Saturday, April 14, 2018



Bob Livingston
April 9 2018

Fascism operates the corporate state under the guise of democracy.

“The definition of fascism,” Benito Mussolini once stated, “is the marriage of corporation and state.” He also said, “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

The modern American state is fascist and not one bit less tyrannical than any form of modern or ancient totalitarianism. No, we don’t have the jack boots and the swastika. Our system is far advanced over that.

Our 2018 fascism is so advanced over Nazi Germany and fascist Italy of World War II that our system actually appears benevolent.

How could this happen? The answer is reverse semantics. Every writer and every commentator in America refers to the U.S. as a democracy of free enterprise capitalism with individual privacy and property rights. This is a big laugh to any sober person.

The American people believe that America is a democracy. The people believe that the United States is a representative democracy responsible to the people. In the public mind democracy equals human freedom. And once democracy separates the people from Christianity, then all supreme power lies with the state. 

All allegiance is to the state and all knees bow to Baal. They hear the word “democracy” all the time from the political class and the media class. The political 'elite' have imbedded the word “democracy” into the public psyche. It keeps the people imagining that they are free. 

Here again this brainwash is complete because everybody spouts it, and I mean everybody. This word is even an excuse for war as in Iraq and Syria. Hitler even called Nazi Germany a “great democracy.”

American “democracy” is a front for fascism as is any other country called democracy. The word 'democracy' is a key political word. Just see how many times you hear this word repeated each day.

A few years ago my wife and I took a trip to Mexico. We saw heavily armed guards in front of some businesses - for protection I presume. I am told that in Russia as well as many other countries heavily armed guards can be seen everywhere.

Why do we not see these armed guards in America? Does this suggest that our “democracy” has allowed us more freedom?

Not so, and I explain: We have said that so-called “democracy” is a code word to cover the American fascist state. I don’t know how many politicians understand this powerful word. I am sure that some, if not many, do understand, but few citizens do. Even very “intellectual” people don’t have a clue what they are doing when they use the word “democracy” to describe the U.S. system.

The word democracy is a very important word in psychological warfare of government against the people. Democracy as a concept of freedom has evolved over many decades. It is a code word to impress upon the people an imagination that they are free. It has worked unbelievably well! (To learn more about code words go to my articles Code words and More code words.)

If the people imagine that they are free, all sorts of crimes by the political system can be imposed, without protest, upon the people. It is an invisible armed guard. We don’t need armed guards because we are programmed with the word 'democracy'.

Mental democracy is a psychological weapon of the state that motivates the people to obey the system and to love the state. As George Orwell said in his book 1984, the people come to love Big Brother (the state). If we focus on this word 'democracy' as an organism, we can tie the visible to the invisible and thus reveal the subterfuge.

Democracy is an organism used to pacify the people. And what is an organism? An organism is a repetitive dogma that neutralizes the mind. Its purpose is to integrate the freedom concept of 'democracy' into the American psyche. It is not formal. It has no overt organization. It may function legally or illegally within the law or above the law. It is never identified as to its true name and purpose. It has no ethnic, social or legal connotation. It is powerful psychological warfare.

With this invisible organism, the American state has imposed all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto without protest and invisible to the American people who imagine that they are free.

Following are the 10 planks of communism.......
  1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Private property rights are almost nonexistent today. You don’t own your property if it can be confiscated for non-payment of tribute to the king, or if a government agency  like the Environmental Protection Agency can arbitrarily tell you what you can and can’t do with it.)
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (Accomplished via the American tax system. Enforced via the Gestapo-like Internal Revenue Service.)
  3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Accomplished via the estate tax.)
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Accomplished via rendition and drug laws allowing law enforcement to confiscate property if it is suspected of being used in the trade or manufacture of drugs — often without evidence.)
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. (Accomplished via the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and doesn’t hold “reserves.”)
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. (Accomplished via the Federal Communications Commission and the regulated airline industry, Amtrak, public transportation and the regulated auto industry. Further attempts being made to seize more power through control of the internet.)
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands and the improvement of the soil, generally in accordance with a common plan. (Accomplished through price controls on the utilities via their government-supported monopolies and subsidies for favored industries.)
  8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. (Industrial armies accomplished through regulations favoring/subsidizing unions.)
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. (In progress via Agenda 21, “sustainable development” communities, etc.)
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production. (Accomplished via the public indoctrination system called public education under the control of the Federal government.)
These planks are supported by both major political parties.

Mussolini also said of his fascism, “We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty,” and that is likewise the goal of the American fascist politician and federal bureaucrat. Liberty necessarily perishes under collectivism, egalitarianism and government altruism.

Don’t get caught up in facile arguments about socialism or fascism, left wing or right wing. 'Democracy' equals fascism equals socialism equals communism. They are all top-down totalitarian and anathema to life and liberty and property. 

Live stream Anna Von Reitz at Texas RT convention

What Obama Has Planned For US Neighborhoods

Woman HORRIFIED When She Overhears What Obama Has Planned For US Neighborhoods

Friday, April 13, 2018

Repost! Common Law Rebuttal from We THE People to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S public notice of the remarks on Syria

Common Law Rebuttal from We THE People to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S public notice of the remarks on Syria on September 10, 2013

Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria

Common Law Rebuttal of UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S public notice

To CEO Obama, the Crown, the Vatican, and the United Nations:

We THE People as the  de jure body politic established and according to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S own rules that a de jure assembly has superior lawfull standing to a de facto assembly, We THE People being of the de jure assembly do hereby formally rebut the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s public notice of intended attack on the sovereign nation of Syria and are noticing you the de facto United States government also known as the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and all of your agents that we do not accept you proposal nor are we going to enter into contract with you on this endeavor by being silent.

We THE People are telling you with a resounding NO this proposed action is not acceptable and it will not be carried out. Just a reminder to all of you who work in, for or with the UNITED STATES CORPORATION; none of you de facto actors, agents and contractors have immunity from prosecution as of Apostolic Letter by the Pope and the Declaration of Contempt of the Constitution for the United States of America is now lawfull legislation.

You have been noticed by We THE People of the United States of America.

Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent.

Comments to specific statements made by CEO Obama

To CEO Obama on your UNITED STATES Corporation's public notice to the people=Fictional Characters=14th Amendment in the De Facto=UNITED STATES Corporation’s charter=mission statement=unlawfull=Constitution of the United States of America for their Consent to act unlawfully:

To the reader, please note, CEO Obama portrays the UNITED STATES as a government where it is a corporation.  With this said, CEO Obama requires consent from another Sovereign Nation in order to attack a Sovereign Nation like Syria.  In his speech he referenced both United States and United States of America.  There is a significant difference between these two.  United States is the reference to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is located on the 6.8 square miles known as the District of Columbia.  United States is not a Sovereign nation.  It being a private corporation is mere paperwork.  Now, the United States of America is referring to the Sovereign Nation of We THE People on the land of America.

Remember, We THE People who are the Lawfull Civilian Authority over the U.S. Military as the interim Constitutional Republic form of government operating under the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment that prohibits persons who have accepted entitlements from foreign governments from holding public office is the true Sovereign Nation and lawfull form of government.

Thank you CEO Obama for recognizing the true De Jure Constitutional Republic form of Government.

Obama Statement: The question now is what the United States of America=reference to Union of States men and women=De Jure Constitutional Government asking CONSENT to their contract to move forward on attacking Syria and the international community, is prepared to do about it.

People's Response: We are not consenting to contract with you or give you our consent to move forward to attack Syria.  The international community is working with all parties to satisfy the issue at hand by lawfull international peacefull means. 

Obama Statement: And that is why, after careful deliberation, I determined that it is in the national security interests=profits of the United States=Corporation to respond to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons through a targeted military strike.

People's Response: You want to place another Central Bank in a country which does not have one; you want to loot the people of Syria of their precious antiquities and natural resources including

the natural gas pipeline; you want to place more debt on the backs of the middle class whom you state you want to eliminate; so there are two classes, YOURs and everyone else’s = poor.

Obama Statement: That's my judgment as Commander-in-Chief=CEO. But I’m also the President=CEO of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.

People's Response: We THE People understand your statement however you fail to tell the rest of the story: 1) You claim to support a constitutional democracy but fail to mention in your claim the point that the Congress who was seated setting up the Act of 1871 was illegally seated in that session; 2) The Constitution you speak about is not the organic Constitution for the United States of America circa 1789 but the Charter or Mission statement for the UNITED STATES Corporation that requires the full reading into your unlawfull congress every 20 years to renew your Charter. The Charter is the Corporate Mission statement entered into and introduced as the Virginia Plan and was word-crafted to emulate the Constitution; 3) Your democracy would be the sheep's clothing over the wolf in this matter since the CEO of UNITED STATES Corporation or if you want President of the Constitution of the United States is in reality a Dictatorship or commonly referred to as an Oligarchy; 4) Your false presentation of three branches of government is so funny since the purpose of your Legislative body is to be the Board of Directors; your Executive branch is the seat of the Dictator while the Department of Justice reports directly to the President=CEO and the Crown=the city of London which=the Rothschild banking cartel . So, Mr. Obama, this is not a democracy as you would have us believe but an Oligarchy. This Oligarchy is packaged in a private corporation charter for profit. These fraudulent acts of non-disclosure of all the facts and tricking minors into adhesion contracts such as the birth certificate, social security number and drivers licenses has ensnared most of the population of the land into “voluntary” slavery to your territory of Washington District of Columbia.

Obama Statement: First, many of you have asked, won’t this put us on a slippery slope to another war? One man wrote to me that we are “still recovering from our involvement in Iraq.” A veteran put it more bluntly: “This nation is sick and tired of war.”
My answer is simple: I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria. I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan. I will not pursue a prolonged air campaign like Libya or Kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective: deterring the use of chemical weapons, and degrading Assad’s capabilities.
People's Response: Mr. Obama, We THE People of the United States of America do not consent with your plan  to use drone warfare or any other type of warfare and we do not accept your contract.  Furthermore, your administration is known to We THE People of the United States of America and the International community at large to be the most prolific liars in the history of World.

Obama Statement: And our ally, Israel, can defend itself with overwhelming force, as well as the unshakeable support of the United States of America=Union States men and women.
People's Response: Once again CEO Obama, We THE People do not give our Consent to attack Syria or support Israel attacking Syria.

Obama Statement: My fellow Americans, for nearly seven decades, the United States = UNITED STATES Corporation has been the anchor of global security.

People's Response: CEO Obama, you tend not to tell the whole story. Did you forget that in the 1940‘s Bretton Woods Agreements Act and the Pan American Treaty, fraudulently and unlawfully turned the United States De Jure Department over to the United Nations to be used as the global peace keepers=war machine for the Vatican and the Crown. 

Obama Statement: Indeed, I’d ask every member of Congress = US Corporation Board of Directors, and those of you watching at home tonight, to view those videos of the attack, and then ask: What kind of world will we live in if the United States of America =asking the Union States men and women to give consent sees a dictator brazenly violate international law with poison gas, and we choose to look the other way?
People's Response: Where is your evidence CEO Obama of Mr. Assad’s knowledge and participation in this event? What Videos? Videos can be falsified, edited and/or complete fabrications. Why do you continue to promote false flag events?  An email from a U.S. Intelligence Officer got out on the internet that was sent to his wife showing his comments about the video. He indicated that these were actors and not one person was injured.  There is no evidence that Mr. Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. There are however, more indications that the chemical weapons were used by the rebel forces if any was used at all.
The Real United States of America will not consent to acts of aggression against another country based on such flimsy evidence and hearsay.

Interesting statement by you:
Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America…
People's Response: This is strange and is not congruent with the demonstrated character that has been in the public since you have been in office.

 - - - - End of Document - - - -

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Was STAGED

Former UK Ambassador to Syria: Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Was STAGED By Islamic Jihadi Propagandists, No One Actually Died

Profile picture for user George Washington

No TDA's

By Anna Von Reitz
I don't know how to make this more explicit --- I DO NOT recommend that average Americans sign up for Treasury Direct Accounts -- TDA's. 

The best information I have says that those accounts are intended for federal employees and federal dependents and are only for people seeking bankruptcy protection, not those of us who are seeking the return of our actual assets which are owed to us via a separate probate process. 

If you are in fact a federal military or civilian employee at this time, if you are in fact a political asylum seeker, operating a federally chartered corporation, are an African-American with no other choice---- then by all means, sign up for a TDA and protect your ESTATE as well as you can and claim as much benefit as you can. 

It is possible that this program or one similar to it will be used and/or launched to streamline the separate and substantially different remedy owed to those of us who are claiming back our ESTATE as reversionary trust property, but until that is straightened out and "officially" tweaked, getting a TDA could confuse the administration of your accounts and property titles and other assets.  
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

The ENEMY WITHIN our nation

Obamas SES Army Found

SES Governing Council 500 Exposed

The American SS Exposed

SERCO Owns the World, | Big Brother Watch

NOW you KNOW WHY this nation is in continual turmoil within - because the 'government' and the 'leaders' are NOT OUR GOVERNMENT AND OUR LEADERS!!!   We MUST join together as one brotherhood and take down the tyranny within who have declared themselves to be our enemy.

President Trump - we the people are behind you!  Please take down the enemy within - the SES Nazi regime - who has had control over this nation for years and years.



The U.S.A. is NOT 'free'.  It has NEVER been 'free'.  This nation has been ruled and controlled by the NWO - NEW WORLD ORDER - under the satanic reign of the City of London phony reptilian 'queen' and the satanic reptilian Vati-CON.  ALL corporation 'government' employees work for the 'queen' and the Vati-CON - NOT for the people of this nation. God has sent President Trump to expose and to eliminate the satanic control over this nation by raising up our TRUE government - the Republic. Let us pray that the satanic reptilian SES control, with Obama at the head and the ignorant and/or reptilian 'employees' placed throughout all the SES tentacles, is eliminated from this nation in its entirety.  Our nation is at war, with President Trump as our general, to break free of the satanic stranglehold that has controlled this nation since nearly the inception of our country.
We stand corrected. We keep reporting that we are fighting the Second American Revolution, but our continuing research is showing us that this is not the case. It appears that the first American Revolutionary War was never won, and we are still under British rule in ways more sinister than the average person is aware.
It all started in our research of the Senior Executive Service. We showed you how this unconstitutional shadow government is highly organized and well paid. Its members are positioned within our civil service bureaucracies to overthrow the Republic in plain sight and establish itself as the governing body of Marxist globalists whose SES members work daily to thwart the will of the people, ignore and bastardize the rule of law, and destroy the Republic from within.
We gave you research tools so that you could name these individuals specifically and expose their bureaucratic spider holes. 
We thought the story was over until we started researching a group that lands most of the government’s contracts thanks to its close relationship to Senior Executive Service (SES). Together – SES and SERCO – operate the United States Government with the purpose of destroying our nation and giving our country away to the Queen of England.
Citizens of the world, not just Americans, are still subjects of the British Monarchy.  Let us explain why.
This video below will give you a nice overview before diving into the article:THE BIGGEST COMPANY YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF


The British Crown and the British East India Company have never left America and, in fact, they have a stranglehold on the U. S. economy that is a death grip. The Bank of England, the City of London, and ultimately the British Monarchy – Queen Elizabeth II, -- own and control U. S. data management, corporate banking, resources of gas, uranium, gold and many strategic resources and systems in the United States.
This system, called SERCO, is widely known and many researchers and authors precede us in their reporting. However, it is our intent in this series of articles and videos to show the specific rat lines that make (SES) Senior Executive Services and SERCO the evilest system in the world. We will be showing you the big picture of SERCO in this article. 
Then we will follow with others articles, posts, and videos that will specifically show you the connections of named SES agents who make sure that SERCO controls the systems and services of the United States government.
We will show you how Serco is not only an enemy of the United States, but an enemy of countries and people around the world. In the end, we hope you conclude, as have we, that the British Monarch has no place in the United States government and any of its services.
The cozy relationship that Serco has with SES must be eliminated and laws be written to prevent this quiet overthrow of the Republic by SES and Serco. 
For example, did you know that the U. S. Patent Office is controlled by Serco? That’s right!  A BRITISH based company controls the creative efforts of American entrepreneurs and creators.
Serco was the company awarded the 'Obamacare' data management system that cost American’s over $2 billion. (A botched unaffordable useless killing machine.) 
That’s right. SES employees in charge of selecting contracts for this lucrative data management system couldn’t find any U.S. based companies to do the work. Instead they cherry-picked their buddies at British owned and controlled Serco to deliver 'Obamacare' management. 
The American corporate mechanism for the continued enrichment of the British Crown is the same one used for the corporate sell-out of the American Republic – corporate lobbyists controlling Congress, corporate pay-to-play through the executive branch (such as Hillary’s Department of State), and the (SES) Senior Executive Service to maintain the bureaucratic status quo, selling out to global corporatism at every turn with no bid contracts and cronyism.

Senior Executive Service aligns with the imperialistic intents of Serco and numerous other corporations are listed in this report (BP, Shell, ICAP, British American Tobacco, SABMiller, American Standard Life, Rio Tinto, Ixstrata, etc.). 
The Biggest Company You Never Heard Of! 
Here are a few highlights of what Serco does already in our 'government'. To our friends in other parts of the world, don’t be surprised when you see similar structures in your own country run by the British Monarch through Serco: 
Serco manages all patents for the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office. Brits have the first shot at stealing American’s intellectual property rights. This is shocking but true. 
Serco controls the most sensitive data management systems in all branches of the military, federal government, and state and local municipalities. 
Serco controls air traffic management, airlines security, airport management and all aspects of ticketing, visa data management, and timetable management. 
Serco is called "the largest company no one has ever heard of."

and the Private Companies Running Your Country

Serco's Stranglehold 
on the US Military

Serco - Evil Hidden in Plain Sight
 All Around You!

DARPA & CIA Giant Alien UFO Mothership

Inside DARPA & CIA Giant Alien UFO 
Mothership For Blue Beam Project & Alien Invasion

Published on Nov 26, 2017 
Fake Alien Invasion is coming within the next 10 years.  

And DARPA is busy constructing alien mother ships. This one is built from titanium and a size representing a baseball stadium.
It's unmanned but later you will see that it fits over 100 humans if needed and they can freely walk inside. It's outfitted with lasers and hologram projectors to make alien invasion as realistic as possible to establish a New World Order under the false pretenses. 
Later you will hear the official CIA agent interview that was never aired anywhere because the project is top secret. 
The CIA agent says spheres are being built for Navy and Homeland Security needs, but their true purpose is to move over US megapolis at Day X and create scenes of giant stadium sized alien spheres projecting holograms. 
They are the essential part of the Blue Beam project.