Saturday, March 24, 2018

Your thoughts are not your own - Artificial Intelligence

“Human beings, viewed as behaving systems, are quite simple. The apparent complexity of our behavior over time is largely a reflection of the complexity of the environment in which we find ourselves.”

 Herbert A. Simon Ph.D. (1916-2001): American cognitive and computer science academic who received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978 and the Turing Award in 1975.

Special Report 

Throughout history “hidden giants”, virtually unknown to the world at large, have stood astride our planet directing the course of humanity—with one such modern example being the Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda Edward Bernays, referred to in his obituary as “the father of public relations”, who, in 1928, published his seminal work titled “Propaganda” in which he argued that public relations is not a gimmick but a necessity—and whose findings, research and applied practices created the very world you live you today.

With a world containing “hidden giants” like Edward Bernays, I would like nothing more than to tell everyone of you that complete “free will” exists and that “your thoughts are your own”, but I’d be lying if did because the stark truth is that human behavior is 93% predictable and when something is predictable, it’s also able to be manipulated.

If you have a “normal mind” you will, of course, and predictably rebel instantly to anyone telling you that “your thoughts are not your own” and that complete “free will” doesn’t exist, but what is really occurring isn’t a rebellion of what I’m saying, it’s due to your experiencing “cognitive dissonance”,  the psychological stress experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas or values.

As an example, if “your thoughts are really your own” and complete “free will” exists, then how can you explain to yourself the 2010 peer reviewed scientific findings of a group of leading Northeastern University scientists, led by distinguished Professor of Physics Albert-László Barabási, concluding that despite the common perception that our actions are random and unpredictable, human mobility follows surprisingly regular patterns  that human behavior is 93% predictable?  After all, to accept one and reject the other isn’t possible for a “normal mind” to do as science can’t simply be rejected because one doesn’t like what it finds.

Building on these 2010 findings that human behavior is 93% predictable, five years later, in 2015, a presentation was made at the IEEE Data Science and Advanced Analytics Conference in Paris by MIT researchers titled “Deep Feature Synthesis: Towards Automating Data Science Endeavors” whose findings showed that an algorithm can predict someone’s behavior faster and more reliably than humans can.

Though the vast majority of you reading my words today have no knowledge of how far advanced the field of study into human behavior has become, the same cannot be said of world governments — most particularly in the United States where the CIA has created a new “social media” paradigm as a tool that they’ve deployed through their global surveillance, rebranded as “social media”, technology giant Facebook, and its equally all powerful military-intelligence counterpart Google

To why the CIA and other such intelligence agencies around the world is so interested in human behavior is due to their seeking to create compliant, obedient to authority non-thinking consumer drones and one of whose first known experiments to accomplish this was done in 2012 when Facebook conducted its infamous secret “mood experiment” wherein their data scientists skewed what almost 700,000 Facebook users saw when they logged into its service.  

Some people were shown content with a preponderance of happy and positive words; some were shown content analyzed as sadder than average, and when this “mood experiment” was over, these manipulated users were found to be more likely to post either especially positive or negative words themselves.

In 2017, the success of this “mood experiment” led to Facebook to secretly inform its advertisers that it had the capacity to identify when teenagers feel “insecure”, “worthless” and “needed a confidence boost  while, at the same time, these “social media” human behavior manipulators ignored the findings showing that more millennials reported losing money to scams in 2017 than senior citizens.

To what has happened in the past and is happening now as it regards “social media” human behavior manipulation pales in insignificance to what is being created now—an “artificial intelligence” (AI) controlled society that will forever alter what it means to be human. 

The outright fear and abject terror of what is occurring to create this new AI controlled society has led to two of today’s “hidden giants” you’ve never heard of to begin sounding dire warnings  and who are the global technology genius-giants Chamath Palihapitiya and François Chollet.

As the former Executive Vice President for user growth at Facebook, Chamath Palihapitiya has warned that Facebook and Google are “surveillance states” not “social networks—with Facebook now being engaged in “ripping human society apart” with their mind chemical altering tools that “destroy the social fabric of how society works”.

Echoing the terror of Facebook’s former top executive Chamath Palihapitiya is the global technology genius “hidden giant” and one of Google’s top AI researchers in the world, François Chollet, who this past week acknowledged his fear of what comes next and pleaded with AI researchers to “show some conscience” and refrain from helping Facebook develop its human manipulation system any further and whose words of warning should be seared into everyone’s mind:  

The world is being shaped in large part by two long-time trends: first, our lives are increasingly dematerialized, consisting of consuming and generating information online, both at work and at home. Second, AI is getting ever smarter.

These two trends overlap at the level of the algorithms that shape our digital content consumption. Opaque social media algorithms get to decide, to an ever-increasing extent, which articles we read, who we keep in touch with, whose opinions we read, whose feedback we get.

Integrated over many years of exposure, the algorithmic curation of the information we consume gives the systems in charge considerable power over our lives, over who we become.  By moving our lives to the digital realm, we become vulnerable to that which rules it -- AI algorithms.

If Facebook gets to decide over the span of many years which news you will see (real or fake), whose political status updates you’ll see, and who will see yours, then Facebook is in effect in control of your political beliefs and your worldview.

