Monday, May 7, 2018

For All to See

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is who owned and controlled the Federal Reserve during the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated, which began in 1933.  Thanks to Save-A-Patriot Archive ----

Please notice that these are the same rotters who rode the bankruptcy all the way to November 1999 and then began process to bankrupt the "Federal Reserve System" --- oh, yeah, it was a "system" all right--- in 2009.

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

Published 1976
Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.

                                N.M. Rothschild , London - Bank of England
                                |                                     |
                                |                           J. Henry Schroder     

                                |                             Banking | Corp.
                                |                                     |
                          Brown, Shipley - Morgan Grenfell - Lazard - |
                           & Company        & Company       Brothers  |
                                |               |              |      |
            --------------------|        -------|              |      |
            |                   |        |      |              |      |
 Alex Brown - Brown Bros. - Lord Mantagu - Morgan et Cie -- Lazard ---| 
 & Son      |  Harriman       Norman     |    Paris          Bros     |
            |                   |        /      |            N.Y.     |
            |                   |       |       |              |      |
            |            Governor, Bank | J.P. Morgan Co -- Lazard ---| 
            |            of England    /  N.Y. Morgan       Freres    |   
            |            1924-1938    /   Guaranty Co.      Paris     |
            |                        /    Morgan Stanley Co.  |      / 
            |                       /           |              \Schroder Bank   
            |                      /            |              Hamburg/Berlin
            |                     /      Drexel & Company         /  
            |                    /       Philadelphia            / 
            |                   /                               /
            |                  /                           Lord Airlie
            |                 /                               /
            |                /     M. M. Warburg       Chmn J. Henry Schroder
            |                |      Hamburg ---------  marr. Virginia F. Ryan
            |                |         |               grand-daughter of Otto
            |                |         |                Kahn of Kuhn Loeb Co.
            |                |         |                        
            |                |         |                        
Lehman Brothers N.Y -------------- Kuhn Loeb Co. N. Y.                         
            |                |     --------------------------                     
            |                |       |                      |                     
            |                |       |                      |
Lehman Brothers - Mont. Alabama   Solomon Loeb           Abraham Kuhn
            |                |     __|______________________|_________
Lehman-Stern, New Orleans   Jacob Schiff/Theresa Loeb  Nina Loeb/Paul Warburg
-------------------------    |       |                      |
             |               | Mortimer Schiff        James Paul Warburg
_____________|_______________/       |
|            |          |   |        |
Mayer Lehman |     Emmanuel Lehman    \
|            |          |              \
Herbert Lehman     Irving Lehman        \
|            |          |                \
Arthur Lehman \    Phillip Lehman     John Schiff/Edith Brevoort Baker
              /         |             Present Chairman Lehman Bros
             /  Robert Owen Lehman    Kuhn Loeb - Granddaughter of
            /           |             George F. Baker
           |           /               |
           |          /                |
           |         /           Lehman Bros Kuhn Loeb (1980)
           |        /                  |
           |       /             Thomas Fortune Ryan
           |      |                    |
           |      |                    |
      Federal Reserve Bank Of New York |
           ||||||||                    |
  ______National City Bank N. Y.       |
  |        |                           |
  |   National Bank of Commerce N.Y ---|
  |        |                            \
  |   Hanover National Bank N.Y.         \
  |        |                              \
  |   Chase National Bank N.Y.             \
  |                                        |
  |                                        |
Shareholders - National City Bank - N.Y.   | 
-----------------------------------------  |  
  |                                        /
James Stillman                            /
Elsie m. William Rockefeller             /
Isabel m.  Percy Rockefeller            / 
William Rockefeller          Shareholders - National Bank of Commerce N. Y.   
J. P. Morgan                 -----------------------------------------------
M.T. Pyne                    Equitable Life - J.P. Morgan
Percy Pyne                   Mutual Life - J.P. Morgan
J.W. Sterling                H.P. Davison - J. P. Morgan
NY Trust/NY Edison           Mary W. Harriman
Shearman & Sterling          A.D. Jiullard - North British Merc. Insurance
|                            Jacob Schiff
|                            Thomas F. Ryan
|                            Paul Warburg
|                            Levi P. Morton - Guaranty Trust - J. P. Morgan
Shareholders - First National Bank of N.Y.
J.P. Morgan
George F. Baker
George F. Baker Jr.
Edith Brevoort Baker
US Congress - 1946-64
Shareholders - Hanover National Bank N.Y.
James Stillman
William Rockefeller
Shareholders - Chase National Bank N.Y.
George F. Baker

Chart 2

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

- Published 1983
The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium Relief Commission) which provisioned Germany from 1915-1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.
The head of the Bank of England since 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England (controlled by the House of Rothschild) was chairman of J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Company of London from 1963-72, and director of J. Henry Schroder,New York and Schroder Banking Corporation,New York,as well as Lloyd's Bank of London, and Rolls Royce. He maintains a residence on Sutton Place in New York City, and as head of "The London Connection," can be said to be the single most influential banker in the world.

                               J. Henry Schroder
                          Baron Rudolph Von Schroder
                           Hamburg - 1858 - 1934
                            Baron Bruno Von Schroder
                            Hamburg - 1867 - 1940
 F. C. Tiarks                         |
 1874-1952                            |
     |                                |
 marr. Emma Franziska                 |
 (Hamburg)                    Helmut B. Schroder
 J. Henry Schroder 1902               |
 Dir. Bank of England                 |
 Dir. Anglo-Iranian                   |
 Oil Company         J. Henry Schroder Banking Company N.Y.
                       J. Henry Schroder Trust Company N.Y.
                  |                                        |
            Allen Dulles                              John Foster Dulles
          Sullivan & Cromwell                        Sullivan & Cromwell
          Director - CIA                             U. S. Secretary of State
                                                     Rockefeller Foundation

 Prentiss Gray
Belgian Relief Comm.                     Lord Airlie
Chief Marine Transportation              -----------
US Food Administration WW I          Chairman; Virgina Fortune
Manati Sugar Co. American &          Ryan daughter of Otto Kahn
British Continental Corp.            of Kuhn,Loeb Co.
       |                                    |
       |                                    |
 M. E. Rionda                               |
 ------------                               |
Pres. Cuba Cane Sugar Co.                   |
Manati Sugar Co. many other                 |
sugar companies.                     _______|       
       |                            |
       |                            |
 G. A. Zabriskie                    |
 ---------------                    |                Emile Francoui
Chmn U.S. Sugar Equalization        |                --------------
Board 1917-18; Pres Empire          |            Belgian Relief Comm. Kai
Biscuit Co., Columbia Baking        |            Ping Coal Mines, Tientsin
Co. , Southern Baking Co.           |            Railroad,Congo Copper, La
                                    |            Banque Nationale de Belgique
             Suite 2000 42 Broadway | N. Y                      |
         |                          |                           |
         |                          |                           |
    Edgar Richard            Julius H. Barnes             Herbert Hoover
    -------------            ----------------             --------------   
Belgium Relief Comm         Belgium Relief Comm       Chmn Belgium Relief Com
Amer Relief Comm            Pres Grain Corp.           U.S. Food Admin
U.S. Food Admin             U.S. Food Admin           Sec of Commerce 1924-28
1918-24, Hazeltine Corp.    1917-18, C.B Pitney       Kaiping Coal Mines
   |                        Bowes Corp, Manati        Congo Copper, President
   |                        Sugar Corp.                  U.S. 1928-32
John Lowery Simpson
Sacramento,Calif Belgium Relief                       |
Comm. U. S. Food Administration             Baron Kurt Von Schroder
Prentiss Gray Co. J. Henry Schroder         -----------------------
Trust, Schroder-Rockefeller, Chmn         Schroder Banking Corp. J.H. Stein
Fin Comm, Bechtel International           Bankhaus (Hitler's personal bank
Co. Bechtel Co. (Casper Weinberger        account) served on board of all
Sec of Defense, George P. Schultz         German subsidiaries of ITT . Bank
Sec of State (Reagan Admin).              for International Settlements,
            |                             SS Senior Group Leader,Himmler's
            |                             Circle of Friends (Nazi Fund),
            |                             Deutsche Reichsbank,president
Schroder-Rockefeller & Co. , N.Y.
Avery Rockefeller, J. Henry Schroder
Banking Corp., Bechtel Co., Bechtel
International Co. , Canadian Bechtel
Company.          |
         Gordon Richardson
Governor, Bank of England
1973-PRESENT C.B. of J. Henry Schroder N.Y.
Schroder Banking Co., New York, Lloyds Bank
Rolls Royce

Chart 3

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

- Published 1976
The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Standard Oil of Indiana,General Motors and Allied Chemical Corportion (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan).

Chairman of the Board
Chase Manhattan Corp
Chase Manhattan Corp.        |    
Officer & Director Interlocks|---------------------
------|-----------------------                    |
      |                                           |
Private Investment Co. for America       Allied Chemicals Corp.
      |                                           |
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company          General Motors              
      |                                           |
Orion Multinational Services Ltd.        Rockefeller Family & Associates
      |                                           |
ASARCO. Inc                              Chrysler Corp.
      |                                           |
Southern Peru Copper Corp.               Intl' Basic Economy Corp.
      |                                           |
Industrial Minerva Mexico S.A.           R.H. Macy & Co.
      |                                           |
Continental Corp.                        Selected Risk Investments S.A.
      |                                           |
Honeywell Inc.                           Omega Fund, Inc.
      |                                           |
Northwest Airlines, Inc.                 Squibb Corporation
      |                                           |
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.          Olin Foundation  
      |                                           |
Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co (3M)           Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of NJ
      |                                           |
American Express Co.                            AT & T   
      |                                           |
Hewlett Packard                          Pacific Northwestern Bell Co.
      |                                           |
FMC Corporation                          BeachviLime Ltd.
      |                                           |
Utah Intl' Inc.                          Eveleth Expansion Company
      |                                           |
Exxon Corporation                        Fidelity Union Bancorporation
      |                                           |
International Nickel/Canada              Cypress Woods Corporation
      |                                           |
Federated Capital Corporation            Intl' Minerals & Chemical Corp.
      |                                           |
Equitable Life Assurance Soc U.S.        Burlington Industries
      |                                           |
Federated Dept Stores                    Wachovia Corporation
      |                                           |
General Electric                         Jefferson Pilot Corporation
      |                                           |
Scott Paper Co.                          R. J. Reynolds Industries Inc.
      |                                           |
American Petroleum Institute             United States Steel Corp.
      |                                           |
Richardson Merril Inc.                   Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
      |                                           |
May Department Stores Co.                Norton-Simon Inc.
      |                                           |
Sperry Rand Corporation                  Stone-Webster Inc.
      |                                           |
San Salvador Development Company         Standard Oil of Indiana

Chart 4

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

- Published 1976
This chart shows the interlocks between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., J. Henry Schroder Trust Co., Rockefeller Center, Inc., Equitable Life Assurance Society ( J.P. Morgan), and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

 Alan Pifer, President
 Carnegie Corporation
 of New York
 Carnegie Corporation
 Trustee Interlocks       --------------------------
----------------------                            |
         |                                        |
Rockefeller Center, Inc                 J. Henry Schroder Trust Company
         |                                        |
The Cabot Corporation                   Paul Revere Investors, Inc.
         |                                        |
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston          Qualpeco, Inc.
Owens Corning Fiberglas
New England Telephone Co.
Fisher Scientific Company
Mellon National Corporation
Equitable Life Assurance Society
Twentieth Century Fox Corporation
J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation

Chart 5

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

- Published 1976
This chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Brown Brothers Harriman,Sun Life Assurance Co. (N.M. Rothschild and Sons), and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Maurice F. Granville
Chairman of The Board
Texaco Incorporated
Texaco Officer & Director Interlocks  ---------------- Liggett & Myers, Inc.
------------------------------------           |
        |                                      |
        |                                      |
 L  Arabian American Oil Company            St John d'el Ray Mining Co. Ltd.
 O      |                                      |
 N  Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.           National Steel Corporation
 D      |                                      |
 O  Brown Harriman & Intl' Banks Ltd.       Massey-Ferguson Ltd.
 N      |                                      |
    American Express                        Mutual Life Insurance Co.
        |                                      |
 N. American Express Intl' Banking Corp.    Mass Mutual Income Investors Inc.
 M.     |                                      |
    Anaconda                                United Services Life Ins. Co.
 R      |                                      |
 O  Rockefeller Foundation                  Fairchild Industries
 T      |                                      |
 H  Owens-Corning Fiberglas                 Blount, Inc.
 S      |                                      |
 C  National City Bank (Cleveland)          William Wrigley Jr. Co
 H      |                                      |
 I  Sun Life Assurance Co.                  National Blvd. Bank of Chicago
 L      |                                      |
 D  General Reinsurance                     Lykes Youngstown Corporation
        |                                      |
    General Electric (NBC)                  Inmount Corporation
** Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report,Committee on Banking,Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.

Missing Tax Money? Not Really.

By Anna Von Reitz

This morning a friend forwarded links to these two videos to me--- (below) in hopes they would more succinctly enlighten my Readers about the "missing" National Credit we are owed.  (He says my articles are too long. Sorry.)

Unfortunately, though these links provide some discussion of the fact that $21 T in National Credit is AWOL, they assume that it is "tax money" that is missing, and that is not at all true. 

We know precisely where all the "tax money" went --- to the Bank of England and to the Queen and to the British Crown --- and most of it under conditions of fraud, too.

No, the $21T in "National Credit" that is missing is from a different source.  It's credit that the American States and People are owed that was never credited back to them when they exchanged actual goods and services for I.O.U.'s from the same louses that were taxing us under false pretenses. 

What they did was set up a double accrual bookkeeping system -- popularly known as "keeping two sets of books".   This allowed them to create multiple accounts under your name, each one presumed to be acting in different capacities.  For example --- your given name in the form: JOHN MARK DOE functioned in the capacity of a constructive ESTATE trust.  JOHN M. DOE functioned in the capacity of a public transmitting utility.  JOHN DOE was a public charitable trust franchise of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) set up in the wake of the bogus "Civil War" for the benefit of displaced plantation slaves.

So, your credit for labor and goods delivered and interest owed to you for investment of your assets was credited to your NAME --- JOHN MARK DOE --but you were told nothing about this cozy arrangement.  Literally billions of ESCROW account transactions took place at cash registers and banks day after day crediting JOHN MARK DOE. 

But since you didn't know that you had an ESCROW account to collect upon, you just left all those assets sitting there unclaimed.  Then the central banks responsible for this fraud came along and said, "Oh, my!  Look at this escrow account just sitting here!  It hasn't been touched in ten years..... the owners must be dead and these funds are (most likely) abandoned...."

So they claimed all the credit owed to you for your actual labor and goods delivered as "abandoned funds" and used your assets for their own benefit. 

All this was in addition to any "tax money" that the Queen and British Crown received under false pretenses from people who weren't actually "volunteer" Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service. 

The same kind of fraud scheme has been played with mortgages. 

Your understanding --- deliberately encouraged by the fraudsters who advertised "Home Loans" -- was that you were acting in your natural capacity as a living man or woman, getting a loan from the bank to build or buy a home.

In fact, you, the living man or woman, were being solicited by the bank to loan them your assets --- your labor, your land titles, your home --- and in purportedly "equitable exchange" --- they paid themselves back for mortgages owed by the "STATE OF IOWA" for example. 

You thought it was a loan to you from the bank, but in fact the deceitful bank was making a loan to JOHN MARK DOE, a franchise of the STATE OF IOWA, and you were presumed to be "volunteering" to pay off a mortgage owed by the STATE OF IOWA  which was acting in behalf of the presumed equitable title-holder to your ESTATE, the State of Iowa.

You were "presumed" to be making a "gift" of your labor and goods to pay off the debts owed by these corporate government franchises. 

So, when you faithfully made "your" mortgage payments you paid off the debts of the STATE OF IOWA and its franchise JOHN MARK DOE.  This interpretation of the "loan agreement" was confirmed when you failed to collect the ESCROW account and apparently abandoned it in favor of the "State of Iowa". 

Read that --- at the end of the day, after paying off a mortgage for thirty years--- you still owned nothing.  All you had done is pay off part of the debts that these shyster organizations had run up against your labor and land and other assets.

What this also means is that you are owed a shitload of credit and also a blivet and a half of actual assets--- land, gold, whatever-the-rats-have-got. 

No wonder the Directors at the Bank of England circle their desks and hide.

Our point to you all is that our entire country has been swindled by these thieves for 150 years, and most of the rest of the world has been, too, for varying lengths of time.  And, naturally, the corporations these same banks formed to "provide government services" have naturally turned a blind eye to all this deceit, fraud, self-interest, and crime.

The banks and the bankers are the ones who owe the entire World Debt which is fabulously beyond any ability that they have to pay back.  If valued at current standards, there aren't enough assets on this planet to pay back what they already owe to all of us.  So what to do?

We collect back what we can and then we "reset" to zero--- forgive all the debts, which regenerates an equal amount of credit--- but we do not allow these fraud artists to control that credit or continue on with business as usual. 

We require the replacement of all the Boards of Directors of all these banks caught indulging in this "System" of things, we replace all the Banking Commissioners responsible, too, and we replace all the SEC Directors, IRS Commissioners, and others who have contributed to this gross Breach of Trust and criminality. 

None of them have any cause to complain.  After what they have pulled, they should be happy to escape with their lives and an elderly Volkswagen.

We make a clean sweep of it and start over.  And that does not mean that we play another round of the same old fraud.  That means that we wise up and decentralize everything under a completely new and hack-proof banking and internet system, where everyone on this planet has their own inviolable private identity and account.

As pay back, we issue every man, woman, and child a "Basic Living Stipend" paid into their account every month, sufficient to pay for food, water, housing, utilities, clothing and other basics of life.  We also issue an investment account equal to half the Basic Living Stipend which people can invest throughout their lifetimes and collect upon retirement. 

We also insure everyone against losses, provide Medical Care Accounts to pay for all non-elective medical procedures, tests, and therapies, and free tuition at all public Universities. 

Nobody on this planet is going to suffer any more once this process is done. No more wars for profit.  No more starving children.  No more industrial pollution. No more freezing elderly.  None of it.

Here's what Max Keiser is discussing, and even if he's got it wrong, at least he's talking about what's going on and your "missing" credit.

Use Your Heads -- Then Lift Them

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is the ancient Maxim of Law that deals with the present situation: "As a Thing is Bound, so it is Unbound."

Everyone in this country was improperly presumed upon as a result of Franklin Delano Roosevelt making his "New Deal Speech" which was accepted by the guilty parties as a Declaration.  As a result of it, and a declaration made by the Territorial State of State Governors at their Conference March 6, 1933, all the Federal Citizens including those residing in the federated Territorial State of States became chattel backing the 1933 bankruptcy and all were considered to be franchises engaged in international commerce.

Of course, the vermin never had any such power or ability to speak for us or to actually indebt us in this fashion.  They simply presumed upon us and mischaracterized us and set about falsifying the public records.

If Donald J. Trump wants to correct this situation, he can make a similar declaration removing all Territorial and Municipal United States Citizens and the citizenry of the Territorial States of States back to the land jurisdiction of the actual United States--including his own principal franchises: DONALD TRUMP, DONALD J. TRUMP, and DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

That would allow them all to come home and put an end to the stranglehold they have put around their own necks. 

The Territorial United States has been delivered from bankruptcy and just as they proposed to "remove" all of us to Puerto Rico for several decades, they can remove all of their own franchises back home to the international land jurisdiction of the United States --- simply reversing what FDR did and also then reversing the legal presumptions involved.

President Trump can then also come safely home to the land and soil of New York and simply exercise the already well-established provisions for Dual Citizenship --- only now a Dual Citizen of the land jurisdiction instead of a Dual Citizen of the Municipality--- as it was prior to 1946.  And he can serve as the actual President of The United States of America without any obligation to the Queen or threat accusing him of "treason" against the Territorial United States, which in fact belongs to us: lock, stock, copyrights, patents, corporate charters and all. 

There are addle-pated rumors flying that Treaties with the UN require us to merge with Canada and Mexico in a single "regional government" and to open our established borders and give up our national sovereignty and all sorts of other nonsense.

Let's get this one straight, too. 

We have agents at the United Nations via our Native American partners serving as contacts, but we have no treaties with the United Nations obligating us to anything whatsoever. 

All treaties entered into "in our behalf" by the usurping Territorial United State Government are null and void for Breach of Trust and Fraud and we have certainly never granted any delegated power affecting our national sovereignty, our borders, nor our immigration policy.

So, put a Big Red "X" over the North American Union and the Unidroit Treaty of Rome which Commander Gould sacked in 2003 and numerous other "treaties" which the Territorial United States signed without any delegated authority to do so.

And now that we are back to the issue of delegated authority --- at the moment, they have none.  They vacated their constitutional agreements and any assumed commercial contracts by entering into bankruptcy.  As we have demonstrated, all three levels of the "Federal Government" --- national, territorial, and municipal -- were vacated by their incompetence and criminal Breach of Trust. 

As we also demonstrated, all three levels of the "Federal Government" either belong to us directly or existed only to fulfill treaty agreements and commercial contracts owed to us.  Their self-voiding of their commercial contracts via bankruptcy also voids their charters.

