Friday, October 26, 2018
Tucker Asks Jorge How Many Caravan Migrants He’ll Will Take In and how bout Mexico? oh I see you claim only the US is responsible for ALL these migrants!
all your comments blaming Trump for his statements not once did you state the hate and violent speech of Maxine Waters against all conservatives and then Sara Sanders and many others being attacked in restaurants etc. so lets get real as to who is really dividing this country.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
BOMBSHELL: NAV Centre ILLEGAL MIGRANT Camp Found EMPTY While Toronto Hotels Are Full!!!
BZ: all is not as it seems… look at this without “political
passions” for a moment and at the absolute data… Could you walk 75 miles a day,
with no fresh food or water, stay clean and well groomed, and rosy cheeked for
the camera? This is what they are walking to travel the 2, 500 plus miles to
get to the US border before the mid terms. Bob’s slant on his article may be a
little crass for some, but its a really good logistics question… and when you
stop to ponder on that a whole lot more questions bubble up and you see very
quickly a picture may be worth a thousand words, but those words are clearly
describing something very different than is being portrayed. continue readinghere
Are all the councils protecting pedophiles?
Note: he talks about colloidal silver saying to get .999 calling it pure: IT IS NOT PURE you must be sure to use .9999 silver. Only .9999 is pure i.e. Canadian Maple Leaf Silver Dollar coin. I will be adding my article on how to make your own colloidal silver soon. Nikki G.
SGT report: THE ENEMY'S ARMY MARCHES and more...
Vaccine Damaged Children
Its HAPPENING! -With Sean From SGTReport! - Quite Frankly
URGENT 🔴 Sarah Sanders Press Briefing on Media Blaming President Trump for Devices Sent to Critics
URGENT 🔴 President Trump Press Briefing URGENT 🔴 President Trump Press Briefing on NATIONALIST Himself, Journalist COVERUP, Caravan INFO
Commintary on The Khashoggi murder
The Khashoggi murder
Israel lobby wants Saudis to get away with Khashoggi murder
Oct 24, 2018
The crisis of the month prize certainly goes to Saudi Arabia for its apparent murder of Jamal
Khashoggi on October 2, 2018. I say apparent, because the body has disappeared, even though the
Saudis now acknowledge his death in their embassy in Istanbul. One can never be 100% sure when
an Intelligence agency is involved. They are skilled in creating illusions for public
It really depends on who orchestrated this event. If the Saudis themselves really did plan an
interrogation-by-torture session with Khashoggi, as it seems, then they botched it hugely. They
first tried to deny it and then were forced to change their story.
As the crisis has grown over the past three weeks, Saudi Arabia has changed its tune on
Khashoggi’s fate, first denying his death, then saying he died during a brawl at the consulate,
and now attributing the death to a chokehold.
If his body was then sawn asunder and taken piecemeal back to Saudi Arabia in diplomatic suitcases,
as it appears, they still ought to be able to present a body, however mutilated it may be.
Saud al -Qahtani, who was the main hitman for Prince Salman and who is said to have been
responsible for the murder, was demoted. The same link above states:
(Reuters) - He ran social media for Saudi Arabia’s crown prince. He masterminded the arrest
of hundreds of his country’s elite. He detained a Lebanese prime minister. And, according to
two intelligence sources, he ran journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s brutal killing at the Saudi
consulate in Istanbul by giving orders over Skype.
Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is one of the fall
guys as Riyadh tries to stem international outrage at Khashoggi’s death. On Saturday, Saudi
state media said King Salman had sacked Qahtani and four other officials over the killing
carried out by a 15-man hit team….
Qahtani himself once said he would never do anything without his boss’ approval.
“Do you think I make decisions without guidance? I am an employee and a faithful executor of
the orders of my lord the king and my lord the faithful crown prince,” Qahtani tweeted last
What? Qahtani was fired for “giving orders over Skype”? With all of the censorship going on
in the Social Media today, why would Microsoft allow Qahtani to use Skype?
Qahtani’s claim makes it difficult for Prince Salman to claim ignorance of the murder. So was this just
a botched operation, or did another Intelligence agency run a sting operation in an effort to unseat
Who was Jamal Khashoggi?
