Friday, December 28, 2018

Mike Adams: Reports warn of disabling attacks to U.S. power grid

Reports warn of disabling attacks to U.S. power grid that could wipe out “democracy” and the “world order”

(Natural News) A pair of reports released in the past month from two separate federal entities both warn of dire, devastating consequences from the destruction or disabling of a substantial portion of the U.S. power grid. 
In late November, the Pentagon released an eye-opening analysis of the effects of a potential  electromagnetic pulse (EMP) stemming from the detonation of a sizable nuclear weapon above the United States. The report by the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force at Air Force University noted that, “Based on the totality of available data, an electromagnetic spectrum attack may be a threat to the United States, democracy, and the world order.”
The report culled information from a mostly classified summit of government officials from 40 agencies who met just outside of Washington, D.C. over the summer and forcefully calls for a new focus by Congress and the Trump administration for making preparations either for an enemy EMP attack or a naturally occurring event such as a major solar storm, the Washington Examiner reported.
Much of the report focuses on the negative effects of an EMP event as it pertains to U.S. military capabilities. However, the report also appears to substantiate a congressional warning from 2017 that claimed up to 90 percent of the population along the East Coast could die within a year of the event.
Citing information from the Union of Concerned Scientists, the report said:
— Approximately 99 nuclear reactors would very likely melt down because there would be no electricity to power infrastructure that keeps them cool;
— Because of a spreading radioactive cloud, as many as 4.1 million Americans would have to evacuate surrounding areas;
— Military and commercial jets, like those built by Airbus, could fall out of the sky after becoming immediately degraded;
— EMP events would destroy communications infrastructure, thus cutting off military bases from their commanders;
— Officials believe civil unrest would begin after only a few “hours.”
The report estimated that it would take 18 months to replace important elements of the power grid that would be destroyed by an EMP event. (Related: U.S. power grid continues to be vulnerable to cyber attack: Millions would die if it were to fail.)

Lots of attention is being focused on threats to our power grid...Continue article here

u/SerialBrain2: The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted “poor me”


The Trump Effect and the reason POTUS tweeted “poor me”.

