Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Trump Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Trump  Deserves  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize,  Says  South   Korean President

9 days after being sworn in as the 'president' of the criminal cabal USA corporation, only to commit treason against this nation and theft of the US Treasury in the trillions of dollars, caught in the act by none other than General Joseph Dunford, bozo was awarded a nobel peace prize'!!  FOR WHAT PRAY TELL?  What had bozo done FOR this nation and for the world in 9 days?  Demand should be made for bozo to return that Nobel Peace Prize, forcefully removed if necessary. 
By :
Upon receiving word that the widow of late South Korean President Kim Dae-jung wanted him to win the Nobel Peace Prize, current South Korean leader Moon Jae-in said that if anyone deserved the highest honor for bringing global peace, it was Donald Trump. “President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize,” Moon said this weekend after a successful summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “What we need is only peace.”

We imagine it will be a cold day in hell before the Nobel committee awards President Trump with the Peace Prize, but this was certainly not an instance of empty flattery. If things keep going on the track they’re currently on, Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest peacemaking U.S. Presidents of all time – whether the left likes it or not. There will be no historian influential enough to change the facts. The facts that show that Trump was able to do what three of his predecessors utterly failed to do: Bring North Korea to heel, get them to abandon their nuclear arms, and push them back into normalized international relations.

Perhaps we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Perhaps the cynics are right and Kim Jong Un is playing some kind of game in the hopes that he can escape economic sanctions without actually giving up his nuclear weapons. Maybe we’ll be talking about yet another North Korean nuclear test in September and yet another round of “Oh dear, what are we going to do with this madman” national security discussions the month after that.
Or, perhaps, we really are on the verge of something unprecedented and wonderful. The unfortunate fact is that we won’t know until we know, and we may not know for some time. That’s the long way around saying: What will be, will be.

But what we don’t agree with are those critics who think Trump is making some kind of monumental mistake by even trying this approach. We literally don’t know where these people are coming from, except from a place where they simply don’t want to see Trump succeed in any area of foreign or domestic policy. These critics try to couch their skepticism in language that makes sense – “Oh, he’s going to give too much away” – but there’s no meat behind those fears. 

Trump has said that complete nuclear disarmament is the only acceptable concession. If he doesn’t get that, then all of this was for naught. But for critics to pretend that something is “lost” by trying…well, we don’t get that at all. And we guarantee that if this were Barack (Barry Soetoro) Obama, they would be singing a much different tune.

After all, they handed him a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing at all…


The Pilgrims gave us a blueprint for a successful nation. Kirk Cameron ...

Let's Make This Perfectly Clear

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't recommend any kind of A4V "Process" for Joe Average.  That  only extends to people who are legitimately federal employees and/or dependents because of the bankruptcy---- they aren't actually getting any 1930's style "A4V" redemption per se.  They are getting debts discharged in bankruptcy.  

If you are not a Federale and don't want to be listed as bankrupt, stay out of it and get your assets out of the bankruptcy slush pile by sending your BC to Mnuchin and telling him to move it and set it aside.  No A4V's except for legitimate "FEDERAL PERSONS" and no TDA's.  

Once you move back to the land jurisdiction, those FEDERAL PERSONS are re-flagged as vessels operating in International Trade, not Commerce--- and the remedies of Commerce --- bankruptcy, etc., do not apply.  You are owed remedy for this situation in probate, instead. 

The process I recommend for regular Joe Average non-federal employee, non-federal dependent is simple and straight forward. 

1. Get your Trade Name recorded and permanently domiciled on the land via an Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance. 
2. Claim all variations, spellings, permutations, punctuation, and orderings of any Names/NAMES that have ever been used or associated with you via a Certificate of Assumed Name added as an Extension to your Deed of Re-Conveyance.
3. Cancel all prior Powers of Attorney.  Record that as an Extension.  
4. Issue a Letter of Appointment making your Trade Name the Power Holder and Attorney in Fact.  Record that as an Extension.
5. Issue a Mandatory Notice under FSIA -- examples have been provided. Record that as an Extension.  

