Sunday, June 10, 2018

Take back your privacy from the evil gatekeepers


Thomas Dishaw 
June 9 2018
Privacy is a hot-button issue nowadays, and it should be. Information bloodsuckers like Facebook and Google are having a heyday selling your browsing habits to the highest bidder day in and day out. The truth is that’s really how these companies make their money. In case you didn’t know, as soon as you connect to the internet and visit your favorite site, you’re virtually getting raped by hundreds of corporate vampires who want to suck every last bit of personal information out of you. Luckily, there’s a way to stop this. No, you don’t have to get off the internet altogether (although that’s not a bad idea) but what you do need to do is start taking your privacy seriously. 

Listed below are 150 great tools (courtesy of everyone should try to integrate into their online habits. Most of these tools are free and easy to set up. And, after reading my list, if you feel I’ve missed something, I ask that you leave any recommendations or reviews in the comment section for all readers to see. 

As a disclaimer, I’m not receiving financial compensation from any of these companies. I’m merely interested in ‘sticking it’ to the information whores that have no respect for your privacy and do not compensate you for exploiting it.



Confidant Mail – An open-source non-SMTP cryptographic email system optimized for large file attachments. It is a secure and spam-resistant alternative to regular email and online file drop services. It uses GNU Privacy Guard

(GPG) for content encryption and authentication, and TLS 1.2 with ephemeral keys for transport encryption.
Become Your Own Email Provider with Mail-in-a-Box
Take it a step further and get control of your email with this easy-to-deploy mail server in a box.  

Mail-in-a-Box lets you become your own mail service provider in a few easy steps. It’s sort of like making your own gmail, but one you control from top to bottom. Technically, Mail-in-a-Box turns a fresh cloud computer into a working mail server. But you don’t need to be a technology expert to set it up.


gpg4usb – A very easy to use and small portable editor to encrypt and decrypt any text-message or -file. For Windows and Linux. GPG tutorial.

Mailvelope – A browser extension that enables the exchange of encrypted emails following the OpenPGP encryption standard.

Enigmail – A security extension to Thunderbird and Seamonkey. It enables you to write and receive email messages signed and/or encrypted with the OpenPGP standard.

TorBirdy – This extension configures Thunderbird to make connections over the Tor anonymity network.

Email Privacy Tester – This tool will send an Email to your address and perform privacy related tests.


Thunderbird – Mozilla Thunderbird is a free, open source, cross-platform email, news, and chat client developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Thunderbird is an email, newsgroup, news feed, and chat (XMPP, IRC, Twitter) client.

Claws Mail is a free and open source, GTK+-based email and news client. It offers easy configuration and an abundance of features. It is included with Gpg4win, an encryption suite for Windows.

K-9 Mail – An independent mail application for Android. It supports both POP3 and IMAP mailboxes, but only supports push mail for IMAP.

GNU Privacy Guard – Email Encryption. GnuPG is a GPL Licensed alternative to the PGP suite of cryptographic software. Tutorial. Use GPGTools for Mac OS X.<

Mailpile (Beta) – A modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features.


I2P-Bote is a fully decentralized and distributed email system. It supports different identities and does not expose email headers. Currently (2015), it is still in beta version and can be accessed via its web application interface or IMAP and SMTP. All bote-mails are transparently end-to-end encrypted and, optionally, signed by the sender’s private key.

Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide “non-content” data.

Retroshare creates encrypted connections to your friends. Nobody can spy on you. Retroshare is completely decentralized. This means there are no central servers. It is entirely Open-Source and free. There are no costs, no ads and no Terms of Service.


Tor Browser is your choice if you need an extra layer of anonymity. It’s a modified version of Firefox, it comes with pre-installed privacy add-ons, encryption and an advanced proxy.

Brave the new open source browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser. Brave is based on Chromium.

Firefox is fast, reliable, open source and respects your privacy.

Configure these add ons and make your Firefox browser even safer. – Returns the top results from multiple search engines. Based in the Netherlands.

Stop Tracking with “Privacy Badger”<
Block Ads and Trackers with “uBlock Origin”
Automatically Delete Cookies with “Cookie AutoDelete”
Encryption with “HTTPS Everywhere”<
Block Content Delivery Networks with “Decentraleyes”
Stop cross-site requests with “uMatrix”<
Be in total control with “NoScript Security Suite”


searx – An open source metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing information about its users. No logs, no ads and no tracking.

StartPage – Google search results, with complete privacy protection. Behind StartPage is an european company that has been obsessive about privacy since 2006.

DuckDuckGo – The search engine that doesn’t track you. Some of DuckDuckGo’s code is free software hosted at  

GitHub, but the core is proprietary. The company is based in the USA

findx – Open Source. No logging. No tracking. Transparent algorithms. Hosted in Europe.

Qwant – Qwant’s philosophy is based on two principles: no user tracking and no filter bubble. Qwant was launched in France in February 2013. Privacy Policy.

MetaGer – An open source metasearch engine, which is based in Germany. It focuses on protecting the user’s privacy.


PLEASE NOTE: Using a VPN will not make you anonymous. But it will give you a better privacy. A VPN is not a tool for illegal activities. Don’t rely on a “no log” policy to save you. Nothing is ANONYMOUS!


Signal is a mobile app developed by Open Whisper Systems. The app provides instant messaging, as well as voice and video calling. All communications are end-to-end encrypted. Signal is free and open source, enabling anyone to verify its security by auditing the code. The development team is supported by community donations and grants. There are no advertisements, and it doesn’t cost anything to use.

Wire is an app developed by Wire Swiss GmbH. The Wire app allows users to exchange end-to-end encrypted instant messages, as well as make voice and video calls. Wire is free and open source, enabling anyone to verify its security by auditing the code. The development team is backed by Iconical and they will monetize in the future with premium features/services.

Caution: The company keeps a list of all the users you contact until you delete your account.

Linphone is an open source SIP Phone and a free voice over IP service, available on mobile and desktop environments and on web browsers. It supports ZRTP for end-to-end encrypted voice and video communication

Jitsi – Jitsi is a free and open source multiplatform voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging application

Tox – A free and open-source, peer-to-peer, encrypted instant messaging and video calling software.

Ring (formerly SFLphone) – Gives you a full control over your communications and an unmatched level of privacy.


OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size. It works by starting a web server, making it accessible as a Tor onion service, and generating an unguessable URL to access and download the files. It doesn’t require setting up a server on the internet somewhere or using a third party filesharing service. You host the file on your own computer and use a Tor onion service to make it temporarily accessible over the internet.

Magic Wormhole – Get things from one computer to another, safely. This package provides a library and a command-line tool named 'wormhole', which makes it possible to get arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another. The two endpoints are identified by using identical “wormhole codes”: in general, the sending machine generates and displays the code, which must then be typed into the receiving machine. The codes are short and human-pronounceable, using a phonetically-distinct wordlist. The receiving side offers tab-completion on the codewords, so usually only a few characters must be typed. Wormhole codes are single-use and do not need to be memorized.


If you are currently using Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud you should pick an alternative here.

Seafile offers 100 GB Storage for $10/month but also gives you the opportunity to host on your own server. Your data is stored in Germany or with Amazon Web Service in the US for the cloud version. Encrypt files with your own password.

If you are currently using Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud you should pick an alternative here

Seafile offers 100 GB Storage for $10/month but also gives you the opportunity to host on your own server. Your data is stored in Germany or with Amazon Web Service in the US for the cloud version. Encrypt files with your own password.

Nextcloud – Similar functionally to the widely used Dropbox, with the difference being that Nextcloud is free and open-source, and thereby allowing anyone to install and operate it without charge on a private server, with no limits on storage space or the number of connected clients.

Least Authority S4 – S4 (Simple Secure Storage Service) is Least Authority’s verifiably secure off-site backup system for individuals and businesses. 100% client-side encryption and open source transparency. 250GB for $9.95/month or 5TB for $25.95/month. Servers are hosted with Amazon S3 in the US.

Muonium – Free encrypted cloud storage for your files.


If you are currently using a Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud you should think about hosting it on your own.

Seafile is a file hosting software system. Files are stored on a central server and can by synchronized with personal computers and mobile devices via the Seafile client. Files can also be accessed via the server’s web interface.

Pydio is open source software that turns instantly any server (on premise, NAS, cloud IaaS or PaaS) into a file sharing platform for your company. It is an alternative to SaaS Boxes and Drives, with more control, safety and privacy, and favorable TCOs.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open decentralized cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire file store continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.

Nextcloud – Free and open-source, allows anyone to install and operate it for free on a private server, with no limits on storage space or the number of connected clients.

Muonium – Free encrypted cloud storage for your files.


SparkleShare – creates a special folder on your computer. You can add remotely hosted folders (or “projects”) to this folder. These projects will be automatically kept in sync with both the host and all of your peers when someone adds, removes or edits a file.

Syncany – allows users to backup and share certain folders of their workstations using any kind of storage. Syncany is open-source and provides data encryption and incredible flexibility in terms of storage type and provider. Files are encrypted before uploading.

Syncthing – replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it’s transmitted over the Internet.

git-annex – Allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due to limitations in memory, time, or disk space.

If you are currently using a Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud, you should think about hosting it on your own.

Seafile is a file hosting software system. Files are stored on a central server and can by synchronized with personal computers and mobile devices via the Seafile client. Files can also be accessed via the server’s web interface.

Pydio is open source software that turns instantly any server (on premise, NAS, cloud IaaS or PaaS) into a file sharing platform for your company. It is an alternative to SaaS Boxes and Drives, with more control, safety and privacy, and favorable TCOs.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open decentralized cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire file store continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.

Nextcloud – Free and open-source, allows anyone to install and operate it for free on a private server, with no limits on storage space or the number of connected clients.

Muonium – Free encrypted cloud storage for your files.
If you are currently using a password manager software like 1Password, LastPass, Roboform or iCloud Keychain you should pick an alternative here.

Master Password is based on an ingenious password generation algorithm that guarantees your passwords can never be lost. Its passwords aren’t stored: they are generated on-demand from your name, the site and your master password. No syncing, backups or internet access needed.

KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. All passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known: AES and Twofish. 

See also: KeePassX (not regularly updated) and KeePassXCLessPass is a free and open source password manager that generates unique passwords for websites, email accounts, or anything else based on a master password and information you know. No sync needed. Uses PBKDF2 and SHA-256. It’s advised to use the browser addons for more security.

Secure Password Generator – generates a unique set of custom, high quality, cryptographic-strength password strings which are safe for you to use.

SuperGenPass – A master password and the domain name of the Web site you are visiting is used as the “seed” for a one-way hash algorithm (base-64 MD5). The output of this algorithm is your generated password. You remember one password (your “master password”), and SGP uses it to generate unique, complex passwords for the Web sites you visit. Your generated passwords are never stored or transmitted, so you can use SGP on as many computers as you like without having to “sync” anything.

Password Safe – Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single “Master Password” of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list.


If you are currently using a calendar and or contacts synchronization service like Google Sync or iCloud you should pick an alternative here.

NextCloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. This includes calendar sync via CalDAV and contacts sync via CardDAV. Nextcloud is free and open-source, thereby allowing anyone to install and operate it without charge on a private server.

EteSync is a secure, end-to-end encrypted and journaled personal information (e.g. contacts and calendar) cloud synchronization and backup for Android and any OS that supports CalDAV/CardDAV. It costs $14 per year to use, or you can host the server yourself for free.

fruux – a unified contacts/calendaring system that works across platforms and devices.

Flock – a discontinued calendar and contacts sync service by Open Whisper Systems. Despite being shut down the source code is still available on GitHub.

cloud backups – consider regularly exporting your calendar and or contacts and backing them up on a separate storage drive or uploading them to cloud storage (ideally after encrypting them).


If you are currently not using encryption software for your hard disk, emails or file archives you should pick an encryption software here.

VeraCrypt is a source-available freeware utility used for on-the-fly encryption. It can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file or encrypt a partition or the entire storage device with pre-boot authentication. VeraCrypt is a fork of the discontinued TrueCrypt project. It was initially released on June 22, 2013. According to its developers, security improvements have been implemented and issues raised by the initial TrueCrypt code audit have been addressed.

GnuPG is a GPL Licensed alternative to the PGP suite of cryptographic software. GnuPG is compliant with RFC 4880, which is the current IETF standards track specification of OpenPGP. Current versions of PGP (and Veridis’ Filecrypt) are interoperable with GnuPG and other OpenPGP-compliant systems. GnuPG is a part of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU software project, and has received major funding from the German government. GPGTools for Mac OS X.

PeaZip is a free and open-source file manager and file archiver made by Giorgio Tani. It supports its native PEA archive format (featuring compression, multi volume split and flexible authenticated encryption and integrity check schemes) and other mainstream formats, with special focus on handling open formats. It supports 181 file extensions (as of version 5.5.1).

Mac alternative: Keka is a free file archiver.

Cryptomator – Free client-side AES encryption for your cloud files. Open source software: No backdoors, no registration.

miniLock – Browser plugin for Google Chrome / Chromium to encrypt files using a secret passphrase. Easy to use. From the developer of Cryptocat.

AES Crypt – Using a powerful 256-bit encryption algorithm, AES Crypt can safely secure your most sensitive files. For Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.

DiskCryptor – A full disk and partition encryption system for Windows including the ability to encrypt the partition and disk on which the OS is installed.

Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) – A full disk encryption system for Linux using dm-crypt as the disk encryption backend. Included by default in Ubuntu. Available for Windows and Linux.


If you are currently browsing the Clearnet and you want to access the Dark web this section is for you.

The Tor network is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows people to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. Tor’s users employ this network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than making a direct connection, thus allowing both organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Tor is an effective censorship circumvention tool.

The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a computer network layer that allows applications to send messages to each other pseudonymously and securely. Uses include anonymous Web surfing, chatting, blogging and file transfers. The software that implements this layer is called an I2P router and a computer running I2P is called an I2P node. The software is free and open source and is published under multiple licenses.

Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant communication. It uses a decentralized distributed data store to keep and deliver information, and has a suite of free software for publishing and communicating on the Web without fear of censorship. Both Freenet and some of its associated tools were originally designed by Ian Clarke, who defined Freenet’s goal as providing freedom of speech on the Internet with strong anonymity protection.

ZeroNet – Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network.

RetroShare – Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.

GNUnet – GNUnet provides a strong foundation of free software for a global, distributed network that provides security and privacy.

IPFS – A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open. (important privacy warning)


Njalla only needs your email or an jabber address in order to register a domain name for you. Created by people from The Pirate Bay and IPredator VPN. Accepted Payments: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, DASH, Bitcoin Cash and PayPal. A privacy-aware domain registration service.

DNSCrypt A protocol for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver. The DNSCrypt protocol uses high-speed high-security elliptic-curve cryptography and is very similar to DNSCurve, but focuses on securing communications between a client and its first-level resolver.

OpenNIC is an alternate network information center/alternative DNS root which lists itself as an alternative to ICANN and its registries. Like all alternative root DNS systems, OpenNIC-hosted domains are unreachable to the vast majority of the Internet. Only specific configuration in one’s DNS resolver makes these reachable, and very few Internet service providers have this configuration.

NoTrack – A network-wide DNS server which blocks Tracking sites. Currently works in Debian and Ubuntu.

Namecoin – A decentralized DNS open source information registration and transfer system based on the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.
If you are currently using an application like Evernote, Google Keep or Microsoft OneNote you should pick an alternative here.

Laverna is a JavaScript note-taking web application with a Markdown editor and encryption support. The application stores all your notes in your browser databases, which is good for security and privacy reasons, because only you have access.

Turtl lets you take notes, bookmark websites, and store documents for sensitive projects. From sharing passwords with your coworkers to tracking research on an article you’re writing, Turtl keeps it all safe from everyone but you and those you share with.

Standard Notes is a simple and private notes app that makes your notes easy and available everywhere you are. Features end-to-end encryption on every platform, and a powerful desktop experience with themes and custom editors.

Paperwork – Open source and self-hosted solution. For PHP / MySQL servers.

Org-mode – A major mode for GNU Emacs. Org-mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.


Ghostbin supports encryption, expiration, sessions, grant users to edit your notes and pastes up to one megabyte. You can also create your own account to keep track of your pastes.

PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES.

0bin is a client side encrypted pastebin that can run without a database. 0bin allows anybody to host a pastebin while welcoming any type of content to be pasted in it. – Free privacy friendly service that offers PrivateBin and other applications. – Haste is an open-source pastebin software written in node.js, which is easily installable in any network.


Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time. Etherpad allows you to edit documents collaboratively in real-time, much like a live multi-player editor that runs in your browser. Write articles, press releases, to-do lists, etc. is a cross-platform, privacy-oriented blogging platform. It’s anonymous by default, letting you publish without signing up. If you create an account, it doesn’t require any personal information. No ads, distraction-free, and built on a sustainable business model.

ProtectedText is an open source web application. It encrypts and decrypts text in the browser, and password (or its hash) is never sent to the server – so that text can’t be decrypted even if requested by authorities. No cookies, no sessions, no registration, no users tracking.

EtherCalc – EtherCalc is a web spreadsheet. Data is saved on the web, and people can edit the same document at the same time. Changes are instantly reflected on all screens. Work together on inventories, survey forms, list management, brainstorming sessions. – Free privacy friendly service that offers Etherpad, EtherCalc and PrivateBin.

dudle – An online scheduling application, which is free and OpenSource. Schedule meetings or make small online polls. No email collection or the need of registration.

If you are currently using a operating system like Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OS X you should pick an alternative here.

Qubes is an open-source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, the X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers.

Debian is a Unix-like computer operating system and a Linux distribution that is composed entirely of free and open-source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License, and packaged by a group of individuals known as the Debian project.

Trisquel is a Linux-based operating system derived from Ubuntu. The project aims for a fully free software system without proprietary software or firmware and uses Linux-libre, a version of the Linux kernel with the non-free code (binary blobs) removed.

OpenBSD – A project that produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography.

Arch Linux – A simple, lightweight Linux distribution. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement.

Parabola is a completely open source version of Arch Linux.

Whonix – A Debian GNU/Linux based security-focused Linux distribution. It aims to provide privacy, security and anonymity on the internet. The operating system consists of two virtual machines, a “Workstation” and a Tor “Gateway”. All communication are forced through the Tor network to accomplish this.

Subgraph OS – Another Debian based Linux distribution, it features security hardening which makes it more resistant to security vulnerabilities. Subgraph runs many desktop applications in a security sandbox to limit their risk in case of compromise. By default, it anonymizes Internet traffic by sending it through the Tor network. Note: It is still in alpha, and much testing and bug fixing still has to be done.


Tails is a live operating system, that starts on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving privacy and anonymity, and helps to: Use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; Internet connections go through the Tor network; leave no trace on the computer; use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt files, emails and instant messaging.

Knoppix is an operating system based on Debian designed to be run directly from a CD / DVD (Live CD) or a USB flash drive (Live USB), one of the first of its kind for any operating system. When starting a program, it is loaded from the removable medium and decompressed into a RAM drive. The decompression is transparent and on-the-fly.

Puppy Linux operating system is a lightweight Linux distribution that focuses on ease of use and minimal memory footprint. The entire system can be run from RAM with current versions generally taking up about 210 MB, allowing the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has started.

Tiny Core Linux – A minimal Linux operating system focusing on providing a base system using BusyBox and FLTK. The distribution is notable for its size (15 MB) and minimalism, with additional functionality provided by extensions.


Even though the source code of the following OS is provided, installing Google Apps may compromise your setup. The MicroG project can serve as a FLOSS replacement, depending on your threat model.

LineageOS is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablets, based on the official releases of Android by Google. It is the continuation of the CyanogenMod project.

CopperheadOS is a hardened mobile open-source operating system by Copperhead Security and based on Android. It aims to provide stronger security and privacy. It also contains a hardened kernel and sandbox features for app isolation. Available for select Pixel and Nexus devices.

Sailfish OS is a mobile operating system combining the Linux kernel for a particular hardware platform use, the open-source Mer core middleware, a proprietary UI contributed by Jolla, and other third-party components.

Replicant – An open-source operating system based on Android, aiming to replace all proprietary components with free software.

OmniROM – A free software operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform.

MicroG – A project that aims to reimplement the proprietary Google Play Services in the Android operating sytem with a FLOSS replacement.

OpenWrt is an operating system (in particular, an embedded operating system) based on the Linux kernel, primarily used on embedded devices to route network traffic. The main components are the Linux kernel, util-linux, uClibc and BusyBox. All components have been optimized for size, to be small enough for fitting into the limited storage and memory available in home routers.

pfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD. It is installed on a computer to make a dedicated firewall/router for a network and is noted for its reliability and offering features often only found in expensive commercial firewalls. pfSense is commonly deployed as a perimeter firewall, router, wireless access point, DHCP server, DNS server, and as a VPN endpoint.

LibreWRT is a GNU/Linux-libre distribution for computers with minimal resources, such as the Ben Nanonote, ath9k based wifi routers, and other hardware that respects your freedom with emphasis on free software. It is used by the Free Software Foundation on their access point and router which provides network connectivity to portable computers in their office.

OpenBSD – A project that produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography.

DD-WRT – A is Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and wireless access points. It is compatible with several models of routers and access points.

Surveillance Self-Defense by EFF – Guide to defending yourself from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices.

The Crypto Paper – Privacy, Security and Anonymity for Every Internet User.

Email Self-Defense by FSF – A guide to fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption.

The Ultimate Privacy Guide – Excellent privacy guide written by the creators of the website.

IVPN Privacy Guides – These privacy guides explain how to obtain vastly greater freedom, privacy and anonymity through compartmentalization and isolation.

The Ultimate Guide to Online Privacy – Comprehensive “Ninja Privacy Tips” and 150+ tools. – IP/DNS Detect – What is your IP, what is your DNS, what informations you send to websites.

The ultimate Online Privacy Test Resource List – A collection of Internet sites that check whether your web browser leaks information.

PRISM Break – We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.

Security in-a-Box – A guide to digital security for activists and human rights defenders throughout the world. – Great collection of open source online and self-hosted software sorted by likes.

SecureDrop – An open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. It was originally created by the late Aaron Swartz and is currently managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation.

Reset The Net – Privacy Pack – Help fight to end mass surveillance. Get these tools to protect yourself and your friends.

Security First – Umbrella is an Android app that provides all the advice needed to operate safely in a hostile environment.

Block Cloudflare MiTM Attack – Firefox add-on to detect and block corporate MITM attack.

Thomas Dishaw is long-time blogger and entrepreneur. His writings have appeared on, and his influence has shown up on sites like Infowars, The Daily Mail, New York Daily News, Forbes and Gawker. Thomas currently resides outside Philadelphia, PA with his wife and dog. You can reach Thomas via email at   

Donald Trump Reports on G7 Globalist meeting

Donald Trump Reports on
 G7 Globalist meeting

Michael McKibben? ---- American Intelligence? ---- Hellloooo!

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been reading and listening to Michael McKibben's reports from American Intelligence Media---and wondering: when are you guys going to connect the rest of the dots?


The Federal United States Government that we are owed was moth-balled and has been "held in abeyance" since the 1860's.  We were never taught this or told this, and so never provided the opportunity to correct it. 

Instead, the British-controlled Territorial United States substituted itself and its own "State of State" franchises for our States of America.  This is well-documented ---through deliberately not well-known.  The Usurpers and Interlopers acting in Gross Breach of Trust did not intend that the American People should know. 

As a result, we've had a British cuckoo in our American eagle's nest, exercising the Delegated Powers---- including running our United States Patent and Trademark Office and our United States Copyright Office, too. 

They have then promoted: (1) theft of intellectual property; (2) insider trading based on the theft and commandeering of intellectual property; (3) patenting of criminal processes; (4) allocation of roles and duties in criminal processes so as to compromise all players and assure a form of "mutually assured destruction" if any institution wishes to withdraw from these insidious systems; (5) control grids and parameters designed to control patents and trademarks and copyrights for the benefit of the vicious criminals who have master-minded these schemes. 

We have plenty of evidence of exactly how this has been done, who did it, when, why, and in their own words--- how.  We have placed liens on thousands of these illegal, immoral, and unlawful patents and trademarks as a first step toward prosecution of the individuals and corporations responsible. 

So there you have the "connection" between Sir Geoffrey Pattie and SERCO and the role of the Privvy Council in this entire mess and the history behind it, too, all neatly rolled up, tied with a bow, and delivered to you.  Please do not wonder aloud anymore about "how" Britain is involved in our Patent Office, nor by what (purloined) authority it has insinuated itself, nor for how long.  

They've been sitting at the front desk of our Patent Office like Gringold's Goblins for 150 years, cheating and secretively stealing and promoting institutionalized crime and using the American Patent Office to stage all this dirty work so that we would be blamed for their misdeeds.   

This is not the first time we have broken this story and explained the historical chicanery and Gross Breach of Trust giving rise to the phenomenon that you are also now covering.  Check out our UCC-1 Financing Statement and Lien, 2017-019295-1,  Recording District 500, October 24, 2017, in which we established international agricultural liens on 226 pages worth of these bogus criminal patents, trademarks, and copyrights that should have never been allowed. 

Those 226 pages establish claims against thousands of the worst patents, but it is still just a drop in the bucket compared to the clean up and clear out necessary.  The liens make it harder to transfer or profit from these ill-gotten and ill-conceived IP property assets, but what is necessary is a staged shut down of the US Patent and Trademark Office, with a new, clean American-controlled organization handling new patents and trademarks, while a forensic audit is conducted to clean up and weed out the vast bulk of existing patents and shut down the institutionalized crime syndicates that have been insured and promoted via the misuse and abuse of our USPTO and US Copyright Office.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


Anyone recall all the negative slurs from commenters on this blog regarding Kevin Annett of and the Mohawk people of Canada who were working feverishly researching and interviewing to find out who was behind the murders of Canada's native American children in order to bring them to justice?  Well, Annett has proven he was correct and all those negative commenters to be wrong!  See below! 


On May 30 Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was issued an arrest warrant for his role in the trafficking and death of children. The order called for an immediate apprehension of Bergoglio as a convicted felon and threat to the safety of children. Police planned to enforce the warrant at a World Council of Churches event in Geneva Switzerland where Pope Francis was set to address the Assembly on June 21. The warrant was recognized by INTERPOL authorities, plus judicial and police agencies in Spain, America, Russia and Serbia.

                                      Pope Francis to be arrested on child trafficking and murder

Back on 18 July 2014 Bergoglio had been convicted by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy that included trafficking and death of children. Although the Vatican protected Pope Francis from arrest after his 2014 conviction, the May 30 warrant was issued after an informant told the ICLCJ Court that a Ninth Circle Satanic cult child sacrifice to be led by Pope Francis was planned for June 21 2018 Summer Solstice in Geneva prior to meetings of the World Council of Churches (WCC)
 The International Common Law Court: Genocide in Canada
Child victims for the Satanic rite were believed supplied by an international child exploitation ring funded by the global elite, enforced by the mafia and organized by an office at the Vatican.
“At midnight on the Solstice a heavily guarded ceremony will be held in the Catholic Basilica Notre-Dame on Rue Argand in Geneva. Only the top WCC leaders and the Pope will be there. We have all been warned to keep quiet about it, it’s unofficial and very secret. But it’s the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated. I suspect their June 21 pact will be sealed in blood,” the informant said.
“Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the liable head fiduciary officer of Vatican Incorporated and the Roman Catholic Church, has been duly convicted in a Common Law Court of Justice of Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy, including the trafficking and death of children (ICLCJ Case Docket No. 06182014-001, In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby et al, 18 July, 2014).”
The dramatic story of Pope Francis child trafficking never made the Main Stream Media, even though over 48 witnesses testified before six international judges that the Vatican was paid big bucks to regularly funnel children through their Pedophile Ring to Satan worshipping church leaders, businessmen, politicians and other elites, including members of European royal families.
Two adolescent women told the ICLCJ Court that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium. According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, rapes and murders of children also took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor introduced notarized affidavits by eight others claiming to witness these same crimes organized by the Vatican.
 Woman witnesses child sacrifice at Vatican
 Another witness testified that they were present during meetings with the then Argentine priest and Bishop Francis and the military Junta during Argentine’s 1970′s Dirty War. According to the witness, Francis helped traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into the Vatican Pedophile Ring.
Some of those children were believed buried in a child mass grave site in Spain – that the Vatican has continuously refused requests for excavation – just as the Vatican has refused requests for excavation of over 32 child mass grave sites believed filled with the mutilated bodies of over 50,000 children who went missing from the Anglican, United Church of Canada, though mainly 80 Catholic native residential schools across Canada.
The order was issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels, on the Thirtieth Day of May in the Year 2018 C. Redvers, LL.B., Clerk of the Court.

I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing
by George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)

Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine. I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat clusterflock was all about. I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that bastard Robert McNamara , LB Johnson, John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and yes, even the “hero” John McCain.
After Johnson “abdicated” rather than having his ass waxed, I lived through Nixon who was hawkish but allowed the generals (and there WERE a few real generals back then versus now) run the show. Nixon was so out of touch that he never knew North Vietnam was about to surrender when the Paris Accord was presented.
Only God could help us after Gerald Ford was beaten by Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter who’d been funded by Saudi money. The military was turned into Section 8 and even the Whitehouse suffered the austerity.
Then the light began to shine and Ronald Reagan swept into the fray. He not only loved the country and the military, they loved him back. Esprit d’corps was off the scale during his presidency. The Liberals were slowly turning into socialists, however, and about this time all the draft dodgers of the 1960’s who’d been given amnesty by Jimmy 'Peanuts' were turning out college graduates with degrees in socialism.
Bush 1 was an enigma from the CIA and though he never did much either way, he NEVER DID MUCH EITHER WAY.
Welcome to Bill Clinton.  Clinton spent most of his two terms wagging the dog and creating the 'Oral' Office, sending a bomber to blow up Quaddafi’s tent and killing a goat or two while allowing the UN to set up the infamous Black Hawk Down situation. He made history by becoming only the second president to be impeached.
I actually felt sorry for Bush 2. He was doomed to infamy from the start. He thought most of America was still the rah rah patriots of WWII when they were 'simply socialists' waiting to feed him to the sharks.
Then there came the Manchurian Candidate Obama with a faked (OK Democrats, let’s say “of questionable origin” to assuage your PC brains) birth certificate, who’d gotten a free ride through college under a foreign student exemption, and whose college records and complete life history had been 'sealed.' (We know more about Thomas Jefferson’s bastard children than we do about Obama, Michelle OR their two faked kids.) 

From his inaugural address, Obama slandered America and within days had begun to encourage dissention of the races as well as slandering police who “acted stupidly.” That was mild to the crap that would come in doubling the national debt from what had been built by ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED, feeding us bullshit about how Muslims built this country, and nationalizing American industries. 

Fueled by George Soros’ money and using the Air Force fleet as his personal charters, Obama appointed  malcontents and traitors into positions of authority. He trashed the Constitution by installing “czars” (interesting he chose a title like that) to bypass Congressional authority. By that time, Congress was completely corrupt on both sides of the aisle. No one had balls to impeach this charlatan Obama.
Mysteriously, the lone outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia suddenly dies in his sleep at an Obama pal’s hunting lodge and the Supreme Court is evenly split. Finally, Congress shows some balls and rejects Obama’s Supreme Court Justice nomination. 

The Libertards aren’t worried because the fix is in.  Soros 'has paid' demonstrators to cause turmoil at 'all the Republican gatherings.' Obama concedes that illegal aliens should vote as they won’t be prosecuted, and Soros-manufactured voting machines are caught switching votes in certain precincts.  Hillary has cheated her way to the nomination and her lies are completely ignored by the brainwashed minions of sycophants who follow her.
But a shocking thing happened on the way to the forum.
Middle America had had enough and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince middle America not even to bother to vote, they were fed up with the denizens of the swamp. It was time. Florida was designated a “swing” state ignoring that all those old retirees living in St. Petersburg and the fed up Cuban Americans of Miami weren’t interested in their platform.  Ohio and Pennsylvania, where coal production was blacklisted and where Obama had ridiculed them for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” lay awaiting this supposed “landslide” Hillary vote.... and creamed it.
The Socialist world of the Democratic Party  disintegrated. An American who expressed unbridled love of country and respect for police, firemen and military steamrolled across the heartland and the liberals realized their scheme was trashed. A CONSTITUTIONALIST would be nominated to the Supreme Court and if the old hag Ginsburg, who’d claimed to retire if Trump were elected, would actually retire and leave, the Supreme Court would have a massive majority of CONSTITUTIONALISTS for the next 40-50 years.
Now, the same party who’d ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, started screaming that the election 'was' rigged. They even advocated having the election repeated. They created mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, battery and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives upon. They run like castrated pigs for safe zones and use diaper pins as their national symbol.
This is exactly what happens when political correctness takes over and participation trophies are awarded to everyone. They can’t conceive how disgusting and subservient they have become.  

Donald Trump may NOT be the best person for the job, but he’s such a welcome respite from the candy-assed whimps who’ve been running the swamp that it’s refreshing to see. At the very least, Donald Trump derailed the Socialist train and bought us precious time. If he only does half of what he’s promised, we’ll still be legions ahead of where Obama has dragged us. Already countries who held us in contempt are lining up to be found in the favor of America. Donald Trump has done more in his short time in the public eye..he prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president!
So for you liberal lurkers and you half-assed fence-sitters, Tough Shit! You had your big hurrah and now your party is over. 

For you staunch Republicans in office, don’t gloat so much yourselves. You’ve been put on notice by the American people that we’re fed up with ALL YOU BASTARDS and if you don’t start putting America first, you do so at your own peril. 

You might want to buy a copy of George McGovern’s autobiography and see how shocking and humbling it can be for a professional politician to have to try to find legitimate work once he falls from grace.
This election was pure, unadulterated AMERICAN. Hillary got beaten and AMERICA WON THE ELECTION. You can claim he’s not “your president” all you want, but unless you 'forfeit' your American citizenship, .....
Go cry a river some place they need water.

Return of the Euro Crisis: Italy Quakes, Rest of the World Shakes and Merkel’s Empire Breaks

Angela Merkel, emperor of the euro crisis zone
Europe’s many fault lines are spreading once again, bringing the endless euro crisis saga back in 3-D realism. Italy gained a new anti-establishment government last week, even as Spain elected a new Socialista government that could crack Catalonia off from the rest of Spain. All of Europe fell under Trumpian trade-war sanctions and threatened their own retaliation. And Germany’s most titanic bank got downgraded to the bottom of the junk-bond B-bin.
But do Italy’s political-economic problems even matter? Well, Italy ruptured last week, and the rest of the earth trembled, clearly showing that Italy’s fault lines have the capacity to become the epicenter of another global financial crisis.

In one week, Europe with its impossible euromess moved back into position of being the world’s chief menace. The Eurozone is a house of cards with many exits, each with their own name, as I’ve written about frequently in the past, and it’s time to pay the never-ending euro crisis some attention once again.

Friday, June 8, 2018


Every time they said the RV was going to happen from 2003 to this week, There was one time a year ago that it was actually going to happen and that particular day it was stopped because of a post that was put up on nesaranews... 

yeah right...

Mark Robinson Takes On Gun Rights

By Anna Von Reitz

 Here is an absolutely wonderful rant on a subject that deserves a rant: gun rights owed to the law-abiding people everywhere.  Watch and learn if you have any questions about reality and the Second Amendment:

And let me add my solution to the mix ---- everyone who wants to disarm themselves after listening to this is certainly welcome to step right up and do so.  Neither Mark Robinson nor I will prevent anyone from voluntarily turning in their guns to the nearest police station.  

That said, the proven increase in crime that follows disarmament of a population has to be dealt with by --- as Mark Robinson points out --- police forces, and this increased reliance on police enforcement means more taxes.  So there is a direct correlation between increased taxes and the refusal to do one's duty to keep and bear arms and uphold enforcement of the Public Law. 

As that is unarguably so, it is also only reasonable that those who abdicate the responsibility to defend themselves and others from criminals need to bear the burden of their choices by paying an Individual Disarmament Tax (IDT) to be assessed each year as a tax on a privilege --- to not keep and bear arms. 

What do you say to an extra $3,000 per year---each? 

British--- Not Russian--- Meddling

By Anna Von Reitz

As most of your know, in my opinion and experience, every dog pile on Earth rests solidly on a British-built Foundation:

South Africa?   British.
Middle East?  British.
Drug Trade?  British.
Wars, Wars, Wars?  All British.
Commodity Hoards?  British.
Dishonest Banks?  British.
Moth-balled Federal United States?  British.
IRS?  British.
Bar Associations?  British. 
Racial Caste Systems?  British. 
Human and Child Trafficking?  British.
Sexual Perversions?  British. 
"American" Civil War?  British made to look American.
Derivatives "Bubble"?  British made to look German.
Territorial United States?  British made to look American.
ISIS?  British made to look Muslim. 

You simply cannot underestimate the sheer criminality and destructive power of the British Raj.  You can't comprehend the audacity, mendacity, diabolical guile, and ferocious appetite of the British Crown Complex.  And when it comes to meddling, nobody does it better.  

That is not to say that they haven't needed and had a great many collaborators all around the world, helping them out to help themselves to everyone else's everything.  They have been loyally assisted by friend and foe alike. 

The lure of unlimited gain and perversion without fear of punishment is a powerful inducement for deluded, soulless people everywhere, so you find them in Bangkok and you find them in Baton Rouge, and you find them in Cairo, all ticking along like a well-oiled clock, smirking and nodding in a self-satisfied and superior way, flicking their little hand signals and grappling around looking for a secret handshake. 

I take no pleasure in pointing the accusatory Flying Finger of Fate at the Brits. I understand how severe their own suffering has been at the hands of their government.  

Fleet Street and Westminster and Parliament are Equal Opportunity Abusers. They will cheat and enslave their own people as fast or faster than anyone else, and you have to admit that where it comes to stealing land and private property, the value of labor, and the freedom to enjoy life, they have ruthlessly drained their Home Islands with the same vacuous lust that is their hallmark elsewhere. 

So in this entire Circus surrounding the ridiculous, groundless, politically motivated "investigation" into President Trump and a purported Russian connection and Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election----which has cost the American people enough to run the whole government --- I didn't have to think about it more than a nanosecond to know that, yes, the Brits were not only at the bottom of the investigation, but also most likely the ones meddling in our elections.  

The Pot always calls The Kettle black in their world.  Always.  Predictably.  

And here, drumroll.....a few miles outside of the Mainstream Media, but stalwartly reported just the same----- proof that it was the Brits, not the Russians, meddling in our elections:

How about it, Mr. Trump?  Shall we have an investigation into British Meddling --- for the past 150 years?

Insurance Against Stupid People?

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, yes, I am being attacked.  I am being called everything but what I am.  I am being identified as one of the "Evil Catholics" and "Evil Papists" and even as ---God forbid --- one of the child molesting fiends from Hell that I simply lump together as "vermin".

Unfortunately, there is not now and never has been a cure for irresponsible, ignorant and just plain stupid people, and so far as I know, there is no insurance to be bought against their mistakes and gossip and misconceptions.  

In every single case, these people haven't bothered to read a single word I have written.  They are parroting whatever they've heard through the grapevine, regardless of where the grapevine leads or where it came from.  Here's a case in point: 

If these folks know as much about this "intel" as they "know" about me, I wouldn't waste the time to listen.

There are two major groups that hate my guts --- the British Tories who have gotten fat as slugs by secretively bleeding America dry and the misnamed Illuminati whose Empire is falling apart----they blame me.  I guess I am complimented.  There is also a Dirty Faction in the US Military that doesn't like me much.  The feeling is mutual. 

So far, nine would-be assassins have been turned to pillars of salt.  The long-term criminal activities and Breach of Trust inflicted on the Americans by the British and French Governments and the filth at the Vatican continues to be exposed. The actual Evil Empire continues to fall apart.  The Dirty Faction in the US Military has a lot more to worry about right now than an old lady in Alaska.  

I am content.  I'll own my enemies as well as my friends.

My friends can assist by countering their BS and complaining to YouTube and Facebook and wherever else you see this crappola, but there really isn't anything I can do about it except "consider the source"----or lack thereof.  

Anyone who believes "Agents Around the World" probably needs Remedial Brain Fart Lessons and a brand new Shinola Sensor anyway.