Monday, July 9, 2018


via SatCom 7777        In God We Trust, Forever and a Day 

Actually worth reading………..
Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, a seasoned journalist and an advocate for sex crime victims. Liz began her journey at the University of Iowa where she received a bachelor's in journalism and political science.
Trump Does The Unthinkable by Liz Crokin
As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a Huge feather in my cap.
Instead, I found that he doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs, he's a hardworking businessman.
On top of that, he's one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse.
Since the media has failed so miserably at reporting the truth about Trump, I decided to put together some of the acts of kindness he’s committed over three decades which has gone virtually unnoticed or fallen on deaf ears.
• In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill's family farm after her husband committed suicide. Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money. Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill's pleas for help in news reports.
• In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn't hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment.
• In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones.
• In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: We've paid off your mortgage.
• In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach, Florida, accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump put the light on Palm Beach not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. Foxman also noted that Trump's charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.
• In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl's story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check.

• In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson's family members were tragically murdered in Chicago, Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Windy City hotel for free. In addition to that, Trump's security took extra measures to ensure Hudson and her family members were safe during such a difficult time.
• In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at traffic below as he drove by. He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and saved her life by convincing her to not jump. When Trump heard about this story, he sent the hero bus driver a check simply because he believed his good deed deserved to be rewarded.
• In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tamoressi after he spent seven months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Barack Obama couldn't even be bothered to make one phone call to assist with the United States Marine's release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman get back on his feet.
• In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005. However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness and during her darkest days she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she's the bravest woman, I know. She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride to college.

• In 2016 Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement defending her boss against accusations that he’s a racist and a bigot. She tearfully revealed how she's struggled with substance abuse and addiction for years. Instead of kicking her to the curb, she said the Trump Organization and his entire family loyally stood by her through immensely difficult times.
Donald Trump’s kindness knows no bounds and his generosity has and continues to touch the lives of people from every sex, race and religion. 
When Trump sees someone in need, he wants to help. Two decades ago, Oprah asked Trump in a TV interview if he'd run for president. He said: ' If it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country.'

That day has come.
Trump sees that America is in need and he wants to help. How unthinkable!
On the other hand, have you ever heard of Hillary or Obama ever doing such things with their own resources?
Now that's really unthinkable! Might be worth passing on!!!
Just shows we hired the right guy.
If Hollywood, liberals and the media ever get off his ass, he’ll do many good things for this country…

Pope Francis Charged -- Cardinals Consider his Resignation

Pope Francis Charged with Child Rape, Sacrifice, Trafficking; Cardinals Consider His Resignation by Judy Byington

Today July 5 a special conclave of the governing College of Cardinals (Curia), was convened in Rome to discuss whether to ask for the immediate resignation of Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio, according to a Vatican source. This same July 5 charges had been filed in a European Court against the Pope for "aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy involving torture and child sacrifice, disappearance of eight children from Catholic facilities in Switzerland and Italy, plus being a party to an aggravated assault with murderous intent designed to obstruct justice on June 21.”

The July 5 filing regarded common law peace officers who were assaulted and beaten by Vatican security in Geneva as they attempted to enforce an arrest warrant on Bergoglio. “Bergoglio had been confirmed as planning to participate in a child sacrifice and therefore our intervention could be regarded as a success in terms of stopping the ritual” stated an informant on the confrontation that took place at the Catholic Basilica Notre Dame on Rue during World Council of Churches meetings. “It’s the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated.”

Back in February 2013 Pope Francis and three top Vatican officials had been convicted by the ICLCJ Court for Crimes against Humanity that included running an international child trafficking ring, plus organizing and raping children during child sacrifice rites in Catholic facilities.

Along with Pope Francis, five prominent members of his Vatican Satanic Ninth Circle child sacrifice cult were also charged with crimes. All would be served a summons to appear in court to answer charges this week. The same claims were filed with the European Court and Criminal Trial Division of the ICLCJ Court.

The Cardinals were concerned about Bergoglio's upcoming visit to Ireland where, according to the Vatican source, local common law Sheriffs planned to detain him under the same standing arrest warrant that the assaulted peace officers in Geneva tried to enforce. "If they're going to get rid of Il Papa (Bergoglio) it will be before August 25, when he is scheduled to lead a public mass in Dublin. There's a feeling of dread among Cardinals that there is too much attention on Il Papa and his associations, like there was on Pope Benedict. The Cardinals are protecting their cult and their money."

Pope Benedict had turned in his unprecedented resignation just days after being convicted by the ICLCJ Court of the same charges: human trafficking, rape and child sacrifice. Benedict has avoided his arrest warrant and still resides under protection of the Vatican.

A planned Satanic Black Mass Ninth Circle child sacrifice ritual scheduled for Summer Solstice midnight June 21 was believed cancelled after Pope Francis avoided arrest that same day. Bergoglio was with his bodyguards on his way to address the World Council of Churchs in Geneva Switzerland when four squad members from the ICLCJ Court detained the Pope, read him an arrest warrant, placed him in restraints and attempted to escort him to a prearranged secure location.

The dramatic story of Pope Francis child trafficking never made the Main Stream Media, even though over 48 eyewitnesses testified before six international judges that the Vatican was paid big bucks to regularly funnel children through their Pedophile Ring to Satan worshipping church leaders, businessmen, politicians and other elites, including members of European royal families.

Two adolescent women told the ICLCJ Court that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium. According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, rapes and murders of children also took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor introduced notarized affidavits by eight others claiming to witness these same crimes organized by the Vatican.

Another witness testified that they were present during meetings with the then Argentine priest and Bishop Francis and the military Junta during Argentine’s 1970′s Dirty War. According to the witness, Francis helped traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into the Vatican Pedophile Ring.

Some of those children were believed buried in a Child Mass Gravesite in Spain – that the Vatican has continuously refused requests for excavation – just as the Vatican has refused requests for excavation of over 32 child mass grave sites believed filled with the mutilated bodies of over 50,000 children who went missing from the Anglican, United Church of Canada, though mainly 80 Catholic native residential schools across Canada. See witness testimony: and

The complete Communique:

PG&E Plans to Cut Electricity to Some California Residents to Prevent Wildfires



by Daisy Luther

In a move straight out of the Soviet Union handbook, PG&E has warned they may cut electrical power to some California residents during “extreme weather” to help prevent wildfires.
This comes after some poorly maintained Pacific Gas and Electric power lines and equipment have been determined to have started last year’s deadly wildfires in the Napa Valley wine country area.
Cal Fire investigators said Friday that equipment owned and operated by PG&E ignited 12 wildfires that raged in hot, dry weather and high winds across Northern California in October, charring hundreds of square miles in Sonoma County and beyond, destroying thousands of structures and killing 18 people. (source)
According to Cal Fire, 8 of the 12 fires occurred due to lack of maintenance in violation of state regulations.
The utility was in violation of state code on eight of those fires, failing to clear brush around its lines and properly maintain its power equipment, according to state fire investigators.
Cal Fire found violations in the Norrbom, Partrick, Pythian, Adobe and Pocket fires that burned in Sonoma and Napa counties; the Atlas fire in Napa County; the Sulphur fire in Lake County; and the Blue fire in Humboldt County. (source)
Doesn’t it sound like a good idea for PG&E to improve the maintenance of their equipment and lines? But instead, they have a different response.

PG&E’s response to the deadly Napa Valley Fires

Instead of improving their maintenance, PG&E has made the arbitrary decision to cut electricity to areas they have identified as risky, leaving residents to fend for themselves without power during the most brutally hot days of the year. Here’s a map of the areas that PG&E considers to be “high risk.”
photo credit
If this sounds familiar, perhaps you are thinking back to the 1990s, when the Soviet Union was ruled by the Communist Party and dealt with power shortages by rationing or cutting electricity to the coldest parts of the nation, leaving some Siberian hospitals and schools completely without heat.
CBS Sacramento reports:
“The goal is to reduce the risk of wildfires,” said PG&E spokeswoman Brandi Merlo, who acknowledges the utility only wants to cut power as a last resort for public safety.
PG&E points to climate change, saying extreme weather is the new norm in California. The utility says it has a wildfire safety operations center staffed 24-7 evaluating temperatures, wind, humidity, dry brush and real-time observations from crews in the field. While PG&E would not share the exact criteria it’s using, it says it plans to give customers anywhere from one to 48 hours’ notice through phone calls, texts or email addresses customers provide.
PG&E says this will also affect some people living outside “extreme fire threat” districts in “elevated” threat areas also noted on the state map if they live on the same circuit. The utility says it’s already mailed letters to anyone who may be impacted, but you can also look up your address on its site where you can also update your contact information. (source)
One to 48 hours seems like quite a wide range of warning times, doesn’t it?

PG&E doesn’t care about residents’ freezers and cellphones, either.

Instead of taking responsibility themselves, the utility company intends to inconvenience paying customers. They suggest that customers in the affected areas “have a plan” for dealing with the brutally hot conditions without power.
If you are in one of these threat zones, PG&E says you should already have a plan in case it cuts your power during extreme fire weather.
“Some of those things could include backup generation. They should be looking in advance of that notice,” Merlo said. “They could also look at staying with family or friends.” (source)
(For some more practical advice on surviving a hot weather blackout, check out this article.)
CBS Sacramento spoke with PG&E spokeswoman Brandi Merlo, asking questions for concerned residents.
Kurtis: When you lose power, a lot of these people are going to lose their ability to communicate. Isn’t that raising a whole new issue?
Merlo: We understand the difficulties that come with shutting the power off. It will only be as a last resort, and in the interest of public safety when extreme weather conditions occur.
Kurtis: Is this the lesser of two evils?
Merlo: We’re really working to reduce the risk of wildfires and this is one of the ways we’re trying to do it.”
Kurtis: PG&E understands this raises a whole new list of risks?
Merlo: Yes. (source)
The media outlet also asked whether PG&E would be reimbursing affected residents for their additional expenses during these outages.
Considering PG&E’s plan to cut power is to keep its own equipment from sparking fires, we asked the utility if it plans to reimburse people for losses, like lost groceries, a hotel stay or the cost of fuel. The company responded by email with this statement.
We will not be reimbursing customers for losses as we are shutting off power for safety due to extreme fire danger conditions. It’s important for all customers living or working in a high fire-threat area to have an emergency plan to be prepared for any extended outages due to extreme weather.  (source)
PG&E suggested that customers ensure their ability to communicate by having a landline.
If you are a resident of one of the areas PG&E has deemed “risky,” it’s clear that you’ll be completely on your own during any heatwaves.

The GLADIO CODE Has Been Broken, NATO’s Terror Network Shattered

G-10  reveals what no one has ever disclosed before

TMR Editor’s Note: The following intelligence report on NATO’s Operation Gladio was filed by former French undercover agent and computer scientist Marc Delantre.
The purpose of this report is to familiarize the reader with the super-secret “signal” that was actually created by the operational head of Gladio (now known as G-10) to communicate with M. Delantre.  As difficult as this might be to comprehend, the hard digital evidence provided by G-10 proves conclusively that this ongoing signaling initiative has been taking place throughout most of 2018.
Only by reading this extraordinary exposé can anyone begin to see the direct connection between Gladio and a growing number of terrorist operations perpetrated around the world.  Were one to dig deeper into each attack, it would become quickly apparent that they each have a unique set of specific objectives as well as serve to advance an underlying global agenda (i.e. New World Order).
What is critical to understand is that both The Millennium Report and State of the Nation had previously labeled many of the concerned terror attacks conducted domestically and internationally as classic Gladio operations.  This Gladio branding by TMR and SOTN was done completely independent of and without  foreknowledge of Delantre’s accurate analysis posted below.
Once the scientific evaluation of the digital data began to support the existence of a pervasive paradigm of Gladio terror, it became clear that a massive terrorist network has been in place globally over many decades.  In fact, virtually every terror attack anywhere in the world today is carried out under the rubric of NATO’s Operation Gladio.  This is precisely why NATO has been renamed by the Alt Media as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.
There are very good reasons why both NATO and Operation Gladio headquarters are both located in Brussels, Belgium.  Although it has been officially stated that Gladio was dissolved a number of years ago, it was not.  In point of fact, Gladio is more active than it has ever been as seen by the never-ending and ever-intensifying reign of terror across the planet.  The fake ‘War on Terror’ was in reality initiated to provide cover and justification for Gladio operations executed around the globe.
The terrorist attacks of September 11th were a classic Gladio black operation which was coordinated with several intelligence agencies (e.g. the entire U.S. Intelligence Community) and secret services (e.g. MOSSAD) around the world.  Prior to 9/11, there were numerous terror operations such as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that were also perpetrated under the Gladio umbrella.
So far-reaching is Gladio’s influence worldwide that they are the only over-arching organization (along with full C.I.A. support) that can pull off so many terror attacks and never be exposed…until now.  What is revealed below is the back story which describes how every Gladio-sponsored attack is now telegraphed via a digital “signal” that contain revealing signatures as they are sent in real-time.
It’s crucial for every resident of planet Earth to understand that Gladio terrorism can show up anywhere, anytime and in any way.  So complete is their command and control of this realm that no one is immune to their false flag terror attacks.  Hence, everyone ought to have an interest in exposing their game plan once it becomes known.  After all, who does not want to prevent the death and destruction that always occur during and after Gladio black ops.
Truly, there are no NIMBYS where it concerns NATO’s Gladio-coordinated terrorism.  These state-sponsored terrorist cells operate wherever, whenever and however they so choose to.  Given this stark reality, every inhabitant of the planetary civilization ought to pay attention to the messages delivered by G-10.

Just who is G-10 And from where does he issue forth the most radioactive information and ultra-classified data in the world?

TERROR IN RUSSIA: Moscow and Sochi car-rammings are GLADIO operations

GLADIO: “The SWORD” Used By The North Atlantic Terrorist Organization Worldwide

GLADIO False Flag Terrorism 2018: Spate Of European Arson Fires Are All Connected On Purpose

ANNAPOLIS NEWSPAPER MASSACRE: Another Gladio-style False Flag Terrorist Attack


The “Gladio Code” has finally been broken.   Hence, the global terror matrix has been “shattered” because Gladio’s secret strategy and signature MO have been revealed like never before.  Once an insider chose to expose the underbelly of NATO’s Operation Gladio, it has become apparent that virtually all terrorism is state-sponsored and overseen by the Brussels headquarters.
Why Brussels?  Because it’s also the Pedogate capital of the world.  Not only is the Belgium government completely controlled by the Pedogate control mechanism, so is the NATO leadership and Gladio hierarchy.  In this manner, federal governments around the globe are likewise coerced into supporting the worldwide regime of terror that currently afflicts humanity.
Henceforth, the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization will be held responsible for the incessant terrorist attacks.  Gladio false flag operations will now be seen as the state-sponsored terrorism that they truly are.  Eventually, this grim reality will catch up with those government officials and political leaders who have taken advantage of this fake “War on Terror” to promote the perpetual war economy for the Military-Industrial Complex.
The Millennium Report
July 5, 2018
N.B. What follows is Marc Delantre’s extraordinary work that exposes Gladio as the killing machine and fear-generating entity it has always been.

Gladio created a signal to communicate with his Messenger, Marc Delantre

Submitted by Marc Delantre

This signal has been created by Gladio to communicate with me, their Messenger, but what is this signal?
Even if I did not know yet, I was dealing with Gladio since the summer 2008. Indeed, without knowing it, I was very close of the mastermind of Gladio and he tried to hire me for my computer skills. The French authorities asked me to be their undercover man within this organized crime organization. I did not know at that time that I was facing Gladio. The Mossad exfiltrated me from this situation in 2009 and used me till 2012. In 2013, I tried to denounce everything in Belgium and I had to face Gladio in my home. I have been poisoned two times, but not with the goal of killing me. The head of Gladio did not want to kill me, but only to control me and to push me out of their main area, Belgium. And, indeed, I left my country in 2014 to go in Madagascar.
On September 16, 2014, when I was in Madagascar, the judge in Belgium in charge of my complaint opened by the Belgian Secret Service asked a police commissioner to investigate on my case. Three hours later my computer in Madagascar was seriously attacked and one of my web servers completely disappeared. These destructive Internet attacks lasted 3 weeks and finally that commissioner asked me if I will come back to get an audition for this case. Since they did not want to protect me, I refused, and the judge closed the file at the end of 2014.
The terror attacks in Europe would begin in the first days of 2015.
But Gladio decided at the same time to use me to denounce their activities, but in their way, not in my way. To reach this goal, they needed a very discrete way to communicate with me.

An Internet DDoS weapon to communicate with me

Gladio also specializes in the cyber-attacks and Internet weapons. We call this cyber-terrorism. My own story has some links with the birth and the evolution of the most powerful cyber-weapon in the world. In 2012, when the leader of the Mossad agents was taking care of me in Belgium, he died in strange circumstances and then my wife disappeared at the same time.  A cyber-terrorist team v-DOS also began their activity in Israel. This team had the specialty to launch DDoS attacks against web servers.
A DDoS attack consists of sending a large volume of data and connections to the same server to take it down. In 2014, the best way to launch a DDoS attack was to use dozens, hundreds or thousands of computers, and to command to these computers to send massive amounts of data and to connect at the same time to a same target. The hackers take the control of these computers through a virus. Everybody has experienced that their favorite site cannot be reachable from time to time. The reason for this can be a DDoS attack.
I don’t know why but in 2014, when Gladio succeeded in closing the complaint opened with the Belgian Service, this v-DOS team began officially to sell and to launch DDoS attacks on demand, for their customers. When the Belgian authority asked me if I was ready to come back in Belgium, I also received very small DDoS attacks on my web server. They did not attack me, but I understood that these small attacks were a threat, if I planned to enter Belgium.
It was the first time that any organization used a DDoS cyber-weapon to send me a message and I understood its purpose of course. I knew that these very small attacks, without any effects, could also be very destructive if they used their DDoS weapon at a normal level. So, it was already very strange to me that they used a powerful DDoS weapon to message me. Or, that the DDoS attack is fully active and destructive, or that there is no attack at all. So, such level of attack, was not an attack at all; rather, it was a way to communicate with me through a specific type of signal.
It was also in 2014 when the flight MH17 had been shot down over the Ukraine that I got the first DDoS “warning” attack for something where I was not involved. I was very surprised, since this DDoS warning was coming from the area of the crash. I made the link and I wrote it. I did not know it at the time, but Gladio saw on my screens that I understood it. So, they probably decided to continue in this way to communicate with me.
In 2015, when I was disconnected sometimes from the Internet for traveling or visiting or because I did not have Internet connection for a while, I again received these DDoS “warnings“. I was not surprised.
In 2016, after the terror attack in Brussels, I decided to send my file to the Belgian Commission for the terror attacks in Brussels. On October 19, I received an email from the office of the top Belgian chief police in Belgium to tell me that they took care of my file sent to this Commission. Again, three hours later, my other web server then disappeared from the web.
I immediately launched another server in the Netherlands and on October 20 my server was already running. On October 21, the USA fell victim to the most powerful cyber-attack ever and the impact point was exactly where my web server was located on October 19 before to be destroyed; the DYN DNS company in Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S.
This was the most powerful attack ever; something like a 9/11 on the Internet. The whole USA was impacted, and the White House was compelled to give a special news conference. Many major US websites went down. The world discovered a new style of DDoS weapon. The target is not attacked by some thousands of infected computers spread over the world, but by 100,000 internet devices spread over the world.  These objects are, above all, cameras (CCTV) connected to the Internet and very easy to infect because their access codes are standard. When such a number of infected objects or infected computers are involved this way, it’s called a botnet. The particular virus that was used to infect these Internet devices, especially the CCTV is called Mirai. So, this botnet attacking the USA on October 21, took the name of Mirai botnet.
On December 2016, I saw on my web server in the Netherlands that I received, hundreds of connections per hour, non-stop over several days. I called the FBI and other experts and they confirmed, these connections are coming from Mirai botnet. However, like in 2014, Mirai botnet doesn’t attack me. Thousands of Internet objects of Mirai botnet are connecting on my server every hour, every minute, 24/7. The FBI confirms that my server is not involved in any cyber-terrorism process. My server is definitively not a hub for the Mirai botnet, and they don’t find the reason for these strange connections. I didn’t know yet that it was Gladio, and that they just created with Mirai botnet a frequency on my server to function as a signal. Immediately, I created some Internet applications to follow the changing level of these connections coming from the most powerful Internet weapon in the world.
The signal from Mirai botnet warns me the first terror attack.
On January and February 2017, I see that the level of Mirai botnet connections changes according to what I’m doing and where I’m doing it, even if I don’t have Internet. So Gladio was showing me that they were monitoring me 24/7, even if I didn’t know it was Gladio. I email the FBI, which answers only what they know that my partner and I are being 24/7 monitored. Terrifying it was even though I did not know yet that I was being monitored by Gladio.
On May 22, 2017, I see that the Mirai botnet suddenly reaches a high-level activity on my server, at more than 1000 connections per hour while its normal level during May 2017 was +/-150 connections per hour. This high activity continues for 4h30 and I try to understand. When it goes back to its normal level, I look to see if I did something wrong to provoke this sudden high level of connections to my server. I did not find anything.
Then I see the news that Donald Trump has just been welcomed to Israel by Benjamin Netanyahu. The Air Force One arrived at 11h02 in the morning, Belgian time, at the airport… and Mirai also reached this high-level activity on my server at 11H02 in the morning!
I understand that Mirai botnet may be warning me of an imminent terrorist attack. I contact the Belgian Terrorist Threat Center, which asks me for a report. I take several hours to write it and shortly after it’s dispatch there is the attack in Manchester in the UK at the Arena. There were many deaths including children. Later, the CIA will say that the terrorist who blew himself up was trained in Belgium. I did not know yet that it was really Gladio, but they just warned me of a first terror attack.
Moreover, Gladio leaves nothing to chance and had just launched the 4th terror attack on the 22nd of the month, including the one in Brussels. I see also that this attack occurred in Manchester, UK while Mirai had “celebrated” its birth by its massive attack in the USA on DYN DNS Company, in Manchester, U.S.! Twice, Manchester was hit, so this was not coincidence.


This attack that signed on my server on May 22, 2017 was also not a coincidence since 50 other attacks would follow and all of them were signed in the same way—by a Mirai botnet on my server.
Progressively, Gladio showed me more and more about their activities through Mirai botnet. At the beginning, they warned me of attacks, 1 or 2h just before they occurred; but quickly, they “signed” the attacks in the real-time. The principle remained the same; when the signal goes up, it means that an operation is ongoing. An operation, an attack, or car-ramming can last some minutes, like when they start a fire in a building. It can last also some hours or some days, especially when the operation requires more work.  Or when they want to show me better that I’m linked with this operation, or to allow me to link it with an event in the news.
So, many of these signatures have the shape of a wave, paralleling with the beginning and the end of the operation. It’s easy for me to find the event in the news matching with such signature. But if there are many signatures I don’t get waves, but only the peaks of connections.
Moreover, they have also created some sub-signals. These sub-signals are a part of the main signal and can show also the peaks and waves matching with attacks. However, they can give more information on sub-signals about my own activities or if some events have a special link with me.


It is through this signal coming from Mirai botnet, that I discover all the activities of Gladio and their locations. They occur all over the world in the form of terror and false flag attacks, chemical attacks, murders, fires, planes crashes, and so on. Currently, when I see the events in the news, I’m almost able, before to see the signal, to say that an event is a Gladio operation or not.  Most often, my feeling is right as I get a signal at the same time of the event, which is a signature for the attack.
You must understand also that everything about this signal coming from Gladio and Mirai botnet depends on human decisions. There is no automation. A team must receive — 24/7 — a list of ongoing operations and this team must change the Gladio level on my web server according the information that they receive. I don’t think that I receive a signature on the signal for all their operations. It would be impossible. They probably take the most significant operations for me and those that I could find myself later in the news.
If an operation occurs in the middle of the jungle to prepare the arrival of a helicopter, there is no interest for me and I will not get any signature for this. If they must launch a terror attack in Europe, I will get it. Currently, I cannot count anymore the large number of operations that I got already. The goal is to show me, or to record on my server, the most important for the humanity to be aware of. Indeed, when Gladio organized on demand from an authority, a political crime, a plane crash, or a terror attack, that authority will never say the truth. The Gladio signal is there to tell the truth, since the operation is recorded on my web server.
This signal is not really a code between Gladio and me. However, this signal does not mean anything if you do not see what it corresponds to. It is the same if you see a cardiac monitor in the hospital and you don’t see the bed with the patient.  It’s the same with the signal from Gladio. I know how to read it, because:
  • ·         I know the origin of this signal, Mirai botnet, a powerful cyber-weapon. This is already very unusual that such a weapon communicates with my server.

  • ·         I know who controls this signal; Gladio and I know that I have a relationship with this organization for over 10 years.

  • ·         As described above, they taught me how to read the signal by increasing progressively the number of signatures.

  • ·         At the beginning, the signal was used for one attack a day, and the timing matched at the very minute between the signal and the event. So, it was above all to convince me that this signal matched to a terrorist organization.

  • ·         When Gladio was sure that I understood this, they increased progressively the number of attacks signed on my server. At the same time, they checked on my screens to see if I understood them.
Of course, this decision to send me a signal about their activities comes from the operational head of Gladio, and he is operating in my home country, Belgium, near NATO. We have known each other for very long time. He is one of the most powerful police officers in Belgium and all complaints that I tried to open against him failed.
This explains also why each time that I tried to contact the Belgian police I got in some hours only the worst destructive attacks to my computers and servers. He did that because he doesn’t want me to denounce him, but I have to denounce Gladio. Since he saw how many times I tried to denounce him, he chose me to denounce Gladio but in his way and not in my way.
This signal can also be considered like a simple way to communicate between him, the head of Gladio, and me. Of course, he doesn’t do that himself, but he is the one who gives the orders. Gladio is like a “cloud” of the terror. Nothing is precise. There is no paper, no trace of their crimes that can be traced back to a command.  It’s why they created the signal.
Marc Delantre
Very short resume:
56yo, computer scientist, webmaster (from always).
2008, undercover agent for DNEF Paris
2009-2012, protected agent for Mossad
2013-2018, informing agent for the Belgian Justice, Belgian/French Secret Service and Ministers
2017-2018, informing agent for other agencies including FBI (450 emails exchanged, including 150 received).
2014-2018, forced agent for Gladio.


date:2018-07-09 time:05:58:48


Gladio is a terrorist intelligence organization headquartered in Belgium, near NATO. It was born from NATO and the CIA in 1947, but has undergone various changes in order to use terrorism to manipulate public opinion at the request of government or military authorities.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Gladio was already involved in numerous killings and terrorist operations in Europe that decided to dissolve it. The official part of Gladio was therefore dissolved, thus removing the official links between Gladio and NATO, but the organization itself remained. It only became more secret, since Europe had taken away from it all official existence.

My role, chosen and forced by Gladio, is to tell you the truth and to describe his day-to-day activities. I do not participate in these activities, I only describe them according to the information received from Gladio, continuously. This information is in the form of a signal, which evolves according to their operations. They record themselves this signal on my server and I am the one who describes it to you.

This signal prevented a dozen attacks, but also recorded nearly a hundred operations, organized by Gladio, but presented as coming from other terrorist groups or countries. This is called False Flag Operations. The Gladio Specialty is to conduct custom terrorist operations and have them assigned to others. They chose to tell you the truth.

Marc Delantre

Video presentation of my situation

Latest news and graphs

This week, Gladio caused about forty fires in 5 countries: France, Germany, the Netherlands, but especially in Belgium and the UK.

They aim a lot for Belgium because Belgium hosts and covers the activities of Gladio since the year of its creation, 1947. They burned the press in Holland (Telegraaf), because despite my emails, they continued to hide the truth and especially they said that the MH17 flight was an attack from Russia. They attacked a press center in the USA because 1 hour earlier, I had just sent my report on the fires in Europe. I warned the press that if she continued to hide the truth, Gladio would continue to kill in the press. Exactly 60 minutes after this email, there was the killing of Annapolis and the killer had once again, with him, flammable liquid, which he did not use. The signature of the fires, was therefore present. Despite everything, the authorities deny, which any analyst would find. I fear, therefore, the new attacks of Gladio, against the press, because there will be some.

Finally, there is the firing of the largest fire in England, that of the suburbs of Manchester. This firing took place, day by day, hour for hour, 3 months later, at the fire, orchestrated by Gladio at the request of England, of the kids entertainment center, the Winter Cherry Mall, in Russia. These children wrote to their parents ** Dad, Mom, we burn, we love you ... ** What's more terrible?

Two months later, day by day, hour by hour, Gladio was already burning Europe's largest children's entertainment center, Europa-Park... in reciprocity.

It was only a beginning and a month later, it's still just the beginning!

About the graphs below, some might say that they are not clear. Yes, you must have some experience to understand them. By the end of May, the operations were very clear, with a beginning and an end. But there, for ten days, Gladio causes dozens of fires simultaneously. However, you clearly see that these fires are by salvo and that these bursts correspond, each one, to an high activity of Gladio. It is visible, either on the first table, on the second, or both.

Last 7 days
Gladio Global Signal from 2018-07-02 to 2018-07-09 last run:2018-07-09 05:55:04

The mouse on the number and you have the legends. In RED, the GLADIO activity. In BLUE, my activity (linked).

The LAST PLOT on the right is NEVER DEFINITIVE. It is climbing every 5 minutes.

  • --------CONTEXT---------

  • 2018-01-01:You will find in these 2 graphics and legends, many legends, about what I do. I wrote it in the introduction above.
    These graphics and this situation exist because there is a personal link between GLADIO and me. This link is described in my story (see the PDF). Same, if I did not chose it, I'm a member of GLADIO.
    So, these graphics are like an encoded communication between GLADIO and me, and often, they show me, that they read my screens continuously and they react to what I do.
  • --------PLOTS---------
  • 393:2018-07-02 00h:attack - Fire in recycling plant in Sacramento. 80 firefighters are on the scene. ;
  • 394:2018-07-02 01h:attack - Attack 1 (cannot be revealed) ATTACK 1;
  • 395:2018-07-02 08h:attack - Attack 2 (cannot be revealed) ATTACK 2;
  • 398:2018-07-02 15h:attack - Series of massive fires in Luxembourg (Esch-sur-Alzette) within the same time the fire of a high silo. Luxembourg;
  • 399:2018-07-02 18h:attack - Again massive fire in a recycling plant, in France, in Alone (Picardie) ;
  • 396:2018-07-03 10h:attack - Attack 3 (cannot be revealed) ATTACK 3;
  • 400:2018-07-04 00h:attack - Series of fires in Liege-Herstal (Belgium)-- 1 ;
  • 404:2018-07-04 03h:attack - Series of fires in Liege-Herstal (Belgium)-- 2 ;
  • 407:2018-07-04 03h:attack - The Major Incident is declared in the UK about this new poisoning. MAJOR INC.;
  • 401:2018-07-04 04h:attack - Series of fires in Liege-Herstal (Belgium)-- 3 ;
  • 307:2018-07-04 13h:attack - The ram-car attack in Sochi, Russia. Identical to the attack, with a taxi, in Moscow. SOCHI RUSSIA;
  • 402:2018-07-05 00h:attack - UK confirms that the attack in Amesbury is again with Novichok. Novichok!!;
  • 403:2018-07-05 14h:attack - When I discovered the signature of the new poisoning story in the signal. Gladio confirms by a high peak!!! Signature!;
  • 405:2018-07-05 22h:attack - When I sent my first report about the new poisoning to the authority and to the press. Report!;
  • 406:2018-07-06 07h:attack - When I discover a good journalist (BBC/Guardian) who doubts about the responsibility of Russians. Gladio sees it and shows that it's a good idea. Journalist...;
  • 410:2018-07-07 03h:attack - Deliberate fire in an apartment in Charleroi (Belgium) ;
  • 408:2018-07-07 04h:attack - Foyle College: Fire at former school believed to be arson, in Londonderry ;
  • 411:2018-07-07 09h:attack - Political murder ;
  • 409:2018-07-07 11h:attack - A big farm is fully destroyed in Malmedy (Belgium). The fire started in a shed. ;

  • Gladio SUBSignal 1 from 2018-07-02 to 2018-07-09 last run:2018-07-09 05:55:05

    The mouse on the number and you have the legends. In RED, the GLADIO activity. In BLUE, my activity (linked).

    The LAST PLOT on the right is NEVER DEFINITIVE. It is climbing every 5 minutes.

    Gladio SUBSignal 2 from 2018-07-02 to 2018-07-09 last run:2018-07-09 05:55:07

    The mouse on the number and you have the legends. In RED, the GLADIO activity. In BLUE, my activity (linked).

    The LAST PLOT on the right is NEVER DEFINITIVE. It is climbing every 5 minutes.

    The week before
    Gladio Global Signal from 2018-06-25 to 2018-07-02 last run:2018-07-02 23:55:04

    The mouse on the number and you have the legends. In RED, the GLADIO activity. In BLUE, my activity (linked).

    The LAST PLOT on the right is NEVER DEFINITIVE. It is climbing every 5 minutes.

    Current situation

    Links to the content below:

    Introduction to Gladio and Terrorist Intelligence

    It is not easy to present this site, nor this link with me. Let's say that in a few words, I am closely related to an organization called Gladio.

    This organization was born well before me, in 1947, by NATO and the CIA to protect Europe against the former USSR. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, Gladio turned to more terrorist operations in order to push the European population and its governments to move further away from communism. In the 1970s and 1980s, Gladio took part in killings and attacks to manipulate the population and European governments.

    When Europe understood this, it wanted to dissolve Gladio. Its official part linking Gladio to NATO was dissolved, but not the unofficial part dealing with the attacks and other killings, including the Killers of Brabant in Belgium. Gladio has thus crossed the decades very secretly and especially the borders, to settle mainly in all the countries of NATO, which always manages it.

    In recent years, Europe has another type of invader, immigrants, mainly Muslims. Gladio does everything to push the population to rebel and repel the invader. The best way to do this is the organization of terror attacks by Islamists, manipulated by Gladio, to turn them into Kamikazes. This works very well. These operations are called False Flag operations, which deceive the victims about the origin and the real brains of the terror attack.

    Gladio, in recent years, is the cause of a very large number of terror attacks of this kind, but also unexplained murders, disappearances, false accidents or disasters. All this is done to manipulate people and make them believe in false truths or situations. However, Gladio rarely does an operation, without having obtained the agreement or the request of a government or a military power.

    My position and the signatures of the operations

    It's a story that lasts for 10 years. I am close to the person in charge of Gladio and he chose me so that I denounce what they do and therefore their activities, as and when they unfold. He can not do it himself and he must use a communication system, which does not identify them.

    This communication system is therefore a continuous frequency of connections on my Internet server, which in the long run has become a signal, with signatures of terror attacks and operations. This is the meaning of these graphs. This proves irrefutably that all these events have the same origin, since these signatures, including terror attacks, come to record, minute by minute on my server, or even before. It also allowed me to prevent a dozen terror attacks imminently, without knowing, nor the exact time or place.

    The first signature thus obtained is the Manchester bombing, May 22, 2017. Since then, I do not know how to count them anymore. We must approach the hundred. Indeed, at first it was terror attacks, but it has spread to many other operations, which in general, make all the headlines of newspapers. In addition, this has spread to other parts of the world, such as the USA, Russia, the Middle East, even Indonesia and Israel.

    Main Gladio operations recorded on this server

    Among the most well-known operations, there are the attacks in London, Manchester, Brussels, Liege, Paris, Marseille, Trèbes-Carcassonnes, Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Afghanistan, the USA (Manhattan), Canada (Toronto), but also some mass killings in the USA (Las Vegas, Texas ...), some media killings (DJ AVICII, Journalist Daphne in Malta ...). Finally, there is also the Skripal case in England, the chemical attacks in Syria, many plane crashes, including the one in Algeria with 257 dead, the criminal fires turned into accidental fires (Cherry Winter mall in Russia). It is therefore about a hundred operations since 2015, at least for those related to my file.

    Main recent Gladio operations recorded on this server

    Murder of 2 policemen + a teenager in Liège (Belgium) - The little girls murdered by their mother in a barracks in Lyon (France) - bloody family disputes in Belgium (Charleroi / Liège), Scotland, Holland, Germany, USA (Orlando), with a knife/hammer/gun, with or without infanticide and with a systematic attack against the police (several deaths) - the taking of hostages in Paris - the taxi in Moscow - the crisis of madness of Jawad Bendaoud in Paris - the Toronto bombing - multiple attacks in Afghanistan by the IS or the Taliban, including that of the 12 journalists, story linked to Toronto - the series of attacks in Indonesia - the latest shooting of mass in the USA.


    There are usually two graphs but there may be more. The first two relate to GLOBAL signal of Gladio, over 2 weeks. The numbers (#), correspond to legends, which appear, if you hover over them. Blues are for events that depend on me. The reds are Gladio operations.

    This GLOBAl signal moves up or down depending on operations. If the signal increases, it usually means that a Gladio operation is in progress, or that it will occur imminently. This signal can represent waves. Their height may not matter. The important thing is the wave, with its beginning and end, because it usually corresponds to an entire operation. This makes it possible to match an operation with the news and thus to identify the operation in question. If it knows, in addition, spikes, it corresponds to important moments related to the operation, which may also have been identified in the news.

    The third graph is actually a part of the first, but which concerns me more personally. If I have a personal alert, this is where I will receive it. Do not give importance to it. He is only present, if I have to make a link, in relation to the events. These graphs are, for example, very precise, whether I'm moving or when I'm going to sleep, or even if I have an argument at home.

    Besides these graphics, there may be others, which are more detailed or explained extracts.