This is not quite news, as Facebook has been known to run since at least 2013 a series of experiments in which they were able to successfully control the moods and decisions of unwitting users by tuning their news feeds’ contents, as well as prediction user's future decisions.

In short, Facebook can simultaneously measure every thing about us, and control the information we consume.  When you have access to both perception and action, you’re looking at an AI problem. You can start establishing an optimization loop for human behavior - a RL loop.

A loop in which you observe the current state of your targets and keep tuning what information you feed them, until you start observing the opinions and behaviors you wanted to see.

A good chunk of the field of AI research (especially the bits that Facebook has been investing in) is about developing algorithms to solve such optimization problems as efficiently as possible, to close the loop and achieve full control of the phenomenon at hand. In this case, us.

This is made all the easier by the fact that the human mind is highly vulnerable to simple patterns of social manipulation.  While thinking about these issues, I have compiled a short list of psychological attack patterns that would be devastatingly effective.

Some of them have been used for a long time in advertising (e.g. positive/negative social reinforcement), but in a very weak, un-targeted form.  From an information security perspective, you would call these “vulnerabilities”: known exploits that can be used to take over a system.

In the case of the human mind, these vulnerabilities never get patched; they are just the way we work. They’re in our DNA. They're our psychology.  On a personal level, we have no practical way to defend ourselves against them.

The human mind is a static, vulnerable system that will come increasingly under attack from ever-smarter AI algorithms that will simultaneously have a complete view of everything we do and believe, and complete control of the information we consume.

Importantly, mass population control -- in particular political control -- arising from placing AI algorithms in charge of our information diet does not necessarily require very advanced AI. You don’t need self-aware, super intelligent AI for this to be a dire threat.

So, if mass population control is already possible today -- in theory -- why hasn’t the world ended yet?  In short, I think it’s because we’re really bad at AI. But that may be about to change.  You see, our technical capabilities are the bottleneck here.

Until 2015, all ad targeting algorithms across the industry were running on mere logistic regression.  In fact, that’s still true to a large extent today -- only the biggest players have switched to more advanced models.

It is the reason why so many of the ads you see online seem desperately irrelevant.  They aren't that sophisticated.  Likewise, the social media bots used by hostile state actors to sway public opinion have little to no AI in them.  They’re all extremely primitive.  For now.

AI has been making fast progress in recent years and that progress is only beginning to get deployed in targeting algorithms and social media bots.  Deep learning has only started to make its way into news feeds and ad networks around 2016.  Facebook has invested massively in it.

Who knows what will be next.  It is quite striking that Facebook has been investing enormous amounts in AI research and development, with the explicit goal of becoming a leader in the field.  What does that tell you?  What do you use AI/RL for when your product is a news feed?

We’re looking at a powerful entity that builds fine-grained psychological profiles of over two billion humans, that runs large-scale behavior manipulation experiments, and that aims at developing the best AI technology the world has ever seen. Personally, it really scares me.

If you work in AI, please don't help them. Don't play their game. Don't participate in their research ecosystem. Please show some conscience.

Though Google’s top AI researcher François Chollet’s dire warning must be heeded, it still must be remembered that his global technology giant is the world’s biggest censor that maintains at least nine different blacklists that impact our lives—and who, over these past few weeks, has joined with Facebook to purge thousands of alternative news websites from existence—with Facebook going even further by destroying mainstream media news websites, too.

With thousands of news websites being destroyed to such an extent that mainstream news outlets are undergoing massive layoffs, free news” is fast becoming extinct as struggling US news organizations are increasingly keeping their content behind a paywall to make up for lost revenues from print advertising—and whose “news void” for the masses will then be filled by the world’s biggest censor Google who just announced it’s spending $300 million in a new initiative to support “high quality journalism”, “monitor elections” and “control misinformation.

To those of you choosing to ignore these “hidden giant” warnings of a deliberately controlled plot to “rip human society apart”, thus leaving global technology giants like Facebook and Google to control your every thought and action, I can only warn you that you are willingly participating in humanities doom. 
For all others, though, I’d like to present you with an alternative—START supporting those few of us left battling against these monsters!

Remember, that as long a single candle of truth remains burning in world quickly turning to darkness, HOPE and FREEDOM still have a fighting chance. 

As long as there have been human beings on this Earth, these demonic monsters have always sought to destroy us, but though our numbers may be few, we remain undefeated because we KNOW that TRUTH always wins and is why we aren’t ruled by evil kings and emperors any more, or Hitler’s Nazi’s and Stalin’s Communists aren’t controlling the world like they wanted to or any of the other numerous manifestations of demons that for centuries have tried to enslave the entirety of humanity. 

Granted, our Lord did warn us that in these times our numbers would be few—but didn’t He also promise that we would be enough?

So in finishing, my sincerest hope right now is that YOU support those of us on and behind the lines of this war that with each passing day is nearing closer to your door, and that we’re ceaselessly laboring beyond exhaustion to keep it out—with your never forgetting our Lord’s words “For many are called, but few are chosen.”—and which I know that you are one of, even it you don’t know this fact for yourself.

Chemtrail Cowboy

Friday, March 23, 2018

Why Trump Signed the Budget

By Anna Von Reitz

The only Office that President Trump now has that is fully empowered, is the same Office that Abraham Lincoln held: Commander in Chief.  And like Lincoln, he is presiding over a bankrupt government entity in receivership to foreign banks, which are actually Secondary Creditors that shouldn't be naming the Bankruptcy Trustees.

That's the facts, Ma'am.  

If Trump hadn't signed the smoking pile of Pork Barrel perks and placed the Territorial United States more than another trillion in debt, the military wouldn't have been funded and there is no telling how long it would have taken for the members of this Nasty Congress to gather the votes to either override his veto or support a new budget offer.  

Fancy a month or two with no military?  And leave Trump with no power at all to control the situation inside or outside of the District of Columbia?  

Congress doesn't care.  They are sitting on their little island, ten miles square, impregnable--- at least so they think.  Most of them are either outright traitors to the American cause or so stupid they couldn't light a candle in the dark to save themselves.  

It's a game of Chicken, and the President blinked--- but it isn't lack of courage or resolve that made him blink.  It's the fact that he needs the military and he needs his military Office to clean up the Mess, so in this case, it's a matter of losing to win and denying the Congress the ability to leave America open to invasion by UN mercs and others just itching for an excuse.  

You want to know the essence of the problem?  

It's the same problem we have had since 1860: the Territorial Congress.  Both political parties. And the mistaken loyalty of the military which has protected these treasonous bastards under the mistaken belief that they "represent" the legitimate National Government when they don't.  

Stupid conservatives have been slinging dirt at Trump all day for signing the Omnibus.  Smart conservatives have been silently thanking God for Trump, instead. He knew when to bite it and why to bite it and how to bite it.  As a result, you are all safe --- and he and the military have a fighting chance to deal with the bankruptcies, the gross corruption, and the restoration of the government you are all owed. 

Ever had to take a step backward and pivot, in order to take two leaps forward? Well, you've seen him sign the Porkulous Bill, and you've seen him appoint Bolton.  Now watch for the two leaps forward.  


See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

The Original Jurisdiction Bonified DeJure Republic is restored as of Thursday night! The National Assembly of We THE People!

As of March 22nd 2018 9pm to 10pm Thursday night 21 states had representation present in the first DeJure national quorum since 1861 with a roll call and minutes of the meeting recorded. The next meeting is scheduled for next Thursday evening March 29th 2018 at 9pm to 10pm eastern time. We no longer just have a national assembly training call. After 2 years of work We THE People have organized into a lawful assembly as per Article 1 of the Bill of Rights! At the point we have 30 states present for roll call we will be able to move forward. 

New website being developed for the national assembly and soon to be made public. 

For now please visit for resources and information. 

~Billy Rights

smart meters etc.....

smart meters etc.....

These meters that you never asked for are slowly killing you.....
Worse than you think…..

Lock your power box to prevent smart meter instillation

How to remove your smart meter Legally

Trouble shoot your wi-fi

~Ken T

Police Raid Multiple Catholic Church Properties in Sweeping Child Sex Abuse Scandal

After a priest was arrested last month on allegations of child sexual assault, police have raided multiple Catholic church properties as they investigate the flood of accusations against multiple clergymen.


Saginaw County, MI — On Thursday, the residents of Saginaw County looked on as dozens of police officers raided two Catholic Diocese of Saginaw properties and the home of Bishop Joseph Cistone. The raids were carried out as part of an ongoing investigation into apparently rife sexual abuse in the church—and their history of covering it up.

According to Saginaw County Assistant Prosecutor Mark Gaertner, the police raids were necessary because the church was refusing to cooperate with the ongoing investigation into a torrent of sexual abuse allegations.

“Contrary to the statements of the diocese and the bishop that they would fully cooperate with law enforcement, they did not,” Gaertner said. “Therefore it was necessary for law enforcement to use other investigative tools, including search warrants.”

As MLive reports, Gaertner said search warrants were executed at the bishop’s home on Corral Drive in Saginaw Township, the rectory at Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, 615 Hoyt in Saginaw, and the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw offices in Saginaw Township.

The scandal seems to be exploding the face of the church after one of their priests was arrested last month. Rev. Robert DeLand has been criminally charged after he was accused of sexually assaulting a 21-year-old and a child—both males—and both in his Saginaw Township residence paid for by the church.

DeLand’s arrest sparked a myriad of complaints alleging further sex abuse against adults and children alike, involving other members of the clergy. The complaints date as far back as the 1980’s which have flooded police departments, according to investigators.

Highlighting the breadth of the abuse, another priest was just suspended by the diocese after a minor came forward with allegations that he abused him. The diocese priest, Rev. Ronald J. Dombrowski, however, has yet to be charged.

According to MLive, six years ago, Cistone was accused of misleading a grand jury by not acknowledging that he witnessed the shredding of documents that contained the names of priests suspected of child molestation in 1994 while he was serving as a church official in the Philadelphia area. He never faced any criminal charges in that case.

The shredding of documents and failure of the clergy to cooperate with authorities—essentially protecting child rapists—should come as no surprise given the sordid history of sexual abuse in the Catholic church.

As TFTP reported last year, the “Pope explained that the Vatican has a 2,000-case backlog in processing clerical sex abuse cases and says criticism of the slow pace was justified. But he says more staff are being added and insists the Vatican is ‘on the right path.’”

For victims of the alleged abuse, “on the right path” probably translates into, “we’re doing nothing about it.” For the Catholic Church, arguably the largest religious organization on the planet, to know about 2,000 cases of alleged pedophilia in its ranks, and to be doing nothing about it, may be as egregious as the heinous acts themselves.

The renewed pressure on the Catholic Church, and specifically the Vatican, stems from the resignation of Marie Collins, a sex abuse survivor who resigned in March from Pope Francis’ sex abuse advisory commission.

Collins said she quit because her commission, formulated to root out pedophile priests was being met with, in her words, “unacceptable” levels of resistance from the Vatican. In other words, they were ignoring the recommendations set forth by the investigative and reform group.

Now, it appears that this constant pressure is turning into results as police are actually investigating and making arrests in Michigan—in spite of resistance from the church.

What’s more, as TFTP reported last year, after the #meToo movement brought so much attention to the Hollywood sexual abuse epidemic, #ChurchToo renewed the much-needed scrutiny into the allegations of sexual abuse happening in multiple religions.

As Twitter user Elizabeth Halford noted, after the hashtag “MeToo” went viral, several of the nearly 2 million users from around 85 countries who shared their stories, were sharing account of sexual abuse that occurred at the hands of religious leaders.

“Following the #ChurchToo hash with interest. Many #MeToo stories at the hands of the church,” Halford wrote. “And me? I was made to sign a purity contract at age 11. And witnessed a man confess from the pulpit having sex w/a child. Praised for his bravery. No further action.”

Hopefully, as the awareness campaign continues, the abusive clergy who remain protected by the church will be rooted out and brought to justice.
Article posted with permission from The Free Thought Project

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We have added the following Bitcoin address to so you can support her work and that of the Living Law Firm directly.

Look toward the bottom of the website for  this announcement.

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Big Picture

By Anna Von Reitz

The British-backed 1860's to 1930's and French-backed 1946 onward "Territorial United States" is now and has always been foreign with respect to us. Foreign. FOREIGN! Stop and look hard at that word: they are foreign with respect to us!
I can't repeat this loud enough or long enough or in enough ways to get that through people's heads and get them to separate their lawful government from the foreign governments that administer the "delegated services" for us.
We are not naturally subject to any of the Executive Orders and other Territorial laws that apply to their citizens, in the same way that we are not subject to Canadian law or Spanish law, yet their domestic Territorial laws are being misapplied to us because we are not asserting our actual political status and because they have painstakingly falsified the public records pertaining to each one of us to make it appear that we are Territorial and/or Municipal United States employees or dependents.
Can J.C. PENNY require its employees to wear a uniform? Of course. Can they require you to wear a uniform? Of course not. Can the Territorial United States enact gun laws and confiscate guns belonging to their citizens? Yes, certainly. Can they confiscate your guns, if you are a private United States National? Never.
You have to figure out who you are and in what political status you are acting and then you have to make that clear to everyone else by recording it and bringing it forward whenever anyone bothers you.
Imagine that a J.C. PENNY employee who thinks that everyone is a J.C. PENNY employee accosts you on the street and demands to know why you aren't wearing a J.C. PENNY uniform?
You have to reply that you are not a J.C. PENNY employee or dependent, and therefore are not obligated to wear a uniform, right? And if you are "required" to produce a J.C. PENNY ID? It had better have a label on it saying, "retired", hadn't it? So that nobody can plausibly say that you were obligated to wear a J.C. PENNY uniform and didn't.
It's the same basic thing.
They have falsified the public register to make it look like everyone in this country is either a corporate employee or dependent---either a municipal employee/dependent or a territorial employee/dependent, and either way, all obligated to serve a corporation and obey corporate rules, aka, "statutory laws". Then they have trademarked and patented your Given Name and copyrighted it as property belonging to their corporations.
That's the Mess. That's the situation they have constructed as a means to control and leach off of their employers --- us.
The Territorial United States Government and Municipal United States Government are BOTH foreign with respect to us.
We are owed republican states and international land jurisdiction States under our own control, but to enrich themselves, these foreign "governmental services corporations" --- akin to Target or any other foreign corporation on our soil --- created a complex identity theft scheme based on similar names deceits and fraudulent commercial and political status claims.
The Territorial United States has always allowed Dual Citizenship, but our states never have.
So they just told a big, fat, self-interested Whopper about all of us, to the effect that we all voluntarily left behind the land jurisdiction we are heir to, and joined up with their merchant marine service and adopted Dual Citizenship. That was their Big Lie in the 1860s and 1870's.
Later on, 1946 onward, they told an even Bigger Lie -- that our Dual Citizenship was not between our birth states and the Territorial United States, but between the Territorial United States (as if we were born in Puerto Rico or in the Army) and the Municipal United States (as if we were a US corporation or born in Washington, DC).
They have been actively trying to kidnap us into their foreign jurisdiction and leave us "stateless"---- which allows them to claim our land and our assets as "abandoned property".
We finally woke up to this fraud scheme and its attendant crimes and have objected and developed means to put an end to it, first by correcting the falsified public records and recording our own copyright and claim to our Given Name and its derivative NAMES and placing them in their natural permanent domicile on the land and soil of ____________ (Idaho, Alaska, etc. )
And then by restoring our lawful land jurisdiction States and the government we are owed.
This action rebuts their presumptions that we are okay with their version of Dual Citizenship being foisted off on American babies.
And it sets the stage for all of us to restore our own lawful land jurisdiction government and kick their tails back into the box required by the international treaties and commercial service contracts that they are supposed to be obeying.
Now, please, at least those of you who are getting my messages-- stop jerking and jumping every time President Trump signs an EO. Stop thinking that those EO's apply to you. Stop obsessing and reacting every time the Territorial Congress tries to enact gun control legislation for their "citizens"---- what does it matter to you, once you get your own political status records and asset claims straight? It doesn't apply to you and nobody can say it does, as long as you have recorded your paperwork in advance.
Just like Dairy Queen can't force you to wear a Dairy Queen uniform if you aren't their employee, these jokers can't apply their "laws" and debts to you, if you aren't a territorial or municipal "citizen".
For now, just scrub that word "citizen" out of your vocabulary.
If you are an American national, you can't be a "sovereign citizen" or a "private citizen" or any kind of "citizen" related to THEIR scheme of things at all. Both these pieces of verbiage---"sovereign citizen" and "private citizen" are oxymorons. You can't be a citizen and act in private capacity. You can't be a sovereign and a citizen, either. Just drop the word "citizen" --- period, and object if anyone calls you a citizen until further notice.
Once you have re-conveyed your Trade Name and all derivative NAMES to the jurisdiction of the land and soil, the switch is flipped in your favor. Not until. And as I keep telling people, the change in your political status is NOT RETROACTIVE.
Pretend that you are in the Army. Prior to your discharge date, you have to obey every jot of protocol and manual. You have to wear a uniform, shine your shoes, etc., etc., etc., Once you are discharged, all that goes away. It is the same with this situation, only you hold the key to discharging yourself from the "service" of the government corporations.

My advice? Do so now, and don't look back.


See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:


By Anna Von Reitz

A lot of people are getting confused by reading old articles and trying to follow along. For example, I originally suggested sending Authenticated Birth Certificates to the Secretary of the Treasury because we were trying to help expedite processing ahead of a looming deadline. Well, the deadline is past, and there is no reason to provide Authenticated Birth Certificates to Mnuchin anymore. Just send regular old BC's and let the Treasury officials work out the rest.
Keep your Authenticated Birth Certificates for your own records.
These unambiguously establish your Priority Creditor status for the courts or anyone else who cares to ask. Remember that Mnuchin has no money to dispense and that at best he can get your property transferred out of THEIR bankruptcies, which is the real point of the exercise.
Also, the process I described referring to "Twelve Steps" is actually a process of rebutting unstated legal presumptions that kick in when YOU are actually already involved in court cases and have nothing to do with correcting your political status per se. They were being talked about because so many people were already deep in the Kim Chee and searching for means to deal with these courts. We have since developed very efficient means to avoid these presumptions and entanglements in THEIR court system altogether, so please ignore the old article about Twelve Steps and follow along. Knowing the information in that article is a good thing, but mistaking it as a general means of correcting political status is not.
The importance of recording your actual political status is to safe-guard yourself from false charges and entanglements in THEIR courts, to protect your property and identity, and to allow you to restore the lawful government you are owed. Irishmen can't run the Spanish government, and neither can "US Citizens" run ours. We have to get our political status straight before we take up the issue of restoring first the Counties, then the States, then the National Government we are owed.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Making Sense of the World - Update March 23, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

 The central point to keep in mind is that the Powers That Were are scrambling like roaches hit with a bright light because after six generations, we are waking up and realizing what was done to us --- and who did it.

The Queen and her brood going back to 1822 and the former Popes ---Benedict XVI and Francis excluded because they accepted responsibility and corrected the operations they inherited--- are the primary Bad Actors.  

Things went South in Britain in the 1860's after Prince Albert died and Benjamin Disraeli convinced Queen Victoria to finance the Raj in India by selling out her own people at home.  From there, the same evil "System" of corporate enfranchisement was used throughout the Commonwealth and eventually throughout the world. 

National Governments were eaten away from within by this silent maggot-like fraud scheme, until only the shells were left and only "the appearance" of justice.  The so-called "military industrial complex" had found a new backdoor into our wallets and the flowering of a new brand of commercial feudalism was the result-- a form of feudalism ten times worse than the serfdom of the Middle Ages. 

Now the promoters of this System are caught, red-handed, their criminality and fraud exposed for all the world to see and we are witnessing exactly what you would expect: 

(1) Stalling tactics and faint denials as they attempt to come to terms with the evil that many -- even in government -- were unaware of or studiously trying to ignore; 
(2) Attempts to batten down the hatches and secure their own safety and the safety of their ill-gotten accounts and treasuries; 
(3) Spawning of all sorts of groups and individuals to "explain away" the circumstances and off-load evidence of guilt to Third Parties (Global Debt Facility, Kingdom of Manna, Earnest Rautschild, Wolfgang Struck, Chinese Elders, etc.,) 
(4) Spawning of Counter-Control groups and programs that seek to put a new face on the old system (OPPT, TDA, etc.) or which seek to minimize and control the amount owed back to the people ("Freedom Checks", etc., which are really measly reparations payments). 
(5) Frantic Clean Up efforts to try to destroy evidence. (Serco is right now at the US Patent Office desperately trying to sponge the records of what they and their masters have done here, but it is too late.)

The overall result is a vast panorama of lies and excuses and confusion.  And just as it says in the Bible concerning the latter days, people are running here and there seeking saviors and believing first one lie and then another and the "wars" and rumors of war and the natural disasters are all piling on hot and heavy. 

God isn't creating or mandating this Mess.  He just saw it from afar. 

It's the logical result of corrupt leaders trying to cover their tracks and come up with something to replace Commercial Feudalism --- or, what they have spent most of their effort doing so far --- find a way to repackage and re-brand it as something else, and still shove it down our throats. 

So don't take any wooden nickels, get lost in any distractions, follow any Pied Pipers or forget what I have told you.  (1) If you don't want to be mistaken as being "at war" -- don't fly the war flag.  Fly the civil flag and post the black and white private property signs. (2) Practice saying, "I am not a citizen.  I am a national of this country, standing on its land jurisdiction." (3) Remember that none of us are interested in "liberty"--- we are intent on securing  "freedom".  (4) We don't live in any "democracy"-- we live in fifty republican states.  (5) There has never been "a" Republic per se, only an unincorporated Union of fifty republican states, known as The United States of America.  

Remember that there is a logic to everything and that everyone and everything on this Earth grows in an organic way, starting off as a small, seed-like effort or idea, and building gradually into whatever it is going to be.  We have the advantage now of being able to restore our lawful government using the tools and history of what we already built---and which these rats have been intent on tearing down--so we don't have to start from scratch.  

For all those just waking up and wondering what to do and how to connect to or restore your lawful land jurisdiction government --first, you have to clean your own house and re-establish your own correct political status.  Here are the steps:

1. Return your lawful Trade Name in the form "John Michael Doe" to the land and soil of your birth state.  Do this by recording (not registering) your "Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Deed of Re-Conveyance" laying claim to your Given Name and all derivative NAMES declaring their permanent domicile as the "land and soil" of ____________ (California, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc.).  If your own county recording office won't accept this, find another county that will. 
2. Then, as an extension to the Deed, record your Act of Expatriation from any presumed Territorial or Municipal Citizenship.
3. Then as another extension to the Deed claim up each Name/NAME via a Common Law Copyright and Habeas Corpus declaration using the Certificate of Assumed Name. 
4. Then as another extension to the Deed claim up your physical body and biological identity using a Paramount Claim of your DNA and all derivative emanations from the moment of conception. 
5. Then  as a final extension to the Deed record your Mandatory Notice as a Foreign Sovereign.  

Examples of these documents have been posted on my website:  and The Living Law Firm hopes to have a free packet of instructions and fill-able forms available very soon. 

Okay, so, you have your Names/NAMES back on the land and their political status properly identified and it is time to rejoin the other Americans who aren't [Territorial or Municipal] United States Citizens or citizens of the United States in operating your lawful government.  This requires launching your own local county jural assembly and after that, your State Jural Assembly.  

For help doing this, contact the Michigan General Jural Assembly, which has been up and operating since the 1980's.  They have developed materials and assistance sources to help everyone else get properly organized. They can be contacted via email at: and host both a National Conference Call every Thursday night at 9 P.M. EST ( 1-712-770-4160, Access Code 226823#) and a National Hotline service (1-989-450-5522) from 2-7 P.M., Monday through Thursday. 

This isn't anything controversial or scary or improper and nobody can interfere with your efforts so long as your own political status is properly declared. 

So get your horse in front of your cart, folks, join the discussion and get your local county organized.  We need a majority of the States set up and functioning by November 1, 2018.  

Meantime, as Red Green says, keep your sticks on the ice and stay alert. 

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Thursday, March 22, 2018

I Spray My Chemtrails At Night!

3.21 - QAnon on Comedy Central/Austin Bomber Identified/SENIOR EXECUTIVE...

White Hats Report#63 – #ARRESTtheFED

The Storm is here.
The releases coming over the next few weeks will expose the details of the methods by which the cabal rules the world through the control of money by showing you trading contracts with proceeds as high as $3 Trillion and $25,000 Trillion. Enough to fund every TRUE humanitarian project on Earth in addition to advanced technology, free energy, the exploration of our universe, housing, hydroelectric projects for undeveloped countries, turning deserts green and other infrastructure projects all over the world. Instead, the money is used to subvert the production of the people to a select few bloodline families. This is how these people control Planet Earth.

Signatories to the trading contracts:
Federal Reserve:
Alan Greenspan
Ben Bernanke
Roger Ferguson
Janet Yellen
Timothy Geithner
US Government:
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Jack Lew
Paul O’Neill
Neil Wolin
Trading Programs

Trading programs were created as a way to raise funds for projects that relate to humanitarian endeavors, ie. Creating, maintaining and rebuilding infrastructure, assistance with bringing undeveloped countries up to current technologies, rebuilding communities after natural disasters….are just a few of the applications.

But, as with anything to do with the financial world, the rat pack of bankster cabaliss have infested it at the highest levels to subvert the program for their own devious plans to control the world. History is replete with personalities whose aspirations to run the world are well known: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Adolph Hitler….are just a few who come to mind. Why is it such a stretch to believe that that same lust for power is not present today? Rather than be accomplished by might and power and strength and armies all out in the open, now it’s being done in secret by conning the people of the world utilizing a usury system of currency control akin to immoral grifters running a game of three card monty.

Trading programs are initiated, administered, operated and controlled by the Federal Reserve. Sound familiar? You should know what’s coming next.
Now that the information is out in the open about how the Federal Reserve and their bankster brethren are operating a massive con game on the public, we’re going to take you to a deeper level, never seen before and never revealed to the masses on the scale we’re about to unveil.

The elements of a trading program contract are very simple, an investor, an amount, a time period, collateral, earnings and payout schedule. The investor puts up the collateral (asset), the Federal Reserve administrates the profit generation mechanism (program trading, bank to bank) and the proceeds of the trading profits are split between the parties to the contract and the project fund. There are two parties to the contract, the investor and the Federal Reserve Bank (NY), a PRIVATE CORPORATION.

The scam is simple although the protocols and mechanisms of the process are sophisticated. Find an investor with vast sums of cash or gold or equivalent asset value, enter into a contractual agreement where their humanitarian objectives are accomplished, then when the proceeds are paid from the inter-bank trading platforms,  steal the proceeds and use it for a variety of means, all of which are crimes against humanity and serve to keep us all in chains.

Over the years, we’ve documented the thefts on Falcone, Tropos, Wanta and others, accomplished by bribes and payoffs in the millions of dollars. When you generate multiple trillions with each trading contract, what’s a few hundred million paid to the Clintons, Romney, Herzog, Guenette, Biden and others to keep their mouths shut? When you generate $25,000 Trillion ($25 Quad), you could pay every debt on the books, fund all governments for decades and of course, trigger a financial reset to enrich every person on the planet.

But no, that’s not how it’s done when you run the world. You coerce, bribe, blackmail, steal and deceive your way into controlling the planet by controlling the flow of money, creating a process by which you are the ones at the top of the pyramid. The majority of money generated from these programs is OFF BALANCE SHEET. This means it is NOT reported…..recall the old joke about “two sets of books.”


One World of Nations Presents:


Exposing the biggest Fed Quad Trillion Scam on Earth and putting the Spotlight on the Fed’s worst possible Nightmare. Remember how Madoff came down? Exposure and Closure!

Before we take you to the key and real case of trusting Yohannes Riyadi (YR), who has been deceived and betrayed for decades by the Washington and New York Zionist Cabal, each time he has tried from his heart to found Hospitals, Medical Centers, and make a real contribution to humanity and mankind, his US Treasury Check Fed account has been denied. Yet we had confirmed it as real.
His is the largest US FRB-NY (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and US Treasury / Agency scam on the planet and he is the innocent victim. As are many more. Such vast amounts have been plundered and wasted, so much as could regenerate the Global economies, and fund the long awaited nations currency RVs (Revaluations). The Travesty of Justice, that is the FRB-NY and HS (Homeland Security), has a lot to answer for. This truth can set America and the Elders free. Truth the world needs. It’s time now for a Free Democratic world. No more of their Banking Shylocks.

Now, at last following a trusted, highly reputable law office from a recognised sovereign nation is performing the Herculean task and endeavors to progress his long deserving case, China is coming on board via Beijing. Truth will be verified. His Ancestral case and history has been checked and also verified, as we also did, to determine that YR has a truthful and bona fide case. One of so many more unfortunate trusting US Hegemony victims. Like the other 4,500+ looted Elders accounts, all are victims. All trusted the US, and all paid. Ask the Native Americans about Hegemony?

The bad news for the US FRB (Federal Reserve Bank) is that China will soon become a partial Benefactor and they will be served with the biggest Chinese Redemption Marker you ever conceived. Those are Chinese Ancestral Assets they STOLE! Their secrets will not stay buried.

These assets, if correctly used, can rebuild America, Asia and Europe. Where have these vast funds been going to because None met the Elders Ethos. We need to free them up and Feed Need not Greed!

Payback time is coming. Why has Mr Riyadi never been been paid? Why keep renewing his contracts if not correct? Where have the vast profits gone? We could so much have helped America and the world. Mr Riyadi, from the heart, will assist nations and good causes once we unlock the claws of these Pariahs. What you will see will show you your Deep State. We need President Trump to Deep 6 the lot! Clean the Swamp! Let’s get America working again. Redeem Trust and Repay Mr Riyadi!

Read more at:

OWoN © All Rights Reserved – Permission is given to copy and distribute this report.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

RIGGED: Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Was on Payroll of Joe Biden, Rahm Emanuel; Previously Sued Trump & ‘The Apprentice’ Reality Show

Porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenetti it turns out, worked for Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel, two Obama pals.
Small world.

Especially when you’re trying to railroad and smear the President of the United States in return for cash and fame.

In fact Avenetti worked on the political campaigns of over 150 Democrats, including national campaigns; When he wasn’t busy suing Donald Trump and The Apprentice producer Mark Barnett for alleged intellectual property infractions.

Could Avenetti have an anti-Trump grudge? Do the math.
Per the lawyer’s biography:
“While in college and later in law school, Michael worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Rahm Emanuel (who later became White House Chief of Staff and is presently the Mayor of Chicago). During his time there, Michael worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns (i.e. Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate Campaign).”

There’s certainly a thin line between porn star and an ambulance-chasing lawyer.

Austin Bomb Suspect Mark Anthony Conditt Is Dead After Blowing Himself Up

Mark Anthony Conditt, 23, named as the Austin bomber.

ROUND ROCK, Texas—A man who police believe carried out a string of package bombings in Austin is dead, putting an end to a weekslong hunt to track down and stop the bomber who had the Texas capital and its residents on edge.
Law enforcement officials, who identified the suspect as 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt, said they traced the white male to a hotel in this Austin suburb, about 20 miles north of the city. In a confrontation with the police, the suspect detonated a device and died, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley said. Shots were fired during the encounter with police.
“We believe that this individual is responsible for all incidents that have taken place in Austin, starting on March 2nd and those that have occurred since then as well,” Chief Manley said, referring to the wave of bombings that have killed two people and wounded several more.
Officials said they hadn’t yet identified a motive, and they would be investigating whether any accomplices aided the suspect. Earlier reports said the suspect was 24 years old.

Bombings in Texas

Suspected bomber
dies in encounter
with police
10 miles
10 km
March 2
March 18
March 12
FedEx facility where
police believe Tuesday’s
packages were mailed
Unexploded bomb
found Tuesday
morning in package
a FedEx facility
Authorities cautioned area residents to remain vigilant in case the suspect was able to send or place any more explosives in the past day.
Fred Milanowski, the special agent in charge of Houston Field Division for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told The Wall Street Journal that investigators were able to identify the suspect in the Austin serial bomber case through basic police work.
“There were several small pieces that all came together,” he said Wednesday morning. “It was purchases. It was some video. It was witness statements that all came together.”
After the second bombing, on March 12, the ATF identified a “signature” in the explosive devices. “Forensically they were very similar,” Mr. Milanowski said. “Same explosive filler was used in all of them.” All of them featured nails and screws as shrapnel.
He added that all the devices that detonated appear to be the work of a single bomb maker. “We believe that the same person built each of these devices,” he said.
A home address most recently associated with Mr. Conditt, according to records, was located on a dead-end street in the historic downtown of Pflugerville, a small town on the outskirts of Austin that has been absorbed by the sprawling suburbs.
It is a street grid of older homes. Law enforcement officers—Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and ATF agents—have blocked off all access to the house where the suspect is believed to have lived. Roosters crowed on the edge of downtown as the sun rose.
A couple of blocks from the home, a stream of cars drove by – early morning commuters on their way to work. Business owners were opening their stores.
Anthony Williams, owner of the First the Blade Barber Shop, said he was surprised. Most of the people who live in the neighborhood, he said, are older residents who live here to be away from the bustle of nearby Austin. “I just wouldn’t figure it was anyone from out here,” he said, “But I guess he could come from anywhere.”
Police Chief Manley said authorities first identified the suspect as a person of interest about 24 hours to 36 hours ago. By late Tuesday night, he said authorities felt confident that the suspect was responsible for the bombings and tracked his vehicle to the parking lot of a hotel.
Austin Police Chief Brian Manley, center, said the bombing suspect was killed in an encounter with police. Austin Police Chief Brian Manley, center, said the bombing suspect was killed in an encounter with police. Photo: JULIA ROBINSON FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
While law enforcement took up positions around the hotel and waited for the arrival of tactical teams, the suspect drove away, Chief Manley said. Police followed the vehicle but it stopped in a ditch nearby.
As members of the Austin SWAT team approached, the suspect detonated a bomb inside his vehicle, knocking one of the officers back, and another officer fired at the suspect, he said. Chief Manley said the suspect died during the exchange with police and suffered significant injuries from the blast.
“I couldn’t believe yesterday—a bomb here, a bomb there,” said Mona Henson, a Round Rock resident who works as a server at the IHOP off the portion of I-35 shut down by authorities. “I’m glad it’s over.”
She questioned who the bomber might be and whether she might have met him at some point. “You wonder, did I wait on him? Did I see him? Do I know this person?” she said.
The string of bombings started in early March and picked up pace in recent days. On Tuesday, law enforcement found two more explosive devices at FedEx Corp. facilities in Austin and outside of San Antonio.
Chief Manley said witnesses and “video sources” had helped them zero in on the suspect during the course of the investigation.
“We became very interested in him over the last couple days,” he said.
The investigation drew hundreds of law enforcement from federal agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
The bombings began March 2, when a package explosion went off in northeast Austin, killing a 39-year-old man. A pair of package bombs detonated 10 days later in another neighborhood, leaving a 17-year-old dead and two other people wounded. On Sunday night, two men were seriously injured by an explosion in a wealthy enclave near the city limits.
Police initially speculated the attacks might be racially motivated, because the two deceased victims came from prominent African-American families, while one of the wounded people is Hispanic. But Sunday’s bombing was different, rigged with a tripwire, and police say the injured victims—two white men—appear to be random.
The area around hotel, where the suspect had parked his vehicle, buzzed with police activity early Wednesday as law enforcement pressed ahead with their investigation. Bleary eyed guests emerged from their rooms to find the area alit with flashing lights from police cars and other emergency vehicles. Word of what had happened quickly circulated among them.
The bomber was dead.

New Q Posts this morning with a linked video!

Uploaded parts of linked video in case of censorship

Part 1

Part 2