Friday, September 18, 2015


The Texas Nationalist Movement wants the state of Texas to secede from the United States. They have started a petition to get a referendum for secession on the Texas Republican primary ballot on March 1.


Friday, September 18, 2015
The Texas Nationalist Movement wants the state of Texas to secede from the United States. They have started a petition to get a referendum for secession on the Texas Republican primary ballot on March 1.
Texas already seceded once — in 1861, by popular vote in a statewide election.  But the Texas Nationalist Movement wants a repeat a century and a half later, and thinks the March GOP primary is the place to start.

The Nederland-based Texas independence group is circulating a petition aimed at getting a non-binding vote onto the GOP primary ballot over whether "the state of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."

Their goal? 75,000 signatures from registered voters by Dec. 1 — more than the 66,894 the Texas Secretary of State's office says the group needs to get the language on the ballot. 

Even if the Texas Nationalist Movement gets enough signatures, such a vote would be little more than symbolic. 

Academics agree that Texas cannot secede from the United States, and point to a post-Civil War Supreme Court ruling, Texas v. White, as evidence.  (BS - Texas was forcefully annexed with state 'corporation' status (have Masonic Sam Houston to thank for selling out the sovereign nation of The Republic of Texas) like several other states, and is tied to a 'treaty' with Washington, DC that has to be continually renewed and can be nullified at any time - this 'treaty' has to be signed by the governor as with the other states. The 'supreme court' is a maritime law court (law of the SEA) and has no legal status or authority on land in North America. These 'courts' have no legal authority and should be abolished. Who - with lawful authority for the Republic - allowed the Queen's English law of the seas 'courts' with their magistrates (NOT judges) to 'come ashore' and act with unlawful authority - of which they have NONE?)

But that hasn't stopped the Republican Party of Texas from rolling its eyes at the secessionists. Texas GOP communications director Aaron Whitehead said the Republican party certainly doesn't welcome outside groups trying to doctor the party ballot. (Most Texans are being led around by their noses - totally ignorant of the situation of Texas, and that Texas does NOT NEED the treasonous 'federal government' - but Wash DC DOES need Texas  - which it steals from, manipulates and controls for THEIR benefit at the expense of the good people of Texas. Most Republicans and Democrats are useless ignorant idiots. ALL they care about is their own personal status and wealth.)
“Historically the executive committee of the Republican Party has chosen what goes on this,” Whitehead said, “and it’s party preference that it stays that way.” 

The Texas Nationalist Movement, which hasn't yet verified how many signatures it has, doesn't buy the argument that the state can't secede.  Daniel Miller, the group's president, points to the state Constitution and, in particular, the provision that gives Texans the right to "alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.(The corporation state was formed by FRAUD - it can and should be abolished and returned to its sovereign Republic status.)

Miller said the group is going around the state party because past interactions with the GOP weren't fruitful. "We have had our hand slapped," Miller said. "We have been rebuffed and not just us as an organization, but essentially anyone in any position inside the party that has advocated for this position has been rebuffed."

Whitehead said there is zero relationship between the GOP and the secessionists, and added that his response to such a ballot proposal would be the same if it were “a resolution giving everybody a unicorn or a resolution for secession.”  (Whitehead continues to show his total ignorance.)

If the Texas Nationalist Movement does get the signatures it needs, the Secretary of State's office says it will be the first time a referendum from a citizen group is put on the Republicans’ statewide primary ballot.  

Miller acknowledges a majority vote for the referendum wouldn't be binding, but hopes it would be enough evidence of support to get state leaders to take the issue seriously long-term.

“The end game for us is to have a binding referendum on Texas independence, much like the people of Scotland had in November of last year,” Miller said.  The 2014 vote over Scottish independence from the United Kingdom failed. 

Volunteers from the Texas Nationalist Movement are at work across the state, scurrying to get signatures. Miller is optimistic; he says the organization itself has over 200,000 members.

Texas and Washington, D.C. are on very different paths, and the people of Texas obviously recognize that,” he said." 

"The Texas Nationalist Movement message has been one not of reaction to grievance but one of a future we can build as an independent nation.”

It’s Constitution Day: And yes… a pop quiz is in order!

It’s Constitution Day: And yes… a pop quiz is in order!

