have committed many crimes "in the name of" their own victims, so that the rest of the world is angry at us and mistaking us as the source of their problems. 

What is interesting to me about this, is that these criminals---most of whom don't have a clue that they are involved in anything criminal--- are being targeted by their own masters, the top leadership of their own cabal has ordered their extermination in order to destroy the records of all the crimes and false accounting that has gone on.  They are literally burning down their own offices and records stashes.  Just as they burned whole libraries in Germany.  Just as they torched the Library in Alexandria.  Just as they set fire to Washington, DC, during the War of 1812 to try to cover up the truth about the Titles of Nobility Amendment and the frauds of their central bank at that time.  

More of the same.  Some things never change.  This is how "they" do things---- they turn on their own servants and co-opted business partners and seek to destroy the records of their crimes.  But guess what?  It's all been captured and downloaded and distributed already.  

It's a brilliant strategy so long as people remain deceived and think that these criminals either are us or represent us as agents.  

When the Truth comes out and it becomes known that we have been the victims of the same criminals, the worm turns.  Suddenly, people can see the two distinct groups identified in the Treaty of Paris (1783) and also in the actual Constitution--- and they are then able to wrap their heads around the fact that these rats have been working a fraud scheme against their employers (us, the American states and people) at the same time that they have been fomenting wars and pillaging and promoting crime and immorality in other countries "in our names"--- disgracing our flag and our nation abroad while secretively pillaging us at home.  

And that, dear hearts, is what is actually, factually going on.  The whole world is waking up and realizing that this is not a political problem.  This is a matter of international crime and crime syndicates masquerading as lawful governments, of armed commercial mercenaries pretending to be soldiers, and of "evil in high places".  As usual, the Bible described it best.  

Time to wise up and buckle down and pass the word by word of mouth so that everyone everywhere finally knows what is going on----on the streets and in the cities, on the motorways and byways, here and abroad, within the military community and among the civilians and here at home in the actual, factual America, too.  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

Hillary Clinton’s WORST NIGHTMARE

What in the world is soooooooooo special about Hillary Clinton (and Obama) that they appear to continually get off scott free.  The people say "NO!" - "Hell NO"!   We will pursue the bitch/witch/traitors and all accomplices until hell freezes over!  Hang them ALL - every last one of them - publicly - so there is no doubt on the part of Americans that these traitors have met THEIR maker and are paying the price for their crimes.
BREAKING: Congress Just Made Hillary Clinton’s WORST NIGHTMARE Come True (VIDEO)!!!



JUST IN: Congress had an emergency meeting
 to lock up Hillary Clinton. See the outcome.


Perverted Democrat Performs NASTY Sex Act
 In Front Of Everyone 
His Career Is Now Officially Over

What the heck is in the drinking water 
these perverts are drinking?

QAnon Says Alabama Election Was Totally Rigged

QAnon Says Alabama Election Was Totally Rigged 
& Investigation Will Reveal Truth  
(thank g-d they are going to investigate)









Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How Many Times Do I Have to Say This?

By Anna Von Reitz

Day after day after day I get all these complaints, all these awful stories of abuse, all these claims of wrongdoing by the "federal government" and --- every day, I give everyone the tools to defend themselves from the "presumption" of "federal citizenship" that is the "enabling clause" of all these abuses and problems. 

I have given you all more than enough instruction and information to remove yourself and your name and estate from these evil legal presumptions.  These are weapons of defense -- means to protect yourself and your assets:

1. Authenticate copies of "your" Birth Certificate.  Study what I have told you about what this document is and how it is used, so that you can competently claim to be the living and fully insured "Subrogee"; 
2. Record your common law copyright and standing writ of habeas corpus as part of issuing a Certificate of Assumed Name, claiming all right and interest in all the different variations of your Given Name back to the day you were born and claiming their permanent domicile on the land and soil of the state where you were born; 
3. Correct the deed and title of land and homes and other property held in your name so that it is clearly identified as private non-taxable property and rename it under your own copyright-signed designation like: "111101 Pine Court (c)" instead of whatever street or lot and block or other description is being used now;
4. Order "Z" (as in Regulation Z of the Motor Vehicle Code) license plates for your car to establish that it is private property, too, and exempt from federal regulation;
5. Put "retired" labels on all passports and driver licenses,etc., clearly establishing that you are not functioning as a federal citizen now; 
6. Check into your family history, and if possible, demonstrate using public records--- births, deaths, census, marriages, etc. --- stand ready to prove who you are and where you come from;
7. Download and print a copy of  Pamphlet 27-1-161-1 "The Law of Peace" from the website we shared and have it ready to present if you are ever forced to appear in one of THEIR courts and demand that you are addressed properly as a peaceful non-combatant and non-citizen national of these actual, factual United States of America.  Invoke the standing writ of habeas corpus contained in your Certificate of Assumed Name and present the authenticated Birth Certificate for collection of the bounty on the federal PERSON; 
8. Revoke your "election to pay" federal income taxes by giving notice to the Commissioners of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service. 
9. Make Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, responsible to you as the Fiduciary responsible for the administration of the federal PERSON--- thereby denying any such position to the local Court Clerk;
10. Post your own Private Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Treasury or take shelter under the bond established for your State of the Union.  

You need to defend yourselves and correct your own records and bring home the facts in a way that these yahoos can't ignore or sidestep.  

And you need to establish your claims to your own names, estates, and political status.  

There is nothing so difficult about this once you grasp the fact that what you thought of as "your" government is just a foreign contractor here to provide governmental services.  It's a foreign corporation like TARGET --- with no granted authority over you or your property, but if you don't correct the public records and rebut their false claims, they will be happy to impose their rules and their government upon you.  

Get moving.  Now.  Save yourselves and save your country! 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:



Kerry Spencer taught both of her children to sign using American Sign Language before they could speak because she found it useful to be able to communicate with them when they were babies. However, she did not anticipate her son, Samuel, to use his skill to communicate that he did NOT enjoy the experience of sitting in a mall Santa's lap!

We taught our baby sign language. This is the sign for "help."

Samuel was just one year old when he used his baby version of ASL to sign "help" to his mom while the photographer at the Provo Town Center Mall in Provo, Utah snapped his picture. "I was standing to the side when the pic was taken and actually didn't see that he was signing for help until I saw the photo," his mom told TODAY Parents. 


You want to be healthy???


Smart Meters in court: Health & privacy facts

EMF RF microwave radiation test results from our WiFi and smart meter

Make your own stylish smart phone Faraday Box in 10 minutes
With the release of Wiki Leak’s “Year Zero” information on the CIA’s capabilities, you might be forgiven if you’re worried about your privacy. It’s a bit annoying to think that some bozo is remotely activating your smart phone’s mic to spy on your extremely dramatic dinnertime conversations.

How to Make A Smart Meter Cover



"At night, we heard pregnant mothers screaming and babies died without ever being able to see their mothers."

Amanda Prestigiacomo
December 12 2017 

In 2007, Ji Hyeon-A found freedom in South Korea, reuniting with her mother and two siblings. The status on her father remains unknown

The woman slammed the Chinese government for sending back North Korean defectors, adding that authorities know they are sending the Koreans back to a horrific fate. She illustrated her point with a poem she wrote "Is anyone there?"

The poem reads: “I am scared, is anyone there? I’m here in hell, is anyone there? I scream and yell but no one opens the door. Is anyone there? Please listen to our moans and listen to our pain. Is anyone there? People are dying, my friend is dying. I call out again and again but why don’t you answer. Is anyone there?"

China, with the support of Russia and Bolivia, attempted, but failed, to stop the meeting on human rights in North Korea.
Three years ago, North Korean defector Yeonmi Park, who was also repatriated by Chinese authorities before making it to South Korea, recalled her experiences in the country and her journey to freedom.

 Escaping From North Korea
in Search of Freedom 

North Korea defector's escape caught on camera  

Published on Nov 22, 2017
A North Korean soldier who defected across the demilitarized zone has had his escape caught on camera.

9000 Sealed Indictments

9000 Sealed Indictments 
DEMANDING Senate Resignations 
and EXPOSING Lying Media

Published on Dec 11, 2017
Sealed Indictments now reaching 9K at last report and the dominoes are falling as Senators resign, reporters suspended and fired and President Trump squashes ISIS like a bug!

Email will save America!

Steve Bannon Just Sent Email Message 
To President Trump That Will Save America

Amazing News from Major Payroll Company

Amazing News from Major Payroll Company