Friday, February 16, 2018

Manna World Holdings Trust--- Again

By Anna Von Reitz

Manna World Holdings Trust--- Again.
Let’s make it perfectly clear to everyone.  It doesn’t matter what you call it: Unum Sanctum Trust, Manna World Holdings Trust, or just The Trust. It’s what it is, that counts.  It is the umbrella organization holding most if not quite all the other historic and heritage and asset-backed trusts.  You can call it Whoopee-Ding-Dong Company for all the difference that it makes.
The Trust is a holding company with over 4,500 trusts and accounts dumped into it, most of which belong to actual living people and groups of people and entire countries, and not to the Trust at all.  In fact, the argument can be made (and I make it) that all the holdings in The Trust are stolen goods, stolen from the dead and stolen from the living, too. 
The beings responsible for the existence of The Trust steal what isn’t theirs the same way a goat eats turnips.  It is their nature.  
They steal for gain, they steal for pleasure, they even steal to give it away again, so that even when they are pretending to be philanthropists, they are actually just giving away what isn’t theirs and making themselves whatever advantage they can make of it. 
It would be rather begging the question to say that they aren’t nice people.
They lie the same way that they steal. It’s part of their nature. They lie for fun.  They lie to see how much they can get away with.  They lie because their tongues would swell up if they told the truth. They lie for profit. Lying is a way of life for them. If they even know the truth, it’s only in order to prevaricate it.
Again, it’s not really appropriate to say that they aren’t nice people, because “nice” isn’t in them any more than the truth is.  Like snakes and buzzards, they just are what they are. 
The Historic Trusts and Accounts fall broadly into four different categories: (1) National trusts which include vast bullion holdings; (2) Treaty trusts that were never paid out and just sat around accruing value; (3) Family and Group trusts that as the name suggests, belong to specific families and organizations, some of which include vast bullion and jewel and land assets; (4) asset-backed currencies and bonds that may or may not still have value.  
These so-called “Off Ledger Accounts” form the stockpile of assets providing the collateral for all the banks of the world.  Reason would dictate that the owners of these assets would share in the wealth generated when the banks make loans and trades based on these assets, but in fact, in many cases, the banks haven’t even paid interest and have done their best to steal title to the assets, mostly by claiming that the actual owners are unknown or dead or in some way “abandoned” the assets left as special deposits in their care. 
All this really proves is that the bankers are the worst crooks among us, despite their nice suits. 
Now I am getting cards and letters and emails all excited about the newest rendition of Big Pay Out Mania--- following the likes of Wolfgang Struck, the Dinar and Zim Exchanges, and now, Manna World Holdings Trust, aka, the Big One.
Please realize that this is just another rendition of what you have heard before.  We are all going to be richer than Midas.  And it’s all for free.  And all you have to do is sign some dubious paperwork that only a sharp lawyer would recognize for what it is and what it does to you and what it gives to them.
Please, everyone, understand that all that “wealth” is a problem for them. They are trying to off-load it because it’s stolen goods and relatively useless to them unless and until you all start using it as money, at which point they own the casino and can get back in business again.  You see the situation now? 
There is no such thing as a free lunch…..there is no such thing as a free lunch…..there is no such thing as a free lunch…..there is no such thing as a free lunch….. Repeat as often as necessary.
You shall know them by their fruits. They stole all this wealth from other people and now they are giving it to you, so what does that make you?  An accomplice to their crime.  A receiver of stolen goods. 
We have been through multiple iterations and variations of two basic themes, either (a) big unknown philanthropist(s) who somehow (let’s not ask how) gained control of almost all the precious metals and jewels and art and land in the world are going to dump it all on us for free, or (b) by some magic, junk bonds and I.O.U.’s put out by insolvent governments are going to transform into securities worth billions or trillions of dollars.  But somehow, none of this ever actually happens.  There is always some delay, some technical difficulty….
Hello?  I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six, and the only reason I didn’t stop believing before that, was that my Mother encouraged the fantasy to teach me a lesson.
Did I want Santa Claus to be real?  You bet.  Is he?  No.
The reality is that a whole lot of people pretend that he’s real and get a kick out of pretending so they can give gifts in secret. The fact is that people who perform actual jobs and produce actual goods and services and who pay far too many taxes make sacrifices to cheer up their friends and family with gifts during the darkest days of winter. 
At the end of the day, was I more impressed by fantasy fat elves in red suits, or by the self-sacrifice and thoughtfulness of millions of people trying to give good gifts to each other?
The truth was ever so much better than the lie!
Most of our top generals and key officers in the military services of the world have been promised big pay-offs on currency exchanges of Iraqi Dinar and Zim.  They believe(d) this and pumped it up and stood ready to enforce it, but guess what?
Blood does not come from turnips.  
Same thing with all these philanthropists.  They are just front men trying to chisel whatever deals they can make in exchange for giving everyone new casino chips.  It’s not the chips they are worried about, and it is certainly not being done for your benefit. It’s being done so the casino owners get a new round of the old game. Nothing more or less.
Kim Goguen and her pal, Thomas, are following in the same footsteps of Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck.  Same basic schtick.  They get sly undisclosed benefits from what they are proposing--- (1) first and foremost, they put the casinos back in business; (2) they wash their hands of responsibility for the theft of all these trusts; (3) they get you to admit that what they stole from you was actually theirs, and when they give it all to Mr. Trump, that means that he owns you –your names and your assets---fair and square.  Here’s the Kicker: once they pull that one off, they can come back on Trump, bill him for all the debts of his bankrupt government services corporation, and force him to ante up and give back all those “assets” which are now laundered and they can get free title to you and all that is rightfully yours.
Pretty sweet deal in exchange for some pieces of metal that they want to get distributed anyway.
Wake up, dear children, Satan is slick, his children are slick, even his hand-maidens are slick as greased eels.  
Now, all of that is bad news and nasty, I know.  I can hear balloons popping and hopes deflating all over the world. But just like the hurt of no longer believing in Santa Claus, there is a silver lining to all of this.
For the first time in thousands of years, you have the opportunity to put things in perspective, to actually know and see what money is, to make new choices and develop new ways of trading with each other, to value the truth which is that we live in a world of endless abundance and there is no reason for anyone to suffer poverty or go without anything they need to thrive ever again.
And isn’t that better than an old fat guy in a funny suit?

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

“There Will be No Civilian Trials for the Illuminati”

ALLIANCE  INSIDER: “There Will be No Civilian Trials for the Illuminati” 

Coped below are rumors and summary thoughts by one who follows the hidden news.  But, as I have always assumed, to get our country back we will not have time for the normal public court system to provide the justice needed.  It is up to each of us to be prepared, and the report below may assist you in that mission.

Adam Riva 
February 14, 2018

Our source within the Alliance, who we have been calling 'Arthur', recently updated us on the proceedings of the mass arrests, the recent executive orders signed to pave the wave for military tribunals of the Illuminati, and the expansion of Guantanamo Bay prison to provide maximum security detention of Deep State criminals.

I have been using the pseudonym 'Arthur' based on the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I’ve done this because of my source’s involvement in the Alliance. I feel that the Round Table, which has no specific leader, is a fitting metaphor for the Alliance because King Arthur’s court was said to be comprised of many prominent warriors.

If this is your first time visiting our site, we have previously shared two other briefings from this source which you can view at the following links:
Alliance Insider: “We’re Going to See a New Gold-Backed Currency Worldwide”[12/4/2017]
Alliance Insider: “Coup in Stage 4 of 5” [12/6/2017]

The following is a transcript of some of the more interesting intel that 'Arthur' shared with us.
“Arthur: There is a lot going on right now. I would guess that nobody but me and maybe 100 people on Earth right now know what’s happening because I’m an I.O.
I’ll just give you a quick scenario and run-down. None of this is on TV and none of this may surface this year. Remember in 2015, I told you we started a military coup?”
Yeah, I remember.
“Arthur: Because Obama said "bring me 10 aircraft carriers and we’re going to convert them to NATO" and the Admiral said “go f**k yourself.” They took them back out.
That was the beginning of a military coup. It got worse from there as to what Bill and Hillary and Obama got into. It got much much worse. It went downhill to the point where Putin told Trump to run for president. He said to Trump “because Obama is going to put a New World Order with himself and Hillary, so somebody is going to have to take America back or you’re going to lose your country and you’re going to lose your hotels.”
These people are just about radical radical radical “fairness.” You know, New World Order style, spread the money around.
Well, it got to the point where Trump got into office and he and his team noticed that there was $7 trillion dollars missing. Obama put us $11 trillion in debt, but Trump couldn’t find $7 trillion of it. They didn’t build any bridges, any airports, no buildings, no pipeline, didn’t build a f**king thing. Well, where’s the $7 trillion? Trump started finding hints and things from the CIA, FBI, Interpol, etc.
Obama was vicious and knew that if he got Hillary in, everything would be okay. But what Trump did is he put in Blackwater, Seal Teams 2, 4, 6.  He also brought in Delta Force, some CIA spoofs, black operative guys, and that’s his security. He doesn’t have the Secret Service. He’s got my guys. Nasty f**kers. They play to win, all the time, every time, every game. They don’t necessarily give a shit as long as the good guys survive and their mission is carried out.
Trump got attacked by the FBI.  The Illuminati sent some people in and said “Hey f**ker, you’re not the first to take us on. Kennedy tried to shut down the Federal Reserve and take out the U.S. Treasury.”
I don’t know if you ever watched the Jekyll Island documentary by Glen Beck…?”
No, but I read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.
“Arthur: Okay, so what Obama got into was flagrant and huge abuse of power. Trump got wind of it and just before Christmas he signed an executive order. Meanwhile, everyone’s asleep. They’re looking at this Russian-collusion propaganda. Trump signed an executive order and nobody caught on for 30 days. The executive order deals with a national security threat.
Now if you don’t know the UCNGA Military Law and Tribunal Law, it probably doesn’t mean a thing to you. You might say, “So what? He’s dealing with a national security threat.” With one more signature and without Congress’ approval, he can take us to martial law anytime from December 21st 2017 through December 21st 2019. Anytime he wants.
With the national security threat, he froze the assets of about 9,000 people, companies, and corporations. We’re talking about the pedophile rings, the Deep State, the Dark State, the 4,000 companies that Obama bought in Africa with the taxpayers’ $7 trillion. Trump froze all the assets, all the titles worldwide.
Yeah, I read about that. I have it here in front of me. It’s called the Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act signed on December 21st 2017. That’s the exact one you are referring to, right?
“Arthur: That’s it. He signed two more. He signed one on the 23rd and one on the 27th which expanded it, Adam. The reason he is rebuilding GTMO so fast – you know, Disney Land is having power failures, pipes are bursting at LaGuardia, what he’s doing is he is picking people up. The arrests have already begun.”
Well, that’s what I suspected. I heard that there were a number of people that they were trying to catch so they created convincing headlines to avoid drawing too much attention. They also caught some people inadvertently by thwarting gun smuggling operations. They grounded flights, they shut things down, but then they had to provide a story that the public would believe to explain away why there was a significant disruption.
“Arthur: Well, Atlanta hub only has five backup generators and three turbine sets. It’s without power? No f**king way.”
I also heard today that they issued an order to expand Guantanamo Bay to house an additional 13,000 inmates with maximum security – and they said it would be for 'migrants', but let’s get real – there’s now just over 13,000 sealed indictments. Seems like the Alliance is in the final stages of preparation for mass arrests.
“Arthur: This got on your radar, but it didn’t get on anybody else’s. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Military Tribunal Law, but because of the National Security Act, there will be no civilian trials for anybody who is a threat to national security.”
Really? So we shouldn’t expect to see public trials for the Illuminati?
“Arthur: There will be no civilian trials for the Illuminati. It’s going to be a military tribunal when we get around to it. The general attitude in the Alliance right now is if you’re a threat to national security, we don’t have to give you a civilian trial. And, if he goes to martial law, he can just point his finger and say, “Put that f**ker away and I’ll tell you when to bring to the key back.”
When do you think the hammer is coming down on the 13,000 indictments?
“Arthur: Right now. If you had 10,000 rats on fire, you’d have the Democratic Party. They don’t know where to go. They’re lashing out in every direction. They don’t know what to do. My concern right now is I wish that somebody would start a citizens’ party. The Democratic Party no longer exists.
They have Hillary on 27 counts of treason. Putin bought the uranium so it didn’t go to North Korea and Pakistan and Afghanistan and on into Iran. We have the data, we have the facts, we have GTMO being built. There’s apt to be a 90-day window where things get tough for the average citizen. There’s a lot cooking.
I don’t know if I ever expressed this to you. The Alliance has a checkmate. Look at who Trump put in office. Five generals and two admirals. I wonder how he’s going to rule… military tribunal. The military will get our country back. It will collapse the Treasury and it will collapse the Federal Reserve.
An order was given to dark ops and special forces teams.  If Trump gets sick, these 4,760 people get sick the next f** king day. So the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones, the G8, all these people live in fear that Trump will cough.
What I think is really telling right now is if you’re watching any of the turbulence in the markets.  You have the Dow plunging 666 points the day the memo was released.   The deficit did the same thing back in October.  There are so many contrived distractions with their satanic signature on it. Do you know what I mean?
“Arthur: The Dow is nothing more than a piece of used toilet paper that you scoop out of a sewer pipe. It’s speculation, it means nothing. If you have a liar, a pimp, a prostitute, a drug dealer, and a junkie, who’s going to prosecute who? You get it?”
The recent FISA memo, I think, was the final nail in the coffin for the Russiagate narrative, and I’ve heard that there are many more memos soon to come.
“Arthur: Well here’s what’s coming. There’s going to be a truth act that’s going to come through the FCC and you’re going to lose your license if what you print is not evidentiary fact because it’s a threat to national security. Remember how I said most people don’t understand what a military tribunal is?”
If something like this truth act came out during the Obama administration, I would be very worried. He tried something similar in late 2016 – the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, I think it was called. But since Trump is pushing for this, I have a strong feeling that they would use it legitimately.
“Arthur: Net Neutrality, that’s all going to get flushed. You’re going to see the internet go to self-regulation. You’re going to see a lot of laws for the criminal shit that goes on, like the Dark Net for instance, and it’s going to be treated just like bank robbery. Our enemies are now are China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.”
There have already been mass arrests in Saudi Arabia of princes and kings, which was exciting to see.
“Arthur: It’s all on the stove right now. It’s all cooking. It’s all boiling. There’s a lot going on, but it’s just like I said before.  Protect your spirit, shrink your perimeter, prepare for a 90 day window where you can take care of yourself. Withdraw. Don’t expand; withdraw. You can’t teach a mouse to sing, so don’t try to teach some people how to think. Respect what you see. Don’t cloud your perspective by what you want to see. See everything.”
I have a mantra that you’ll appreciate. It’s just something that came to me while I was falling asleep. I’ll tell you what it is first, and then I’ll explain.

Meditation, preparation, investigation, conversation.
Spend more time in meditation for the spirit than you do in preparation for a disaster. Spend more time in preparation than you do in investigation of conspiracies. Spend more time in investigation than you do in the conversations with what others think is going on. That’s your hierarchy of priorities.
“Arthur: You left out something that you’re very knowledgeable about. I would add “intuition” for the universal form of energy. I think of meditation as the mental practice, and intuition as the connection to the higher self.”

Adam Riva

Editor at Dragonfly Effect News
Adam Riva is the editor of Dauntless Dialogue, a filmmaker, and a journalist. His articles have reached over 1.5 million people.

Failed Presidential Candidate Announces Senate Bid


Ben Kamisar 
Feb 16 2018

WHY isn't this couple among those arrested and current guests at Gitmo?

Mitt and wife Ann - Bushites well known for pedophelia and their positions deep within the Bush cabal and Mitt is running for the SENATE?  IN UTAH?!  Does Mitt not know we have our Republic now, and the cabal is to be totally out of the picture?

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has launched his long-awaited bid for a Utah Senate seat.

He made the announcement Friday in an online video and has a seemingly clear path to succeed retiring Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch.

In a time when reports have been that the military has been rounding up and prosecuting pedophiles, let's allow yet another pedophile in to the 'government' in a 'fixed election' process and see what that does for this nation.

Romney, the GOP's 2012 presidential nominee who has emerged as a vocal critic of President Trump's, extolled the virtues of the Beehive State and talked about his connections to the state.

"I have decided to run for United States Senate because I believe I can help bring Utah's values and Utah's lessons to Washington. Utah is a better model for Washington than Washington is for Utah," he says in the ad. 

ALLIANCE INSIDER: “Coup in Stage 4 of Stage 5”

The following was leaked to us by a source wishing to remain anonymous.
This individual claims to have been appointed to “run his home state” when the proverbial shit hits the fan. This individual is a former body guard of President Donald Trump and is working closely with the white hat “Alliance” we have spoken about at length on this website. For more information on the Alliance, please see our article or video entitled Calm Before the Storm: the Alliance Versus the Deep State.
Dauntless Dialogue does not necessary vouch for every, but we are sharing it in its entirety for public scrutiny.

ALLIANCE INSIDER: “Coup in Stage 4 of Stage 5”

“The FBI, the CIA, and the NSA are all compromised. Muller is compromised. Muller is part of the Iranian Deal so it doesn’t matter what he does. Muller is coming after Trump wanting the information from Deutsche Bank…
It’s over. The coup is in Stage 4 of Stage 5.
They’re coming after Trump. The politicians are coming after Trump, the Illuminati are coming after Trump.
There’s going to be a “New World” currency put in by Russia, China, and the United States and that is going to strip the Illuminati. It’s going to strip the Bilderbergs. It’s going to strip the World Bank. It’s going to strip the Federal Reserve. It’s going to strip the IRS.
It doesn’t matter how many trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars you have if you can’t convert it.”
Do you think Muller was compromised late in the game?
“Robert Muller was a scumbag from the day he was born. James Comey was a Satanic bastard from the day he was born.”

 “Don’t Listen to Q-Anon”

“Don’t even listen to this “Q-anon.” Just Google the 60 Generals. Google the coups, the takeover by the military. Google the Marine Corp. taking over the CIA. This thing is well on.
You’re going to see the sanctuary cities explode. You’re going to see martial law in all of them. You’re going to see riots. You’re going to see people shot. This shit is going to end, because if Trump doesn’t straighten out the liberal bullshit, the Illuminati, and the democrats, the rednecks are going to.”
Just a few hours ago, the Intercept ran an article with the headline Trump White House Weighing Plans for Private Spies to Counter “Deep State” Enemies. What are your thoughts on this?
“Stage 4. Done.”
So then what is Stage 5? Completion?
“Popping the zit.”
The mass arrests stemming from the indictments?
“Look, [Governor of California] Jerry Brown will probably wind up in prison. You’re going to see a world of shit in Illinois, California, New Jersey, and New York because they can’t deduct their income taxes. They are their sanctuary cities, so you’ll probably see DeBlasio and Brown and all of them in prison.
If the riots get going to bad and they still declare their dang sanctuary cities, they might wind up with a dot on their head.
This is going to be taken care of.”

CIA Complicit in the Las Vegas Massacre 

Fast and Furious guns were used in the Las Vegas shooting. That was Obama and Hillary trying to get gun control and bring Trump down. It backfired because there were so many Special Forces people out there that said there were 3 to 5 shooters and they were coming from here and here and here.
They found a cold body in that room. Where are the 3 shooters that were in that room during the massacre?
There were people on the ground that said there were shooters on the ground. Eleven people are dead that testified against the official report.”
A lot of the survivors of the shooting have subsequently died in car crashes, suicides, or suddenly falling ill.

33,000 Holistic Doctors Assassinated to Maintain Control

“There are 33,000 doctors that are dead because the pharmaceutical companies want to remain in control.”
That’s a story I’ve been following for many years. Naturopaths and holistic doctors have been dying in droves under mysterious circumstances.
“Look, Rerum is available from – – in New Zealand. $558 a bottle and they’ll ship it overnight. It can be oral, a suppository, misted like cocaine, it can be put in a nebulizer, but Rerum is something that is made by your bone marrow in your liver and you can drink a gallon of it. It’s the stuff that rips the cover off viruses and bacteria. It turbo charges your immune system and let’s your immune system just eat cancer.
Glysophate and the shit that they are putting in the [chemtrail] jet streams and all of the vaccines are full of shit that make Nagalase [which spurs tumor growth by suppressing GcMAF production in the body].

Trump has Imminent Plans to Dismantle the Federal Reserve

President Trump’s nomination of Jerome Powell as the new Federal Reserve chairman is against auditing the Fed. What’s the deal with that?
“The Federal Reserve is extinct. It’s gone. It’s over.”
You mean, Stage 5?
[Long silence] “That’s not wise for me to say.”

Trump Working with the Alliance

Where is the majority of Trump’s internal support coming from? Clearly it’s not coming from the CIA, but surely there are mavericks within various intelligence agencies, like the FBI, working with the Alliance.
“68% of the voters in the United States are going to follow Trump. All Trump needs is what he’s got. He’s got the state police, the sheriffs, city police, border patrol…”
He’s got the military.
“He’s got the military.”
But what about within the intelligence agencies themselves?
“He doesn’t give a shit. The CIA is a pimple. The FBI is an abscess pimple.”
And the IRS, and most of the alphabet soup agencies. The swamp.
“He doesn’t care. They’re dead, they’re useless, they’re gone. They’re extinct.”
But surely he has allies.
“He’s got great allies. He’s got the Marines, the Coast Guard, the Army, and the Navy. He’s got Russia and China.”
So Q-Anon is bullshit?
“Gotta read between the lines. Gotta read between the lines.”
A lot of people are spending a lot of time deconstructing the riddles.
“Let me make it real simple for everybody. If Trump isn’t successful doing it from the top, the rednecks will be successful doing it from the bottom. What’s publicly palatable is not what’s factually real.”

New Monetary System Backed by Gold

In your opinion, what is the next step to roll out the new economic system, and what would that look like? What kind of timeframe are we looking at?
“Can’t comment.”
Is it going to be a crypto-currency or just one that isn’t fiat, like one that is gold-backed?
“This is a tapped line. Hello NSA, CIA, and FBI. How are you boys doing tonight?”
They’re listening to all of us.
“They’re toast.”
I have a feeling that a gold-backed currency would at least be the first step.
“It’s already done.”
Does that gold belong to the United States or does another country own it?
“Look, you’ve done enough homework on your own. Put the bigger picture together. Don’t look for verification of what’s right before your nose.
Intelligence is not a finite science. There’s no security blanket, there’s no binky, and there’s no guarantees. It’s liquid. Probably a lot of things have changed just in the time that we’ve been talking. It’s liquid. It’s fluid.
You react, you adapt, you move, you survive, or you rot.”

“When Things Go Awry”

What kind of stress are you under?
“I’m supposed to run my home state when things go awry, okay? I’m supposed to RUN it through organizations and groups, so I have a shit load of stuff going on.
You’re very capable and competent on doing your homework and figuring this out.
What is obvious, what is written, and what is in front of your face is not a fact. When you’re putting a puzzle together, look at the back of the puzzle because the face is for everybody.
If you want to be a 99 percenter, you look at the face of the puzzle and say ‘Oh, look at what I see here.’ If you want to be a 1 percenter and an intelligence operative you see what’s behind the puzzle, see what’s not obvious.
Look where people are distracting you. See what they are trying to draw you away from.”
I think the infiltration and co-opting of the conspiracy and alternative movements, which goes way back, they’ve really left no stone unturned. You have to be able to read between the lines and connect the dots.
“I don’t believe anything of what I hear, half of what I see, and nothing that is written. And if you’re watching TV, there’s no news on TV. None. Zero. It’s how you keep 90% of the world’s people entertained, okay?
One percent of the world makes it happen. Another two percent support the one percent making it happen. Seven percent of the people say, “I want to help.” And ninety percent of the people say, “Did you see the news last night?”

The Alliance Working with the Anshar and Extraterrestrials

How closely is the Alliance working with the Anshar of inner-Earth and benevolent extraterrestrials?
“Stay out of the weeds. Stay out of the weeds. There are much more productive things in your life to focus on. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, I’m not saying I haven’t seen it. But I will say it this way, most of [the extraterrestrials] don’t give much of a shit one way or the other about this planet. It’s a test tube.”
I agree with you on that. There are 22 genetic experiments going on and most of them look at us as a Petri dish. But I definitely think there are exceptions to the rule, both benevolent and malevolent.
“I don’t focus on anything but the Spirit. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.”
What do you think about Hillary Clinton’s and John McCain’s boots that seem to switch from one foot to the other? Are they wearing trackers? Because I think they can just as easily insert a chip under the skin if that’s the goal.
“I find a lot of this mundane and boring, and you know enough about me to know why.
This isn’t my first rodeo. You’ve got an idea of where I’ve been, what I’ve seen, what I’ve done, and who I’ve worked with.
The only thing you need to worry about is your Spirit. The rest of it is handled way above your pay grade. You can drive yourself nuts if you want to. Focus on the Spirit.
What’s going on right now is a war between Satan and God. Whether you like it or not, you can call it two forces in the universe, one alien force against another alien force, genetic experiments, but it comes down to good versus evil.
Why are 40-60 people going in everyday to pray in the White House? Why was there an exorcism done in the White House to get the fucking stench out of it?
Just prepare for what is coming. Do what you can do. I wouldn’t leave your savings in the bank. If you’ve got anything, convert it to silver. Get your food set up so for 3 to 6 months you can take care of yourself.
People who live in major cities may have a problem.
We are in the “end time.” You know what I’m talking about.”
I’m sure there is a continuity plan in place, correct?
“Way above your and my pay grade!” [laughs]

Trilateral conspirators out in the open---and Donald Trump

(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Trilateral conspirators out in the open---and Donald Trump
---an interview that will live in infamy---
By Jon Rappoport
Note: I wrote this article long before Donald Trump appeared on the scene. Love him, hate him, trust him, don't trust him, he has spoken against Globalism and for Nationalism. Those sentiments have taken hold and reverberated across the planet, crossing swords with Elites who are bent on destroying separate nations and ruling one collectivist world from above. Therefore, whether or not Trump means what he says, he must be taken down. The genie must be put back in the bottle.
Who is in charge of destroying economies?
One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.
It's called the Trilateral Commission (TC).
Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create "a new international economic order."
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: "[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state."
Goodbye, separate nations.
Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003): "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.
For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;
James Jones, National Security Advisor;
Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;
Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.
Here is a stunning piece of forgotten history, a 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two members of the Trilateral Commission. (Source: Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980, South End Press, Pages 192-3).
The conversation was public knowledge at the time.
Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it. Understood its meaning.
But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No one protested loudly.
The conversation revealed that the entire basis of the US Constitution had been torpedoed, that the people who were running US national policy (which includes trade treaties) were agents of an elite shadow group. No question about it.
And yet: official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congress undertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements. Carter was himself an agent of the Trilateral Commission in the White House. He had been plucked from obscurity by David Rockefeller, and through elite TC press connections, vaulted into the spotlight as a pre-eminent choice for the Presidency.
The following 1978 conversation featured reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took up the issue of who exactly, during President Carter's administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.
The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It's as if they're saying, "What we're revealing is already out in the open, it's too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we've already won..."
NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?
COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.
NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize 'this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.' Who are you afraid of?
KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.
COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].
NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?
COOPER: Well, I guess it's the press' job to publicize it.
NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn't President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.
COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches. [a lie]
KAISER: It just hasn't become an issue.
This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was buried.
US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission---the Commission had been created in 1973 by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
When Carter won the presidential election (1976), his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, "We've lost. And I'll quit." Lost---because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.
Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn't quit. He became Carter's chief of staff.
Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.
From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.
How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and further undercut domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.
And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order.
What kind of order?
Eventually, one planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, "to restore stability," "for the good of all, for lasting harmony."
The top Trilateral players, in 2008, had their man in the White House, another formerly obscure individual like Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama. They had new trade treaties on the planning table.
After Obama was inaugurated for his first term, he shocked and astonished his own advisors, who expected him, as the first order of business, to address the unemployment issue in America. He shocked them by ignoring the number-one concern of Americans, and instead decided to opt for his disastrous national health insurance policy---Obamacare.
Obama never had any intention of trying to dig America out of the crash of 2008. That wasn't why he was put in the Oval Office. He could, and would, pretend to bring back the economy, with fudged numbers and distorted standards. But really and truly, create good-paying jobs for many, many Americans? Not on the TC agenda. Not in the cards.
It was counter-productive to the TC plan: torpedo the economy further.
Eight years later, along came Trump. Judge him in any way you want to. At the very least, he became a symbol for dismantling Globalism. And that was enough to trigger alarm bells in Elite circles and centers. And the word went out: destroy Trump by any means necessary.
Put the Trilateral Plan back on track---make the whole world One Nation, and erase the memory of America...
So that, one day, a student will ask his teacher, "What happened to the United States?" And the teacher will say, "It was a criminal enterprise based on individual freedom. Fortunately, our leaders rescued the people and taught them the superior nature of HARMONY."

Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You can find this article and more at

Thomas Williams gives an update on the World Trust

By Anna Von Reitz

There is a treaty that Trump has deliberately been kept unaware of, but so what? ALL of this is rooted in fraud.  If all those making a treaty are factually and actually acting in fraud and within an over-arching matrix of fraud---- you tell me what such a treaty is worth?  Why should we care and who will honor it and on what basis?  A presumption of honesty among thieves?

This is all preposterous nonsense being offered as an explanation for evidence of vast planetary-wide crime that has played out over many, many generations. 

The origins of the crimes committed here did not begin on Earth and the solutions will not come from Earth, either. 

For the last sixty years world leaders have been looking at the "heritage of Marduk and his son, Satan, and his grandson, Lucifer" trying to come up with some way to excuse it and explain it away, but when you look at millions of metric tons of gold amassed for no apparent earthly use or reason-- what do you say? 

 Interdimensional beings -- renown psychotic criminals who can live for thousands of years- came here to collect souls and steal gold? 

Or do you make up other less terrifying stories--of which there have been plenty already?  Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck, for example.  Or now it's Kim Goguen and Thomas, claiming to own the so-called "umbrella trust"?

Does it matter if they call it the Global Debt Facility, the Global Collateral Accounts, the Unum Sanctum Trust, or Manna World Holdimgs Trust?  

The plain fact of the matter is that off-world pirates -- thieves and criminals -- amassed all these vast storehouses of gold, all these intricate fraud schemes, all these unholy "laws"--- Marduk, the Grandfather and original creator of all this is dead, his son, Satan, is bound and will be bound for 1000 years, and grandson, Lucifer, is still at large. 

So, there you have it, and along with it, the mind-bending reality that these things that have served as symbols of wealth -- gold, silver, etc., are actually in over-supply while millions of people needlessly suffer--- and the governments of the world are bankrupt and stymied.

Hello? Helluva party we've got going on here....

So that is why we have all these self-professed saviors and "philanthropists" showing up and claiming that they are the long-lost Trustees and Owners-- which means the same thing---wanting to begin sharing out the misbegotten wealth back to the people and countries it came from. 

It's a noble enough desire to the extent it is motivated by a desire to end suffering, but all these efforts so far have come with strings attached-- and those strings may not be obvious. 

This most recent round would have us agree that these entities had a valid claim against us, but they generously released their claim to Donald Trump--- when I say, get behind me, Lucifer.  You, your Father and your Grandfather have no claim here; this world belongs to the one faithful and true, our righteous redeemer. Not to you. 

These beings claim what is not theirs, even to give it away. And what do you have when you receive it, but receive stolen goods? 

Any Christian should know better. 

I repeat-- these troubles did not begin on Earth and the solution to them will not come from Earth, either. 

Be patient yet, a little while, and borrow in your heart what you need, for He is gracious and kind and gives you all that you need so long as you ask the true Lord who has fought for you --and do not steal from Him or think you can just do as you please. 

We all need to face facts and stop listening to nonsense and excuses and stories of the kind they use to delude children.  Such stories may be comforting, may be what you wish to believe, but they are not the truth and they cannot form a foundation for us to go forward. 

So-- listen to the small, quiet voice and know the truth. This is just another version of what we have already heard and seen. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Florida High School Survivor: We Need Guns To Protect Us From Bad Guys

Red Alert: Evidence Points To Multiple Shooter Cover Up In Florida

AR-15 Demonized, But It's SAVED Lives

You may have missed that the AR-15 was used by a former NRA instructor to stop the Texas church shooter. MSM didn’t report that but did demonize the same gun for being used by the killer. It’s happening again.

2.15 - FL Shooting/NSA Incident/Other Articles & Cosmic/UFO News

FBI was warned about Florida man accused of killing 17 at school

PARKLAND, Fla. (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation was warned in September about an ominous online comment by the 19-year-old man accused of killing 17 people at his former high school but was unable to locate him, an agent said on Thursday.

Authorities said the ex-student, identified as Nikolas Cruz, walked into the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, near Miami, on Wednesday and opened fire with an AR-15-style assault rifle in the second-deadliest shooting at a public school in U.S. history.

(For a graphic on Florida school shooting click
Cruz may have left warning signs on social media in the form of a comment on a YouTube video that read “I‘m going to be a professional school shooter.” That comment troubled the person whose video Cruz commented on, Mississippi bail bondsman Ben Bennight, who passed it on to the FBI, according to a video he posted online late Wednesday.

“No other information was included with that comment which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the person who made the comment,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Robert Lasky told reporters. Investigators were unable to find the commenter, he added.

The FBI is conducting an extensive review of how it handled that tip to see if mistakes were made, a federal law enforcement official told Reuters.
Read more at Reuters

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Newt Gingrich stated "a very small number of people in Wisconsin, Michigan,
and Pennsylvania changed history or we would have learned nothing about
this." Gingrich referred to the Michigan General Jural Assembly and
other assemblies forming in countys and states. starts at the 6:05 minute mark.

A layout of the Plan to take back America

A layout of the Plan to take back America
Military Coup of America
Drake interviewed by David Wilcock
Dec 20 2017


The Extrarerrestrial Takeover will Begin in 1918

The Extraterrestrial Takeover will Begin in 1918
Paul Hellyer
Canadian Former Minister of Defense


This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Gun grabbers at it again!

Thanks to the Florida school shooting the left wingnuts are trying to take your guns! I say in reflection of Switzerland that Everyone should have guns. Lots of them too! Crime would go to zero if that happened. Criminals ignore laws. Criminals cannot ignore guns in their victims hands. Lock and load my fellow Americans!

We need not worry about the 2nd Amendment as that is strictly between the states and the feds. Has nothing to do with you and I. Our state's Constitutions list our gun rights and therein we enforce those rights. For example Michigan Constitution Article 1 section 6 clearly states "Everyone has the right to arms for the protection of themselves and the state." There is no entry in that Article that forbids felons or criminals from possessing guns. There is nothing stated upon approval of any agency including ATF for permission to possess. Everyone is defines as all people. Everyone possesses and carries within the state there would be zero crime as no half sane criminal would dare violate anyone's rights.

Testimony of a CIA whistleblower

Sunday with Charles
Lord of the Crime Ring

Stunning testimony of a CIA whistle blower stranded in New Zealand - His desire to expose a deep state banks financial crimes has led to his virtual exile far from his family for the past 18 years

Justice With Judge Jeanine 02_15_18 Breaking News

BOMBSHELL: FBI Informant In Uranium One Scandal Testifies Against Obama. Here's What He Said.

"I was frustrated watching the U.S. government make numerous decisions benefiting Rosatom and Tenex while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct on U.S. soil."

The FBI’s informant in the Uranium One scandal involving the Obama administration gave written testimony to three congressional committees this week in which he accused the Obama administration of making decisions that directly benefited the Russian government and their goals of gaining geopolitical advantages over the United States.
The informant, Douglas Campbell, told congressional investigators on Wednesday that Moscow sent millions of dollars to the U.S. with the expectation that it would benefit the Clintons, while Hillary Clinton "quarterbacked a 'reset' in US-Russian relations" in her role as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, The Hill reported.
Key facts:
  • Campbell participated in closed-door interviews with the Senate Judiciary, House Intelligence and House Oversight and Government Reform committees.
  • Campbell said that Russian nuclear officials told him that Moscow hired an American lobbying firm, APCO Worldwide, because it was in a unique position to influence the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton in particular.
  • Democrats are aggressively trying to discredit him but are having little success as "the FBI found Campbell’s undercover work valuable enough to reward him with a $50,000 check in 2016."
  • Campbell says that the FBI told him that his work was "briefed to President Obama as part of his daily presidential briefing," which would mean that Obama was aware of the crimes committed by the Russian officials.
  • The FBI forced him to pay $500,000 of his own money to Russian officials as bribes to facilitate his cover, and the bureau never reimbursed him despite their praise of his work and the fact that the ordeal was so stressful that he developed serious, life-threatening illnesses.
  • Initially, reports indicated that Campbell was threatened by the Obama administration in an attempt to silence him before the 2016 election as they did not want this case hurting Hillary Clinton after then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch's Justice Department learned that he filed a lawsuit in a Maryland federal court. It was not immediately clear what the lawsuit was about, however Sara Carter reports: "Campbell filed a lawsuit in Maryland federal court against the Russian nuclear entities asking for the return of the money he had to launder out of his own paychecks."
  • "Russian and American executives implicated in the Tenex bribery scheme specifically asked him to try to help get the Uranium One deal approved by the Obama administration," The Hill noted.
  • He provided documentation of the corruption and crimes taking place to help Russia to the Obama administration months before they made a series of decisions that directly benefited Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.
  • He provided documentation to the Obama administration that showed that the Russian government was actively involved in trying to help Iran develop their nuclear capabilities years before the Obama administration implemented the now-infamous Iran deal.
  • He said that he was told by the FBI that the politics of the Obama administration overruled justice from taking place against the criminal activity that was happening.