Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Shocking Experience!!!!

Sent to us by a faithful reader for your enjoyment and lots of laughs!!!.....


Last weekend I saw something at The Army Disposal Shop that sparked my interest. I was looking for a little something different for my wife.  What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized Tazer.

The effects of the Tazer were supposed to be short lived, with no long term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to safety...??


Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! I was disappointed.  I learned, however, that if I pushed the button and pressed it against a metal surface at the same time, I'd get the blue arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.

AWESOME!!! Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Suzanne what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave.

Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two AAA batteries, right?

There I sat in my recliner.  My cat Nigella looking on intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh and blood moving target.

I must admit I thought about zapping Nigella (for a fraction of a second) and then thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong?

So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a singlet with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand and Tazer in another.

The directions said that:
- a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant;
- a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; and
- a three-second burst would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water.
- Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the batteries.

All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring about 5" long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference (loaded with two itsy, bitsy AAA batteries); pretty cute really, and thinking to myself, 'no possible way!'

What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll do my best.
I'm sitting there alone, the cat looking on with her head cocked to one side so as to say, 'Don't do it stupid,' reasoning that a one second burst from such a tiny lil ole thing couldn't hurt all that bad. I decided to give myself a one second burst just for heck of it.

I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and...


I'm pretty sure Hulk Hogan ran in through the side door, picked me up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the carpet, over and over and over again.

I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire, testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position and tingling in my legs!

Note:  If you ever feel compelled to 'mug' yourself with a Tazer, one note of caution:

The cat was making meowing sounds I had never heard before, clinging to a picture frame hanging above the lounge, obviously in an attempt to avoid getting slammed by my body flopping all over the living room.

A three second burst would be considered conservative!

There is NO such thing as a one second burst when you zap yourself!  You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor!

A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape.

· My bent reading glasses were on the top of the TV.

· The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so from where it originally was.

· My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were still twitching.

· My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs.

· I had no control over the drooling.

· I saw a faint smoke cloud above my head, which I believe came from my hair.

· Apparently I had crapped in my shorts, but was too numb to know for sure, and my sense of smell was gone.

I'm still looking for my testicles and I'm offering a significant reward for their safe return!

PS: My wife can't stop laughing about my experience.  She loved the gift and now regularly threatens me with it!

Moral to this story:  Don't zap yourself!!!

Image result for disheveled old man

They Can’t Explain What Happened 30 Minutes Later

Parents Forced to Say Goodbye to 18-Month-Old Baby as Doctors Remove Life Support. They Can’t Explain What Happened 30 Minutes Later.

The Inlaw(s) from he*l





Want to smile, this is outstanding

Want to smile, this is outstanding

Inspiring.... AND a good idea for all of us to consider this time next year.

  … this is heartwarming…and a Merry Christmas

to all. 

Unique traffic stops in Kansas City, Missouri bring drivers to tears. Watch last night's

Who tries to come to ashore

Who Tries To Come Ashore


the Sentinelese tribe

Saturday, December 26, 2015 6:00
North Sentinel Island, located in the Bay of Bengal, between Myanmar and Indonesia, is home to an isolated tribe that has never been colonized or even made contact with. These people are one of the last Stone Age tribes on Earth whose culture has been completely untouched by modern civilization.
Despite the fact that the island formally belongs to India, no one dares to visit it and approach the Sentinelese tribe. The reason is their extreme violence and hostility – anyone who has ever tried to come ashore the island was attacked or even killed.

Contacts with the Sentinelese tribe

In 1896, a Hindu convict escaped from the prison but had a bad luck to ground on North Sentinel on a makeshift raft. As a result, his body was found a few days later on a beach, perforated by arrows and with the throat cut.
On August 2, 1981, when the ship Primrose ran aground on the North Sentinel Island reef, the crew noticed men on the beach who were carrying arrows and spears. The captain tried to use radio communication to ask for help, but did not receive it. Fortunately, the crew was lucky enough to be kept away from the island by the troubled waters and rescued by helicopter a few days later.
Survival International reported late last year that it had received reports that fishermen are targeting the area, with seven men being apprehended by the Indian Coast Guard.
One of the fishermen reportedly stepped foot on the island in close proximity to the tribe’s members, and he managed to leave unscathed.
Survival International, which advocates for tribal peoples’ rights, describes the Sentinelese as ‘the most vulnerable society on the planet’ as they are likely to have no immunity to common diseases such as flu and measles.
Due to their complete isolation, the chances of them being wiped out by an epidemic are very high, according to the organization.
After the catastrophic Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004, the Indian government sent a helicopter to check on the Sentinelese tribe. It’s curious that the North Sentinel Island and its inhabitants were almost unaffected while some nearby islands suffered heavy damage.
When the helicopter hovered over a group of tribesmen, they were throwing stones and shooting arrows at it.
On January 26, 2006, two men were killed when fishing illegally in the area. A coastguard helicopter tried to retrieve their bodies but was unable to land because of a shower of arrows from the locals.

What else is known about the Sentinelese tribe

The Sentinelese are believed to have lived on the island for 60,000 years! After this unthinkable period of time in isolation, it’s no surprise that they are so hostile to outsiders, which may be due to past conflicts with the outside world. In order to protect the Tribe and prevent unnecessary violence, the Indian government has also made it illegal to approach it closer than three miles.
Due to the inability to study the tribe and the island, we don’t know much about them. It is estimated that the tribe counts between 50 and 400 members and lives exclusively by hunting and gathering. Though it is difficult to observe the island from the air because of the dense tree cover, it is established that the Sentinelese are not familiar with agriculture.
Their drive to protect their culture from the outside world is probably the reason they have survived in isolation for so many years. Who knows how long they will manage to live in the middle of the ocean without having the slightest interest in the “civilized” rest of the world. And perhaps being without contact with us is a good thing. 


Switzerland to vote on banning banks from creating money

Switzerland to vote on banning banks from creating money

Referendum on radical proposal to give central banks sole money creation power will be held after petition gains 110,000 signatures 

90pc of all money in circulation in Switzerland is "electronic" money Photo: Getty

Obama signature on present Middle East 'chaos'

Obama signature on present Middle East 'chaos'


'Hundreds of thousands' dead after 'dramatic shift in foreign policy toward Muslim world'

December 26 2015

Thousands of refugees flee Syria (Photo: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

Thousands of refugees flee Syria (Photo: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

The civil war in Syria could trigger a global conflict, as did Sarajevo in 1914, largely because of the “apocalyptic” aims of the “moderate Islamists” Obama has been supporting, according to a variety of observers.

“The world is presently teetering on the edge of World War III,” Joel Richardson told WND. “This is not an overly sensationalized statement.”

The bestselling author of “The Islamic Antichrist” is not alone in his opinion.
Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan slammed the anti-Russian stance of many Republican candidates during the most recent presidential debate and warned of the potential for “Syria in 2016 to become what Sarajevo became in 1914, the powder keg that explodes into a world war.”

And political and religious leaders such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Pope Francis and Michele Bachmann have issued recent warnings that World War III could be imminent.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declared, “We are already in World War III.”

And the left-wing website Salon claims the “apocalyptic worldviews” of actors in the Syrian conflict mean it could soon spiral out of control.

Richardson, an evangelist with experience in the Middle East and the director of a documentary on Middle Eastern geopolitics titled “End Times Eyewitness,” contends Barack Obama is “squarely to blame” for the current instability.

“While seeking to cast itself as the dovish yin to the hawkish Bush’s yang, the reality is the new foreign policy implemented by Obama has resulted in the present chaos in the Middle East, leading to the death of literally hundreds of thousands of people, and has pushed the world to the brink of World War III,” Richardson said.

He blames Obama’s “dramatic shift in foreign policy toward the Muslim world.”
“Obama decided that rather than deal with these various dictators in place, we would seek to place so-called moderate Islamist governments in power,” Richardson explained. “Turkey, Obama thought, would be the model. Thus, the toppling of the region’s strongmen began.”

Richardson said “Obama’s Middle East” began with American “meddling” in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Though the Muslim Brotherhood soon fell from power, Richardson argues Obama’s “inferno of change” had more catastrophic effects in Libya, which Richardson calls an “ISIS hellhole.”

“No honest party can justify what we did there,” Richardson said.  Richardson also has his own explanation for the Benghazi attack, the Obama administration’s cover-up and the murder of U.S. State Department officials, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. He sees Syria at the root of the violence in Libya.

“Simply stated, the Benghazi massacre was allowed to cover up the fact that we were using Benghazi to send weapons to the Sunni rebels in Syria,” Richardson alleged. “Why would we do that? Because we were seeking to overthrow Syria’s strong-man, Bashar Assad. Many of these rebels consequently (along with the weapons we were supplying them) went on to join Jabhat Al-Nusra (al-Qaida Syria) or ISIS.”

Syria is seen as the crucial battleground in the emerging global conflict, as a wide array of great powers with disparate agendas are fighting over territory long held to be important in the end times literature of different religions.

ISIS’ version of eschatology even became an issue in the recent Republican presidential debate, when Rick Santorum warned against sending American ground troops into the Syrian town of Dabiq, a town where many Sunnis believe a final battle will be fought between Muslims and “infidels.”

However, Richardson argues much of the conflict in the region is actually driven by a struggle within the Muslim world, with Shiite Iran confronting Sunni Turkey.
He explained: “In an effort to spread its Islamic Revolution, Iran has been using various proxies, or partners in the region, to carry out its work. These proxies include Assad in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and, again, the government of Iraq.
“So while Iran is doing all it can through its proxy-partners, Turkey has emerged as another major regional player with its own neo-Ottoman regional aspirations. It wants to revive the Ottoman Empire and control once again the whole Middle East. Thus, Turkey has been using ISIS as its Sunni alternative to Iran’s proxies. Turkey is also using ISIS against the Kurds in Syria, which are also a thorn in Turkey’s side.”

Turkey is quietly expanding its presence in Northern Iraq and is reportedly providing important logistical support to ISIS. But though Turkey is backing ISIS, Assad is not without allies. Besides Iran, Assad can also count on the support of Russia.  The tensions between Turkey and Russia escalated dramatically when Turkey shot down a Russian plane, an action Russian President Vladimir Putin alleged was motivated by Turkey’s desire to protect its oil trade with ISIS.

The emerging conflict between Turkey and Russia could easily draw in the United States, as Turkey is a member of NATO. And even Democrats have charged the Obama administration’s support for overthrowing Assad is actually helping Islamic extremists and increasing the possibility of war.

A Democrat member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, argued Obama’s foreign policy toward Syria “puts us in that position of a potential direct head-to-head conflict with Russia … a potential World War III situation.” Indeed, some conservative commentators, notably Glenn Beck, have even alleged the United States is acting as a de facto ally of ISIS. Beck recently charged Obama is using ISIS as a “pawn.” Beck claimed Obama’s real goal is “Assad out and to have a proxy war with Iran and Russia,” which he called “shocking” and “infuriating.”

“This is not right-wing conspiracy theory nonsense,” Richardson said of Beck’s claims.  He argued America is continuing to side with Turkey, putting itself on the opposite side of a larger geopolitical struggle with Iran and Russia that could easily turn into a general war.  “With Russia having entering the Middle East, everything has changed,” he warned. “The ante has been upped dramatically. This conflict is no longer one of proxies, but is slowly developing into a genuine regional war. 

So the Turkish downing of a Russian plane and the subsequent rhetoric is not to be ignored. The United States, of course, continues to side with Turkey; it’s a NATO ally. In fact, through NATO, we are obligated to side with Turkey. And so, now we are not simply at odds with Iran, but also with Russia.”

Carl Gallups, a pastor and author of “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” said the present instability in the Middle East and possibility of global conflict is leading “an increasing number of people to wake up to the fact the beginnings of World War III may be staring us in the face.”

“Many students of Bible prophecy see the possibility of a building global war scenario (especially centered around Muslim donation attempts, Middle East turmoil and the attempted destruction of Israel) as a direct link to the soon return of Jesus Christ,” Gallups told WND.

Gallups said the intervention of Russia and even China in Middle Eastern affairs is an ominous sign. “For several centuries, biblical commentators have speculated that an end times global war would involve Russia and perhaps China,” Gallups said. “To my knowledge, the world has never seen Russian and Chinese military equipment, troops, and naval fleets in the Middle East at the same time (and even with a level of cooperation) until now. And, of course, all of this is happening in the days in which Israel has returned to the land – a 2,500-year-old direct fulfillment of biblical end times prophecy.”

Richardson said the seriousness of the situation can’t be overstated. “There are over 200,000 dead in Syria,” he said. “Over 5 million refugees. Europe in crisis. The world is teetering on the edge of a legitimate world war. This is where we presently find ourselves.”

Gallups told WND, “It is practically impossible for any biblically literate person to miss what is happening right before our eyes.” He explained: “Israel is back in the land and surrounded by enemies on every side, the nations of the world (including the U.S.) are turning their backs on Israel, Islamic terrorism is melding into a possible World War III scenario, and the nations of Ezekiel 38 are continually building the coalition prophesied in that passage. And now Russia and China have arrived in the Middle East.”

Gallups admitted Christians are divided on eschatology and critical questions such as the identity of the Antichrist. But he said one thing he knows for sure: “We are living in very prophetic times.”

Preparing For More Fireworks in 2016

Empire of Chaos Preparing For More Fireworks in 2016

December 25, 2015
By Pepe Escobar
Information Clearing House 

In his seminal 'Fall of Rome: And the End of Civilization,' Bryan Ward-Perkins writes, "Romans before the fall were as certain as we are today that their world would continue forever.  They were wrong. We would be wise not to repeat their complacency.”

The Empire of Chaos, today, is not about complacency. It’s about hubris – and fear. Ever since the start of the 'Cold War', the crucial question has been who would control the great trading networks of Eurasia - or the “heartland”, according to Sir Halford John Mackinder (1861–1947), the father of geopolitics.
We could say that for the Empire of Chaos, the game really started with the CIA-backed coup in Iran in 1953, when the US finally encountered, face to face, that famed Eurasia crisscrossed for centuries by the Silk Road(s), and set out to conquer them all.
Only six decades later it’s clear there won’t be an American Silk Road in the 21st century but rather just like its ancient predecessor, a Chinese one. Beijing’s push for what it calls “One Belt, One Road” is inbuilt in the 21st century conflict between the declining empire and Eurasia integration. 
Key subplots include perennial NATO expansion and the empire’s obsession in creating a war zone out of the South China Sea.

As the Beijing-Moscow strategic partnership analyses it, the oligarchic 'elites' who really run the Empire of Chaos are bent on the encirclement of Eurasia – considering they may be largely excluded from an integration process based on trade, commerce and advanced communication links.

Beijing and Moscow clearly identify provocation after provocation, coupled with relentless demonization. But they won’t be trapped, as they’re both playing a very long game.

Russian President Vladimir Putin diplomatically insists on treating the West as “partners”. But he knows, and those in the know in China also know, these are not really “partners”....

- Not after NATO’s 78-day bombing of Belgrade in 1999. 
- Not after the purposeful bombing of the Chinese Embassy. 
- Not after non-stop NATO expansionism. 
- Not after a second Kosovo in the form of an illegal coup in Kiev. 
- Not after the crashing of the oil price by Gulf petrodollar US clients. 
- Not after the Wall Street-engineered crashing of the ruble. 
- Not after US and EU sanctions. 
- Not after the smashing of Chinese A shares by US proxies on Wall Street. 
- Not after non-stop saber rattling in the South China Sea. - Not after the shooting down of the Su-24.

It’s only a thread away

A quick rewind to the run-up towards the downing of the Su-24 is enlightening. Obama met Putin. Immediately afterwards Putin met Khamenei. Sultan Erdogan had to be alarmed; a serious Russian-Iranian alliance was graphically announced in Teheran. That was only a day before the downing of the Su-24.

France’s Hollande met Obama. But then Hollande met Putin. Erdogan was under the illusion he fabricated the perfect pretext for a NATO war, to be launched following Article 5 of the NATO Charter. Not by accident failed state Ukraine was the only country to endorse – in haste – the downing of the Su-24. Yet NATO itself recoiled – somewhat in horror.  The empire was not ready for nuclear war.  At least not yet. 

Napoleon knew history turns on a slender thread. As much as Cold War 2.0 remains in effect,  we were and will remain, just a thread away from nuclear war.

Whatever happens in the so-called Syrian peace process, the proxy war between Washington and Moscow will continue. Hubristic US Think-Tank Land  can’t see it any other way.

For exceptionalist neocons and neoliberalcons alike, the only digestible endgame is a partition of Syria. The Erdogan system would gobble up the north. Israel would gobble up the oil-rich Golan Heights. And House of Saud proxies would gobble up the eastern desert.

Russia literally bombed all these elaborate plans to ashes because the next step after partition would feature Ankara, Riyadh – and a “leading from behind” Washington – pushing a Jihadi Highway all the way north to the Caucasus as well as Central Asia and Xinjiang (there are already at least 300 Uyghurs fighting for ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.) When all else fails, nothing like a Jihadi Highway plunged as a dagger in the body of Eurasia integration.

In the Chinese front, whatever “creative” provocations the Empire of Chaos may come up with, they won’t derail Beijing’s aims in the South China Sea – that vast basin crammed with unexplored oil and gas wealth and prime naval highway to and from China. Beijing is inevitably configuring itself by 2020 as a formidable haiyang qiangguo – a naval power.

Washington may supply $250 million in military “aid” to Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia for the next two years ('Washington' is broke - bankrupt - but there is always money to give out to immigrants, illegals, and other nations but NOT to the Americans from whom they are stealing this money), but that’s mostly irrelevant. 

Whatever “creative” imperial ideas would have to take into account, for instance the DF-21D “carrier killer” ballistic missile with a 2,500 km range and capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

On the economic front, Washington-Beijing will remain prime proxy war territory. Washington pushes the TPP – or NATO on trade pivoting to Asia? It’s still a Sisyphean task because the 12 member nations need to ratify it, not least the US featuring an extremely hostile Congress.

Against this American one-trick pony, Xi Jinping, for his part, is deploying a complex three-pronged strategy - China’s own counterpunch to the TPP, the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) - the immensely ambitious “One Belt, One Road”; and the means to finance a tsunami of projects, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) – the Chinese counter-punch to the World Bank and the US-Japan-controlled Asian Development Bank (ADB).

For Southeast Asia, for instance, the numbers tell the story. Last year China was the top ASEAN partner to the tune of $367 billion. This will grow exponentially with One Belt, One Road – which will absorb $200 billion in Chinese investment up to 2018.

Heart of Darkness – revisited

Prospects for Europe are nothing but bleak. French-Iranian researcher Farhad Khosrokhavar has been one of the few who identified the crux of the problem. A jihadi reserve army across Europe will continue to feed on batallions of excluded youth in poor inner cities. There is no evidence EU neoliberalcons will be fostering sound socio-economic policies to extract these alienated masses from the ghettos, employing new forms of socialization.

So the escape route will continue to be a virus-like version of Salafi-jihadism, sold by wily, PR-savvy profiteers as a symbol of resistance; the only counter-ideology available on the market. Khosrokhavar defined it as the neo-umma – an “effervescent community that never existed historically”, but now openly inviting any young European, Muslim or otherwise, afflicted by an identity crisis.

In parallel, on our way into a full 15 years of the endless neocon war against independent states in the Middle East, the Pentagon will be turbo-charging an unlimited expansion of some of its existing bases – from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa to Irbil in Iraqi Kurdistan - into “hubs”.

From sub-Saharan Africa to Southwest Asia, expect a hub boom, all of them merrily hosting Special Forces. 

The operation was described by Pentagon supremo Ash “Empire of Whining” Carter as “essential” “Because we cannot predict the future, these regional nodes – from Moron, Spain to Jalalabad, Afghanistan – will provide forward presence to respond to a range of crises, terrorist and other kinds. These will enable unilateral crisis response, counter-terror operations or strikes on high-value targets.”

It’s all here: unilateral Exceptionalistan in action against anyone who dares to defy imperial diktats.

From Ukraine to Syria, and all across MENA (Middle East and North Africa), the proxy war between Washington and Moscow, with higher and higher stakes, won’t abate. 

Imperial despair over the irreversible Chinese ascent also won’t abate. 

As the New Great Game picks up speed, and Russia supplies Eurasian powers Iran, China and India with missile defense systems beyond anything the West has, get used to the new normal; Cold War 2.0 between Washington and Beijing-Moscow.

I leave you with Joseph Conrad, writing in Heart of Darkness: "There is a taint of death, a flavor or mortality in lies....To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe....We could not understand because we were too far and could not remember, because we were traveling in the night of first ages, of those ages that are gone, leaving hardly a sign - and no memories...”


benjamin_fulford_3BENJAMIN FULFORD - FULL ARTICLE FOR                DECEMBER 21 2015
Financial power struggle intensifies as IMF head criminally charged immediately after IMF announces reforms

The International Monetary Fund last week made a big push to position its SDR currency as a replacement for the US dollar. The US Congress finally (after 5 years foot-dragging) approved IMF voting reform, diluting G7 power, after which the organization announced it was doubling its money to 477 billion SDR (US$660 billion) from 238 billion SDR (about $330 billion).

Somebody apparently was not pleased because, immediately after this announcement, French police pressed criminal charges against IMF head Christine Lagarde.

The last IMF head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested on trumped up rape charges and dismissed from office when he tried to push the SDR as a US dollar replacement. The CIA was behind that operation, according to CIA sources. Let us see if Lagarde does any better.

Another sign the US dollar and the people who control it are involved in high level financial warfare was the rate hike announced by the US Federal Reserve Board last week. The official reason for the rate hike, a strong US economy, was a bold faced lie as all real economic indicators show the US economy remains in a tailspin. 

Furthermore, this rate hike will have the effect of taking money from small banks who lend to real businesses to the big banks who control the Fed and whose main business is gambling. 

The real reason for this rate hike was to protect the no-longer American US Dollar, not the US economy. In any case, the rate hike was a failure in that the dollar fell instead of rising. 

Long term interest rates also fell, meaning the market expects deflation and not the supposed inflation the rate hike was supposed to stop.

The US government finally agreeing to dilute its power at the IMF while the Fed raises interest rates are probably connected to US corporate government efforts to stave off bankruptcy. In other words, as a condition for additional funding, the US was forced to hand over de facto control of the IMF and pay more interest to foreigners who own US dollars.

The fact the US sent B52 bombers over Chinese territory last week was also almost certainly connected to high level, secret, negotiations to keep the US corporate government afloat. Essentially, the Americans were yet again using their nuclear war card to try to get a better deal.

Another sign something fundamental has changed is the fact the US government has done a 180 degree about turn in its policy towards Syria last week by supporting a UN resolution that does not call for the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The US and Israel, until now often condemned at the UN by the rest of the world, have shown signs of regime change by voting for a unanimous UN resolution aimed at cutting off ISIS finances. This resolution targets the family of Turkish President Erdogan, the Kurdish Barzani family, the Bush crime family, Israel, Exxon, BP and others. As a Pentagon official put it “it is poetic justice that this unanimous UN vote was chaired by US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, an orthodox Jew.”

The latest US Defense Intelligence Department intelligence also reveals the Bushes and their neo-con buddies have been shipping oil tanker trucks, pickup trucks and other equipment to ISIS from Houston, Texas, Pentagon sources say. The trucks are being modified in Israel and then are sent to the war zone via Turkey and Jordan, they say.

Pentagon generals and rank and file are also becoming increasingly suspicious of US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. Carter was in Turkey recently where he ordered an airstrike in Iraq that killed 25 Iraqi soldiers, the sources say. Carter ordered the attack as punishment for the Iraqis after they refused an offer by him to send special operations troops and Apache helicopters. US special forces were also recently refused entry in Libya, indicating a growing international distrust in their leadership.

The Pentagon officials say Carter’s use of personal e-mails for Department of Defense business may be used as a reason to remove him from office. This is the same thing Hillary Clinton has been under attack for.

In any case, Turkey’s Erdogan has apparently blinked after seeing his Israeli and US allies lose power one by one. Last week Turkey succumbed to universal international pressure and withdrew the troops it has sent into Iraq.

The other Middle Eastern rogue state, Saudi Arabia, continues to struggle desperately for survival. As a part of this, the Saudi government last week announced a 34 nation alliance “against terrorism.” Unfortunately for the Ibn Saud crime family, the most important nations in this so-called coalition denied being a part of it. Pakistan, the only nuclear armed Islamic State, openly denied Saudi claims they were allies.

Indonesia and Malaysia, two other major Islamic powers, are also not planning to militarily support the Saudi regime.

Leaders in most genuine Muslim countries are fully aware the Saudi royal family are not really Muslims but rather members of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.

With oil prices dropping to $30 a barrel and with hedges made at $70 a barrel starting to expire, the Saudis will soon no longer be able to afford the mercenary armies that are keeping them in power. This in turn will affect the big banks like Citibank that rely on recycling Saudi oil money for a large part of their business. Big bankruptcies are expected in January and February in connection with all this.

There are also a series of moves being made against the Khazarian mafia inside the United States. Sheldon Adelson and Rupert Murdoch, two major Khazarin power brokers, have been shown to be using corporate control of the media to tell lies and distort court cases. The New York Times has also been caught deleting important news from its pages.

These revelations all coming out in one week are a sign of a rebellion against corporate distortion of news.
Khazarian attempts to centralize corporate control are also coming under closer scrutiny. For example, a US Justice Department Investigation of the recent attempt by the two chemical giants Dow and Dupont to merge has revealed that Vanguard is the #1 shareholder in both and that another Khazarian front, Blackrock, is also involved. This monopoly creating move is not expected to be approved.

The Chinese also acted to prevent the widely hated Monsanto Corporation, and its Goldman Sachs banker, from getting a monopoly on world food supply by having Chemchina buy the Swiss Agribusiness Syngenta.

Meanwhile on the Russian front, further confirmation came out last week that Vladimir Putin is not exactly real. A Russian FSB agent affiliated with the White Dragon Society, whose company protects Russian oligarchs, has said Putin is just a series of look-alikes who read scripts and pretend to be a powerful leader. The real leader of Russia is now said to be Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Take a look at these pictures of Lavrov and “Putin” and see for yourself which of the two men appears to be in charge:
Then, to confirm the Russian genome has produced plenty of Putin look-alikes, take a look at the photos of “Putin,” one dating from 1920, another from 1941 and another from 2015 here:

The Russians use “Putin” as a symbol of their unified leadership but make no mistake, Russian unity is not dependent on a single, killable, charismatic leader.

Speaking about charismatic leaders, Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is shaping up to be one. His multi-ethnic rainbow cabinet and his call for legalization of marijuana have raised high hopes for his government in Canada. Everybody this writer met there hoped and wished for the best with his new government.

However, during a visit to Canada last week, a member of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service contacted this writer with information about his father Pierre Trudeau. According to this CSIS source, Pierre Trudeau was blackmailed with pedophile charges into ending the use of government owned Bank of Canada money to finance government operations without taxes or debt. Instead, he forced Canada into Babylonian style debt slavery to Khazarian mafia banks. Pedophilia allegations aside, it is a known fact that it was Trudeau who ended the use of Bank of Canada free money to finance the government.

Let us see if Justin will turn out to be just a feel good, look nice stooge or if he will undo his father’s crime. If he fails to return the Bank of Canada to its original mandate, then you can be sure there are members of the Canadian public as well as the police and intelligences services who will make him accountable.

On a final note, it is clear that world trade and markets are not functioning properly now, as oil tankers float around with nowhere to go and as world trade continues to plummet while markets tumble.

Japanese businessmen with extensive operations in China say China’s economy is also in worse shape than government figures show.  Some sort of systemic collapse is taking place in slow motion. This will not happen overnight but, as in the fall of the Soviet Union, looking back it will seem as if an entire politico-economic system collapsed almost instantly. In this case Babylonian debt slavery and mind-control based government (govern=control, ment=mind) will collapse.
