Saturday, April 30, 2016

Trump Releases His Plan for 2nd Amendment


 One common criticism of billionaire businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump is that he far too often speaks in vague generalities and rarely offers specifics about where he stands on the issues.

That is no longer the case, at least regarding his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as Trump just released his official policy position on his campaign website.

“The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon. Period,” the position paper began.

Trump went on to explain that the right to keep and bear arms is a right that pre-exists both the government and the Constitution, noting that government didn’t create the right, nor can it take it away.

He also rightly denoted the Second Amendment as “America’s first freedom,” pointing out that it helps protect all of the other rights we hold dear.

In order to protect and defend that right, Trump proposed tougher enforcement of laws that are already on the books, rather than adding new gun control laws.

Citing a successful program in Richmond, Virginia that sentenced gun criminals to mandatory minimum five-year sentences in federal prison, Trump noted that crime rates will fall dramatically when criminals are taken off the streets for lengthy periods of time.

Trump also proposed strengthening and expanding laws allowing law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves from criminals using their own guns without fear of repercussion from the government.

Noting that many of the recent high-profile shooters (can see shooters had been 'gov' drugged in bland look of eyes and programmed mental state if look closely at pictures) had clear mental problems that should have been addressed, Trump proposed fixing our nation’s broken mental health system by increasing treatment opportunities for the non-violent mentally ill, but removing from the streets those people who pose a danger to themselves and others. (Proven MKUltra, a CIA rogue 'government' operation, was involved in Sandy Hook, the Colorado School shootings and other false flags in America involving young people and guns)

Trump would do away with pointless and ineffective gun and magazine bans, and suggested fixing the current background check system already in place rather than expanding a broken system.

Furthermore, Trump proposed a national right to carry, a national concealed carry reciprocity law that would compel states to recognize the concealed carry permits of any other state, exactly as drivers licenses from anywhere are accepted by all states today.

Finally, Trump would lift the prohibition on military members carrying weapons on military bases and in recruiting centers, allowing trained military members to carry weapons to protect themselves from attacks by terrorists, criminals and the mentally unstable, as we have seen recently.

This is great, and those who cherish our right to keep and bear arms should be pleased by Trump’s stated position on the Second Amendment.

Of course liberal anti-gunners will hate this, but their opinion on the matter is of little concern to us “people of the gun,” of which Donald Trump is apparently one.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter, on various blogs and send to your family and friends in emails to help spread Donald Trump’s official policy position on the Second Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms.

Muslims Work Very Hard To Smuggle In Terrorists

Muslims Work Very Hard To Smuggle Terrorists Into America From Mexico And Conduct Major Massacres Of American Citizens

Muslims are working very hard to smuggle in terrorists from Mexico into the US, to conduct major massacres of American citizens. As we read in one recent report:
Federal prosecutors say a 21-year-old Somali-American planned to open up routes to the U.S. through Mexico so ISIS terrorists based in Syria could penetrate the U.S. border and attack American cities.
The jailed suspect, Guled Ali Omar, awaits trial on charges he conspired with several other Muslims in the Somali community in Minneapolis to join ISIS to fight in jihad against the West.
The FBI secretly recorded Omar and his cell mate discussing several times the possibility of attacks in the U.S, as well as murdering an FBI agent.
Images from the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, as well as that of Osama bin Laden, were found on Omar’s phone.
Most chilling was the account of a plot to help ISIS fighters from Syria infiltrate the U.S. through Mexico, which wouldn’t be hard to do thanks to the lack of border enforcement by the Obama administration.
Under Obama’s loose immigration policies, which allow removable aliens to remain in the country, many illegal immigrants who commit additional crimes while in the U.S. are being ignored, even though local police have urged ICE to take control of criminals in their jails and kick them out of the country.
According to newly obtained government figures, ICE last year opted not to deport but to release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted murderers, more than 900 convicted sex offenders and 12,307 convicted drunk drivers.

Friday, April 29, 2016

“Why Our Children Should Hate Us” – Read the Lance Simmens Article Banned by the Huffington Post

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 9.19.50 AM
Although Lance Simmens has been intimately involved in public life for several decades, you’ve probably never heard of him. As such, a little introduction is needed.
As mentioned, Lance Simmens’ career was spent in public policy. Specifically, he worked for two U.S. Presidents as well as a couple of senators and governors. Since retirement, he’s been a prolific writer, publishing 180 articles at the Huffington Post over the past 8 years. As such, it came as a great shock to him to discover that one of his recent articles was removed by the Huffington Post shortly after publication. It was the first article ever rejected by the online publication, and the unacceptable subject matter was nothing more than a positive review of the banned everywhere documentary VAXXED.
Here’s Lance Simmens describing the ordeal in a recent interview:

He mentions being locked out of his account, but it seems to have been reinstated since I came across a new piece published April 22 titled, Can Berners Become Trumpeters?
His VAXXED article; however, remains missing in action. As such, I bring you the banned Huffington Post article titled, Why Our Children Should Hate Us:
Vaxxed, the controversial documentary alleging a direct causal relationship between vaccines and exponential increases in autism amongst children is a deeply disturbing and hence critically important piece of work that will cause many sleepless nights for parents of infants everywhere.
I had the honor of both watching the film and participating in a discussion afterwards with its Producer, Del Bigtree and Director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It is a must see film and deserves to serve as a catalyst for a national discussion of the role of mandatory vaccines for children and the role of the pharmaceutical industry in government decision-making.
What is equally disturbing, however, is that the film represents another in a cascade of documented allegations calling to task not only the corruption of government regulatory agencies but the corruption of science and scientific method itself. And to the extent that the current Presidential election contest has sparked virulent dissatisfaction with our elected leadership and the institutions of government, we must take this opportunity to seriously question what many had taken for granted: namely, that government has as its most solemn mission the protection of public health, safety and welfare. The film carefully documents decisions by the Centers for Disease Control that lend credence to systemic corruption.
As a father of two millennials, I have been bombarded with what has turned out to be a warranted cynicism, criticism, and rejection of government. As one who devoted nearly 40 years to the promotion of public service and government, I have come to reassess my initial reluctance to such criticisms. The kids have every right to be cynical and critical and as hard as it is for parents to accept it, probably know more than we do.
The corruption of science and scientific method has manifested itself most prominently in recent years with a spate of attempts to deny the existence of global climate change and the role that continued fossil fuel usage plays in accelerating it. This, of course, finds refuge in the stalling tactical maneuvers perfected by the tobacco industry over a half century ago. These “Merchants of Doubt” cast an effective smoke screen that effectively blurs rational thought by an unsuspecting public that would much rather leave it to the experts. And the experts on protecting the public are those we elect to steer the ship of state.
But of late we have seen spineless political chicanery, which I must sadly admit is totally bipartisan, when it comes to issues like fracking and the substitution of natural gas as a purportedly transitional fuel to bridge the gap between coal and renewables. What, in essence, we are doing is substituting one form of greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide with its long-term atmospheric consequences, with a far more potent heat-trapping gas, methane, in the short- and intermediate-term. This is fossil foolishness that will sentence our kids and grandkids to a lifetime of gut-wrenching and maybe irretrievably lesser quality-of-life choices. But the effects will not show up until after those making the decisions have long left their lofty perches within the government.
Fracking is contaminating water supplies and the air we breathe, is causing public health problems and facilitating earthquakes in places that have never even had earthquakes in recorded history, yet the regulatory responses are negligible. While New York State maintains a moratorium on fracking its neighbor Pennsylvania continues to put communities at risk. California—with its tough-talking Governor Jerry Brown loudly decrying climate change and promising to be a world leader on mitigation strategies—is essentially missing in action when it comes to regulating fracking in the Central Valley and even within the city limits of Los Angeles. The inadequacy of California’s regulatory body to place the citizens’ health and safety above industry considerations borders on criminal.
We all witnessed the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, and its dastardly cousin in Porter Ranch, California, that has been described as BP on land, the release of nearly 100,000 metric tons of methane from a leaking natural gas storage well. Yet we merrily proceed to push forward with government-subsidized fossil fuel production policies that benefit the richest corporations known to mankind.
We see government failure and most likely criminal negligence if not outright prosecutable actions on behalf of government officials with regard to the contaminated drinking water in cities like Flint, Michigan, and evidently in cities all across the U.S.
There are crimes against humanity being perpetrated by chemical companies like Monsanto as glyphosates and genetically engineered foods find their ways comfortably into our kitchens and stomachs. Steven Druker, in his seminal book Altered Genes, Twisted Truth has meticulously documented systemic corruption in the Food and Drug Administration.
In Malibu, there is a local effort to address the existence of PCB’s in window caulking in schools yet the school board spends millions of dollars to fight its removal rather than simply remove it. Once again it seems to be far easier to spend money denying the evidence than in fixing the problem. This is obscene and unfortunately the problem extends to schools throughout the country. Why is it we have so little regard for the injuries we are inflicting upon our children?
Last but not least we are witnessing a monumental failure on the part of the Fourth Estate, the media. Bowing to the pressures of deep-pocketed advertisers, the media refuses to even make an attempt at investigative journalism. A glaring exception to this is the case of the Spotlight investigative team at the Boston Globe, which uncovered massive corruption within the Catholic Archdiocese in sheltering child molesters and pedophiles among the priesthood. We celebrate this as an act of great valor, when in essence it ought to be business as usual. This should not be the exception; it should be the norm and the media is abdicating its responsibility to expose the truth and instead prefers the safer course which is to be complicit in the cover-up. Richard Dreyfuss and I recently penned an article calling attention to this complicity here.
I have worked in numerous governmental agencies at senior levels where I attempted to defer to the scientific expertise when contemplating major policy decisions affecting millions of people. To see the systemic corruption that is occurring in government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services including the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration not only makes me sad but it makes me mad.
There has always been an attempt in this nation to balance out the avarice of the private sector with a regulatory framework in the public sector that protects those most vulnerable in society. That balance has been totally upended and as the latest effort on behalf of those involved in Vaxxed shows, we as a society can no longer depend upon our government leaders and institutions to protect us.
We must begin by electing leaders who will restore the balance that is needed to protect at the very least our children. If we do not our legacy to our children will be one punctuated by scorn and anger. In this instance our kids actually know us better than we know ourselves. What a sad commentary on the state of affairs of the human race.
The first thing that strikes you upon reading the article above is that only a small portion of the piece even discusses VAXXED, and yet a mere endorsement of this documentary by a veteran writer who’s been publishing on the Huffington Post for nearly a decade is enough to elicit an article ban.
Which leads us to a couple of followup questions. Is this how the Huffington Post treats its longtime contributors? Are writers not allowed to share their personal opinions about a movie? Or is the issue this movie in particular? Why is this one documentary so threatening? 
It seems like it’s this particular movie, which makes me even more curious to see it. As I wrote in a post published earlier this month, Video of the Day – Producer of Vaccine Documentary Banned From Tribeca Film Festival Speaks Out:
What I’m still having trouble getting my head around is why a documentary that is apparently so easily disproven and full of garbage poses such a threat to so many powerful people. Indeed, the film’s critics should be thrilled about an opportunity to discredit the film publicly, and the total panic generated by the simple screening of a movie is what I find so bizarre and noteworthy.
Perhaps it’s partly due to the following, which was noted in a recent article critical of the film published by the Hollywood Reporter:
It’s all effective, but also purely anecdotal. It’s more interesting to learn that drug manufacturers are protected by federal law from customer lawsuits claiming adverse effects from vaccines, and that injury claims are handled by a particular U.S. court that is commonly known as the “Vaccine Court,” a term that doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.
I haven’t seen this film, but one thing is clear. Some very, very powerful and influential people are terrified of it and are doing everything they can to make sure it never sees the light of day.
Which makes me infinitely more curious.
Here’s the trailer:

04/25/2016 BLM Arson

Statewide Common Law Grand Jury, Oregon, Florida, Nebraska             
Joaquin DeMoreta shared latest Common Law Grand Jury action with you:

“We The People” Burns City, Harney County, Oregon request for what can you do to help.
New video! 04-25-2016 BLM Arson
For more information….

Please proceed accordingly.

Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta-Folch
God Grace Administrator
Statewide Common Law Grand Jury of Florida, Nebraska.

Date:  04/25/2016
Phone: (904) 704 7765
Web Site: Saint Johns County Common Law Grand

NOTICE: The above information is ordered by the Supreme Law of the Land 
Bill of Prohibitions Amendment VI [6] Title: Public Trial 
WHEREFORE: Please share.

Weasel Apparently Shuts Down World's Most Powerful Particle Collider

The Heavenly Fathers' multi-faceted army strikes again; 
He that sits in the heavens laughs: (Psa 2:4a).
Subj: Look what "Weaseled-ln" here!
The Large Hadron Collider uses superconducting magnets to smash sub-atomic particles together at enormous energies.
The Large Hadron Collider uses superconducting magnets to smash sub-atomic particles together at enormous energies.
A small mammal has sabotaged the world's most powerful scientific instrument.
The Large Hadron Collider, a 17-mile superconducting machine designed to smash protons together at close to the speed of light, went offline overnight. Engineers investigating the mishap found the charred remains of a furry creature near a gnawed-through power cable.
A small mammal, possibly a weasel, gnawed-through a power cable at the Large Hadron Collider. i
A small mammal, possibly a weasel, gnawed-through a power cable at the Large Hadron Collider.
Ashley Buttle/Flickr
"We had electrical problems, and we are pretty sure this was caused by a small animal," says Arnaud Marsollier, head of press for CERN, the organization that runs the $7 billion particle collider in Switzerland. Although they had not conducted a thorough analysis of the remains, Marsollier says they believe the creature was "a weasel, probably." (Update: An official briefing document from CERN indicates the creature may have been a marten.)
The shutdown comes as the LHC was preparing to collect new data on the Higgs Boson, a fundamental particle it discovered in 2012. The Higgs is believed to endow other particles with mass, and it is considered to be a cornerstone of the modern theory of particle physics.
Researchers have seen some hints in recent data that other, yet-undiscovered particles might also be generated inside the LHC. If those other particles exist, they could revolutionize researcher's understanding of everything from the laws of gravity, to quantum mechanics.
Unfortunately, Marsollier says, scientists will have to wait while workers bring the machine back online. Repairs will take a few days, but getting the machine fully ready to smash might take another week or two. "It may be mid-May," he says.
These sorts of mishaps are not unheard of, says Marsollier. The LHC is located outside of Geneva. "We are in the countryside, and of course we have wild animals everywhere." There have been previous incidents, including one in 2009, when a bird is believed to have dropped a baguette onto critical electrical systems.
Nor are the problems exclusive to the LHC: In 2006, raccoons conducted a "coordinated" attack on a particle accelerator in Illinois.
It is unclear whether the animals are trying to stop humanity from unlocking the secrets of the universe.
Of course, small mammals cause problems in all sorts of organizations. Yesterday, a group of children took National Public Radio off the air for over a minute before engineers could restore the broadcast.


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia

‘Clinton Cash' -
The book that told stories of questionable money ties and corruption by Clinton.

PLEASE HELP. . . save the plants!

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: A Terrorist Attack By The Usual Suspects

The Chernobyl nuclear reactor after the disaster. Reactor 4

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: A Terrorist Attack By The Usual Suspects

TMR Editor’s Note:
The greatest nuclear disaster of all time on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the city of Pripyat was then located in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union.   This historical fact is extremely significant.  For this carefully planned terrorist operation was one just one prong of multi-pronged attack strategy against the USSR, each of which was designed to cause the breakup of the Soviet Union.[1]
Only when viewing this manufactured calamity through the lens of the history of the collapse of the USSR, and especially the recent Western war against the Ukraine, can the truth be correctly understood.  Nothing happens with catastrophic impact in the Russian Motherland except by the long arm of the Zionist Khazarian clan which covets their ancestral lands.  Those ancestral lands of Khazaria happen to be located in and around the Ukraine and are comprised of large areas of various contiguous countries.
Ukraine Civil War: A Zionist-American Attack On Russia By Fascist Proxies
The report posted below in its entirety on the Chernobyl nuclear disaster represents a critical part of the scheme which was cooked up by the Zionist cabal in Tel Aviv, London and Washington.  One of the best ways to vacate a large geographic area is to stage a major environmental disaster there, just like the same perpetrators did with the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe and the BP Gulf oil spill.  Only in this way can the clandestine plans of their takeover agenda be efficiently implemented.
When the revised history is finally written, the Ukraine will be properly understood as a nation that was the site of a staged nuclear terror operation the likes of which the world had never seen.  That the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe was a quite meticulously preplanned event designed by the Zionist cabal to scare the populace into a pen of compliance is no longer in doubt.  It should be pointed out that Chernobyl is located only a stone’s throw from Kiev, just as Fukushima is a relatively short distance from Tokyo.
The Millennium Report
April 27, 2016
[1] Ukraine, American Jewish Fascists Attacked Russian Speakers!
“Looking back in history, it must be admitted that these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev’s Rus’ (the ancient state of Russia with the capital in Kiev) in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population — a reservation, like Indian reservations in America.”  — Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine

The Chernobyl disaster was a terrorist attack. Article for special services

An article for attorneys and intelligence officers.

In the fall of 1986 the USSR military personnel in the ranks of colonels and candidates, doctors of technical sciences came to the unequivocal conclusion that Chernobyl disaster was a terrorist act, a sabotage. About this was openly reported in military technical Universities of the USSR and it was no secret for the military. For the unprepared reader it was difficult to cover everything and to draw a conclusion. In 1986, it was not known who was the perpetrator and why it was done. Today all is known, publicly available and links to scientific publications can be provided. Due to the fact that now there are many texts about the Chernobyl it is difficult for the unprepared reader to engulf everything and draw a conclusion,so this article does it for him.In accordance with the UN Commission’s report, the Chernobyl disaster began on April 26, 1986 at 1:23:40, when the operator, during the experiment, pressed the button blocking automatic protection of the reactor from overloading. This man died in a hospital from radiation, not realizing what was his fault. No one still has explained to the population the objective picture of why the reactor exploded when the button was pressed, and what were the results of the investigation.
Information for lawyers and intelligence officers all over the world. Information about the explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) from the military technical experts.
The explosion of the Chernobyl NPP
In nature chemical element Uranium consists of two isotopes: 0.7% of the isotope of atomic weight 235, the rest is an isotope with an atomic weight of 238. Fuel is the only isotope of uranium-235. During capture (absorption) of a neutron by a nucleus of uranium-235 it becomes unstable and almost immediately splits into two, mostly unequal parts, with the release of large amounts of energy. In each act of fission, the released amount of energy is millions times more than the combustion of a molecule of oil or gas. In such a large reactor as Chernobyl, when working at full power, it burns down about four kilograms of uranium per 24 hours.
Usually in power reactors they use not natural, but enriched Uranium by the isotope-235. Mostly, it’s uranium-238 and therefore a significant amount of neutrons is absorbed by it. The nucleus of uranium-238, after absorption of a neutron, becomes unstable and via dual decomposition is converted into chemical element plutonium-239, which is also able to split during absorption of thermal neutrons same as Uranium-235. Properties of Plutonium as a fuel are different from Uranium and at a sufficiently large accumulation, after prolonged operation of the reactor, they slightly change the physics of the reactor. The services of nuclear station periodically replace the depleted fuel elements which is recorded in the logs of the station.
There was nothing outstanding in the test program of the reactor; it was just a normal test program to check the status of the turbine and its bearings. The program received fame only in connection with the accident that occurred when using it.
There is no technical connection between the accident and the test program. Testing of the reactor on the one hand masks the diversion with the acts of the personnel, on the other hand the key stage is the last one: the reactor stopping at a given time.
If prior to testing, automatic triggering of the protection system had happened by itself, the accident would have happened just the same.
Having considered all the documents, the Commission’s investigation found no variations from the normal parameters, not until the moment of pushing the emergency protection button (AZ). Centralized control systems, in particular, the program DREG did not register until 01 hour 23 minutes and 40 seconds before pressing the AZ, any changes in the parameters of operation of the reactor devices and there were no technical reasons for the activation of the emergency protection system in automatic mode without operator intervention.
The State Board of Atomic Industry Supervision Gospromnadzor under the chairmanship of Brunsh Valery Ottovich collected and analyzed a large number of materials and, as written in the report, was unable to establish a reliable cause of tripping AZ in automatic mode. Thus, the reactor was stifled upon completion of work by the operator himself.
At 01hr.23 min.40s was registered pushing the button of AZ reactor to stifle the reactor after stopping of work. This button is used both in emergencies and in normal conditions to stop the reactor. The rods of the control system and protection system (CPS) in the amount of 187 pieces went into the active zone and by all canons had to interrupt the chain reaction, but it never happened.
At 1hr 23 min. 43 sec. was registered the appearance of alarm signals of excess capacity and reduction of the period of acceleration of the reactor (big speed increase power). These signals should trigger the core system and the AZ rods should go into the core, but they come from pressing the AZ. There are other emergency signs and signals: capacity growth, increased pressure in the cooling system, etc.
At 1hr. 23 min.47s. there was an explosion which shook the whole building, and after 1-2 sec there was an even more powerful explosion. The rods AZ have stopped not having passed half way. In such everyday settings the RBMK-1000 reactor of the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was blown up by the button of emergency protection (AZ) in seven seconds. The operators of the station in principle were unable to do anything.
The RBMK reactor is geometrically large. Its separate parts can behave as independent reactors. If AZ is triggered, when a large number of rods simultaneously go into the zone, in the lower part of the zone a local critical mass can be created by the rods and a nuclear explosion may occur.
When the rod of the protection system is still in an intermediate position, the water from the bottom of the channel is already squeezed out and activation of the fuel at the bottom begins. I.e. during the motion of the rods down at the initial stage of plugging of the reactor, on the contrary they begin to activate the reactor and only then they jam it. When a reactivity margin is large, the system of emergency protection (AZ) copes with its purpose. When it’s small, it fails. AZ can bring in positive reactivity and according to the estimations after the accident, in the amount of “up to one beta”. Only after 5 to 6 seconds the protection begins to fulfill its purpose and suppresses the reactor. The reactor exploded on the seventh second.
Reference: “the Value to one of the beta” – meaning the multiplication factor of neutrons is greater than one. About the physical principles of operation of a nuclear reactor, see page in the network [1].
On April 26, 1986, after clicking AZ button, protection went off at full volume and blew up the reactor.
In 1975, at the first unit of Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, during exiting for power after tripping AZ, an accident has occurred with rupture of the technological channel due to overheating of a small part of the active zone. To reduce the power in this part by immersing the rods here and retrieving them in other places was not possible.
Thus, 10 years prior to the Chernobyl accident, scientific workers of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and the Dollejalle Scientific Research Construction Institute of Electric Technology in Moscow knew about the effect that occurs during lowering of AZ rods and acceleration of the reactor at the initial stage of its stopping.
Technical justification for upgrading was put down on paper and of course it became known to the interested persons in the USSR and the USA, who have had sufficient time to test and mathematically model the accident. They could mathematically calculate the formation of a local critical mass in the lower portion of the core and at a certain fuel composition predict its explosion.
The acceleration of the reactor, which happened on the night of 26 April, was fundamentally impossible during normal content of the fuel. That is, if the fuel reactor corresponded to the regulations, then such acceleration of the reactor in any case would not have happened, and it wouldn’t have exploded.
In the active zone was deliberately introduced fuel of additional emergency composition – from nuclear submarines with a large production of plutonium 239. Information about this was openly published by a nuclear physicist Nikolay Kravchuk. Nikolay Kravchuk graduated from the Department of theory of the atomic nucleus physics faculty of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state University and conclusions were reviewed by the Professor, doctor of technical Sciences I. A. Kravets and doctor of physics and mathematical Sciences V. A. Wyszynski.
From April1 through April 23, 1986 “the stat of the active reactor zone has changed significantly. Such changes have occurred not accidentally, but were the result of well planned, implemented in advance actions”, says Kravchuk: “On the fourth unit was contained the maximum amount of radioactive materials up to 1.500 Mki. By the time of testing, the reactor was in an extremely unstable state with power drops. In addition, in some cells of the reactor there was more highly enriched fuel from nuclear submarines (plutonium-239)”. [3], [4].
Thus, lawyers need to fix the conclusion of technicians:
A small portion of the active zone of the reactor has exploded as a result of immersion of the graphite rods to stop the reactor. Instead of reducing the activity area there has been a sharp increase in the activity at the initial stage of immersion rods with abnormal fuel in the reactor, which was the technical cause of the explosion of the nuclear reactor. The fact itself of downloading of non-standard active elements created the conditions for the explosion of the station, and the stopping of the reactor after the experiment became the trigger for the explosion. Emergency protection (AZ) has become an accelerating device.
Fig. 1. Chernobyl power plant after the explosion
Radioactive contamination of the terrain and contamination of the population
“The explosion of a nuclear plant will kill hundreds and from radioactive contamination millions will die” and this thesis is understandable to all military and people with higher technical education. That’s why this stage of sabotage should be considered separately and it is the most visible.
Nicholas Checherov who for 20 years explored the inner parts of the reactor – from 1986 to 2005, gave an interview where he said that he and other researchers were able to see almost all the rooms of the fourth unit of the Central hall and all the space under the reactor. He reports the following: “We managed to explore all the places of accumulation of fuel-containing melts, and it became clear that the melts ended up in pool-bubbler (capacity intended for reception of steam in the event of an accident). No steam explosion, which the state Commission so feared, has happened. In the reactor cavity and the room underneath also no trace of any explosion was detected. Visible destruction, i.e. the one that we had seen with our eyes indicate that the explosion happened right in the Central hall. There was only one blast, and it was nuclear,” the scientist said.
The scientist reports that during the inspection of the mine it turned out that it was empty. “Moreover, we found no traces of burning in it, even the paint on the metalwork was intact”. Checherov claims that all the reports in the newspapers that the graphite in the reactor burned for nearly two weeks is absolute nonsense. “This is all from ignorance of the fact that the RBMK graphite does not burn. This legend was necessary to declare the existence of an active zone in the mine,” said he.
“We, humanity as a whole, specific countries and most of the people caught in the area affected by the nuclear accident, managed to survive in a nuclear catastrophe. With difficulties, with losses, with enormous moral and psychological costs, but still we survived. You also need to realize that it was one of the largest reactors in the world, and, apparently, reactor accident worse than Chernobyl on the planet, in principle, can not be”, – said Mykola Checherov [5].
Nuclear explosion of the active part of the reactor core that occurred has spewed up to the stratosphere many dozens of tons of radioactive substances and this emission, regardless of the events at Chernobyl, had to be fixed by all other civil defense services and the military.
The military-political situation in 1986 was that the USA were literally threatening the USSR with a nuclear attack. The forces and capacity of Civil defense were at the highest level of readiness, which was never before and not since.
Military units of strategic missiles and medium-range missiles in Belarus and Ukraine conducted radiation monitoring in automatic mode and regardless of the presence or absence of information about the Chernobyl accident they had to respond on their own and they did respond. The military recorded the radiation levels and interpreted them as the beginning of a nuclear war with immediately bringing the units to a high degree of combat readiness and took measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction in places of their deployment in all areas of radioactive fallout.
Each unit independently began to take measures for protection from weapons of mass destruction – all shifts of rocket pilots were simultaneously closed in the underground compartments with autonomous life-support whereas their wives and children remained on the surface with all the consequences for them and were in terror for their fathers and husbands – officers underground.
The military know full well what contamination is all about and how important is the speed of taking measures to protect the population, because the maximum radiation levels happen in the first hours after a nuclear explosion and precipitation.
The radiation level of the radioactive fallout is strongly dependent on the time elapsed since the explosion. This is due to the period of half decomposition and in the first hours and days radiation level falls quite heavily due to the decay of short-lived isotopes that comprise the bulk of the radioactive fallout. Further, the radiation level drops very slowly due to the particles with a long half-life. The rate of fall of levels of radiation is known to all graduates of secondary schools of the USSR from the course of basic military training and in modern items of measure is shown in figure 2. The decrease in the level of radiation occurs exponentially.
 Fig. 2. The decrease in the level of radiation occurs exponentially.
As of 1986 in the USSR instructions were implemented for the population and the civil defense forces, the contents of which were well known up to the visual propaganda on the walls of every school and organization:
1. P. F. Vladimirov, etc. Each should know this and be able to do / 4-th ed., extra – M.: Soviet Russia, 1975. – 48 p.: ill. – (Civil defense of the USSR), URL:
2. V. I. Korolev. Everyone should know this and be able to do: Memo for the population / 6-th ed., extra – M.: Voenizdat, 1984, URL:
Thus, the speed of action of forces and means of Civil defense is crucial to the survival of the population. That’s why the military immediately informed their headquarters about the levels of radiation in the places of their deployment and leaders in Moscow knew the situation about the levels of radioactive contamination from the first minutes of the radioactive fallout. Civil defense forces were actually hardly ever used and there was maximum damage to population, the intent is obvious.
Journalist Igor Osipchuk talked with Colonel V. Mosiec, commander of military unit 74939 “Chernobyl-2” – station of radio intelligence and United States ballistic missiles tracking. Question: “Chernobyl-2 and Chernobyl nuclear station were built just nine kilometers from each other – is there any practical sense?
Answer:-”…From the Chernobyl nuclear we conducted a power line. The energy we received from the transmission line coming from the side of Kiev.
About the Chernobyl disaster I was informed a couple of hours after the explosion of the reactor. Immediately with the head of chemical protection major Shevchenko we rushed to city of Pripyat, measuring on our way radiation levels, and then at the request of the leadership of the city were involved in measurements in Pripyat and at the industrial base. At 11 o’clock in the morning I commanded to switch off our facility, as the ventilation system sucked in radiation together with the air, it would lead to the failure of computer technology. After that “Chernobyl-2” never worked.
… After the Chernobyl disaster, the civilian population of the town was evacuated on the same day as that of Pripyat… (Other units remained on contaminated territories and women with children were not promptly evacuated).
Question: -”How often did you pass the observation results to the command post? A: As for “Chernobyl-2″, the information from here was constantly passed to Solnechnogorsk-25″ Center of Soviet Army Divisions Specialists of Special Purpose training, because the object still was not officially on alert. It was planned to do at the end of 1986, but was prevented by the Chernobyl disaster. Object “Chernobyl-2″, as part of a system of anti-missile and anti-space air defense forces, was created with the sole purpose to register a nuclear attack on the USSR in the first two or three minutes after launching of ballistic rockets.” [6].
If a military expert will plan a nuclear attack and radioactive contamination of the terrain, he would use the wind rose for the given region in a given period of time. For the European part of the USSR prevailing winds provide the picture of radioactive contamination, which the specialist will represent graphically. Thus, as a result of the terrorist act and radioactive contamination it was planned to kill the population in the territories that are shown in the figure below in red.
Fig. 3. Winds reigning over Europe from January to July. Red indicates projected area of radioactive contamination.
Black circle shows the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
There was actually a surprise to those who planned the attack, a sabotage. After the explosion, the wind sent radioactive fallout to the North and the maximum levels of radiation from short-lived isotopes began to fall to the North, and further West, fell on Europe. The final picture of contamination is shown on the map below (see Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Radioactive contamination of the European part of the continent.
White color shows the zones for which there is no data.
The same thing, indicating the magnitude of contamination:
Fig. 5. The same as in Fig. 4, showing the distributions of pollution in Curie.
   The composition of radioactive contamination after the collapse of short-lived radioactive elements is shown in the table in figure 6.
 Fig 6 . The composition of radioactive contamination after the collapse of short-lived radioactive elements is shown in the table.
  Actually affected was the entire Northern hemisphere of the planet and gradually radioactive contamination has spread to the entire planet. Doctors noted a sharp increase in cancers as a result of radioactive contamination [7].
Who is to blame for this terrorist attack, this sabotage?
Traditionally, this issue is not included in the list of issues addressed by legal expertise and is a legal issue. In the practice of criminal investigation in Russia criminal forensic experts have the right to give investigative recommendations to the lawyers to develop versions for investigation and testing of suspects in a criminal case. So in this case the author of the article will do the same. Below are search recommendations for lawyers and intelligence officers of all countries affected by this terrorist attack.
Around 1996 the author of the article asked Mikhail Gorbachev: ”Why were the forces and means of Civil defense not activated? Maximum of population was affected! You have devalued all the money of the USSR invested in the creation of a system of Civil defense for many decades.”
Gorbachev gave the following answer: – “Well, we didn’t know then what radiation was all about . We even have installed a listening device in the scientists’ dining room tables to understand from their conversations how dangerous it was.”
Gorbachev was an accomplice to the crime and there is no doubt about it.
Thus, it is necessary to make a definitive conclusion that in the act of sabotage, in this terrorist attack causing maximum destruction to the population were involved:
– The KGB – V. K. Chebrikov (group Andropov – USA);
– The Politburo of the Soviet Union Communist Party Central Committee M. Gorbachev (USA-England);
– Civil defense of the USSR, A. T. Altunin was dismissed and died of a heart attack in 1989;
– Minister of Defense, Sergei L. Sokolov was strongly encouraged and died in 2012. Three orders of Lenin (30 June 1971, 28 April 1980, June 30, 1986);
– head of the KGB in Ukraine S.N.Mukha;
– the head of the Pripyat Department of the KGB of the USSR V. N. Klochko openly admitted that he was blocking the communication and concealed information from the public. Quote:-”In the clinic we were examined by a famous doctor from United States who said that we won’t last more than 10 years.[8];
– The radio and television of the USSR, A. N. Aksenov (layman);
– ITAR-TASS, S. A. Losev (professional, information was deliberately concealed);
– Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Minister of the USSR for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, Y.A.Izrael.
Y.A.Izrael personally participated in the research conducted at nuclear test sites (1954-1970.) after various accidents. He took a special part in 1986-1996 study of Chernobyl NPP accident consequences. The materials related to studies of radioactivity in the environment since the 50-ies of the 20th century are summarized by him in his monograph “Radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions and accidents” (1996) –he is a professional, information was intentionally concealed.
Chernobyl was directly subordinated to the Ministry of Energy of the USSR. It was they who set the date of disconnection of the station, which was the date of the station explosion. It was headed by Anatoly Ivanovich Mayorets, who in 1986 became a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The event date: “… that the Energy Ministry that has sent an order to begin testing at 00: 00 on 25 April 1986” (p. 92. [3]).
What was interesting in that date that drew attention in the USSR-Russia of all the specialists and the population? This Passover – Pesach! Figure 7 shows the calendar of Jewish holidays for April 1986 [9].
 Fig. 7. Shows the calendar of Jewish holidays for April 1986.
  Today the whole world already knows that the U.S., England and Israel (Rothschild & Co) plans attacks and wars, tying them to the dates of Jewish holidays. It’s been noticed that not only terrorist attacks and military operations are planned on Jewish holidays, but also carrying out those terrorist attacks is planned so that the funerals from the attacks would fall on the feasts of the Jews.
Criminologists are well aware that symbolism shows a sustainable criminal pattern, it also indicates schizophrenia, as well as crimes committed on religious grounds. In this case it is necessary to consider religious motives. Thus, it is necessary to conclude that an international Jewish organized criminal group (OCG) was involved. The population of Russia, ordinary people and experts believe that the Chernobyl catastrophe was a terrorist attack conducted by the US and Jews to destroy the USSR. The Jewish mass media don’t deny it and strenuously promote it.
Example: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert thanked the Soviet Jews for the collapse of the USSR and that they have made Israel more rich and prosperous. This rather cynical statement of the Israeli leader was announced at the solemn ceremony, devoted to the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Soviet Jews ‘ struggle for the right to emigrate to Israel.
Jews themselves often also support their authorship in the Chernobyl explosion and believe that their people have done it to destroy the USSR, because the USSR would not let them in go Israel.
Such hiding of a Jewish organized criminal gang behind all the Jewish people is well known and such sweeping charges are called anti-Semitism.

The speech of the Rabbi Eduard Hodos of Kharkov (Ukraine) is about the Chernobyl accident being the result of a terrorist attack involving Jewish sect Chabad [10].
In the video, the Rabbi of Kharkov Eduard Hodos (Ukraine) explained to everyone that the Chernobyl accident was a terrorist attack, he supports the results of studies of the nuclear physicist N. In.Kravchuk and points at a radical Jewish sect from the USA, Chabad Lyubavich. This sect is well known in modern Russia, now the chief Rabbi of Russia since 2002 is Berl Lazar, Chabad Lyubavict member.
Sect Chabad-Lubavitch is closely linked with the U.S. Department of State. Their well-known lobbyists are Joseph Isadore Lieberman, a U.S. Senator, and Albert Arnold Gore.
These same people are known as instigators of wars and falsifiers of the terrorist attack of 9/11 September 2001 in the USA. USA officers point at the international Jewish organized criminal group (Jewish OCG), which in their opinion is guilty of all the wars and terrorist attacks [11].
Fig. 8 Search recommendations of US special service officers
In this case, it is necessary to clarify that under the law of return to Israel, the people converted to another faith are not considered as Jews. This is due to the fact that Israel stands on the position that being Jewish means Jewish religion first of all, not nationality. Russian experts agree with this statement based on the known real history of the Jewish people in Russia [12].
Experts in Russia additionally indicate that Judaism is more of a disguise and the Jewish criminal gang really professes Satanism [13].
Commitment of the Jewish criminal gang to symbolism gives all targeting on the enemy and reveals their history and context (see figure 9).
Fig. 9. Symbols of international Satanic Jewish criminal gang.
The list of representatives of international Jewish criminal gang (OCG) is known in Russia and is being prepared for lustration. The same thing should also be done in all other countries. The OCG should be prosecuted everywhere, the participants should be subject to arrest and trial, their property and funds should be confiscated on the account of the damages from their crimes [14].
The international peer-reviewed journal of the U.S., where the reviewer is Professor at Stanford University, and now the U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, has published an article about the need to continue the Nuremberg trial on newly discovered evidence that the same applies to the activities of this gang [15].
Returning to the goals of the terrorist attack in Chernobyl, it is necessary to consider the famous speech of the leader of the sect Chabad recognized by the sectarians as moshiachim, Schneerson. Shneerson is a known ideologue of Jewish extremism.
Fig. 10. Menachem Mendel Schneerson (18.04.1902 — 12.06.1994).
  In his speech, which dates back to 1994, Shneerson specifies goals for the Jews – the extermination of the Slavs, the Russians, the capture of Khazaria. Khazaria is a fictional Jewish story about the alleged pre-existing Jewish Khazaria, which needs to be revived and restored [16]. The performance of Schneerson in 1994 was before the war in Chechnya, which was also conducted with the goal of capturing Khazaria [17].
   Let’s carry out a comparative study of the territories which Shneerson indicates as Jewish, and the pre-planned areas for radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion. When comparing there is an observed coincidence that allows to make a conclusion about the deliberate explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in order to kill the population on the territory of fictional Jews of Khazaria, see figure 11.
Fig. 11. Above is shown the same as on pic 3 -the expected radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion.
Below is shown fictional Jewish Khazaria, which is actively advertised by the Jews in the USA and claimed as “authentic Jewish territory” (Chabad)
The population in these areas has previously been actively exterminated in the 20th century – the artificial famines (Holodomor in 1932-33) and deportations were here, see figure 12.
Fig. 12. Fictional Jewish Khazaria and the territory of the Holodomor victims of 1930-32 years.
Additional information on the case: On TV channel “Russia” was shown a film by producer Sladkov with information that in the 1950-60-ies in the U.S. there were conducted studies on the effects of radiation on mammals. As a result of the research it was established that the mammals lost their reproductive function [18].
  Thus, the aim of the attack was not only the mass murder of the population directly after the attack, but also radioactive attack with the purpose of reproductive dysfunction of the population living on the territory, i.e. cleaning of the territory from people. These technologies are actively developed and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation has been involved in the development of the reduction of population through vaccination. In connection with the submitted information, it is necessary to immediately prevent mass vaccination of the population of Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia in order to avoid other acts of sabotage and terror for the purpose of genocide. [19].
      The Gates Foundation and the government of England also act as the main investors of projects to develop genetically modified foods (GMOs) [20].
“Gates mentioned about it in a private conference in Long Beach, California, called the TED 2010 Conference in his speech on “Renewing to zero!” Along with his absurd from the point of view of science proposal to artificially reduce CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately at fourth to a half minute of his speech, Gates said: “First we got population. In the world today there are 6.8 billion people. This number will increase to about 9 billion. Now, if we really do a great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health, we’ll reduce it, perhaps by 10 or 15 percent” [21].
  Additional legal grounds for attracting international Jewish OCG to criminal charge.
The speech of the author of this article at international environmental Congress ELPIT-2007, Togliatti, Russia, 2007:
“It must be fundamentally resolved, that every government in the world can demand the extradition of the military, who during the fighting posed a threat to the ecology as a result of intentional or unintentional actions. The reason for this may be the decisions and recommendations of the International Association of Penal Law – IAPL (Paris, 1979), which states that the strengthening of criminal liability for environmental crimes of citizens and legal persons must be considered a priority.
When causing environmental harm, a legal entity (the leaders of the army, of the country?) can and should be liable to penal consequences caused by acts of harm committed by bodies and heads of the legal entity.
The object of environmental crimes is broad in its content: the preservation of the conditions of existence of all life on Earth and on the territory of the attacked state, as a part of it.
For this reason, in my opinion, it is enough to make every government in the world to see the threat to the lives of its citizens and demand extradition of military commanders, considering them as ordinary criminals, who they actually are when they are planning combat operations directly or near atomic, chemical and other dangerous objects. It is necessary to modify the legislation to make this possible. It is not excluded that it is possible already now. The threat of criminal liability for the military might serve the peace cause much better than any other evidence” [22].    

Example: Operation Opera (also known as operation Babylon”) – a military operation conducted by the Israeli air force to destroy a nuclear reactor “Osirak” of French production on the territory of Iraq.
The operation involved the following aircraft: F-16A: from squadron 117 – boards 107, 113, 118, 129; from 110 squadron – board 239, 240, 243 (pilot Ilan Ramon) and 249. Each aircraft of the strike group (8 F-16A) was equipped with two unguided bombs Mark 84. The operation was carried out on June 7, 1981. A new day for the Jews begins with the sunset of the previous day. The bombing held at sunset at 18:35 – the video of the attack posted online.
 Fig. 13. Jewish holidays calendar JUNE 1981.
 Special services must act ruthlessly! This is not just a Jewish criminal group, but Jewish fascism –absolute evil. Their God is Satan!
Author of the article:
Kolmykov, Anton Nikolaevich
Deputy head Scientific studies Criminal expertise institute CNEAT
City of Samara, Russia.
www. –technical and criminalistic expertise for civil and criminal trial
1. Nuclear energy (an introduction of physics nuclear reactor), URL:
2. A. S. Dyatlov. Chernobyl. As it was. / M: Austenitized, 2003. – 191 p. – ISBN 5-93728-006-7, URL:
3. N. In. Kravchuk. The mystery of the Chernobyl disaster. (The experience of independent research). – M.: AYRO-XXI, ISBN 978-5-91022-153-0, 2011. 104 p., URL:–
4. V. Martynyuk. The tragedy of Chernobyl could be the result of a conspiracy, not sloppiness / Interviews N. In.Kravchuk in online edition KM.RU. Certificate of registration El № FS 77 – 41842. 5.06.2013, URL:
5. M. Ganapolsky. The truth about Chernobyl 25 years later – we survived a nuclear blast! / URL:
6. C. Prokopchuk. Chernobyl-2 Radioactive money / Website on the Internet: “ChernobylZone”, 2012-07-22, URL:
7. A. P. Trunev. The Chernobyl disaster: the local map and to assess the impact of the South track on the health of the population / Website on the Internet
8. I. Zolotukhin. The ex-head of the Pripyat Department of the KGB of the USSR: “As the major version considered sabotage”/ an online edition of the Ukrainian newspaper “Today” on April 26, 2011, URL:
9. Auto-calendar of Jewish holidays, URL:
10. The speech of the Rabbi of Kharkov (Ukraine) about the Chernobyl accident as a result of a terrorist attack involving sect Chabad, URL: download the file: URL:
11. A. N. Kolmykov. 9/11 – the U.S. under the rule of criminals. Examination of the attacks of September 11, 2001 / Site forensic institutions CNEAT, Samara, 2010, URL:
12. The real history of the Jewish people, URL:
13. A. Kolmykov. In the U. S. govern Satanists. Liberals are Satanists!, URL:
14. Necessary lustration in Russia
15. A. Kolmykov. Revising Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal / International Journal of Russian Studies, Wilmington, DE 19803 U. S. A., ISSN: 2158-7051, ISSUE NO. 5 (2012/2), URL: 
16. A. Kolmykov. Khazaria, the Khazars – Jews, this falsification of history / URL:
17. A. Kolmykov. Chechen War. Kill Dudayev, 1996 / URL:
18. A. Sladkov. Kuz’kina mother. Results. Blow up peacefully. Atomic romanticism / the TV Channel Russia-1, URL:
19. John Harlow. Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation / The Sunday Times, Los Angeles, May 24, 2009, URL:
20. Bill Gates is funding creation of GMO / “New Messages”, 16.11.2012. URL:
21. F. William Engdahl (William Engdahl). Bill Gates is funding the development of genetically modified crops and speaks of “new” vaccines / the media group “All Russia”, 21.11.2012. URL:
22. E46 Ecology and life protection of industrial-transport complexes: proceedings of the II international ecological Congress (the IV International scientific-technical conference), 24-27 September 2009, Togliatti, Russia. – Togliatti state University, 2009. -Vol. 1-400C. URL:
23. COU CIL OF THE EUROPEA U IO Brussels, 28 January 2014. 5816/14 (OR. en) PRESSE 40 Joint EU-Russia statement on combatting terrorism
Chernobyl is a terrorist attack! International Ecological Congress ELPIT 2015. Russia. Samara. September 17, 2015
Briefly: “… The Chernobyl accident is a terrorist attack. The damage should be calculated and recovered. The gang must be destroyed! Forward!”

Crazy Like a Fox — Unanswered Letters 1 — A Reply to John Smith, by Anna von Reitz

Below you will find the text of a letter that was sent to me, which among many others, I haven’t had the time or ability to answer, but which I will attempt to respond to this morning—
Hello Anna Von Reitz
I do read most of the information you put out, and you have sure put out some
mind blowing information, mind blowing for me anyhow.
Maybe it’s because I’m not very well educated, these days I am not sure if that’s
a good thing or a bad thing, I am now seventy years of age and I have learned
more about the way this world of ours is run in the last seven years then all the previous
years put together.
I knew there was corruption going on within many Government departments
but I had no idea that it was so wide spread and organised world wide.
Over the last seven years I have seen so many hard working people put up so many
petitions and protests yet nothing changes how can a drop of water thrown into
the ocean make any difference.
Not been well educated I’ve always had to look for simple solutions to any problem
I have faced.
And today I am facing the biggest problem the world has ever known how do we
as a human race save ourselves and our planet.
And there is a VERY VERY simple solution we all know about superman and
we all know about the one thing that brings him down KRYPTONITE it’s colour
is green.
Green is the same colour vibration of money, MONEY IS OUR KRYPTONITE
money is what is been used to enslave us and give our overlords power over us.
So the solution is simple we stop using any form of money world wide
and make everything free worldwide be it goods, services,health education
everything that money buys.
With one condition that every adult 18 years to 55 has to do 1 to 3 days work
each week.
Under 18 and over 55 need not work unless they want too.
By removing money from our world we take away the power of our present
over lords no one can stop us doing this except ourselves we out number
them by over a million to one.
Even if they try to set the law enforcement or military or even mercenaries
on us it will not work because money will be of no use to them plus they
get everything free anyway.
By removing any form of money from our lives:
The banks will be finished, The IRS will be finished, All national debts worldwide will be finished .
all wars will be finished nothing to fight over everything worldwide will be free.
No more mortgage payments no BLM NSA OR FBI OR KINGS AND QUEENS
No rent the list is endless but I’m sure you get the picture no one can stop us
With money out of the picture no one will need to compete with anyone for money
or power we will work to help each other.
It will put millions out of work and they will make up the work force needed so we all
work only 1 to 3 days a week.
With money out of the way all suppressed technology will come out
the military can be reassigned to clean up the planet
It really is that simple it’s up to us to make this happen and make this VIRAL we can do it.
John Smith
PS: I will be sending copies of this letter to others there is really no other way
money has to go otherwise we will always be slaves.
Dear John,
What can I say?  You are absolutely right.  The Bible calls money the “root” of the evils in this world, and the Bible is right.  What the Bible doesn’t overtly and explicitly tell you is that money and the misuse of it, is at the core of the conflict between cultures and indeed, the conflict between good and evil that is the focus of the entire New Testament.
Money is an idol and the worship of money is idolatry.  More people need to step back and think about this.  Those little gold coins stamped with images?  Those “graven” pieces of paper?  They are no different from hand-carved idols produced by Jabal the Idol Maker. Objects intended to represent or invoke something else are idols. It matters not that what money invokes is the labor and resources of a nation, instead of Aphrodite.
The entire underlying practice of using money is intimately connected with idols and idol worship and false reasoning which gives rise to delusional thinking— indeed, a kind of literal insanity that festers and torments Mankind.
While “money” could be a simple, utilitarian tool used to accomplish needful work, something akin to a shovel or pick ax, it is instead transformed into a “false god”.
Just imagine all of us going out to the tool shed and falling down before the nearest shovel and you will have a clear picture of just how crazy this is.
But, if we get rid of the shovel, what do we use to dig wells, spade up the garden, build roads and do all the other things we need to do in this world, eh?  How do we facilitate the trade of tulip bulbs for light bulbs, if not through some “medium of exchange”?
Please note the use of the word “medium” as in Madame Barackanova, Medium holding Seances every Friday night.   Money provides the illusion of transforming one thing into another and translating their relative values, too—- but it is just that: an illusion.
When I was a child my best friend’s mother worked at a grocery store.  One year a candy company did a big promotion. If you bought their candy bars, you got a free sticker with the team emblem of a major baseball team on it.  Mail service being what it was, the stickers didn’t arrive on time but did show up a couple years later.  My friend and I inherited the stickers and we cornered the market.
Trade was very brisk.  At one point, I could trade one of these baseball stickers for three big “Steelie” marbles, a candy bar, and half a cheese sandwich.  Life was good.  My friend and I were rolling in the dough of childhood, rich as Midas in all the things that mattered to children.  We reinvested part of our loot in Saltwater Taffy purchased at wholesale, keystoned it minus five cents per package, undercut the local Five and Dime Store, and made another killing.
We were well on our way to becoming successful entrepeneurs, and we were greedy little buggers, too.  Every afternoon after school we “took stock” and counted our inventory and our gains.  It was fun, like playing a game with actual rewards—- think of mice who have discovered the “Food Button” in some psychologist’s training maze?
That was us.
Then, one day, one of the poorest kids in town made me an odd seemingly near-suicidal proposal.  He would trade his wretched bicycle and walk to school every day in exchange for six of those baseball patches. I thought about this.  Those baseball patches cost me nothing. After all, what were they?  Pretty stickers left over from a candy company promotion.
I couldn’t make the trade.  I gave him the stickers for free.  I walked away.
No doubt that is why I never became an entrepeneur, donated my interest in “The Company” to my friend, and have made zero effort to accrue money or much of anything else ever since.
It became crystal clear to me how arbitrary the game of valuation is, how worthless the symbols we trade in really are, and therefore how capricious, even stupid, the whole business of money is. It is literally unreal.  It is fueled by nothing but human need and weakness — and greed.  Don’t forget the greed, the insatiable, mindless lure of the chase.
Think of greyhounds running around and around the track trying to catch a fake rabbit that is forever just out of reach?  That’s what money is.  The fake rabbit.
And banking is the knowing, willful creation and purveying of fake rabbits. It’s “legalized fraud” on the face of it.
But how do you make something that is intrinsically wrong into something right?  It’s like waving your hand and “legalizing” theft.
The plain fact is that the entire money system is criminal by definition as it currently exists and it needs to come to an end, just as you propose, John Smith.  The problem is that none of the people in power have been sufficiently motivated to do anything but chase fake rabbits themselves.
I have raised a flag and said—  if we are going to use these little poker chit-like things to stand as symbols for the value of our labor and our natural resources, let’s at least do away with the whole business of “translating” commodities into “standard commodities” like gold and silver.
Let’s just admit that we are all trading the same things— our labor and natural resources we harvest from the Earth—and everybody use the same chits to symbolize the value of that.
What happens when we do that?  An element of truth is introduced into the equation and all the “profits” made by speculation and “over valuation” and “under valuation” of both labor and commodities disappear.  There’s nowhere for the fake rabbit to hide.
We are forced to see what it is we are trading— our time on Earth, our energy, our talent and knowledge — and the resources of our native land, in exchange for the same things being offered by others.
And then we have to face other questions, like, is my labor intrinsically worth more than the labor of a bellhop working in a hotel in Northern Ireland?  Or a miner in South Africa?
And why is it that it costs so much to live in the United States and comparatively little to live in Mexico?
You see, once you start chasing fake rabbits and pretending that some fake rabbits are “more equal” than other fake rabbits, it’s difficult to go back to any kind of sanity and fairness.
It’s hard for those who are caught up in the chase to step back, look at the baseball stickers and the bicycle, and admit that it is all bushwah. It’s even harder for some people to let go, hand over the stickers, and walk away.
You are right, John, that is what needs to happen.  We need to set each other free from this mass delusion that has ruined the Earth for thousands of years.  We need to find an honest way to trade our goods and services.  Any suggestions?
Best regards,