Sunday, November 11, 2018

What ISN'T There 2.0

By Anna Von Reitz

What ISN'T There 2.0
As I have noted before, many of the most interesting discoveries in the long bunny hole romp come from what ISN'T there.... that should be.
We have discussed the missing Declaration of War related to the Civil War and the lack of a Peace Treaty ending it. We have noted the lack of an Executive Order ending FDR's "Bank Holiday" before, but let's examine that a bit more. What does it mean?
What it means is that the banks we are familiar with aren't banks.
They are securities investment and holding companies.
And what have they "securitized" to promote their business and trade?
Securitization is a process of assigning a value to an asset and then trading certificates, stocks, bonds, mortgages and other "tokens" of ownership interest.
As our research into the Birth Certificate issue and our research into Foreclosures has yielded, the "U.S. Attorney Generals" have "securitized" the living people of this country and all our private property, too.
But "securitizing" living people is against the law and is both illegal and unlawful, because doing so enslaves them.
Both the international law and the Public Law of this country very clearly forbids it.
Not only is slavery forbidden, but since 1926, voluntary peonage is also forbidden by Public Law. You can't volunteer yourself into indentured servitude, even if you wanted to.
So how is it possible that since 1934 America has been the site of a booming slave industry based on "securitzing" living people and their private property?
Answer: FDR's Bank Holiday, which is still in effect. You are all challenged to find any action anywhere rescinding or ending the so-called "Bank Holiday" via Executive Order (by which it was created) or Congressional Act or by any other means.
The Bank Holiday ended "the normal course of business" in this country. Imagine that you are playing a game of checkers, and without overtly changing the playing pieces, the game is converted into a game of chess instead ---- all without any fully disclosed explanation or warning?
That's what happened in 1934.
And that is what is still going on today. We are led to believe that normal business practices and procedures and assumptions apply, but in fact, they don't.
When these banks that aren't banks offer "home loans" what they are really "offering" is that you "voluntarily" loan your home to them for their benefit.
They then conveniently create credit on an accounting ledger --- all out of thin air, with nothing but the value of your home and labor at risk --- and set up an escrow ACCOUNT in your Name, without telling you. They charge you on average five times the value of any loan as interest and demand an unearned security interest in your labor and assets on top of it. Then, when you mysteriously fail to come forward and collect on the escrow ACCOUNT (that you know nothing about) they declare the funds "abandoned" and take all the mortgage payments that you paid to YOURSELF for their profit, too.
This scam has been going on since 1934 and it still is. And that's just the mortgage-foreclosure scam. It gets worse. Much worse.
See the next article for more.

For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else, Too

By Anna Von Reitz

For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else, Too

This is from a member of the Living Law Team a couple years ago. Read it, Bar Members, and weep.

The Role of Counselors-at—Law and The [unincorporated] Delaware Statutory Trusts

Remember when you were told you that you "had to have a Social Security Number"?

Sometimes, that is true, but only if you are applying for employment with the federal government. For of course, you would need it to enroll in their retirement and employee benefits program....but you don’t have to have one otherwise.

It is the same scenario with the Bar Associations telling new JD graduates that they have to have a Bar Card....again, that is true, if they want to be a prosecutor for the federal government corporations and their "federated state of state franchises" and become an employee of the court…………but not otherwise.

The fact is that there is no requirement for anyone to be a Bar Association Member to engage in the profession of law in this country and there never have been.

I challenge anyone anywhere to prove that there is any general requirement to be a Bar Member, in order to use the court facilities, present cases, or offer effective counsel to others with or without pay.

The fact is that the perpetuation of these "mandatory" Social Security enrollment and Bar Association Membership half-truths are undertaken in self-interest by undeclared foreign interests.

Research the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) if you have doubts and also see Trinsey v. Pagliaro and the cases that Robert F. Kennedy fought pertaining to these very issues.

Happily, quite a number of some of the best minds working in the profession of law today have awakened to this realization and they are turning in their Bar cards and leaving the association to stew in its own juice.

This was precipitated as a direct result of Bar Associations kicking members out for committing the sin of actually defending and protecting their clients' best interest, as well as, a result of lawyers waking up and going, "OMG!" -- and exiting as fast as their feet would get them out the door.