First it is reported that Khashoggi had been a long-time member of the Saudi Intelligence agency in
the past. He left Saudi Arabia when power shifted as it so often does. He wrote a few contributing
articles, which then seemed to transform him into a “journalist.” This has given the mainstream media
the excuse to decry Saudi Arabia for killing a journalist. But the most one could really claim is that
Khashoggi was targeted because he had written some articles critical of the present Saudi regime.
This article tells us more about Khashoggi:
In high school, Jamal Khashoggi had a good friend. His name was Osama bin Laden.
“We were hoping to establish an Islamic state anywhere,” Khashoggi reminisced about their
time together in the Muslim Brotherhood. “We believed that the first one would lead to
another, and that would have a domino effect which could reverse the history of mankind.”
The friendship endured with Jamal Khashoggi following Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan.
Khashoggi credited Adel Batterjee, listed at one time as one of “the world’s foremost terrorist
financiers” by the Treasury Department, with bringing him to Afghanistan to report on the
And when Osama bin Laden set up Al Qaeda, he called Khashoggi with the details.…
The article goes on to explain how Khashoggi was a serious supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.
More important, he was critical of the present Saudi regime, because he was loyal to the previous
administration. When the Saudis decided that the Muslim Brotherhood was a threat to their own
government, Khashoggi complained and thus became a “dissident.”
"Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman should get rid of his complex against the Muslim
Brotherhood and stop treating them as the enemy or a threat to Saudi Arabia," he
complained, and urged the Saudis to fight Israel instead.
Over a year ago, Khashoggi fled to Turkey so that he would not be arrested and perhaps killed
for being a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. There he linked up with Prince Turki, a
former ambassador to the US and the UK and also the former head of the Saudi Intelligence
Agency under a previous administration.
He was also welcomed in America, which had been friendly to the Muslim Brotherhood. Under the
Obama administration, many members of the Muslim Brotherhood had been placed in key
positions of government. The article above concludes:
The media’s relationship with Khashoggi is far more damning than anything the Saudis might
have done to him. And the media should be held accountable for its relationship with Osama
bin Laden’s old friend.
Dr. Dave Janda’s Opinion
Dr. Janda is a renowned orthopedic surgeon. He was also appointed by the former Bush
Administration to the Board of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, so he
spent some time in Washington, where he was exposed to the corruption in politics. This
turned him into a political activist as well. He now has a radio show called Operation Freedom.
Dr. Janda says that Khashoggi was on the payroll of George Soros and was in Turkey to do
some business for the Deep State. As such, he was critical of an oil deal between Russia and
Saudi Arabia.
Why was Khashoggi at the Saudi embassy in Istanbul in the first place? Supposedly, he was there in
regard to getting a divorce in preparation of marrying his new girlfriend. But he could have gone to
the Saudi embassy in America. Why go to Istanbul?
Dr. Janda says that the interrogator in the Saudi embassy in Istanbul was a Russian, not a
Saudi. When the US learned of this, they used this information to obtain the release of Pastor Brunson. Russia has influence in Turkey, so Russia asked Turkey’s Erdogan to release
Benjamin Fulford says (though without giving any proof) that Brunson was actually the head
of the CIA’s operations in Turkey. Fulford’s explanation would certainly explain why Brunson
was so important to the US government, compared to so many other pastors in the Mideast
who have been persecuted, jailed, or killed. Keep in mind that to expose a CIA agent with proof would no doubt be a federal crime, so this may explain why no one other than Fulford (who lives in
Japan) is exposing Brunson as a CIA operative.
Or Fulford might have received a false report from his CIA sources.
At any rate, it appears that the Russia-Saudi oil deal, along with the Saudi agreement to begin
selling oil to China using the yuan instead of the dollar, marked the end of the
petro-dollar that was set up in the early 1970’s to replace the
gold-backed dollar.
Dr. Janda believes that Khashoggi was sent to Turkey as a Deep State operative and that for
some unknown reason he went to the Saudi embassy, where he was then tortured by a
Russian. Khashoggi may have fought back, prompting reports of a fist fight. He then died of a
heart attack, Dr. Janda believes, which was unanticipated. Having a dead body on their hands,
the Saudis then had to quickly decide what to do next.
The same day 15 Saudis flew to Istanbul and then back to Saudi Arabia with extra suitcases,
prompting speculation that Khashoggi’s body had been dismembered and transported back to Saudi
Arabia. However, there is also a report that his body was wrapped up in a carpet and brought
somewhere else, after which time the car (a Mercedes) was abandoned in a parking lot. It was
found on October 22.
Why would the Saudis abandon one of their cars in a parking lot? It is likely that they had
used it to do something illegal, unless it was a ruse that was designed to provide an alternate
and less gruesome explanation for the disappearance of the body.
At any rate, Dr. Janda believes that the Deep State decided to blow up this incident with maximum
news coverage and to frame it in terms of an attack on journalistic freedom of the press. With
so many other dissidents being killed in the Mideast, one wonders why Khashoggi is more
important than the others. No doubt the Deep State has its own motive.
The Economic Factor
Is the Deep State trying to disrupt the world economy by driving up the price of oil? The
Saudis have threatened to raise the price of a barrel of oil to $400 if the US government
pursues this Khashoggi case.
This brings us to the economic issue, which is perhaps the deeper issue behind the news. There is little doubt that the Deep State would like to crash the economy before the midterm elections in order to stop the Republican “red wave.” The economy is ripe for a collapse, in spite of what President Trump is saying in public. The recent downturn in the stock market is just one indication of this.
It appears that the plan is to replace the current banking system with something new as part of a “global reset.” This might involve a “debt-Jubilee,” as many have been telling us.
Trump has been criticizing the Federal Reserve Board’s policy of raising interest rates, setting
them up to be blamed for a future crash. The Fed could then be nationalized and restructured, thus cancelling the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and giving the Treasury Department the power to create
money without having to borrow it from the bankers at interest.
The Deep State, however, would prefer to blame Trump, rather than the Fed. So if they can
cause a rise in oil prices that would tank the world economy, they hope to pin the blame on
Trump’s Mideast policy.
Whatever the case, it appears that an economic crisis will occur some time after the midterm
election, perhaps in 2019. What replaces the current system will depend on whether the Deep
State wins the battle or if the Trump team wins. Either way, it appears that we will soon be getting a new system as the economic side of Mystery Babylon falls. I do not think that the Deep State will get its way, because they would just set up another system advantageous to the bankers and thereby continue our enslavement beyond the allotted time.
Nonetheless, even if Trump wins the day, we should prepare for a certain amount of
disruption as we move from one system to another. Such changes could be done smoothly,
were it not for the opposition. So we should be prepared to weather the transition.
Category: News Commentary Blog Author: Dr. Stephen Jones
The Migrant Invasion and the bombs being reported....
***A retired postal worker just called in to the Roger and JP Show, and stated the following:
The USPS does NOT deliver to the homes of anyone under Secret Service protection, like former presidents Clinton and Obama. All mail addressed to their residence is delivered to the Secret Service field office. Therefore, the reports that bombs were delivered to the homes of 2 former presidents is an absolute LIE!
That is all. Carry on
STUNNING: Photo Evidence Shows Caravan Migrants Carrying USAID Bags —
Paid for by US Taxpayers Breaking reports overnight ties the migrant caravan in Mexico working its way to the US to billionaire George Soros, the man behind nearly every anti-American group working against the USA over the past decade.
The migrant caravan coming up through Mexico is obviously funded by some far left group.
The migrant caravan of mostly young men from all parts of the world were pictured receiving money from individuals embedded in the caravan. Overnight reporting shows that the funding behind the massive gang of mostly men coming to the US border is being funded in part by a group tied to USAID:
copied from another woman and it is being passed all over. FB is trying to block from sending this out:
Posted by a lady earlier: "In reference to the Caravan:
My sister lives in Mexico and posted several videos of 5 star buses full of these people. They were being escorted by Federal Mexican authorities! The fake news is not telling the truth. They heard some of the men saying .. "We are soldiers coming to fight America!" They are using some women and children as human shields, but 90 percent of them are healthy men! This is an invasion and someone is paying for all this. Wake up America!!!"
Some info on Soros foundations:
George Soros' "Rent-an-Evangelist" program
Oct 23, 2018
It is amazing what some Christian ministers will do for money.
Jim Wallis was part of President Obama’s White House Faith Counsel in 2010. He was caught
lying about receiving grants from George Soros. The “Rent-an-Evangelist” program has
worked quite well. My suggestion is not to be a part of it and be careful about who you support, lest
you be a partaker in their “reward.”
Earlier this month, in Patheos, Wallis wrote, "No, we don’t receive money from George
Now, a new report in World magazine finds Soros, a billionaire who has financed groups
promoting abortion, bankrolled Sojourners with a $200,000 grant in 2004. Since then, the
magazine indicates, Sojourners has received at least two more grants from Soros
organizations altogether totaling $325,000, the most recent in 2007.
Sojourners revenues have more than tripled — from $1,601,171 in 2001-2002 to $5,283,650
in 2008-2009.
But the Jim Wallis scandal is only the tip of the iceberg.
Besides the Soros grants, for instance, there are two 2006 grants from the infamous Tides
Foundation totaling $72,106; a Ford Foundation grant in 2008 for $100,000; a Rockefeller
Brothers Fund grant for $100,000 in 2005; and a $50,000 grant from the Wallace Global
Fund in 2008. The Wallace Global Fund also supports ACORN and a cornucopia of
population-control groups.
Three grants, totaling $20,000 between 2005 and 2007, are from the Streisand
Foundation in California. Yes, that Streisand foundation. (That’s just funny.) Other
recipients of Streisand philanthropy include People for the American Way and Planned
Parenthood Federation of America. This is very left-wing company.
Category: News Commentary
Blog Author: Dr. Stephen Jones
Laura Ingraham Shut Down THIS Democrat With THIS Bombshell Scandal(VIDEO)!!!
All Hell Broke Loose When Mike Pence Revealed Who Funded The Migrant Caravan
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Here's the kicker: Since CNN received one without canceled stamps, most likely they were all concocted at CNN and sent out from CNN. Not having canceled stamps on one they photographed pegs them as the origin.
A note by Freewill: 6 stamps = 3oz mailing. That package must weigh much more than the postage!
Hot Foot It
By Anna Von Reitz
you are an American born on the land and soil of one of the actual
States and knowingly claiming your Good Name and Estate and not acting
as a federal employee, corporation, or dependent---and not accused of a
violent crime like assault, rape, or murder----here is what you need to
do in all cases both criminal and civil in response to all claims from
these foreign courts:
Have recorded your Deed of Re-Conveyance to your Trade Name and action
permanently domiciling it on the land and soil of the State where you
were born. Have recorded two photo ID Witness Statements from friends
and/or family members having first hand knowledge identifying you as
"the" living man or woman born to such and such parents at such and such
time and place. Have a copy of the Birth Certificate they issued "in
your name" ready to present. Have your own Certificate of Assumed
Name/NAME recorded and ready to go.
Take certified copies of your recorded documents (above) plus the Birth
Certificate they issues with you and go see the Clerk of Court --- the
actual Clerk of Court. Look them in the eye and say, "You are acting
under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act." [If you
are arrested and unable to do this directly, have it pre-arranged with
your wife or husband or Counselor-at-Law to go in and do this for you.]
That should be all that you need to do. They should immediately blanch
the color of old, dirty paper and ask for settlement. Ask for
dismissal of all charges with prejudice.
If they don't seem to know what they are doing and don't ask for
settlement terms, ask for their evidence of authority to address you?
They won't have anything. Ask for dismissal of all charges with prejudice.
If they are holding someone or something (like your house) under
arrest related to the charges, you do the above two steps, and if they
are still waffling, observe, "Uniform Commercial Code Article 9, Section
402 specifically states that the secured party is not surety for the
DEBTOR named as Defendant."
And if at any time they challenge your standing as an American being
harmed by their horse hooey, pull out your recorded land jurisdiction
documents and a copy of the BC issued to you, and watch them scurry
around. It's kinda fun when they realize the jig is up.
Hodge Twins: Our response to 3 explosive devices were found today in the mail sent to Hillary Clinton's home, Barack Obama's office and CNN's New York offices
Hodge Twins respond to the bombs sent to Clinton, Obama, Soros and CNN. Too Funny!
Hodge Twins respond to CNN calling Kanye West Trumps Token Nigro
Explosive Devices Sent to Clinton, Obama, CNN, Former Head of Democratic National Committee
Devices are similar to one found Monday in the mailbox of philanthropist George Soros’s New York home
Zolan Kanno-Youngs
A frenzied day of bomb squads and federal investigators swarming sites along the East Coast, including CNN’s Manhattan headquarters, began late Tuesday night, when the U.S. Secret Service discovered a suspicious package containing a pipe bomb at the Clinton residence in Westchester County, N.Y.
Officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigation released a photo of one of the packages, saying they were mailed in envelopes with a Bubble Wrap interior. Computer-printed address labels and six U.S. Postal Service stamps, some depicting the U.S. flag, were affixed to the front. All had a return address for “Debbie Wasserman Shultz,” with her last name misspelled.
Investigators believe the packages came from the same individual or individuals, officials said. As of Wednesday evening, law-enforcement officials said they hadn’t identified any suspects. A federal official described all the devices—none of which exploded—as “very similar in style,” potentially effective but “not sophisticated.”
The packages were similar to one found Monday in the mailbox of the Westchester County, N.Y., home of billionaire philanthropist George Soros, a prominent liberal donor, officials said. Authorities detonated that device and the evidence was sent to an FBI laboratory in Virginia, where all the devices are being analyzed.
The string of mail bombs led to tightened security around Washington, D.C., and New York City. It also drew widespread condemnation from both political parties two weeks ahead of the midterm elections.
“The full weight of our government is being conducted to bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice,” said President Trump. Mr. Trump, a Republican, added: “We have to unify and send one very clear and strong message that acts of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America.”
The top Democratic leaders in Congress criticized the president’s comments. In a joint statement, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, said Mr. Trump’s words “ring hollow” unless he reverses “his statements that condone acts of violence.”
The Secret Service said it had initiated a criminal investigation into the packages sent to Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, both of whom receive Secret Service protection. Mr. Obama is protected as a former president, and Mrs. Clinton remains under protection as a former first lady.
Bomb Locations
Packages containing explosive devices were sent to several Democratic politicians Wednesday and a liberal donor Monday.
Katonah, N.Y.
Home of George
Soros (Monday)
Chappaqua, N.Y.
Home of Bill and Hillary Clinton
Home of former
President Barack
Manhattan, N.Y.C.
CNN offices
Sunrise, Fla.
Office of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The FBI said it was working with other law enforcement agencies. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which has technical expertise on such matters, is also part of the investigation as is the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Both packages were identified during mail-screen procedures, and neither reached Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton.
The New York Police Department then warned businesses, urging security and mailroom staff to be on the lookout for suspicious packages, according to a senior law-enforcement official. The NYPD said that the suspicious packages might contain protruding wires, excessive or missing postage stamps, strange odors and oily stains on wrappers.
NYPD officials were in the CNN mailroom in Manhattan’s Time Warner Center advising staff on the warning signs when they found a package addressed to John Brennan, director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Mr. Obama. The package contained a pipe-bomb and white powder, according to Police Commissioner James O’Neill.
It wasn’t clear why the device found at CNN was addressed to Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Brennan has been a public critic of Mr. Trump. The president has said he is among those he holds responsible for the special counsel investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, said at a media briefing that “this clearly is an act of terror attempting to undermine our free press and leaders of this free country through acts of violence.” He said there were no more credible threats, but added the NYPD had increased police presence around the city including at other media outlets.
Wednesday morning, bomb squads were dispatched to the Sunrise, Fla., office of Ms. Wasserman Schultz, a former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. A pipe bomb was found there in a package addressed to former Attorney General Eric Holder, who worked for the Obama administration, the FBI said.
The package didn’t reach its intended address, and was rerouted to Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s office, which was given as the return address, the FBI said.
“I am deeply disturbed by the way my name was used,” Ms. Wasserman Schultz said in a statement. “We will not be intimidated by this attempted act of violence.”
A suspicious package intended for Ms. Waters in Washington was intercepted at a congressional mail facility in Maryland, the lawmaker said Wednesday. The FBI later confirmed it was also investigating a second package addressed to the lawmaker.
Ms. Waters is one of Mr. Trump’s harshest critics on Capitol Hill and has made headlines for calling for the president’s impeachment. Earlier this year, she encouraged her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in response to the policy that led to the separation of children from parents at the border.
—Dan Frosch, Natalie Andrews and Byron Tau contributed to this article.
Write to Zolan Kanno-Youngs at
Appeared in the October 25, 2018, print edition as 'Mail Bombs Target Democrats, CNN.'
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