I will start by giving you a quick update on the Trump Effect. I'm sure you enjoy following its activities around the world as much as I do.
Do you remember Trump’s last trip to France when he canceled a visit to a WW1 cemetery over poor weather? For a change, the Fake News media virulently attacked him: Img1
You and I know the real reason behind the cancellation of this visit. The Maestro coded it in a tweet he later deleted where he misspelled cemetery with an [a], therefore indicating the Secret Service identified a threat from the Viva Le Resistance network. Img2
Then, in this article, we learn the French Army was allowed to mock our Commander in Chief with a tweet they later claimed was just about training. Yeah right… Img3
Next, as you already know, Trump recently decided to bring our troops stationed in Syria back home. The French President Macron, while visiting his troops in Tchad, immediately took this opportunity to blast our Commander in Chief again with a lecture on how to treat allies vid.
As you can see, after this lecture, the French President flexed his muscles and stated that despite Trump’s decision, France would remain in Syria. Okay… But then later that day, right after singing the French national anthem with his troops, this happened: video.
No comment. Next.
Did you catch the Maestro’s “poor me” tweet? You know, the one the Fake News Media used as a way to mock him? Img4
I told you, after smiling or laughing, the next smart thing to do is to start investigating to understand what he is really saying. Today, we will do it with a little twist so that you may add another weapon to your decoding arsenal.
Let’s determine how the Deep State reacted to this tweet by analyzing its Mockingbird coverage. Once again, who are the highest ranked Mockingbird agents? Peruvian coffee for those who answered: BBC! Searching what they had to say about this, I found this very strange article entitled “Trump savages Federal Reserve as stock plunge worsens”. The article is supposed to be about the Fed and the Stock Market and as you can see in Img5, it displays Trump’s tweet of the day about the Fed, comments on it, then skips 3 tweets and randomly brings in the “poor me” tweet without ever commenting on it! This “poor me” tweet related to the negotiations with the Dems and the Border Wall is just sitting there and is not connected to the Fed or the Stock Market. Why? Because that was the message. The article makes an undisclosed connection between the Stock Market plunge, “poor me” and the negotiations with the Democrats. As you can see, they are threatening POTUS, just like they did with the artificial 666 Dow drop in February 2018:
They are basically saying: “whatever we are negotiating with you behind the scenes, know we control the economy and we can ruin the country overnight. Here is an appetizer”. The Maestro wanted us to detect this threat and tweeted “poor me”, which is code for “impoverishing America” and “ruining the economy”.
Now that you know all this is a conversation between the Maestro and the DS, what do you do next? You look at the timestamp 12:32 and go to the corresponding Q drop Q1232. Do you see it? Look at the first letters of each paragraph: FPORMQ. Img6 Now, do you remember how Q transformed the O to a Q in the Gingerbread riddle and said this about it:
Q2597 Confirmed. 'O' made into 'Q' More to find over time. Happy Hunting! Q
Let’s do the same with the last letter Q. Transforming it to an O is equivalent to removing the oblique line. You then have an extra line in the system. How do recycle it? Yes: you add it to the first F that becomes an E. You then have EPORMO, which, when re-arranged becomes POOR ME!
Thank you Mr. President! This was yet another extremely challenging and entertaining way to connect to Q! :)
Next? You analyze Q1232 and understand the Maestro is basically telling you to get ready because “MOAB incoming”. Img7 What is MOAB? We all know it’s the Mother Of All Bombs. Do you know where this bomb comes from? You did not know MOAB was in Utah? Here: link. Now who’s from Utah? BINGO! Our trusted and awaited John Huber! You thought he was out of the game because he did not show up when expected? Think again:
I am sure at this point you want to know what this Mother Of All Bombs is about. Are you on edge? So is the real target of the tweet: capital letters IWHDBSADCBWC=101, same value as SHE’S ON EDGE. And we all know SHE is the Witch and all this is about hunting her! Yes, the Witch Hunt!
Before I tell you more about this MOAB, let’s make a quick pause and understand what is really going on here.
There are negotiations behind the scenes with Dems about the Border Wall. But, we all know there is a parallel acceleration with Huber, Declas and that the Maestro is closing on the Deep State, Hussein, HRC and the other Angry Dems. I also told you about what was silently happening in GITMO. Now do you think all these targeted people would let their remote controlled soon-to-be-Speaker Pelosi and scared-Schumer negotiate with Trump without bringing their fate to the table? The problem is they did not have any leverage. The Wall? You thought Trump needed the Dems to fund it? No! This is already largely taken care of. It’s right here. The shutdown and Government paralysis? Why do you think the Maestro tweeted this? The accompanying picture is for us to know he has already secured all his priorities to sustain a long government shutdown if need be. Now you know why the Maestro keeps repeating all this may take very long: he gathered enough stamina for the marathon.
Look at Q2502.
This drop is the reason Trump made public his meeting with Pelosi and Schumer. It was a trap and they happily went in with their feet together. They gave him all he needed to illustrate he wanted to negotiate with people who did not want to. Then, knowing he could use his super powers if the House fails prior to majority change, what do you think would be his primary negotiation target? Yes: failure to reach an agreement. How do you achieve this? By asking things you are certain Dems can never give because doing otherwise would be self-destruction. How about if you happen to get them? You throw an extra party. Zugzwang.
This is how the Maestro froze the negotiations with Dems who now have to pass the ever moving hurdle of government shutdown before they can get to enjoy majority change. Proof everything is under control: he trolls them by tweeting about being in the White House waiting for them while he’s in reality getting ready to fly to Iraq with FLOTUS. Hahaha!
When the Deep State & Co realized they were played, they needed to make a move to get Trump to negotiate. Hence the Christmas Eve Stock Market plunge and Trump informing us what it’s really about through his “poor me” tweet. Clear?
Now what is this incoming MOAB that seems to be so bloody it causes them to willing to destroy the entire economy?
The answer is in the previous tweet’s timestamp: 12:23. Peruvian coffee for those who noticed the timestamp difference was 9=I and 9 means [8,10]=[H,J]=Huber John! Img8 Going to Q1223, we learn Q has all communications made by Hussein, HRC, LL and others through their private accounts. Now notice Q1223 and Q1232 are particular elements of the drop sequence starting with Q1217 and ending with Q1234. I encourage you to thoroughly study this sequence. It has all the spicy doozies about the Clinton Campaign and Foundation and how they used to operate: from the recruitment and payment of Fake News media operators and distribution of their talking points, to the protection of domestic high prices for the pharmaceutical industry, to the EU deposits feeding trust funds for children, to the private accounts used by Hussein, HRC, LL and the others to run the shop, this thread has it all. By talking about Syria’s reconstruction financed by SA in this tweet, the Maestro is illustrating the general idea of transactions through a proxy and is specifically pointing at the vegetation found in the Middle East:
Q1228 Look at those palm trees! Q
In the next drop Q1229, we learn that there was a heavy gunfire at the Saudi King Palace in Ghanem and that a Treasure Trove of secret Saudi official documents has been secured. Hello Erik! You know these documents are mainly about the Clinton Foundation right? It’s right here:
An anon: Q, where are the children? Seriously. Where are the children?
Q392 3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone. WW lanes shut down. Bottom to TOP. [HAITI]. [RED CROSS] [CLASSIFIED] High Priority. Q
Then, so that you know the MOAB acts like a cluster bomb, Q says this:
Q1233 They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Did you notice the Red Cross cluster? And just in case you need more clusters, here is the deadly Australian connection:
Q906 Re_read re: Australia. AUS donations to CF? Why is this relevant? More than you know. This is BIG. Q
So, what do you think? The MOAB is pretty lethal right?
Q2604 HUBER will bring SEVERE PAIN TO DC. Q

What I Know About Warnings and Arrests..Anna Von Reitz

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
Paul Stramer

Thursday, December 27, 2018

What I Know About Warnings and Arrests

By Anna Von Reitz

A large number of criminal networks have been uncovered both here and abroad, which have been siphoning large amounts of money out of the American economy and which have been contributing to illegal arms and drug markets, human trafficking rings, and even darker purposes, such as murder related to organ harvesting, Satanic rituals, and pedophilia.
The bunny trail has led to some of the highest offices in government and down to the local subcontractor level. The clean up began in Arkansas and is spreading outward from that initial beach head. Most likely it will hit Nevada or New Mexico next, which have similarly been hot beds of racketeering, illegal gambling, smuggling, and other criminal activities.
Arkansas, Bill Clinton's old stomping ground, was Ground Zero for the clean up operation, because so much of this corruption was connected through contacts in Arkansas or started there.
A pernicious system of "kickbacks" from the Federal level down to the local government units is apparent throughout. This system promotes racketeering and kickbacks based on racketeering and extortion.
About 70,000 indictments have been processed thus far and the number of total indictments continues to grow as more evidence surfaces and more criminals turn on their compatriots and provide evidence against them. Nobody knows how many people will eventually be indicted by so-called Operation Clean Sweep, but it could easily go over 100,000.
Some of these cases will be tried by military courts because the persons and activities fall under that jurisdiction. Others will be tried by civilian courts.
People can expect to see some famous names in the line-ups and will be shocked by scope and ferocity of these criminals.
The best thing for us to do during the "rodeo" is to stay at home and off the streets. Just hunker down and let the police and military units assigned do their jobs.
Children and pets need to be kept under close supervision.
It's highly recommended that you pick up extra prescription medications you might need during the next month.
Every effort has been and is being made to assure the continuation of utility services, but it can't hurt to have extra food, extra water, and a "camp potty"--- a five gallon bucket with a toilet seat and lid on it, ready to go, if needed.
The idea is to be ready to just stay home for a week to ten days and not go anywhere. Be ready in the event that the lights go out or the local grocery store closes.
And other than that, be psychologically ready, as much as you can be, for the sight of military units guarding public buildings and people ---even well-known people--- being arrested and accused of heinous crimes.
This is not a Kodak Moment in our country's history, but it is a necessary effort to put an end to institutionalized crime.
Once the roll-up starts, nobody knows how long it will take to meet the primary objectives, but the best estimates I have heard are a week to ten days. That may be optimistic, but gives at least a reasonable parameter to plan for.
I advocate everyone being ready for at least a couple weeks of shut down at all times, simply because I have lived through two disasters already --- a wild fire and an earthquake -- and know the score.
The time to plan is BEFORE you actually need extra food, water, blankets, a do-it-yourself toilet, prescription refills, heat, and some means to cook food and boil water. If you have those emergency needs provided for and have your emergency plan in place, it will be a lot less stressful when and if you need to deploy and actually make use of these provisions.
So far as I know, the indictments are real and will be enforced, which gives rise to the reasonable expectation that at least in some places and for some period of time, it will be desirable for Americans to find a seat and stay home.
Better to plan for that and not need to do it, than to need extra supplies and to not have them on hand.

