Stephen Sindoni, author and filmmaker, Sindoni Productions [stephensindoni.webs.com], tells in this video below how Obama, though raised in various countries as he grew up, is actually the child of the King & Queen of Thailand.
In 1927, the king, Bhumibol Adulyadej, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His brother at the time was King of Thailand. While there the CIA, Dulles and George Bush specifically, talked this man, Bhumibol Adulyadej, into killing his brother, the King of Thailand in 1946. He then ascended to the throne.
Once they put Bhumibol Adulyadej on the throne of Thailand, they set up the 'crescent triangle' connection for drugs between Thailand, Burma, all the countries - Vietnam. From 1946 -- before the war started in Vietnam -- to 1963 -- when it was officially declared -- they had already been in Vietnam as an advisor. What they were doing was setting up a drug network. King Bhumibol was now in Thailand. Thailand was #2 and #3 in opium production as well.
So with the help of Bush they put this man in power. They now had the drugs coming from the crescent triangle and funneled the money from the US into Thailand, because now that Bhumibol was President, they could now use the Thailand banks. There were three banks in the US: JP Morgan, Citi Bank of Thailand and Bank of America. These were the only three banks that could transfer money to Thailand.
In Thailand there were three banks that had the most money: Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial Bank and Krungthai Bank. Each one of them had up to $25 to $40 million dollars. What they did was take the drug money and funneled it into Thailand banks. That was the first step in the process.
Later on, when George H. W. Bush, Sr. (former head of the CIA) became president, via the Banking Act, he bailed out the Savings & Loan Industry. Bush stole $300 billion dollars in that banking scam. The money was funneled through JP Morgan, Citi Bank of Thailand or B of A, to the three Thailand banks, without the American people being wise to it. Since the 1950's money was being laundered through the Thailand banks to Bhumibol Adulyadej in Thailand for the Vietnam War and all the wars since...
How does Obama fit into this?
In 1960 the King and his wife visited the White House in May and spent a month in the US. But the first stop they made was Hawaii. Interesting. Why Hawaii? Because they had to drop off newborn Barack Obama.
Now here's what happened. Right after that, in October, President Sukarna, Indonesia, visited the White House. Why? Because now what they had to do was establish where it is that little Barack is going to be (raised; implied). They have to get up to Thailand, but first they have to bring him to the US. Sukarna has to agree now that when he does get to Thailand that he's got cover. That way they can get the scam going. So then they leave the country. The baby was with Stanley Ann Dunham, the surrogate mother. (More on that in the video.)
What it all comes down to is that Obama was given as an infant to be raised/primed as President of the US (in exchange for profits from CIA opium fields being guarded by US troops that would help prosper and modernize Thailand) because the family knew brothers kill each other off for rights to the throne. The current royal heir, Prince Vajira Longkorn, brother of Obama, looks a lot like him (see his pic in the video at the link below).
A 2014 World Net Daily article tells how British barrister and intelligence consultant, Michael Shrimpton, appeared in a 2008 video that began re-circulating on the Internet in 2014 in which he claims to have been privy to shocking intelligence information on Obama’s origins. Shrimpton contends to this day that the CIA collected DNA from then Sen. Obama and a grandparent establishes that Stanley Ann Dunham, named on his fraudulent birth certificate, was not Obama’s biological mother.
In the video below, Stephen also shows pictures of Barack Obama during his elementary years in Hawaii. Obama knew from childhood that he was the son of a king, and that some day he would be made President of the US. In the first or second grade, he told his teacher in an essay that he was going to be President of the US. He also told his next teacher in Indonesia in another essay that he was going to be President of the US. The main clue was found in a high school in Hawaii, Apuna Hu (sp?) High School. Behind the school cafeteria Obama, himself, wrote in the concrete cement, "King Obama." (See pic in video.) He was bragging to people that he was the son of a king while in high school. Since then his school records in Hawaii have been 'lost' (but you can see some of his school pics in the video).
The poppy (opium) fields are, to this day, being guarded by US troops (see pics in video) and are behind numerous wars and the reason for the claimed need for a continuous presence of our troops. The presidencies of Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama have enabled all of them to prosper from the sale of opium in pursuit of funding their desired New World Order, and no doubt, themselves (remember pictures of Bill Clinton's swollen red nose from sniffing drugs?).
The opium money has also benefited Thailand whose cities now look modern and industrial, like US cities, and is where mostly English is now spoken.
Stephen also noted how pictures of Osama Bin Laden appeared over time to get younger and younger, and noted that one of the younger pictures of OBL even looks like Obama and may have been used by the CIA for the purpose of making it appear OBL was still alive when in fact he was already dead.
It's all very fascinating and definitely worth watching.