And then, for God's sake, just settle down and stop money grubbing.  This is the first, most important part of living as a free living being again and the best means of protecting yourself and your assets available.  Don't turn right around and muck it up again by getting your cart in front of your horse, making claims against bankrupt entities (which can get you in big trouble), and/or contracting to act as a Federale again.  

You can't be "in" and "out" at the same time. 

You can't be an apple and an orange. 

You can't be a sovereign and a citizen. 

You can't be acting in a private capacity and a public capacity at the same time. 

You can't claim that you are a free man standing on the land, and then turn around and claim that you are an indentured servant at sea. 

You can't claim to be an heir and landlord and at the same time claim to be a destitute pauper in need of funds from the Public Charitable Trust.  

There is a LOGIC to this, people, and you have GOT to understand it and live by it. 

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Another Victim of Human Trafficking. Meet Thasja

By Anna Von Reitz

Another Victim of Human Trafficking. Meet Thasja.
She’s a highly skilled photographer, late 20’s, beautiful, bright, and kind.
She has been kidnapped and sold to a high end Mexican brothel keeper. 
And the monsters responsible are moving her to the Mexican Border crossing at El
 Garrita Chapparal this afternoon.
The US Attorney General, Summer Stephan, has been alerted and done nothing.
The police in Oklahoma City, Oakland, and L.A. have been given detailed up-to-the-
moment information pin-pointing her whereabouts and the names of her abductors ---
 everything necessary to make the arrests. 
Nothing has been done. 
I ask you, the men of this country, how long is this going to go on?  How long before we 
mete out that they've got coming to them? 
When are these criminals going to be brought to justice the Old Way, with a jury of their 
Peers standing outside in the open air, a Justice of the Peace, a short rope and a tall tree?
If the “law enforcement officers” responsible for riding herd on all these foreigners won’t
 do their jobs, then we must still keep the peace and uphold the Public Law of this
The UN has nothing to say about it, because the UN has done nothing about it. 
Except profit by it.
It’s time the world woke up and began the enforcement actions necessary to bring the
 bankers causing all this corruption to their knees, and to fire all these useless politicians
 and even more useless police. 
They aren’t doing the jobs we hired them to do, so what good are they?  Have we finally
 defined "Useless Eaters"?
Please, America, listen up.  Get out your mops and your buckets and your Winchesters, too.  
Either take responsibility for running the world, or the criminals will.  
I know what I'd be doing if she were a member of my family and I wouldn't be asking any
 judge for permission to do it, either.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


Regarding the Israeli-Iran Document Dump

By Anna Von Reitz

Nuclear weapons are obsolete.  They have been obsolete for decades.  They are sitting around in rusting towers all over this planet connected by MS-DOS software that was in use thirty years ago. 

Does everyone clearly understand that?  It's possible that they could be deployed, but then, it's possible that I'll take up table dancing, too.  

Defense systems have moved waaaaay beyond nuclear weapons, so far beyond that the biggest controversy about nuclear weapons today is how to safely dispose of them.

Iran is not stupid.  Iran has some of the best mathematicians and scientists in the world.  Iran knows that nuclear weapons are obsolete, horribly expensive, pollution nightmares, and under international sanctions.

It would be like sneaking around building contraband whale oil lamps. The whole idea of Iran coveting nuclear weapons is ludicrous. 

These documents are as phony-baloney as all the other False Flags we've seen in recent days--- just a different kind of False Flag.  And another example of Certain Parties trying to gin up World War III with anybody for any reason. 

Iran hasn't engaged in a war outside its own borders for over 200 years, so the idea that the Iranians are war-mongers being pitched by the Israelis is ironic to the point of tears. 

And yes,  Iranians may very well be shouting, "Death to America!" --- because like nearly everyone else, they are confused between "America" and "the British Territorial United States".    

We've been victims, folks, and we've been chumps, confused as the Iranians about who we are and what we are doing ---- but like one Old Texan said today --- "I'm great and I'm getting better."  