DEVELOPING: sources w/in the Navy have confirmed an aircraft carrier will be arriving at Guantanamo Bay 12/31/18

Global Genius Trust
Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Lots of reports of the sky turning Blue in Queens, New York, with flashes, vibrations and smoke.
City reports that a transformer blew up. Good coverage and videos here;
Reports warn of disabling attacks to U.S. power grid that could wipe out “democracy” and the “world order”
Breaking: 911 service across Washington State is down, likely due to a problem from Century Link networking. Reports indicate that parts of Texas are also experiencing 911 outages

DEVELOPING: sources confirm Gitmo is being prepped for J1 expansion and the arrival of General Mattis [en_route] NS DEVELOPING: sources have confirmed Hillary Clinton, Barak Hussein Obama & Bill Clinton to be detained December 28th 2018 pending Mattis' arrival to Gitmo circa J1 [en_route] NS

Sharing a very informative post from another thread: "Yesterday at 8:37 PM I have refrained and really tried to only state this privately but I think the time has come. I know I will probably get backlash and I just really don't care anymore. Why? because nobody knows the crap that I deal with in human trafficking investigation. My average day in human trafficking investigation would traumatize the average human.
1) I specialize in Texas human trafficking. I have been up against FBI/DHS/CPS on several cases. I KNOW southern border human trafficking/drugs/gun runs.
2) I worked with the Honduran Government. Externally, yes, but was involved in politics and government of that country and lived there and ran a company and a ministry for several years.
3) My husband was the chaplain for MS13 gang IN HONDURAS. Meaning, I spent much time in a third world prison with MS13 gang members that were segregated FROM THE REGULAR POPULATION. To which they were so dangerous they were self-policed and the guards could not even enter . . .yet they (the prisoners) allowed us to enter. Guards were posted in towers at all four corners.
If I called the govt over prison and asked about the MS13 gang population I GUARANTEE it would be many fewer if not empty . . .because they were interspersed through out the caravan. I know this because I studied tattoos and I see them even on the newscast!! You have no idea how dangerous these people are. You just don't understand. This isn't TV crime.
We saw people murdered right in front of us, we saw more dead bodies than I care to tell you about. Honduras was rated the MOST dangerous country in the western hemisphere when I lived there. There is a reason for that. We need the wall. Every one of us involved in trafficking investigation (that isn't govt attached) knows this. It isn't about immigrant petty crime or a murder here or there. We are talking about MILLIONS of dollars in trafficking of our children to and from. ISIS (which was govt created) funded MS13 gang. Honduras is partial middle east/Jewish/Spaniard/British ... it is a very unique country with very unique ties. Just ONE case I worked on for the last 4 years trafficks about 630 children a year, thru the border.
Maybe you don't believe in the border. But statistics prove fewer border issues where we have a wall. Numbers are PROVEN by looking at other countries that have walls and it is 90% less illegal border crossing. WHAT IF . . .WHAT IF . . . one of those children was worth it? What if it stopped ONE child from being trafficked from CPS/DHS thru the Spanish pathway or into our country? would it be worth it if it was your child? If you haven't worked in trafficking or the Honduran govt or with MS13 gang . . . .you don't have the intel to have an opinion. Leave it to the people that do have the intel.
I say this from someone that has about 2% of the intel and it SCARES ME.
I gave up my case in 2017 because I simply couldn't beat a govt that was involved in trafficking. When I step outside of my home and find a red laser on my chest and I don't know if it is my govt or my target . . . .I am done. When 7 of our witness are murdered before trial . . .I am done. But since Trump came in office it has stirred a hornets' nest and we have had more arrest than we have EVER SEEN and we have more leads stirred up than we have ever had in our history of investigation.
You may not like his personality. Maybe you don't like the booming economy. Maybe you don't like his past sins. Maybe you can't stand his twitter account . . .. but we in trafficking take our hats off to him. Sometimes it takes a narcissistic profile to strategically disrupt (trafficking terms).
If he does NOTHING else . . . he is winning the human trafficking space. and that is enough for us. We need the wall. This is a Texas thing and I wish we didn't have to rely on Feds to determine what we did with our borders but alas . . .it does. If it was determined by us Texans . . .a bunch of motorcycle clubs and hunting clubs would have already built the damn wall. . .anyway . .we can afford it . ..we have more oil than you can shake a stick at. . . . "



