Wednesday, April 4, 2018

My Final Answer to Larry Becraft and Bob Hurt, Et Alia.

By Anna Von Reitz

Larry, I have had to deal with thousands of people like you, certainly hundreds of Bar Attorneys.  It's always the same.  You always deny everything, right down to the point where you can't deny anymore---and then you fall silent.  

You just stop arguing, because you know you can't win, you can't explain, you can't pull the necessary evidence --- even falsified evidence --- out of your hat, anymore. 

So you go silent.  And you wait a few days or weeks or months or years and then you come barreling out of your silence and you whack away at me (and others, too) until, once again, you are forced into silence. 

Oddly, after being repeatedly reduced to silence, you still don't bother to inquire into the information that quashed you so completely that you had nothing left to say.  You never reply to that.  You just let it lay and apparently hope that it won't be dredged back up and used to silence you again.  

So I am tired of this game.  This is the slam-dunk, the reiteration of so many arguments we have had, only this time, it's not just me reducing you to silence and begging for your honest contemplation.  

Try to discredit all the witnesses lined up in the 384 pages above and come back and try to prove that I am an ignorant madwoman leading people astray.  Or just stay silent to the rest of your days.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Tired of Arguing With Family and Lawyers and Everyone Else?

By Anna Von Reitz

Here's my reply to Larry Becraft, Bob Hurt, and all the other Bar Attorneys and everyone else in denial.  

Here is your answer.  Quick, easy, utterly authoritative.  It's not just Grandma telling you (or all the Doubting Thomases you know) the Truth about the Banks and Politicians and Bar Associations and Political Parties and the history behind all this.  

Read it, download it, print it, reproduce it, share it ---- and weep for how gullible we've been. 

We, the Sheeple v. the Banksters:

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Confession of Sin

By Anna Von Reitz

Corrections,       Published on Facebook yesterday, 4 2 2018, 
I have been sick the last few days and not quite up to my normal standards of imperfection.....
In the letter titled "To President Trump and UN Inspector General on Easter Sunday 2018" the name of our ancient homeland in France is "Armorica" -- the first "r" wasn't included and it was written "Amorica" instead. Don't worry. The official version to Trump and the IG was correct.
And in "America: Some Assembly Required --- Literally" sent out today, I should have noted that Dave Robinson formatted the book on Amazon having sixty pages, not fifty (which is how many pages my original had, howbeit in 8.5" X 11" format.). The illustrated version will probably have fifty pages and be in the original format.
There is also a typo (but an important one) in the website address for the new National Assembly site. There should be a hyphen between the words "national" and "assembly" ----
Please forgive me for causing any consternation or difficulty in finding information. I was born with two left thumbs, two left feet, bad eyesight and a predilection for dropping stitches, hyphens, dishes and occasional letters.
My Father used to watch me diligently practicing my typing skills and shake his head in wonder.....not because a girl was typing, but because he was amazed that I could type at all, given my near total lack of eye-hand coordination.

The Confession of Sin
So many responded to my “Correction” yesterday.  Would it surprise you to learn that I make such admissions and corrections every day, they just don’t always get published on the Front Page?  My “standard of imperfection” is a joke, but it is also true.
I go slow and make a lot of mistakes---literally.  My whole life has been a cavalcade of mistakes and corrections.  And, amazingly, I never stop making mistakes and corrections.  You would think that at a certain point in one’s life, you would have it all down and know all the answers and never fall face down on your nose, but guess what? 
You get wiser with age, but nobody is immune from sin and folly and the need for forgiveness.
 What is sin?  It is a mistake. 
That’s all it is.
A mistake, and anyone can make a mistake.  Indeed, we all do. 
So it is not the matter of making mistakes that condemns us.  It is the hard-hearted refusal to admit our mistakes and correct them that condemns us --- and that condemnation comes at our own hands, not at God’s. 
Let’s clearly perceive how this happens.  We make a mistake.  We fall into a falsehood.  We do something wrong.  And then? 
By failing to admit and correct our mistakes, we are obliged to live with them and their consequences.
It’s like going down the wrong road.
We can only retrace our steps and find our way again, or keep going on the wrong road until we realize our mistake, admit it, and turn around.
Remember the difference between Peter and Judas Iscariot?
Both made terrible mistakes.  Judas by being faithless and beguiled by the Sanhedrin.  Peter by being faithless and denying that he even knew Jesus.
One despaired and hung himself, after casting the silver back at the feet of his betrayers.  The other one. Peter, knew that he could be forgiven and he trusted in that, so he went on living and ultimately, to glory.
Both confessed their sin.  Both made correction.  But one chose death and one chose life, and the difference between them was faith --- faith in forgiveness-- faith that no matter how bad our sins are, we can turn from them and be forgiven.
We are here to learn.  We have to be able to discern evil if we are to avoid it.   We are destined, fated, and meant to make mistakes, because by such trial and by such error we progress.  We learn.
The further we progress on the road to salvation the harder we are tested, the more explicitly all our faults and failings are exposed.  Yes, even as in a refiner’s fire, we are melted, reduced to tears, humbled in every way there is to be humbled.
Yet if we persevere, we are also greatly rewarded.  We have peace.  Our feet are firmly grounded.  We see the snares set for us and we avoid them.  We recognize Satan’s flattery and twisted words, his half-truths and vain promises --- just as Jesus did.
Listen and know --- the ancient kings were not kings of the Earth.  They were kings of men. 
Remember the sign the Romans hung above Jesus?  King of the Jews? 
Not King of Jerusalem.  Not King of Judea.  Herod and his sons were the Kings of Judea. 
No, our beloved King was “King of the Jews”.  Just as King David was King of the Jews.  Just as Jesus is King now of every truly Christian heart.   A king of men, not geographical places.
He did not seek any Earth-bound Kingdom.  He led no political movement.  He carried no weapons.
He sat down on the Throne of Mercy and wielded the Sword of Truth, instead.
In the same way we walk forward today, because we come from Him and in His Name, to address the Evils that have infested High Places, and to bring these Evils down.
We live today in a world where nearly everything has been corrupted by the mistakes of men.  Doctors promote poisons.  Lawyers promote injustice.  Bankers promote financial crimes. Priests preach the benefits of sin.  Governments wage “war” on those who employ them. 
It’s crazy without a doubt. Upside down and inside out.  Satan has had a field day, because so many souls have lost their way and not had sense enough to admit it and turn around.
There are a great many people throughout the world in dismay.  They have been tricked by Satan and his promises, but now they see that he has been bound and chained and led away.  All his lies are uncovered, all his cruelty and madness displayed.  What now?
Come home.  Follow Peter’s example: choose life and come home, though your sins be as scarlet, though you weep and though you are afraid of what you have done and what you have left undone, don’t hesitate a moment longer. Turn around. 
Join with me. Admit your faults and limitations, acknowledge your mistakes and failings. Do it every day. And then, pick yourself up, dust off your britches and go on toddling, secure in the knowledge that someday, you will run.
After all, despite everything, I did learn to type!

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

WHERE are the VICTIMS of the Parkland shooting??!!

Parkland shooting victims
not found in Obituary Data base
just like what happened at
Sandy Hook!!!!!

Appears the shooting 'victims' did NOT die but
were well paid crisis actor hirelings who collected their high paychecks from the 'gun confiscating'  Nazis leftists

Why isn't this discovery being broadcast all over the main stream media?


 Published on Apr 1, 2018

National Rifle Association board member and classic rocker Ted Nugent slammed survivors of the Parkland, Florida, 'school shooting', calling them "liars" and "poor mushy-brained children." 

Nugent made the comments during an interview on "The Joe Pags Show," a nationally syndicated conservative radio program. 

"All you have to do now is not only feel sorry for the liars, but you have to go against them and pray to God that the lies can be crushed and the liars can be silenced so that real measures can be put into place to actually save children's lives," Nugent said about the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students.

Key historical events and political processes that have not yet been publicly disclosed

Secret Diplomatic Meeting near Saturn Discussed Humanity’s Future

APRIL 2, 2018
In the three years that Corey Goode has been revealing his stunning information about secret space programs, extraterrestrial civilizations, and diplomatic meetings, there has been a steady build up to some major revelations about humanity’s future. It appears that a critical threshold was reached in a December 2017 meeting near the planet Saturn where multiple delegations met to discuss humanity’s future in light of the ending of 22 genetic experiments run by multiple human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations.
In a prior article, I discussed Goode’s report about an earlier December 16  “Super Federation” meeting he attended near the planet Jupiter involving over 60 human-looking extraterrestrial delegations, where he played the role of spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance. This is a group of higher density beings (6th to 9th density consciousness) who have been acting as a kind of Galactic umpire over the last few years to encourage diplomatic solutions to Earth’s multiple conflicts involving dozens of competing extraterrestrial groups, Inner Earth civilizations, global elites and secret space programs.
At the Super Federation meeting, Goode said he was told to relay to the assembled extraterrestrial delegations that their long term genetic experiments involving humanity needed to come to an end, and that humanity would be left alone to determine its own future. Despite some initial protests, Goode revealed that this decision was accepted by the Super Federation, making it possible for another diplomatic meeting a few days later (December 19-21, 2017) where the process for creating a new Super Federation governing human affairs would begin.
To some, what has been written so far may sound delusional and many will demand evidence to prove at least part of it before even considering it possible. At the moment, however, there is no hard evidence to substantiate Goode’s claims. On the other hand, there is no hard evidence to disprove any of them either, despite determined attempts by some critics to discredit his testimony and credibilty.
In the three years that I have been researching and writing about Goode’s incredible assertions, I have found no evidence of deception. Instead, I have found multiple sources corroborating his information from many different perspectives, e.g., whistleblowers/ insiders, documents, and contemporary events.
My research has been documented in three books so far which detail, compare, and analyze his amazing claims. Comprising over 1200 written pages and 1500 references, the clear conclusion reached in the Secret Space Program Series is that Goode is very credible, honest and truthful about the events he has witnessed and taken part in. 
In addition, I have met and communicated with senior military intelligence officials who have likewise accepted Goode’s information as accurate, and have quietly assisted him with some very high level national security information. If Goode was perpetuating a hoax, as some of his critics contend, I doubt such high level officials would be helping him.
For those drawn to the Corey Goode information, keeping an open and discerning mind is required to fully understand what he is telling us, and how it is relevant to our lives. Goode’s revelations not only inform us about key historical events and political processes that have not been publicly disclosed, but also what the future holds for us.
It’s quite clear that Goode has been chosen to play a unique and special role as a witness to extraordinary galactic events and meetings occurring today. He has no other formal role except occasionally acting as a spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance when they choose to appear at off-world diplomatic meetings where Goode is used to relay information to participants even when the Sphere Being Alliance members are physically present.
This was spectacularly demonstrated at a meeting in March 2015, where afterward Goode described how he appeared on stage along with two members of the Sphere Being Alliance before roughly 120 VIPs and delegates drawn from multiple secret space programs, global elites and private civilian groups at a secret facility on the Moon called Lunar Operations Command.  It was this March 2015 meeting that launched Goode into a series of meetings, abductions and encounters which subsequently led to the December 2017 meetings that have become the most significant to have occurred so far.
Corey Goode on Stage at Lunar Operations Command with Blue Avian and Golden Triangle Headed Being. Source: Steve Cefalo

It is Goode’s role as delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance, and the status this accords him from the perspective of other groups and forces both on and off-planet, that requires us to keep an open and discerning mind to what he is telling us. Goode is giving us all vital information about events that lie ahead, and we should not be distracted by the noise of competing voices wanting to distract us, intentionally or not, from important galactic developments.
This takes me to the most recent galactic meeting that Goode attended, only a few days after the December 16 Super Federation meeting near Jupiter. He discussed both of these meetings in a January 13 article and his March 27 Cosmic Disclosure interview
Goode described being taken to a nearly identical temporal anomaly near Saturn by representatives of seven Inner Earth civilizations. The craft that transported him had a total of 40 Inner Earth participants comprising the seven groups.
Inner Earth Representatives boarding flying saucer taking them and Corey Goode to Saturn anomaly meeting. Source: Daniel Gish

Intriguingly, Goode says that these Inner Earth beings are descendants of humanity’s future selves, a small group of whom time traveled into the distant past to maintain an optimal timeline. They did this to ensure that Draconian Reptilians would not overtly take over the planet, thereby establishing a global tyranny.
Goode says that when he arrived at the Saturn facility, he was met with representatives of 52 civilized worlds from the local cluster of stars in our region of the Milky Way. In his March 27 interview, Goode described the physical appearance of these representatives:
They were all humans of different types, and most of them were not Caucasian. They were different types of olive skin, brown skin, and even a kind of a tan skin. But they were representatives of each of the local 52 stars, and they are all basically our cosmic cousins. They are human beings, just different types. 
He pointed out that one of these groups, the famed Olmecs who had mysteriously helped develop human civilization, were in fact extraterrestrial refugees relocated to Earth due to the Draconian control of their home world. 
Goode elaborated about this in his March 27 interview:
Many, many, many times on Earth in our history, refugees have been brought from other planetary systems to stay here and live here, and they’ve lived here for many generations at times. That was the Mayans. But the Olmecs, when there was a major issue going on in their star system, many of them were brought here as refugees to survive here and wait out the issues there. Then they were brought back. 
In past interviews, Goode has described his interactions with “Mica”, the representative of the Olmec group, who had previously played Goode’s role as the Sphere Being Alliance representative for his civilization.
According to Goode, neighboring star systems have experienced similar histories to our own in terms of corrupt global elites secretly allied with a group of extraterrestrials described as Draconian Reptilians. In these adjacent star systems, the Sphere Being Alliance appeared and choose a single individual to be their delegate/spokesperson in the subsequent negotiations and struggle to rid the planet of the corrupt elite control systems that plagued these worlds.
In this regard, Goode said:
Each of them have either been in contact with the Blue Avians or the Triangle-Head being and gone through a similar thing that I have in their planetary system. 
Apparently, in all these worlds, the function of the Sphere Being Alliance delegate/witness was to relay what was being observed to the rest of the population. This was a critical aspect in the awakening of each planetary population, and gaining freedom from their corrupt elites and Reptilian overlords.
Well, we were told that we were witnesses, that we were the conduits for each of our collective consciousnesses, that each of our groups was a collective consciousness on our planetary systems that we were on, like here on Earth. The information I was receiving, what I was witnessing, was on behalf of the collective  consciousness here in this Solar System. 
At this Saturn meeting, Goode says he was chosen once again to play the spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance members before the assembled delegates. The three Blue Avians and Golden Triangle beings that were present said they would be leaving our physical reality and would be replaced by another two members of the Sphere Being Alliance, as Goode had previously announced in 2017.
All present at the Saturn meeting were subsequently introduced by Goode to the new Sphere Being Alliance members who “began to give us some cosmic ground rules for going forward.”
They would be responsible for assisting humanity in an unprecedented era where it would not be dominated by competing extraterrestrial groups. Essentially, humanity would be fully informed about the truth of their global situation, and  .
Of particular interest was the appearance of a group of entities called the “Sentinels” at the Saturn meeting, who are custodians of still functional Ancient Builder Race technologies that are up to two billion years old. Up to approximately 500,000 years ago, according to Goode. Builder Race technologies were used to establish a very powerful protective grid around our local cluster of 53 solar systems (52 + Sol) to keep out aggressive extraterrestrial races until it was destroyed in an internal Solar System wide war.
The Sentinels communicated with the Sphere Being Alliance in a spectacular light show that all participants witnessed. This was very significant since it suggested that the Sentinels would continue their present role, thereby ensuring that Builder Race technologies that continue to operate would only be accessed by individuals whose ethical standards and behavior meet with the high expectations set by the Sphere Being Alliance.
Blue Avians, Golden Triangle Being, Sentinels, Inner Earth representatives and 52 local stellar representatives at Saturn meeting. Source: Daniel Gish

Goode has previously described how “Gonzales”, a U.S. Navy Lt Commander, had been turned away by the Sentinels when he approached one of the functional Builder Race installations. The Sentinel told Gonzales that he lacked humility, and a request was subsequently made for Goode to make the same trip later to learn about the installation.
Builder Race technology is particularly relevant to nations with military run secret space programs, such as the U.S. Navy’s  'Solar Warden', wishing to extend contemporary military concepts such as “full spectrum dominance” into outer space battlefields. It is doubtful that the Sentinels would allow Builder Race technologies to be used in this way for the military benefit of a single nation or planet.
Goode was told that a new and more representative Super Federation would be assembled. Then the newly liberated and now awakened humanity would interact on a more equal basis with the different extraterrestrial groups, and would be joined by representatives from the nearby 52 star systems.
Goode also said that the December 16 Super Federation meeting had a representative from the “Council of 200” (a corrupt elite control group) seated as the head of the Earth delegation. Presumably, our newly awakened  humanity will at some point choose a more representative individual as humanity’s spokesperson for Galactic affairs.
It will be very interesting to see what process is adopted by our planet’s seven billion inhabitants and/or their political representatives to choose one or more delegates to a newly reconstituted Super Federation. I highly doubt the global populace will accept major nations simply choosing a representative similar to how the United Nations Secretary General is appointed without any kind of grass roots participation.
In addition, the Inner Earth beings will be represented in this expanded Super Federation, presumably opening the door for them to further interact with surface humanity, and publicly reveal themselves in the near future.
As to when all these stunning changes are going to be publicly revealed, Goode has discussed an upcoming series of solar flash events that will act as the trigger for full disclosure and humanity’s awakening.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Monday, April 2, 2018

America: Some Assembly Required --- Literally.

By Anna Von Reitz

The title of this new book is somewhat tongue in cheek, it's true. 

We DO need to "assemble" America ---- literally.  

This brief summary can help people at all levels of government and within the general populace understand why in only fifty pages, set up as fifty "sound bites" of information that, taken together, provide the business history of America.

I am hopeful that for many, many people this mode of learning will be engaging and user-friendly, as it encapsulates the main issues in bite-size pieces.  This tends to be faster and easier to take in. 

There are some people, who, due to their reading style, won't be able to make heads or tails of this book, because it requires you to take a bite, chew, take a bite, chew....and follow along with what you are learning as you go.  You have to relax and let the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle go together in your mind as you read.  It isn't intended to drive home in a continuous stream leading from a beginning to a middle to an end.  Instead, each one of the fifty pages is its own conclusion--- but taken together, they do come to a much, much larger overall conclusion.  

At the end, you can see the whole pattern of the matrix you've been living in, and understand how it works and how it came to be and what you can do to change things.   That's a lot to accomplish in fifty pages, one bite at a time. 

Strangely, this whole concept of "taking things one bite at a time" has pervaded every step we've taken.  The overall prospect was simply too big, too overwhelming to contemplate.  

My "Committee of One" was overwhelmed by exactly this enormous nature of the Beast in October of 2013, when I accidentally recruited my first helper.  I was faced with multiple court deadlines and important correspondences and I was completely overwhelmed, so I said to a family friend, "I feel like a mouse trying to eat an elephant." 

He said, "Move over.  I'll take a bite, too."   Thus, he became known as "Mouse, Too." or sometimes as "Mouse Also" and from that feeble impossible beginning there are now millions of mice chewing away worldwide.  

Here is the link to the new book, available on Amazon for $10: 

The sales go to support The Living Law Firm and our loyal publisher, David Everett Robinson, who has played such an important role in making educational documents and books available to the public.  

The "assembling" that America requires is the assembling of over 3,000 local county assemblies by people who claim back their birthright heritage, their Good Names (Trade Names) and Estates.  And, one by one, piece by piece, and bit by bit, it is happening.  

All over this country, Americans are waking up and answering the call to restore our lawful National Government and also the Land and Soil Jurisdiction Counties and States underlying it.  

How we got into such a ridiculous (and scary) state of affairs -- paying for the administration of a government that isn't ours --- is the subject of America: Some Assembly Required.  

The means to get out of this situation, which is to "assemble" ourselves and get back on track is covered by the Michigan General Jural Assembly in their weekly national conference calls.  

These take place at 9 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, every Thursday evening: 1-712-770-4160, Access Code 226823#.  

To new attendees -- please be advised that new people are joining these calls every week and not everyone knows how to fit in right away.  This leads to a certain amount of chaos and some false expectations.  

These calls are for people ready to help restore their lawful local county and State Government .  These calls are not for people seeking help with legal issues or court cases or who have personal axes to grind. 

The Michigan General Jural Assembly has stepped forward to help organize the actual counties and the National - level State of State organizations we are owed, just as they have organized and operated their own since the 1980's. 

To help you reclaim your county and your state of the Union, they also have a Help Hotline available from 2- 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Thursday, at 1-989-450-5522.  

At the very beginning of most worthwhile endeavors there is chaos, but you will begin to see increasing order established as people find their own ways forward. 

Just yesterday, MGJA announced the launch of a new website and extensive discussion forum being made available at  

You should look at these books and these calls and forums as tools to rebuild -- literally reassemble -- America. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

You Need To Hear This Right Now!

United States and Canada
You Need To Hear This Right Now! 

Two incredible whistle blowers step forward to tell the truth about UFO's and Aliens.  Retired Army UFO Consultant, Sgt. Clifford Stone and Retired NATO Intelligence Analyst, Robert Dean - These two men have been deep within the UFO Secrecy with High level clearance.

Disclosure is a process and different for every individual. Many people will just disregard all the evidence, witnesses, abduction cases, whistle blowers, videos and photographs either because they have bought in to the brainwashing and cover-up or because to do otherwise would shatter their belief systems and cause them to question everything they have been taught.

I urge all of you to do your own research. The information provided in this video and below should help you along your journey.

"He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."
Thomas Jefferson
"No government has the right 
to destroy the lives of the people it is to serve!"
Information on NATO and the UFOs

The Truth About Aliens
Retired NATO Intelligence Analyst
Robert Dean Speaks (Re-upload)


Democrats once again fail the US military VETS


Yes, this is almost a week old but I am publishing this anyway to once again show the TRUTH about the 'demo-RATS' to our military. 
March 21 2018

One GOOD POINT about the article below - The Omnibus Bill is NOT A LAW! It is merely the ignorant demo-RATS agreeing to funding and, as usual, believing that funding will be done according to THEIR plans!  But THE PRESIDENT HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT IS TO BE FUNDED AND WHAT IS NOT TO BE FUNDED!  He
IS funding various allocations to the military - to make up for all the years the Obama dictatorship literally did nothing for the military.   

House Democrats block veterans’ health care bill

WASHINGTON — House appropriators released their omnibus budget bill on Wednesday without a proposed package of veterans reforms included, a missed opportunity that has lawmakers and veterans groups worried whether the ideas will ever move forward.

The $1.3 trillion spending package — which includes the full fiscal 2018 funding for the Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs and other federal agencies — must be passed by the end of the week to avoid another partial government shutdown. Officials released the overall spending parameters for the budget in last month, but worked out funding details for the massive measure in recent days.

The must-pass nature of the legislation made it a target for a host of special interest items, including the proposed VA reforms.

The package circulated among lawmakers and outside advocates called for an overhaul of VA community care programs — the White House’s top legislative priority for the department this year — along with an expansion of veteran caregiver benefits and a review of the VA system’s national footprint.

All three issues have been the center of contentious fights on Capitol Hill, and the compromise package was hailed by veterans groups in a letter to congressional leaders as a step that would “measurably improve the lives of millions of veterans today and in the future.”

Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee agreed to the plan, as did House Republican leaders. But House Democrats raised a host of objections to the idea in recent days, sidelining the possible reforms for now.

Note: to read the remainder of the article, please click on: