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From: Lee S Gliddon Jr <runlv4@gmail.com>Subject: Re: SP: INFILTRATE-LEGISLATE-DOMINATEDate: January 1, 2019 at 11:15:25 AM PSTTo: "W.G.E.N." <idzrus@earthlink.net>POSTEDOn Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 10:24 AM W.G.E.N. <idzrus@earthlink.net> wrote:Scroll down to read just two of several articles that expose the INFILTRATION AGENDA of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their goal is to destroy all things Christian and all things of the REAL Constitutional America. As I have stated before - As long as we allow them into America without severe restrictions on what they can or cannot do - we are placing our own heads on the guillotine block. To let them run for public office is a HUGE mistake and they will legislate our laws out of existence and replace them with the SHARIA outlaw rules.
Muslims are the descendents of Esau - - their Mohammed is the Devils child and this all fits right in with the Spiritual War being fought - Satan -vs- God.
I keep warning folks about allowing the Pampers/DEPENDS wearing headgear females into elective office and swearing the OATH OF OFFICE on their Quran. Not only allowing but actually assisting in bringing in these Muslim refugees and letting them settle in certain areas (making a majority) where they can then VOTE and elect their own demonic candidates to office. That is the insanity that needs to HALT at once. Read the two articles below to see what just two instances are doing right now. Anyone who enters America to live (regardless of status) MUST swear an allegiance to our Constitution and learn to speak ENGLISH within 6 months. My ancestors who came from Europe had not government programs to help them speak English - they learned it on their own and they WORKED to support themselves and become CONTRIBUTING citizens. It infuriates me to go to some store and be confronted with those who are their to wait on me speak in a foreign language. They are taking a paycheck and all the goodies but refuse to speak ENGLISH. They are so disrespectful it isn't funny. If you complain they scream RACIST!!!. Well, yes, I expect them to RESPECT those who are making it possible for them to remain here. I am not a RACIST I am a RESPECTIST.
Take a good look, folks, at what has been and continues to increase from those Muslims in Europe. Take a look at the situation in New York right now - MUSLIM SHARIA PATROL?????
If I was Queen for day - all of those Muslims would be given a choice - REBUKE SHARIA - Remove the PAMPERS/DEPENDS rags from their heads and ADAPT TO the American Culture - speak English - OR - leave on your own accord to the country you came from. I am so sick of paying taxes to see those funds go to finance the destruction of my nation.
A quotation about imprudent greed and near-sightedness has been attributed to three prominent communists: Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Karl Marx. Here are three versions of the statement:When we allow Muslims to wear those Burka's or any other clothing that hides their true identity we are helping them to destroy us. How many are really males - and what are they hiding under those Burka's? I've seen numerous photo's of those individuals firing high calibre weapons at those they call Infidels. Check this article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4540888/Viewers-blast-woman-wore-burka-printed-weapons.html
- The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.
- When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope.
- The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.
All persons who refuse to swear allegiance to the American Constitution should be immediately deported and denied any future entry. That poem so many love to reference on the Statue of Liberty did not include welcome to all who seek to destroy America.
Jackie Juntti
WGEN idzrus@earthlink.net
"Take a man's freedom and he will fight you. Take his responsibility and he will yield his freedom." Harold Hochstatter
https://barenakedislam.com/2018/12/31/brooklyn-why-are-muslim-sharia-patrol-cars-that-appear-to-be-nearly-identical-to-new-york-city-police-department-nypd-cars-allowed-to-cruise-the-streets-of-nyc/Why are “Muslim sharia patrol” cars that appear to be nearly identical to New York City Police Department (NYPD) cars allowed to cruise the streets of NYC?
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/12/muslim-doctor-fired-from-ohio-clinic-after-claiming-she-will-purposely-give-jewish-patients-wrong-medication/Muslim Doctor Fired From Ohio Clinic After Threatening to Purposely Give Jewish Patients Wrong Medication
A Muslim doctor was fired from a Cleveland, Ohio clinic after it was discovered she bragged she would purposely give all Jewish patients the wrong medication.
Lara Kollab, 27, was a supervised resident at the Cleveland Clinic she must be one of those ‘moderates’ we keep hearing about.
“Hahha ewww… ill (sic) purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds…” Kollab posted in a January 2012 tweet.
“Yahood” is Arabic for “Jew.”
The Cleveland Clinic released a statement on Monday, via Cleveland 19 News:
According to reports, Kollab’s medical license remains active; her license was issued in Cuyahoga County in July 2018, it is valid until June 2021.
- “This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018. She is no longer working at Cleveland Clinic. In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system.”
--Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot http://conpats.blogspot.com