Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What if every single low frequency advocate was to leave our planet?


What if every single low frequency advocate was to leave our planet?
by Inelia Benz, published on November 15, 2018
What if I told you that, say, next August, every person who actively advocate their own or other people’s suffering, pain, anger and fear, will be removed from our planet. And that about 72% of the population would be gone from Earth. The 28% that are left behind, would be those who choose a world without pain, suffering, anger and fear. They would choose exploration, expansion, nurturing,sovereignty, conscious choice, joy, light, love, reconnection with each other and with Gaia and all her creatures. Reconnection with our larger family from this Universe.
What would you do? Would you stay or would you go?
And if you stayed, what would the earth look like if you wake up one day and only the people who are interesting and interested in you and your good works, have a base frequency that is high and actively work to improve our life here on Earth are with you? They don’t resort or subscribe to aggression, torture, pain, suffering, victimhood, martyrdom or savior energies. Instead, they are the embodiment of empowerment, nurturing and kind actions, thoughtful and joyful about life, enthusiastic about our present and our future together, ready to step into expansion of our collective group and the universe.
What if I said that if this was to happen, the Earth’s population would go back to what it was in the late 1920s. 2 billion people would stay on our planet. The rest, would move to a different planet where they can continue with their suffering, pain, wars and torture of themselves and others. They would see no difference in their reality, but would think that they are still on Earth.
What if you had a choice to say “yes” or “no” to this split, what would you say?
The Earth’s population is indeed splitting, but up to now we agreed to do it very slowly. We agreed to take 3 generations to do it in.
This conversation has been discussed at wwmn for the past two weeks or so. And within that conversation, one of the biggest concern was, “I want the split to happen, but will my loved ones choose the higher frequency experience? They are not awake, they are not working on themselves and fully drink the socially accepted kool-aid. The thought of them leaving hurts me.”
Another concern aired to those I have shared this question with, is, “I want to make the 28% but still indulge in negative BS. What if I miss the boat?”
It might not come as a surprise to realize that there are not 2 billion awake people on the planet. Not fully awake and working on themselves anyway.
It might surprise you to know that the most powerful low frequency advocators on the planet are awake and actively engaged with their own or other people’s suffering, pain, anger and fear.
So, first misconception is “awake = high frequency”.
The other thing is that this split is not about religions, cultures or belief systems. What religion or belief system a person carries has nothing to do whether they make it into the 28% or not.
So… what is the deciding factor? It is a choice but how do we make it or how do we know what choice other people are making?
The way in which we can better understand this is to not so much think about a person being awake or asleep, or working on themselves or not, think about it as the people who are part of the 78% are those people who actively advocate their own or other people’s suffering, pain, anger and fear. These are the people who, if we collectively choose this outcome, would leave our planet.
The key words here are: “ACTIVELY ADVOCATE”.
It’s hard to believe that so many people are very interested and keen on suffering and yet aren’t gun lords or bullies. And yes, a lot of that is from a very popular false belief system stating that it is the only path to God. Hmm… Something to think about.
In this case, would their belief that pain and suffering takes them to God dictate that they are part of the 78%? It very much depends on their level of commitment to that belief. How many things a day do they do to make others suffer and themselves suffer in order to achieve this goal? Or is it just a way to explain and give meaning to their own pain because it gives comfort and respite?
The difference between using this belief to give comfort and respite to themselves or others, and actively torturing themselves or others in order to reach God is huge. And basically illustrates who goes where.
Having read this far, I ask you, in this hypothetical situation of the human experience splitting so radically, what would you choose and why? If you are worried about your loved ones, have the “if” conversation with them, and you will get a good idea of who will stay and who will go. Ask your loved ones:
“What if I told you that next August, those people who actively advocate their own or other people’s suffering, pain, anger and fear, will be removed from our planet. What would you do?”
Or you can ask them, “what if I told you that from next August, there will be no more pain, suffering, war, torture or drama on the world. How do you feel about that?”
Some will clearly brighten up and smile, saying it would be heaven on Earth. Others will tell you it sounds boring and unexciting. Others will start defending the benefits of pain and suffering, war and chaos. You will have your answer.
Why am I, Inelia, asking you these questions?
This choice is real. But August 2019 is not the issue here. Although, if as a collective group we do choose a physical split in frequency of experience that is fast, that’s when it’s scheduled to happen. But the choice you make has to be something you do, not just think about theoretically.
This doesn’t mean leave those you love, or leave your job, or abandon your house today. It means, be truthful, genuine, be high frequency without apology and let the pieces fall wherever they want to.
It does mean that you no longer lower your frequency or pretend you are someone or something else, a role, to make others more comfortable around you. It also means you start today.
It also means that when you do fall into low frequency experiences, feelings, thoughts and emotions, you are aware that you do so… and do something about it. You use whatever tools you have learned to process and deal with them. You know you are committed to only amplifying high frequencies on our planet. Guilt goes out the door with the rest of the low frequency items in your life because you are taking action to stop indulging in negative stuff.
And what about your loved ones? All I can say about your loved ones is that it is not a coincidence that the people around you are around you. When you stop pretending to be low frequency and stop indulging in low frequency stuff, you will be surprised at how many of them step up to that higher frequency. Lots!
This is it. What did you choose? And how does the Earth look like with everyone around you only interested in peace, love and the expansion of our high frequency collective awareness and experience?