The national level of our government was illegally and immorally moth-balled via usurpation, fraud, and Breach of Trust in 1868.  The municipal level was bankrupted in 2015.  The territorial level was bankrupted in 2017.  

ALL powers ever delegated under any constitutional agreement with any of the former Principals and their Successors thus ended in 2017 and reverted to the Issuer --- The United States of America (Unincorporated), its member States, and the People of this country.  

We have maintained a constitutional form of government for now by establishing new agreements with other "federal partners"--- the American Indian Nations, but our agreements with them do not imply a continuance of delegation of power under the old system and do not provide grounds for any would-be service providers or international trustees to presume upon us or assume a service contract without our explicit agreement.

The days of the tail wagging the dog are over, and those responsible have only themselves to blame --- because it is their own incompetence, greed, breach of trust, and lack of good faith service that has led to this.

We are, throughout, the aggrieved and defrauded parties, who have been abused by our own employees. 

We are owed the full, free, and complete return of all assets and property naturally belonging to us, absent all debts and encumbrances. This includes all land patents and titles belonging to our States and People.  We are owed the return of our gold which was confiscated illegally during the 1930's and the return of our silver which was extorted under color of law via the Emergency Banking Act of 1934. We are owed the return of all our intellectual property and all assets and benefits attached to those intellectual assets, plus the absolute and permanent release of all indecent claims upon our bodies and our DNA.

We have claimed and placed agricultural liens upon all our assets and all the assets of our States and all the property assets and interests of the Foreign Grantor Trusts and tax shelters and stocks and bonds and labor contracts and performance contracts and insurances and other beneficial material interests held in our NAMES.

We found our "missing, presumed lost at sea" Trade Names and re-conveyed them to the land and soil of our nativity and we stand on our land and soil now, no longer deceived and no longer acquiescing to any continuance of this criminal imposition upon us and our country and our natural sovereignty.

 In other words, the "service providers" have finally been "served".  

They all need to bow their heads in shame, turn over the accounts for audit, and do what they can to make sure that no more property is damaged and no more innocent people are hurt.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Lawmakers push for term limits - get the scum out of DC!

Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Pushes for Term Limits

An old approach to draining the Washington swamp has become new again as members of Congress push for congressional term limits.

Term limits were one of the items proposed in the 1994 Contract with America, developed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Although the issue was widely debated at the time, and term limits were imposed on some local and state elected positions, the bid to create term limits at the federal level never succeeded. (Very interesting, right?!)

Although some states sought to limit congressional terms, The Washington Post noted that a court rejected those efforts. Instead, imposing congressional term limits requires a constitutional amendment, which would require two-thirds passage in the bitterly divided houses of Congress and then ratification by 36 states. (WHY aren't they following the rules as originally established. That would settle the issue.)

However, Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin is among those willing to make the attempt, according to The Hill. “People are hungry for a new generation of leadership in Washington, D.C. I certainly saw that in my campaign where my youth, far from being a hindrance, was an asset,” said Gallagher, 34.

Last week, Gallagher and a bipartisan group of congressmen who support term limits recruited an ally to their cause — President Donald Trump.  “I’m holding true to my commitment to bring some Wisconsin common sense to Washington, D.C. and change the way business gets done. Imposing term limits is one of first ‘Drain the Swamp’ measures I introduced in my first 100 days in office, and I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my resolution with President Trump. If we’re going to end the careerism that is infecting Washington, D.C., then implementing term limits and getting back to the citizen legislator model is a no-brainer,” Gallagher said in a statement on his website.
Trump later tweeted his support.  “I recently had a terrific meeting with a bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers who feel very strongly in favor of Congressional term limits,” Trump tweeted. “I gave them my full support and endorsement for their efforts.”

Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania said he told Trump that there is a connection between length of service and corruption, according to the Washington Examiner. (    “I made clear to the president that, as a former FBI special agent who oversaw the FBI’s Political Corruption Unit for the entire nation, I witnessed first hand an undeniable correlation between the length of time in office and the instances of corruption,” Fitzpatrick said. “The lines that were very bright for elected officials on day one in office were not so bright in year seven or eight, and even less so in years 15 or 20.”

Joining Fitzpatrick and Gallagher were Republican Rep. Jodey Arrington of Texas and Democrats Ro Khanna of California and Vincente Gonzalez of Texas.  Arrington said Trump was receptive to the proposal.  “I think he was encouraged that the new members of Congress — who came in when he did, on the same ticket — were expressing the sentiment of the electorate around this country,” Arrington said, according to KTTU-FM. “Eighty two percent of the American people believe that term limits would be best for this country.”

The proposal would limit service to 12 years, which would be two terms for senators and six terms for members of the House of Representatives. Sitting members of Congress would be exempt.
Gallagher said the issue crosses partisan lines ..."These are issues you can talk about with hardcore Bernie Sanders progressives and hardcore conservatives, and everyone starts speaking the same language,” Gallagher said.

Khanna said term limits would increase the diversity in Washington.  “Term limits worked really well in my state in the state assembly. It’s led to more people of color, more women and more young people getting the opportunity to serve,” Khanna said. “So that really is something I believe would be good at a federal level.”

Saturday, May 5, 2018



May 4 2018

Now that North Korea seems ready to fly the straight and narrow, China is starting to become a problem again.

On Thursday, the Pentagon confirmed lasers were fired at U.S. pilots by Chinese nationals.  The attack happened near an East African military base.

(Question:  So what is China up to in that location that they do NOT want the united States to find out about, photograph, etc.??)

