Monday, January 15, 2018

The Gaspee Affair and The Sagebrush Rebellion - Bundy Ranch Comparrison

The Gaspee Affair and The Sagebrush Rebellion
Reflections on the Gaspee Affair and the Siege of Bundy Ranch

by Elias Alias


Let us prep a bit before we get into the meat of the matter below. Let us first recall a passage from a book entitled “Three Rights” by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. In his book he notes several things which glare sternly, if subtly, from the dried ink on our founding documents. He is noting the roots of “three rights” which are seen quite clearly when one focuses closely upon the wording in those documents. Here is one specific example:

Quoting from pages 6, 7:
“The assertion” “We The People of the United States * * * do ordain and establish this Constitution” enounces a right, a privilege, and a power to constitute a “government”. It emphasizes that this “government” did not “ordain and establish” itself, and that public officials did not “ordain and establish” either their own offices or the authority of those offices …”
Each time I read that passage I marvel at the meaning on which Dr. Vieira’s observation rests.  In short, it inspires me to recall that “We The People” ordained and established our government. Our Constitution, which sprang from our Declaration of Independence, became the “written word and will” of the American people.  It is that “written word and will” of the American people which is the empowered symbol of the spirit that animates the soul of America.

We, The People, are therefore the originating source of autonomy and the primary sovereignty  which issued forth, outwardly, from our own inborn authority, to create a government. People created their States as sovereign nation-state republics, each with its own Constitution and other national organizing structures. By that direct human action the thirteen Colonies were morphed into thirteen nations in the fiery crucible of the American Revolution.  As thirteen sovereign nation-state republics, each with its own autonomy and conveyance, the people worked through their respective governments to arrive at the compact known now as the Constitution for the united States of America.

An important passage from John C. Calhoun’s 1831 “Fort Hill Address” states an additional observation which is relevant to this introduction to our topic.
“The error is in the assumption that the General Government is a party to the constitutional compact. The States, as has been shown, formed the compact, acting as Sovereign and independent communities. The General Government is but its creature;”
In truth, that is our history. It is our heritage. It is written.  As Thomas Jefferson noted in the Declaration of Independence, each of us is born with “Unalienable Rights” which are not properly subjugated to any man-made government, because they are given us freely by “Nature, or Nature’s God”. “Nature, or Nature’s God”, is a higher authority than any man-made government or corporate entity. Our “unalienable rights” would include, as I see it, the very things Dr. Vieira notes above – “a right, a privilege, and a power to constitute a ‘government’”.

That’s us. That is as American as it gets. That is the heart of freedom. That is what we as a nation celebrate each year on July 4th with our Independence Day festivities. But each year, as all fifty States celebrate our Independence, one State, Rhode Island, celebrates yet another revolutionary moment in its Colonial history. As I am grateful to have Dr. Vieira’s books in my library, I also am grateful that he told me on a long phone call some years ago about what Rhode Island celebrates each year on June 9. He told me about a very important part of our history, the event Rhode Island celebrates each year — the Gaspee Affair.

The Gaspee Affair 1772
The British government had been slipping into a conflicted relationship with its American subjects in the Colonies. Here is one of the key events –
“…. on March 5, 1770. A squad of British soldiers, come to support a sentry who was being pressed by a heckling, snowballing crowd, let loose a volley of shots. Three persons were killed immediately and two died later of their wounds; among the victims was Crispus Attucks, a man of black or Indian parentage. The British officer in charge, Capt. Thomas Preston, was arrested for manslaughter, along with eight of his men; all were later acquitted. The Boston Massacre is remembered as a key event in helping to galvanize the colonial public to the Patriot cause.
“The British troops had been billeted in Boston in October 1768 after repeated requests from British customs officials, who had been harassed and intimidated because of their efforts to enforce the Townshend Acts. Numerous clashes between the soldiers and the citizenry resulted. The killings of March 5, promptly termed a “massacre” by Patriot leaders and commemorated in a widely circulated engraving by Paul Revere, aroused intense public protests and threats of violent retaliation. This pressure caused Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson to withdraw the troops to an island in the harbor.”
From  >>>embedded link:
To control, to govern, to maintain tighter security, the government pushed further restrictions on the Americans. The more the government pushed, the more resentment it created in the minds of the Colonists.  The more the people showed their resentment, the more the government braced to contain it. To quote Leonard Cohen, “That’s how it goes, and everybody knows.”

As with all the other Colonies, the population of 18th Century Rhode Island enjoyed smuggling imports to evade the good King’s taxes. The King did not like that, so he exerted what any government leader would turn to – the use of force, even military force. In early 1772 King George sent two tax collecting ships to patrol coastlines. One of those ships was the HMS Gaspee, captained by one Lieutenant Dudingston. Like today’s government agencies such as the DEA, ATF, BLM, EPA, parts of the FBI, and others, Lt. Dudingston enjoyed an authoritarian view about his duty to the government, and he became quite the bully as he intercepted the Rhode Island shipping business. He was a forceful bully with the King’s authorization to wield power and authority necessary to force the colonists to comply with “the law”.  His ship was a British Navy military ship.

Since British troops had already shot Americans in Boston two years earlier, tensions were higher than ever at the time in June, 1772 when Dudingston’s HMS Gaspee gave chase to a smuggling ship off Namquid Point on the coast south of Providence, Rhode Island.  The Colonist ship, commanded by Captain Benjamin Lindsey, out-maneuvered the Gaspee and tricked the Gaspee’s captain into grounding on a submerged sandbar. Captain Lindsey then sailed on up to Providence and reported to John Brown that the Gaspee was high-centered at Namquid Point. They raised about a hundred men and put them into nine long boats with muffled oars.

The hundred men rowed down-river to the Gaspee, shot the ship’s captain, Lt. Dudingston, captured his crew, took them off the ship, and then burned that ship to the waterline.  That was the first planned militia assault on a British military officer and ship.

From the Gaspee Info site we read –
It was after midnight on the peaceful night of June 10, 1772.   There was no useful moonlight and dark cloaked the Narragansett Bay, where the Gaspee, an English Navy schooner, had run aground on Namquid Point. Nine large longboats, with about 100 Rhode Island men, had rowed silently almost to the schooner before the sentinel saw them.  As the English crew rushed on deck to fire muskets to prevent the ship being boarded, Joseph Bucklin could see the vessel’s commander leaning over the starboard gunwale, swinging his sword and preventing the Rhode Island attacking force from boarding the Gaspee.
“Ephe,” Bucklin said to his friend Ephraim Bowen, “reach me your gun, and I can kill that fellow.”
Bucklin fired. The English captain fell, with wounds in his left arm and groin, from the one shot that pierced his forearm and then continued to the groin. The colonists swarmed aboard the schooner, overpowered the outnumbered crew, and took its crew prisoner. Joseph Mawney, a doctor among the raiders, together with Bucklin, tended to Dudingston’s spurting femoral artery wound and saved his life. The colonists rowed away with their prisoners, leaving one boat and the leaders of the expedition.  The leaders, prominent men of Providence, set the Gaspee on fire before themselves leaving.  As dawn broke, those on shore saw the Gaspee’s powder magazine explode and the Gaspee sink, utterly destroyed. This was the beginning of a Revolution!
When the Rhode Island colonists supported the Gaspee raiders, and all the other American colonies joined in resisting the English attempt to punish those who attacked the English Navy’s ship, the Gaspee Affair could be nothing other than the beginning of the end of Rhode Island’s colonial status.  At the urging of Thomas Jefferson of the Virginia legislature, committees of correspondence were formed by the legislatures of the other colonies, to coordinate an American response to the English attempt to punish the Gaspee Raiders.  These committees were not only the beginning of a united end to English rule over colonial legislatures — this was the start of a United States.
>>>embedded link —
Rhode Island Celebrates “Gaspee Days” Each Year
Every year the good people of Rhode Island celebrate the Gaspee Affair in a big way. Rhode Island wants to keep alive the memory of the deliberate attack on a government ship.

The Rhode Island government, instead of condemning that terrorist attack, actually celebates it openly. The official name for their annual  celebration is “Gaspee Days”.  The public can see a June 1, 2016, press release by Rhode Island’s Secretary of State at the official Rhode Island website. >>>embedded link

 At Gaspee dot com we see a link for the Gaspee Days Parade, which is a featured event of the annual celebration at Warwick, Rhode Island.  >>>Embedded link —

On that  page we read in exciting tones the recommendation that Rhode Islanders come out to enjoy that annual parade. Quoting  –
Since 1965, the Gaspee Days Committee has continued its efforts to preserve, promote, and share Rhode Island’s revolutionary history with the community – and what better way to do that than with over 50 years of our Gaspee Days Parade that combines elements of the past with the sparkling community of the present? Each year, folks crowd along a two-mile stretch of Narragansett Parkway anxiously awaiting the march of the parade…
So there you have it. What was a “terrorist” act in 1772 is today celebrated as a proud moment in Americans’ fight for freedom.  It is a part of the history which led our ancestors to “constitute a government”. And what may we make of Lt. Dudingston and his military crew? Well, they don’t look so good in the eyes of history, now do they?

I bring all this up by way of creating a comparison.  The cowboys and militia folks at Bundy Ranch in April 2014 did not attack any government vessel, nor did they shoot a government officer.  They did not destroy anything. They simply stood up for the Bundy family. They demonstrated. They protected the family. Their sheer numbers prompted the Sheriff to ask BLM to cease the operation and, withdraw all the BLM SWAT teams and other enforcement agents and contractors and leave the area. When the BLM was dragging their heels about pulling up stakes, the cowboys and the Sheriff Department went to that famous draw under Interstate 15 and helped BLM do the right thing. The Bundy Ranch enjoyed a tremendous victory while the bullies of the BLM took an embarrassing slap to the face.

What was an act of terrorism, or as Parliament dubbed it, an “Act of War”, against the legitimate government of the day, is today celebrated as an heroic act on behalf of liberty and freedom.  That is because “They Won!”  So let us now look at the Sagebrush Rebellion and the Bundy Ranch victories. It strikes me that April 12 and/or January 8 may end up being celebrated as key pivot points in the People’s ongoing struggle for freedom. The Bundy Ranch story is every bit as big as the Gaspee Affair was back in their day. Why can I say that? Because the Bundy Ranch victories have exposed the unwieldy tentacles of the United Nations’ Agenda 21, and political corruption such as the Clinton Foundation, and the collusion of hundreds of NGOs presently operating in all of our States. Mineral rights; water rights; grazing rights, States’ rights, property rights — all are important parts of the mosaic . It will take more than an article or two to cover the breadth and gravity of the Bundy victory, so this piece will just be the beginning for me.
What The Bundy Prosecution Team Denied  To The Court And  The Jury
From the Valley Forge Network on January 09 2018, view this collage which shows exactly what the government tried to withhold from juries in the trials of Bundy Ranch defendants. The truth did come out finally, and the government’s scowling face grew grotesque and grim.  This video will put on the record the question — 
Did The BLM Send A Militarized Force Upon The American People?

A wide array of opinions erupted when the Bundy Ranch stood up to the bullying of the BLM (Bureau of Land Management, a federal agency) at Bunkerville, Nevada in April of 2014.

Even as the King’s military navy had tormented the Colonists of Rhode Island with over-bearing and authoritarian-style government force, and thus evoked finally a violent reaction from the people of Rhode Island, so had the BLM been stalking Cliven Bundy’s ranch in the desert near Bunkerville in the 1990s and early 2000s. They had run him through their kangaroo courts. The BLM had actually even bought some grazing rights from some of the ranchers, and over-all had put 52 ranching families out of business in Clark County, Nevada, where Bunkerville and Bundy Ranch sit. Bundy Ranch is the last ranch standing in that County.

Once the courts had granted BLM some license to take action, BLM organized a two-hundred man operation to confiscate Bundy’s cattle. They also tore down water systems and trampled the land with heavy equipment used to bury cattle in mass graves.  Next thing the Bundy’s knew, the BLM had snipers stationed “observing” from ridgelines, and had warrantless video surveillance installed on the property.

As local ranchers and neighbors objected, the BLM had the insane audacity to literally mark off “free speech zones” with ropes and insist that if anyone wanted to protest what they were doing they would have to do so within those roped off “free speech zones”.  All in a day’s work for men who worship Gov more than they honor God.

So the Bundys put out the call for help and America responded with hundreds of patriots, including three Sheriffs and several State Representatives.  The news was all over it, and by April 12 2014 everything came to a head. The Sheriff got the BLM to agree to pull out, and then had his deputies ensure that peace prevailed as the cattle were released and the BLM left the scene. But before the BLM left the scene, they were pointing military-styled rifles while sporting military combat gear and were telling the protestors that if they did not leave they would be shot. Yes, the government agents literally told the cowboys  that the agents would shoot them.

The government got a  black eye that day, and BLM’s plans for the Deep State and its behind-the-scenes financial bag boys, such as the NGOs which are implementing Agenda 21 in all 50 States without going through Congress, and private-sector contractors of many sorts who assist BLM in getting the People off the lands in Western States, are upset. The idiot socio-path Harry Reid is livid, and so is the Clinton Foundation. Lots of people who play globalist games at our expense are upset. So what to do?

Well, the government decided that the cowboys had to be made an example of anyone’s fate who may dare oppose authority. The government attacked through the justice system.
American Cowboys
The rancher families are the very people who have for generations sustained and preserved a natural compatibility with harvesting natural resources and sustaining the land — they are a significant part of the American family-based tradition. The advent of incorporated governance is wrecking all that with bureaucratic BS.

Ranch-work is largely outdoors, in the elements on natural ranges, and is directly related to animals both domestic and wild alike.  The American Cowboy almost always carries his gun, as did his father and grandfather. It is an American tradition carried across generations by hard-working honest Americans of every faith, rural people who are just living honorable lives running ranches, with American values and morals governing their daily lives. We know them as the kind of people who built America at the ground  level.

In the rancher communities across the land a Cowboy has his saddle and hat, and he has his boots and gun.

But just as these families are good folks in all of their communities and reveal thereby their trustworthiness as part of We The People, even so, and I’m guessing with strong motive, it appears the Cowboy culture now has an openly acting, publicly funded, agenda driven opposition coming right at it at the behest of the federal agencies who are on a mission to organize and control rural Americans. Leading the assault on our People are the BLM, EPA, ATF, and U.S. Forest Service.

The BLM became active in Clark County, Nevada in the 1990s. The BLM wanted to enforce new systems of land-usage and the Cowboys watched as more than fifty ranches folded, leaving only the Bundy family ranch operating where, before the BLM got pushy, there were more than fifty ranches in that County. But Cliven Bundy decided to fight the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a decision which came to the fore nationally on April 12, 2014, when the Cowboys stood up to defend the Bundy family and the Sheriff backed down the BLM’s SWAT teams and snipers, sending about two hundred BLM workers/contractors packing after a tense confrontation between the Cowboys and Cowgirls on horseback and the combat-geared government troops who were threatening with a government megaphone to shoot the Cowboys. That day was a huge victory for the American people. The Federal government laments that day.

To any government agency, dissent against its “policies” appears as a threat to its “authority”. That is not new in the good ol’ USA.
In the Gaspee Affair we see that Rhode Island colonists, each and all being personally and collectively obligated under British law and obligated to British government, yet having been irritated and aggravated incessantly by British tax collection measures, they conspired literally to make an armed attack on one of the Good King’s military ships. Possible names for that sort of enterprise today would include “terrorism”, “conspiracy”, “treason”, “criminal”, “attempted murder”,  “obstruction of official officers”, and others. Were a hundred armed men to assault a federal office of the Bureau of Land Management, take a shot at the facility’s commanding officer and take the staff hostage, how would contemporary media outlets and the press view such a deed?  Of course it would be immediately denounced as “terrorism” and “treason”.

How would today’s government respond? Answer: Just as the British government did in 1772. The British Parliament pronounced the burning of the Gaspee “an act of war”. Senator Reid denounced the Bundys and their friends as “Terrorists” and vowed that “this is not over.” The British throne took a keen interest in capturing the guilty parties. The Federal government resorted to its illegal lists to pursue all who had been at Bundy Ranch.

But when compared to the Gaspee Affair, the Bundy family and friends can boast that not one of them pointed any weapon at any government agent or employee. Not one shot was fired. No one was hurt except several members of the Bundy family who were victimized by BLM enforcement thugs.

In the Gaspee Affair, although the whole town of Providence knew darn well who participated in the attack, and although the throne was offering handsome rewards, not a soul betrayed any of the raiding party. That, too, is as American as it gets. There was a popular conspiracy to protect the raiders who destroyed one of the King’s ships. In the case of the Bundys and Friends, two juries in a row refused to convict, despite the fact that the government had placed infiltrating paid informants at Bundy Ranch. So the government decided to try the cowboys a third time. That is where this gets to be as enjoyable as the fact that Providence would not snitch on the Gaspee Raiders. In the third trial the government so botched it, in so many ways, that the judge, who had been trying to help the prosecution, had to throw the trial into a “Mistrial”, which led to the justifier “With Prejudice”.

To find out why, I would now like to let Washington State Representative Matt Shea and  Shari Dovale of Redoubt News show one of the most powerful videos we’ll see in a long time.

Just For The Record

Shari Dovale of Redoubt News Interviews Larry
Klayman of Judicial Watch


As a mechanism of control, government dulls its sensitivity to its individual subjects (citizens) as its power is concentrated.  Given any government’s traversal across an arch of time, an arrogance is soon enough visible in the patterns of how government administers itself upon the backs of the governed. The arrogance expands proportionately as further concentration of power occurs, and the pattern is repeated until finally any form of government inevitably becomes authoritarian, which is the extreme objective of total security.


All governments see their duty to provide security as their primary purpose for existing, and it follows that in any government’s view, including our own, the security of the government is necessary so that the government is always available to provide security for the governed. The unavoidable objective is total control for total security. Even the United States government has morphed into a National Security State, as noted by Gore Vidal in his book, Dreaming War, and is noticeably authoritarian.

Governments predictably, although we know that soul-less governments, being man-made systems and templates, cannot “think”, governments obviously appear to think that way. That sort of impression registers in the minds of the governed in accordance with how government affects individual citizens’ lives.  For example, if the IRS pushes a small business owner into bankruptcy, that business owner tends to assign an intentional characteristic to the government’s motive – as seen in the fact that so many Americans use the word Gestapo in the same breath as “IRS”.

But therein lies a rub. Indeed, the swamp culprits, beginning with J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI, whose works have created and expanded operations called the Continuity Of Government (COG) apparatus have used that very phenomenon of ideation to justify what they were doing in creating a shadowy secondary government which, using underground bunker complexes and command centers during any emergency, while policing the public with a supported police state under martial law, could keep the federal government functioning under any threat, be that threat a nuclear attack, an EMP, or even public rejection. After all, we note that Congress, in 2017, continued to have less than ten percent approval ratings from the American people. The Pax-Americana neo-con empire-building war-hawks in the deep underbelly of our national government are driving a very unpopular global bid to control the world, and the Corporate Dynasty is directing it for corporate gain. The COG people in Washington D.C. understand that the American people are being railroaded for policies which benefit the one-percent, and concerned “players” in WDC and on Wall Street and over at the Pentagon are aware of the need for a police state control mechanism to be in place quickly. (For background on that please read Part Three of my 2011 essay called “An Empire Strikes Home”.)

In light of that consideration, I often speak as if government “thinks”. A fleeting evidence of my supposition is in the papers of Discovery which the court caught the BLM’s prosecuting team withholding (illegally, by the way, under the Brady ruling.) The indicator that thought was present in the government’s plan is shown clearly in the BLM’s planning papers as shown in the video above, which reveal finally what the BLM was lying to the Court about and withholding from the Defense —

“The operation will be under the Incident Command System (ICS).
This system is based directly off a military model.”
That untidy little fact, among the facts about the sniper teams, the illegal surveillance, and other nefarious activies the “military model” prescribed, was part of what the BLM did not want the Court or the Jury to know. When compared to the Gaspee Affair and the King’s reaction, the parallels are undeniable.  And while the King’s reaction to the attack on the Gaspee led to the American Revolution, the Bundy victory of January 08 2018 did not accomplish as much, but did  slow down the inbred propagation of the Swamp Creatures in WDC and their minions scattered throughout our States.

Once any government achieves that degree of self-righteous authority over its tax base, it will manifest the use of armed force routinely to protect its authority. If we little people resist, or dissent, a government will bring out the police. If the police can’t handle the rebelliousness, then it will bring out the troops. All governments will behave that way if and when a government senses defiance by those it feels it must control for their own good, for “the good of society”.

On the topic of the word authority, a couple of thoughts may apply here. There is a view of expertise in a man’s field which we speak of by saying that “he is an authority” in medical science, or he is an authority in engineering principles, etc. That form of authority denotes a conscious reward in our regard of his dedicated devotion to the pursuit of excellence in whatever a man’s field may be.  That is the individual example of authority.

The other form of authority is the collectivist type, which is man-made authority asserted as the expression of force personified within a government or institution.

So this observation begs the question – “Why?”
Why did We The Peopleconstitute a government” when the People had just got out from under a government? Certainly our forefathers had just got rid of a government and were under no governmental authority. They had seen first hand how a government will oppress the very people who sustain it — so why would they so quickly deem it necessary to form yet another government under which to timidly hide their newfound individual sovereignty?

The indelible expression on the face of History smiles in a grand old glory upon the reason why We The People chose then, and continue to choose today, to “constitute a ‘government’”. The reason, in a word, is “Oppression”. They back then, and we today,  generally feared then and fear now the possible falling into oppression by an external government, a foreign government.  If they formed a nation-state, “constituted” a government” with its own sovereignty, autonomy, and authority, the newly formed States could bind in mutual benefit for a structured security in what they called back then a “General Government”.  (Today we call it the Federal Governent.)

That, of course, was a yielding to what I call “Fear’s Thought System”, to be sure; yet while falling back into the trap of government, our Founders somehow managed to create the most liberating union of governments ever devised — so we can forgive them for starting a government on such grounds. Yet we recall ever that the government our forefathers created was and is a “man-made government”, projected by the imagery of dream-wish in the prevailing mental states of the time. There are, after all, three entities which are not signatory on that document called the Constitution — Yours, Mine, and any signature representing the Federal Government.  Neither of the three were consulted, and all who were consulted are long dead.

The governing hierarchy of the British Empire, like any top-down structure which falls from an apex pinnacle to a wider support base below, used that hierarchy for the dispersion of authority downwardly and outwardly to the people. Just as the King in 1772 resorted to force, so too the federal government of today, acting through its Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management, employed various SWAT teams and contractors to mount a 200-man force to ensure the completion of its mission to remove the Bundy cattle.  To enforce such man-made authority, organized force is generally established in the form of police and military strength. But like any corporate creation, that hierarchy at every point in the six directions of space which constitute its reach, government force must maintain a steadily increasing growth and development.  Homeostasis is not an option. The British Empire had gone global and the Colonists were increasingly seen as an embellishment, a source of useful wealth, and an anthropological amusement. Today’s government has also gone global in scope, and in its incidental localized focus, such as public land use in Nevada, reflects closely the attitude displayed by the good British King of yore as the BLM in its zeal to secure the public lands on which the Bundy Ranch cattle graze brought down upon our American cowboys the absurd militarized force of combat-equipped conscience-less gov-bots and the military, technical, and mechanical logistics to back them up in case they decided to assault the cowboys.

Directly springing, psychologically, from that view came the official embrace of authoritarianism as its hierarchical vein of assertion. That, of course, is the root of  oppression from which inevitably grows resistance, rebellion, and revolution — the three “R”s of  the University of History.

In closing this writing I will note that the repercussions of this judgment will reverberate all the way up the hierarchy to those Luciferian souls who dominate the United Nations. The UN’s  Agenda 21 programs have just been compromised, jarred into uncertainty and a desperate scramble to do damage control.  Many of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are now trembling as their behind-the-scenes financiers like Soros and the Clintons are also coming under the same kind of intense scrutiny as befell the statist prosecutor team. Then there is the successful advancement in the issue of Federal vs State management of public lands, mineral rights, and water rights. Additionally, there is really good ground to be made suddenly regarding the 10th Amendment — States’ Rights!

Let us now return to the writings of Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.   In his book “Constitutional ‘Homeland Security'”, he quotes Joseph Story —
“[t]he militia is the natural defence of a free country against***domestic usurpation of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses with which they are attended and the facile means which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers to subvert the government or trample upon the rights of the people. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic, since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” (page 62)
I would like to reverently suggest that the date, January 8, be remembered always, commemorated and  honored each year throughout all time to come, just as Rhode Island’s Gaspee Days are celebrated.  The Bundy Ranch, as an extension of the Sagebrush Rebellion, has proved to be the pivot point on which the tides of tyranny were turned to a serious and noteworthy degree. The corruption inherent in statism and collectivism has been exposed and its actors, the prosecution team of the BLM, are now publicly shamed. The Bundy victory marks authoritarian government arrogance as properly exposed and rejected by a nation which still respects the rule of law more than many of its government agencies do at this point in history.

I also want to make a special note here — Some of our heroes, such as Todd Engel, are still in prison, and we hope that this decision in the Bundy trial will ripple back to relax their situations so that all are finally set free. I also want to send a message of encouragement to Jeanette Finicum and her wonderful family, who yet fight for justice in the wrongful death of LaVoy Finicum in January 2016.  This entire movement will stand with the Finicums, with the Hammonds, and with all Sagebrush Rebels who know what Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution actually says about who we are, and whose lands these are. While we celebrate this most current victory, we seek and strive to obtain a more comprehensive victory for all Americans and for their future freedom.

There are too many blessings to name at one sitting, but right up there with those graces this court decision has bestowed upon America and the States is the joyful grace of seeing a father arrive home after nearly two years in prison.


THE SECRET TREATY OF VERONA 1213 - The Beginning of the Lie

Once upon a time before the year 1066 the people of England held Allodial title to their land. Not even the king could take the land for not paying a tithe. William the Conquer came in 1066 and stole the Kings Title and took the land of the people. From William I, 1066, to King John, 1199, England was in dire straits. It was bankrupt.

The King invoked the Law of Mortmain, the dead man's hand, so people couldn't pass their land on to the church or anyone else without the King's permission, (modern day probate?). Without Mortmain the King would lose the land he controlled. The Vatican didn't like that because the King owed a lot of pounds to the Vatican.(WHY?)(1). King John refused to accept The Vatican's representative, Stephen Langton, whom Pope Innocent III installed to rule England(religious or in fact?)(2) In 1208 England was placed under Papal interdict(?). Interdict means a prohibition.)

King John was excommunicated and in trying to regain his stature he groveled before the Pope and returned the title to his kingdoms of England and Ireland to the Pope as vassals, and swore submission and loyalty to him. King John accepted Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury, and offered the Pope a vassal's bond of fealty and homage. Two months later, in July of 1213, King John was absolved of excommunication, at Winchester, by the returned Archbishop of Canterbury, Langton. On October 3, 1213, by treaty, King John ratified his surrender of his kingdoms to the Pope, as Vicar of Christ who claimed ownership of everything and everyone on earth as tradition.

Question 1. Where in the Bible did Jesus give any man this kind of power over all men and land? He didn't. He did not create a religion nor did he create the office of Pope.

Question 2. Can you have a third party break a contract between you and another person under duress..? Don't those of you who are forced into a contract reserve all your rights under modern UCC 1-207 and claim UCC 1-103?
The contract (treaty of 1213) was between two parties. Now the Barons of England would not put up with being slaves anymore so they took to the sword and made King John sign the Magna Charta. So doesn't this act of the Barons violate the principle of natural law, when they created the Magna Charta, as having no force and effect upon a contract between two parties? Well Pope Innocent III, the other contracting party thought so, for he declared the Magna Charta to be: ". . .unlawful and unjust as it is base and shameful. . . whereby the Apostolic See is brought into contempt, the Royal Prerogative diminished, the English outraged, and the whole enterprise of the Crusade greatly imperiled." Quoted from G.R.C. Davis: Magna Charta. Trustee of the British Museum. London. 1965.

The Pope, in order to introduce strife in England and Ireland that would help him, used Jesus teachings to his advantage that is verified in the Gospels by two of His Apostles. So St. Levy (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27), alias Matthew, cites Jesus at Matthew 10::34-36 and Luke 12:49, 51-3. Nothing reveals the antithesis of government and religion more clearly than these facts.

Question 3. What did the contract of 1213 A.D. create? A TRUST or CONTRACT. Only the two parties, the King's heirs and the Pope, can break the contract. For the Trust /Contract cannot be broken as long as there are heirs to both sides of the contract.

At this time in history we now know who controlled the Kings of England and the land of the world. For Now we have the Pope claiming the whole Western Hemisphere besides Europe. The Holy See of Antioch ruled all the easterly side and the Holy See of Alexandria ruled the western side, so there was a conflict. (3)

So, on with the story. The King's explorers had come to America to claim dominion over land by deceiving and murdering the natives, the American Indians. The King operated under the treaty of 1213 and everything was going along okay until the 1770's when the bunch of rogues called the "Founding Fathers" decided they wanted the benefits but not pay the taxes to the King. They, being lawyers, and professional educated men, didn't know they were still under the Pope's control? Their lies and fraud now would affect the American colonies and the people who lived on the land.

Those common people who fought in the American Revolution were unaware that the 1213 treaty still ruled despite the fact they THOUGHT the Magna Charta was a viable piece of work.(4) The Declaration of Rights in 1689 declared the Rights of the British subjects in England. At the end of the English Declaration it stated at Section III " ...that should any of the Rights just mentioned be in violation of the HOLY ALLIANCE (1213 Treaty), is as if this Declaration was never written".

So we know that the English Declaration didn't fly, so what makes you think the 1774 Declaration of Rights in this British Colony would work. Weren't these people doing the same thing as the Barons did in 1215 A.D. to King John? A contract is a contract. Look at Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution. Can anyone obligate a contract? Were the "founding fathers" trying to obligate a contract between two parties that still have heirs living today?
Question 4. How important is the "ultimate benefactor", the Pope, The HOLY SEE, in the scheme of things? Move through history till modern times and pull Public Law 88-244, which follows Public Law 88-243 - the institution of the law- merchants Uniform Commercial Code. Are you shocked that the Pope is listed in this Public Law?

Doesn't the United States have an ambassador in the Vatican? Why? Is it a government like all other nations such as France, Japan, Spain or Brazil? The Vatican runs the world, it controls the British Crown. Is it any wonder they separate man's Church and government? They don't talk about the Lord Almighty's Church (government) do they.(5) "Organized churches" are given special tax privileges because the Vatican dictates to the sixty United States trustees through the trust document, the U.S. Constitution created by the 1783 treaty between the King, frontman for the Vatican, and Adams, Hartly, Laurens, & Franklin who were operating for the King and not the people of America. Look at Article VI of the Constitution for the United States for your answer as stated in the "New History of America".(6)

You see we are still under the Pope who rules over all nations as he declared he did back in 1213. The 1783 Treaty did say in the opening statement quoted exactly as it appears in olde English; "It having pleafed the Divine Providence to difpofe the hearts of the Moft Serene and Moft Porent Prince, George the Third, by the grace of God, King of the Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender, of the Faith , Duke of Brunfwick and Laurenberg, Arch-Treafurer and PRINCE ELECTOR OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, & C. AND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, . . .."
(Emphasis added in caps).

Did you catch the last few words? This is from a King (man) who can supposedly make no claim over the United States of America because he was defeated? The King claims God gave him the almighty power to say that no man can ever own property because it, "goes against the tenets of his church, the Vatican/Holy Roman Empire, because the King is the "Elector of the Holy Roman Empire’"
What about the secret Treaty of Verona, made the 22nd of November, 1822, which shows the power of the Pope and the Vatican's interest in the US Republic.
Here is part of The Secret Treaty of Verona. "The undersigned specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:
ARTICLE I. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in what ever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.

ARTICLE 2. As it cannot be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own state but also in the rest of Europe.

ARTICLE 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations."

Do we have a false God before us and worship him and his church instead of the real Lord, Jesus and his government. The divine right of kings exists in Clinton and every Governor of the states in corporate Union. Well let me go on record and say that the Lord gave me the same right as the Pope claims was given to him. Am I not a Steward upon the land of the Lord as a mere sojourner, the same as the Pope? Are not you also a Steward?

Did the Lord make a covenant with Adam and Eve to subdue the earth and reign over the animals and to populate the earth? Doesn't that contract still exist? And doesn't it exist with you also? And we, the true believers in that contract, can we take all the nations (mans) laws in the world and dump them in the ocean to regain our rightful place on this earth under the Lord's Natural Law to thwart the contract between King John and the Pope that appears to defeat the original contract the Lord made with man?

Yes, let us go back to the original contract and destroy the Vatican's control over everybody. Before 1066 the Pope did not claim all the land as the people claimed the land and didn't pay taxes on it to anybody. Didn't the Lord say to the people after coming out of Egypt, "why do you want a king when you have me and my contract?" Which Lord do you want to live under, a Pope, a King, President, Governors, Senators, Representatives, or a real Lord called Jesus Christ. "Christians," are ridiculed and put down because they read the Word of the Lord correctly and could defeat even the best the Pope has to throw at them.

The King James version of the Bible is just that. A version concocted by the King under the guidance of the Pope so as to hide the real truth. I was taught by the church I went to, which is government controlled as it has to be by the treaty of 1213 and reiterated in the 1783 Treaty between The Pope's Elector, King John and the First President of the United States, Sam Huntington and Charles Thompson, Secretary. I read the passage, when Jesus was on the cross, from a very old manuscript that said, "Forgive them NOT, for they know what they do." This is different than what most people believe he said, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." Bottom line is that when men write, transcribe, translate, update, and copy over thousands of years they always alter the interpretation, words and insert their own meanings. You can see this in just the 200 years that our country became separated from England, but still remains a colony under different compact and use of clever wording. But that is another whole subject that you do not know about.

Eminent domain and Allodial title:
Why and where did "eminent domain" rear its ugly head? Right after the King's government was formed here in America. Eminent domain replaced the Law of Mortmain of England and when government wanted your land they claimed eminent domain thereby destroying that to what people think they have allodial title. Allodial title only existed in America when the King granted the use of the land to the likes of William Penn, .........

But it could be taken at any time. Are you or were your great, great, great grandfathers ever free to hold land that could never be taken away? Ask some of today's farmers and see how many lost their farms to the government that belonged to their past family and I'll bet none of the land goes back to the 1789 era. Well it's a wonderful world to live in the end times, isn't it. Read Revelations to see where the false preachers come from. Who is the "Harlot" in Revelations?
Does the Vatican come close with a mortal calling himself the "vicar" of Christ?
Here is the definition of vicar in Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language.

Vicar: "In a general sense, a person deputed or authorized to perform the functions of another; a substitute in office."

The Pope PRETENDS to be vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.
Pretend; To hold out as a false appearance; to offer something feigned instead of that which is real; To exhibit as a cover for something hidden."

You bet your life the Pope has something to hide. He is no more powerful than You. The King is no more powerful than You. The American President and Governor's are no more powerful than You. You allow THEM run your lives ...WHY.?

Thinkers, you cannot fight the Pope or the King on their contract even though you are affected by the contract. You must go elsewhere for relief. Remember the first contract in history, God with Adam and Eve? You had better because you were a part of it as an heir and it is your saving grace. Why do you think the "courts of common law" are despised and Government and States are taking action to stop them? See where the power lies when this happens? Clinton, the Governors, and Congress of the United States and the Legislatures of the several states are only following orders and delegate to the 60 U.S. Trustees, who always show up in bankruptcy generated mostly by IRS actions. Isn't that a starting point?

What do Trustees administer? A trust? The Constitution is a trust, correct? It was created by the 1783 Treaty, correct? It is not the private man's trust contract, correct? Only those entering into the contract are UNDER the constitution and are bound by it, correct? Look up the definition of "under" in words and phrases and a good dictionary such as Webster's 1828 at Vol. II, 101. I, my dear readers, am not "under" some damn corporate trust (constitution) drafted in secrecy by the King and corporate lawyer esquires (you call them the "Founding Fathers") whom were controlled by the Treaty of 1213, wherein the Vatican still ruled over all. It was never "my constitution" and never will be. The Constitution does not apply to me nor will it ever.

However, some of the states' representatives in 1776 realized that the Constitution was a commercial contract among the Founding Fathers to protect their financial interests in the Americas and in Europe. The Articles of the Bill of Rights is designed to keep those United States citizens whom are bound by the Constitution (contract) from encroaching upon my natural Law Rights, (With this hint in mind you may discover where the IRS gets its purported power that makes you liable, because you claim to be UNDER the constitution, but they will never admit it because only a few know the real reason and they are not about to tell their agents. The same goes for any license issued to you by the corporate States). I hope you have read the Supreme Court cases of State and United States cited in my previous books that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt I am correct in my previous two sentences. Yet you always fall back into the trap by claiming citizenship of the United States AND THE STATES.

No! You are not a citizen of the corporate or organic State if you want to be free. You cannot claim it is your constitution and remain free. You cannot claim representatives in the legislatures and remain free. How about your estate? State and Estate come from the same contract.
Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines it;
"ESTA'TE, n. 1. In a general sense, fixedness; a condition; now generally written and pronounced state. (6) The general interest of business or government; hence a political body; a commonwealth; a republic.

But in this sense, we now use State." Get the picture? We are the ryots tenure holding the "estate" of the King called your estate. Belong to a body politic and you are a slave. In my previous books I told the people a "republic" is a fraud, for then you belong to the estate of the King which makes you a law-merchant holding as a trustee the King's land that he is holding in trust for the Vatican. The States are the "estate " of the Vatican/King cabal with the money changers along for the ride are a full blown consortium which includes the Congress/President/ Governors et al. I don't want to drive you crazy, since you might not comprehend all that is here. Once you know the truth and let go of all you were taught by the government and the preachers you don't become the drowning man grasping at the lies to stay afloat. Have you ever wondered why you were sinking while pleading case law and their constitution to protect you?
Bye till next time,
The Informer

(1)(WHY?). Because the Pope claimed all lands as the vicar of Christ and the king owed money from the Vatican that was to be collected by the Church of England. The church reduced their parishioners to mere serfdom. When they died the church got the property and the King, in order to preserve what property he had instituted the law of Mortmain. This prevented the people from willing the land to the Pope. When the pope got wind of this he excommunicated the King. That's the explanation for the Why?

(2) This is a fact that is documented in the English documents of History at the Leeds Library.

(3)The conflict between each of the Holy Sees, one controlling the western front (America) and the other controlling the China side with the dividing line somewhere in Spain and France through Germany. The Pope is the figurehead, remember and the best way to explain it is Congress is Alexandria and the Senate is Antioch.

(4) (Why doesn't the Magna Charta hold more force and effect than a later contract between the king and the Pope? Because the Pope decreed it null and void as it would break the contract he had initiated with the King. The Magna Charta was a contract breaker by third parties and that was a no-no in any law.
Besides the Pope owned England and how could the Barons take the land that the King pledged let alone all the surfs that the Pope still controlled through the church of England? He can't and so the Magna Charta was declared Void. Now the Pope, through the front man, The King, could create the other contracts called treaties and no one is the wiser. Remember, the Pope was being controlled by the creditor, The Rothschilds to whom the Pope was indebted.

(5) Why? It is clear as a bell. The "church" of GOD is 'Government of GOD and man created all these religions and made churches for them. They, man, cannot allow the Government of the Lord "Church upon this rock" to get in the way of the government of men, now can they?

(6) "New History of America", by The Informer
People you can read this for yourself in American Council of Christian Laymen: "How Red Is The Federal Council of Churches", Madison, Wisconsin, 1949. Now you may better understand James Montgomery's latest as to why all the declarations, Magna Charta, etc. have no effect. Read on to see why.

See: James Montgomery's - "British Colony III" on the Internet. To further prove what I say that the declared rights were also at the mercy of any previous charters or grants from the king of England you must read section 25 of the 1776 North Carolina Constitution, Declaration of Rights which states;09"And provided further, that nothing herein contained shall affect the titles or possessions of individuals holding or claiming under the laws heretofore in force, or grants heretofore made by the late King George II, or his predecessors, or the late lords proprietors, or any of them."

England, Again and Always

By Anna Von Reitz

The worldwide search for a factual international understanding of the history and mechanism of fraud we have uncovered is underway. 

And guess what? 

It is monotonous, but the chips are in.....England started the rot, England benefited from the rot, and England is still the chief proponent and apologist for it all, too.

This week brought it all into focus from two completely different perspectives.

One was an almost-accidental meeting with British-based researchers into the ESTATE scam we have so often described, wherein doctors conscripted against their will to serve as "uniformed officers", are obliged to register the names of American infants. 

A "registration" creates a joint interest in property.  Via this venal and undisclosed practice, the foreign Territorial United States  presumes to have an ownership interest in your Given Name, which amounts to an ownership interest in you and everything you are and everything you own.

This is a completely outrageous infringement and trespass against you, and is without cause or moral excuse in the vast majority of cases. It is so stinky in fact, that the perps actually falsify the public record of their activities by misidentifying the biological Mother as an "Informant" and by mischaracterizing her as an "unwed Mother".

These two lies are just the start of a long, long list of lies that the perpetrators heap on our backs and heads from then on, and this gross fraud has one purpose: to fill the pockets of foreign governments at our expense.

According to the British Territorial Government operating on our shores under our own delegated authority, we are a nation of bastards. Perhaps we should prove them right?  And give them back what they deserve?

Great Britain has contrived to illegally and immorally use America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, South Africa and numerous other countries as colonies for the past 150 years. What they could not win by force of arms they have wrangled by fraud and deceit.  All they had to do was buy off, compromise, and blackmail enough members of the  US Congress and enough members of the Roman Curia and that has not been difficult to do.

We have now discovered the full explanation of the situation according to English Equity Law of the Queen's Bench.  The barristers responsible for uncovering it were prompted to do so because they, too, were being "presumed" upon, and they are disgusted as anyone might be, but their loyalty to their Queen is such that they expose it with one hand and try to find excuses for it with the other. 

Its actually comical.  Imagine a man with a mouthful of pig poop spitting it all out, retching, and then gasping, "But there's a reason for it....."

I dare say there is a reason for pig poop. 

There is reason, so far as I know, for everything including warts and stars in the sky.  I may not know the reason and I may not care what the reason is, either. 

At a certain point, a mouth full of pig poop is a mouth full of pig poop.  Being an American, I tend to see the whole business with a practical, jaundiced, and coldly angry eye.

Via the misuse of our own delegated authority and because we were stupid enough to repeatedly save their bacon, the British Government and the British Crown have contrived to pillage and plunder our labor, our resources, and credit for fifteen decades. 

They have used the Territorial (Federal District) Government to do so. They've committed gross breach of trust, fraud, inland piracy, unlawful conversion of assets, kidnapping, involuntary servitude, press-ganging, racketeering and a host of crimes too numerous to mention---all on our shores, under the noses of our own sheriffs, and all the while pretending to be our friends and allies.

Now they propose that we should accept bankruptcy for their debts.

We have other suggestions.

So here are the British barristers and Commonwealth scholars who have uncovered the roots of this estate fraud scheme back farther in time than anyone in their right mind cares to go, and they are honest enough to admit it all for the good of people throughout the world, but also scared enough of being blamed for it to try to back-pedal and find a way to excuse it somehow.  

For myself, the only reason I can think of against removal of the Inner City of London, Rome, Brussels, the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, and our own "dear" Washington, DC from the face of the earth is that it would simply cause more pain and devastation in a world where there has already been more than enough of both thanks to these gawd-awful liars and thieves.

Imagine the irony?  I am listening to this bizarre Confession-Apologia going on with one ear and tracking the news that the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has been caught practicing for an assassination of Trump with the other ear.  Oh, flutter, flutter.....who could imagine that the US Navy would be involved in such a plot?

Anyone with a brain in their head. 

Why was there ever a British Territorial Government set up in our country?  Answer: our commercial fleet needed the protection of the British Navy.  Despite the fact that we have paid for it all, whose control is the US Navy under to this day? 

The Queen and her brood of hairy elves still command the US Navy, and the only reason they didn't physically overrun us in the wake of the so-called civil war they engineered on our shores was that the Russian Navy stood offshore and prevented it.

Yes, Virginia, there is a reason for everything.  There is a reason why a quarter of all the Admirals in the US Navy are under indictment for corruption---and the number may easily climb higher.  Why? 

Because the US Navy (like the US NAVY, INC.) is the creature of England, just as it always has been, and England is always at the bottom of every nasty dog-pile since the time of Christ.  Set your watch by it.  Take it to the bank.  Depend on it like snow in January. 

The Brits just can't keep their hands off of other people's stuff and their noses out of other people's business. 

We have to face the fact that the British Government has an endemic streak of criminality running through its core, all glossed over by a great sense of humor and a very thin, hard shell of civility.   They apparently can't help themselves and are hereditary con men and pirates in the same way that others might suffer from kleptomania; they steal and lie even when they don't have to.  They do it as an art form, as a game for entertainment.  Four hundred years ago, Shakespeare referred to them as "perfidious Albion"--- so it was, is, and apparently, ever shall be.

Was I surprised that the Office of Naval Intelligence was caught rehearsing for an attempt on Donald Trump's life?   Not in the least.  If I were to pin-point any intelligence organization most likely to spawn such a grossly criminal endeavor, I would point my finger at the ONI and would do so without any need of specific names or details.  It only makes sense that the Queen would seek to remove Donald Trump and that she would use what appears to be his own Navy against him. 

The British plans were foiled, once again, and as it was during the Civil War---- thanks to Russia. 

It's true that your "Mother" should love you and protect you, but as generations of abused children can attest, not every mother plays that role.  Some mothers, like England, prey upon their off-spring, secretively sucking their energy and life-blood like a vampire, demanding back a hundred-thousand-fold for every shilling ever spent and showing no gratitude whatsoever for the loyalty of the Americans, Canadians, Australians, and others who stood by Britain through two World Wars.

We have all been ruthlessly victimized and parasitized as a thank you.

 And yes, it is England at the bottom of the dog-pile again.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Sunday, January 14, 2018

My first computer!!

The spiraling rabbit hole of the Seth Rich Murder - With George Webb

Hawaii Missile Alert NOT a Mistake!!!! Share if you AGREE

Economic Reset: Everything Is About To Change

We Are Now Heading Into The Economic Reset

Everything Is About To Change
London Paul lays it out .......
- straight forward
- who the players are
- what has taken place
- what is going to take place
- and how it will turn out

If you listen, you will LIKE what you are hearing

Fukushima Darkness: Radiation of Triple Meltdowns Felt Worldwide

By Robert Hunziker  /  Defend Democracy Press 
The radiation effects of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triple meltdowns are felt worldwide, whether lodged in sea life or in humans, it cumulates over time. The impact is now slowly grinding away only to show its true colors at some unpredictable date in the future. That’s how radiation works, slow but assuredly destructive, which serves to identify its risks, meaning, one nuke meltdown has the impact, over decades, of 1,000 regular industrial accidents, maybe more.

It’s been six years since the triple 100% nuke meltdowns occurred at Fukushima Daiichi d/d March 11th, 2011, nowadays referred to as “311”. Over time, it’s easy for the world at large to lose track of the serious implications of the world’s largest-ever industrial disaster; out of sight out of mind works that way.

According to Japanese government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) estimates, decommissioning is a decade-by-decade work-in-progress, most likely four decades at a cost of up to ¥21 trillion ($189B). However, that’s the simple part to understanding the Fukushima nuclear disaster story. The difficult painful part is largely hidden from pubic view via a highly restrictive harsh national secrecy law (Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets, Act No. 108/2013), political pressure galore, and fear of exposing the truth about the inherent dangers of nuclear reactor meltdowns. Powerful vested interests want it concealed.

Following passage of the 2013 government secrecy act, which says that civil servants or others who “leak secrets” will face up to 10 years in prison, and those who “instigate leaks,” especially journalists, will be subject to a prison term of up to 5 years, Japan fell below Serbia and Botswana in the Reporters Without Borders 2014 World Press Freedom Index. The secrecy act, sharply criticized by the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations, is a shameless act of buttoned-up totalitarianism at the very moment when citizens need and in fact require transparency.

The current status, according to Mr. Okamura, a TEPCO manager, as of November 2017:
“We’re struggling with four problems: (1) reducing the radiation at the site (2) stopping the influx of groundwater (3) retrieving the spent fuel rods and (4) removing the molten nuclear fuel.” (Source: Martin Fritz, The Illusion of Normality at Fukushima, Deutsche Welle–Asia, Nov. 3, 2017)
In short, nothing much has changed in nearly seven years at the plant facilities, even though tens of thousands of workers have combed the Fukushima countryside, washing down structures, removing topsoil and storing it in large black plastic bags, which end-to-end would extend from Tokyo to Denver and back.
As it happens, sorrowfully, complete nuclear meltdowns are nearly impossible to fix because, in part, nobody knows what to do next. That’s why Chernobyl sealed off the greater area surrounding its meltdown of 1986. Along those same lines, according to Fukushima Daiichi plant manager Shunji Uchida:
”Robots and cameras have already provided us with valuable pictures. But it is still unclear what is really going on inside,” Ibid.
Seven years and they do not know what’s going on inside. Is it the China Syndrome dilemma of molten hot radioactive corium burrowing into Earth? Is it contaminating aquifers? Nobody knows, nobody can possibly know, which is one of the major risks of nuclear meltdowns, nobody knows what to do. There is no playbook for 100% meltdowns. Fukushima Daiichi proves the point.
“When a major radiological disaster happens and impacts vast tracts of land, it cannot be ‘cleaned up’ or ‘fixed’.” (Source: Hanis Maketab, Environmental Impacts of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Will Last ‘decades to centuries’ – Greenpeace, Asia Correspondent, March 4, 2016)
Meanwhile, the world nuclear industry has ambitious growth plans, 50-60 reactors currently under construction, mostly in Asia, with up to 400 more on drawing boards. Nuke advocates claim Fukushima is well along in the cleanup phase so not to worry as the Olympics are coming in a couple of years, including events held smack dab in the heart of Fukushima, where the agricultural economy will provide fresh foodstuff.

IAEA Experts at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 4, 2013 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Olympics are PM Abe’s major PR punch to prove to the world that all-is-well at the world’s most dangerous, and out of control, industrial accident site. And, yes it is still out of control. Nevertheless, the Abe government is not concerned. Be that as it may, the risks are multi-fold and likely not well understood. For example, what if another earthquake causes further damage to already-damaged nuclear facilities that are precariously held together with hopes and prayers, subject to massive radiation explosions? Then what? After all, Japan is earthquake country, which defines the boundaries of the country. Japan typically has 400-500 earthquakes in 365 days, or nearly 1.5 quakes per day.
According to Dr. Shuzo Takemoto, professor, Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University:
“The problem of Unit 2… If it should encounter a big earth tremor, it will be destroyed and scatter the remaining nuclear fuel and its debris, making the Tokyo metropolitan area uninhabitable. The Tokyo Olympics in 2020 will then be utterly out of the question,” (Shuzo Takemoto, Potential Global Catastrophe of the Reactor No. 2 at Fukushima Daiichi, February 11, 2017).
Since the Olympics will be held not far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident site, it’s worthwhile knowing what to expect, i.e., repercussions hidden from public view. After all, it’s highly improbable that the Japan Olympic Committee will address the radiation-risk factors for upcoming athletes and spectators. Which prompts a question: What criteria did the International Olympic Committee (IOC) follow in selecting Japan for the 2020 Summer Olympics in the face of three 100% nuclear meltdowns totally out of control? On its face, it seems reckless.

This article, in part, is based upon an academic study that brings to light serious concerns about overall transparency, TEPCO workforce health & sudden deaths, as well as upcoming Olympians, bringing to mind the proposition: Is the decision to hold the Olympics in Japan in 2020 a foolish act of insanity and a crude attempt to help cover up the ravages of radiation?

Thus therefore, a preview of what’s happening behind, as well as within, the scenes researched by Adam Broinowski, PhD (author of 25 major academic publications and Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Australian National University): “Informal Labour, Local Citizens and the Tokyo Electric Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Crisis: Responses to Neoliberal Disaster Management,” Australian National University, 2017.

The title of Dr. Broinowski’s study provides a hint of the inherent conflict, as well as opportunism, that arises with neoliberal capitalism applied to “disaster management” principles. (Naomi Klein explored a similar concept in The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Knopf Canada, 2007).

Dr. Broinowski’s research is detailed, thorough, and complex. His study begins by delving into the impact of neoliberal capitalism, bringing to the fore an equivalence of slave labor to the Japanese economy, especially in regards to what he references as “informal labour.” He preeminently describes the onslaught of supply side/neoliberal tendencies throughout the economy of Japan. The Fukushima nuke meltdowns simply bring to surface all of the warts and blemishes endemic to the neoliberal brand of capitalism.
According to Professor Broinowski:
“The ongoing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station (FDNPS), operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), since 11 March 2011 can be recognised as part of a global phenomenon that has been in development over some time. This disaster occurred within a social and political shift that began in the mid-1970s (ed. supply-side economics, which is strongly reflected in America’s current tax bill under consideration) and that became more acute in the early 1990s in Japan with the downturn of economic growth and greater deregulation and financialisation in the global economy. After 40 years of corporate fealty in return for lifetime contracts guaranteed by corporate unions, as tariff protections were lifted further and the workforce was increasingly casualised, those most acutely affected by a weakening welfare regime were irregular day labourers, or what we might call ‘informal labour.”
In short, the 45,000-60,000 workers recruited to deconstruct decontaminate Fukushima Daiichi and the surrounding prefecture mostly came off the streets, castoffs of neoliberalism’s impact on “… independent unions, rendered powerless, growing numbers of unemployed, unskilled and precarious youths (freeters) alongside older, vulnerable and homeless day labourers (these groups together comprising roughly 38 per cent of the workforce in 2015) found themselves not only (a) lacking insurance or (b) industrial protection but also in many cases (c) basic living needs. With increasing deindustrialisation and capital flight, regular public outbursts of frustration and anger from these groups have manifested since the Osaka riots of 1992.” (Broinowski)

The Osaka Riots of 25 years ago depict the breakdown of modern society’s working class, a problem that has spilled over into national political elections worldwide as populism/nationalism dictate winners/losers. In Osaka 1,500 rampaging laborers besieged a police station (somewhat similar to John Carpenter’s 1976 iconic film Assault on Precinct 13) over outrage of interconnecting links between police and Japan’s powerful “Yakuza” or gangsters that bribe police to turn a blind eye to gangster syndicates that get paid to recruit, often forcibly, workers for low-paying manual jobs for industry.
That’s how TEPCO gets workers to work in radiation-sensitive high risks jobs. Along the way, subcontractors rake off most of the money allocated for workers, resulting in a subhuman lifestyle for the riskiest most life-threatening jobs in Japan, maybe the riskiest most life-threatening in the world.

Japan has a long history of assembling and recruiting unskilled labor pools at cheap rates, which is typical of nearly all large-scale modern industrial projects. Labor is simply one more commodity to be used and discarded. Tokyo Electric Power Company (“TEPCO”) of Fukushima Daiichi fame adheres to those long-standing feudalistic employment practices. They hire workers via layers of subcontractors in order to avoid liabilities, i.e. accidents, health insurance, safety standards, by penetrating into the bottom social layers that have no voice in society.

As such, TEPCO is not legally obligated to report industrial accidents when workers are hired through complex webs or networks of subcontractors; there are approximately 733 subcontractors for TEPCO. Here’s the process: TEPCO employs a subcontractor “shita-uke,” which in turn employs another subcontractor “mago-uke” that relies upon labor brokers “tehaishilninpu-dashi.” At the end of the day, who’s responsible for the health and safety of workers? Who’s responsible for reporting cases of radiation sickness and/or death caused by radiation exposure?

Based upon anecdotal evidence from reliable sources in Japan, there is good reason to believe TEPCO, as well as the Japanese government, suppress public knowledge of worker radiation sickness and death, as well as the civilian population of Fukushima. Thereby, essentially hoodwinking worldwide public opinion, for example, pro-nuke enthusiasts/advocates point to the safety of nuclear power generation because of so few reported deaths in Japan. But, then again, who’s responsible for reporting worker deaths? Answer: Other than an occasional token death report by official sources, nobody!

Image result for TEPCO

Furthermore, TEPCO does not report worker deaths that occur outside of the workplace even though the death is a direct result of excessive radiation exposure at the workplace. For example, if a worker with radiation sickness becomes too ill to go to work, they’ll obviously die at home and therefore not be reported as a work-related death. As a result, pro-nuke advocates claim Fukushima proves how safe nuclear power is, even when it goes haywire, because there are so few, if any, deaths, as to be inconsequential. That’s a boldfaced lie that is discussed in the sequel: Fukushima Darkness – Part 2.
“As one labourer stated re Fukushima Daiichi: ‘TEPCO is God. The main contractors are kings, and we are slaves’. In short, Fukushima Daiichi clearly illustrates the social reproduction, exploitation and disposability of informal labour, in the state protection of capital, corporations and their assets.” (Broinowski)
Indeed, Japan is a totalitarian corporate state where corporate interests are protected from liability by layers of subcontractors and by vested interests of powerful political bodies and extremely harsh state secrecy laws. As such, it is believed that nuclear safety and health issues, including deaths, are underreported and likely not reported at all in most cases. Therefore, the worldview of nuclear power, as represented in Japan at Fukushima Daiichi, is horribly distorted in favor of nuclear power advocacy.
Fukushima’s Darkness – Part 2 sequel, to be published at a future date, discusses consequences.

The original source of this article is Defend Democracy Press
Copyright © Robert HunzikerDefend Democracy Press, 2018

Founding Fathers: Quotes on Liberty and Freedom from America's Revolutionaries

An iconic group of men who led the American Revolution against the British Crown, the Founding Fathers' legacy lives on today as we continue our fight for liberty and freedom. Below are our favorite quotes from a few of our Founding Fathers.

Something VERY Odd About ShitHoleGate (That NOBODY Caught)

"The Truth as I see it." USA v. US

American Governance
Both systems concurrently exist today.  However, the corporate system has been gaining predominance in the last 70 years.  Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally, and or without full disclosure given.

Once you learn the difference, you may have to make a decision for yourself, family, and posterity.  That decision may require changes in how you conduct yourself.  You will have to undo what has been done to make your Sovereign status known.  This is not taught in the corporate government's public school system, because you are not to know.

The elite of the "One World government" corporate system want
and need to have power and control over the population (masses)
they call "Human Resources."

This website has a wealth of information. It reflects much of what I have been saying and doing over the last decade.  ~Freewill

"Deep State" prepares Americans for nuclear war


Also comes as DOJ unseals indictments related to Uranium One - JANUARY 13, 2018

Alex Jones breaks down how Hawaii’s ballistic missile ‘false alarm’ that plunged the state into panic for 38 minutes was not the result of “pushing the wrong button”, but an exercise in predictive programming to get the American people psychologically primed for nuclear war.
The mainstream media has also wasted no time in blaming President Trump for the incident, even though the alert was under a state, not federal, program.

Hawaii “false alarm” is #DeepState

New sign at Wal-Mart!

New Sign at Wal-Mart!!!!

Bill Clinton Says Haiti Relief Funds Didn’t Pay for Chelsea’s Wedding… Then Wikileaks Dropped This Bomb

Former president Bill Clinton lashed out on Twitter this weekend refuting reports that claim Clinton Foundation donations paid for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.
Bill Clinton tweeted,
“No Clinton Foundation funds—dedicated to Haiti or otherwise—were used to pay for Chelsea’s wedding. It’s not only untrue, it’s a personal insult to me, to Hillary, and to Chelsea and Marc.”
Attached to Bill Clinton’s tweet is a Washington Post ‘fact checker’ titled, “Did The Clinton Foundation Pay For Chelsea’s Wedding?”

That’s when Wikileaks jumped in to remind the world they have email proof that the Clintons did in fact pay for Chelsea’s wedding with Haiti relief funds.

Wikileaks links back to a Wikileaks document released in November 2016.
The document was an email between Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta and Clinton official Doug Band.
In the email exchange Band mentions Chelsea taking from the Clinton Foundation to pay for her wedding.

It’s all in black and white Bill.
You took cash from the Foundation to pay for your only daughter’s wedding, lied about it and got caught.
Somethings never change.

James Woods said it best.

The Storm HITS January 15th!!!!!

THE STORM Hits January 15!!!!!

Published on Jan 9, 2018
The spotlight of this Briefing focusses on The Inspector General of The Dept of justice report which will be presented on January 15th. This report will dissect the destruction of The Rule of Law which has occurred over the past decade.
In addition, information is presented on the current status of Julian Assange.


TRUMP'S 13! 
#QAnon #Clinton #Indictments #CBTS


Streamed live 5 hours ago
Today I finally dove into the 13 people named on Trump's EO from Dec. 21. I wanted to wait until more came out and the IG Report release day approached. Any day now it should be released, but before that happens, here's the dirt I could dig up on Trump's infamous 13.

Link to sources used: