Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ashtar - Announcements Before Christmas?

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Announcements before Christmas?
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 27-Nov-2011 02:51:14

St Germain on The Gift of "Thrive", Sekhmet's Congratulations
11-15-11 Ashtar Teleconference
"Greetings Beloved Family! It is I, St. Germain, and we are indeed thriving with the Love, and the Courage, and the Joy of being together, in mission and in service, and in connection in all of our hearts and in all of our beings. This is a time which is transmutational, transformational. It is a time for everyone to look deep into their hearts and find Courage, and Freedom, yes, and Joy, and Love - Love that needs no explanation, Love that is Universal, unconditional, and energizing to the changes which are happening even now. You have heard some examples. In every aspect of life upon Planet Earth the changes so long awaited, are in progress now.
"There is no aspect of the lifestyle which is being left out. It's all moving - forward, or upward, if you wish. The transformation has more to come, yes, but it is done from our perspective and we see it as such. And so as Ashtar has said, we have this new wondrous, energetic, and actual - shall we say in the physical sense - addition to the tools* with which we can energize even more these changes, these transformations, because there is now - along with all of the changes which are in progress - there is now an even higher urgency to keep the momentum going, increasing exponentially, so that everything coalesces into the lifestyle of higher dimensionality, so that everyone can be clear, and at Peace. And everyone can be consciously aware of the contributions they have made, whether they might have been judged as being hurtful, they were never wrong, because they were learning, and everyone needs to be aware of that.
"And we need to get past these trials, these Truths - outings of Truth and those who have participated in the costumes of the dark hats. We need to go past this as quickly as the consciousness of Planet Earth can do this transformation, this transmutation. And so it is that we have this new element, this new energy, this new tool,* that we can all use together. And so we would do an Exercise in this moment that we will send forward to energize all of our efforts individually and collectively as One, from this moment, so that when we come together we can rejoice at our success as Family, and we can know that our success is already assured. So we're going to anchor what you call success into all that is to follow in the days, and perhaps a few weeks to come, so we get to that point that we are all so joyful of outreaching, and that of course is the Announcements!
"And so let us proceed now to join together. Allow yourselves to reach out your hands and feel, feel the warmth, feel the connections. And even as you join hands with each other - and with those of us who are here with you in absolute Love of you, in absolute service to you, and in absolute honoring of you for your Courage and your commitment - Feel the vibrations, feel the hearts connecting, and know that we are in the state of Holy Communion with each other!!!
"And now smile in your hearts, and in your faces, and prepare to allow your hearts to speak words of Wisdom, words of Truth, and words of Joy. And now place in front of you someone who is asleep, maybe someone you know, maybe not, maybe someone that you know but you don't recognize that you know them, someone who is deeply, profoundly asleep, someone who has been having somewhat of a closed heart. And know that that one represents a million, two million or more.
"And now first allow this wondrous energy, this energy that you're feeling, to reach to that one. And you can be assuring them, 'This is Love coming to you. You may not have known such powerful Love before, but I give it to you freely. And I invite you to partake of it as much as you choose. And I am giving you this gift of unconditional, Universal Love, and I am putting it into perpetual motion for you, so that as you wake up, you can access it more and more, and then if you choose, you can share it.
" 'Now pay close attention because I have words for you that you may not have heard before, and you certainly have not heard them in this particular context. I see that you are suffering. I see that you are confined to one or more boxes of the 3D variety and I see that you are starting to be in despair. Take some more Love. Breathe it in, and calm yourself, because I have great joyful news for you. And I am going to share with you a bit of that news, so that I can give you some references, some places to go where you can get the full story, and rejoice that this is so. And as you do, the millions that you're standing for will also get it.
" 'So here is the news: All that you perceive to be hopeless, despair, and fear, any kind of fear, is hereby over, dissolved, transmuted and done! Come, take my hand. Let's fly up a bit. Does it not feel better to be free? And as you experience this Freedom it is the changes which we are here to make on Planet Earth which will free all of the Planet. And it is, because it is holy mission. You need not be constricted by whatever religion you belong to, by whatever lies have been told to you. Now breathe, allow the air of Freedom to come in and give you the courage to look at the world that we have left.
" 'Allow yourself to be awake to see where all the changes need to be made. And now we give you some tools. You are not alone first of all, we are here with you, and as one consciousness together, awake, alive, and enthusiastic, and most of all loving, we can accomplish these changes. So we give you the gift of being One With Us, and we invite you to share that gift.
" 'We give you the gifts of NESARA and Disclosure of the reality of your Family coming from the Stars and the Planets, and all of the places that you might not have thought were populated, but where you yourself have heritage. Yes, together we shall join, we are joined, and We Are One. And the great NESARA shall bring Peace to Planet Earth, and open the door showing the way into the Golden Age, where all manner of remedies, and solutions, and healings shall have the Freedom and the Empowerment to take place.
" 'And there are many ways that you can share. And we now have this wondrous vehicle called 'Thrive.'* Take 'Thrive' into your heart, and use it as an opening. You are here to open doors. Use 'Thrive' to do so. Use 'Thrive' to tell the World -not only to help the World see what needs to be done, but to see the energy of Love which makes it all, not only possible, not only doable, but done. And now the gift we give to you is that it is done!!!
" 'You have only to put into action that which we have shared with you and we promise you that your help, your energy, your assistance, will make it all come forth, and the world shall rise up and out of its 3D density, and move forward on its Ascension Path, and thus it will spread throughout the Universe, because you Beloved, now awake Being, have allowed me to come and share with you. And We Are Truly One, united in spirit, One in heart, One in mission, and One in knowing that it is indeed done!'
"Now see the Lights, Beloved Family, see the Lights as we see them. See how beautiful this coming together, in this Exercise of Love and Joy, has lit up the World. Accept the thanks of the World, Planet Earth, and all that lies beyond in this great Universe. Feel within your own hearts, and accept the thanks of Mother/ Father. Divine you are. Accept the thanks of your own Divine Selves, and know that We Are All One, and that we have co-created together this success, this transformation. Many of you no doubt have seen the Violet Ray as we have been doing this exercise together, and I will assure you that it has been over-laid throughout the Planet now to assist and facilitate this transformation.
"And so we thank you for your participation. We invite you to go forth now from this gathering, remembering, and taking with you in your hearts, indeed in all your being, your connections with all of us as One, and let us go through the motions which have already created the successful outcome of our mission together. Thank you, Beloved Ones! Namaste!"
"We are in awe of you! So powerful, so beautiful in your Love, and we have only our thanks and congratulations! This is a transformational moment in all of the history/herstory of Planet Earth! And the energies which we have shared are more powerful and empowering of this mission, because you Beloved Ones were here! You answered the call, and it is done! Namaste!"
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, November 15,
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age

Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire

Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program

These videos will describe what this 'awakening' that we are experiencing now is all about. One of the best descriptions on the net. Enjoy.

If you think this is all nonsense - view them --- it will answer your questions & doubts!

Obama Leaves God out of Thanksgiving Speech, Riles Critics

Obama Leaves God out of Thanksgiving Speech, Riles Critics

Critics of President Obama felt little holiday cheer after the president did not thank God in his Thanksgiving-themed weeklyInternet address. They immediately took to Twitter and the Internet to voice anger and disbelief.
"Holy cow! Is that one screwed up or what?" columnist Sherman Frederick of the Las Vegas Review-Journal wrote in a Thanksgiving-morning blog post.
"Somebody ought to remind Obama (and his speechwriter) that when Americans sit down around a meal today and give thanks, they give thanks to God."
Over on the website of Fox News Radio, radio host Todd Starnes also took issue.
"His remarks were void of any religious references, although Thanksgiving is a holiday traditionally steeped in giving thanks and praise to God," Starnes wrote.
"The president said his family was 'reflecting on how truly lucky we truly are,'" Starnes said. "For many Americans, though, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on how blessed and thankful they are."
The popular website of London's Daily Mail has taken the issue global, with a story under the headline "What a Turkey! Outrage as Obama Leaves God Out of His Thanksgiving Address."
Obama mentioned God once in a closing "God bless you," to Americans watching the Internet address. However, the President explicitly thanked God earlier in the week in his writtenThanksgiving proclamation, which called the holiday "one of our nation's oldest and most cherished traditions," and an occasion that "brings us closer to our loved ones and invites us to reflect on the blessings that enrich our lives."
"As we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to God for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. Let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come," Obama wrote.
Ironically, the attacks on Obama came as the Republican White House hopefuls suspended their criticism of the president on Thursday in favor of a unified message of thanks to U.S. service members and their families.
Three of the Republican presidential candidates – Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum – issued Thanksgiving statements that omitted any references to God. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain and Rick Perry mentioned God in their statements.
Obama, like his predecessors, records an address each week that focuses on an issue the White House wants to spotlight. The messages are typically posted on the Internet at the start of the weekend, but this week's address – with its Thanksgiving theme – was issued before the holiday.
In this week's address, delivered from the White House, Obama said, "We are especially grateful for the men and women who defend our country overseas," and he said, "We're also grateful for the Americans taking time from their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters."
He acknowledged this Thanksgiving would be "more difficult than most" for many Americans because of the economy, but added, "No matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny."

Jane Fonda's War Criminals -----

Why am not surprised ---- Obama wants to decorate Jane Fonda --- Insulting
In Memory of LT. C..Thomsen Wieland who spent 100 days at the Hanoi Hilton
[Famous North Vietnam Prison]



This is for all the kids born in the 70's and after who do not remember,
and didn't have to bear the burden that our fathers, mothers and older
brothers and sisters had to bear.

Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the '100 Women of the Century..'

Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never
known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country, but specific
men who served and sacrificed during the Vietnam War.

The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot. The pilot's name is
Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF
Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison the ' Hanoi Hilton.'

Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in
clean PJ's, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American 'Peace
Activist' the 'lenient and humane treatment' he'd received.

He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was dragged away. During the
subsequent beating, he fell forward on to the camp Commandant 's feet,
which sent that officer berserk.

In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from double vision (which
permanently ended his flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied
application of a wooden baton.

>From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4E's). He 
>spent 6
years in the ' Hanoi Hilton',,, the first three of which his family only
knew he was 'missing in action'. His wife lived on faith that he was still
alive. His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and clothed routine in
preparation for a 'peace delegation' visit.

They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that
they were alive and still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
paper, with his Social Security Number on it, in the palm of his hand.
When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking
each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like: 'Aren't you
sorry you bombed babies?' and 'Are you grateful for the humane treatment
from your benevolent captors?' Believing this HAD to be an act, they each
palmed her their sliver of paper.

She took them all without missing a beat.. At the end of the line and once
the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she
turned to the officer in charge and handed him all the little pieces of

Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost
number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know of her
actions that day.

I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam , and was
captured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and
held prisoner for over 5 years.

I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one year in a cage in Cambodia
; and one year in a 'black box' in Hanoi . My North Vietnamese captors
deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a
leprosarium in Banme Thuot , South Vietnam , whom I buried in the
jungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs.
(My normal weight is 170 lbs)

We were Jane Fonda's 'war criminals....'

When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi , I was asked by the camp communist
political officer if I would be willing to meet with her. I said yes, for
I wanted to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received... and how
different it was from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and
parroted by her as 'humane and lenient.'

Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees, with my
arms outstretched with a large steel weight placed on my hands, and beaten
with a bamboo cane.

I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda soon after I was released..
I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She never did
answer me.

These first-hand experiences do not exemplify someone who should be honored
as part of '100 Years of Great Women.' Lest we forget....' 100 Years of
Great Women' should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with
the blood of so many patriots.

There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's
participation in blatant treason, is one of them. Please take the time to
forward to as many people as you possibly can.. It will eventually end up
on her computer and she needs to know that we will never forget.

USAF 716 Maintenance Squadron,
Chief of Maintenance DSN: 875-6431 COMM: 883-6343 PLEASE HELP BY SENDING

Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost
number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know of her
actions that day

and now President OBAMA wants to honor her......!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Evening Prayer Invitation

Evening Prayer
 Someone has said that if Christians really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless.
Did you know that during WWII there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace?
There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America.
If you would like to participate: Every evening at 9:00  PM Eastern Time (8:00 PM Central) (7:00 PM Mountain) (6:00 PM Pacific), stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for a return to a Godly nation.
If you know anyone else who  would like to participate, please pass this along. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have. Please forward this to your praying friends!!!

The NWO aka; Council Of Foreign Affairs Blew It , They REVEALED Their Plans To Start World War III !

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The NWO aka; Council Of Foreign Affairs Blew It , They REVEALED Their Plans To Start World War III !
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Friday, 25-Nov-2011 13:07:42

Thanks to reader Mary for these...

Engaging In Constructive Murder For Rothschild Private Central Banking Scheme!
This guy General Wesley Clark revealed 2007 that US planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years INCLUDING Iran, Now november 14th 2011 he was on CNN saying how IRAN must be invaded. CNN blew it by showing this video cause now it is out in the open what they are doing.
Iraq War During Clinton’s Administration 1998 This Was Well Before Any Bush So Called Intelligence Reports.

But The Reality IS, IS that They Are All Working Together.

Myanmar (Burma) democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to run in a parliamentary by-election expected by the end of the year

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Myanmar (Burma) democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to run in a parliamentary by-election expected by the end of the year
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 25-Nov-2011 01:34:35

Nobel Peace Prize laureate - Aung San Suu Kyi

YANGON | Mon Nov 21,
(Reuters) - Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will run in a parliamentary by-election expected by the end of the year, a top party official said on Monday, giving legitimacy to moves toward democracy after decades of military rule.
It will be the first time the Nobel Peace Prize laureate contests a seat herself, having not stood as a candidate in her National League for Democracy's (NLD) 1990 election landslide, which was ignored by the then military regime and led to her lengthy incarceration.
"Aung San Suu Kyi intends to stand for the by-election but it's a bit early to say from which constituency she will run," Nyan Win, a member of the NLD's executive committee, told Reuters.
There are 48 seats available in Myanmar's new senate and lower house.
The NLD was officially dissolved by the military junta for refusing to take part in last year's parliamentary polls because of "unfair and unjust" laws that would have prevented hundreds of its members from becoming lawmakers.
But the party voted unanimously on Friday to re-enter the political fray following an amendment to the constitution allowing those who have served sentences for crimes to take part in elections. Many NLD members, including Suu Kyi, are current or former political prisoners.
Suu Kyi is the daughter of late independence hero Aung San and was a staunch opponent of the military during its 49 years of totalitarian rule. However, she has shown willingness to meet with the new civilian government, even though it is run by former junta generals.
Aung Naing Oo, a Myanmar expert with the Thailand-based Vahu development institute, said her decision to take part in the much-criticized political system would mark the beginning of an "irreversible democratic transition."
"Aung San Suu Kyi has realized that she needs to work with the government to move the country forward and she'll be in a position to say and do a lot more. She'll bring a lot of things to the game," he said.
"She can make a big difference. Even if we have only a little bit of democracy, something here is happening that no one has seen before. For the country to change, this needed to happen."
Since the annulled 1990 polls, Suu Kyi, 66, has spent most of the time in detention. She was released a year ago and still chooses to live in the lakeside house that was her prison on and off for 15 years.
She had earlier given no indication she was interested in becoming a lawmaker but has always referred to herself as a politician.
Her decision comes after Myanmar won a powerful endorsement on Friday, with U.S. President Barack Obama announcing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would visit the resource-rich country neighboring China next month, citing "flickers of progress."
For sanctions to be eased, Clinton has said the release of more political prisoners and a peace deal with ethnic minorities would be necessary. Suu Kyi and the NLD would be expected to pursue these issues aggressively in parliament.
More at:

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 25, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 25, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 25-Nov-2011 06:45:01

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 25, 2011
For those of you who follow what is happening in the world, you cannot have failed to notice that our predictions as to the outcome are becoming your reality. The massive banking and financial problems are clearly heading for a crash, and there is no way to prevent it. You are living in a world that is in a state of chaos and steadily heading for an implosion. People now see what has been wrong with the old set up, but up to now have no real answers that will completely deal with the problems. A number of governments have collectively agreed to support a new approach to banking, but it remains to be seen who can galvanize them into action. This situation presents us with an opportunity to push our allies forward, who with our help can outline what is necessary to move onto a new path that will solve your problems. There is also consideration to be given to the Abundance program that will follow such changes, so we are working hard to bring some semblance of order into being. Much of what is waiting to come out is tied in with the announcement of Disclosure, and that is ready and simply waiting for a firm date to be agreed.
As each week passes the need to get started with the changes becomes more pressing, but we do not want to jump the gun after patiently waiting for so long. There would not in fact be any gain by commencing too soon, as our action must be coordinated with you to ensure a path to smooth success. The Galactic Federation continues to closely monitor the activities of the dark Ones, as although their set-up is in disarray, they can still be a threat. However, we have taken away from them the ability to cause a major disaster and prevented them from interfering in the Middle East. Countries there have to sort out their own problems, and as far as possible act on the demands from their people. In the past the West has deliberately set their sights on the oil fields, and often instigated trouble and wars to weaken them and take over. Colonialism took away countries and their wealth from the natural inhabitants, and that will be addressed when peace is restored.
There has been so much that has happened to leave you in a state of imprisonment, yet pretence that you are free which is far from the truth. True freedom will be restored once we have removed the dark Ones, and new governments observe the Constitution. Many laws made in recent times that were illegal will be made void and restitution made where people have been penalized or imprisoned. These changes will occur with our assistance to ensure that you are re-instated as Sovereign Beings. All of these actions will prepare the way for greater things that will come with and after Ascension. So you can see that a busy time lies ahead, and one that is very fulfilling.
By now most of you who follow the various sources of reliable information, will have grasped what a wonderful time approaches. That should make your journey more bearable during the changes, which with our technologies will run smoothly and quite quickly. Our plans are updated immediately when changes become necessary, and we are ready to go into action once the necessary preliminaries are in place. Everything is that close to completion that we know very little time is required before we can actually get going.
Be brave and stand your ground when faced with attacks on your beliefs, as when some people realise that the world is changing permanently they will be reluctant to give up what they have. They will know in their hearts that they cannot stop evolution, but try to argue against change because of the fear they feel. If invited to help them understand, then go ahead without overpowering them with your knowledge - simply give as much as is required to get them over the block on their road to understanding. Some souls are here to experience Ascension at a distance, having no desire to actually be involved. However, all experience helps move you along, and often as a result seeds are set that will grow into an opportunity to acquire great knowledge.
Freewill operates whatever choices a soul makes, because it is known that if there is a negative situation involved you will always bounce back. After all, your life is infinite and you are immortal, and the Creator places no demands upon you having accepted you as one who desires to experience outside of the Source. Every soul grows from the collective experience and consciousness levels rapidly increase. As above so below, and on Earth you are all lifted up by each others increasing levels of consciousness. You are as One Great Soul and with your present awakening you are able to "feel" the Oneness that you exist within. It is true that what you do to one, you do to all others. When you reach this level of understanding you accept more responsibility for your thoughts and deeds, realizing that you are creating energy that affects others.
With many of you preparing for the end of the year festivities, it is a welcome distraction from the daily gloom that the media focuses upon. Take the opportunity to enjoy a coming together, when families unite and renew the love that exits between them. Giving is good for the soul when carried out without the expectation of receiving something in return. It is a great pleasure particularly where children are concerned, and you see their expressions of joy and happiness. Normally they do not weigh up the cost involved, and often get great satisfaction from presents that are of a simple nature. Adults sometimes take a different view, but as ever it is the thought that counts and it should be appreciated.
Depending on your degree of awareness, this year you will have more to celebrate than usual as 2012 is almost upon you and will be quite extraordinary. It will be most unlike any other year but all for the best of reasons, and we give thanks to those of you who have come to Earth to spread the Light. It will be one that is remembered for a long, long time to come and spoken about throughout the Universe. The fact that you have overcome the dark Ones, and Ascension is assured is the upliftment that ensures the Universe is safe and that Ascension will be completed throughout.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel most privileged to work with such beautiful souls. I bless you all and send out my love to you.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, November 24, 2011



    How many times has someone said to you since you invested in this blessing, "That would be nice, but I highly doubt that it will ever happen" OR "What would make you think that you could invest so little and receive so much back?" OR "If this was so big, why isn't everyone in on this?"

    That is some of the comments that many of you have told me has happened to you during this situation. . . . . . And, as time has went on, their comments get louder and more frequent, right? Then your mind starts to get befuddled into thinking "Hey, maybe this is just too good to be true!" and 'What an idiot I am to believe that I could be so fortunate?"

    Well, you all have got to know me pretty well and you know that I would never lead you in the wrong direction, right?

    I will give you the facts that I do know to make this wait just a little better:

    I WAS LEAD TO THIS BLESSING BY GOD ..... because there is no other way that I would have been at that particular place at that particular time to hear about this had ridiculous circumstances came about that put me there. (I will tell you the story sometime)

    THE COUNTRY OF IRAQ MUST REVALUE THEIR CURRENCY ...... If you read all the articles of the contracts and all of the plans that this country has to be implemented immediately, you would have no problem in knowing that they cannot do that with their money only worth 9/10 of a penny USD.

    WE WERE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE IN THIS ...... This was suppose to be a covert situation that should have went through years ago, but due to circumstances beyond the control of the US, it has taken many years longer. Someone figured this out and started bringing dinar into the US because they researched it and found a somewhat hidden Presidential Order #13303 that allows us to invest in this. I would say that was for the inner circle of people associated with the founders and authors of this plan to benefit, not for you and me.

    WE ARE AT THE END OF THIS JOURNEY ...... Do the laundry list from the Original Order of the UN Sanctions for the lifting from Chapter 7 and also the entry into the WTO ..... Clearly states all the things that had to be done (and they are all done except for the RV) in order to satisfy all of these sanctions so they can be lifted and Iraq can return to a life they have not seen since PreHussein days! We find out information every single day of something else that has been completed.

    THIS WAS PLANNED MILLINEUMS AGO? ...... YES, Open your Bible and start by reading Daniel 1. I will leave you with that one to not go into religion in respect for the rules on this site.

    So, on this Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for the blessings we are about to receive. I am grateful for the wonderful people that I never would have even known about if it was not for this blessing. Literally thousands of people that have touched my heart and hundreds of people who have corresponded with me thru chat, emails, telephone and messages, telling me your stories and we have shared prayers for eachother. I am truly blessed to have these new found friends that I hope will never go away, even after the RV is over.



    Oh, yeah,....... RV, hey RV!.....RVVVVVVVVV .... yeah you! We are ready! You can come on out now!!!

 May the spirit of the RV burst on the scene "NOW"

A Happy Blessed Thanksgiving To All

Time to wish all a Happy Blessed Thanksgiving for now and the immediate future.

GOD Bless You and Yours,

John MacHaffie  HIS Humble Servant

Sheriff Richard Mack asking for your help

Hello John


Below is a plea from Sheriff Richard Mack asking for your help.  The US is circling the drain.  And for all those who may not be aware, once the US goes down, the rest of the countries will soon follow.  It does not matter from which country you hail, you will be well served to dedicate to this endeavor whatever meager or generous amount suits your means.  FREE AMERICA NOW ( is working jointly with Sheriff Mack to ensure the success of this sheriffs project.  It is imperative that you recognize the significance of having your county sheriff keeping his/her oath to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and to the People.  Having your sheriff attend this conference in Las Vegas will arm him/her with the essentials necessary to implement his/her authority and a support group comprised of other sheriffs around the country.  WE NEED OUR SHERIFFS IN OUR CORNER.  The sheriff has the authority to stop unlawful foreclosures, IRS freezing our bank accounts and stealing our property, and can stop all this ridiculous encroachment of the various federal agencies.  This project will lay the very foundation necessary to begin regaining control of power for and to the People.  Each of the 3,141 sheriffs across the country will receive an invitation from Sheriff Mack's office.  When that invitation is sent, you will be notified and it will be necessary for you to contact your sheriff personally to prompt his/her attendance.  Please do not contact your sheriff about this until that time.  If your sheriff is not interested in standing with other Constitutional sheriffs whose numbers are steadily growing, he/she will need to be replaced in your next election.  We need to know which sheriffs are for the People and which are for the status quo.  This project will help determine just that.

I ask you all to please write your own forward for this letter from Sheriff Mack and send it to as many people as possible.  No one can afford to sit idle in these times.  It is crucial to get this message out to the masses and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO GET THIS FUNDING!!!!

Mary  -  Infowars Special Report With Sheriff Richard Mack  Freedom Watch Sheriff Mack - State Sovereignty

Just One Chance!
Dear Friends,
What would you do if you knew you had just one chance to save your family and country from complete and utter destruction?  What would you do if you knew there was a lawful and peaceful way to restore the Constitution and its Bill of Rights as the supreme law of the land?  As a former peace officer and county sheriff, if I were to take the stand in court right this minute, and be sworn to tell the truth, I would, without any hesitation or ambiguity, testify to you and every American, that there is a solution, that there is in fact a way to secure liberty, protect ourselves and our families, and once again live in peace and freedom. 
The solution is in your hands, it is within your own backyard, and it is right in your own county.  The solution is state sovereignty and each county acting in accordance with the principles established in the 10th Amendment.  It's you working with your county sheriff and locally elected officials to stand for the Bill of Rights and stand against the out of control federal government and it agencies.
The bottom line answer is your county sheriff.  Ultimately, he is the one who will decide what is and what is not enforced in your county.  He has the authority and oath bound duty to interpose himself on your behalf to protect you from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  He is the people's protector. 
But the county sheriffs cannot do this alone.  They need training, education, and support.  To this end, I have helped form the CSPOA or the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association.  And, one of our first projects is national convention of up to 200 county sheriffs, targeted to convene in January 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
We can free America now, one county at a time, with the leadership of one county sheriff at a time.  In Las Vegas nearly 10% of America's county sheriffs will walk away with the constitutional training and first hand knowledge of fellow sheriffs' success stories in upholding their oaths of office.  These constitutional sheriffs will establish a Declaration reaffirming their Oaths and enumerating the federal government violations that will no longer be tolerated.

This convention is a significant step in formalizing a nation of constitutional sheriffs.  There is no abuse they will not be able to stop. When the county sheriff enforces the Bill of Rights and upholds his oath of office, we can free America now. No more waiting for the next election, the time to act is now, and it is within your grasp to make this happen.
To make this happen, this project needs your financial support.  Our founders pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to this holy cause. What are you willing to do to restore our republic?  We are not asking for your fortunes, but merely that you do what you can.  To ensure that each sheriff attends, we must raise $200,000 to cover travel, accommodations, and training costs.  To make this happen in January, we are targeting this fundraising goal to be reached by December 15, 2011.
With your help, this could be one of the most important meetings since the Founders signed the Constitution. 
The Sheriffs are key to taking back our Republic!  
To donate online for this urgent meeting visit
To send checks or money orders mail to CSPOA,  112 Ridgewood Dr., Fredericksburg, TX 78624.  Your contributions are not only appreciated but a valuable part of restoring freedom in America!
Yours in liberty,
Sheriff Richard Mack (RET)

New propulsion technology - magnetism and antigravity

Nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, has came forward as being the developer of the technology being used in Iran's new "flying saucer." His technology is claimed to harness magnetism and gravity to allow travel throughout the solar system and beyond.
by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

Quadrocopter image shown with Iranian press release.

Flying saucer image shown in earlier press release.

On March 16th, 2011, the hard-line Iranian news agency Fars issued a press release stating Iran had developed a flying saucer. The unmanned saucer named "Zohal" is stated to be equipped with an auto-pilot system, GPS, and an imaging system. It is claimed the craft can fly indoors and outside. Initially, the press release included a stock photo of a flying saucer that was obviously from an old SCIFI movie. This image was later replaced with a picture of what looks like an ordinary quadrocopter. Such an image would tend to indicate there is nothing exotic about the craft.

Now, nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, who we have interviewed and covered here in our news for a couple of years, has came forward and claimed to be the developer of the gravity manipulating technology being used in the Iranian flying saucer – something he divulged to us in the past, prior to the official Iranian announcement.

Mehran Keshe is the director of the Keshe Foundation. He claims to have developed a special plasma reactor that allows for the manipulation of gravitational and magnetic fields to produce motion. Multiple patent applications have been filed for this reactor, and details of it are explained on his foundation's many websites. Importantly, in a recent interview with William Alec of Vortex Network News, Keshe specifically states his technology is incorporated in Iran's new saucer. He also claims to have given the technology to the Iranian government years ago and is actively working with them. This contradicts the idea that the saucer is a kind of multi-turbine helicopter.

Powerful and Affordable Propulsion

This technology sounds too good to be true. It is claimed to allow for both a gravitational and magnetic field to be produced around a craft. The gravitational and magnetic fields are used for propulsion. They work for or against the fields of other bodies in space such as planets, stars, or even galaxies. A device that weighs seven to ten kilograms is claimed to produce many tons of lift. The lifting force is created without the need for any conventional fuels. These devices are very cheap to build. A small reactor costs around one thousand dollars in components.

The benefits of this astounding technology are many fold and address many of the challenges found in space travel. To be blunt, it seems to combine all the best technologies of the fictional Starship Enterprise. For example, the magnetic field produced by the craft protects the occupants from cosmic radiation. Apparently, this field is so intense that small dust particles that would normally destroy a space craft, are simply disassociated on the atomic level. Due to the fact the craft produces its own gravitational field, occupants can walk about normally and will experience the same level of gravity they do on Earth. This would prevent the muscle and bone degradation found when exposed to long periods of zero gravity. Also, the occupants should not feel the inertial effects of sudden acceleration.

If verified this technology could suddenly leap mankind forward to an age of space exploration beyond that of Star Trek. This technology is claimed to offer not only faster than light travel, but almost instant space travel. Theoretically, a craft could travel to the nearest star system (4.2 light years away) in seconds! Of course this technology offers benefits inside of a planetary atmosphere. A craft utilizing this technology would not come into physical contact with air due to the powerful magnetic field around the craft. This would eliminate drag and prevent sonic booms. It is also claimed that the craft would be able to travel underwater without any drag!

Potentially Game Changing Theory of Gravity

The theory behind the reactor and how it produces such forces is potentially revolutionary. Keshe claims that all matter (including protons and electrons) are composed of anti-matter, dark-matter, and normal matter. Gravity is produced by the magnetic fields of these various types of matter interacting with each other. By turning matter into a plasma these different components can be disentangled from each other. Doing so can allow for powerful magnetic and gravitational fields to be created. Also, the same process can be used to produce an unlimited supply of energy. This can be done by simply adding special coils near the spinning plasma.

It would be easy to dismiss this technology as being fantasy, except for the fact that many specific claims have been made. Apparently, work on the propulsion aspect of the technology is complete. They have small units (less than ten kilograms) that can produce tons of lifting force. The first prototype produced so much lift that he had to jump on top of it to stop it from flying too far upwards! This technology has been shared with various nations including the USA, Iran, and Russia. NASA and other space agencies have been given all the information about the technology. It is claimed the technology is now being scaled up, but Keshe states he cannot talk about the details.

The goal of the Keshe Foundation is to open up a university in which students from around the world would spend six years learning about the technology, building systems, and going back to their home country to teach others. This would make sure all nations have access to the technology. By 2015 the foundation also plans to have a full scale craft that would allow tourists to visit the moon.

There are only three options here. Keshe has produced a breakthrough technolology that holds the potential to change our world, he is an absolute liar, or he is delusional. There is nothing in between these possibilities. Either his claims are true or they are not. Tons of lift from a ten kilogram device cannot be a measurement error.

Beyond the Tech of Star Trek

Please let me be clear about my position on the reality of this technology. I very sincerely hope he is telling the truth. In addition, I have no reason to believe he is lying. But the simple extent of this potential breakthrough is almost unfathomable. This technology would overcome every single obstacle to interstellar space travel plus provide an unlimited source of energy. If he is telling the truth, our civilization could soon advance beyond the 24th century.....

There is practically nothing in the world of Star Trek this technology does not also offer.

FTL Warp Drive? CHECK!
Warp Core? CHECK!
Shields? CHECK!
Artificial Gravity? CHECK!!
Inertial Dampers? CHECK!
Deflector Array? CHECK!

Iranian Saucer Connection

The critical issue I see is to get verification that his technology is being used in the Iranian flying saucer. We need some sort of official reference, statement, or document directly linking his technology to the craft. I have emailed Keshe a list of questions about his connection to the saucer. The questions I asked are as follows, along with the answers he provided (in red) on April 07, 2011 12:46 AM Mountain time:

1) I believe I heard you say in a recent interview there is a video of your reactor producing lift, but it has not been made public. When do you think it might be made public? This is the decision of the Iranian government.

2) Is there any reference you can provide that would directly link your technology to the technology used in Iran's flying saucer?

We have been Publishing this for two years and I have just returned from Iran in January for 7 day visit, which has been documented on my forum. and we said Iran will show space technology on their own time, ask the Canadian government officials who took all my documents in Toronto from me in the air hijacking, they tell you who and where I was developing In Iran. 

3) Have you personally seen Iran's flying saucer? If so, where and in what circumstance? I built the initial system for lift and tested for them 2.5 years ago in Iran. Iran up to then was producing rockets and never even talked about spaceship program.

4) Did you supervise the design, construction, and testing of the saucer? If not, who did and how can we get into contact with them?

5) Can you describe the physical and performance characteristics of Iran's saucer? For example...

- What element does it use to produce plasma? basic elements
- How large is it?
- How much lifting force does it produce? This is not relevant in Magravs positioning systems
- What is it's range? to any destination, these systems do not have a rang as propulsion system.
- How fast can it fly? speed thousands of times speed of sound in space condition
- Is it easily scalable to a larger size? Your scale is field strength dependent 
- Can it travel to Earth orbit or beyond? Plan is for Mars 
- What does it look like? A disk

6) Do you have any photos of the saucer? Would you be willing to share such an image to be featured on PESN?

7) Is there any additional information about Iran's saucer you can provide? Watch the Iranian space release. I recon the first landing on Earth display will be in Jerusalem as I have explained before and if you understand the political language of Middel East.