Thursday, May 4, 2017

Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering BS Blown Wide Open

Scientist Blows Whistle On Chemtrails
'ARIZONA Target & 100+ Yrs Spraying'
TED Conference


Details of the Treason Against the Actual United States

By Anna Von Reitz
During 1909 the vermin surreptitiously placed a "title" on all land in America, as "security" for the debts of The United States of America, Inc., which started operations in 1868 and which was bankrupted in 1907. 

Please note that "The United States of America, Inc." was a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation in the business of providing governmental services and it never, ever had any valid claim on anyone's state public or private land anywhere in this country.

That bankruptcy ended in 1953 with all debts settled and discharged.  However, the vermin then claimed that it was "impossible" for them to identify and return title to the purloined land assets to the actual heirs and owners, that they were "unknown" after nearly fifty years, and that as a result, it all had to be "claimed as abandoned property" and set aside in a giant public trust, which would itself benefit from the land assets and all the taxes generated from taxing the lease-holders--- all the people who have bought land and participated in land sales ever since.

"The Department of Agriculture" has held the agricultural liens ever since. 

Nobody was told about any of this.  It was just considered "private business" of the governmental services corporation(s) dba District of Columbia Municipal Corporation dba The United States of America, Inc,., dba the United States of America, Inc., dba the U.S. Corp dba the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc., dba E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES and E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and UNITED STATES (INC.) and all the rest of the international corporations that have infested our country and fed on us like bedbugs ever since.

If the Generals want to do their duty, it is more than past time for them to listen to their actual bosses, the people of this country, and clean the Mess up in the District of Columbia, including the Mess at the USDA by forcing the return of the land patents to the actual heirs wherever possible and to the current owners where it is not possible to determine who the land rightfully should belong to.  This also means ending the foreclosure fraud that is ongoing. 

All these people have bought land and homes and other business property in Good Faith.  The transactions involved have been advertised as "loans"---whether home loans or business loans, and they have instead been future lease-purchase agreements and no loans from any bank have actually occurred. The banks have acted as brokers instead.  

These transactions have also been advertised as "sales" but instead have been leases by trust property management companies deceptively calling themselves the "State of Oregon" and "STATE OF OREGON", etc.

It is time for this vast criminal fraud to end and for those responsible to be exposed and removed, root, stem, and leaf.  

The reality of this circumstance has been hidden from the public and from the employees of the military and the various for-hire government services contractors via a process of strict compartmentalization so that one hand has not known what the other hand was doing. 
Witness the IRS v. Internal Revenue Service. 

The IRS was given accounts to collect.  The Internal Revenue Service was given accounts to receive.  Two different organizations, two different Commissioners, two different functions.  Yet it has all been calculated to deceive and to create a constructive fraud.  They've been collecting taxes from us under false pretenses that we were "voluntary" federal employees --- Withholding Agents--- that is, Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service.  They've been dumping the proceeds into generation skipping trusts named after us and "presuming" that we all knowingly and willingly agreed to this scheme benefiting them in exchange for "benefits" that we paid for ourselves.  The "Congress" operating solely as a foreign Territorial or Municipal government has then claimed all these deposits as "abandoned funds" --- the same lie and schtick they started using back in 1909. 

All of these parasitic foreign commercial corporations need to be shut down and recognized as international crime syndicates operating on our shores. 

Where is the Hague?  Where is Interpol?   Where is the actual news media? 

And where are the Generals who are supposed to be protecting us and our money?  What are we paying them for?  To run around causing trouble in Mali?  To kiss Hillary Clinton's criminal ass?

How about President Trump, who is supposed to be acting as Commander-in-Chief for our for-hire military service? 

It's like being attacked, buggered, and trussed up by your own butler.  You are paying him for services and these are the "services" he is delivering.  The American people are being coerced and suffering violent racketeering from the Housekeeping Service they hired and have supported in Good Faith. 

We have suffered press-ganging, inland piracy, kidnapping, extortion, unlawful conversion of our assets, false claims of "abandonment" and conspiracy against our Constitution by people on our payroll.  This has been done with the aid and active participation and abetting of the American Bar Association.

Both the American Bar Association and the IRS have been owned and operated by the same holding company---- Northern Trust Company. 

Both have functioned as nothing but private Bill Collectors for bankrupt privately owned governmental services corporations pretending to be our lawful government and/or our property trust managers. 

Every single member of the Bar needs to be fully advised of the nature of their "association" and given a choice--- tear up your Bar Card, cease and desist these illegal and unlawful activities on our shores, or have everything you own confiscated and be permanently deported. 

And we don't care if it is in a leaky boat.

Note the "Fatal Flaw" since 1991---- the members of Congress take their oath to something called "the Constitution of the United States" ---- the Municipal Constitution of an oligarchy run by the members of Congress themselves, not the actual Constitution which is called "The Constitution for the united States of America" and not even the Territorial Constitution called "the Constitution of the United States of America". 

Just look it up ---- "Congressional Oath"---- and see what "your" Congressional Delegates are swearing their allegiance to.  It isn't to you.  It isn't to your actual government.  It isn't even to the Territorial United States.  It's to the so-called Municipal United States---- their own oligarchy is what they are swearing allegiance to.  They might as well say, "I swear to support and defend myself for myself and to myself and to do everything in my power to serve myself at the expense of everyone else on Earth, so help me God."

Also since 1991 the members of the federal Judiciary, including the "federated states and counties" that are merely operating as corporate franchises of the federal corporations, haven't taken a vow or oath to support any constitution at all.  Instead, they have promised to discharge their duties under the Constitution, but since no version of the Constitution imposes any specific "duties" on these vermin, the saying is meaningless, void. 

These vermin, the members of the Bar Associations, have not been eligible to serve in the actual government of the United States --- that is, our land jurisdiction government--- since 1819.  Instead, they have sought to create, commandeer, and control first the "Territorial United States" and next, the "Municipal United States" to the detriment of every man, woman, and child on this continent. 

Thousands of judges credentials have been pulled and examined against the requirements of our public law and out of approximately ten thousand examined, only one, a single judge in Wisconsin, had his credentials in order and on file.  These men and women are pretending to be our judges and are occupying our courthouses under color of law.  They are pretending to occupy public offices which are in fact vacated, and are operating private administrative corporate tribunals and quasi-military tribunals under false pretenses instead. 

They have served foreign masters and foreign gods while pretending to be lawful government officials of our government--- while in fact serving the foreign subcontracting governmental services corporations of the Territorial and Municipal United States, usurping upon their actual employers under color of law and the additional pretense of their illegal commercial mercenary activities being mischaracterized as "war".  

Our country and our people have been at peace since 1814.  Everything else that has gone on since then has been illegal commercial mercenary "war" undeclared by any properly constituted and convened Congress of our states. 

The so-called "American Civil War" was never declared by Congress at all.  Instead, Lincoln, who had no power to actually declare war issued a patently insufficient "declaration" of his own devise.  Likewise, there was an Armistice and a surrender of Lee's Army, but never a peace treaty.  What began in fraud has continued in fraud and violence and criminality for 150 years.

It is now time for it to end. 

And it is the sacred and solemn responsibility of every political and military leader from Sudan to Taipei to New Guinea to Paris to Munich to St. Petersburg to Beijing ---and most especially from New York to St. Louis to San Francisco to make sure that it does. 

Pope Francis?  Queen Elizabeth?  Mr. Trump?   "Governors" of the "States of States"?  Your extremely dirty underwear is showing.  

The American people demand a complete and absolute apology, a cessation of these practices and hostilities, the return of all our organic assets unharmed, the severance of all undisclosed and inappropriate adhesion contracts and claims held against us by your organizations, the unimpeded and unencumbered enjoyment of our labor, our land, our copyrights, trademarks, and unalienable rights,  the end of "hypothecation" of debt against us and our assets, the restoration of our lawful money, the withdrawal/removal of Bar Association members operating as undeclared Foreign Agents on our soil, the honoring of the Thousand Years of Peace that has been declared, and the conversion of the debt-based economy to a credit-based economy, along with the end of all bogus foreclosures in America. 

We have arranged the means and assets to support all these necessary changes without harming anyone.

It is important that you talk to us directly and honestly and that all concerned also realize that the misuse and abuse of bankruptcy protection as a defense of guilty parties, the dishonest creation, manipulation and plundering of public trusts, the scandalous misuse of undisclosed life insurance policies, annuities and death benefits as a means of funding governmental operations, the plundering of public and private trust assets via false claims on abandonment, illicit human and drug trafficking, personage, barratry, identity theft and similar heinous crimes against humanity will not be tolerated or excused by the American People any longer.

Read that as there will be no reward for killing anyone on this planet anymore.  No insurance policy pay-offs.  No ability to claim abandoned property by any institutional participants in a war.  No Cestui Que Vie frauds.  None of it.  It's over.

So you might as well pick up your ball and jacks and play the new game called Clean Up This Mess while there is still the opportunity to address it as a problem of institutionalized crime that we have all inherited instead of a problem that we have created, promoted, supported, and profited from with malice aforethought.

The Re-Engineering of Society via the United Nations and Agenda Programs

AGENDA 21 Infiltrator Spills
NEVER Before Heard Secrets
The "Great Replacement" Has Kicked-Off
2030 Agenda
Habitat 3 Conference
Urban Agenda Document
Sustainable Development to Replace
Capitalism and FREE ENTERPRISE

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Puerto Rico announces huge, historic $70B debt restructuring


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia

* White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged *


FBI Director James Comey Grilled on Clinton Email Probe | 5/3/17

More Than Half of Young Europeans Say They Would Join an “Uprising” Against the Elite

More than half of young Europeans say they would join a “large scale uprising” against the elite, a massive poll has found.
A whopping 580,000 respondents in 35 different countries were asked; “Would you actively participate in large-scale uprising against the generation in power if it happened in the next days or months?”
More than half of 18- to 34-year-olds said that they would.
The sentiment is likely to be driven by a number of factors, including Europe’s chronic rates of youth unemployment, which have spiked as high as over 50% in Greece and Spain.
Greece, Spain and Italy top the poll, with over 60% in all three countries saying they would join a large scale uprising against the establishment.
Even in sleepy Belgium and prosperous Switzerland, the figure is higher than 40%.
Respondents in France, where 61% said they would rebel, blamed corruption, high taxes and “too many rich people” for their discontent.
The Quartz study also pinpoints “voter apathy” and being “sick of the status quo” as reasons for why so many young people are ready to engage in civil unrest.

Boots on ground desperately needed to restore order


'Minutemen'  2017:  Civilian  army  floated  to  guard  U.S.  border


Boots  on  ground  desperately  needed  to  restore order


U.S. border with Mexico stretches more than 1,950 miles, much of it unpatrolled.
U.S.  border  with  Mexico  stretches  more  than 1,950 miles,  much  of  it  unpatrolled

5/01/2017 at 1:14 PM

A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies concludes that a border wall is not the only thing missing from an effective border-security policy. The Washington, D.C. based think tank says the U.S. Border Patrol is in desperate need of more boots on the ground along the nearly 2,000 miles of border with Mexico. And that’s a need that can only be filled by forming a civilian auxiliary along the lines of the Coast Guard Auxiliary or the Civil Air Patrol, the civilian auxiliary of the Air Force.

President Trump has acknowledged the need for more manpower, calling for the hiring of 5,000 additional agents, but that is a costly endeavor that could take years to fulfill. As reported recently by investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, the last time the U.S. Border Patrol went on a hiring binge in 2006 - 2008, it dropped the ball on screening the applicants and a large number of drug dealers and other bad guys infiltrated the ranks.

Even if it is feasible to hire 5,000 new border agents in a short period of time, some say that by itself is still not enough to adequately patrol an out-of-control border, especially if one considers that the U.S. border with Canada, which is importing thousands of high-risk Syrian refugees, is expected to see an increase in criminal/terrorist activity in the years ahead. But a civilian force  might be one way to fill in the gaps, says the CIS report.

Joseph Kolb, a fellow at the Center and author of the paper, writes that with Border Patrol staffing at the lowest level in seven years and one-third of agents devoted to non-patrol duties, a volunteer force could serve as a needed force multiplier at a lesser cost than hiring more officers. An auxiliary force might also reduce the involvement of militia-like groups that presently patrol the border without coordination with the Border Patrol.

In addition to the Coast Guard and Air Force auxiliaries, dozens of police departments have similar volunteer units. The Department of Homeland Security examined the issue more than a decade ago but did not act. The keys to making such an initiative successful would be extensive training of the volunteers and demonstration of progressively greater job proficiency.

Emphasis has been placed on the wall, but security ultimately will come down to boots on the ground as agents of the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) make the physical apprehensions of illegal border crossers and contraband, according to the report.

The Trump administration immediately pledged 5,000 new agents, but the question remains whether that is still enough to fully secure the borders. The U.S. Border Patrol now 19,828 agents serving (down from a high of 21,444 in 2011), but not only has there been a steady decline in manpower, a startling number are not actually out patrolling the border but rather sitting at desks filing paperwork.

“Mathematically, the mission is daunting,” writes Kolb. “Of the 19,828 agents, only 17,026 are earmarked to the southwest border. Considering work shifts and the sheer magnitude of the geography agents need to cover, this is not as large a number as it may seem.”

According to Victor Manjarrez Jr., a former sector chief in Tucson and El Paso, as many as 18 percent of agents in each sector could be tasked with non-border duties.  “This now takes the 17,026 down to 13,961, which agents fear creates not only a security void, but an agent-safety issue where single agents can be in remote areas by themselves waiting for backup while attempting to apprehend and secure large groups of people,” Kolb writes.

Agents can be found in the garage repairing vehicles, welding and repairing the border fence, etc. — the non-duty stuff takes about 18 percent of the manpower, Manjarrez told the report’s author. “Border Patrol agents who have gone through the 66-day academy in Artesia, New Mexico, at a cost of around $25,000 per cadet and who will be making more than $70,000 plus benefits after three years, should not be wasted performing tasks such as vehicle repair or apprehension transfers. This is not only a waste of money and valuable human resources; it compromises national security.

Feasibility of civilian border force -  According to Manjarrez, the concept of a civilian border-security force has been discussed in the past but never approved. In 2005 then-Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Robert Bonner told the Associated Press there was an effort to explore the feasibility of an auxiliary, but it failed to gain support from lawmakers and the border-agent union, the National Border Patrol Council. In 2007, the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University published a comprehensive feasibility study on the concept.

“I believe the idea of an auxiliary unit would be very helpful in the right situations and the right training,” Manjarrez, told the author of the CIS report. “The idea has come up several times before and I’m glad to hear that someone is thinking about it again.”

Among the duties auxiliary personnel can perform are transportation, booking and processing, hospital watch, electronic video and movement sensor monitoring, dispatch, and vehicle and fence maintenance, all of which currently take agents off of line patrol.

There is a general consensus in the National Border Patrol Council, which is supported by Manjarrez, that auxiliary staff should not be put in the field. “The author disagrees with this position on a variety of levels. With the appropriate training and guidelines, auxiliary personnel can be an additional body in a patrol vehicle typically manned by only one agent. This second person can be an extra set of eyes and ears as well as assist when multiple apprehensions occur simultaneously rather than leaving one agent alone waiting for backup. This can enhance agent safety.

The establishment of a recognized Border Patrol auxiliary division may mitigate the presence of the numerous “volunteer” border watch/patrol organizations already patrolling the border, mostly in Arizona, California, and Texas. One group in California went so far as to call itself the Border Patrol Auxiliary, which has no official status. These heavily armed militia-like organizations can make a volatile situation explosive, as has been seen in multiple incidents where they disobeyed orders by agents to drop their weapons or respond to commands.

In 2015, a member of “Rusty’s Rangers” in south Texas was wounded by an agent after the militiaman refused to drop his weapon.

In a 2014 statement, CBP explicitly posited that it does not endorse or support any private group or organization from taking matters into their own hands as it could have “disastrous personal and public safety consequences.”

Play Stupid Games In The Road Win Stupid Prizes. Mini Hybrid Vs. Hardened Street Protesters

Another video of this rundown

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Huma Abedin's Family Members Indicted By Federal Grand Jury

Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, is back in the news.  Actually, she is only in the news now because of two of her family members, who have been indicted by a federal grand jury for conspiracy, wire fraud, and securities fraud.

The indictments against two of her first cousins, Omar Amanat and Irfan Amanat, were made available via the Justice Department's website.  To view Omar's indictment, click here.  To view Irfan's indictment, click here.

Abedin, Clinton and the State Department were mentioned in the indictments.
According to one of the allegations, the men encouraged Abedin to get help from the State Department.  As a result, they received $1.2 million in federal grants.
“With the revelations of other suspicious activity at the State Department regarding [Hillary] Clinton’s tenure as the secretary of State, it seems a good time by all was had at taxpayers’ expense. The State Department was a great ‘piggy bank,'” said for criminal investigator Mary Jean (MJ) Bellson. “Were these suspects and State Department officials involved in peddling access to the Clinton’s State Department? I think the answer to that question is yes."

According to the Justice Department in July 2016, Omar, an associate of Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, the former Chairman and CEO of KITD, was charged with conspiring to manipulate the market in KITD shares with several men, and with conspiracy, wire fraud, and aiding and abetting investment adviser fraud for participating in a scheme to defraud investors in Stephen E. Maiden’s hedge fund regarding investments in Enable Invest Ltd., an investment fund affiliated with Amanat.

“What a tangled web Mr. Amanat tried to weave, when he allegedly conspired with others to devise a scheme to hide the significant losses and insolvency of the fund he controlled," said USPIS Inspector-in-Charge Philip R. Bartlett.  "His web of deception was broken when law enforcement put an end to his criminal activity.”
Omar was arrested on July 13, 2017, and is under house arrest until his trial date in New York City on October 2, 2017.

Irfan is facing the same charges from the same case.  He was arrested in December 2016 after returning from the United Arab Emirates to the US.
With the announcement of Omar Amanat's indictment, there were two other men indicted, Stephen E. Maiden and rima Jameel.  According to that press release, the DOJ stated:
The Scheme to Defraud Maiden Capital Investors
MAIDEN was the managing member of Maiden Capital, an unregistered investment advisory firm that managed portfolios of securities.  Clients empowered Maiden Capital and MAIDEN to make investment decisions on their behalf.  MAIDEN, in turn, was obligated to make such decisions based on the best interests of his clients.
Nonetheless, between in or about February 2009 and in or about June 2012, AMANAT, along with MAIDEN and others, devised and carried out a scheme to hide the fact that investments by Maiden Capital clients in Enable, an investment vehicle for which AMANAT raised money (based, in part, on false and misleading representations), had been lost.  To facilitate the scheme, MAIDEN, with the knowledge and approval of AMANAT, generated fictitious client account statements that failed to disclose the Enable losses.  In addition, AMANAT wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to a Maiden Capital bank account to support Maiden Capital, including to allow MAIDEN to repay investors whose redemption requests could not be forestalled and thus to continue to keep secret from Maiden Capital investors the Enable losses.
AMANAT aided and abetted MAIDEN’s fraud on Maiden Capital’s investment advisory clients.  Rather than disclose the Enable losses to investors in the Maiden Fund, as he was legally obligated to do, MAIDEN concealed the Enable losses, thereby acting in his own self-interest and the interests of AMANAT, his close associate, who did not want the Enable losses to be exposed.  By providing MAIDEN with capital contributions to meet redemption requests, among other things, knowing that MAIDEN’s investors had been lied to by MAIDEN about the Enable losses and the status of their investments, AMANAT assisted MAIDEN in carrying out his fraudulent scheme and helped MAIDEN to succeed in covering up the losses for over three years.
The Market Manipulation Scheme
Between in or about December 2008 and in or about September 2011, AMANAT, Tuzman, MAIDEN, and others, engaged in efforts to artificially inflate the share price and trading volume of KITD shares.  During this time period, during which KITD shares traded on the OTC Bulletin Board and on the NASDAQ, MAIDEN, at the behest of AMANAT and Tuzman, purchased and sold shares of KITD through the Maiden Fund, at times for the purpose of manipulating the stock price and at times for the purpose of creating the illusion of greater volume in the trading for KITD shares.  To facilitate the manipulation of KITD shares, AMANAT and Tuzman agreed to compensate MAIDEN in several ways, including by making investments in, and loaning money to, Maiden Capital, which agreement AMANAT and Tuzman partially fulfilled.
According to Jim Kouri, "Some of the evidence regarding Kit Digital appears in State Department emails sent to Abedin from Amanat and a non-related business partner. In June 2009, Amanat helped his business partner solicit Abedin for State favors on behalf of Soliya Inc., which was in partnership with Kit Digital. Summit Entertainment, a film company Amanat held a controlling stake in at the time, also stood to benefit."

"Huma arranged for Soliya to secure financing through the U.S. State Department and the United Nations," Kouri added.  "The impressive sounding initiative was called the Alliance of Civilizations. Then in October 2010, at the height of Hillary Clinton’s power on the world stage, her subordinates at the State Department directly turned over $1.25 million to Soliya."

Both Amanats face a maximum of 30 years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense on three charges and a maximum fine of $10,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense on one charge.

Re-Flagging Your Vessels

By Anna Von Reitz

Re-flagging Your "Vessels"
The way that the vermin in DC have established control over you and your assets is via the presumption that you are "voluntarily" operating as a franchisee of their corporation----and therefore, are operating in "international commerce" as opposed to operating in "international trade".
As you know, if you have been following along, the Founding Fathers split the international jurisdiction owed to the sovereign states into "delegated" and "un-delegated" functions.
The delegated functions they granted to the federal government are all in the international jurisdiction, and all but one, the so-called "International commerce clause" are absolutely restricted to the actual domain of the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways".
Please note the word "commerce". Commerce is business conducted between corporations. If you are not a corporation and not voluntarily functioning as a franchisee of any corporation, you are instead involved in private international trade----which is not among the delegated "powers" of the federal government to regulate.
If you are functioning as an independent American state trading vessel on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, you are owed the absolute protection of the Roman Pontiff, British Government and the British Crown.
If you are functioning as a Territorial or Municipal Government franchisee of the United States, you are either (1) an employee obligated to obey their every whim, or (2) chattel property backing their debts ---- and you are owed no protection under the actual Constitution at all.
As you can see, the distinction of whether you are operating as an American conducting international trade, or as a United States citizen involved in international commerce, is of vital importance to you in the conduct of your business affairs and also of vital importance to your safety, your tax status, and everything else.
With that as background information, you are now prepared to absorb the actual subject matter of this post---- the flag you are flying.
The Stars and Stripes, aka, "Star-Spangled Banner", is the war flag of the United States. They have been flying it continually since 1860.
The rats have been involved in commercial "war" for 150 years --- and they have made war upon us along with everyone else and have abused their delegated authorities to do so.
Thus, they have promoted a constant ongoing conflict in the jurisdiction of international commerce--- a jurisdiction where you and your "vessels"--- that is, your names/NAMES, don't naturally belong.
They've colluded to create this deliberate mis-identification to expedite pillaging your estate and gain control over you and your assets. They have also done it in order to avoid their obligations to you under the actual Constitution.
To make it all easier and more convenient for them to act as predators against their actual employers, they have created the "legal presumption" that you are all "citizens" obligated to serve their governmental services corporations---- and that you are all franchisees of theirs operating in international commerce.
A few days ago, I issued the "Final Deed of Re-Conveyance and Re - Venue" which up-ends those presumptions and re-flags your "vessels" --- that is, your Names/NAMES--- as "vessels in trade".
I quote in part, "We hereby accept and acknowledge the re-conveyance of these property assets and material interests to the land jurisdiction of each one of the actual states now doing business as the Alaska State, Tennessee State, Virginia Commonwealth, Florida State, et alia, and confirm to each organic state and to each living property holder their public and private property, respectively, to be held and enjoyed as free holds in fee simple upon the land jurisdiction of each state forever and never again to be mis-characterized as property belonging to nor standing as surety for the debts of any government services corporation."
Basically, this gives Notice to the world that anyone operating under the Peacetime flag of the United States is engaged in international trade, not commerce, and is a vessel functioning under the un-delegated powers retained by the states and people in international jurisdiction.
If the "Stars and Stripes" is the war flag of the United States (delegated powers) ---what is the peacetime flag of the actual United States (undelegated powers)?
It is known as the "Civil Flag". It has vertical red and white stripes and blue stars on a white background. This is your peacetime flag in international jurisdiction.
As you return to the "land of your birth" and correct your political status, you need to re-flag your trading vessels---that is, your Names/NAMES--- as unincorporated entities engaged in peaceful international trade, not corporate franchisees engaged in international commerce.
To obtain and start flying your correct flag go to: and send your inquiries to or call 307-200-4503 or write to: U.S. Civil Flags, in care of: 441 East 20th Street, Apartment 2A, New York, New York 10010.
A large variety of flags and flag-related products are available--- lapel pins, embroidered patches, etc. which enable you to silently give notice of your political status in an unequivocal and positive way.
Be sure to take the steps necessary to actually change your own political status as described In "How to Change Your Political Status and Why" before you begin flying the civil flag.
Remember that the actual states and people are at peace and engaged in international trade.
Until the citizenry of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States likewise "return home" and embrace peace, they will continue to fly the war flag and be engaged in international commerce.

The Littlest Billy Goat Gruff -- Puerto Rico

By Anna Von Reitz

Why would I order the DOD Financial Services Division and the U.S. Treasury to pay off the $70 billion dollar debt of Puerto Rico?

The shortest answer is---- because most of you are still (wrongly) mis-identified as Territorial United States Citizens. If that debt isn't paid off, Mr. Obama has it already set up to apportion that Puerto Rican debt onto YOU ---or to be exact, onto a public transmitting utility named after you --- "JOHN T. DOE"---  and the Territorial States of States such as the State of Washington, State of Ohio, and State of Montana.

The sudden addition of a billion and a half debt to those State of State organizations would bankrupt virtually all of them, and then YOU would have no choice but to go bankrupt or find a means to pay your share of that Puerto Rican debt.  This debt would appear as a very large and unexpected additional "tax bill" in your mail box, addressed to your name written like this: "MARY T. FURCTWANGLER".  In many states, it would come with a thirty (30) day eviction notice.  

All the public property managed by those bankrupted States of States would pass into the hands of foreign international bankruptcy trustees and your property would be part of the "public property" because unknown to you, the vermin consider you -- a Territorial Citizen----just a "resident" tenant occupying abandoned property.   

The how and why lies in the fraud committed during and after the Civil War and is too complex to get into right now, but suffice it to say that this morning we are dealing with the results of it 150 years later. 

It's true that we placed international claims on the board to position the actual states as the Principal Parties of Interest in all debts related to the "State of State" organizations, and so nosed out the rest of the piggies at the trough who are all Secondary Creditors, but we couldn't do that with Puerto Rico.  


Because Puerto Rico is and has always been an "Insular State" and an actual Territory of the United States.  Technically, we, the actual states, have nothing to say about Puerto Rico.  If it goes bankrupt and forces all the other Territorial "State of State" organizations into bankruptcy, that's a "private domestic matter" of the Territorial United States and the Congress and its bondholders.  

So the short answer for why I have ordered the pay off of Puerto Rico's debts is--- to avoid an administrative meltdown of the Territorial United States and an even worse nightmare of fraudulent commercial claims coming to bear against innocent Americans and their actual property assets.  

The vermin in DC had it all planned out.   They would make it look like "we" abandoned poor Puerto Rico to its fate, after they used it as a base of operations for international commercial terrorism for 150 years, sucked it dry, left the people impoverished and unemployed.....  Sound familiar? 

Instead, the actual states stepped in last night and paid off the Puerto Rican debt. We didn't borrow money or credit.  We paid it outright---so much for the rumors that we are broke--- and you won't be getting that extra tax bill in the mail.  

The States of States won't be going bankrupt.  

You are free to divest yourself of any "Territorial Citizenship" and come home to your actual land jurisdiction state whenever you make sense of this Mess and join the Exodus.   

Remember: you are not naturally a native of the Territorial or Municipal United States.  That is merely a self-interested presumption on their part.  

You are free to revert to your birthright status and can operate as a Virginian, Wisconsinite, alia, and nobody can deny you that option. 

As for Puerto Rico, where are your accusers?  Who will say you owe any debt? 

Puerto Rico is free to "cross the bridge" this morning, because Great Big Billy Goat Gruff showed up last night and head-butted the Ogre all the way to Costa Rica.  And as for the vermin in DC, what are they going to say?  

Anybody can pay off anyone else's debt.  It's not a hostile act.  Especially when you don't require any payback or interest or other strings attached, it's just a free gift to the people of Puerto Rico---- their freedom on a half-shell.  At last. 

God bless you, Puerto Rico. Make good decisions from now on.  Live long and prosper and cherish your sons and daughters. They are the true wealth of any nation.

The "Situation" in Colorado

By Anna Von Reitz

The "Situation" in Colorado
More information about the situation in Colorado is surfacing---slowly, I think, because those responsible for it are grappling with some hard issues of culpability of their own.
It's one of those odd situations where nobody is right.
The Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators followed the directives they received from the Grand Juries they serve, and under Common Law, that is what they were obligated to do.
Accordingly, its the members of the actual Grand Jury that should be arrested --- if anyone should be arrested at all.
This conclusion begs the question of whether or not the Judges and Grand Jury Administrators properly advised the juries of the jurisdictional issues involved---- but as my experience with them proves, they didn't know that part of it themselves.
Here's the Blow by Blow as I understand it to date:
The Colorado Grand Juries conducted an investigation and found that the judges in all the State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO courts lacked the credentials required by Colorado Session Law.
This is information that has been corroborated on a national level.
Out of literally thousands of judges whose credentials have been pulled in all fifty states, exactly one, a guy in Wisconsin, had all the proper credentials and bonds and public oath required to be a judge on file.
So how can you have people functioning as judges, who don't obey the published requirements to hold the office?
The answer is simple though disturbing.
These judges aren't functioning in any public office at all.
They only appear to be holding the public offices, which are in fact vacated.
The irony is that the Colorado State Grand Juries were simply holding the State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO Judges to the standard that Colorado Public Law requires.
The Colorado Grand Juries concluded that in the absence of meeting the requirements of public office, all these State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO "judges" were apparently engaged in constructive fraud.
And the argument can certainly be made that they were and are.
There has been no necessary disclosure to the general public that the State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO are operating foreign admiralty and administrative courts on our soil under the auspices of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States, respectively.
There has been no disclosure that they are operating in-house corporate and military tribunals on our shores.
The people have been led to believe by circumstance if nothing else, that these foreign admiralty and private corporate courts are in fact their own public courts. They had the reasonable expectation that the judges holding court in their courthouses and ostensibly operating courts under the name of their state, Colorado, had the obligation to conform to the requirements of the public offices they appear to hold.
Now, it is true that I told them that the "State of Colorado" and the "STATE OF COLORADO" are not the same as the Colorado State. It is true that I warned the Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators that these foreign "federated state" courts were operating in a private capacity and in an entirely different jurisdiction and that the judges in these courts were not obligated to meet the requirements of Colorado State public office.
I told them and they didn't listen and they got arrested for crossing into "federated state" jurisdiction and indicting undeclared foreign agents operating under the 1947 Bar Association Treaty--- but the further fact is that these Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators are not subject to federal jurisdiction and have sovereign immunity of their own.
They are not operating as Territorial or Municipal citizens, and in fact, they had reasonable cause to suspect constructive fraud because neither the State of Colorado nor the STATE OF COLORADO have ever openly and honestly admitted that they are not public courts, their officers have failed to declare their status as Foreign Agents which is required under federal law---and as long as they are operating as employees of "federal franchise states" they are required to follow federal law.
So who stinketh the most?
The people of Colorado who have a right to expect that the courts operating in their state follow the public law, or the Bar Members operating private Territorial and Municipal courts "as if" they were public courts when in fact they are not?
It is also the fact that the courts that have charged and which are attempting to try the Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators can't possibly come up with a Grand Jury of their "peers" to charge them or a Trial Jury competent to try them.
It's a total faux pas on both sides. Stay tuned.

Cookie Jar Money For "Cookie"

By Anna Von Reitz

My friend and long-time paralegal has the nickname "Cookie"--- not only because she is always cooking, but she is always feeding everyone.  This goes beyond simply offering coffee and tea and cookies--- literally --- but in offering knowledge and insight and hard-won research, advice and kindness and true concern.

Despite the often overwhelming nature of what we have all taken on and the sheer numbers of people in distress throughout this country, I have never known Cookie to turn away from anyone and leave them without help.  It is her nature to defend and to help and to try no matter what the odds are.  

If that weren't true, she wouldn't have come through all the "many waters" with me and stood strong through all the trials and adversities we have taken on together. She has suffered along with me, and I think sometimes that she has suffered more, because her heart is simpler and more open.

She hasn't had the buffers of certain hard experiences and conflicts and training and so much else that went into making me --- even as a sword is forged in fire, and the temper of steel is folded in flame--- instead, Cookie has undertaken the work as an Innocent, a paralegal who knew that "something was wrong" and who followed her instinct to find the truth of the whole monstrous fraud.  

I remember the day when it finally all hit home and she realized with certainty that yes, it really is as bad as she ever thought, and worse than she ever imagined.  

This is what I call the "Run Screaming Into the Bushes Moment"---- the inescapable moment when the monstrous nature of the Great Fraud comes home and outrage and despair and confusion and disappointment and helplessness all fight together, seeking to find some overall result.  

She just stood there, transfixed, like we used to do as children playing a game of "Statue" --- half way between my kitchen and my living room, coffee cup in hand. 

We hadn't been working together all that long, a little over a year, before it all took shape and she understood what we were fighting against-----and for.  There was a long, long moment before she moved again, lifted her head and looked me right in the eye and said, "This is for real, isn't it?"

I knew how she felt.  I nodded.  "Yes, it's for real." 

The Monster Under the Bed.  The things you don't want to think about.  The shadowy Bogey Men stealing children.  The corruption of everything you believed in.  Your country, your church, even your own sanity assailed. 

I waited.  I didn't know what to expect.  I knew there was an even-odds chance that she would just quietly go her own way, back to her known world and a job with an admiralty law firm, a secure paycheck and a fat health insurance policy and all the things I certainly couldn't offer her as a land jurisdiction judge. 

But she looked it right in the eye and after those few moments of grappling with the terror and the enormity of the fraud, she shook her head a tiny bit and straightened her shoulders unconsciously, and seemed to sink her feet more firmly into the carpet.  That's when I knew she wasn't going to run.   

She walked over to the table and took a big, fat stack of paperwork, files, letters and research questions, turned around to me, shook her head and said, "When do you need these back from me?" 

And that was that.  Cookie, my Paralegal, has been with me ever since.  Through thick, through thin, up hill, down dale, and every where in every season since we have slogged and slaved and shared it all together.  

Those of you who have had a close working relationship with someone that has deepened over time into a true friendship--- the kind of friendship where you don't have to say anything to be understood --- can understand why Cookie is important to me, personally, but I don't think I can explain all the ways that she is and has been important in the overall struggle. 

My name has become famous and some would say, infamous.  Her name is hardly known at all, but it is because of her hard work and her "bird dog" instincts that so much that is useful to me and to the overall result, has come to light.  It's the endless hours she has spent, the days nose down doing legal research, digging through piles of old law tomes in archives and book repositories, libraries and micro-fiche collections..... that has built the bulwark and provided the confirmation of so much of the evidence that we have nailed down.

I want to thank all of you who are sending your "Cookie Jar Money" to help provide the extra funds needed for her diagnostic care.  I know that many are making a sacrifice to do so, and doing it anyway.  Be sure that Cookie has been the most generous and hard-working helper I could ever ask for and your prayers and donations are very, very greatly appreciated. 

Monday, May 1, 2017


Kim Jong Un Threatens To Sink U.S. Aircraft Carrier If It Gets Any Closer To North Korea

As a U.S. Naval strike group led by the nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier arrives in the Sea of Japan, within striking distance of North Korea, the rogue nation’s unpredictable leader Kim Jong Un says he is prepared to turn it into an “underwater ghost” should the vessel inch any closer to his border, reports The Daily Mail:
North Korea’s propaganda website Uriminzokkiri warned that if the USS Michigan ‘tries to budge even a little, it will be doomed to face the miserable fate of becoming a underwater ghost’.
‘The urgent fielding of the nuclear submarine in the waters off the Korean Peninsula, timed to coincide with the deployment of the super aircraft carrier strike group, is intended to further intensify military threats toward our republic,’ the website claimed.
The propaganda website warned they were also willing to sink the USS Carl Vinson if it edged any closer to the dictatorship.
‘Whether it’s a nuclear aircraft carrier or a nuclear submarine, they will be turned into a mass of scrap metal in front of our invincible military power centered on the self-defense nuclear deterrence.’
With rhetoric heating up and the militaries of China, Russia and the United States mobilizing, a confrontation with North Korea, which has repeatedly said it would continue to conduct nuclear and missile tests, seems all but inevitable.

In Japan, where the threat of an attack is a real and growing concern, residents are rushing to acquire protective equipment for nuclear, biological or chemical emergencies, as companies that manufacture emergency preparedness shelters and air filtration systems report panic buying ahead of a possible war.

It is not yet clear what President Donald Trump plans to do, as he has kept his hand close, nothing that he does not want to broadcast his moves ahead of time. The Trump administration has said that all options are on the table and that the United States’ previous policy of patient diplomacy has failed.

Trump has said that if China, which recently massed 150,000 troops on the North Korean border and put its military on nationwide high alert, does not take action to force North Korea to dismantle their nuclear ambitions, the United States will act unilaterally.

Article posted with permission from SHTFPlan

You Won't Believe ANYTHING on Cable News After Seeing THIS!

2016 Election Mystery Solved, “Hidden Hand” Reveals Itself

Staged U.S. Presidential Selection of 2016:
Who did it and why?

The concealed back story that the conservative Right will refuse to believe,
and the Alt Right will begrudgingly acknowledge

State of the Nation
There has never been, and there will never be, another campaign season like the 2016 presidential election cycle.
That factoid alone ought to give many people good reason to pause and ask: Why, really, did the American people recently experience the wildest and wackiest election in U.S. history?
The following statement made by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which was uttered in a moment of extraordinary candor, is quite instructive:

 “In politics, nothing ever happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

Given this political reality, there is every reason to believe that the very same MO is still operative today… and much more so than ever.

World Shadow Government decided in favor of a Trump presidency

But why?
Why did The Powers That Be (TPTB) decide to derisively dump the Clinton crime family, after ignominiously dethroning the Bush political dynasty, during the 2016 campaign season?  Even the Obama legacy has been irreparably tainted by WiretapGate, Emailgate and Syriagate, all of which were blown wide open by The Donald.
Additionally, Candidate Trump was permitted to forever wreck and ruin the credibility of the Mainstream Media (MSM) with the searingly accurate label of “fake news”.  He also took his wrecking ball to both the Republican Party establishment and the Soros-hijacked Democratic Party.  By exposing them both as thoroughly fraudulent institutions that do not work for the American people, he completely wrecked both political brands.
Simply put, this kind of profound and pervasive political destruction doesn’t take place except by purposeful design.  How could any candidate ever acquire such a high and sustained media platform unless it is deliberately provided by the “hidden hand” of global governance (i.e. World Shadow Government).  After all, TPTB own and operate the entire MSM.  Nothing makes it onto the evening news or front pages of the newspapers unless it was “planned that way”.

Who sponsored the Trump vs. Clinton “political heavyweight match of the millennium”?

There is only one answer to this question.  That answer clarifies the real purpose behind the Trump presidency.  The recent and very radical shift in Trump’s foreign policy is, incidentally, a dead giveaway. That shift blatantly favors Israel, and especially the advancement of the Great Israel project.  As follows:
Israel’s House of Kushner Now Runs the Trump Administration for the NWO Globalists
Every move that Trump is now making on the worldwide Monopoly board is being directed by the Zionist Neocon cabal who significantly staff every level of his administration.  As the preceding article makes quite clear, son-in-law Jared Kushner (frontman for the NWO globalists) is really running the whole show for Zionist Israel with Trump merely acting as presidential pitchman.
It’s now obvious that both Kushner and his wife Ivanka are acting on orders from the globalist cabal, which is really calling the shots from this point forward. Husband and wife have been hardcore New York City liberal Democrats throughout their entire adult lives, so why would they change their political affiliation when they could simply co-opt (read: take over) the Trump Presidency? And so they have!

Divide and Rule

There is, however, something much bigger that occurred during the 2015/2016 campaign season. TPTB who control the whole “divide and rule” election process quite purposefully and craftily fielded the two most hated presidential candidates in U.S. history.  In fact, the single most important reason why citizens (and non-citizens) voted on Election Day 2016 was to ensure that the opposing candidate lost.  The unprecedented animosity on both sides was so intense that the post-election after-effects continue to occur with great consequence to this very day, as they will continue to.
Why, exactly, did TPTB do this?
Because they are methodically setting up the nation for war, and lots of it–both civil and foreign.  They are also preparing the USA for another real estate collapse and stock market crash like those that occurred in 2007 and 2008 respectively, as well as a pension breakdown.  In the aggregate, these fastidiously engineered events will lead to such widespread financial hardship that a global economic depression will ensue. This is just the setup, however, for a more crucial part of the NWO scheme being executed toward a One World Government.
“The current Zio-Anglo-American Empire is no different, except that the fiat currency of today’s Global Economic & Financial System has no backing whatsoever. Such an unwieldy and untenable predicament has necessitated a controlled demolition of the GE&FS via an unparalleled bankruptcy proceeding.  Which is essentially why the banksters chose The Donald—he’s a well-known and experienced bankruptcy artist.”
(Source: TRUMP: The NWO Cabal’s Nuclear Option—To Declare A US, Inc. Bankruptcy)
Read this closely:
The ongoing series of MSM fake news stories about Russia hacking the election solidified the Left’s hatred of Putin’s Russia.  The Democrats in general already detested the Kremlin’s strong stance on the thoroughly depraved LGBT agenda aggressively promoted by Obama, Clinton, Soros & Company.  The false accusation that Russia was responsible for Hillary’s loss only inflamed the Left’s irrational hatred and hostility. With much of the leftwing of the American electorate corralled into this pen of manufactured enmity, TPTB are now one step closer to their planned war with Russia. What’s really behind all the fake anti-Russia hysteria?
In order to manipulate the other side of this counterfeit coin known as the American two-party system, TPTB needed to stampede the Right into the various railroad cars of the Trump Train.  Trump’s strong positions on the Mexican border wall, Muslim ban, Obamacare repeal, illegal immigration, no foreign wars (e.g. Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan), Iran deal, trade agreements (e.g. NAFTA and TTIP), and tax cuts each played into the demands and/or desires of key voting blocs on the Right.  By roping them all into the same pen via numerous campaign promises and packing them into different cars on the Trump Train, the Alt Right, in particular, was painstakingly set up for another day. How so?
Because American voters are generally NIMBY’s at heart, the vast majority really do not care about foreign wars being waged in their name and with their tax dollars. Especially when their most pressing political concerns are being stealthily catered to, TPTB knows that many on the Right will either support, or not protest, Trump’s reckless warmongering.  However, in the context of this political quid pro quo, Trump must deliver — successfully — on his many promises lest he lose the critical support of the Alt Right.  There is now an emerging movement of very angry and vocal Alt Right truth-seekers who see right through the Trump deception.
DANGEROUS DEVELOPMENT: Incremental U.S. Militarism Accelerated by Trump in Undeclared War on Syria
These extremely cynical moves and maneuvers by Trump’s handlers were made in order to manipulate both the Left and the Right into supporting an unprovoked war of aggression against Russia.  Such a transparently engineered and illegal war is merely the prelude to triggering the hot phase of World War III.  Just as the clandestine Zionist cabal set Germany against Russia during World War II, the same clan of international banksters wants a replay using the United States and her allies to conquer the Russian Motherland.
The Neocons know that this war plan cannot be accomplished without the traditionally Christian, conservative and patriotic elements of the American political spectrum behind it.  This is where Donald Trump — the super-salesman — comes in.  Wittingly or unwittingly, he is being used to round up the Right in the cause of prosecuting yet another unrighteous war — and ultimately an apocalyptic world war — where blood and treasure will be needlessly squandered.  Nevertheless, there are still many on the Right who have fallen into the trap of justifying Trump’s outrageous warmongering and unacceptable acts of betrayal.

The Alt Right Performs
Herculean Mental Gymnastics
to Justify Warmonger Trump’s
Growing List of Unprovoked Attacks
and Audacious War Crimes

Putin’s Russia is not happy

So, while Commander-in-Chief Trump attempts to play Neocon checkers on the global geopolitical chessboard, President Vladimir Putin is playing Kremlin 5D chess.  In fact, every checkers move that Team Trump makes on behalf of their Zionist Neocon sponsors is immediately cancelled out or taken advantage of by the consummate chess players in Moscow.  The Russian military has already blown up the Zionist’s Greater Israel project in Syria once, and are fully prepared to do it again with finality.  Putin’s Russia Blows Up Scheme For ‘Greater Israel’
Russia has situated technologically advanced air defense artillery and electronic warfare systems across Syria as seen when they neutralized 37 of the U.S. Tomahawk missiles unlawfully launched at Syria on April 6th.  Not only will Russia never vacate their only Mediterranean naval base located in Tartus, Syria’s second largest port, they have also fortified considerably the Khmeimim Air Base for the long haul.  Hence, Putin’s Russia has made it clear that they are totally committed to the present Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.
Khibiny Electronic Warfare System: Russia Employs “Super Weapon” To Neutralize Entire U.S. Navy
The leaders of Russia (and China) know precisely who put Trump into the White House. Russians, in general, while they are a forgiving people, do have a long memory.  And they know full well that the same clan of banksters, who funded and financed the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, is also responsible for Trump’s threatening displays of militarism toward Russia and their BRICS allies.  They also know that he was selected in the first place to be POTUS for his over-the-top and juvenile showmanship.  Perhaps that’s why TPTB first had him star in The Apprentice — to hone his dubious executive skills during prime time in prep for the Oval Office.
Nevertheless, Putin et al. have seen it all, heard it all, particularly where it concerns U.S. government duplicity and deception.  The Kremlin will certainly not be duped by a guy who fired 60 missiles at a war-torn country based on a false flag gas attack and other contrived allegations that were not even investigated.  The Trump administration has irreversibly lost all credibility with Russia after that “misguided missile attack” on Syria. By conducting himself as POTUS in such an untrustworthy manner, Trump may have doomed any hope of reconciliation between the two superpowers.  However, as the following expose makes clear, there’s a LOT more going on in Syria than anyone knows.
TRUMPAGEDDON: The Real Back Story Behind U.S. Missile Attack On Syria

Political Bipolar Syndrome

How did they do it?  How did they pull off another election scam on the American people?
The entire American political process has been designed from its earliest beginnings to take advantage of the natural Right-Left, Conservative-Liberal, Republican-Democrat, Traditional-Progressive polarities which have always been present throughout the body politic.
(Source: The Hidden Powers and Dubious Money Behind Donald Trump)
TPTB simply took advantage of what they easily exploit every campaign season; they appealed to the primal desires and base emotions of the electorate.  After 8 long catastrophic years of Obama, the voters demanded change.  That was after 8 long disastrous years of Bush who was at the other end of the political spectrum.  The pendulum is always being deliberately swung further in the opposite direction with each subsequent presidential election.  Trump’s shoehorned victory was sheer negative reaction to anything connected to Obama, and especially to the naked career criminality of Hillary Clinton.
Because the body politic is so hopelessly addicted to deception, they can be systematically swung from one political pole to the other every 4 years.  With each successive election, the “hidden hand” is swinging the pendulum further to the right, and then further to the left. Obama obviously represented an extreme swing to the left, whereas Trump is an extreme swing back to the right.  Of course, what Trump actually does remains to be seen. However, his foreign policy has already taken a hard right toward Neocon war-making territory. Clearly, the Zionist Neocons have taken over the Trump administration as the intensifying warmongering reflects.

Special Note:
TPTB are masters of illusion when it regards creating the cult of personality.  The Obamabots still worship Obama as their political messiah, and will probably do so for all time.  The Clintonistas could watch live video of Hillary strafing school children at 42nd and Broadway — in broad daylight — and still vote for her.  Donald Trump, on the other hand, was cast as the patriot’s hero, the conservative’s advocate and the Christian’s defender of the faith who would save the day from the socialists, the communists and the cultural marxists. He was carefully manicured and coiffed (see photo above) as the political televangelist that the rapidly expanding Alt Right has been desperately waiting for.  Trump even cut the profile of the all-American, self-made golden boy (see photo above) who seemed determined to Make America Great Again.  However, what the cult creators neglected to disclose was that, first and foremost, Israel would be made great again … and again and again … via U.S. military intervention in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, etc.  Whether Trump’s cult of personality will be strong enough to hide this exceedingly inconvenient truth remains to be seen.  For there are many in the Alt Right who have since understood these hard truth(s), and who will vacate the various “campaign promise” cattle cars as quickly as they were herded onto the Trump Train.  Many of these same folks who have seen the light also now know that Donald Trump signed an ultra-secret contract prior to Inauguration Day (see Addendum below).  That highly classified agreement basically makes him the President and CEO of the U.S. Government, Inc. answerable ONLY to its unnamed Board of Directors, NOT to the American people.


The sooner the Alt Right understands that they’ve been played — BIG TIME — the sooner they can begin to respond to the Zionist Neocon coup which occurred in the Trump White House.  Zionist Neocons Completely Take Over Trump Administration
The final point here is that U.S. presidential elections are ALWAYS staged to ensure that the selected candidate is installed in the White House.  Both pre-chosen candidates have proven to their masters that they will compliantly wage the wars that are planned by Deep State and conducted by the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC).  This ‘presidential duty’ is by far the primary responsibility of the POTUS ever since the USA became the military arm of the New World Order.  After all, the POTUS is commander-in-chief first; president and statesman second and third in the eyes of the WSG.
President Trump fits this pattern of MIC pitchman and Deep State agent to the “T”.  He has shown that he will wage war for Israel without hesitation or regret.[1]  Every major foreign policy decision Trump has made thus far toward the Middle East has somehow advanced the Greater Israel project.[2]  His first 100 days in office now stands as a testament to the reality that he will govern as a dyed-in-the-wool Israel Firster.  Some have even opined that, with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, the nation has elected its first Jewish president.  Is Trump the first Jewish POTUS?
State of the Nation
April 25, 2016
Recommended Reading
2016 Presidential Election: The Greatest CON In U.S. Electoral History
Hillary Will Not Win Because She Was Set Up To Lose
[1] Trump Bombed Syria For Israel
[2] Why Did Trump Really Go Ballistic And Commit A War Crime In Syria?
The following excerpt is from an SOTN article that was published on October 13, 2015 under the title: Donald Trump Is In Serious Trouble…If He Really Is His Own Man
They will even go so far as to make Trump sign a confidential contract, which they can, and will, enforce in any number of ways.  That contract includes a strict promise not to prosecute any former president for war crimes or any other high crimes and misdemeanors.  As a matter of fact, every single president since JFK has been forced to sign such a contract which is broken on pain of death. Furthermore, according to his contract, Donald Trump would essentially agree to following the dictates of the World Shadow Government so that the compromises as president would start to come fast and furiously … and fairly soon after his inauguration.  
In other words, his biggest campaign promises will be broken and forgotten as though he never made them.