September 17, 2015 in News, Politics, U.S. News by Slad
Patriot Rising | September 17, 2015 12:57 pm

Here, again, is our annual quiz on Constitution Day, which occurs every year on Sept. 17 and which could be called the U.S. government’s birthday.
Constitution Day was created by Congress in 2004 to require that all schools which receive federal funding offer some type of “educational program” on the U.S. Constitution, but it doesn’t define what that should be.
Sept. 17 was chosen because it was the last session of the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, during which the final version of the newly written U.S. Constitution was signed by 39 delegates.
Schools — pre-K through college — have taken different approaches to teaching the Constitution on this day, some with holding school fairs where information is shared, some with formal lessons on the Constitution. There are numerous online lessons available for teachers and students, including some by the National Archives,which suggest ways to teach six big ideas about the Constitution.
Take this quiz to see how much you know about the Constitution.

Go To Website For Quiz:

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Agent Orange/Dioxin


Agent Orange is a highly toxic herbicide used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War to defoliate hiding places used by the enemy and to clear the perimeters of military installations. Although colorless, it is known as “Agent Orange” because of an orange-colored band painted on the drums used to store and transport it.

After years of advocacy led by Vietnam Veterans of America, Congress enacted into law the Agent Orange Act of 1991. This legislation empowered the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to declare certain maladies as “presumptive” to exposure to Agent Orange/dioxin and enable Vietnam veterans, as well as some veterans who served along the demilitarized zone in Korea during the late 1960s, to receive treatment and compensation for these health conditions. 

Service-connected benefits, however, may also be granted for other maladies not yet recognized as presumptive service-connected health conditions. 

Presumptive Service Connected Illnesses Recognized by the VA As Connected to Agent Orange Herbicide Exposure
  • Acute Peripheral Neuropathy: a temporary dysfunction of the nervous system characterized by involuntary “tingling” or numbness in the extremities
  • Adult Onset Type II Diabetes Mellitus (and subsequent complications caused by): non-insulin dependent and characterized by high blood sugars
  • AL Amyloidosis: a rare group of diseases that results from the abnormal deposition of a particular protein called amyloid in various tissues of the body
  • *Chloracne: an acne-like eruption on the skin due to prolonged exposure to certain chlorinated compounds
  • Hodgkins Disease: a tumor found in the lymph nodes characterized by increasing enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen and accompanied by progressive anemia
  • Ischemic (or ischaemic) heart disease: a heart condition resulting when the arteries that bring blood and oxygen to the heart are blocked. There may be a buildup of cholesterol and other substances, called plaque, in the arteries that bring oxygen to heart muscle tissue. Over time, the heart muscle does not work well, and it is more difficult for the heart to fill and release blood. It is the most common cause of congestive heart failure.
  • Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma: a rare type of cancer which causes malignant tumors of the lymph nodes, distinguished from Hodgkins disease by the absence of giant Reed-Sternberg cells
  • Parkinson’s disease: a neurological disease which limits a person’s ability to control some of his or her muscles. It's caused by a slow, gradual loss of certain cells in the brain which manufacture a chemical called dopamine. This chemical is needed for muscles to work normally. In many people, Parkinson's disease causes movement and muscle problems and may be accompanied by slight, uncontrolled shaking of the arms and legs.
  • *Peripheral Neuropathy: a dysfunction of the nervous system involving either the somatic nerves or the autonomic nervous system (see Acute Peripheral Neuropathy); can cause sensory loss, atrophy, and muscle weakness
  • *Porphyria Cutanea Tarda: characterized by skin lesions on exposed portions of the body and pigment changes in the skin; liver disease occurs in some patients
  • Spina bifida in Children Conceived After Veteran First Arrived in Vietnam: characterized by a defective closure of the spinal chord in which the chord may be exposed and/or protrude.
    Sub-acute Peripheral Neuropathy: a nervous system disorder either acute (temporary) or chronic (long-term) – see acute peripheral neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy
Cancers –
  • Cancer of the Bronchus: a malignant tumor found in the bronchus, an extension of the windpipe (trachea) connecting to the lungs
  • Cancer of the Larynx: a malignant tumor found in the voice box (larynx)
  • Cancer of the Lung: a malignant tumor found in the lungs
  • Cancer of the Prostate: a malignant tumor found in the prostate gland
  • Cancer of the Trachea: a malignant tumor found in the windpipe (trachea)
  • Soft Tissue Sarcoma (a group of soft tissue cancers characterized by malignant tumors which develop on muscles and connective tissue, or in body fat)
    Adult Fibrosarcoma: a tumor formed from connective tissue
  • Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma: a sarcoma found in the aveoli, the sac-like ducts in the lungs
  • Angiosarcoma: a tumor occurring in the breast and skin and believed to originate from blood vessels
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: characterized by progressive increase in production of white blood cells
  • Clear Cell Sarcoma of Aponeuroses: a sarcoma found at the end of a muscle where it becomes a tendon
  • Clear Cell Sarcoma of Tendons: a sarcoma found in the tendons
  • Congenital Fibrosarcoma: a malignant tumor formed before birth and derived from connective tissue
  • Dermatofibrosarcoma: a relatively slow-growing skin tumor consisting of one or more firm nodules
  • Ectomesenchymoma: a tumor found in certain parts of the skin
  • Epithelioid Malignant Leiomysarcoma: a malignant tumor derived from smooth muscle found in the layer covering the muscle
  • Epithelioid Malignant Schwannoma: a moderately firm, benign tumor found in the layers of membrane covering surfaces inside the body cavity caused by too many Schwann cells growing in a disorderly manner
  • Epithelioid Sarcoma: a tumor found in the membrane covering surfaces inside the body cavity
  • Extraskeletal Ewing’s Sarcoma: a tumor outside the bone consisting of small rounded cells
  • Hairy cell leukemia: a slow-growing form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) called such because the leukemic lymphocytes have short, thin projections on their surfaces that look like hairs when examined under a microscope. Hairy cell leukemia is caused by an abnormal change in a B lymphocyte (a type of white cell).
  • Hemangiosarcoma: a tumor derived from blood vessels and lining blood-filled spaces
  • Infantile Fibrosarcoma: a tumor formed as a child derived from fibrous connective tissue
  • Leiomyosarcoma: a tumor derived from smooth muscle
  • Liposarcoma: a tumor that may occur anywhere in the body consisting of irregular fat cells
  • Lymphangiosarcoma: a tumor derived from blood vessels
  • Lymphoma: a malignant tumor of the lymph nodes
  • Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: a type of tumor found in connective tissue
  • Mailgnant Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath: a tumor found in the membrane of tendons
  • Malignant Glandular Schwannoma: a moderately firm malignant tumor in the glands caused by too many Schwann cells growing in a disorderly patter
  • Malignant Glomus Tumor: a tumor found in the tiny nodes (glomuli) in the the nailbed, pads of fingers, toes, ears, hands, feet, and other body organs
  • Malignant Hemangiopericytoma: a tumor characterized by rapidly growing fat cells formed in blood vessels and lining blood-filled spaces
  • Malignant Mesenchymoma: a malignant tumor in the embryonic tissue or fluid
  • Malignant Shwannoma with Rhabdomyoblastic: a moderately firm malignant tumor found in skeletal muscles resulting from the rapid disorderly growth pattern of Schwann cells
  • Multiple Myeloma: cancer of specific bone marrow cells characterized by bone marrow tumors in the skeletal system
  • Proliferating Angiedotheliomatosis: increasing numbers of benign tumors in blood cells, often causing skin discoloration
  • Rhabdomysarcoma: tumors derived from skeletal muscle
  • Sarcoma: tumors arising in connective tissue, bone, cartilage, or muscle
  • Synovial Sarcoma: a tumor found in the lubricating fluid surrounding joints and tendons
*subject to time requirements for purposes of filing claims

NOTE: This list may change over time. For official updates, see Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations Section 3.303(e) “Disease associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents”
Birth Defects* Recognized by the VA
As Connected to Agent Orange Herbicide Exposure

  • Spina Bifida: children born to either male or female Vietnam veterans; Spina Bifida Occulta not included
Children born to female Vietnam veterans
  • Achondroplasia: produces a type of dwarfism
  • Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Congenital Talipses Equinovarus: clubfoot
  • Esophageal and Intestinal Atresia
  • Hallerman-Streiff Syndrome: premature small growth and other related defects
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Hirschprung’s Disease: congenital megacolon
  • Hydrocephalus Due to Aqueductal Stenosis,
  • Hypospadias: abnormal opening in the urethra
  • Imperforate Anus
  • Neural Tube Defects
  • Poland Syndrome: webbed fingers
  • Pyloric Stenosis
  • Syndactyly: fused digits
  • Tracheoesophageal Fistula
  • Undescended Testicles
  • Williams syndrome: thyroid defects
Not covered are conditions that are congenital malignant neoplasms, chromosomal disorders, or developmental disorders. In addition, conditions that do not result in permanent physical or mental disability are not covered birth defects. 

NOTE: this list may change over time. Additional information about birth defects and Agent Orange exposure can be found online at http:// maintained by the National Birth Defect Registry.

To file a VA claim based on exposure to Agent Orange, contact a service officer at the following link:
To Locate a service officer, visit:


Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview

Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview

"Experts from the Vatican themselves admit there is a very close relationship between pedophilia and satanism"

Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview
by | September 17, 2015 

While traveling to Rome to cover the Eurozone implosion, met with illuminati researcher Leo Zagami to break down the jesuit takeover of the Vatican, and the underground massive sex cults embedded within.


Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 17-Sep-2015 18:47:48

Hi, Folks -
We posted the blurb a few days ago; after a period of embargo for sake of his subscribers, here's Ben Fulford's full report for this week, found here:
Sept. 15, 2015
The 14th anniversary of 911 may be the last one to pass without the perpetrators of this crime finally seeing justice. There were some very unusual “heavenly” events associated with this anniversary. One was a double rainbow seen in New York
which appeared at roughly the same time as one (witnessed by this writer) appeared in Tokyo. Even more otherworldly was the fact that a bolt of lightning knocked over a crane in Mecca owned by the BinLaden construction group on 911, killing 107 people.
US spokesperson “acting” president Barack Obama was instructed not to show up at any 911 ceremony but was instead told to go talk to US soldiers. Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke at a Pentagon 911 ceremony where he promised that “no matter how long it takes [the perpetrators of this crime] will not escape the long arm and hard fist of justice…we will find you,” and “we will never forget.”
If the US military are sincere, then George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld and most of the other neo-cons who signed the “Project for a New American Century” document in 2000 will be arrested. That document called for “a New Pearl Harbor” to justify a big invasion of the Middle East.
In any case, it is looking like an end game for the Zionist Nazi Netanyahu regime in Israel as Russian and Iranian troops move in while the Pentagon helps or turns a blind eye. We now have sources that are usually diametrically opposed to each other, the Mossad linked Debka and the Pentagon linked site Veteran’s today, both agreeing that Russian troops are on Israel’s doorstep.
The Debka article is revealing when it notes “Israel’s military strength is substantial but no one is looking for a military clash with the Russians,” before concluding Israel should ask for Russian protection. Russian White Dragon Society sources make it clear any Russian protection of Israel will not mean business as usual for that rogue state. Meanwhile, here is what a Pentagon source had to say about Israel: “Israel has been doing cyber-attacks from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Bulgaria to hide their tracks. The Sandstorm on September 8th
was targeted at Israel, their submarines are now fair game, and they may get nuked.”
It is also worth noting that both the Russians and the Americans have been offering protection to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa against Israeli missiles.
British MI6 intelligence, for its part, says the so-called Syrian refugee crisis only involves Shia and not Sunni Muslims. The Shia are being given Turkish passports to allow them to vote in Turkish elections in order to help President Erdogan regain his majority in the Parliament, the sources say.
Meanwhile, in the financial world there are more and more signs of a collapse of the current paradigm. Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary & Economic Department of the BIS, the central bank for central banks, described the current state of world financial markets as “reminiscent of the old joke about the stranded tourist who, having asked for directions, was told: ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t start from here.’” He went on to say “We are not seeing isolated tremors, but the release of pressure that has gradually accumulated over the years along major fault lines.”
Borio was referring to the massive output of liquidity by central banks in recent years as the source of the upcoming mega-quake he alludes to.
Meanwhile the IMF has, as MI5 intelligence put it, “gone rogue and pulled out of negotiations with the EU on Greece.” The MI5 source is also predicting “60-70% falls” in world stock markets “very soon.”
China and Russia, for their part, are pushing hard to end the use of US dollars for the trading of oil, thus finishing off the petro-dollar.
US agency sources are saying the recent devaluation of the Chinese Yuan hit Goldman Sachs particularly hard. “Goldman Sachs criminals, used to trading on inside information, took a bath on the Yuan,” one source said. “Unlike the US, where they are always tipped off in advance, they were blindsided and their mythical financial wizardry was revealed to be nothing more than good old fashioned insider trading; banal criminality disguised as cleverness.”