Astronomers Have Stumbled Upon One of the Most Ancient Stars in the Universe
by George Dvorsky, published on Gizmodo, on November 7, 2018
The location of the newly discovered ancient star.
Image: ESO/Beletsky/DSS1 + DSS2 + 2MASS
A tiny star located about 1,590 light-years from Earth could be as old as 13.53 billion years, making it one of the most ancient stars ever discovered.
The diminutive “ultra metal-poor” star is called 2MASS J18082002–5104378 B—hereafter abbreviated to J1808-5104—and it was discovered by a team of astronomers led by Kevin C. Schlaufman from Johns Hopkins University. At an estimated 13.53 billion years old, it’s among the first generation of stars to have appeared after the Big Bang, which happened 13.7 billion years ago. Not only is it one of the most ancient stars in the Milky Way, it could be among the oldest stars in the entire Universe. Details of this finding are set to be published in an upcoming edition of the Astrophysical Journal, but a pre-print has been posted to the arXiv.
“This star is maybe one in 10 million,” said Schlaufman in a statement. “It tells us something very important about the first generations of stars.”
Indeed, the discovery is challenging preconceived notions of what the earliest stars were like and where they’re located.
The first generation of stars to appear after the Big Bang were exclusively composed of elements like hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium. When these primordial stars exploded as supernovae, they peppered the cosmos with heavier elements that were incorporated into the subsequent generation of stars. Thus, the metal content, or metallicity, of stars increased as the cycle of death and birth continued over the eons.
To date, astronomers have detected around 30 ancient, metal-poor stars, which tend to be as massive as our Sun. But J1808-5104 is a mere 14 percent the mass of our Sun, leading Schlaufman and his colleagues to speculate that it’s a red dwarf.
The newly discovered star, which the astronomers analyzed with the Magellan Clay Telescope, Las Campanas Observatory, and the Gemini Observatory, is exceptionally metal-poor. And in fact, it has the smallest amount of heavy elements ever observed in a star, having around the same heavy element content as the planet Mercury. The amount of heavy elements in J1808-5104 is so low, the researchers say it could be just one generation removed from the Big Bang. Prior to the new discovery, Caffau’s star was regarded as the most metal-poor star—a star only slightly smaller than our Sun.
The new star is only 14 percent the mass of Sun, containing the smallest complement of heavy elements of any known star.
Image: Kevin Schlaufman/JHU
Stars the size of our Sun live for about 10 billion years, but low-mass stars like this one could theoretically burn of trillions of years.
“Diminutive stars like these tend to shine for a very long time,” said Schlaufman. “This star has aged well. It looks exactly the same today as it did when it formed 13.5 billion years ago.”
This star’s location in the Milky Way is also weird; J1808-5104 is part of the “thin disk” of the galaxy, which is where our Sun is also located. Old, metal-poor stars aren’t supposed to be located here, an active, crowded area that contains much younger stars. The finding suggests that the thin disk of the Milky Way is about 3 billion years older than previously thought.
J1808-5104 is the smaller member of a two-star system. By measuring the larger star’s “wobble,” which is caused by the gravitational influence of the smaller star, the astronomers were able to infer the mass of J1808-5104. High-resolution optical spectroscopy was used to identify elements such as carbon, oxygen, iron, and others.
The new discovery is fascinating, but the findings are weird and unexpected, so this research should be replicated by other astronomers to make sure Schlaufman and his team didn’t make some kind of mistake. That aside, the discovery of J1808-5104 hints at even older stars in the Milky Way. As even more ancient stars are discovered, we stand to learn even more about the Universe during its earliest period.
[The Astrophysical Journal]

OWON: Current State of Affairs

How about, to lead as One World of ALL Nations, we conceive a world fit for purpose with better planned use of Elders assets to help all? 

This we are discussing. It takes time, they need to trust who? But imagine if Trump would only unleash a Presidential Task Force to go after all sequestrated Deep State assets, a full forensic search and seize the lot? In a stroke we could rebuild America and unleash a vibrant new nation. Vast tens of Trillions have been taken and cross traded. Take it BACK! It’s YOUR Money! Repositioning the needed NEW Anglo American Alliance and why, as post the GCR (Global Currency Reset), one form of World Government is coming. But not NWO. 

We must change, as a Species and our Humanity. Too many are confusing World Government with NWO. Neither Russia nor China will ever accept the US Vatican NWO order. Rightly so! Nor will we go with NWO. Let us show you all a far better way Post GCR. We are doing it! Every effort is being made with the Elders to find an acceptable way to effect the release of their long held funds, as well as to bring significant AU holdings into the system with trading profits to help all. 

But learn to differentiate between a World Government inclusive with a consensus of all nations of mutual respect and cultures and a NWO. We will get one or the other eventually. It’s how we try to effect a system representing all which matters. Otherwise, not pursued to benefit all, you will get a Bankers NWO as is the pursuit of Bilderberg's. Troubling times. The Third option of all countries now just operating alone is bankrupt Cuckoo land. The EU was never planned correctly. It was just a Rothschild's Vatican / CIA / Jesuit Socialist Pit. It will fail alone. 

As will Hegemony and the Money Changers as parasites on humanity. In a world of 7.7 Billion people, pragmatic decisions will have to be made to unify safe economic harmony and balanced use of scarce resources. Not self servicing Washington's Hegemony with less that 5% of the Global population of the Cabal and Zionists presuming to dictate to Billions of others. Emerging nations won’t stand for it any more. Africa is ballooning towards its own population of c4 Billion with huge social pressures and desperation migration. As is the disintegration of the Muslim worlds with over 20% of new French births Muslim alone. 

France is in free fall. Europe is swamped with Afro Muslim illegals and it’s getting out of control. No one is focused on helping fix the source. Bombing Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria into oblivion displaces tens of millions. Madness! Heartless arrogance. We either share this world, or lose our share of resources and fail to think out a world worth living in for the coming generations. Saving even half our wasteful Military budgets would transform the world. Fight poverty and ignorance, not helpless humans. It’s time to rethink and conceive the world we want. That time is now. Because, united by hands across oceans, we can. Leave it to political forces and you are tools of a Superstate.
Continue article here

2018 11 18 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes


Northern California: Consumers May Be Forced to Bail Out PG&E Utility If It Caused the Fire that Killed 71 People, with 1,000 Still Missing

G. Griffin Report

Evidence is gathering that PG&E utility power lines were the source of Camp fire in northern California that has left 71 people dead and more than 1,000 unaccounted, in addition to the destruction of more than 12,000 structures.  The California state utility regulator has indicated that PG&E will be able pass its losses onto its customers.  High rates could chase away business.  Critics oppose a bail out for PG&E, which has a tarnished safety record...Continue article here

Mexico: Women and Child Migrants Go Missing from Caravan, Witness Says They Have Been Sold!

Two trucks from the caravan disappeared in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. A witness who escaped told officials that about “65 children and seven women were sold” by the driver to a group of armed men. Yet the migrants keep coming despite the threats of violence and a high rate of sexual attacks. Honduras is the poorest country in Latin America, with the world’s second-highest homicide rate, trailing El Salvador.
Author and researcher Ann Coulter calls out leftists and the NGO Pueblos Sins Fronteras (Countries Without Borders) who organized the caravans of Hondurans to flood the US border just before the midterm election in order to show that the US that President Trump cannot stop the migrants. She says the caravan was planned as a stunt to impact American political opinion. As a side effect, women and children are being set up to be kidnapped, raped, and sold.  She says the leftists behind this stunt should be prosecuted for complicity in human smuggling. -GEG...Continue article here

Leftist California Congressman Eric Swalwell Tweeted that the Government Could Use Nuclear Weapons Against Citizens

US representative Eric Swalwell, a Democrat from California, suggested that the US government could use nuclear weapons on its own citizens if they fight back against firearm confiscation in a Twitter debate with right-wing internet personality Joe Biggs.
Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested on Friday that the U.S. government could use nuclear weapons on its own citizens if they fight back against firearm confiscation. (RELATED: Eric Swalwell Unloads Gun Platform Liberals Really Want)
Right-wing internet personality Joe Biggs tweeted at Swalwell in response to a May report that Swalwell wants to ban “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” and prosecute gun owners who did not turn in their newly-banned weapons...Continue article here

Cities and Residents Are Rejecting the Federal Government’s Roll Out of 5G

Citizen advocate, Gary Gileno, picked up our feature from last week about three cities in Marin County, California, that rejected the federal 5G roll out. He says that the cities passed ordinances, which carry the force of the law, instead of resolutions that are merely statements of opinion. Gileno stresses the point that city councils legally can reject edicts of the federal government.
It is true that cities can be sued by the federal government due to a 1996 law signed by Bill Clinton that says health concerns cannot be used to stop the installation of telecommunications equipment!  However, if the feds sue on that basis, it will not be popular among voters, and  probably will not be done except as a last resort. Gileno concludes that it is everyone’s personal responsibility to attend your local city council meetings and let your voice be heard on this issue. -GEG

‘I Cannot Enforce This Law’: Police Chief- “It Violates My Oath, The State Constitution and The US Constitution”


Looks Like the Rapid Succession Of Swamp Unbinding Begins in Ernest


BZ: this is just one of the many dots that have emerged since the completion of the Mid Term Elections in the US. The dots are emerging all over the planet, What do You sense, see feel…
From hi FB page, Newt GingrichNovember 16 at 5:05 PM

Earlier today I sent the below letter to U.S. House of Representatives Inspector General Mike Ptasienski calling for the release of potentially critical information related to the Imran Awan investigation. There are serious questions regarding this investigation, and the American people deserve to know the truth.

Anna Von Reitz: Status Report November 19, 2018

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
Paul Stramer

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 3300 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown" or "Anonymous". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Status Report November 19, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

In 1868 they pulled an identity theft scheme, ran up debts against us under color of law, went bankrupt in 1907 and left us holding the bag for it.

In 1933 they pulled an identity theft scheme, ran up debts against us under color of law, went bankrupt, and left us holding the bag for it. 

In 1934 they pulled an identity theft scheme, ran up debts against us under color of law, and as of January 1, 2016, went bankrupt and.....

We stood up and said, "Whoa!  Not us.  Not again.  You were given Due Notice and Process."

And now they have to deal from a different deck and don't know how.

They know, for example, that the IRS is totally bogus and that every action it takes actually puts them all deeper in debt, but they are starved for cash flow so they keep on beating that dead horse.

What actually needs to happen is for President Trump to sit down and talk to me, the Fiduciary of his Priority Creditors, and the other owners of the assets in the accounts that Kim Goguen has secured.  He needs to do this because there is no other lawful way to proceed and no other lawful way to establish a firm basis for going forward

The assets in the accounts don't belong to Kim any more than they belonged to the other bankers involved, but the people that do own them are not bad people and their trustees are not bad people, either.  They haven't had access to their assets because of the bankers, who basically stole the assets and used them to feather their own nests, which is why the actual owners and trustees never were able to deliver relief and do the philanthropic work everyone blames them for not doing.

All Mr. Trump has to do is strong-arm the bankers and get the middlemen out of the middle.  Then his precious government can be fully funded under the following provisions ---and the infrastructure and scientific and philanthropic work can go forward.  It's very simple.

1. Return control of the assets to the actual asset owners and stop lying about the funds being "abandoned" and belonging to the banks or being subject to a 16,000 year old contract and conveniently belonging to Kim Goguen as the only heir---- or some other fanciful excuse. 

We have the deposit receipts. We have the complete history from the day the ore came out of the ground.  And we have dominion: Genesis 1:26-28.

2. Immediately and permanently stop racketeering and other criminal actions against the people of this and every other country.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


You Are Free TV

Monday, November 19, 2018


Black Conservative Patriot

Ex-ICE director slams Kamala Harris for comparing ICE to KKK

Fox News

Overnight These Signs Showed Up In Portland and Immediately Liberals Went INSANE

The Next News Network

Heads-Up: Focus About to Change...rows and rows of completely burnt homes while healthy green trees still standing?

Headlines With A Voice

The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now: “Useless eaters” must be eliminated, say globalists

Image: The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now: “Useless eaters” must be eliminated, say globalists
(Natural News) Far beyond the distractions of political bickering and cultural trends, the big, big picture that’s unfolding across our world right now is a plan to exterminate 90% of the current human population in order to “save” the planet and protect what globalists see as the future of human survival on a cosmic scale.
This plan is under way now due to two very important developments:
#1) The rise of robotic systems that can replace human labor, eliminating the need for a world of impoverished human workers whose only reason for existence — from the point of view of the globalists — was to be exploited for cheap labor and manipulated votes.
If you aren’t yet aware that robots are replacing human labor, you’re way behind the curve. As this Zero Hedge story shows, heavy duty robots are already being introduced that can replace human labor in construction and other similar jobs.

Critically, the reason Democrats and globalists are ready to replace low-wage humans with robots is because robots will be granted voting rights. Once robots are granted voting rights under the justification that AI is “conscious,” Democrats will have no more need for humans, migrant waves or Third World populations. They will simply program all the robots to vote Democrat in every election… which, originally, isn’t far from what’s being done right now with human voters...Continue article and video here

Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible…


Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible…
I always appreciate the thoughts of Andrey Kortunov and read “Trump-Putin Meetings: Do Elephants Need Celibacy”[1] with great interest.  While I agree with most of what my colleague has written, I want to make a few points that should be encouraging to all. I especially want to note that our two Presidents met on the 11th despite no meeting being scheduled – I dare to hope it focused on stopping any NATO plans for starting World War III.[2]
01 Xi is the largest elephant. No meeting between Trump and Putin can ever take place without Xi being in the room, at least metaphysically.[3] Unlike the US, which has wasted trillions of dollars on Zionist wars of profit,[4] China now owns the Southern Hemisphere – for decades they have been investing in seaports, airports, high speed rail and major highways[5] while the US has been poisoning its population with bad food and bad medicine and bad water and bad air, and Russia has been fighting to restore its strength in the face of both the Gold War that gutted the Russian economy on behalf of the Deep State,[6] and the Russian demographic crisis.[7]
02 All the meetings that are visible to the public are theater. I cannot over-stress this point. Virtually every meeting taking place today that is known to the public and covered by the fake news media is a cosmetic meeting of no strategic importance. The serious and strategic meetings are dealing with the global financial re-set, are not public, and are not reported in the media.[8]
03 Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron are irrelevant. They have been marginalized by the triumvirate (Xi-Putin-Trump) at the same time that the Rothschilds have been stripped of their control over the global economy. The British are wallowing in self-pity as they see the future – not only will the Commonwealth break up in the next ten years, but the Queen of England specifically and royalty across Europe generally are likely to be exposed as Satanists and pedophiles to the point of total disgrace...Continue article here

It Happened, Have We Just Witnessed “The Marker” - Episode 1720b..draining the swamp


The Counterlawfare Report with Brian Vukadinovich - Corrupt Prosecution Requires Eye for An Eye Law

Jason Goodman Wrongful convictions like Winston Shrout... restart link from the beginning 

Shall we play a game?

Justinformed Talk  restart link from the beginning 

Ep. 853 I Warned You About This. The Dan Bongino Show 11/19/2018

Dan Bongino

It’s Official The Economy Is Imploding, Expect All Fingers Pointing Towards The Fed - Episode 1720a


[11.19] New QProofs / Sealed Indictments / Julian Assange / Pentagon Audit / Google Hints @ ET's

Destroying the Illusion

Australia Asks for US Help In S China Sea

The common Sense Show

Benjamin Fulford: November 19, 2018


NEW Lawsuit on Awan Brothers/Congressional Democrat IT Scandal

Judicial Watch

Hundreds In Mexico Protest The Migrant Caravan

The Blaze

Situation Growing Worse With Every Passing Day”: Cali Wildfire Sparks New Major Crisis

American Patriot

Haitian Protests Against the NARCO Deep State - NO MSM Coverage

Citizens Investigative Report

Time to break out of Hillary's Prison Planet

American Intelligence Media

U.S./Tijuana Border Shut-Down

Headlines With A Voice

“Tentacles of the Deep State” | The Cabal’s Silent War on the American People...Part 1 & 2

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust www.ggtrust.com

Starship Earth: The Big Picture

If you recently realized things are just wrong in this world and that Humans are targets, these two videos will explain in simple terms how it all happened. When you have a solid foundation for what we see unfolding today it will make a lot more sense.
We see skyrocketing prices, people out of work, kids going to school without breakfast, parents working three jobs to make ends meet, homes repossessed by the banks, inflation, election fraud, violence, hatred, racism, militarized police, forced vaccinations, toxic food and water, kids on prescription antipsychotic drugs… it’s a nightmare come true.
The good news it that there are powerful forces in America working to remove the slavemasters and a better world is around the corner. We can all help by not falling into the traps set for us by the controllers and puppet-masters and thinking for ourselves. ~ BP

“Tentacles of the Deep State” | The Cabal’s Silent War on the American People

Part 1

How the CABAL Infiltrated Every Aspect of Your Life | War on the American People

Part 2