Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Presidential Executive Memorandum . . .U.S.A. WATER from SEWERS & SALT WATER a DEADLY PLAN of Genocide

From:  StopTheCrime.net <email@arccopy.com> via Johnny

BREAKING: Presidential Executive Memorandum . . .U.S.A. WATER from SEWERS and SALT WATER a DEADLY PLAN of Genocide

Trump said in Arizona during a swing through Western states.
"I hope you enjoy the water that you're going to have."
While you will read this as a United States Plan - it is a Worldwide plan of death by Water Deception!
EXCERPTS and INSIDER COMMENTS from the 10/19/2018

FIRST, don't be fooled by the title of the memorandum - Promoting Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the WEST, this memorandum is NOT at all what the title implies.
We are being told that Decades of uncoordinated, piece meal regulatory actions
have diminished the ability of our Federal infrastructure to deliver water in an
efficient, cost-effective way.
Ok - Lets break this down. The Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of
Commerce are to be provided with proposals reducing and streamlining
regulations and procedures that burden the water infrastructure challenges in the
western United States. "Burden" means to unnecessarily obstruct, delay, curtail,
impede or otherwise impose significant costs on the permitting, utilization, transmission, delivery, or supply of water resources and infrastructure.
This memorandum creates deadlines for actions and some deadlines are required by
January 31, 2019.

NOTE: Why the memorandum deadline rush by 1/31/2019, today being 10/19/2018?
While this rush may sound like action is finally being taken you will learn that the
actions are aimed at serving up toxic water to the public, fish and all else whose
survival depends on water, and throwing unimaginable sums of money at these
killer water DEPLOYMENTS using sewer wastewater treatment and water desalination.
WE ARE BEING TRICKED by NOT reading and understanding what the CEO
of USA, Inc. is really saying.
The Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Executive Office
of the President shall be given regular updates from the Secretary of the Interior
and the Secretary of Commerce on the PROGRESS of MONITORING WATER
The president, also, wants improved weather research and forecasting of water
 availability. Really? Do you think he does NOT know about the Geoengineering
 OPERATION which is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth's
climate? He Knows!
The memorandum requires water experts and resource managers to develop an
action plan related to water availability and water infrastructure projects. NO
MENTION OF PRIMARY WATER - which is a clean renewable God given
water resource. Please watch the YouTube video "Primary Water Explained",
and maybe the president needs to watch this, too. He must know about Primary
Water. After all USA, Inc. and NATO blew up the Great Man-made River
Project in Libya, the 8th Wonder of the WORLD, which delivered primary
water to many people in Libya, for free!
The CEO of USA, Inc. memorandum wants improved use of technology to
 INCREASE water reliability to the maximum extent possible by using reclaimed,
recycled SEWER water for drinking along with expensive desalination projects
where the sludge will create hazardous environmental ramifications. Further,
investments ($$$) are to be made to rapidly deliver sewer water and to
REDUCE regulatory burdens to enable broader scales of deployment of the
toxic water to ALL.
Investments are to be made in "water management" by using real-time, all the
 time water monitoring of "wildlife" and water deliveries where every drop of
water extracted will be monitored. This monitoring requirement is the (AMI)
Advanced Metering Infracturce, aka, Wireless SMART Meters. These wireless
water meters will further add another layer of frequencies of death in all our
communities. Also, these meters will track and limit water consumption based
upon restrictions imposed in ground water allotment and usage schemes.
See (c) of the memorandum for the wildlife quote above. You may wonder
why monitoring wildlife would be included in the memorandum. We will
leave that up to you to consider.
As outlined in the memorandum these NEW speedy policies to promote reliable
water supplies and monitored deliveries to Amerika WEST is clearly centralized
privatization of all water resources, and the poisoning of drinking water through
technologies that are designed to cause sickness and death!
So, when you read in the memorandum, "work together to minimize unnecessary
regulatory burdens and foster more efficient decision-making so that water projects
are better able to meet the demands of their authorized purposes" - think about it!
What are their authorized purposes? Reducing the population, by imposing water
technologies that are TOXIC, COSTLY and DEADLY? Remember, treated sewer
wastewater contains contaminants of emerging concern and known pharmaceutical
We have available to us safe, pure, clean and renewable water, called Primary
Water. Learn more - go to: PrimaryWater.org and listen to the video Primary
Water Explained.
MEMORANDUM - Promoting Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the
WEST. . . 10/19/2018  -  Full memorandum read in the link immediately below:

What you will read below is NOT the entire memorandum - only an excerpt.
Please click on the link above.
JONATHAN J. COOPER - Article entitled - Trump wants to cut red tape, hasten water projects in West
Trump said in Arizona during a swing through Western states. "I hope you
enjoy the water that you're going to have."
While you will read this as a United States Plan - it is a Worldwide plan of death by Water Deception!

FIRST, don't be fooled by the title of the memorandum - Promoting Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the WEST, this memorandum is NOT at all what the title implies. 

We are being told that Decades of uncoordinated, piece meal regulatory actions have diminished the ability of our Federal infrastructure to deliver water in an efficient, cost-effective way.

Ok - Lets break this down. The Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of Commerce are to be provided with proposals reducing and streamlining regulations and procedures that burden the water infrastructure challenges in the western United States.  "Burden" means to unnecessarily obstruct, delay, curtail, impede or otherwise impose significant costs on the permitting, utilization, transmission, delivery, or supply of water resources and infrastructure. 

This memorandum creates deadlines for actions and some deadlines are required by
January 31, 2019.

NOTE: Why the memorandum deadline rush by 1/31/2019, today being 10/19/2018?  While this rush may sound like action is finally being taken you will learn that the actions are aimed at serving up toxic water to the public, fish and all else whose survival depends on water, and throwing unimaginable sums of money at these killer water DEPLOYMENTS using sewer wastewater treatment and water desalination.

WE ARE BEING TRICKED by NOT reading and understanding what the CEO of USA, Inc. is really saying.

The Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Executive Office of the President shall be given regular updates from the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce on the PROGRESS of MONITORING WATER SUPPLIES and ADVANCING WATER DELIVERIES, rapidly.

The president, also, wants improved weather research and forecasting of water availability.  Really? Do you think he does NOT know about the Geoengineering OPERATION which is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth's climate?  He Knows!

The memorandum requires water experts and resource managers to develop an action plan related to water availability and water infrastructure projects.  NO MENTION OF PRIMARY WATER - which is a clean renewable God given water resource.  Please watch the YouTube video "Primary Water Explained", and maybe the president needs to watch this, too.  He must know about Primary Water. After all USA, Inc. and NATO blew up the Great Man-made River Project in Libya, the 8th Wonder of the WORLD, which delivered primary water to many people in Libya, for free!

The CEO of USA, Inc. memorandum wants improved use of technology to INCREASE water reliability to the maximum extent possible by using reclaimed, recycled SEWER water for drinking along with expensive desalination projects where the sludge will create hazardous environmental ramifications.  Further, investments ($$$) are to be made to rapidly deliver sewer water and to REDUCE regulatory burdens to enable broader scales of deployment of the toxic water to ALL.

Investments are to be made in "water management" by using real-time, all the time water monitoring of "wildlife" and water deliveries where every drop of water extracted will be monitored.  This monitoring requirement is the (AMI) Advanced Metering Infracturce, aka, Wireless SMART Meters. These wireless water meters will further add another layer of frequencies of death in all our communities.  Also, these meters will track and limit water consumption based upon restrictions imposed in ground water allotment and usage schemes.See c) of the memorandum for the wildlife quote above. You may wonder why monitoring wildlife would be included in the memorandum. We will leave that up to you to consider.

As outlined in the memorandum these NEW speedy policies to promote reliable water supplies and monitored deliveries to Amerika WEST is clearly centralized privatization of all water resources, and the poisoning of drinking water through technologies that are designed to cause sickness and death!

So, when you read in the memorandum, "work together to minimize unnecessary regulatory burdens and foster more efficient decision-making so that water projects are better able to meet the demands of their authorized purposes" - think about it! What are their authorized purposes? Reducing the population, by imposing water technologies that are TOXIC, COSTLY and DEADLY?  Remember, treated sewer wastewater contains contaminants of emerging concern and known pharmaceutical poisons.



We have available to us safe, pure, clean and renewable water, called Primary Water.  Learn more - go to: PrimaryWater.org and listen to the video Primary Water Explained.

Colonel Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the US

shared by a California Republic Assembly Member



Wow! How true was this video? Looking back what a DISASTER would CLINTON have been!? Please please please everyone, I know how HARD it is to be a Trump supporter sometimes. He makes it harder than it should be sometimes but he’s GETTING THE JOB DONE! Look at this economy! Look at how he is putting US FIRST! You can’t deny it. I walked away in 2016. I’m going to vote Republican. NOT because they’re the best. But because I want to give Trump a chance to keep on doing the GREAT WORK HE IS DOING!! God Bless America! God Bless President Trump And God Bless you! 👍❤️🇺🇸
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VIVA HONDURAS* The Caravan Is Coming To America! There is way more to this wave of "Honduran Refugees" than we are being told...and that is a fact!

SSG. Douglas M. Ducote Sr. United States Army (Ret.) Veteran Law Enforcement CEO Veterans United For Justice Cohost Real World Witness Follow me on Twitter @DouglasDucote Facebook: Veterans United For Justice Facebook: Real World Witness Radio Show Facebook: American Patriot By The Grace Of God www.realworldwitness.wixsite.com

REJECTED MUSLIM asylum seekers and terrorists are sneaking back into the US from Canada

Bare Naked Islam 
As one smart commenter said: “In the good old USA they have Border Agents. In ‘Canuckistan’ we have Royal Canadian Mounted Police who serve as Bell Hops for the Muslim illegal aliens sneaking into Canada from the US.

Colonel Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the US

By Colonel Edward Mandell House

In a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (US President 1913 - 1921) Colonel Edward Mandell House predicted the banksters' plans to enslave the American people. He stated:
"Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that's you and your children) in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattels (property) and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading (Birth Certificate) to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.
This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office (presidency) of our dummy corporation (USA) to foment this plot against America."
 - Colonel Edward Mandell House.

The text from this article is at the top of this post.  Here is a link to easily share wide if you wish:




The last two weekends are coming up so if you have been meaning to visit the ranch this is your last opportunity before we close on November 12th. Skywatch has been very active in the past few weeks. Click on link below to see what happened on October 19th during SkyWatch!! While you are here you can get a Swedish massage, Energy Transfer session, Quantum Touch Energy work, Angel Energy Session or Quantum BioFeedback.
Click Here to learn more: Energy & Body Work Sessions at ECETI
The ranch will open to the public on Thursday with check in time between 3pm and 9pm, and remain open through Monday, check out time is at 12 noon. When you complete the reservation at either link below you will receive an email confirmation that serves as your invitation to visit the ranch including directions and the gate code – all you need to do is register for which weekend you’d like to visit.
Click Here for Last Weekend This Season: LAST CAMPING AND SKYWATCH WEEKENDS FOR 2018 - Nov 1st - 5th
You do need a reservation to come visit, even if you’re coming just for SkyWatch and not staying overnight. We accept overnight visitors Thursday through Sunday and SkyWatch Only visitors (not staying at ECETI) only on Friday and Saturdays. DO NOT ARRIVE without a reservation. We have automated our reservation process this year, please use the above links to book your stay online. Please note that if your email address is associated with a paypal account, you will need to pay with paypal not with a credit card. If you’d like to pay with a credit card please use a different email address.
During your visit there will be opportunities to sit in the Pleiadian Arbor, meditate on Lemurian Hill, walk the Stargate in the Field of Dreams, join in on a meditation, walk the Galactic Medicine Wheel or connect with the land by doing some gardening or watering. During some weekends there may also be the opportunity to have a massage or cranial sacral treatment, energy work, join in with Qi Gong, or experience Light Language. And of course there is SkyWatch in SkyWatch field hosted on Friday and Saturday night and at your leisure on Thursday and Sunday nights.
See you soon!!!

James and the Crew

Big Pharma - Shocking Drug Company Secrets

See report here
(Photo: Pills and Money via Shutterstock)


EXCLUSIVE: How Big Pharma greed is killing tens of thousands around the world: Patients are over-medicated and often given profitable drugs with 'little proven benefits,' leading doctors warn

Natural News-Mike Adams: The Democratic Socialist Plan to DESTROY America (full documentary)

See Documentary here
Image: The Democratic Socialist Plan to DESTROY America (full documentary)

Reporter Proves Trump 100% Right, Officials ID Overseas Nationals Lurking in Caravan

Read article here

Common Law Jural Assemblies

Abel Danger to the Rescue

By Anna Von Reitz

Abel Danger to the Rescue

For all those who desperately need to know this, there really ARE heroes out there leading the fight for sanity, safety, health, accountable government, and the American Way.   Meet Field McConnell and Abel Danger. 

This is for all you guys out there who realize that America and the rest of the world have fallen into really deep Kim Chee and who are frustrated by all the legal battles and historical recaps and can't-do-anything-about-it news.  Here is where the pedal hits the metal:

SERCO:  why is a British conglomerate acting as the Paymaster for our military?  

Senior Executive Service? --- The Grand-Daddy of all the unaccountable agencies within agencies exposed at last.  

Benghazi ---- you want the real poop?   Well, here it is. 

Begin with visiting the website:   http://www.abeldanger.org

Then sample the vast video archive of over 900 radio shows: Cloud Centric (C2) Crime Scene Investigation

Then kick back and listen to Field's annual addresses straight to you from Canton, Texas, Van Zandt County Veterans Memorial:   


Then learn about the assassination of Pat Tillman and 38 others aboard Extortion 17: 

If all this evidence and reporting isn't enough to convince you, nothing ever will be enough.  While I and my Living Law Firm have been battling on our front, Abel Danger has been whooping up on another.  And just like an Army in the field, we all need your insight, help and support to expose and combat the evils that oppress people worldwide. 

I am often criticized because I don't get into political movements.  Though it comes as a real jolt to most people, political parties were never part of our lawful government and still aren't.   The so-called "Democratic Party" and "Republican Party" are professional lobbying organizations no different than the Tobacco Lobby, and just as corrupt.  

So why support or get drawn into all that?   Giving it a nice label and calling it a "Party" doesn't cover up the stench.  A pig is a pig is a pig, isn't it? 

But there are organizations that are worthwhile--- organizations that prevent nasty things from happening, organizations that help find and define solutions, organizations that seek out what is good for all Americans and all mankind.   Abel Danger is one of them. 

More Pollocks Needed

By Anna Von Reitz

More Pollocks Needed

Let's start with the Polish farmer's answer --- "I have ten daughters. You can't scare me." 

But let's also admit that being Grandma for the whole world --- more than 200 children calling themselves "countries" --- is a scary proposition.  

A carpenter views the world in terms of hammer and nails. A doctor views it in terms of disease and health.  A Grandma views it in terms of children.  

As any parent who has had to deal with more than one child at once can confirm, the first thing you notice is what? 

Oh, they are all different.  

The second thing is?  

They all have their own needs.  

The third thing is?  

I don't have all the answers or talents or materials to fulfill all these needs. 

That pretty much sums up the parent's dilemma worldwide and at all scales, including being Grandma to the whole world.  

Now, this may sound odd, but I view war as an attention-seeking behavior. 

When I look at history and spin the globe, I see it in terms of erring children trying to get their share.  

Let's look at the countries that have started the most wars, shall we?  They fall into two groups:  those that are small and embattled and don't have enough resources, and those that are large and rich in natural resources, but lacking natural borders.  

As representatives of the first group we have England, Israel, and Japan.  England and Japan are small island nations surrounded by the sea, lacking enough arable ground and other materials to sustain themselves without trade.  Israel is also small and lacking sufficient natural resources, only instead of being surrounded by the sea, it is surrounded by hostile neighbors.  Yikes! 

In the second group we have the examples of Germany and the Congo in central Africa.  These are relatively large and resource-rich nations, but they have amorphous arbitrary borders and a long history of contracting and expanding like amoebas, causing bloodshed as they do so. 

Often, the neediest children in a family are the oldest, and as a result, they are the most likely to give into attention-seeking behavior, just when the embattled parent is most depending on them.  They also become experts at quid pro quo bargaining.

"Ah, Mom, I helped you get the three younger kids on the bus, fed the dogs, raked the yard, and took Aunt Sue to her doctor's appointment..... now, about that new saxophone....." 

It's the same way with countries. Dealing with the old monarchies of Europe is very much like bargaining with an oldest daughter over a Prom Dress.   

If we want to avoid war, we need to deal with these realities.  We need to make sure that Israel, England, and Japan can live comfortably without starting a war. We need to help countries like Germany and the Congo to feel safe and complete within their borders.  

In Asia and Africa, where the actual oldest countries are, it's different because a different level of maturity has been reached.  The hard edges of need and ego have been buffed and rounded.  

These countries know who they are, know who their neighbors are, know what their challenges are, are confident in their abilities, know their limitations, and  contribute as adults.  

They are hard to provoke into a war for the same reason that a forty year-old is less volatile than a teenager, but if they go to war, they are far more dangerous because they aren't doing it to get attention or to create a deal-making situation to get their needs met. 

They are doing it to kill or be killed.  This is why tiny Vietnam could stymie France and bring the U.S. to a standstill. 

So it is four o'clock in the morning.... somewhere in my memory, I am aware that it is time to get up and feed the cows.  My dog is hopeful, trying to convince me that he is a cow.  I am shaking my head and thinking about Poland. 

Poland, like Germany, has no natural borders to speak of.  Like Germany, Poland's historical borders have shifted and re-shuffled many times.  Unlike Germany, Poland has an admirable record of keeping the peace.  Why? 

Like the middle child, Poland has to shoulder in between Germany and Russia  and make sense of it all, and Poland does that.  

Germany may be brilliant, but Poland is wise. 

Russia may have all the latest tech, but Poland knows the value of a good outhouse.  

At the end of the day, a little vodka and some polka music makes the world a better place.  

Me thinks we could all learn a lot from the Pollocks about what is truly valuable  and how to keep the peace.   

So, I have ten daughters, a herd of cows, and slightly more than 200 countries to feed and care for.  And yes, it is still dark every morning when I get up.  

I am looking for a few good Pollocks to help me out here.  

We need peacekeepers who are comfortable with being at peace, self-sufficient, self-respecting, and willing to nurture the rest of the world because they come from a position of inner strength.  We need to observe and learn from all the people and countries that keep the peace and who value peace, because it is not enough to enshrine peace as some airy-fairy ideal. 

The time has come to make peace a living, breathing reality, and not be distracted from the goal just because a queen or emperor has an ego-driven meltdown or a neighboring country can't pay its gas bill.  

When the small and vulnerable countries throw tantrums, we need to recognize their needs the same way we recognize it when a baby needs changing.  When one of the larger "border-less" countries gets confused, we need to help them find workable definitions the same way we help teenagers find their identity.  

Through it all we need to act as a family and be aware that we are part of a family -- the family of Mankind.  Just step back for a moment and view the world as a Grandmother.