Monday, December 31, 2018

G. Griffin: Need To Know today's stories

Mike Adams: Blood harvested from children to transfuse into patients as new medical "treatment"
Blood harvested from children to transfuse into patients as new medical "treatment"
Mike Adams
It's sick but true. A new medical treatment harvests blood from children to be transfused into adults. Vampirism is the new medicine.
Makes you wonder if humans will be farmed for their blood on massive, globalist-run "blood farms."
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CounterThink with Mike Adams: Survival Preparedness Gear
Why Bitcoin is headed toward zero
Vaccines are biological weapons against humanity
Featured Articles
Disturbing evidence suggests that WiFi radiation could increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50%
By Tracey Watson | Read the full story
Robert Scott Bell talks vaccine passport mandates, Big Tech censorship, and more – Watch at
By Ethan Huff | Read the full story
Sponsor: Reap the benefits of two nutritional powerhouses with this Pure Microalgae Superfood Blend
Top 10 reasons your child has frequent headaches, abdominal pain, ADHD, allergies, skin problems, weight problems, and mental health issues
By S.D. Wells | Read the full story
Independent research confirms that rampant glyphosate use has contributed to the increase in chronic diseases worldwide
By Tracey Watson | Read the full story
Sponsor: Protect your identity from high-tech thieves anytime, anywhere.
Italian style coffee found to significantly reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer
By Bridgette Wilcox | Read the full story
Sponsor: Organic, lab-verified storable food supply made completely without junk ingredients or GMOs.
U.S. cybersecurity experts scrambling to thwart major attacks on power, water, gas infrastructure by "bolting on" fixes to old vulnerable systems
By JD Heyes | Read the full story
Supercharge your nutrition with Health Ranger Select Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder (also available in capsules)
Sulforaphane, glucorophanin, and glucosinolates can work wonders in your body. They promote healthy aging, support your heart and liver, help fight oxidation and even boost your mood and energy levels, so it makes sense to ensure you're getting enough of them. Health Ranger Select Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder contains guaranteed levels of these along with an array of vitamins, nutrients and fatty acids--all in an easy-to-use "supernutrient" powder.
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Plastic may soon outweigh fish as world’s oceans become toxic dumping grounds
The problem of plastic pollution in the oceans is no longer a myth, but a reality that is getting increasingly harder to ignore -- especially now that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has said ...
Der Spiegel fake news scandal proves media "fact checkers" are a complete joke
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Science under attack by left-wing university snowflakes: Evolutionary Psychology now considered "offensive"
A shockingly large cohort of students attending Northwestern University near Chicago has signed a petition calling for a professor of "evolutionary psychology" to be banned from campus ...
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The next time you hear a conservative news organization claim that the social media behemoths are biased against them, you should believe it. Not only has a number of studies and analyses proven ...
Lemongrass tea boosts the production of red blood cells, making it a great natural treatment for anemia
People with anemia may find that drinking lemongrass tea may benefit them. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) tea can help increase red ...
Too much bed rest actually increases back pain
Bed rest is the perfect remedy for certain conditions, but too much of it can be risky for your health. Not only will it eventually give you back pain, but too much of it can also lead to serious ...
Flu vaccines found to be "racist" because they don’t work very well on white people
Flu vaccines may not be as effective in Caucasians as they are in African Americans, according to a study published in 2016. According to the study, flu vaccines may not provide equal protection ...
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WebSeed 7850 N. Silverbell Rd. #114-349 Tucson, AZ 85743

And Now, Comes the Basement....Clinton Indictment....Blue Beam, Green Beam, and Now, White Beam Anna Von Reitz

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch

And Now, Comes the Basement....


Alison Mack & NXIVM in the News



Electrical Grid Event in New York Related to Hidden Tesla Technology? & A Backstory on the CenturyLink Outage  OOM2

We probably won’t learn the real story on the New York “transformer” event for some time. An article below has linked hidden Tesla technology to the “transformer explosion” in Queens, New York on December 27th. They have an interesting story about the technology they say is known to cause that characteristic blue glow and suggest it was “unearthed” from that area.
If the story is to be believed, there was a lot more going on than it seemed because in a separate article they go into the CenturyLink aspect of the outages on the same day, the routers they used in cooperation with the NSA and the significance of the EAS test on October 3rd that sent the alternative media shills into a frenzy.

New York City Skyline Bathed In “Electric Blue” After Mysterious Tesla Machine Unearthed

The fascinating aspect is, the second article says the CL routers blocked the Presidential Alert messaging and the October 3rd “test” allowed the White Hats to reset the system so those who did not get the message would no longer be blocked. So, the White Hats know exactly what’s going on and they knew it was important to ensure all Americans would get a message from the President if circumstances required; obviously part of their “plan”.
That would be why QAnon made such a big deal about the test and why the shills were freaking out and telling everyone to turn their phones off because the cabal was going to steal their data, track them, take their fingerprints, their picture, etc. What a lark, and of course the dims and snowflakes created a stink about not wanting an alert from the President and demanding to opt out.
We also have Mike Morales saying he believes the explosion in New York might have been related to a geomagnetic storm, but says it was not about a transformer. He discusses the chemtrails, the electrification of the atmosphere, etc., which I mentioned previously due to the spraying of the metals in the “clouds” you could see overhead in some photos. He says it was much bigger than a simple transformer issue and doesn’t believe the official stories from the establishment.

And then there are the thousands of people in Louisiana who lost power when the violent explosions took place there and a report of a sound linked to a UFO. It’s all a little suspicious when we have the “predictive” government documentation in a December report warning of massive power outages that could last 6 months AND the ever-present threat of a “fake alien invasion”.
There was an electrical event in India, as well, Morales says, suggesting while there may have been a geomagnetic storm, he reported planes spraying the planet heavily a few days ago and that could exacerbate the problem or set the stage for something else. There may also be other things going on simultaneously that may not be directly related.
Just a thought… If we read between the lines, there is a Chimera base beneath Long Island, we’re told. Queens/Astoria is right next door. Maybe it was about its destruction and the Astoria explosion was just a distraction or cover for what was really going on. New Yorkers sensed it was something “otherworldly” they were seeing.
We have seen pulsing light before and it usually involved alien technology, such as the destruction of an exotic weapon in the Middle East, if I recall  the story correctly. The sky flashed for a couple of minutes in the video that made the rounds back in 2012 or so.
When this purging of the cabal can’t be done openly, there’s going to be some weird stuff going on to keep the operations hidden and not frighten the snoozers, and some white lies told to keep it under wraps. That’s my take on it.
Another What Does It Mean article reveals an interesting angle we may not have heard concerning the increasingly visible battle between Light and dark, Trump and the swamp, and includes amusing aspects.
No matter what we see or hear, it’s probably not what it seems. There are no coincidences, there’s usually a twist, and that’s what we learn in hind-sight. Always use your own discernment.  ~ BP

December 29, 2018

American 911 Emergency System Crippled After Chilling Trump Message “We Are Coming” Begins Takedown Of “Deep State” Telecom Giant CenturyLink

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A fascinating new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that large portions of the 911 Emergency System in the United States have been crippled over the past 24-hours—a system managed by the American telecommunications giant CenturyLink, whose President and Chief Operating OfficerJeffrey Storey, former President Barack Obama secreted onto the critical National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTACjust weeks prior to President Donald Trump taking power—and whose sudden attack against was pre-warned about by the feared Trump supporting private intelligence and mercenary company Blackwater who, on 26 Decembertook out a full page advertisement to chillingly warn the “Deep State” that “We Are Coming!”   [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Feared private military company Blackwater takes out full page ad in Recoil Magazine to warn “Deep State” that “We Are Coming”
Read the rest of the article…

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TRUMP/Time to End the"Russian Hoax"BOOM"I have everything!They have Nothing. POPCORN


Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

In Pursuit of Truth