The Pentagon, the CIA and other US agencies are now pushing the US Justice Department to take serious action against the criminals in Wall Street, Washington and elsewhere. The rigging of financial markets, the bribing of politicians, the murders and lies of the Khazarian mafia are all now coming home to roost.
The US military has also now shut down all the bio-labs manufacturing and spreading disease agents like Bird Flu, SARS, Ebola etc. You can be sure the mass murderers behind the setting up of these labs will see the inside of a jail cell if not the inside of an execution chamber sooner rather than later.
A Washington based source is also telling this writer the US government, minus the Pentagon and agencies, is headed for a total shut down at the end of September. As many have noticed, the official US government debt numbers have not changed since March 15th, meaning they have been cooking their books, a sure sign of bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, it appears this writer has hit some nerves recently. Somebody has been calling from a payphone, saying “Skull and Bones,” and then hanging up. Recently, when a call from a payphone came I said “coward,” before the person could say “Skull and Bones.” He hung up and called back immediately to say that there was a lot of talk in the Tokyo Freemason lodge these days about getting this writer killed. A New York based Freemason also sent an e-mail threating this writer’s daughter. A senior Freemason in London commented that “all this communicating between masons on your case is extremely unprofessional and will have been noticed.”
There has also been a flurry of communications and contacts directed at this writer concerning the recent article about heirs to the $30 trillion Manchu historical gold fortune. In the May 4th 2015 issue of this newsletter we wrote “The current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Seung Shik (張勝植).”
Well, now all the people involved in this case have been pointing fingers at each other in a confusing cascade of claims and counter-claims. Zhang Seung Shik claims that Kim Young Hee is not a Manchu heir but is actually Song Seul Hee, an agent who reports to a North Korean general. Kim Young Hee or Song Seul Hee (whoever she may be) claims that Zhang is a petty con artist and says she has reported him to the police.
Meanwhile Mr. K, the senior Chinese agent who made the original introduction claims they are both con artists and apologizes for vouching for them originally. Mr. K also claims that Kim/Song Young/Seul Hee and Zhang are on the run from the police after their boss was arrested recently in South Korea.
However, he says their boss who was arrested was Pu Chao-chi, former top representative of Taiwan in South Korea. Furthermore, Mr. K also introduced yet a third person who claimed to have the genuine documents (a pile 12 centimeters thick) claiming the rights to the $30 trillion worth of Manchu gold. It seems claiming the rights to $30 trillion has triggered lots of intrigue and counter-intrigue.
Of course, to put things into perspective, the Bank of Japan, the South Korean Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank are themselves all ultimately based on fraud and stolen historical fortunes. Until recently, they have simply been in positions of enough power to arrest anybody else trying to do the same thing they are doing.
In any case, even if any of these individuals is, in a legalistic sense, the heir to a $30 trillion fortune, clearly such a big sum really should belong to the people of the planet and not some individual, no matter how prestigious their lineage may be. So, this writer has proposed that the claimants put the $30 trillion into the White Dragon Foundation he has set up.
If the funds are put there, the WDF will immediately hold a press conference to ask for help in setting up a system whereby the people of the planet can decide how to spend the money on the basis of one person, one vote. It would certainly be a better system than the gangster controlled one operating now.
We would also like to point out here that we have been contacted by a man who claims he cuts people’s fingers off one joint at a time in order to extract information before wrapping their bodies in lead and dumping them in the ocean. He says he has worked for the Chairman of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank.
We asked the bank at their headquarters to respond to these claims but they refused to. We have his phone number and name card for reference. The point being made here is what does it tell you about the current state of the world’s banking system if that is the sort of person you need to go through in order to be introduced to a senior banker?

Thursday, September 17, 2015


(Go to Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents to find Gold Proclamation #4074, 1971 to see that Nixon Removed the Gold backing!)



They aren't raising rates because we'll be in an asset backed currency soon. They'll wait until the dust settles and the world revalues. is logical if we remain Fiat but we will not. We may even exchange into asset backed funds. The FED is lost. Most market analysts are lost. Unlike the change to Fiat in 1971 when we controlled so much if the world market, the world markets now control us to a great degree. We are by no means doomed, but we have many, many more partners to deal with. The sooner these old farts in Washington admit this, the faster we will be able to react and adjust.


Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile
September 17, 2015

First of all, I really want to say thanks to all of our extremely kind and thoughtful readers who emailed us to make sure that we’re all OK.
If you hadn’t heard, there was a rather substantial earthquake in Chile yesterday that made international news.
While the horses may still be a bit spooked, our team is fine, the farms are fine, and we very much appreciate the kind words and thoughts.
If this were a different country my answer could have been dramatically different.
Yesterday’s earthquake measured an 8.3 at its epicenter with a very shallow depth of just 11 kilometers.
Parenthetically, a lot of people think that the intensity of an earthquake is just its score on the Richter scale, but in fact there are many other factors involved.
Shallow earthquakes can be much more destructive even with a lower magnitude, and 11 kilometers is considered quite shallow. So this one was pretty big.
A few months ago an earthquake of lesser magnitude struck Nepal and devastated much of the country… because they weren’t prepared.
In Chile it’s different.
Earthquakes are just part of the deal when you live here. So even when powerful earthquakes strike, the impact is not ruinous.
They don’t ignore the risks.
My own house was specifically designed to withstand powerful earthquakes, and we built in strong cross-bracing and other countermeasures.
It’s no accident that it’s still standing this morning.
Coincidentally, while my house was shaking last night, hopefuls for the US presidency debated last night about how to make America great again.
They spent three hours bickering and quibbling while nary a word was spoken about the real challenges.
Right now nearly every Western government is completely bankrupt.
This is not hyperbole-- these are facts ripped from the pages of their own financial reports.
Most Western central banks are borderline insolvent, again based on their own published balance sheets.
Western banking systems are dangerously illiquid, and pension systems around the world are fraudulently underfunded.
It took decades to get into this mess, and it’s a total farce to believe that the way out is to simply go down to the voting booth and cast a ballot.
It’s even more insane to think that after generations of bad decisions that a single person can restore grandeur and prosperity in a few months, or even years, especially when almost everything the government does makes things worse.
Again, the numbers paint a very clear picture here.
Since 2008, US official debt has doubled, and their own budget projections show they have no plan to pay down a penny of it. Ever.
And how can they, when the government blows through almost all of its tax revenue just on entitlement programs and interest on the debt?
They could eliminate entire departments of government and still not make a dent in the budget deficit.
As I wrote to you yesterday, the only ‘solution’ is to default-- either default on the people who loaned America money, or default on their obligations to the American people.
Either way, a lot of people are getting the shaft.
Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of other people’s stupidity. Remember that rational people have a Plan B, especially in light of such obvious risks.
If all the objective data shows that your government is completely insolvent, and that your banking system is dangerously illiquid, why would you keep 100% of your money there?
Instead, it probably makes sense to consider moving at least a portion of your savings to a safe, stable banking system overseas in a country that has no debt. (Yes it exists!)
Even if you want to believe they can still fix everything, it’s hard to imagine that you’ll be worse off for taking sensible steps to prepare for reality.
Here in Chile, they don’t ignore the obvious risk of earthquakes.
In the developed West, however, people are ignoring what could turn out to be some of the biggest risks of their lives.
You can’t fix your broken government.
But with a little bit of awareness and a few sensible steps, you can ensure that no matter how strong the force, your house will always remain standing.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black




September 17 2015

THEY’VE been bombed, shot at, and intimidated for 60 years. But the Sheahans don’t want to give up their land to the “neighbours from hell.”
The family own the 400 acre Groom Mine, which overlooks Area 51, one of America’s most closely guarded military secrets and a mecca for UFO spotters and conspiracy theorists from all over the world.

Located in the Nevada Desert, the military base officially known as “The Nevada Test and Training Range” borders on the Sheahan’s property, which has been in the family since 1889.

The family’s allegations range from illegal government searches and checkpoints to military jet attacks on the mine and a devastating cancer cluster that has seen the premature deaths of several members.

But the final straw — and the one that drove the Sheahans to end an extraordinary six decades of silence — came last month when the US Air Force (USAF) gave them an ultimatum: sell up for $5.2m or watch it seized and destroyed for free.

The family turned them down, claiming the offer was less than half the true value of the land and didn’t come close to compensating for Area 51’s legacy of disease and lost livelihood.

Last week, USAF filed a lawsuit seeking to have the property condemned to speed up acquisition. If successful, the Sheahans will be left with nothing.

“We really didn’t want to come public, but the air force has forced us into it,” Dan Sheahan, who co-owns the mine with cousins Joe Sheahan and Barbara Sheahan-Manning, told Las Vegas Now.

“We want them to know what they have done over the last 60 years to our family is not acceptable.”

The Sheahans say they’ve been held at gunpoint at military checkpoints on the way in and out of their property, which has been in the family since the 1880s. Picture: Facebook
The Sheahans say they’ve been held at gunpoint at military checkpoints on the way in and out of their property, which has been in the family since the 1880s
The titanium A-12 spy plane prototype is mounted onto a pylon for radar cross section tests at Area 51 in an undated photo. Picture: Facebook
The titanium A-12 spy plane prototype is mounted onto a pylon for radar cross section tests at Area 51 in an undated photo. 

The USAF says it wants the land because, after decades of escorting family members in and out of the highly-restricted space, it can no longer ensure their safety.

“We’ve tried to do everything we can, include cancelling missions when they come out,” senior air force commander Colonel Thomas Dempsey said. “And that’s a tremendous expense to taxpayers.”

But Joe Sheahan told CNN that couldn’t be further from the truth. “I didn’t create this mess, they did,” he said. “They surrounded us. We’re tired of running, tired of hiding. I think that they’re capping off 60-plus years of nothing short of criminal activity.

“What they really want to buy is our property, our access rights and our view. We prefer to keep our property, but it’s for sale under the right price at the right conditions. Why don’t they ask themselves what it cost my family over the years in blood, sweat, tears and money?”

The family’s Facebook page describes them as “ardent patriots” who have tried to be “flexible to the requirements of Area 51”.

“In return, we have received nothing but threats and indignant acts by our own government,” it says.

“The acts of the USAF are an abomination of the ideals on which this country was built: that every American has certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and, that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

“It’s time that the USAF upheld this notion.”

The abandoned Groom Mine today. Picture: Facebook
The abandoned Groom Mine today. 
The site that would become known as Area 51 can be seen in the distance in this undated photo. Picture: Facebook
The site that would become known as Area 51 can be seen in the distance in this undated photo. 

The ultra-classified facility has swallowed up close to three million acres of surrounding land since USAF realtors started buying up in the 1940s. It was around this time that Groom Mine property was sprayed with bullets from overhead aircraft in the first effort, the family says, to intimidate them into leaving.

The mine was functioning and prosperous until the mid-50s when the base was built and the USAF started conducting nuclear weapons experiments and U-2 spy plane tests, and amped up the scare tactics.

But the Sheahans stayed, operating a ore processing mill until it mysteriously exploded in 1954, ending production permanently. The family believes the mill was destroyed by an “errant bomb” or “aircraft engine” that fell from the sky. They cite a fire inspector’s letter that “a foreign object or device may have been instrumental.”

They sought compensation from the government but ran out of money to see the lawsuit through. It would be the last time they would use lawyers.

A 1959 letter from Ms Sheahan-Manning’s parents, Daniel and Martha Sheahan, to the then-U.S. Attorney General William P. Rogers blamed the mine’s demise on radioactive fall out and the mill’s destruction process.

The air force had “intentionally using our property for military test purposes and then forcing us to bring suit in order to try to protect ourselves,” the letter stated.

It was the start of a 60 year war between the USAF and the Sheahans, who claim they have been sporadically held at gunpoint while visiting their property.

The Sheahans claim a 1986 environmental study estimated Groom Mine’s worth to be more than US$13 million.

The US air force says it wants the Sheahan land to establish a secure buffer zone for Area 51. Picture: Supplied
The US air force says it wants the Sheahan land to establish a secure buffer zone for Area 51.  The Extraterrestrial highway was established in 1996 and runs along the eastern border of Area 51
The Extraterrestrial highway was established in 1996 and runs along the eastern border of Area 51 



Although the American public has been and is being bombarded with continuous news coverage of the disastrous rollout of the Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges – and the corresponding escalation of costs of health insurance, even for those obtaining subsidies – there are many other aspects of the 2,700 page Obamacare bill and its 20,000 pages of regulations that remain completely “under the radar.” 

Among those provisions that have not generated any news are those that mandate the transformation of our communities, and interfere with our lifestyles and home and work environments. No provision more represents the intention of Obamacare to completely take over our way of life more than Section 4201, entitled “Community Transformation Grants.”1 should alarm everyone.  

Under the provision, the Federal 'government', acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control, will “award grants to State and local governmental agencies and community-based organizations for the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of evidence-based, community, preventive health
activities in order to reduce chronic disease rates, prevent the development of secondary conditions, address health disparities, and develop a stronger evidence base of effective prevention programming.”  

The grants will be used to create “healthier school environments, including increasing healthy food options, physical activity opportunities, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, emotional wellness, prevention curricula, and activities to prevent chronic diseases.” (Sounds great, right?!)

The Section further provides that, outside of schools, the grants will be used to create “the infrastructure to support active living and access to nutritious foods in a safe environment.” They will be used to develop and promote “programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, improve social and emotional wellness, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority identified by the entity receiving a grant.”

The provision also demands that the grantee assess and implement “worksite wellness programming and incentives,” “highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues,” and implement “strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health.”

Simply speaking, the grants will be used to “transform communities” into what the Federal 'government' prescribes. 

Rest assured, it will be a freedom-restricting nightmare of “dos” and “don’ts” and behavior modification rules, implemented by unelected, Federally-financed community planners. (Remember bozo's comment that Americans are not able to manage their own lives and affairs?!)

What is so curious – and absurd – is that Obamacare’s mandate of “community rating” and guaranteed health insurance destroys any incentive for anyone to take care of himself/herself because their health insurance premiums will no longer be predicated upon their good health and well-being.  He/she must pay the rate of those with the poorest health and habits. 

Now Obamacare will expend billions of tax dollars in an effort to “force” individuals to eat right, exercise and have healthy habits. (according to some pip squeaks ideas - NOT yours.)
Has there ever been a more incredible leap in Federal power? Obamacare places the Federal 'government' in the position of determining who gets health care and who does not. (You DO understand that this is NOT your rightful government but a private defunct corporation of self-styled 'elitists' who are running your lives literally in to their Nazi death camps???  WHY do Americans continue to allow these traitors to rule and reign over them?)

Health care will be offered to certain groups so as to “reduce racial and ethnic disparities.” That means the 'government' will choose who gets health care and who does not. It seeks to control what restaurants serve and what any food service may provide. It will even make it difficult for groceries to offer certain foods. It will direct how we work and where. (How does a rent free cot in a FEMA death camp appeal to you?)
Defenders (Nazi commie promoters) of Obamacare will claim that Section 4201 only provides grants, and there is nothing mandatory about it. States and “community organizations,” like ACORN (that name sound familiar? bozo?), it must be understood, routinely take those grants and perform the requirements. They will do so here.  

This provision represents the sum of everything the Left has agitated for over the last 60 years. These Obamacare grants are meant to be given to organizations like ACORN, the SEIU and other leftist entities. Once the “evidence-based community evaluations” are complete, the provision calls for their “implementation” by not just the Federal and State governments but by these community organizations.

In this age where the Federal 'government' acts as though it has no Constitutional or the legal boundaries, Section 4201 poses a significant threat to every citizens’ personal freedoms, home life and work, as well as privacy.

Kent Masterson Brown has practiced law for nearly 40 years from offices in Lexington, Kentucky and Washington, DC.  Emphasizing the practice of Constitutional and administrative law, Mr. Brown has prosecuted some of the notable cases challenging Federal and State 'government' abuse of power, including the successful challenge to open up the meetings and records of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Health Care Task Force in 1993-1994, leading to the defeat of the Clinton Health Security Act of 1993. 

WHEN are Americans going to rise up and defend themselves from those who have usurped the TRUE government of this nation, and who have only our demise in their plans?????