Dana White, Pentagon press secretary, said a diplomatic protest has already been filed with the Chinese government.  White stated, “These are very serious incidents. There have been two minor injuries. This activity poses a threat to our airmen.” She also stated the U.S. government has made a formal request to the Chinese to investigate these attacks.

The Chinese have already called the accusations “groundless,” so there is not exactly a high hope something will actually be done with the request other than it being tossed into the garbage can.  

History Repeated

In April, a formal warning was sent by the Federal Aviation Administration regarding lasers.  The warning expressed concerns over reported high-power lasers near Djibouti, close to the Chinese military base.  Pilots were told to approach the area with caution and to report any incidents to the FAA.

Dialing back things a bit further, something similar happened in 1997 when Bill Clinton was 'president'.  At the time, a Russian merchant ship allegedly used a laser to attack a Canadian surveillance helicopter. The two men injured in that attack were U.S. Navy Captain Jack Daly and Canadian pilot Captain Patrick Barnes.

If you don’t recall hearing about it, you are not alone. The Clinton administration did everything it could to keep the attack quiet so as not to disturb the “peace.” ??

Considering what we now know about the Clintons involvement in the Uranium One deal and the excessive speaking fees Bill Clinton gets, he was actually looking after his own bank account.

China best be careful, though, because Clinton is no longer in the White House.

Trump has already proven he is more than willing to take both economic and military action to squeeze any country bold enough to mess with the United States of America. 


Donations accepted to assist in costs and efforts to restore our republic and reseat the original jurisdiction assemblies across our great nation

Donations via paypal can be made to

Donations go strait to Freewill to help with costs of work being done on behalf of the American people to resettle the county and state assemblies across our great nation! Expenses for office material and bills are being paid from Freewill's pocket to support the cost and efforts of maintaining and growing the counties, states, and national assemblies. Several hours a day 7 days a week are involved in this effort. Internet, phones, computers, printer ink, paper, software, Dedicated server, website domains, and time away from 9 to 5 job preventing overtime pay is expensive.

Freewill has a full time job as a mechanic and wages barely cover living expenses , tool expenses and payments, raising a daughter, and limits what money can be put to the costs of the efforts for the people and reseating our republic. We are taking our country back. Donald Trump is waiting for us to complete this as he promised the world to return the power back to the American people. We must be assembled to take that power back.

Every donation that can be made helps. Expenses are growing as the assemblies are growing. Outside of our own pockets there is no other funding. If you are unable to participate with your local assembly, your donations to assist with the restoration will help. Any amount you can spare will be welcomed.

The funds do not go to the assemblies. The funds go to Freewill to assist in his work being done for the assemblies. This is for clarification!

Donations via paypal can be made to

Thank You and God bless America!

Ps. Past donations have made it possible to obtain a dedicated server and cover some expenses with supplies and bills. I thank you for that.

China: The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History


The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History

Big bully China has to steal technology from the united States and STILL cannot make a product that is worth a da*n 
May 01, 2018
By Jeff Ferry, CPA Research Director

Industrial espionage has been going on for centuries, but experts agree China’s espionage campaign is on a different scale from anything we’ve seen in history. It has been going on at least since the 1990s and there is no sign it is letting up. Targets include an incredibly broad range of US companies, embracing civilian as well as military technology, with a special focus on the telecom and Internet sector. 

In 2009, National Security Agency Director General Keith Alexander called Chinese IP theft “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.”  He put the value of cyber-theft of US trade secrets and intellectual property (IP) at a stunning $250 billion a year and called it “our future disappearing in front of us.”

Rather than describe general trends (such as Chinese military officers whose job consists of hacking American companies from 9 to 5 daily, 5 days a week), we thought it would be more evocative to describe ten of the most flagrant cases of IP theft. They range across many industries. What they have in common is that these cases involve gains for Chinese companies—even when the industrial spies are caught and imprisoned. 

For the US victim companies, they involve loss of markets, loss of jobs, and even loss of life.

1. The Wind Turbine Case

A decade ago, American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) was a high-tech, high-growth software success story. Spun out of MIT and headquartered in Ayer, Massachusetts, AMSC developed world-class technology for software to control the wind turbines.

In 2005, the Chinese government made wind power and large-scale wind farms a key strategic objective for China. AMSC partnered with a Chinese maker of the wind turbine hardware, Sinovel, to sell into the Chinese market.  AMSC sales rose rapidly into the hundreds of millions of dollars. 

In 2011, AMSC discovered that Sinovel had an illegal copy of the entire AMSC software code on one of their windmills. AMSC launched an investigation and found that a Serbian engineer working at their Austrian development facility, Dejan Karabasevic, had stolen the full software code and turned it over to Sinovel. 

An investigation by the Austrian police found that Karabasevic had agreed to provide the software in exchange for $1.7 million in cash, an apartment, and the services of call girls. Karabasevic was convicted and served a year in an Austrian prison.

In 2011, AMSC filed the largest-ever IP theft case in a Chinese court, seeking $1.2 billion compensation for their losses. Sinovel cancelled all its business with AMSC and refused to pay the $800 million it owed AMSC. As a result, AMSC had to lay off 600 employees at its Massachusetts headquarters (over 60% of its workforce), its stock market capitalization fell by half, and the company went into survival mode. 

The China case has gone nowhere. However, the US government filed a criminal case in 2013 charging Sinovel, two Chinese Sinovel executives, and Karabasevic with charges including conspiracy to commit trade secret theft. In 2018, the company and three individuals were convicted, but all are out of the reach of US justice.

Today, Sinovel still uses stolen AMSC software to power its wind turbines. It is the world’s number two, and China’s number one, provider of wind turbines. AMSC estimates that 20% of the wind turbines deployed in China today use illegal AMSC software.

2. The Oreo White Case

In 2014, federal prosecutors launched an industrial espionage case by showing the jury an Oreo, the famous Nabisco cookie. The white Oreo cream filling uses the chemical titanium dioxide (TiO2) to achieve that brilliant white color.  Automotive paint and hundreds of other industrial products use TiO2, making it a highly valuable chemical. 

American manufacturer Dupont has long had a world-leading proprietary multi-stage process for producing titanium dioxide.  In 2012, chemical engineer Walter Liew was charged with secretly conspiring to steal Dupont technology over the course of 14 years for the benefit of Chinese chemical manufacturers.

According to a detailed report in Bloomberg Business Week, in 1991, Liew met senior Chinese Communist Party official Luo Gan, who thanked him for being a “patriotic overseas Chinese” and began to send him “directives” describing China’s industrial aims.   

Liew was born in Malaysia of Chinese parentage, moved to the US to study at University of Oklahoma in the early 1980s, and became a US citizen in the 1990s. According to federal prosecutors, “with Mr. Luo’s directives to Mr. Liew, so began a 20-year course of conduct of lying, cheating, and stealing.”

In 1997, Liew found two retired disgruntled American Dupont engineers, Tim Spitler and Robert Maegerle. He won their confidence through charm and gifts. They provided him with information, sketches, and blueprints of Dupont’s titanium dioxide facilities and processes. In 2004, Liew used this information to win a series of contracts totaling $28 million from China’s Pangang Group to build a TiOproduction facility.

In 2012, Dupont found out about Liew’s activities and called the FBI. The conspirators were arrested. In his interrogation, Tim Spitler admitted to receiving a $15,000 payment from Liew. Shortly after, he committed suicide. 

In 2014, Liew was convicted and sentenced to 15 years for economic espionage, possession of trade secrets, and tax fraud. Maegerle got two and a half years for conspiring to sell trade secrets. Liew’s wife Christina got probation for evidence tampering.

3. The Motorola Case

On February 28, 2007, a Motorola engineer named Hanjuan Jin was stopped by customs agents at O’Hare Airport. They searched her and found she had $30,000 in cash, a carry-on bag full of Motorola documents marked “confidential and proprietary,” and a one-way ticket for Beijing. She was arrested.

Jin was a successful engineer working on Motorola’s cellular technology at a time when Motorola was one of the world’s top wireless companies (and a substantial supplier to the Pentagon). Investigations revealed that after eight years with Motorola, Jin had in 2006 taken medical leave, gone to China, and in violation of the terms of her Motorola employment, pursued a job with Sun Kaisens, a Chinese telecom company that does work for the Chinese military. 

In 2007, she returned to Chicago and resumed work briefly for Motorola, during which time she was seen leaving the office with shopping bags full of documents in the evenings. Born in China, Jin had gone to the US where she received a master’s degree in physics from Notre Dame, and obtained US citizenship.

In 2012, she was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of $20,000. At the trial, the judge said: “The most important thing this country can do is protect its trade secrets.”

4. The Iowa Seed Corn Case

In 2014, six Chinese nationals were arrested for attempting to steal genetically modified corn seeds from Dupont and Monsanto experimental farms in Iowa. The conspirators were employed by Chinese conglomerate DBN and its corn seed subsidiary, Kings Nower Seed. The Chinese government puts a high priority on agricultural development to feed its large and growing population.

One of the six conspirators, Mo Yun, was the wife of the founder of DBN, and a second, Mo Hailong aka Robert Mo, was her brother. The US prosecutors charged the conspirators with stealing samples of the “parent” seeds that produced the genetically modified seeds and attempting to smuggle them to China, including one attempt that involved hiding the seeds in a bag of microwave popcorn. Monsanto said it has spent billions of dollars developing advanced corn seed.

In 2016, Mo Hailong was sentenced to 36 months in federal prison. The government also confiscated two farms, one in Iowa and the other in Illinois, purchased by the conspirators. It’s unclear what happened to the other five conspirators.

5. The Tappy the Robot Case

When a telecom company allows engineers from its suppliers into its carefully guarded testing labs, those engineers are expected to obey all the rules laid down by their customer. Two engineers from Chinese supplier Huawei used a 2014 visit to T-Mobile’s labs in Seattle to steal information and even a piece of confidential T-Mobile equipment, Tappy the Robot. 

T-Mobile used Tappy’s fast-moving fingers to test the performance of the smartphones it sold. Not only did they take photos of Tappy, the Huawei engineers stole one of his fingertips.

Huawei apologized and said it fired the two engineers. However T-Mobile pursued its case and in 2017 a Seattle jury decided that Huawei misappropriated T-Mobile trade secrets and awarded the wireless operator damages of $4.8 million.  Huawei has a long track record in intellectual property theft. 

In 2004 Cisco Systems, the market leader in routers, took Huawei to court for stealing its core router software code and using it in Huawei routers. The case was settled confidentially. More recently, when Huawei public statements claimed that the 2004 case did not involve stolen Cisco code, Cisco in 2012 replied by describing the essence of their original complaint this way: “this litigation involved allegations by Cisco of direct, verbatim copying of our source code, to say nothing of our command line interface, our help screens, our copyrighted manuals and other elements of our products.” 

Routers are the core hardware technology at the heart of the Internet. Huawei routers, widely used in China and Europe, have played a key role in Huawei’s growth into a $95 billion global telecom equipment giant.

6. The CLIFBAW case

In 2015, the federal government charged six Chinese citizens with stealing wireless communications technology from two Silicon Valley microchip makers, Avago and Skyworks, and launching their own company to sell that technology in China.  (Avago is now known as Broadcom.)

According to the indictment, after leaving their employers and taking the stolen technology, one of the six co-conspirators was so cocky that he suggested in an email to his partners that they should name their new company CLIFBAW for “China Lifts Bulk Acoustic Wave.” One of the other co-conspirators wrote in an email: “My work is to make every possible effort to find out about the process’s every possible detail and copy directly to China.”

The six alleged IP thieves were former employees of the two American chip makers. Three of them had met studying electrical engineering at USC in Los Angeles. The technology they stole, thin-film bulk acoustic wave resonator technology, is used to clean up wireless signals, allowing cellular phone service to work better at greater distances from cell towers. It’s a critical piece of successful wireless systems.

One of the accused, Zhang Hao, was arrested at LA Airport in 2015 and spent eight weeks in Santa Clara jail. As of a 2016 report, he was fighting the case in a federal court in San Jose.

According to the federal government, Avago spent 20 years and $50 million developing this technology. Avago only learned about the theft in 2011, at least four years after the six thieves started seeking backing from Chinese universities for their new business.

7. The Allen Ho TVA/Nuclear Power case

In August 2017, Taiwanese-American engineer Allen Ho was sentenced to two years in prison for providing nuclear energy technology information to China’s state-owned China General Nuclear Power Company (CGNPC). According to the indictment, Ho, a naturalized American citizen, used his company Energy Technology International, which was based at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, to gather information on the production of nuclear material from American nuclear power developers including the Tennessee Valley Authority and pass that information to the CGNPC.   

Ho engaged in these activities between 1997 and 2016, through his own efforts and that of unnamed consultants he hired.

8. The File Storage and China National Health case

According to a May 2017 Department of Justice press release, Chinese spy Xu Jiaqiang stole data storage technology from a US storage technology company for the benefit of China’s health system, the National Health and Family Planning Commission. He then communicated with two undercover FBI agents and offered to sell them the so-called clustered file storage technology from the unnamed victim company. 

He explained to the undercover cops how to set up a network of servers and uploaded the proprietary storage software onto the servers. He offered to show them how to edit the software to eliminate any trace of the name of the victim company from the screen prompts. 

At a meeting in a hotel room on Dec. 7, 2015, Xu showed the undercover cops the proprietary software on his laptop and boasted of multiple other “customers” to whom he had provided the stolen software. He was arrested.

In 2017, Xu pleaded guilty to three counts of economic espionage. In January 2018, Xu was sentenced to five years in prison. “Xu, a Chinese national, is being held accountable for engaging in economic espionage against an American company,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Dana Boente. “Xu not only stole high tech trade secrets from his U.S. employer – a federal crime – he did so both for his own profit and intending to benefit the Chinese government.”

9. The Unit 61398 Case

In May 2014, federal prosecutors charged five members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China with cyber hacking their way into the confidential computer files of four US companies and one labor union. The five military men were allegedly members of Unit 61398, a unit of the PLA dedicated to cyber hacking. 

The companies that were hacked included aluminum producer Alcoa, nuclear power plant producer Westinghouse, solar cell manufacturer Solar World, Allegheny Technologies Inc., and labor union United Steel Workers.  Solar World said that a key proprietary technology for making solar cells more efficient was stolen in this hack and turned over to a Chinese competitor.

Attorney General Eric Holder said the case was “the first ever charges against a state actor for this type of hacking.  The range of trade secrets and other sensitive business information stolen in this case is significant and demands an aggressive response."

Since none of the PLA hackers were in the US, the indictment was not followed by trial. One cyber-sleuth has said that after the exposure of Unit 61398, China moved its dedicated cyber-hacking unit out of the PLA and into a division of Chinese intelligence.

10. The Great Firewall Case  

The Great Wall of China was built to keep out invaders. The so-called Great Firewall is a network of software tools China uses to control what Internet information and websites Chinese citizens have access to. You would think that if a totalitarian Communist nation wanted to control what its citizens could see and read, it would carefully construct its own software.  But even here, China enjoys stealing American IP. 

In 2009, Solid Oak Software of California announced that parts of China’s Green Dam-Youth Escort software, which China required be loaded onto every PC sold in China to control access to pornography and other sites deemed unsuitable by the government, was actually stolen directly from Solid Oak source code.

According to Solid Oak CEO Brian Milgrim, days after he announced his intent to sue Green Dam for stealing source code, unknown hackers began attacking the Solid Oak computer network with denial-of-service attacks, forcing the Solid Oak team to abandon their own network and use Dropbox to exchange files.  “It felt like they had a plan...if they could just put the company out of business, the lawsuit goes away. They didn’t need guys with guns or someone to break my kneecaps,” Milgrim told Bloomberg News. 

After three years of litigation, the case was settled out of court and the cyber attacks stopped as mysteriously as they had begun.
Ending Comment:  Seems the Chinese are experts at STEALING, so does this mean that deposits from Americans currency exchanges will now be STOLEN by the Chinese?  China has proven multiple times through the years that they can NOT BE TRUSTED.