The lawyers among us are waking up along with the rest of the populace and realizing that they have been sold a total bill of goods, and don’t have to spend their lives being professional “liars”.

The fact is, lawyers can function either as attorneys-at-law or as counselors-at-law. These are "capacities" within the profession in which a lawyer can choose to work, [just as you can choose to work in the capacity of a hotel manager or a hotel bartender and still be working in a hotel].

Attorneys join the Bar to gain group insurance and bonding benefits. [Also so their buddies in the fraternity will gang up on any outsiders].

Counselors pay their own insurance and bonds and otherwise don't have any reason to join the Bar, because they aren't involved in the disposition of public property or addressing issues related to public employees-- that is, they aren't working in administrative capacities as members of an administrative court.

Attorneys-at-law traditionally function as property managers involved in the administration of civil cases in Article I courts dealing with in-house legislative "laws" and statutes.

This is why those working in administrative courts supported by the United States Districts, the Territorial States of States, and the Municipal STATES OF STATES are all required to be "attorneys" and Bar Members by their employers.

Attorneys work in administrative tribunals. Not judicial courts.

This fact accounts for these frank admissions about the nature of the federal territorial and municipal courts and their various state-of-state franchises operating on our shores:

"There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789, Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statues and Codes. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators." FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178.

"Courts are Administrative Tribunals" Clearfield Trust, et al v. United States 318 U.S. 363 (1943).

Counselors-at-law traditionally function in judicial court capacities and have the duty to protect and defend their living clientele, unlike their attorney-at-law brethren who are limited to dealing with public property and public employees and incorporated "things", either belonging to or working for or working with the government corporations.

Naturally, when a counselor-at-law appears a number of things are different about the nature and tenor of the proceedings:

A counselor-at-law is not required to enter an appearance prior to a court date and may simply walk in with a brief explanation to the judge that he or she is working in the capacity of a counselor-at-law and providing effective assistance to the Plaintiff or Defendant.

Often, to further clarify things, the judge will ask if the counselor-at-law is a member of the Bar Association…….If not, the proper response is simply, "I don't have a card (or more properly, a "ticket") with the Bar."

This is referring obliquely to the Bid Bond that the Bar Associations post in maritime cases involving incorporated entities, thus, further signaling to the judge that the Plaintiff or Defendant is appearing in the capacity of a living man or woman and that the court has to shift gears from international sea jurisdiction to international land jurisdiction.

The first difference for the court's notice when a counselor-at-law appears is the explicit revelation of the capacity in which the Plaintiff/Defendant is operating.

If he or she is operating in their actual, living capacity as a man or woman standing on the land jurisdiction of the United States, they are owed all their constitutional rights and guarantees including a counselor-at-law who can advise them but not "represent" them, because they are presumed to be free people above the age of twenty-one and competent to make their own decisions. That's why they have hired a counselor-at-law instead of an attorney.

That is also why they are forcing the court to engage them as people under the Public Law of the
United States or the General Session Law of the State instead of as "things" subject to the Private Administrative Law of any foreign territorial or municipal corporation or state of state or incorporated county franchise tribunal.

Attorneys represent "things" --- corporate franchises, wards of the state, bankrupt businesses, murdered victims of crime, mentally incompetent people, --all things that cannot "stand for" or answer for themselves. That is why they have to be "re-presented" by a substitute acting "for" them.

Counselors-at-law assist in presenting cases for living people.

Notice the difference: attorneys "represent" and administer the affairs of their clients often without regard for or even consulting with their clients. For example, they cut plea-bargains and waive rights and sell off property in whatever way best benefits the court.

This is because they work for the court and the client is at best considered a public trust subject to the court's administration. [And this is true whether you pay the traitor or not].

Notice that counselors-at-law "present" cases with and for their patrons, who administer their own affairs and make their own decisions throughout the proceedings, retain all their rights and prerogatives and do not willingly subject themselves to the court's administration.

Now, obviously, from the court's standpoint, it is very convenient to be able to dictate whatever happens in each and every case, so as to "administer" it as best suits the "public good" and the "good of the court" ---and the court's corporate employers, of course, without regard for any such niceties as equity owed to living people, or any rights owed to living people.
Just as obviously, it is a death knell to justice and an end to all freedom for living people to allow this state of affairs to go on.

When even the lawyers among us are so dumbed down and ignorant that they think the Bar Association has the power to obstruct them from pursuing their vocation, it's time to outlaw the Bar Associations, because they are clearly over-stepping any rational function or status that they have.

U.S. District, State of State and STATE OF STATE courts can demand whatever credentials they wish from people that they hire to represent their interests, just as other private and public interests can demand whatever credentials they desire from their employees.

If a "State of State" Legislature can pass a statutory "law" saying that all its court officials have to be Bar Association Members, our State Legislatures can just as easily pass a General Session law saying that none of our courts will allow Bar Association Members.

Take Note:

State of Wyoming is a Territorial Franchise Court. STATE OF WYOMING is a Municipal Franchise Court…………. Both of these are foreign corporation franchises like the local Target store.

They are limited to running administrative tribunals and they can require all the people in their "court system" to be Bar Association members until the cows come home, because these are private administrative tribunals.

But the Wyoming State Court belongs to the people of Wyoming and they run judicial courts of record that are superior to any private administrative tribunals and they can mandate that no Bar Association members are allowed to practice law in their venue ---thereby providing plenty of work for counselors-at-law.

That this great country and its people have been hoodwinked and pulled off course for so long by selfish private interests is an immense and horrifying Breach of Trust, but it is one that is being swiftly rectified, when we change/correct our own presumed political status and consequently change the "presumed" capacity in which we choose to act in court; while changing the capacity in which lawyers act.

To all former Bar Attorneys and those who are [currently] thinking seriously of tearing up their [fraud] cards?

It is time to face the truth and set yourselves free of the imaginary shackles that the Bar Associations have placed on you.

You can enter any court in this country in the capacity of a Counselor-at-Law and there is nothing any of the courts can say except, "Yes, of course...."

Revolution the Movie

Patriot's Roundtable at Operation Classified Scott Bennett, Robyn Gritz, Sidney Powell & Kevin Shipp

Jason Goodman

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

Citizens Investigative Report

Moms of America

By Anna Von Reitz

Moms of America
When my Mother (born 1920) discovered what the Vermin had alleged against my sister and I and our children as a result of her signature on the hospital records, she wrote a scathing rebuttal and explained the source of the "misunderstanding" -- the failure of the perpetrators to fairly and fully disclose which "United States" they were talking about.
She filed her Testimony on the land jurisdiction record and revoked her signature and her purported election to have herself or anyone in her family "considered to be" a federal citizen of any kind.
Thus when the U.S. Attorney General comes to me and pretends that my Mother "gifted" me to their corporation, the opposite set of facts and counter-claim is already part of the international land jurisdiction record.
And he can go blow.
I shall never forget the look on my Mother's face when she understood what these Vermin have done. It was a look of sheer outrage, and I have felt it myself, because the same extortion and the same repugnant demands were made upon me by hospital personnel when my son was born.
I repudiated them on the public record, too, and gave full testimony of how a huge male nurse and two female accomplices came to my hospital room which I paid for--- and demanded that I complete their paperwork, or they would seize my son and never let him come home from the hospital.
This is what is going on in America. Unfortunately, it's going on all over the world. A giant crime syndicate has built this "system" and administered it via an interlocking trust directorate.
They are stealing our babies and using them as slaves and as chattel backing their corporate debts.
If you can think of anything more repugnant, more un-American, more inhumane, more evil or more false --- let me know.
Now, all you women, all you Mothers out there --- the U.S. Attorney General is holding your babies to this unconscionable "contract" based on your signature. They, the Vermin, are claiming that you "willfully" and "voluntarily" donated your children as gifts to their corporation. Just like they are claiming that your Mother's donated you.
Is that true?
Are you mad?
You ought to be.
This evil system has been clicking along for decades, like a lawn mower, cutting the living people down to mere corporate franchises. Their corporation has been racking up debts against you and your children purportedly with your "voluntary" and knowing consent.
Is that true?
Are you mad?
You ought to be.
Who owns your children? You, or the foreign government service providers?
Your children are being stolen by racketeers and as, in my case, by extortionists, threatening actual physical kidnap.
Your children are being sold into debt slavery and your rightful ownership of your minor children is being by-passed to the State of Whatever. Even your marriage is being "interpreted" as a "licensed" Joint Venture, with the State of Whatever playing an undisclosed Third Party role with an interest in the "products" of your JV -- your children.
The men and women who are supporting this unconscionable theft and this whole system of enslavement are lower than snakes bellies in deep, deep wagon ruts, and they need to be stopped. Permanently.
So what are we going to do about it, Moms of America?
Are you content to have your children stolen and sold into debt slavery to benefit foreign corporations? How about having yourselves identified as "Unwed Mothers" who are "voluntarily" donating your kids as "wards of the State of State" and delivering them to the U.S. Attorney General as "Alien Property"?
Isn't it more than past time for all this CRAP to end?
So let's begin with the U.S. Attorney General, who is an Officer of Interpol, not an American at all, and not even a "U.S. Citizen" anymore.
Let's ask him what in the %1$!#%^^@ he thinks he is doing seizing upon our children via false commercial claims solicited under color of law?
He's got a lot more to think about and answer for than any Russia Investigation.
And so does Donald J. Trump.
We can address the long-running international fraud and we can reclaim our assets from the Philippines and elsewhere and we can settle all and any lawful debts that are owed by anyone on Earth, but in order to do that, the political lobbyists occupying Capitol Hill and other "administrative agencies" like the DOJ, FBI, DOD, IRS, et alia, have to be brought to heel.
And that's where you come through the door, Moms of America.
This is where you grab those political lobbyists by the crotch in your Mama Bear jaws. This is where you nail the "U.S. Attorney General" and all his stinking little minions to the wall. This is where you tear up and return all the licenses. This is where you pigeon-hole the local country and State of State vermin and tell them: (1) what is going on and (2) where to get off.

MESSAGE To Our Service Personal and to All Americans!!

Douglas M Ducote Sr.

Long Lost "Ancient Earth" discovered under Antarctica


Woolsey Fire in California: Unexplained Technologies and Signatures


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Second Set of Human Bones Found at Vatican

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 06:00 AM PST
Second Set of Human Bones Found at Vatican – ‘Not Yet Decomposed’

Two days after human remains found on Vatican property were sent for DNA testing and comparisons, more bones were uncovered in the same area, and are believed to belong to a different individual.
According to experts, the second and separate set of bone fragments appear to be older than the skeleton and are believed to belong to a second individual.
After an initial examination of the skeleton’s pelvis, it was believed that the remains belonged to a woman, however, confirmation of the age and gender of the person, as well as a rough estimate of when they died, will not come until the DNA testing is complete.
Crux reports: Before the new bones were found, Gianni Arcudi, director of Pathology at Rome’s Tor Vergata University and a consultant in the case, said that at first sight, the skeleton did not appear to be overly decomposed, despite having been buried in humid ground.
In comments to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Arcudi said in his view, the skeleton likely belongs to someone between 25-35 years of age – an analysis which, if true, would debunk theories that the remains belong to one of two missing teenagers who disappeared in 1983.
Is there a serial killer in the Vatican?
For many Italians, the discovery of the bones has reawakened curiosity and speculation over the cold cases of Emanuela Orlandi, whose father worked at the time for the Vatican bank and lived on Vatican property, and Mirella Gregori, who went missing about a month before Orlandi.
Neither of the girls’ bodies were ever found, and in the years since their disappearance, Orlandi in particular has become the source of many varying conspiracy theories.

According to some theories, Orlandi was kidnapped in a bid to put pressure on the Vatican to conceal the financial misdealings of mafia members found to have ties to the Vatican bank, while others, including Rome’s famed exorcist Father Gabriel Amorth, insist that the youth was murdered after being coaxed into a sex ring which had the participation of members of the Vatican police force and diplomats close to the Holy See.
Still others have linked her disappearance to an attempt by international terrorists to force the release of Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish gunman who shot Saint Pope John Paul II in 1981 in an assassination attempt.
None of these theories have ever been proven, and with the discovery of the bones, many are hopeful it will bring closure to the case.
A molar tooth is reportedly among the bones sent for testing as well as a part of the skull. The DNA will be compared to that of Orlandi and Gregori to determine whether or not there is a match.
In his comments to Corriere della Sera, Arcudi said the age estimate of 25-35 years old for the skeleton is based on a variety of factors, including “the structure of the bones, whose development in this case tells us the person very probably was 25 years old.”
Arcudi also cautioned against jumping to the conclusion that the bones belong to a woman, saying there can only be surety when the DNA results are in. On the finding of the new bones, Arcudi voiced hope that the fragments will help identify the person, whom he doubts will turn out to be Orlandi.
“In truth, I never had the impression that she was involved,” he said.
In comments to Corriere, the Orlandi family lawyer, Laura Sgro, said the finding of the new bones does not change anything for the family. “We don’t know if Emanuela is dead and, if she is dead, we don’t know when,” she said, adding that “we ae waiting for the DNA test.”
Orlandi’s brother, Pietro, told the paper he is anxious to get a confirmation on the gender, as there is still doubt if the bones in fact belong to a woman. However, Pietro said he is convinced that the person, whoever it is, was brought to the location after their death, which is “demonstrated by the fact that the skeleton is not complete and above all that it was found without clothes or jewelry.”

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Camp Eire 6,700 Homes Gone, 6+ Died, Exploded to 90,000 Acres - All in 24/36 Hours


RFK Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 01:31 PM PST
RFK Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations
Sunday, November 11, 2018 by: Vicki Batts

(Natural News) Del Bigtree, founder of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), teamed up with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on the U.S. government by filing suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for vaccine safety violations — and they won. This is big news for all concerned with the topic of vaccine safety. It turns out the federal agency has been neglecting their vaccine safety obligations for over 30 years. The lawsuit brought by RFK Jr. is evidence that “vaccine safety” as we know it is nothing more than a sham.
Government agencies charged with protecting the public are not doing their part to ensure and improve the safety of immunizations, but will they be held accountable?

RFK Jr. and ICAN take on DHHS

As sources explain, a clause in the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NVICA) compels DHHS to take responsibility for improving vaccine safety and efficacy, and charges the agency with constant monitoring and improving of adverse event reporting. The Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines clause also tasks DHHS with providing a report on improvements made in these areas to Congress every two years.
RKF Jr. and ICAN reportedly suspected that DHHS was failing to meet this responsibility, and filed a Freedom of Informtation Act request to obtain the records of these biennial reports. For eight months, DHHS tried to blockade their request and refused to provide information. Ultimately, a lawsuit had to be filed.
As a document from ICAN reads:
ICAN was therefore forced to file a lawsuit to force HHS to either provide copies of its biennial vaccine safety reports to Congress or admit it never filed these reports. The result of the lawsuit is that HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety. This speaks volumes to the seriousness by which vaccine safety is treated at HHS and heightens the concern that HHS doesn’t have a clue as to the actual safety profile of the now 29 doses, and growing, of vaccines given by one year of age.

Despite being charged with the responsibility of investigating and improving vaccine safety DHHS has apparently failed to meet even the most basic aspects of this duty by failing to file a single report for the past thirty years. Three decades have passed since NVICA was put into place, and DHHS has never so much as raised a finger towards vaccine safety — an issue which should be a top priority, especially given the fact that NVICA erases industry responsibility regarding vaccine injuries.
So not only is the government granting Big Pharma carte blanche on the matter of vaccine injury, yet another agency charged with protecting the public from vaccines has completely dropped the ball.
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ICAN reports further that DHHS hasn’t eschewed their vaccine responsibilities entirely: The organization has reportedly taken their obligation to promote vaccine uptake very seriously, spending billions and conducting regular reports on how to increase vaccination rates.
As ICAN states further:
Regrettably, HHS has chosen to focus on its obligation to increase vaccine uptake and defend against any claim vaccines cause harm in the National Injury Vaccine Compensation Program (aka, the Vaccine Court) to such a degree that it has abandoned its vaccine safety responsibilities. If HHS is not, as confirmed in Court this week, even fulfilling the simple task of filing a biennial report on vaccine safety improvements, there is little hope that HHS is actually tackling the much harder job of actually improving vaccine safety.
Will the DHHS finally be held accountable for their failure, or will the vaccine industry continue to spread its toxic injections without fear of government scrutiny? See more coverage of the atrocities behind inoculations at
Sources for this article include: [PDF]

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Honoring all the Men and Women..Veterans Day

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Artists, intellectuals call for 'European Republic'

BERLIN (AP) — Artists and intellectuals across Europe are calling for the founding of a continentwide republic to replace its many nation states.
Activists planned to proclaim a “European Republic” in dozens of cities at 4 p.m. (1500 GMT) Saturday, almost exactly 100 years after the end of World War I.
The event is being organized by a group calling itself the European Balcony Project. Its listed supporters include political scientists, philosophers and writers such as Austrian literature Nobel prize laureate Elfriede Jelinek.
A manifesto on the group’s website declares that “the sovereignty of states is hereby replaced by the sovereignty of citizens.”
The European Balcony Project:

Dave Janda – Voter Fraud Before, During & After the Midterm Elections

Greg Hunter

Q 2478-2479

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust


Q 2478
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DEC[L]AS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.

Q 2479
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
THE CONTROL AND ISSUANCE OF BLANK BALLOTS IS KEY. Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission? Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS? What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Enemy @ the Front Door. Q

In late September, President Trump ordered the declassification of the FISA memos as well as many emails related to the FISA scandal. Blog Author: Dr. Stephen Jones

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Nov 10, 2018
In late September, President Trump ordered the declassification of the FISA memos as well as many
emails related to the FISA scandal. Democratic leaders are alarmed at such transparency,
knowing that publishing these memos means that their days are numbered. However, Trump
also left it up to Inspector General Horowitz as to the timing of this release, because much of
this information may still be used in a Grand Jury investigation. Such evidence cannot be
released under such circumstances.

Now that Attorney General Sessions has resigned and has been replaced by Whitaker, watch
for some major changes soon. Sessions had recused himself from the Mueller investigation, putting
Rod Rosenstein as the chief of the Russia Collusion investigation. Whitaker puts this situation into
an entirely new context, because he will not recuse himself, even though Chuck Schumer is
demanding that he do so.

We are coming up on November 11, a date which Q has been talking about for the past year. The date has been an insider’s deadline for some sort of victory. The date was picked because it is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice the ended World War 1 in 1918.

Q has said it would be a time for celebration. He also linked it to the resolution of the dispute with
Iran. Since Iran is a proxy for Russia, we should watch for a meeting between Trump and Putin
to sign a final agreement. Trump said last week that he would be meeting with Putin on
November 11, and Putin said the same later, but a couple of days ago Trump said that he
would NOT be meeting with Putin on November 11 at the Paris gathering.

However, this too might be disinformation. I suspect that in the end Trump will meet with Putin,
even if it is just a short meeting. Perhaps the paperwork has already been done ahead of time (as
usual). As with previous presidents, Trump does not meet with world leaders to hammer out
agreements. That would take too much time. He meets to sign agreements that have already
been worked out, as we saw last summer at the summit in Singapore with North Korea.

Keeping the Media Off Balance
A big parade with fireworks was originally scheduled for November 11, but in September Trump
canceled it (perhaps postponed it) on the grounds that the cost estimates were too high. I am not
sure what the real reason was, but Trump is an expert on throwing his adversaries off balance
by continually changing his mind. He does the same with his cabinet, which constantly is
being shuffled and reshuffled. Just when the news media settles in on its opposition strategy,
the situation changes and they have to figure out a new strategy!

It is clear that Trump has been putting certain people into the cabinet to clean house and to get rid of leakers and others who cannot be trusted. The department heads are the “hit men,” and when their
job is finished, an excuse is found to replace them with someone else for the next phase in the
plan. The media interprets this as a sign of chaos, dissatisfaction, and disagreement, but their
claims are more wishful thinking than reality.

A good example of this is seen in the case of Anthony Scaramucci, who was appointed to the
position of White House Communications Director on July 21, 2017. He fired a lot of people
and was then replaced just ten days later on July 31. The media gave the impression that Trump fired him for firing too many people, but the truth was quite different.

[Q] Post #2468 dated November 10, 2018 also suggests this, The ‘Scaramucci’ Play
Temp hired to remove embedded ‘untrustworthy’ staffers?
Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted.
Think Whitaker.