And we won't be fooled again.  
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Iran Leader To Israel: We Will Strike You in Retaliation

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said on Monday Tehran will respond to the strikes against its facilities in Syria.
"Now for every your strike you will get retaliatory strikes," Khamenei said. The Supreme Leader warned that "the era when after delivering strikes the adversary managed to avoid a response is over."
The statement was a response to a missile strike on positions of the Syrian army and armed units of Shia militias fighting alongside with Damascus. A Syrian military source earlier told the SANA news agency that the strikes were carried out overnight to Monday against the outskirts of Hama and Aleppo.
According to Sky News Arabiya TV, the strike destroyed a large depot with Iranian weapons 10 km to the west of Hama (220 km from Damascus). The report said there were deaths among the Syrian forces and Iranian military advisers.
Full coverage of the attack was done LIVE by this web site. That coverage can be read HERE.

Monday, April 30, 2018



SENDERS COMMENT:  "Facebook freaks think they know more than the US military. F$&@ing idiots. The US govt does not have to explain shit to you about why they did what they did. They have intelligence that you don’t know about."   
Nuff said!

The TRUE Royal Couple

Never, in all my life, have I been so proud of a President of our nation and his wife.  NEVER!  I weep with  joy in the great gift the Lord has given to us by His having selected, prepared, appointed and anointed this couple - truly ROYALTY from the Throne of Almighty God.  May they never forget Who put them there and the reasons why.  God is merciful.

As a nation and as a people, the united States Republic is truly blessed and honored by the Lord.  

I also thank those who have worked diligently and faithfully behind the scenes, commonly known as the 'White Knights' - whomever each one may be and in whatever branch of this government and military - for their vision, service and faithfulness to pursue it to the end.  May the Lord bless each one, restore all that they may have lost, and grant them the desires of their hearts. 

May each one be protected, provided for and mightily blessed by the Lord, and may each one - if not already in relationship with the Lord God - meet the King.

Thanking God for you ........ Olive Oyl


To give you encouragement and hope ......

Some of us have been going through very troubling times during recent years, everything from losing loved ones from sickness and death, families splitting apart, loss of jobs, homes, cars, and what little money was in the bank ........ even loss of those we valued and trusted as friends.  I have been there, too, and have also suffered - and been miraculously healed by a prayer and trust in what He told me of stage 4 melanoma by the Lord around 2008.  Though thoughts of some of these threats to life and material losses still linger today, the Lord graciously provided the videos below to encourage me through today. I post them now with the sincere prayer that those of you who, like me, have suffered loss and are experiencing trials today will be comforted and lifted up.  Always remember ..... He IS WITH YOU despite what you think or feel.  No matter who you are or where you are or what you may have done, He IS WITH YOU.  Reach out and touch Him by faith.  BE ENCOURAGED TODAY.   With love and prayers for you and yours, Olive Oyl


"Footprints In The Sand" 

Mikie Obama

Trillionaires for a Day

By Anna Von Reitz

To all the BS surrounding "GCRs" and "RVs" and "NESARA/GESARA" I wish to call a halt.

The Central Bankers and their buddies are the ones who owe the debts, because they are the ones who profited from the gross misapplication of assets both before and after both World Wars and from the inflation this malfeasance has caused.  

Since when did you or I ever "benefit" from inflation? 

Since when did we get to "create money" by entering digits in a ledger? 

Since when did we get to exchange our I.O.U's for gold and silver under force of legal tender "laws"---and then go bankrupt, taking the gold and silver with us?  

Since when did we get to kite checks on empty bank accounts --- and have those checks honored?  

Since when did we get to "hypothecate" debt against assets that actually belong to other people?  

Never.  So, since we never benefited from all this madness, who did?  The banks.  And since the banks got the benefit, who owes the debt?  The banks, again.  

And if they want to escape mutual perdition, who needs to write all those debts off and "forgive" them?   The banks. 

Not us.  Not Joe Average.  It's not our debt.  Not our fault.  Not our problem. 

The debt belongs to the banks and the only way the banks can be credited is if they forgive the debt.   

Honest men would have faced the facts and jettisoned all this "debt" years ago.  Even dishonest men with brains would have done the same, but no.  

Instead, we have this crazy-making situation. 

Inflation equals devaluation of currency.  

The system the central banks set up in 1913 was designed to steal our money outright via the absurd "exchange rate" of their I.O.U.s for our silver and to devalue our American money via inflation.  

What they did at Bretton Woods was just more of the same.  Our money wasn't devaluing fast enough to suit the Central Banks, so they created the "USD"---- another "mirror" ---- of our actual United States Dollar, which is and remains, fine silver-----and they hauled out Bretton Woods and shoved that pile of manure down everybody's throats. 

Our assets and our money was used to rebuild the rest of the world after World War II and everybody including the Chinese know it.  We were kept working like slaves to make it possible, too.  We were the only nation on planet Earth that was never allowed to have peace after the Second World War.  

And now that they have devalued their look-alike-sound-alike "USD" --- which isn't the actual United States Dollar anymore than I am a public transmitting utility called "ANNA M. RIEZINGER" ---- they want all of us to take the fall for them. 

Nyet.  Not.  Nein.  No.  Non.  Not happening. 

The Central Banks owe the actual Americans $4,778 Trillion.  They owe the hardworking and inventive Germans even more per capita --- $2612 Trillion.  They owe the Italians $800 Trillion.  They even owe the Greeks, who were supposedly "on the rocks" and "insolvent" over $600 Trillion.  

Are you all beginning to get this gist of this?  That it is all make-believe and hideously absurd?  Where did all these astronomical numbers come from? 

What I said yesterday ---- bunko and bad bookkeeping. 

Not the Red Dragon family, the White Dragon family or the Purple Dragon family, either. 

Just bunko and bad bookkeeping. 

So now what is the banker's solution?  Oh, we "give it all back to the people"----which sounds good superficially, because it is the people who have been harmed by all this crap --- but then we get to the fine print. 

They propose to hand out trillions of "dollars" -----digit dollars ---- credit dollars --- to Joe Blow, pretty much at random.  

Imagine the situation?  Joe Blow from Pittsburgh is suddenly a "trillionaire" and his friend, Fast Eddy, is a quadrillionaire---- at least, that's what their account at the bank says.  

So they start spending all this credit loot ---- and before you know it, a cup of coffee costs a million dollars, everyone is charging a minimum wage of $10,000,000.00 per hour, a car costs a trillion and a half..... 

And the vacuous, illusory, arbitrary nature of money and credit starts to dawn on everyone, but the Central Banks have one more throw. 

When the "USD" --- which was never our American Dollar at all, just deliberately confused with us and our money --- is completely, utterly worthless, and everyone knows it for sure, ah, then they propose to come in and offer what they will advertise as "real money" ---- silver and gold. 

Oh, you mean like our American Silver Dollar that everyone made fun of and considered so novel and quaint?  

They figure that in the wake of the worst hyperinflation in human history everyone will be so desperate for a "reliable" alternative that they will be begging to buy gold at $10,000 or $20,000 per ounce. 

They are even bringing out that worthless old lie about "gold being a store of value".  

If so, why don't you show us an ounce of gold that is "storing value" versus an ounce of gold that has "discharged" its value?  

And they are inventing bogus philanthropists out of thin air, too, to try to explain how all this gold and silver got amassed in the first place.  

By bunko and bad bookkeeping is the real answer. 

Mao didn't leave any benevolent "Chinese Elders" loaded down with tons of gold to give away.  

If you believe that story line you have rocks in your head and are too stupid to live. 

So now, hopefully, you see why this purported "massive re-distribution of wealth" is really nothing of the kind, and is just the final hurrah to obliterate whatever value remains in the British Territorial United State's currency the so-called "USD"-----a hyper-inflationary hurrah that would serve the central banker's other goal of giving them an excuse to say that they paid back their debt, when all they have done is add a lot more digits to a ledger and cause a lot more misery worldwide. 

No.  It's time to call an end to this crappola and an end to the Central Banks and the bankers running them.  They need to be in jail the same way a little kid needs a spanking and a time out.  

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


At around 3:40 PM Eastern US time, an utterly MASSIVE explosion took place at an Iranian base inside Syria.  The photo above was taken from 5 kilometers (about 3 MILES) away, and well-into the explosion which "seemed to linger."  There are now widespread BUT UNCORROBORATED rumors Israel used a Tactical Nuclear Bomb against the Iranian base.
The explosion was so intense, it registered as an EARTHQUAKE with the The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), which is now reporting a Magnitude 2.6 earthquake at that site! (Link)
This is a very-fast-developing story.  Updates within minutes.  Check back. . .


The precise location of the blast:

VIDEO -- 5:30 PM EDT --

The video below lasts only a few seconds.  The cameraman told me he saw the "bright, white flash" then fumbled to get his camera started . . . capturing the rising blast AFTER the "flash."  The cameraman also told me directly that when he started to see what looked like a "Mushroom cloud" rising up as the initial flames dissipated, he shut the camera off and ran like hell.  This video was taken from about 5 kilometers (3.5 miles) away . . . that's how large the explosion was.





UPDATE 6:01 PM EDT --  Russia and Syria are reviewing radar recordings.  CONFLICTING INFORMATION coming in.   Some reports claim Israeli jets were in the air at the time of the attack.  Other reports say that radar picked-up a total of NINE missiles coming from the south, south of As-Suwayda as shown on the map below:

Other reports claim missiles came fromt he direction of the US Base at Al-Tanf.
Russia confirms "the origin of the attacks will be attacked in retaliation . . . ."

 UPDATE 6:24 PM EDT --

***** BULLETIN ****

6:28 PM EDT --

 Russia has WITHDRAWN it's "De-Escalation" teams from southern Syria.  "There is no need for them anymore; this is now a direct fight."
 Syrian Government has confirmed that bases in Hama and Aleppo have been hit by enemy missiles.
 Unconfirmed, so no official Syrian and or Iranian statement yet: dozens upon dozens of (mostly) Iranian soldiers (of all factions) have been killed tonight.
Blood of all types needed for the hospitals of Suqailabiya and Masyaf... There's a shortage and many wounded.
Reports now of nearly 50 dead and many dozens and dozens wounded (majority are reportedly Iranian soldiers) from Israeli strikes on Hama
SANA CONFIRMS Syrian Army Fire Brigade station has been hit near the attack site at the Iranian Brigade 47 base, in an attempt to kill all firefighters and stop the fire being put out.


MORE CONFUSING AND CONFLICTING REPORTS. Syrian Army Soldier Says the Strikes came from Turkish AirSpace 


*Unconfirmed* reports that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his ministers are holding an emergency cabinet meeting at the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv following the alleged Israeli airstrike on an underground Iranian rockets depot in Syria. 


The explosions at the Hama depot lasted for over an hour and a half, spreading to the nearby area and forcing some of the residents to flee their homes, Sky News reported, citing sources.

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Russian Military is changing all its radio encryption; no longer communicating with US/Coalition or allowing us to hear what they're doing in Syria.  VERY BAD SIGN.

From April 12

Putin warns Netanyahu against further Israeli strikes in Syria

Russian President Putin spoke today on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warned against further Israeli military strikes in Syria.

In the call, Putin stressed "the fundamental importance of respecting the sovereignty of Syria" and asked Netanyahu to "refrain from any actions that further destabilize the situation in this country and pose a threat to its security," according to a statement by the Kremlin.

According to the Israeli Prime Minister's office, Netanyahu pushed back on Putin and stressed that Israel will not allow Iranian military entrenchment in Syria.

UPDATE 11:22 PM EDT --

In the last hour, there have been at least THREE (3) "Skyking" Emergency Action Message (EAM) transmissions over the United States Military Global High Frequency Communications System.
An EAM is exactly what it sounds like: It is the highest priority message in the entire US Military.  In layman's terms, it means stop whatever you're doing and do this right now.
All these messages are encrypted in a manner that makes it impossible for anyone other than the military to decipher what the message means.  The fact that EAM's are being transmitted on the very evening that so much is taking place in the Middle East, is not a good thing.

UPDATE 11:25 PM EDT --

Iranian state-run mass-media outlet PRESS.TV has suddenly gone offline.  It's web site has either been taken down or attacked and taken offline.


An overnight missile attack in Syria's northern region has killed 26 pro-government fighters, mostly Iranians, a Syria war monitoring group said Monday.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the attack appears to have been carried out by Israel and targeted an arms depot for surface-to-surface missiles at a base in northern Syria known as Brigade 47. The Observatory said four Syrians were also among casualties.
It said the death toll could rise as the attack also wounded 60 fighters and there were several others are still missing.
The attack comes amid rising tensions between Iran and Israel following an airstrike earlier this month on Syria's T4 air base in central province of Homs that killed seven Iranian military personnel. Syria, Iran and Russia blamed Israel for that attack. Israel did not confirm or deny it.


Minutes before it was scheduled to begin, the Likud canceled its celebratory Knesset opening faction meeting due to Netanyahu and several other ministers still being in Tel Aviv for a Security Cabinet meeting on the Syria strikes.

COVERT INTEL   Iran has called-up its QUDS force; a special forces unit of Iran's Revolutionary Guards responsible for their extraterritorial operations. The Quds Force reports directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei.  Its commander is Major General Qasem Soleimani and his deputy was Hossein Hamadani. While "little is reliably known" about the force,  as of 2007, its size was estimated at 15,000 troops. The United States has designated the Quds Force a supporter of terrorism since 2007. 

Israeli Emergency Cabinet meeting has ended; lasted about 90 minutes.  This was a very urgent, very serious meeting. Not about what has happened but what is planned from both sides. The flames of war just got a bit hotter.


The Flannel-Mouths Among Us

By Anna Von Reitz
 The description "flannel mouth" used to be pretty common.  It was applied to all the politically correct wishy-washies who "couldn't say shit if they had a mouth full" and who began appearing in larger and larger numbers after the Second World War.  

These people are always careful not to offend anyone, to "mouth over" everything repeatedly and never say or do anything that might be considered controversial or violent or unpopular.  

These are the people of whom Ben Franklin spoke when he said that those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither. 

Most of them are deeply fearful and indoctrinated souls, who somehow imagine that they can avoid being swept up in the catastrophes of the world, if they just sit still and do nothing and say nothing. 

Their theory seems to be akin to that of rabbits: maybe if I sit very still, nobody will notice me, and it will all just pass me by like a bad dream. 

That's the same kind of thinking that resulted in the Nazis taking power. 

Was it Pastor Neuman who, in retrospect, enumerated the list of victims?  First, they came for the homosexuals and the disabled, but I wasn't a homosexual or disabled, so I did nothing....next, they came for the Jehovah's Witnesses, but I wasn't a Jehovah's Witness, so I did nothing, and then, then they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew, so I did nothing.....and when they came for me, there was nobody left to come to my assistance. 

Remember his rumination, because it applies to every one reading this. If you put up with lawlessness, it will increase.  If you turn away from injustice, it will increase.  If you think that you will escape by being a milk-toast, think again.  

As we should all know by now, that is not how the actual world works. In the actual world, silence is acceptance and consent.  Doing nothing means that you are consenting to whatever is coming down the pike. 

So all of you "cool, considerate men" who are "hanging to the back" thinking that if the rest of us go under, you will still be afloat---- think again.  You will be the targets of choice, because you present such easy targets for the bullies and the criminals. 

And they are criminals. 

If it offends your delicate sensitives to call for the arrest of criminals and the restraint and apprehension of criminals in our midst, just slink away. Go find a hole and hope for the best.  History is not in your favor.  

This is a posting that belongs to law-abiding people who have secured their natural and unalienable rights and who owe it to themselves and to others to speak up and to resist evil and lawlessness in our midst. We consider it our public duty and there are plenty of laws on the books that say that it is in fact our public duty to report, to inform, to object, and to resist crime up to and including use of deadly force if necessary. 

If all these crimes including identity theft and unlawful conversion of assets and conspiracy against the constitutions and inland piracy and impersonation and personage and barratry and felony level fraud and breach of trust  and false claims in commerce and deliberate extortion and racketeering under color of law and abuse of bankruptcy protection and press-ganging, human trafficking, peonage and enslavement are not enough to get you on your feet --- except to run away, that is---- then how much more does it take before you line up for the gas chambers?  

You will all just have to sit down and put your heads between your knees and breathe deep.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Insight for Churches, LLC's, S-Corps, Foundations, Trusts and Cooperatives

By Anna Von Reitz

 If you have "incorporated" your business, you have given it away to those who offered you a charter and the "benefits" of a charter, which include bankruptcy protection--- mainly---- and the corporate veil, meaning that what you have in your incorporated business is all that you are putting at risk in conducting that business.

