Friday, April 20, 2018

List of Countries Destroyed By Hillary!

List of Countries Destroyed By Hillary!

In an email sent to his business partner and Democratic fundraiser Jeffrey Leeds, former Secretary of State Colin Powell wrote of Hillary Clinton: “Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”

Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State during Barack Obama’s first term was an unmitigated disaster for many nations around the world. 

Neither the Donald Trump campaign nor the corporate media have adequately described how a number of countries around the world suffered horribly from Mrs. Clinton’s foreign policy decisions.

Millions of people were adversely harmed by Clinton’s misguided policies and her “play-to-pay” operations involving favors in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative.

The following is a before and after chart illustrating, country by country, the destabilizing effects of Clinton’s policies as Secretary of State:


Before Hillary: In 2009, more and more nations began recognizing the independence of this nation that broke away from Georgia and successfully repelled a U.S. supported Georgian invasion in 2008.

After Hillary: Clinton pressured Vanuatu and Tuvalu to break off diplomatic relations with Abkhazia in 2011. The State Department pressured the governments of India, Germany, and Spain to refuse to recognize the validity of Abkhazian passports and, in violation of the US-UN Treaty, refused to permit Abkhazian diplomats to visit UN headquarters in New York.

The Clinton State Department also threatened San Marino, Belarus, Ecuador, Bolivia, Cuba, Somalia, Uzbekistan and Peru with recriminations if they recognized Abkhazia. 

Georgia was connected to Clinton through the representation of Georgia in Washington - the Podesta Group - headed by Tony Podesta, the brother of Mrs. Clinton’s close friend and current campaign chairman John Podesta.


Before Hillary: Under President Nestor Kirchner and his wife Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina’s economy improved and the working class and students prospered.

After Hillary: After former president Nestor Kirchner’s sudden death in 2010, the U.S. embassy in Buenos Aires became a nexus for anti-Kirchner activities, including the fomenting of political and labor protests against the government. Meanwhile, Clinton pressed Argentina hard on its debt obligations to the IMF, also crippling the economy.


Before Hillary: Bolivia’s progressive president Evo Morales, the country’s first indigenous Aymara leader provided government support to the country’s coca farmers and miners. Morales also committed his government to environmental protection. He kept his country out of the Free Trade Area of the Americas and helped start the Peoples’ Trade Agreement with Venezuela and Cuba.

After Hillary: Clinton permitted the U.S. embassy in La Paz to stir up separatist revolts in four mostly European-descent Bolivian provinces, as well as foment labor strikes among miners and other workers in the same model used in Venezuela.


Before Hillary: Brazil’s progressive presidents, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, ushered in a new era for the country with workers’ and students rights at forefront and environmental protection and economic development for the poor major priorities.

After Hillary: Clinton’s authorization of massive electronic spying from both the US embassy in Brasilia and consulate general in Rio de Janeiro resulted in a “constitutional coup” against Rousseff and the Workers’ Party government, ushering in a right-wing CIA supported corrupt government.
Central African Republic

Before Hillary: Under President Francois Bozize, the CAR remained relatively calm under a peace agreement hammered out under the auspices of Muammar Qaddafi’s Libya.

After Hillary: In 2012, Islamist terrorists of the Seleka movement and supported by Saudi Arabia conducted an uprising, massacring Christians and riving Bozize’s government from power. The CAR became a failed state under Clinton’s State Department.


Before Hillary: Ecuador began sharing its oil wealth with the people and the economy and the plight of the nation’s poor improved.

After Hillary: Clinton authorized a 2010 National Police coup against President Rafael Correa. The economy soon plunged as labor disputes wracked the mining and oil sectors.


Before Hillary: Under Hosni Mubarak, Egypt was a stable secular nation that suppressed jihadist politics in the mosques. The jihadist-oriented Muslim Brotherhood was kept at bay.
After Hillary: After Clinton’s 2011 “Arab Spring” and the toppling of Mubarak, Egypt saw Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood 'elected' president. Immediately, the secular country began a process of Islamization with Christian Copts experiencing repression and violence, including massacres. Morsi’s rule resulted in a military coup, thus ending Egypt’s previous moves toward democracy.


Before Hillary: The nation was a peaceful country where German culture, as well as religious freedom and women’s rights were guaranteed.
After Hillary: Clinton’s “Arab Spring” eventually resulted in a flood of mainly Muslim refugees being welcomed into Germany from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. Today, Germany is wracked by Muslim refugee street crime, unsanitary and harmful public health habits of migrants, sexual assaults by migrant men of women and children, increased acts of terrorism, and a diminution of German culture and religious practices.


Before Hillary: Greece was a nation that saw government safety net social services extended to all in need. It also remained a top tourist destination for northern Europeans.

After Hillary: The 2010 debt crisis emaciated the Greek economy and Clinton remained adamant that Greece comply with draconian economic measures dictated by Germany, the European Union, and the IMF/World Bank. 

Making matters worse, Clinton’s “Arab Spring” eventually resulted in a flood of mainly Muslim refugees being welcomed into first, the Greek isles, and then mainland Greece, from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. 

Today, Greece, especially the islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Symi, Rhodes, Leros, and Kos are wracked by Muslim refugee crime, unsanitary public health habits of migrants, sexual assaults by migrant men of women and children, acts of arson and vandalism, and a diminution of Greek culture and religious practices.


Before Hillary: Under President Alvaro Colom, the nation’s first populist progressive president, the poor received access to health, education, and social security.

After Hillary: Clinton authorized the U.S. embassy in Guatemala to work against the 2011 election as president of Colom’s wife, Sandra Torres. Colom was succeeded by a right-wing corrupt president who resigned for corruption and then was arrested.


Before Hillary: Haiti was prepared in 2011 to re-elect Jean-Bertrand Aristide, forced out of office and into exile in a 2004 CIA coup. The prospects of Artistide’s return to power was a blessing for the slum dwellers of Haiti.

After Hillary: Clinton refused to allow Aristide to return to Haiti from exile in South Africa until it was too late for him to run in the 2011 election. Under a series of U.S.-installed presidents, all approved by Bill and Hillary Clinton, Haiti is a virtual cash cow for the Clintons.  

The Clinton Foundation diverted for its own use, international aid to Haiti, and the Clintons ensured that their wealthy friends in the hotel, textile, and construction businesses landed lucrative contracts for Haitian projects, none of which have benefited the Haitian poor and many of which resulted in sweat shops and extremely low wage labor practices.


Before Hillary: Emergent multi-party democracy with a populist progressive president, Manuel Zelaya. Children received free education, poor children received free school meals, interest rates were reduced, and the poorest families were given free electricity.

After Hillary: Clinton authorized a military coup d’etat against Zelaya in 2009. Clinton family “fix-it” man Lanny Davis became a public relations flack for the military dictatorship. Resulting fascist dictatorship involved in extrajudicial death squad killings of journalists, politicians, and indigenous leaders followed the “constitutional coup” against Zelaya. During 2012, Clinton ordered U.S. embassy in Tegucigalpa to work against 2013 election of Xiomara Castro de Zelaya as president.


Before Hillary: Under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq experienced small moves toward an accommodation with the Kurds of the north and Sunnis. Iran acted as a moderating political force in the country that deterred any attempts by Saudi-supported jihadis to disrupt the central government in Baghdad.

After Hillary: Clinton’s Arab Spring resulted in the rise of the Sunni/Wahhabist Islamic State in northern and western Iraq and Iraq’s plunge into failed state status. Shi’as, Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrian Christians, and moderate Sunnis were massacred by the jihadis in northern, western, and central Iraq. The Iraqi cities of Mosul, Kirkuk, and Nineveh fell to ISIL forces with non-Muslims being raped, tortured, and executed and priceless antiquities being destroyed by the marauding jihadists.


Before Hillary: Kosovo, which became independent in 2008, initially granted its Serbian minority in northern Kosovo and Metohija some degree of self-government.

After Hillary: In 2009, Kosovo increasingly became a state ruled by criminal syndicates and terrorists of the former Kosovo Liberation Army. The rights of Serbs were increasingly marginalized and Kosovo became a prime recruiting ground for jihadist guerrillas in Arab countries subjected to Clinton’s “Arab Spring” operations, including Libya and Syria.

Clinton pressured states receiving U.S. aid and other U.S. allies to recognize
Kosovo’s independence

These included Pakistan, Palau, Maldives, St. Kitts-Nevis, Dominica, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Burundi, East Timor, Haiti, Chad, Gambia, Brunei, Ghana, Kuwait, Ivory Coast, Gabon, St. Lucia, Benin, Niger, Guinea, Central African Republic, Andorra, Oman, Guinea-Bissau, Qatar, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Honduras, Somalia, Djibouti, Vanuatu, Swaziland, Mauritania, Malawi, New Zealand, Dominican Republic, Jordan, Bahrain, and Comoros. 
In the Kosovo capital of Pristina, there is a 10-foot-high statue of Bill Clinton standing over Bill Clinton Boulevard. Not far away is a women’s clothing store called “Hillary.”


Before Hillary: Under Muammar Qaddafi, post-sanction Libya saw a boom in urban construction and a new major international airport to serve as a hub for Africa. Plans announced for an African dinar, supported by Libyan gold holdings, to serve the needs of Africa. All Libyans received free education and medical care. There was a program for revenue sharing of Libya’s oil wealth with the Libyan people.

After Hillary: Clinton’s 2011 regime change operations against Qaddafi, which saw the Libyan leader sodomized, beaten, and shot in the head by U.S.-supervised jihadist rebels, resulted in Clinton laughing about the incident in the infamous, “We came, we saw, he died” comment. Libya became a failed state where Islamic jihadist terrorists vied for control of the country and Qaddafi’s arm caches were given or sold to jihadist terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, the pan-Sahel region, and sub-Saharan Africa. After Qaddafi’s ouster, black African guest workers and their families were massacred by jihadist forces.


Before Hillary:  Malaysia, before 2009, was a religiously tolerant nation where Buddhists, Christians, and Hindus enjoyed freedom of religion.

After Hillary: In 2009, Najib Razak became prime minister and he began accepting bribes from Saudi Arabia that totaled some $2.6 billion with additional Malaysian public money in Razak’s personal bank accounts plus the Saudi cash totaling some $3.5 billion. Razak began allowing Saudi-influenced clerics to push for sharia law throughout Malaysia and Christians in Sarawak, Sabah, and Penang began experiencing Wahhabist repression. Clinton was silent about Malaysian persecution of non-Muslims. The reason may have been a reported several hundred million donation from Razak’s slush fund into the Clinton Foundation’s coffers.


Before Hillary:  In 2012, Palestine was granted non-member observer status in the United nations. The 2009 Goldstone Report of the UN found that Israel violated international humanitarian law in its war against Gaza in 2009. Palestine was gaining more support and sympathy internationally and was successfully putting to rest Israeli propaganda disinformation.

After Hillary: Hillary Clinton rejected the Goldstone Report as “one-sided.” Clinton’s unbridled support for expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem and its silence on the dehumanizing Israeli blockade of Gaza, emboldened Israel’s theocratic right-wing government to further encroach on Palestinian territories and cementing into place an apartheid-like series of Palestinian “Bantustans” in the West Bank and an open-air ghetto in Gaza.


Before Hillary: The country under Fernando Lugo began lifting out of poverty the nation’s rural campesinos and urban workers. Paraguay also began a steady move toward democratization after years of military  dictatorships.

After Hillary: Clinton’s 2012 “constitutional coup” against Fernando Lugo brought back into power the military-industrial oligarchy with the nation’s campesinos being forced back into poverty and repressive rule.

South Sudan

Before Hillary: Prior to independence in 2011, South Sudan, while rife with intra-tribal feuding, was relatively calm.

After Hillary: After being rushed into indepenence from Sudan in 2011, South Sudan, a special project of Clinton, George Soros, and actor George Clooney, descended into civil war and chaos. It beat all records in being transformed from a newly-independent state into a failed state.


Before Hillary: Syria was a multi-cultural and multi-religious secular state championing the concept of pan-Arab socialism and progressive policies advanced by Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser. Syria was not a safe place for jihadism.

After Hillary: After Clinton’s 2011 green light for the “Arab Spring,” Syria became a failed state where the Islamic State gained a firm foothold. Minority Alawites, Christians, Druze, and Kurds were massacred by jihadist groups aided and abetted by NGOs and other interests backed by Clinton.


Before Hillary: Thailand’s Red Shirt movement was a powerful force that demanded a return to democracy in Thailand and the restoration of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, ousted in a 2006 military coup, to power.
After Hillary: A Red Shirt protest in 2010 resulted in a bloody crackdown by the Thai military. Clinton remained silent about the Thai army’s killing of protesters and the mass arrests of Red Shirt leaders. U.S. military assistance to the Thai government was continued by Clinton. When Thaskin’s sister, Yingluck Shinawatra, became prime minister in 2011, Clinton began working to undermine her and her government in a manner not unlike Clinton’s subterfuge against Rousseff in Brazil and Cristina Kirchner in Argentina. When iot comes to women leaders, Clinton only tolerates conservatives who kow-tow to the United States. The pressure against Yingluck eventually resulted in her ouster in 2014 and her being criminally charged in the same manner that saw Rousseff charged in Brazil.


Before Hillary: Tunisia was one of the most secular nations in the Arab and Islamic world. A top destination for European tourists, the country was more European in its outlook than North African.

After Hillary: After Clinton’s 2011 “Jasmine Revolution,” a textbook themed revolution crafted by Clinton’s friend George Soros, Tunisia descended into Islamist rule and violence. Today, Tunisia is the top country for recruits to the Islamic State.


Before Hillary: Turkey was moving steadily closer to European standards on human rights and democracy.
Even under the Islamist-oriented Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the country remained committed to pluralism.

After Hillary: Clinton authorized the shipment of Libyan weapons captured from Qaddafi’s arms caches to Turkish middlemen in the employment of Erdogan’s government for transfer to the jihadist rebels in Syria. A complication in this arrangement resulted in the September 11, 2012 jihadist attack on the CIA warehouse facility in Benghazi, which killed U.S. envoy Chris Stevens and other State Department personnel.
Turkey’s dalliance with jihadist rebels in Syria was mirrored by increasing Islamization of Turkey. The events of 2011 and 2012 resulted in Turkey today being ruled by an Islamist strongman, Erdogan, with open political opposition being stamped out.


Before Hillary: Ukraine was a stable and neutral country that neither aligned itself with the West and NATO nor with Russia under the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, elected in 2009 and inaugurated in 2010.

After Hillary: Clinton tried everything possible to ensure the 2009 defeat of Viktor Yanukovych. The State Department and its friends in the George Soros camp provided assistance to Clinton’s favorite candidate Yulia Tymoshenko to defeat Yanokovych. It was this early interference in the 2009 election that ultimately led to the “Euromaidan” themed revolution in 2014 against the government, resulting in civil war, the retrocession of Crimea back to Russia, and secessionist states in eastern Ukraine. Clinton’s policies directly led to a failed state in Europe.


Before Hillary: Under Hugo Chavez, the country provided basic social services to its poorest of citizens. Venezuela also provided discounted gasoline to several Caribbean and Central American countries through the PetroCaribe consortium.

After Hillary: After Clinton allowed the U.S. embassy in Caracas to foment anti-Chavez labor and political protests, the country began to falter economically. After Chavez’s 2012 diagnosis of terminal cancer, the State Department stepped up pressure on Venezuela, crippling the nation’s economy and political system.

Western Sahara

Before Hillary: Recognized by the African Union and several nations around the world as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Western Sahara saw some hope for an evacuation of illegal Moroccan occupation troops from its territory.

After Hillary: In 2010, Moroccan troops began entering Sahrawi refugee camps and attacking residents, even in UN-protected exclusion zones, where Moroccan troops were prohibited from entering. Clinto ensured that UN talks and a proposed popular referendum on the future of Western Sahara were stalled. Clinton pressured a number of states to withdraw their recognition of the SADR, including St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Paraguay, Haiti, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Malawi, Kenya, Mauritius, Zambia, Panama, and Burundi. The Clinton Foundation received a 2011 donation of $1 milion from a Moroccan phosphate company owned by the Moroccan government and which has mining operations in Western Sahara.


Before Hillary: Yemen was a largely secular state that was transforming into a federation where the rights of South Yemen and the Zaidi Houthis of north Yemen were being recognized.

After Hillary: Clinton’s “Arab Spring” of 2011 and the fall of Abdullah Saleh from power saw Yemen become a failed state. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State gained control over several areas of North and South Yemen. The fall of Saleh permitted Saudi Arabia to conduct a genocidal war in the country with Mrs. Clinton’s full support.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

1st of the Hillary INDICTMENTS

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Illegal Aliens Caught near Border with ‘Assault-Style Firearms

Illegal Aliens Caught near Border with ‘Assault-Style Firearms,’ Says                                               Border Patrol

Border Patrol agents arrested a group of heavily armed Mexican nationals who illegally crossed the border into southern Arizona. The agents found three Mexican nationals who were carrying multiple weapons–including “assault-style firearms.”

Tucson Sector agents teamed up with air support from U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine Operations (CBP-AMO) to locate the group of men after camera surveillance detected them walking north about 17 miles from the Arizona-Mexico Border, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas from CBP in Tuscon.

Helicopters from the Yuma and Tucson Air Branches were dispatched with Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) agents to make contact with the heavily armed group.

After arriving on the scene, the BORSTAR agents utilized a K-9 to locate an 18-year-old Mexican national hiding in the brush. The K-9 also discovered “multiple assault-style firearms” and additional ammunition.

Agents arrested the Mexican national and transported him to the Ajo Station for processing and questioning, officials said.

Breitbart Texas spoke with CBP officials Wednesday afternoon and learned the men were openly carrying weapons as they marched north from the border in a remote area with added survival supplies befitting a long trek. Officials could not say why they were carrying such a large number of firearms at this time.

After arresting the first Mexican national, other agents continued the search and found two additional Mexican men, ages 43 and 24, according to the statement released.

Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) are currently questioning the suspects, CBP officials told Breitbart Texas. Additional information may be released following their questioning of the suspects and charges being filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona.

Agents seized six firearms in total. Those include five “AK variants” and one 9 mm pistol, CBP officials told Breitbart Texas. Breitbart Texas’ Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby and journalist Ildefonso Ortiz reported leaked U.S. government surveillance photos in September 2017. The photos revealed armed cartel smugglers crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border into southern Arizona.

The article states:
The images were taken in an area of the Tucson Sector in the Huachuca Mountains. The region is controlled by a transnational criminal organization known as Los Salazar. The regional cartel is aligned with the Sinaloa Federation. Other criminal groups in the Sinaloa Federation are warring against Los Salazar and this manifests in this portion of Arizona becoming their battleground. The other groups send “rip crews” into Los Salazar’s smuggling turf in efforts to steal their drug loads on U.S. soil. The area is not only full of Mexican cartel smugglers, but other cartels’ rip crews are present and U.S. prison gangs and other gangs stalk the area to steal drug loads as well. Such rip crews consist of armed criminals attempting to rip or steal cartel drug loads as they are in transit.
Tucson Sector Border Patrol Chief Rudolfo Karisch spoke with Breitbart Texas on the images and stated, “These appear to be authentic of criminal organizations coming across the border. This is not unique to Arizona.  We have seen this in other parts of the country as well all along the Southwest border. Any time you have illicit commodities crossing the border, you will have criminals trying to protect those commodities — both from law enforcement and from other bad guys.
Chief Agent Karisch continued, “We acknowledge that these criminal organizations pose a threat to both U.S. and international security.  Border security work is dangerous. We deal with transnational criminals, gang members, and other threats. They are trying to get their product through without encountering the public.”
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGAB, and Facebook.

MORE EVIDENCE against Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin

MORE EVIDENCE against Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin torturing and murdering children

An absolutely stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report reveals that during the past fortnight, CIA Director Mike Pompeo was personally dispatched by President Donald Trump to the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to hold a secret meeting with the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un but, with Pompeo’s duel-mission to this Asian nation, also seeing him personally oversee the capture of top United Nations adviser Peter John Dalglish who, in desperation just prior to his being apprehended, released to the “dark web” what is described as a “snuff film” showing Hillary Clinton and her top aid Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a child. 

According to this report, this past Sunday (15 April) the SVR contacted their CIA counterparts to provide them with satellite tracking and signals intelligence information showing that both CIA Director Pompeo and North Korean leader Kim Jung-un had traveled to Nepal during this past fortnight  to which the Americans responded to by stating that as Nepal had long standing good relations with the United States and, equally, long standing good relations with North Korea, too, its international neutrality provided the most obvious choice of meeting places for the upcoming summit between President Trump and Kim Jung-un and that both the US and North Korea were making a “trial run” in preparation for. 

When SVR officials asked their CIA counterparts as to why Director Pompeo was personally overseeing an operation being conducted by the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) to capture the international fugitive Peter John Dalglish while, at the same time, he was meeting with the North Korean leader, the Americans abruptly ended their “conversation” with SVR officials.  Within 3 hours they saw SVR Director Sergey Naryshkin receive a personal call from Director Pompeo.

Pompeo told Naryshkin that President Trump had ordered an immediate halt to any further sanctions of Russia in exchange for allowing the Americans to handle this “extremely delicate issue” on their own — that Moscow agreed to — and was then followed by the US admitting that Pompeo had, indeed, met with Kim Jung-un  but whose place of meeting was said to be North Korea, not Nepal where it had actually occurred.   

As to the “extreme delicate issue” being dealt with by President Trump and Director Pompeo was the capture of one of the most secretive wanted fugitives in the world named Peter John Dalglish who is described as a Canadian humanitarian, top United Nations advisor, and founder of the Street Kids International charity organization which, within a few weeks of President Trump’s stunning election victory over Hillary Clinton, suddenly revoked its Canadian charitable registration on 15 December 2016 with Dalglish then appearing in Nepal three days later on 18 December 2016.

With SVR intelligence “assets” maintaining continuous “observations” of Peter John Dalglish since his late December 2016 arrival in Nepal, no actions against him by the Americans had been observed other than the CIA constantly monitoring him, too, but that changed a few weeks ago in late March when a CIA advance team arrived in Nepal for purposes, at that time, unknown.  

International pedophile fugitive Peter John Dalglish with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Upon the CIA advance team arriving in Nepal, SVR  intelligence analysts recorded a “significant increase” in “dark web” communications emanating from the home of Peter John Dalglish that culminated during the first week of April when he released to the “dark web” a video file code named “Frazzledrip” that contains a scene of Hillary Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin  taking the facial skin off a young girl child and wearing it over their own faces to terrify the girl with Clinton and Abedin then killing the child and drinking her blood

[WARNING: This link does not contain the actual “Frazzledrip” video file—but whose instructions to access  SHOULD NOT be followed as it is against US Federal law to do so.]

Shockingly, another “dark web” video posted by Peter John Dalglish shows Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin engaging in sex acts with an underage girl child—with reports coming from the US saying that this video was so horrifying, it made seasoned New York City police officers cry—but that these police officials, also, say is the “Rosetta Stone” of information connecting senior American politicians, such as Clinton, to an elite global pedophile ring.

To why Peter John Dalglish had posted these inhuman demonic videos of Hillary Clinton to the “dark web” was in an effort to blackmail the “Deep State” in order stop his being captured by CIA forces loyal to President Trump but whose efforts did not succeed as elite Nepal police forces, while being overseen by Director Pompeo, successfully captured him while at the same time rescuing the two girl children he had imprisoned in his home and with the first “ripple effect” of this capture being the Deep State” pawn, US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, stunningly just reversing himself and giving Trump the “green light” to fire Special Counsel Robert Muller.   

That, no doubt, will soon turn into a “tsunami” engulfing and ultimately destroying the “Deep State” forever and whose evidence of this being true can be seen in the rabid and psychotic fear now being displayed on an hourly basis by the “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media establishment whose attacks on Trump have become so unhinged, they now border on the insane.    

                                                                                                          President Donald Trump
April 18 2018


"Keep fighting Mr President!"

I refuse to play.....

"I refuse to play while he continues to berate 
our President"


The New UFO Documentary the Elite Hoped Would Never Be Aired in Public

The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station

Published on Apr 17, 2018
Millions of women from Asia and Africa, are being enslaved in Arab homes as house maids under circumstances that no human being can imagine.

Many of them have given up on hope of regaining their freedom so to what extent are these women going to claim back their freedom?

And truly has mankind lost all sense of humanity?

Join us in this exclusive documentary that goes deep within the Maid Trade in the Middle East.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Targeted And Warned For Flying Military Flags!

Business Owner Targeted And Warned 
By Local Public Servants For Flying Military Flags!
April 16 2018 

Florida has Deep Muslim and foreign enemy influence in the local government
See what CAIR is doing in Wisconsin and Michigan and all over the nation.

Once Again, In Color

From Anna Von Reitz

It's apparent from all the questions I am getting that a lot of folks are still confused by the relationships and names ---- people, persons, land, sea, The Texas Republic v. The Republic of Texas and so on, so I have graphed it out and used color.