It appears that Acting Attorney General Whitaker is in a perfect position to begin the indictments, especially against the Clinton Foundation, which received “donations” from many nations in order to obtain favors from Hillary Clinton. The Foundation will probably be prosecuted for human trafficking as well.

It is likely that Whitaker will get the ball rolling on these prosecutions, which will then make it
impossible for the permanent Attorney General to end those court cases. The media will rant
and rave against Whitaker, of course, but they will not be able to pin this on the permanent
Attorney General who will be nominated after the first of the year. This strategy will motivate the Democrats to replace Whitaker as quickly as possible, and this will streamline the confirmation process for Trump’s next Attorney General nominee.

California Burning
Meanwhile, California continues to burn. There are two major fires at the moment, along with many
other less major fires. In the north, the Camp Fire is burning out of control between Redding and
Sacramento. When it started, I received a phone call from a friend who asked for prayer
because some people we know were evacuating from the area and were stuck in traffic. Their
house was soon going to be burned to the ground.

Another fire is threatening the Los Angeles area, including Thousand Oaks, CA, where the
mass shooting took place at the same time that the fire broke out. California will soon run out
of funds in its budget, and this may force them to rescind their policy of creating “sanctuary cities” in order to get federal funding to bail out the state.

Many years ago, Ron’s brother moved to California from Alaska, where he had been in Forestry for
many years. He was asked to write up a report on how to manage California’s forests to
prevent wildfires. His report was rejected or ignored by the state of California, because their
theory was based on leaving underbrush to support “endangered species.”
Of course, their policy created a huge tinderbox of flammable forests just waiting for a spark. It seems to me that the forest fires are more of a threat to endangered species than clearing out the
underbrush. But then, I am not schooled in forestry, although back in high school one of my uncles
living in northern California tried to convince me to follow in his footsteps. He was a forest ranger. I
decided, however, to go to Bible College, and this put me on the present path in a Kingdom

Election Fraud Reported
In regard to the recent midterm election, a broader picture is now emerging. It appears that the
election results are yet being disputed in Florida and in Arizona. Democrats hope that a recount of
ballots can overturn the Republican Senate victories.

Q told us earlier that the Trump team had taken steps to prevent voter fraud and that we should trust the plan. What he did not tell us until later was that they had allowed the Democrats to engage in a certain amount of voter fraud—just enough to let them win the House, but not enough for them to
win the Senate.

It appears that this was done to set up a situation where the problem of voter fraud would
become so apparent that the people would demand voter identification laws. The best way to
make a change is to expose the problem for all to see.

Today Q posted the following link, an Affidvait from Chelsey Marie Smith, who was an
employee of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections (SOE). Broward County is a strongly
Democrat Florida county where voter fraud has been rampant for a long time.

She has given a sworn statement saying that she witnessed county employees filling out absentee ballot request forms in a locked room at the SOE. She had been asked to carry two stacks of such
ballots to that room, and she saw what was happening when she was let into the room. This
incident occurred October 31, 2018. [2016—DLE] The next day she was fired from her job and
told that she could not return to the building.

The Supervisor of the SOE in Broward County is Brenda Snipes. She destroyed ballots in the 2012
election, according to the judge who finally ruled on the case last May.

“The Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office violated state and federal laws by
destroying ballots from a 2016 Congressional race too soon — and while the ballots were
the subject of a lawsuit against the office, a judge has ruled.”

In spite of this court ruling, she is still on the job, although it appears that she has changed
her tactics. Instead of destroying ballots, she is simply creating more of them this time.

Perhaps Acting Attorney General Whitaker might take this case into consideration shortly. It
will be interesting to watch how this plays out.

Blog Author: Dr. Stephen Jones

DEW Attacks and Weather Warfare Waged to Distract from Massive Election Theft

State of the Nation

Here’s the short story.

The New World Order globalist cabal just perpetrated the largest election theft in U.S. history.
And, the perps are still in the process of stealing so many elections (e.g. Fl and AZ) that the need to distract the electorate from their electoral crime spree has become an existential necessity for them.

End of story.

Now here’s the back story.  The following link lays it all bare...Continue here

Q 2467- WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

Justinformed Talk

Steve Pieczenik: OPUS 97 Florida Voter Fraud Raw

Steve Pieczenik