Thursday, December 27, 2018

Ep. 881 A Presidential Surprise. The Dan Bongino Show 12/27/2018

Dan Bongino

Q Live: Patriot Hour Live: Thursday Night Get Right..some history what is Wahington D.C. really?

#PatriotsInFullControl #FactsMatter #ThinkLogical
The Patriot Tech

Power Of The Wand, It Has Begun, Finger Pointing - Episode 1751a & 1751b


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 12-27-18

Global Genius Trust

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 12-27-18

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - December 27, 2018
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)
Trump has ordered all military to withdraw and return home as per GESARA compliance.
Trump's visit to Iraq was a significant symbolic political move recognizing Iraq's crucial role in the upcoming and imminent financial system reboot.
The Alliance is preparing to collapse the stock market to force the transition to the new quantum financial system (QFS).
The Cabal are retaliating through disinformation campaigns.
In an act of desperation, the Cabal are planning to use the stock market collapse as an excuse to "save" the world from global economic collapse and thus keeping the fiat financial system alive.
This disinformation battle between the Alliance and the Cabal is already seeping into the mainstream media.
This is why the Cabal is now pushing for a collapse and why Trump appears to be trying to save it in a complete turnaround.
This is now a political blame game between the Cabal and the Alliance.
However, it is futile for the Cabal to resist as the Alliance have gathered enough evidence to bring them down and win public approval.

The Cabal are only setting themselves up in committing financial terrorism and treason against the U.S. and the world.

Source: Operation Disclosure
Massive Stock Market Manipulation Exposed, Deep State
Engineering a Crash to Sabotage MAGA
Posted on December 27, 2018 by State of the Nation
The Biggest Confidence Game Ever Will Soon Be Over

News 12.28.18: POTUS, Iraq, DS Twitter, Spacey, 9/11 Grand Jury

And We Know

Sources for this video: My Son’s YouTube Tokyo channel - Video POTUS/FLOTUS in Iraq. - Soldiers screaming USA - Alyssa Milano bad tweet - Press Secretary Twitter - Jennifer Epstein - Lisa Mei Crowley - 40 Head Twitter - Letter Opening Video by Hengist Mountebank - Gitmo Barge - Kevin Spacey creepy - Sea Change: 9/11 Grand Jury to be Empaneled by SGTREPORT: Q Clock Theory -

President Trump press conference in Iraq

Golden State Times

How the CIA Made Google - Part 1 & 2

We The People Insider 1776

WTF?!? MORE Disgusting Cops Caught Doing Disgusting Things on Video


Gross malfeasance: IG Finds More Than $300 Million in Improper Payments in Lifeline Program

American Patriot

Definition of malfeasance 

wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public officialThe investigation has uncovered evidence of corporate malfeasance.