Except for very large businesses engaged in risky business none of this adds up to any advantage worth spitting on, but the members of the Bar Association have been soliciting and advising everyone to jump on board and "incorporate" everything from dog kennels to Mom and Pop convenience stores. 

Why?  Since it offers no actual and substantial benefit for the small fry? 

The short answer is that it makes your assets subject to them and gives them an ownership interest in what you work for and create with no substantial risk to them in exchange. 

Suddenly, you have to pay "federal income taxes" and any other taxes they assess.  You have to maintain records and have those records instantly available for them to examine, because you don't actually own your business anymore.  You gave it to them in exchange for the "benefits" they offered ----purportedly, anyway. 

Non-profit businesses are especially at risk.  If you set up a non-profit and then decide that you want to "un-incorporate" it, you have to give your assets away to another non-profit (still under their thumb and forefinger) or give the assets to them outright. 

No escape, or so they make it seem.  

Everything that you worked for and believed that you owned, has via your own ignorance been "donated" to these charlatans and thieves.  Your business, like you---- is just another PERSON in their System and they control and own everything in their System. 

How do you exit this nightmare? 

For most businesses the answer is the same for your business as it is for you.  You remove the name of the business to the jurisdiction of the land and soil --- and permanently domicile it there, so that you are no longer considered to be engaged in "commerce" but in "international trade".  

For the vast majority of small businesses, this is sufficient to discourage the thieves, if you are resolute in your defense of your position.  You claim the name of your business as an Assumed Name and that's that.  The truth of the matter is that there are always bigger fish to fry and they can't waste the resources tagging down small operators---especially not well-informed small operators who bare their teeth and present Mandatory FSIA Notices upon first contact. 

And you revoke any "election to pay" federal income taxes on your small independent business, just as you revoke your "personal" election to pay by writing to both the Commissioner of the IRS and the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service and informing them that your business is  naturally exempt and your revoking your election to pay these federal  taxes and waiving any benefit of federal incorporation. 

There are notable exceptions.  If you are involved in the interstate sale or transport of alcohol, tobacco or firearms products, you are stuck.  The Federales have a lock on the interstate (not the intrastate) manufacture, transport and sale of these products. 

If you are a C-Corp subject to SEC rules and selling shares to the public, you are stuck.  The Federales have a lock on the international/interstate sale of these kinds of security instruments.  This is the Big Deal about "going public"---- you subject yourself to their foreign Territorial jurisdiction and are assumed to be acting in commerce when you "register" with the SEC and Stock Exchanges. 

The good news is that the vast majority of Mom and Pop businesses and non-profit organizations that never owed federal taxes and were never subject to federal reporting requirements in the first place, can correct their mistakes and re-organize as private, unincorporated businesses. 

For most businesses that are not involved in any particularly risky, controversial, or dangerous activities for which liability may be a big issue, leaving behind federal taxation and reporting and regulation is a blessing and no loss.  The rule of thumb for most businesses is that if you have less than a million and a half in profits every year, there is no likely advantage to incorporation at all.  

Buy some extra private insurance if you want to, with the savings reaped from claiming your exemption from federal taxes and reporting and regulation requirements. 

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Choose Your Court --- Before or After "Equity"

By Anna Von Reitz

 I have devoted several articles to the evils of British Equity Courts, mainly deriving from the fact that the judges in such courts are allowed to act as Proxies for the British King and everyone in such a court is "presumed" to be a British Subject --- therefore the judges can do whatever they please without restraint by the actual written law at all. 

This is a gross abuse of power left in the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats, many of whom in our case at least, have no proper training in law of any kind thanks to the imposition and spread of the quasi-military tribunals created by the Territorial United States Congress in the wake of the so-called Civil War. 

Yet, we have known that the rats had to leave an "out" for themselves, a means by which they could inflict this evil upon others, yet leave an escape route for their own use.  Here it is. 

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania holds the power of the King's Bench as it was in 1722 --- before the Admiralty Law was allowed to pollute British Common Law and before judges were allowed to sit as proxies for the King.  This is where the rats bring their business when they want justice.  

The King’s Bench in America – Non-Equity Court -- 1722
Pennsylvania Statutes Title 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 502
Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. General powers of  [Pennsylvania] Supreme Court
The Supreme Court shall have and exercise the powers vested in it by the Constitution of Pennsylvania, including the power generally to minister justice to all persons and to exercise the powers of the court, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as the justices of the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, at Westminster, or any of them, could or might do on May 22, 1722.  The Supreme Court shall also have and exercise the following powers:
(1) All powers necessary or appropriate in aid of its original and appellate jurisdiction which are agreeable to the usages and principles of law.
(2) The powers vested in it by statute, including the provisions of this title. 

And here is where the rats drag in the cat and seek political and commercial protection from the King's Proxy:
The King’s Bench in America – Equity Court – After 1722
The Delaware Court of Chancery
The Court of Chancery has jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters and causes in equity. The general equity jurisdiction of the Court is measured in terms of the general equity jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery of Great Britain as it existed prior to the separation of the American colonies. The General Assembly may confer upon the Court of Chancery additional statutory jurisdiction. In today's practice, the litigation in the Court of Chancery consists largely of corporate matters, trusts, estates, and other fiduciary matters, disputes involving the purchase and sale of land, questions of title to real estate, and commercial and contractual matters in general. When issues of fact to be tried by a jury arise, the Court of Chancery may order such facts to trial by issues at the Bar of the Superior Court of Delaware. (10 Del. C., 369).
As you can begin to catch the drift, all the PERSONS they created for themselves were considered British Subjects and brought into courts of equity where the King's Proxy, the Judge, could rape, plunder, and pillage as he pleased --- and also where he could protect the interests of the King in any business matter, grant bankruptcy protection and clemency to the King's Privateers, and provide for all the other dirty business of the Crown. 

And now you know how they worked it to benefit and protect themselves while acting in gross Breach of Trust and in violation of their commercial contracts on our soil---- with the help of our own dumbed-down and/or corrupted military officers and politicians, of course. 

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Something Unexplainable is Happening Worldwide (Events 2018 - 2019)

The Facts of Life

By Anna Von Reitz
 The criminals responsible for creating and running the banking system have been given over thirty (30) years Notice to correct their operations. Three decades.  A whole generation. 

For the past two decades, they have been under Due Process and Commercial Lien. 

Instead of correcting anything they have doubled down and right now, they are trying to pull off yet another diabolical fraud scheme designed to save themselves and cheat the American States and People and everyone else on this planet.  

They hope to do exactly what they want to do --- at our expense, again.  

I am openly, unequivocally, without the least little bit of apology, calling for the worldwide arrest and prosecution of the bankers responsible for this. That such a self-serving answer is even on the table is offense enough.

I am calling for their arrest, the confiscation of their assets, the repatriation of the land titles owed to the States and people of this country and to all the other countries have been harmed by these criminals. 

These criminals are responsible for the Civil War, the First World War, the Great Depression, the Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 and 2, and even as we speak, they are still screwing around trying to get World War III started. 

They've killed millions of innocent people for profit. 

They are criminals on such a massive scale that people are still trying to wrap their heads around the facts, but at the end of the day, the facts of life are simple.  They are criminals.  Arrest them. 

Now I have had some Weeping Nellies trying to mis-characterize my statements and suggest that I am advocating some kind of political controversy and "start a Civil War" by suggesting that these criminals may need to be gunned down in the streets ----- but it's not because they are Republicans or Democrats--it's because they are criminals and they are unrepentant criminals. 

They may need to be forcefully removed.  

These are not nice men.  They have gotten away with crime for generations.  They think they have a right to get away with crime.  Even when it is brought forcefully to their attention, they continue on as if nothing had happened, as if crime were the normal course of business and as if we all have to stand here and put up with it.  

But we don't.  Not really.  

And we don't have to go to war or wait for another election, either. 

All that needs to happen is for these bankers to be arrested, their assets confiscated, all their false commercial claims repudiated for the frauds that they are, and all their diabolical plans up-ended.  

This is a matter of crime, not politics.  

Iceland woke up, realized the facts of life, and cleaned house.  

It's time that we all did the same.  

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Central American migrants arrive at the U.S. border LIVE

Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan