Saturday, October 13, 2018

The "Historic" Trusts

9PM Hannity 10/12/2018 - Fox News - October 12 2018, unbelievable! these people are insane! plus two Qanon posts


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Friday, October 12, 2018

PAT CONDELL made me realize that NEVER TRUMPERS in America have a lot in common with the NEVER BREXITERS in England

Read article here:

Sound familiar?:

More from Bare Naked Islam read article here:

Read article here:

Read article here:

SERIOUSLY? The European Union believes that it is able to accommodate 3.8 billion more refugees and migrants!

Read article here:

American Intelligence Media: Weather Terrorism Obliterates MAGA Panhandle

A must hear interview:

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Loses Security Clearance Amid Email Scandal

Cristina Laila   505 Comments

HELD HOSTAGE: Democrat leader commits to mass violence across America if Dems don’t win the mid-terms

Mike Adams, Natural News:

Secret Space Force Saves The Day! Boom!

Shared by Before Its News:
SSP Ship Snags Space X Rocket Piece? from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

More from Before Its News:
Plan To Kill God Gene With Vaccine!:

Heneghan - Khashoggi Assassinated Over 9/11 by British Intelligence!:

Directed Energy Weapons Triggering Shooters!:

Voltage Treats All Disease!:

Oxygen For Healing! The Big Secret!:

Just Thinking~~~~~~~


From:  Phyllis Kelson; Terry Guindon; Robert Walters; via Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr, shared by Eva

Just thinking

I was thinking; Since only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million
people die if it is repealed?  Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?

I was thinking; If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with
Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent.

I was thinking; If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?

I was thinking; If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City , is it illegal or is it just an
Undocumented Withdrawal?

I was thinking; Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS
attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.

I was thinking; After the London 'Lone Wolf' terrorist attack, government officials
arrested at least eight other 'Lone Wolves' who had conspired with the original 'Lone Wolf' in planning the 'Lone Wolf' attack.  Why do they tell us even though all involved are Muslims, you can be assured, the 'Lone Wolf' attack has nothing at all to do with Islam, just like the other 1,000 plus 'Lone Wolf' attacks by Muslims, are completely
unassociated with Islam.

I was thinking; We should stop calling them all 'Entitlements'. Welfare, Food Stamps,
WIC, ad nausea are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all.  Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them. They were earned and paid for by the recipients.

I was thinking; If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean
they're Islamophobic?

I was thinking; If Liberals don't believe in biological gender then why did they march
for women's rights?

I was thinking; How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders?  How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?

I was thinking; Why is it that Democrats think Super delegates are fine, but they have
a problem with the Electoral College?

I was thinking; If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate
someone who's being investigated by the FBI.

I was thinking; If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?

I was thinking; The DNC is mad at Russia because they 'think' they are trying to
manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election.

I was thinking; If Democrats don't want foreigners involved in our elections, why do
they think it's all right for illegals to vote?
Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot >

Subject: Fallout from last week.....

From:  "JOSEPH BOYCE", via Bill Steiner, shared by Eva

Subject: Fallout from last week.....

Lost Footage of Africa Found That Proves An Advanced Civilization Has Been Hidden for Centuries, amazing!

Thank you for your contribution simply amazing!: shared by a California Republic Assembly Member

Flight School Alum: Mazie Hirono Covered Up Sexist Harassment Case At Aviation Training Program She Created

It is voting season, no time like the present to do your research if you plan on voting:

A Tale of Four Companies by Anna Von Reitz

Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Tale of Four Companies

By Anna Von Reitz
If you read history and read it closely you will notice all sorts of odd things.

You will learn that on the ninth day of September in 1776, the Americans created an unincorporated international Holding Company and called it: The United States of America.

Please note that "The" is part of the Proper Name of The United States of America, and it is always capitalized. Notice that there is never any reference to incorporation, no "Inc." designation, because it isn't incorporated.

The United States of America is what is called a "Federation" of States, in this case, now-fifty sovereign States, operating as one entity in international jurisdiction to secure their mutual best interest.

Then, as you are reading The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, which ended The Revolutionary War, you will see that King George III is named as the Arch-Treasurer of something called "the" United States of America.

Please note that this is a British commercial entity chartered by the King. The word "the" is not part of its Proper Name and is never capitalized.

So almost from the get-go, you have two entities, one British, one American, both called "United States of America" and indistinguishable from each other, except for the use of the definite article, "The" or "the".

The United States of America = unincorporated American Holding Company....the United States of America = British commercial corporation.... and both of these entities operate exclusively in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.

Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Were the Brits so lacking in imagination that they couldn't think of a different name for their corporation? Or was infringement of copyrights and deliberate confusion of identities an object of desire from the very start?

When you research the genesis of the name "United States" you will find a parallel development, only instead of the British King, it was the Roman Pontificate of the Holy See involved via their Postmaster, Benjamin Franklin, who established the first United States Post Office in 1754-- some two decades before The Revolution got started.

So Mr. Franklin invented "the" United States and the Holy See chartered it, and it was only later, after the Colonies unanimously declared their independence, that "The United States" came into being as a "Union of States" operating in Global Jurisdiction.

Again, the only way you can tell the difference between the unincorporated American Union of States doing business as "The United States" and the Roman Catholic corporation doing business as "the United States" is the use of the definite article: "The" or "the".

Were the Americans so dull they couldn't think of another name? Did Ben Franklin convince them to use "United States" so that his already-established (foreign and separate) Post Office could serve as the first seat of government?

We may never know the whole story, but what we do have in front of us is very odd and telling:

The United States of America [Unincorporated] = American
The United States [Unincorporated] = American
the United States of America (Inc.) = British
the United States (Inc.) = Holy See

From the very beginning of our country there is an obvious effort to "mirror" our public companies by foreign commercial corporations---- and for what purpose, but to create confusion and constructive fraud?

Less than a century later the perpetrators took good advantage when the Scottish Government got into the act and chartered it's own version: The United States of America [Incorporated].

Because Scottish Law didn't require them to declare the nature of their business entity -- whether unincorporated or incorporated, they got away with using the exact same name as our original Holding Company. Without the "Incorporated" versus "Unincorporated" designation it is literally impossible to tell the difference:

"The United States of America" [Unincorporated] = American Holding Company.
"The United States of America" [Incorporated] = Scottish commercial corporation.

It was the Scottish corporation that set up shop in 1868 with the blessings of the British Territorial "United States" Congress and which published it's own Articles of Incorporation as a new "Constitution" for the British concession we saw in The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783: "the" United States of America.

At this point, the British corporation dba The United States of America was "re-constituting" itself as a modern Commercial Corporation. And using this further semantic deceit as an excuse to call their new charter document "The Constitution of the United States of America" they pulled off the biggest constructive fraud of all time, using nothing more than semantic deceit.

People throughout the world naturally assumed that "The United States of America" had to be "the same as" our unincorporated Holding Company that had been doing business under an identical name since 1776.

The Great Fraud was off and running.

The paperwork this commercial corporation published as "The Constitution of the United States of America" in 1868 was not a constitution in the same sense as the Federal United States Constitutions published in 1787, 1789, and 1790 ---and was instead merely Scottish-issued Articles of Incorporation mimmicking the Territorial United States Constitution of 1789.

The vermin promoting this could now operate a brand new deceitfully and similarly named commercial corporation and substitute it for the actual Territorial Government and Constitution the American States and People were owed.

This explains why the States no longer ratify "constitutional" amendments. The actual Territorial United States Constitution ratified in 1789 requires that a majority of States must authorize every Amendment, but the Scottish Commercial Corporation only required approval from the Board of Directors: the same treasonous members of the Territorial United States Congress that engineered and self-approved these changes. Thus they usurped power from the actual States by deceit and made it easier for themselves to change 'the" Constitution and pass it off as changing "The" Constitution.
They snuck into our nest like cuckoo-birds and pulled it off, usurping first the Territorial United States Government, and then sponsoring new "State of State" corporate franchises to usurp upon the original Federal States of States.

Again, the schtick was the same -- merely a difference between "The" and "the". Their corporate franchise "ringer" operated as "the" State of Georgia usurped upon The State of Georgia.
By 1907, the Scottish ringer was bankrupt.

And their Creditors showed up on our doorsteps wanting payment from the American version of The United States of America. And we paid them.

So the set was ready for more bad behavior from our other "Trustees"--- the Popes.

In 1925 they set up a Delaware Corporation called "United States of America". In 1927, they set up the "Internal Revenue Service" as a collection agency. In 1933, their wheelman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, bankrupted this version of "the" United States of America, and again, we paid for it all
The European schemers were more than ever encouraged. They'd got that much. Why not go for it all?

They set up the "UNITED STATES" (Rome) and the "USA, Inc." (British) and numerous affliliates and subsidiaries and created an entire mercenary army of unelected and unaccountable alphabet soup "agencies" to control and territorize us and racketeer on our shores.

They pillaged and plundered and racked up "hypothecated" debt against our good names and other assets, promoted the biggest mortgage fraud scheme in history, and then in 2015, after doubling their "National Debt", the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, and left us to hold the bag--- again.
And in 2017, the Territorial Government followed suit.

So all their Creditors are lined up on our doorsteps again.

And meanwhile, our Trustees, have been pretending that the real Americans are all gone, can't be found, have abandoned all their inheritance and assets--- ready to be claimed by the banks as "unclaimed property".

What they couldn't steal outright they intended to give away to their Creditors for a share of the spoils. No wonder they billed it as the "Greatest Wealth Transfer" in history.

Imagine their choking amazement when we showed up and cited both Chapter and Verse?

If a herd of horses had surrounded the Pope and started talking to him, he couldn't have been more stunned.

And then, he realized that a good share of this fraud and Breach of Trust was done in his name and the name of the Church.

To his credit, Benedict XVI took immediate steps to correct, and to his credit, Francis has continued to pursue reform.

The Queen, in my estimation did little or nothing to reform and showed no sign of repentance while Mr. Obama was in Office. It has only been since Donald Trump took Office that she has done anything substantial toward paying her own debts and correcting the operations of her agents on our shores.

There is still much to be desired from the Queen and her Consort, such as the return of our share of the "Life Force Value Annuities" which Prince Philip received under false presumptions in April 2017, and the return of all our intellectual properties, all rights, titles and interests, all copyrights and patents, and the payment of all the leases and fees we are owed -- return of all the bogus mortgages and internal revenue taxes we never owed, all the birth certificates, everything in fact that is rightfully ours -- free and clear and restored.

We clearly view this entire circumstance as a gigantic multiple generational fraud scheme --- a commercial crime, not a matter of politics, having no statute of limitation.
We are clearly presenting our Federation of States, The United States of America--- Unincorporated, and operating our Flag Ship in International Jurisdiction.

We have seized upon all assets of the Municipal and Territorial United States and their franchises. We have rolled these assets back into the possession of and to the jurisdiction of the sovereign States, where they are not subject to seizure by any Secondary Creditors.

As of October 9, 2018, the Delegated Powers have returned to us by Operation of Law --- the automatic result of having all three levels of the "Federal Government" rendered incompetent at the same time, and our official action accepting their return.

This means that no "U.S. Bankruptcy Trustees" have any further authority here. We are the Priority Creditors and Heirs. We are in possession and our claims are cured. With our pending agreement, the debts will disappear and all Third Party interests will be subsumed.

Mr. Trump needs to work with us to finish the lawful conversion necessary to return all the assets to the realm of Public Law and restore our lawful courts and correct our public records and get our government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" booted up, funded, and fully operational.

This will be a test of our National Will and our ability to act self-responsibly in our own best interests, as well as our Good Faith enabling other nations to do the same.

The domination of living men by corporations and crime syndicates is at an end. We now face and accept our right and duty to self-govern in all respects, now and forevermore.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

G. Griffin: Need To Know News todays articles

They are running scared folks, the truth will set us free:

With only 25 DAYS UNTIL THE ELECTION, this is not the kind of warning I want to see… 

Republicans warn ‘green wave’ of Democratic cash could overwhelm House GOP candidates
“One by one, Democrats running for the House have released jaw-dropping figures the past week…”
(Washington Post)
If the Democrat mob wins the people’s House, their behavior will be rewarded, their threats of violence will be validated, and their radical agenda will be fully empowered. 

We’ve already seen how far liberals have gone to try and sabotage our administration.

We can only imagine what they’d do with legitimate power in our government.
I need you to defend our agenda, our country, and our Presidency.

Thank you,

President Trump
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

The Robert Scott Bell Show: Paul Offit Admits Administering Vaccines Is A Violent Act

Like it or not the toxic levels in the vaccines they are giving our children are not just causing most if not all of our children's illnesses but the statistics on infant deaths are rising rapidly. Please do your research before allowing anyone to inject these toxins into your children:

More articles on the dangers of vaccines:

"Hurricane Michael" has been WEAPONIZED 10/11/18

Left-wing media, entertainment elites panic to censor new abortion film “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer”

Many more important articles by Mike Adams at NaturalNews:

Many interesting articles on the impact to our country due to massive immigration costs & consequences

The Still Report: Fox interview with Trump and more

Watch closely our flag in the background, the strips are facing down not across. This is our peace flag. Also notice in Trump's speeches you will see our flag without the gold fringe, another sign of peace, as the military war flags all have gold fringe and strips are facing across not down.

Lionel Nation: Four Critical Strategies, Messages and Media Platforms POTUS Trump Must Utilize and Implement Anon:

Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.12.18

The National Credit

Venture around Vancouver Island

Shared by a California Republic Assembly Member. enjoy!

In case you missed it: Trump's UN speech, he told the world!!!!! plus Nikki Haley and Trumps Press Conference

Official Trump @War: Full Movie