Monday, December 5, 2011

Many Underground Command Centers Now Destroyed

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

So Say The 'Galctics' : Many Underground Command Centers Now Destroyed
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Dec-2011 10:16:11

Source: Pakalert Press
Posted on truther on December 5, 2011 // Leave Your Comment
The galactics continue to reveal more and more about the destruction of the deep underground military bases that the Illuminati created.
These bunkers were designed to be used as command and control centers and safe havens for the cabal and its minions to hide in during the nuclear World War III they planned as a means of reducing the world’s population from 7 billion to 500 million.
SaLuSa told us on Nov. 30, 2011 that “many of [the dark's] secret bases have been dismantled and disabled so that they are permanently out of use.”
(1) Montague Keen called them the dark’s “hideaways” and said they “have been demolished.” As a result the dark will now “face the consequences of their actions.”
(2)Unlike the dark ones who torture and kill freely, the galactics will not harm those they subdue, as SaLuSa told us on Dec. 2, 2011. Therefore no one was injured or killed during the destruction of the bases.
“We respect all life, whereas they have none at all even when it comes to fellow humans. Life to them is expendable, and they will use it to gain over anyone who gets in their way. We on the other hand will remove our ‘enemies’ to safety rather than kill or wound them.
“You may therefore be assured that we removed all personnel prior to destroying underground military bases. Anyone who says otherwise is untruly reporting events, and out to paint a false picture of us.” (3)
Matthew Ward also informed us of what was lost during these operations:
“You may have heard that two vast underground areas that housed Illuminati-controlled laboratories, vehicles, weaponry, storehouses and living quarters were destroyed, but it was by safe technologies, not nuclear devices; and some within the Illuminati camp have been removed from power, but not by killing them.
As both defensive and offensive measures, the light forces use only the power of light and technologies that have no harmful aftereffects.” (4)
Those of us who look for concrete signs that all of the events followed here are happening can certainly take comfort in the fact that the explosions that destroyed the bunkers have been recorded on seismographic equipment and corroborated by “inside intel” from David Wilcock and Ben Fulford as well as channeled messages on the subject.
I would assume that Area 51 will be among the bases destroyed, if it has not been already, which means that the people there who were being used as human guinea pigs or tortured at that location and in similar underground bases will have been set free.
Speaking back in October, Wanderer of the Skies said that the Illuminati had received the message and knew now that their efforts to control the planet were doomed to failure.
“The underground bases, of which we have spoken in the past which harbor those factions of the Illuminati who have created the most resistance to these changes, have indeed been destroyed with no loss of life we have been able to detect.
A clear message has been sent to some of the last hold outs to the agreements already in place for the surrender of the Illuminati and their capitulation in your affairs.
“Other sources have begun to report on these events and the Illuminati needs no confirmation of what has occurred.
That message, as we have been able to monitor through the emotions and thoughts of those it affected, has been received quite forcefully. They are now aware there is no alternative and this is their end.” (5)
David Wilcock, although I’m not aware that he follows channeled messages, speculated on the impact of the actions and who carried them out:
“I don’t know how long it will take for the results of all this to be public for everyone, but it most definitely appears that the Old World Order are being forced to surrender by the same ETs that have systematically protected us from nuclear holocaust.” (6)
Writing a short time later, in Oct. 2011, David speculated on who carried out the operation:
“MANY underground bases have now been completely cleared out… materials, equipment, and personnel… by yet-unknown forces.
An international coalition, intending to overthrow the Old World Order and free humanity from enslavement, is claiming responsibility. They also appear to have extraterrestrial assistance in this mission.” (7)
Writing in late October, 2011, David went into much detail on the first two demolished bunkers and what it all meant.
In his commentary, David says the action crippled Majestic.
I personally would not have limited the blow to Majestic alone, but to the Illuminati more broadly conceived, but David could be right. He certainly knows much more on the subject than I.
“These strikes have dealt critical, mortal blows to Majestic.
It is as if the brains have been removed from the body.
It is the greatest single surprise in this entire behind-the-scenes war, since the dawn of the UFO cover-up — and it was still only the first volley. …
“The Colorado earthquake from barely a day earlier was apparently due to another very major underground facility being wiped out — which was directly connected to the Denver airport.
“The facility near Washington, DC was where many government personnel and insiders planned on fleeing to in the event of an “emergency” — such as the public revealing of their culpability in high crimes and misdemeanors.
“Apparently, many of them had lavish private quarters in this facility, complete with personal belongings — all of which were wiped out.
“Similarly, the facility under the ground in Colorado was massive, and had a great deal of supplies.
I’ve now had multiple points of confirmation from every key insider I know that these bases were indeed wiped out on August 22nd and 23rd. …
“When the rumors first surfaced that underground facilities had been destroyed, I had no idea if it was true — nor did the insiders. It seemed almost too good to be true that this had all happened on the same day the Source Field book came out.
“It also seemed hard to believe that such a massive strike could have occurred against Old World Order bases.
Nonetheless, as time went on, various insiders I knew were briefed about what had happened — and over a few weeks of time, the “big picture” came together.
“Fulford’s own sources independently corroborated what I had heard. The stories are not exactly the same, as you will read in this interview, but there are many similarities between them — and somewhere in there is likely to be the truth.
“I have since heard that no radiation was found in these bases, and the damage is consistent with a 20-fold increase in air pressure that occurred spontaneously.
“Later on, audio recordings were recovered from within the bases, revealing that for 24 hours prior to the “explosions,” there were sounds of furniture sliding all over the floor and people yelling and screaming.
“It does appear that all the personnel in these bases were ‘portaled’ to a safe location, along with the material they need to survive.” (8)
The dark has been dealing with the galactics for decades and knows that they respect the natural law and don’t maim or take lives. In some senses that has prolonged the time it has taken to defeat the cabal, as SaLuSa tells us.
“The Galactic Federation [has] no hesitation in showing our superiority where technologies are concerned, and make it clear to the dark Ones that opposition to us is futile. Yet they stubbornly refuse to give in, knowing that any engagement with them requires us to obey the rules.” (9)
The demolition of these bunkers will be seen, I believe, as the beginning of the end of the cabal in strategic terms, though not in tactical terms.
It isn’t the total end because the Illuminati still exist at various levels of society and many of their allies in the national-security state, the black ops units of intelligence, the local police forces, and the military still operate.
However, all indications are that once the divine deadline for this particular part of the Divine Plan is passed, the dark ones will be rounded up in record time.
As SaLuSa said on Dec. 2, 2011: “There is after all a divine date that still stands as the final one beyond which we shall no longer tolerate delay.” (10)
I would think that, when we look back upon these events, the destruction of the bunkers will stand as the galactics’ warning to the cabal that it was time to give up.
It will definitely be seen as the major turning point, I think, in the struggle between the Light and the dark.
(1) SaLuSa, Nov. 30, 2011,
(2) Montague’s Message, Sept. 25, 2011, at
(3) SaLuSa, Dec, 2, 2011.
(4) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2011, at
(5) Wanderer of the Skies, Oct. 7, 2011, at
(6) David Wilcock, “Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed,” Divine Cosmos, Sept. 16, 2011, at
(7) David Wilcock, “Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed,” Oct. 13, 2011, at
(8) David Wilcock, “New Fulford Interview Transcript: Old World Order Nearing Defeat,” Oct. 31, 2011, at
(9) SaLuSa, Dec, 2, 2011.
(10) Loc. cit.

Is Jamie Dimon About to be Indicted by Interpol Over $50 Billion in Laundered MF Global Derivatives

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Is Jamie Dimon About to be Indicted by Interpol Over $50 Billion in Laundered MF Global Derivatives[VKD: MURDER?
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 5-Dec-2011 09:03:24

INTERPOL. THERES MORE THAN $50 BILLION.. TRY 1/2 OF $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 GOLD PER: PUBLIC NOTICE
Is Jamie Dimon About to be Indicted by Interpol Over $50 Billion in Laundered MF Global Derivatives?
Readers have inundated The Doc this morning with rumors that have gone viral that Jamie Dimon is being investigated and is about to be indicted by Interpol over laundering $50 billion of the missing MF Global clients' assets into three European banks, which were allegedly used to purchase $200 Billion in Euro currency derivatives in an effort to prop up the collapsing Euro.
Here is the story:
The collateral for this latest Ponzi Scheme is $50 BILLION of overlapping derivatives tied to the alleged $1.2 BILLION of missing MF Global funds that J. P. Morgan and their financial terrorist Jamie Dimon laundered through Barclays Bank of England.
P.S. The financial World War is escalating and we will now divulge that IMF President Christine LaGarde, along with European INTERPOL, has frozen the $50 BILLION of MF Global derivatives tied to J. P. Morgan and has informed alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, as well as corrupt U. S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, that European INTERPOL will soon indict financial terrorist Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan for currency fraud, counterfeiting and money laundry.
We can now divulge that Fed Chairman Bernanke, along with current U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and former BushFRAUD Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, were all involved in this scheme, including laundering the $1.2 BILLION of alleged missing MF Global assets, from the J. P. Morgan custodial account in New York to three European banks and now sits in the secret Chinese government hedge fund account named "Hampton Lampoon".
The $1.2 BILLION has now been turned into over $200 BILLION of 24-hour derivatives, which were used to buy euro currency and Japanese yen, as well as gold and silver futures on the New York comex exchange and the Hong Kong commodity exchange.
At this hour the Japanese government has informed the Chinese to immediately liquidate their positions and return the funds to Luxembourg banking institutions, which were used by the Fed, the ECB and the Chinese central banks that engaged in this worldwide money laundry aka PONZI SCHEME.
Word is out that the Japanese will soon intervene to depreciate the yen and smash the Chinese yuan.
After some research The Doc appears to have traced the origins of the reports to Tom Heneghan's Intel Blog
Not the NY Times or Zerohedge, so we'll let our readers determine the validity of said report themselves, but we couldn't resist posting a story about Interpol investigating Jamie Dimon! Let's hope Tom's Intel is even remotely accurate, but we wouldn't hold our breath for the cartel indicting their own boy Dimon.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: The_Fox [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Dec-2011 06:15:10

I've no idea what this could be, so make of it what you will.
This was spotted and uploaded to YT by siniXster on 3 Dec 2011
Enlarged frame, with inverted image.

The full 36 framed movie can be found here:
Simply select image HI1, enter the date - 20111201 and submit.


WE are prepared to issue Good, Clean, Clear Marketable “Credit” in full compliance with BASEL 1, II and III to those harmed by the MADOFF etal PONZI operation using a look alike, sound alike OFFSHORE BANKING " INTERNATIONAL DURHAM Ltd. (" International Durham") DURHAM OVER SEAS LIMITED which was intended to take the entire global banking, financing and economics ‘hostage’ such as you are witnessing in this current global banking crisis un-paralleled since the Banking Crash of the 1340’s.
In all probability, those recent Un Constitutional laws which “passed” without the Duly Constituted Requirements of Law requiring 2/3rds of a fully assembled House will be found in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 201.
18 USC 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
Further supported by:
Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook - 60 Minutes - CBS News - Add to iGoogle
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Nov 6, 2011 – Lesley Stahl reports. Read Story: Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook · 60 Minutes OverTimeJack Abramoff: Inside Capitol corruption
EVIDENCE points to the parties who murdered Russell Herrman/Herman, destroyed his U.S. ARMED FORCES Records, Denied WIDOWS BENEFITS, Social Security Benefits, Health Care Benefits to the Widow. See: PUBLIC NOTICE read the following which was kicked up to the Law Enforcement Offices who take their Oath to the Law of the Land seriously i.e.,: “I do solemnly swear/affirm to Uphold, Protect, and Defend the Constitution (which means LAW OF THE LAND) of the United States, Against All Parties, Foreign and Domestic”.
Time is of the essence considering this BANKING FRAUD, MONEY LAUNDERING has brought the global community to the threshold of WWIII. Fortunately; the statutes of limitation on Murder do not expire. We can handle those matters later. Its global peace that is the primary issue in this instance.
Far more than ‘murder’ has been committed! Acts of Depraved Hearts with careless disregard for the lives and property of others has gone on, Deceptive Banking Practices have gone on, ENDANGERING NATIONAL AND GLOBAL SECURITY has occurred .. by Acts of Treason against ALL NATIONS and ALL NATIONS PEOPLE have gone on such as evidenced in the following.
From: V.K. Durham
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 2:57 AM
WE can clean this mess up in a hurry.
V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 02:14:02
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 02:21:42
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 02:24:51
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 02:33:54
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 02:41:14
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 03:15:49
NEW: The trades were placed through Marc Rich's Glencore Commodities (out of Switzerland) with former Clinton U. S. Treasury (views: 6)
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 03:39:20
NEW: AUGUST 2, WHEN THE U.S. TREASURY RUNS OUT OF MONEY and banks around the world go into a depression worse than the Bank C (views: 3)
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 03:46:23
watcher51445 -- Monday, 5-Dec-2011 03:52:03

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Message from Montague Keen - December 4, 2011

Discernment is advised -- 

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - December 4, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 4-Dec-2011 20:30:57

Message from Montague Keen - December 4, 2011
My dear, you never expected to have to do so much research, to delve into the past to unravel the truth. Had I understood all this when I was on Earth, I would most certainly have done so myself. I had no idea, then, the enormity of the corruption and how it affected everyone on your planet. You are aware of the many hours I spent looking into what we were led to believe was the one and only Bible and that it was a true and honest version of events. Though I found many flaws and serious questions that needed answers when I studied all the so-called "holy books", I did not find the answers until I passed to Spirit. I can now say that even the cleverest forgers and falsifiers are not safe from exposure.
Though replacing IESA for the wholly fictitious Jesus has brought great riches for the Roman Church, it required tremendous effort to make it appear to the world that he had actually existed. Many millions died in the carrying out of this terrible plan. It required changing place names for these fictitious characters to have lived. They falsified the world's history. They substituted it for a tissue of lies and inventions. This deception - the suppression of truth - is a crime against humanity. Truth is progressing in spite of the oppressors. It will open the eyes of mankind to this great fraud.
"The Irish race has suffered humiliation even to this day, through the willful traduction and carefully directed perversion of their history." It is time to unlearn what you have been taught. Open your minds to the truth. It is almost beyond belief that A FRAUD SO STUPENDOUS COULD ESCAPE SO LONG WITHOUT DISCOVERY. The thoroughness and extent to which this plot was carried out, the magnitude of the forces employed in the work, the propaganda, systematically spread abroad to create a false impression of everything pertaining to the history of Ireland and her people. This secret is jealously guarded. The IRISH HOLOCAUST was carried out to reduce the numbers, to destroy her people. The Irish are the ARYAN RACE, people of the Light. Despite all that they have suffered they have never lost their humanity. Ireland is the cradle of humanity. There is a lot to learn from studying this beautiful island.
When you understand the truth, the real history of your world, then you can go forward into the light. Your oppressors will no longer have control over everything in your lives. It's time to know real freedom. We constantly tell you that the truth will set you free. It's time to step out of the nightmare you call life. It is only when you pass to Spirit that you can see clearly just how oppressed you were from cradle to grave.
We continue to obstruct the paths of your oppressors though they would never admit to this. They control everything you read, hear, and see. Their claims become more ridiculous each day. They insult your intelligence when they produce "reasons and evidence" why they must go to war. I ask you, is there anyone out there who is foolish enough to believe them? How many times do they use the same old formula before you wake-up and say, "NO. The killing must stop".
It is heartening for us to see more of you opening up to the truth each day. When you awaken, your heart fills with love. You see everything in a different light. It is life-changing. You cease to be the robot your oppressors want you to be. You open up to your fellow man and you see life in a very different way. Your family and friends plus your greater family world-wide become more real to you as you realize that you are all one. When you learn who you are, all will become clear to you. You will reconnect with the universe. You have so much to discover about yourselves. The secrets of the universe will no longer be secret, only to be known to those at the top of the pyramid. All that was kept from you will be yours. Free energy will be one of the first things to become available to everyone. The Vatican has kept this and so much more from you, all for gain and control, while pretending to preach love and tolerance.
Their plans are falling apart. Desperation is what you are seeing, where once, there was arrogance and confidence.
We are seeing a thirst for enlightenment. People are searching for truth. There are many for you to look to, who have done the research, found the answers, and want to share them with you. It has never been easier to find the truth. Help each other. Share what you know. Remember it is hard to accept that what you have believed and lived by, it is in fact, not true and that it was used to control you. So please be gentle and understanding at all times. Appreciate the brave souls who have stepped forward to share their truth with you. They quickly become the victims of ridicule and attack.
Look at those who attack. What are they hiding? Why do they need to destroy another who speaks truth? It is the ones who attack the fiercest that have the most to hide, otherwise they would ignore it. They are certainly on the attack, using all means at their disposal to destroy those who dare to question.
Everything should be open to scrutiny. Truth can no longer be hidden. The destruction of man can no longer be tolerated. Man's inhumanity to man must stop.
I know, my dear, that at times it's very painful for you to be separated from me. We had so much. I show you all the time that I am still beside you, that I will never leave you. We continue to work together. This is our mission. Love is the most precious experience. Treasure it always.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - December 4, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - December 4, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 4-Dec-2011 20:13:38

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - December 4, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
We have been in council of late discussing your human condition. You know that we are not perfect, as you are not. We are not gods. We have trouble from time to time understanding your human thoughts and emotions. We feel them nonetheless. We know your frustrations for they are ours. We have discussed how best to approach your turning away and the anger and frustration that has driven you to this precipice. We have come to no easy solutions. We therefore have agreed that the best approach is to simply allow you to work out for yourselves where you want to be now and in the future. Your mind set is your own and there is nothing we can or will do that would change this. Your decisions must be your own.
We will come regardless of your thoughts, your emotions or your feelings towards us. That is part of our contract not with you, but with the divine. We have an agreement from which we cannot walk away. Unlike you, we cannot exercise a free will choice on our calling. It is what we have given up in exchange for connection to the divine source. It is part of a higher order of being. We will come, regardless. That much is so.
There are many among you who have decided to mock and turn away from all that we have been discussing for so long. Some of you do this to “hedge a bet” against that which you feel would be peer “shame” over what you have chosen to believe as compared to those who exist in the “real world” of everyday life--paying bills, earning a living, eating, drinking and socializing. In contrast to that, we are “out on a limb” and everything we stand for puts you in a category of being crazy. We recognize this stigma and have admired you for a very long time in your willingness to undertake this burden for what to you is only belief. The vast majority of you have had no contact with us, have not seen our ships, have no way of knowing if this is true, but for your belief. You have only recently been awakening to your ability to discern from your heart instead of your head.
We now have come to our own crossroads as well. Our divine mission stands on the precipice of reality. And while we are not of your time, we know your time. We understand the terms you have become frustrated with that we have used for so long. We tell you these have been used to raise your vibrational frequencies because it is that much easier for us to communicate with you personally in this mode. Your density otherwise is too difficult for us to accept. It is not so much that we cannot “get through” to you as it is painful for us to be in the presence of this level of unfocused thoughts and negativity, even on a small scale. Such is the likes of higher dimensional existence. We have tried to explain this to you, but you have chosen to interpret it in third dimensional terms and this cannot give you a true picture of the level of this difficulty.
The problem exists for you in expecting massive shifts in consciousness, in the way your reality is, and in all aspects of your life, as if we will “swoop down” and wave a magic wand. The changes are gradual, and sometimes difficult to see, but they are going on around you all the time, even as you read these words. What we intend are the changes we have been talking to you about. Look for them in smaller doses and you may not find yourselves so disappointed.
Our time together is coming, we assure you. Stand fast in your principles and your convictions. And know that we are with you in love and gratitude for our mutual alliance.
Be at peace.
Channel: Wanderer of the Skies

Poofness - 12-04-11 - What an Operation, The end to the ART of War

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: What an Operation, The end to the ART of War

Babylon System lyrics
Bob Marley

We refuse to be
What you wanted us to be;
We are what we are:
That's the way (way) it's going to be. You don't know!
You can't educate I
For no equal opportunity:
(Talkin' 'bout my freedom) Talkin' 'bout my freedom,
People freedom (freedom) and liberty!
Yeah, we've been trodding on the winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!
Yes, we've been trodding on the winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!

Babylon system is the vampire, yea! (vampire)
Suckin' the children day by day, yeah!
Me say: de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers, yea-ea-ea-ea-e-ah!
Building church and university, wo-o-ooh, yeah! -
Deceiving the people continually, yea-ea!
Me say them graduatin' thieves and murderers;
Look out now: they suckin' the blood of the sufferers (sufferers).
Yea-ea-ea! (sufferers)
[ From: ]

Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth right now!
Come on and tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Come on and tell the children the truth.

'Cause - 'cause we've been trodding on ya winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!
And we've been taken for granted much too long:
Rebel, rebel now!

(Trodding on the winepress) Trodding on the winepress (rebel):
got to rebel, y'all (rebel)!
We've been trodding on the winepress much too long - ye-e-ah! (rebel)
Yea-e-ah! (rebel) Yeah! Yeah!

From the very day we left the shores (trodding on the winepress)
Of our Father's land (rebel),
We've been trampled on (rebel),
Oh now! (we've been oppressed, yeah!) Lord, Lord, go to ...

Greetings and Salutations;

 One thing you have to understand about the "rastas", they view all mankind as Jah's children, white, black, green, or indifferent. They refer to all this crap going on in the world as the works of 'Babylon', so our job as Jah's children, is to work to be rid of it. First of all, of course, you have to know you have been victimized. If you realize how you've been abused, you just say, that's the way it is, and keep accepting the refuse they give you and keep the game of division, they've taught you as 'normal'. Remember, this? If you're white, you're alright, if you're black, step back, if you're brown, stick around. Like Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' just keep repeating untruth until it's taken up by the public, then it becomes what? an accepted fact. I have done enough study on the movements of tribes across this planet and there is No one a pure anything, the dna is scrambled all over the world. The aryans had their start from the taklan basin in western china so when their civilization broke up they traveled east and west, bringing that yellow red color skin everywhere they went. Ghengis Khan went further. Admiral Jeng He took his armada of ships all over the world, carrying chinese dna to the furthest reaches of the earth. Once a person starts into their own roots, no telling what they'll find.

 I said all this because history is calling everyone back to their roots and it is effecting the banking system. These hotshots who have had the power for the last few hundred years are being foreclosed upon for not paying for what they borrowed to get started. Vast institutions are being effected's money so that only makes sense. Perhaps many of the readers don't know, the bulk of the central banks of the world are owned by the dragon clans of china. So this move this past week to the rescue of europe was a move by the dragons and it was not coming out of the tax payer. Of course that makes for great political fodder doesn't it. That's like the dinar thing, behind all these revals out here, were the dragons, because they created the new banking system we are moving to. The europeans know it and were even bitching because things look like they are not stepping in as they promised. They also promised to handle the heavy lumber out here, which was why last week's sting operation went down. The us big wigs have 2 big worries, Interpol and the Texas Rangers. If you're dirty they'll get you, Jamie Dimon is in jeopardy now, for his actions with MF Gobal and all that worth less paper he invested in. He torqued off the owners of JPM and that was not wise. Yes, the inscrutable ones have great patience, but once it's used up, they move quickly and extract a great toll. They already know where you'd run so the escape routes are already cut off.

 30 years ago, the st germain folks told me, 'we are shifting the wealth of the world' and the bad guys would not even get a sniff of the people's wealth, now I'm watching how they are living up to that promise. My help was enlisted at that time, the how was given later.  Hold this damn torch up until they got it done...sigh. When they linked with the dragons, I could see major forces unite for the benefit of humanity. Forces to vast and powerful for the bad guys to stop. Technologies will come off the shelves held by huge companies like GE, boeing, even GM to benefit people as the nasty guys no longer have the power to keep them away. The drug companies have been dispensing poison to people and are in their waning days..along with the fda and the ama. Any 'rasta' man will tell you, everything meant for mankind's health is growing right out of the earth. There's a cancer cure but, they can't turn it into a synthetic so it remains in the ground, growing. Yes, the world is about the change vastly and the nasties don't like it but they are power less to stop as they face a force beyond their comprehension to deal with it. Not like they didn't know it was there, they just didn't want to admit their position before it...they damn sure didn't want you to know, the vatican is forefront in knowing what's up.

 Ok folks, I'll need another week of input to say anything useful, this is just to let you know, nothing has stopped and the D9 continues coming to your front door. If you hear a diesel running outside your front door, that may be your day for freedom. Don't expect the politicians to reflect a concern for your welfare, they are concerned only with their own butts right now and they hope against hope they will escape the purging about to happen in DC. This doesn't get  any 'formers' out of jeopardy either. Justice is going after the republicrats....past and present. I see cheney is really starting to sound like darth vader now. Another production of their alternate technology they keep hidden from the people...I do Not refer to that crap he has in his chest acting like a heart pump. The heart is more than something to push blood around your body. It is the heart that's the seat of intelligence, not the brain. Now you know what's wrong with half of these folks. I have for a long time called them a bunch of reptiles. Crocodile tears they gives us, and we should feel sorry for them.

 Have a wonderful future and follow what your told, the old grey mare ain't what she used to be. Don't be a lottery winner and lose it all shortly for doing something stupid.

Love and Kisses,


While The Public Sleeps, An Unprecedented Act of TREASON Occured in the U.S. Senate on Nov. 29, 2011 (Dec. 1, 2011)

I simply cannot believe what I've been reading and seeing on the internet yesterday and today. On Tuesday, November 29, 2011, an amendment (titled SA-1107), sponsored by Senator Udall, toThe National Defense Authorization Act ( S-1867), was voted down by 60 senators in the US Senate. The purpose of Udall's amendment was to change the wording in a section of S-1867 sponsored by John McCain and Carl Levin called Subtitle D of Title X, also called Detainee matters.
Udall's amendment would have removed the treasonous McCain/Levin abomination of Subtitle D and replace it with wording that would PROHIBIT the inclusion of American citizens - living on American soil - from being eligible for military abduction roundup lists. The 60 treasonous senators who voted "nay" on the Udall amendment on November 29, effectively killed the Constitution-protective amendment wording that Udall and his co-sponsors had crafted.
The current version of the bill will allow any suspicious person chosen by a secret panel authorized by the President, to be abducted by military personnel and taken to Guantanamo (or other offshore military installation) and "interrogated" and detained forever, if they so choose.
This is naked, dictatorial tyranny folks, and these 60 senators are commiting high treason by endorsing the McCain/levin version of Subtitle D instead of the Udall substitute amendment. By defeating Senator Udall's substitute SA-1107 amendment, the EXISTING wording of Subtitle D, Section 1031 of Title X of Senate Bill S-1867(sponsored by NWO sellouts Sens. John McCain and Carl Levin) remains intact and part of S-1867.
If this bill becomes law, then ANY American citizen that the President's special committee decides is a "suspect" can be abducted from his home (in America) in the middle of the night by US military personnel and wisked off to Guantanamo and never to be heard from again--and it would all be 'authorized' and legal.
Even if Obama vetoes this bill, it only takes 2/3 (66 votes) of the Senate to OVERTURN Obama's veto and the bill beomces law. This is a very dangerous situation.
I can only hope that enough people will recognize the gravity of this treasonous legislation and start the ball rolling in the 30 states associated with these senators and start circulating petitions to either impeach or recall every single one of these 60 traitors. Nothing else will get their attention. They must be removed from office.
Ken Adachi

Fascist Police State Military Martial Law Death of Posse Comitatus Tyranny

Passage of S.1867: Our enemy is within
December 1, 2011
By Marti Oakley <>
The Senate voted to pass the anti-American Defense Authorization Act of 2011, S.1867. The vote was 61-37; 61 Senators who swore to defend and uphold the Constitution just flipped the bird at the entire country.
44 Republican Senators voted to keep the detainee provisions in the bill….these are those same Republicans who are going to save the country from Obama and the Democrats.
17 Democrats voted to keep the same provisions….These are the same Democrats who are going to save country from the Republicans and the neo-cons.
I can’t speak for anyone else other than myself here but, I am so sick of this traitorous bunch of political whores and jackasses, I can barely stand it. I cannot think of one rational, plausible reason as to why this bill included the so-called “right” to arbitrarily and summarily determine any one, anywhere in the world to be a threat/criminal, and to detain them indefintiely without any bona fide reason and based on nothing more than what might amount to a “belief” and to hold them indefinitely without charging them with any crime or producing any evidence that one had been committed and to do this to anyone the government decides to, even US citizens. Who are the real terrorists here? And why would codifying this into some horrendous law, make it any less repugnant or any more justifiable?
Its bad enough that we are unable to trust anything this bunch does, much less even one word of anything they say, but the fact is THEY know that WE know they are lying and betraying us at every opportunity, yet they continue to do so while simultaneously trying to convince us that one party or the other is the only party that will save us from fascism/socialism/communism…..whatever “ism” suits their current needs. The fact is, we need to save our selves from our own government.
I am so sick of being threatened with another 9/11 style attack if we don’t submit and comply with the assaults on our rights, and seeing that threat used to destroy our Constitution and to strike down our protections and ultimately, to destroy our country. We have spent billions upon billions of dollars on state of the art spying systems, and assorted military systems and weapons all of which appear to be directed inward at us. S.1867 makes it very apparent that we are the enemy as far as the central government is concerned.
I do not give a rats hind end if the bill laid out who got what power, authority or how much money for the coming year to keep the endless illegal wars going and to start new ones as others wind down. The fact that the bill contained these things does not negate the fact that it intentionally omitted Constitutional protections for US citizens; protections specifically put in place to keep our government from doing exactly this kind of thing to us.
Furthermore, it does not negate the fact that these detainee provisions are the same kinds of provisions that all dictatorial countries use to oppress and terrorize their own populations and any one else who doesn’t submit and comply.
Senator Levin, who was instrumental in crafting this assault on the people of the United States, was quoted in the New York Times as saying:
“We are at war with Al Qaeda, and people who are determined to be part of Al Qaeda should be treated as people who are at war with us,” Mr. Levin said in the debate leading up to the vote.
His remarks would have been far more honest if he had spoken the truth and his quote would have more accurately reflected who they view as the enemy of the state, if he had said something to this effect:
“We are at war with the Constitutional Republic, and people who are determined to be part of the Constitutional Republic should be treated as people who are at war with us”.
“Us” would be the government and those who slither in and out of the doors of government and who have access to those officials; those that view the general population as expendable, a nuisance and not worthy of living in freedom.
Yet these same purveyors of lies, corruption and political posturing will expect us, the same people they are determined to oppress, to pay the bills on all their anti-American, anti-humanity declarations.
We have become what we claimed to despise
Ever since the false flag attacks of 9/11, our own government has done to the country what no terrorist or terrorist organization could have accomplished. All of the attacks on our Constitutional protections and rights have been perpetrated not by some terrorist in a far away place, but by our own government. It is our own government that has enabled the 17 or more spy agencies in the US to unlawfully put the country under surveillance, to assemble dossiers on each and every one of us, to track us, film us, listen in on our conversations, read our email and snail mail,
to break into our homes performing illegal searches. It is our own government that has established Fusions centers for local spying, and turned various corporate federal agencies into immediate threats to the country. It is our own government that allows TSA to harass and molest us as we travel, that has turned our local law enforcement units into the menaces to their communities that many have become.
The idea that the US will pass some kind of law that could possibly prevent terrorists from acting out their plans is nothing less than ludicrous. Furthermore, we have had “laws” on the books for years prior to 9/11 that would have dealt with terrorists if we were able to catch them, but which did nothing to prevent the attacks. Get a clue here: Terrorists, by definition, do not give a damn what kind of laws are passed in this country or any other. That is part of what makes them terrorists.
Ten years after 9/11 and we are still sitting by idly as bill after bill, after bill comes out of this nest of pit vipers we call congress; bills that have destroyed who we are and what we stand for as a country. We have forfeited our rights, our protections, our privacy and security and ultimately our country to a government who spends more of its time trying to convince us that all their attacks on our Constitutional Republic are necessary, the only way they can keep us safe, than it does looking for actual terrorists.
We have become the thing we claimed we despised. All of the crimes we claim are being committed by other countries are crimes we are committing ourselves. We torture, kidnap, bomb, murder, intimidate, abuse and terrify all in the name of “national security”. We destabilize economies, deprive entire countries of food, medicines, even water for refusing to submit to what we want. We overthrow governments and assassinate their leaders and then install puppet governments to do our bidding.
I have to wonder if at some point if other countries will band together and declare the US a terrorist organization, guilty of crimes against humanity, war crimes, human rights violations and a threat to world peace. If this should ever happen, possibly Carl Levin and John McCain could stand up and wave a copy of S.1867 at them and make them run away.

Jesus Laughing - Awesome

Jesus Laughing - Awesome
JESUS LAUGHING! When friends went to a seminary in Florida last BMarch, they saw an artist paint huge works (the size of a door) in 30-45 minutes. The artist prefers anonymity and says he wants the works to speak for themselves. Look carefully and see the drawings were signed, 'Jesus Painter...'

Christ laughing! A concept I hadn't seen before.
Beautiful pencil drawings...
God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can close.
If you need God to open some doors for you... send this to people...
...and if you don't need God to open some doors for you, just delete it.

Video: Getting Down To The Nitty-Gritty Man Dies, Comes Back to Life, What he Saw

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Getting Down To The Nitty-Gritty Man Dies, Comes Back to Life, What he Saw
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 3-Dec-2011 21:21:26

How do I preface this...This is just one example, of an experience shared by many thousands of real people, in real, present 'time'.
"No time - no perception of time. No death for eternity - only whole life principle - forever. Standing in the river of life, with life flowing through my body, I'm speaking in a beautiful language I had never spoken or ever heard before..."
The only reason I fear dying is because of the hardship my passing may bring to those who depend on me for their needs in this dimension. Other than that, it's living is a world occupied by pesky mosquitoes that is the difficult part. It must be a scary thing for an individual to believe that whatever your worth to the current dimension is all there is, and all there will ever be.
But, it's OK to wish for more. It's OK to open that door. In the depths of your being, your heart knows there is more. Your mind may have become closed and callous, but your genetic makeup does not agree with all the 'stuff' the mosquitoes are trying to make you believe.
What would you say if you actually met your Creator in a real moment - like this gentleman in the video?
Man dies, comes back to life, what he saw

Saturday, December 3, 2011


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Saturday, 3-Dec-2011 04:18:51

Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 8:28 PM
December 2, 2011
Alert to all!
Here is the list of the dirty rotten traitorous senators that voted on the indefinite detention act.
Recall all who voted for this and other treasonous acts against the free American People.
APFN-1 YahooGroups:
`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of
good conscience to remain silent" -- Thomas Jefferson
Find elected officials, including the president, members of
Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more.
PMB 206, 7549 W. CACTUS RD. #104, PEORIA, AZ 85381

How to activate and detox your pineal gland.

How to activate and detox your pineal gland. Things you can do to eventually activate and detox your pineal gland
Pineal gland detox and activation

I have experimented with alot of things. I will now post a list of things to aid pineal detox.

1. Meditate on pineal gland and visualize it glowing in white golden light and feel it tingling in the center of your brain, Raise kundalini, do om meditation, sun gazing, chakra meditation, and listen to binaural beats or isochronic tones made to simulate/activate the pineal gland (preferably isochronic tones). Do this Everyday.

2a. Avoid all things fluoride. Such as: Tap water, cooking with tap water, fluoridated toothpaste, inorganic fruits and vegetables, showers with out filter, and any sodas and artificial food and drinks, and red meat.

2b. Thing you can do about it. Only drink spring, distilled, or reverse osmosis purified water (If you want to do RO or distilled since it has no minerals by some wayback water and add a couple tablespoons to your water). Buy a shower filter, go to whole foods and buy organic fruits, veggies, and toothpaste without fluoride.

3. Pineal gland detoxers and stimulants. Supplements: Chlorella spirualina, blue-green algea, Cilantro, iodine, ginseng, borax, shilajit, D3, cystine, chlorophyll, blue skate liver oil, monoatomic gold. Foods: raw cacao, goji berries, watermelon, bananas, Honey, Coconut Oil, hemp seeds, seeweed, and noni juice.

4. Natural entheogens (not for everyone). Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushooms, peyote, changa, cannabis, salvia, DMT and more.

5. Crystals. amethyst, moldavite, quartz, herkimer diamond, and more look it up.


1. More focus
2. vivid dreams
3. lucid dreams
4. easier to astral project
5. better sleep
6. enhanced imagination
7. aura viewing and seeing energy
8. and much more to discover

If follow this you will eventually detox and activate your pineal gland.

Also feel free to post things that have helped you in your progress of activating and detoxing the pineal gland.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Must Hear Phone Recording

This one is a Deal Breaker!
> If you haven’t yet, you all need to hear this cc call from 11/29/11.
> Talks about Nesara, White Dragons, Basel III, Arrests of the bad guys,
> including Trump, Gates, Soros, etc.
> RV and Prosperity Packages too.
> 760 569 7699 479547#
> All expected to go down by December 31, if not before.
> Sounds to me like the White Dragons, Hats and NESARA all got together
> and realized there was power in numbers.
> And wait til you hear about Obama. I’m still having serious problems
> with that one!
> You don’t have to believe it all in order to gain a great deal of info
> from it.
> This phone call is going viral.
> 760 569 7699 479547#
> It provides a lot of backup to everything Ben has been saying. Go Ben!!!

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 2, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 2, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Dec-2011 13:40:06

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 2, 2011
There is no doubt that matters on Earth are now coming to a head, and it should eventually lead to many of the changes that we have been telling you about for quite some time. By and large your faith has stayed strong, and now you will begin to see some positive action taken. There is after all a divine date that still stands as the final one beyond which we shall no longer tolerate delay. If need be we shall take direct action, but one way or another we will soon commence our plan for your final release from the dark Ones. The European crisis could yet see a number of countries default on the payment of their loans, and that has put other countries in the European Group at risk. It is also putting other countries outside of Europe at risk, so you have not seen anything yet compared to what the outcome is likely to be. If you continue to see these as exciting times, you will not be pulled into the panic that is likely to occur.
It is obvious that whatever happens now no particular adverse situation will last for too long, as time speeds by and you are almost in the magical year of 2012. See events as a means to an end, and it will be one that is totally satisfactory and bringing the welcome changes that will alter your lives forever. It has been a testing journey, and that was the object of it so that you could evolve out of conditions that were liable to pull you down. As we see it, you have done exceptionally well particularly since the turn of the century. It was expected because as time passed more Light was being beamed to Earth. It has been grounded through those of Light, who in many instances came to Earth especially for that purpose. It is not just the dark Ones who planned their goals well in advance, as we of the Light have done so for millennia of time. Our advantage has come from the backing and support from great sources of Light Beings, who have even been prepared to send an aspect of themselves to Earth. Perhaps even more important to the outcome, this cycle was always planned to ensure victory for the Light.
The Galactic Federation is ready to act at very short notice, and in the meantime continues to closely monitor all activities on Earth. We have no hesitation in showing our superiority where technologies are concerned, and make it clear to the dark Ones that opposition to us is futile. Yet they stubbornly refuse to give in, knowing that any engagement with them requires us to obey the rules. We respect all life, whereas they have none at all even when it comes to fellow humans. Life to them is expendable, and they will use it to gain over anyone who gets in their way. We on the other hand will remove our "enemies" to safety rather than kill or wound them. You may therefore be assured that we removed all personnel prior to destroying underground military bases. Anyone who says otherwise is untruthly reporting events, and out to paint a false picture of us.
Some of you will wonder why in view of what we have said about ourselves, why we do not save lives in any other circumstances such as catastrophes. That is an expected re-action and the answer is one we have given previously, and relates to a souls life plan. The souls that leave in such circumstances have desired to leave, and chosen a situation that fulfils their needs. Understand that there no such thing as an accidental death, and what you call natural deaths are also planned. If you think upon it, there would be little purpose in planning a life to expand your spiritual understanding, if you could accidentally be prevented from experiencing it in full. It is however true that because of your freewill, you can shorten your life expectancy. However, that would only be after you carefully considered the implications of it.
There will be others amongst you who will pick up on lives shortened by suicide, and even these souls are given a last minute opportunity to change their minds. They are met by their Guides who are aware of their original life plan and shown the outcome, and how it would affect their family and friends. We can assure that because of it many souls are grateful to have had the chance to change their minds. Generally speaking in any one lifetime you do not undertake anymore than you can handle. In these end times there are however many souls who are anxious to clear their karma, and have packed their life full of experiences.
Of course when you rise up into the higher levels, you have a simple transition from one life to another without going through death. You do it through your own choosing, as you decide when it is your time to move on. You can literally step out of your old body into a new one as you desire. Along with the changes in your body cells that keep you young and healthy, you have none of the illnesses or disabling features experienced on Earth. Whatever you are called upon to do to achieve Ascension is obviously very worthwhile, as it might be a long time before it comes around again. It is up to you, and it is certainly not impossible to ascend from any one lifetime, but you would have to achieve it through your own endeavors. That is why your Ascension now is considered so unique, as it is an offer to every soul and endless help is being given to those who decide to take it.
If you are one who is just awakening to who you really are and beginning to understand the purpose of life, be assured that you are already surrounded by loving souls who are eager to help you. There is still time and once you set your sights on ascending, you are halfway there and you will find your consciousness levels rising. To be on the Earth and not of it, is very useful advice as it allows you to concentrate on the future and allow the old ways to pass you by. It is those who cannot release their hold onto earthly things that are struggling to break free, and as we often point out it is usually fear that is at the root of it. Come from fearing the changes to welcoming them, and see their necessity if the Human Race is to progress from the old cycle to the new one. However slow changes may take place where some of the massive cycles are concerned, everything is on the move even if it appears undetectable.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who are sending us your love and invitation to join you. We could not come without it, and we now know that the time is right for our open contact with you. We love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thanks to a reader for alerting us to the information below. We have known for a while that "Sorcha Faal" is disinformation, as are a large number of other websites, both 'mainstream' and 'alternative.' We advise readers to examine ALL information on the Internet with care.

Christopher Story reports that "Sorcha," while claiming Russian Kremlin sources, is instead "by a US military intelligence operative working with an Irish source (i.e., for the Clinton component of the criminalist ‘Box Gang’)."


Just FYI, Christopher Story outed Sorcha Faal as a CIA disinfo agent... Scroll down to the footnotes and you'll see her site is registered by CIA headquarters.


Scroll down to the footnotes:

8. It has just been revealed that two particularly egregious disinformation platforms – the Sorcha Faal reports purporting to represent postings from inside the Kremlin, but which are revealed to be perpetrated by a US military intelligence operative working with an Irish source (i.e., for the Clinton component of the criminalist ‘Box Gang’), and the website, are American deception operations.

That website has been exposed by the research given below. A list of suspect and intelligence-controlled websites is given on page 512 of the Editor’s work, ‘The New Underworld Order: Dark Actors Playing Games: The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati’: Edward Harle Limited: see the books section of this integrated website.

Exposure of a subversive CIA-controlled website:

Referral URL: [link to]
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Web Site Title: WhatDoesItMean.Com
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[link to]
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Anonymous Coward
User ID: 195267 (OP)
Data sent to the Editor: 5/4/2008 4:00 AM
Re: Top CIA Agent Killed Trying To Protect D.C. Madam
IP Location: US, McLean, Virginia.

Contrary to popular belief, the CIA headquarters is not located in Langley, VA, but in the Langley suburb of McLean,Virginia.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FROM RUMOR MILL NEWS:

Thanks to a reader for alerting us to the information below. We have known for a while that "Sorcha Faal" is disinformation, as are a large number of other websites, both 'mainstream' and 'alternative.' We advise readers to examine ALL information on the Internet with care.

Christopher Story reports that "Sorcha," while claiming Russian Kremlin sources, is instead "by a US military intelligence operative
[11:02:03 AM] JJSmith-Outlaw*: Just FYI, Christopher Story outed Sorcha Faal as a CIA disinfo agent... Scroll down to the footnotes and you'll see her site is registered by CIA headquarters.                                                                                                                                  

Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”

December 2, 2011
Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In one of the most stunning reversals of human rights in modern history the Federal Security Service (FSB) is reporting today that the Obama regime has issued a blunt warning to all American citizens that, in essence, states that any one of these once free people who dare to oppose their government they will be immediately killed and offered no chance to defend themselves before a Court and/or jury of their peers.
According to this report, this unprecedented attack was begun yesterday when the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) General Counsel Stephen Preston in responding to a question at an American Bar Association national security conference bluntly stated that “American citizens are not immune from being treated like an enemy if they take up arms against the United States.”
Obama regime lawyers further stated that only the Executive Branch, not the Courts, is equipped to make military battlefield targeting decisions about who qualifies as an enemy thus equating all American citizens as being potential “enemies of the state” thus effectively destroying the Constitution all of these government officials had sworn to defend.
As we had stated in our previous report about the destruction of the freedoms and liberties once enjoyed by the American people, the US Senate, likewise, voted this past week to expand the power of the Obama regime to target its own citizens by the passing of new law debated in secret allowing for the total military takeover of this once free country.
So frightening is this new law it caused the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to issue an unprecedented warning that stated “The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself.”
This FSB report notes that the actions now being undertaken by the Obama regime show its “outright contempt” for the democratic process and the US Constitution in that for the first time in American history military power is being put above that of civil authorities; a move many Russian intelligence analysts say can only be compared to the ending of freedoms in Russia under the Communists and Germany under the National Socialists (Nazis) preceding both World Wars of last century.
Even more astounding in the US Senates action, which according to noted American anti-war activist Justin Raimondo has created a “Presidential Dictatorship,” was Obama’s threat to veto this new law wasn’t because it went too far, but ratherbecause it didn’t go far enough in allowing him to crack down on his own people.
To the reason behind the Obama regimes wanting to target its own citizens with state-sponsored murder and military rule, this FSB reports warns, is its Great Game” strategy to overturn the entire Middle East and Central Asia in order to gain control over the majority of our planets last few remaining fossil fuel energy resources and whose next targets are Syria, Lebanon and Iran.  
Virtually unknown to the vast majority of the American people is that “The Plan” to conquer the Middle East and Central Asiawas revealed by General Wesley Clark (Ret.) who on 2 March 2007 [watch video HERE] stated that 10 days after 9/11 while walking through the Pentagon he was approached by another General who told him that the Bush regime was making preparations to invade Iran and at least 7 other Middle Eastern and Central Asian nations over the next 5 years.
Unfortunately for the American war hawks, however, was the Bush regime wasn’t able to complete their goal in the time they allotted themselves because they underestimated the fierce resistance they were met with, but since Obama took office has beenable to gain speed.
Now, most ominously, with the US Senate passing by a unanimous vote to place sanctions on Iran’s Central Bank this FSB report warns that conflict is “all but assured” as Iran had previously stated that such an actions would be considered by them as an “act of war.”
The FSB further notes in their report that the American peoples ability to counteract the measures being put into place against them by the Obama regime appear to be “all but nonexistent” due to the “gulag mentality” instilled in these once free people through their educations system said to be virtually indistinguishable from their prisons [see video HERE] which hold more prisoners than all of the other worlds jails combined.
Current news stories coming out of the United States more than back up this FSB assessment of the way American children are being treated like criminals and include: 1.) A 4-year-old girl arrested for shoplifting at a Safeway store and made to sign a statement banning her from this store for life. 2.) A 13-year-old boy arrested, handcuffed and jailed for burping in class. 3.) A 6-year-old child charged with “sexual assault” when found “playing doctor” with another student. 4.)Two 12-year-old students investigated for “sex crimes” after they kissed in school.
And if the treatment of America’s children isn’t bad enough, new reports emerging from the United States by Obama regime supporters are now warning that Christians are a“national security threat” because they place their belief in God above that of their government.
So today, as millions of American children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered, one does indeed wonder when these once free people will awaken from their long slumber before all is lost.
December 2, 2011 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Per Current Events --- GOD Bless America

In light of current corrective activities going behind the scenes and about to be made public.

GOD Bless America Again!

Thank You White Knights, Our 'Good' Military and the Lightworkers.

Amazing times for the history books.

GOD BLESS You And Yours,

John MacHaffie ---- HIS humble servant