12-20-2018 Field McConnell Running Solo Show...with a call in from Mad Dog

Abel Danger

interview: Livestream Link:

Abel Danger

Pursuant to the truth in lending laws of the United States Code, Title 15 Section 1601 et. deq. and the Fair Debt Collection Practices laws of the United States Code Section 1692 et. seq. This notice constitutes a timely written response to your Fair Debt Collection Practices Act notice that you are attempting to collect an alleged debt and is not a dishonor of your alleged claim of debt. This notice is my, required by law, demand to "cease and desist" collection activities prior to validation of purported debt and you must validate the enclosed claim of an alleged debt. You must provide verification that an actual debt really exists by producing the following: (1) The name and address of the organization or other governmental unit alleging a debt; (2) The name and address of the person or persons in that organization or other governmental unit alleging a claim of debt; (3) The name of the actual creditor even if that is myself; (4) The origin of the funds used to create this alleged claim of a debt; (5) The actual records of the organization or other government unit showing the time and place of the deposit and distribution of the funds used to create this alleged claim of debt; (6) The actual records of the organization or other governmental unit showing that an actual loan was made from the organization or other governmental unit's own funds that resulted in the enclosed alleged claim of a debt. (7) The actual records of the organization or other governmental unit with a live signature on any and all document/instrument(s) used to allege the existence of a real loan of funds or debt from the organization or other governmental unit to myself or anyone else by a similar name. (8) Be advised that verification is defined ( Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition ) as follows: "Confirmation or correctness, truth, or authenticity, by affidavit, oath or deposition". Affidavit of truth of matter stated and object of verification is to assure good faith in averments or statements of party. (9) The actual records of the organization or other governmental unit showing that an honest disclosure of facts relating to the allege loan was made by the organization or other governmental unit in compliance with the truth in lending laws of the United States Code, Title 15 Section 1601 et. seq. and Regulation Z. (10) The actual records of the organization or other governmental unit showing that any and all document/instrument(s) containing my signature or the likeness of my signature were not negotiated or pledged by the organization or other governmental unit against my credit to create the funds used for the appearance of a debt and resulting in this alleged claim of debt. (11) The person that prepares and swears to the validation of debt must describe: 1) your job description on a daily basis; 2) if you are the regular keeper of those books and records and are familiar with how they are kept and their contents; 3) how long you have been in your position; 4) when did you first come in contact with the alleged account/debt; 5) how frequently do you work with the files and information they are presenting to verify/validate the alleged debt; 6) are you the person/employee who regularly works with the alleged account/debt; and 7) do you have personal knowledge about the alleged debt and/or any alleged account. 15 U.S.C.Section 1692 (e) states that a "false, deceptive, and misleading representation, in connection with the collection of any debt," includes the false representation of the character or legal status of any debt and further makes a threat to take any action that cannot legally be taken a deceptive practice.

Paradise Lost # 49 ~ Cal Fire Turned OFF Cameras at Camp Fire Origins


Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot OFFICIAL


Christmas Flash Mob by Journey of Faith at South Bay Galleria - official video


#Net4TruthUSA 338 — Drop Everything CRITICAL INTEL

USA Net4Truth

And you think we got to the bottom of this? No way! Our entire government committed HIGH TREASON. This is beyond belief. I don't normally duplicate someone's videos, but this needs go ultra-viral. Please subscribe to RedPill78 (link below) Source (video part 1): Source (video part 2): Subscribe to Source:

Pelosi Mocks Trump & Calls Wall BEADED CURTAIN Judge Jeanine Makes Her Regret It


Dr. Joel D. Wallach | Dead Doctor's Don't Lie: It's Not What You Eat That Kills You... It's What You Don't Eat

DJED TV - Hidden Wisdom

To find out more about Dr. Wallach's nutritional and other products and how you can benefit from them, check out this link: 23Mar02 - Dr. Joel Wallach, author of the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" and "Truth About Nutrition", presents the fascinating and vital information he has discovered in his research on nutrition and longevity. Produced at the Hall of Maat in Decatur, GA. Dr. Wallach on The Alex Jones Channel NutrientHQ Coach Cola Health & Fitness Youngevityhealth (YouTube Channel for Dr. Joel Wallach) Info Wallach sofcctv Rick Myre The Alex Jones Channel Pete Greenway The Next News Network Young-Gevity Nutrients Dr. Joel D. Wallach | It's Not What You Eat That Kills You... It's What You Don't Eat

Trump exposes Queen Elizabeth's secret plan to take over the world

American Intelligence Media

UPDATE: DOJ Colluding with Clinton Email Scandal Witnesses!

Judicial Watch