Saturday, June 23, 2018

Breaking News Communique from the Central Office of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

Friday June 22, 2018 1500 hours GMT

​Ninth Circle "Catholic Black Mass" halted in Geneva after Pope Francis confronted by Common Law Sheriffs - 
"Pope's illness" cover story conceals incident and real purpose of papal visit

Geneva and Brussels:

Common Law Sheriffs armed with a standing arrest warrant confronted and temporarily restrained Pope Francis on Thursday as he approached the Ecumenical Center where he was scheduled to address delegates to the World Council of Churches (WCC). After a brief scuffle between the arresting Sheriffs and Vatican security, the Pope was released and rushed into a waiting vehicle. Two of the Sheriffs were heavily beaten and detained by the Vatican agents and then arrested by Geneva police along with two other people.

A complete on-the-ground description of the incident follows this Communique.

According to a source in the Vatican and confirmed by others in Geneva, as a result of this confrontation, the clandestine ceremony of the Catholic Ninth Circle coven that was scheduled for that evening was cancelled due to "security concerns". The same Vatican source confirms that Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, was to be present at the Ninth Circle cult ceremony along with top WCC officials and Swiss political leaders. The Ninth Circle ceremonies normally involve the ritual rape and murder of at least one young child, according to eyewitnesses. (http://itccs.or g/2013/10/28/i-saw-joseph-ratz inger-murder-a-little-girl-eye witness-to-a-1987-ritual-sacri fice-confirms-account-of-toos- nijenhuis-of-holland/ ,  http: // ipt-of-anne-marie-van-blijenbu rghs-testimony-about-child-mur ders-in-belgium/)

In the wake of the attempted arrest of Bergoglio, who was duly convicted for Crimes against Humanity in a Brussels common law court in the summer of 2014, the Vatican has released a cover story claiming that Bergoglio "suffered a fall" during the WCC conference and may be experiencing an undisclosed "health problem". This fake story may be a preparatory move prior to Bergoglio's removal as Pope.

Jorge Bergoglio's unprecedented appearance in Geneva this week was prompted by Switzerland's so-called "Sovereign Money Initiative" (SMI), a referendum to decide whether the country's money supply would be controlled by a single national bank, restricting the power of private banks to extend credit and lend money. The Vatican Bank has considerable assets tied into the Swiss banking system and stood to lose if the SMI was approved. Unconfirmed reports state that prior to his WCC appearance, Bergoglio met privately with Swiss political leaders and financiers to help block the SMI from passing or from being implemented. Some of these leaders were scheduled to be present at the Ninth Circle ceremony on June 21, according to the Vatican source.

Further updates about these events, the fate of the detained Common Law Sheriffs, and footage of the attempted arrest will be forthcoming, once every effort is made to secure the release of the imprisoned men.

Issued by the ITCCS Central Office, 1500 hrs. GMT 22 June, 2018

Report of Combined Action Units (Teams A and B) on the events of 21 June, World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Center, Geneva
Issued to the Special Section Directorate 21/06/2018 1930 hr s GMT

As arranged according to our original tactical plan, both Teams A and B deployed before the WCC event at which the subject BERGOGLIO(aka 'pope francis') was to speak. Team A acted in an open diversionary capacity and Team B was placed in concealment, so as to make the formal arrest of the subject. 

BERGOGLIO's location was positively identified by our inside source as being immediately adjacent to the WCC Pavilion some fifty yards from the site. Upon receipt of the source's signal that the subject BERGOGLIO had begun to move towards the Pavilion, Team A members deployed at the front and rear entrances to the WCC pavilion along the designated approach route of subject BERGOGLIO. In that position they were quickly confronted by Vatican undercover operatives assisted by Geneva regular police. A scuffle broke out and two of the A Team were physically restrained by the Geneva police. The remaining team members then drew the security forces away from BERGOGLIO's approach route to allow the concealed Team B members to make the arrest of the subject just outside the Pavilion.
As subject BERGOGLIO approached the WCC Pavilion with his retinue and personal bodyguards, two Team B members performed a secondary diversion, drawing away the bodyguards. The four remaining Team B members then moved on the subject. Contact was made and the ICLCJ arrest warrant was read aloud to subject BERGOGLIO, who appeared shocked and immobilized. Two Team B members then quickly placed the subject in restraint and attempted to escort him to the prearranged secure location. None of the remaining Vatican retinue intervened to protect BERGOGLIO, appearing confused and uncertain. 
Within thirty seconds, however, additional Vatican security personnel who had not been anticipated or reported by the source appeared on the scene. These personnel immediately assaulted the two Team B members restraining BERGOGLIO. Another scuffle broke out.The other four Team B members then withdrew according to tactical protocol while the two assaulted operatives were held at gunpoint by the Vatican security personnel after receiving a severe beating. BERGOGLIO was released and immediately rushed towards a waiting vehicle.
In total two Team A members and two Team B members were placed under arrest by the Geneva police. These four operatives are still being held incommunicado and we assume are being interrogated. We have learned from our source that Vatican security and an official of the "Holy Alliance" are present at these interrogations, which raises a strong concern about a genuine risk to the team members' lives. We therefore recommend immediate intervention to secure the Team members' release, especially considering the injured condition of the two Team B members who were beaten by Vatican security personnel.
Despite the failure of the arrest of BERGOGLIO, we have learned from our source that the planned NINTH CIRCLE sacrificial ritual scheduled for midnight 21 June at Basilica Notre Dame on rue Argand has been cancelled because of "security concerns". BERGOGLIO's planned participation at this ritual was also confirmed by the source. Our intervention can therefore be regarded as a success in terms of stopping the ritual. Follow up information to confirm the cancellation is forthcoming.

Issued by Combined Team leader GABRIEL
Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 20:03 hrs. GMT 


The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.

Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and . Kevin's eight latest books can be ordered at these sites:
         At the Mouth of a Cannon: 97500 
Murder by Decree: ​https://www.createspa  (This book is also posted online at )
Truth Tellers' Shield: https://www.createspac
White People in Canada: 784355
Common Law Manual: https://www.createspac

Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four https://www.createspace.c om/7263374Here We Stand: A New Reformation Manifesto 31755          
LISTEN to Kevin's weekly blog program "Here We Stand" every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at estand  .
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at ch?v=88k2imkGIFA . 

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: v=UvhfXAd08TE - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. v=OPKFk_L7y9g - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. v=ormOIlOi4Vc - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. v=IylfBxm3sMg - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at: http://kevinannettinternationa


The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.

Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and . Kevin's eight latest books can be ordered at these sites:
         At the Mouth of a Cannon: 97500 
Murder by Decree: ​https://www.createspa  (This book is also posted online at )
Truth Tellers' Shield: https://www.createspac
White People in Canada: 784355
Common Law Manual: https://www.createspac

Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four https://www.createspace.c om/7263374Here We Stand: A New Reformation Manifesto 31755          
LISTEN to Kevin's weekly blog program "Here We Stand" every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at estand  .
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at ch?v=88k2imkGIFA . 

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: v=UvhfXAd08TE - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. v=OPKFk_L7y9g - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. v=ormOIlOi4Vc - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. v=IylfBxm3sMg - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at: http://kevinannettinternationa

URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL AMERICANS: Make your voices heard about GMOs by commenting on the USDA website by JULY 3, 2018

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Saturday, 23-Jun-2018 13:30:30

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT MORE AMERICANS TAKE ACTION BY JULY 3, 2018, for labeling is NOT enough and there is a very limited public comment period that ends soon! GMO's must be STOPPED if our children are to have a future, for they adversely impact fertility and every cell in our bodies. You can find supplemental information here:

--- Forwarded Message ---

From Pamm Larry, Director, GMO Free CA:

Here are some resources for commenting. The only thing I'll stress again is that it's vital that folks make comments here:

for their voices to be counted. Also please fill in names as we are hearing that anonymous comments are not considered. Also, signing petitions don't really count, either. Petitions are great for stores and such but not the government. So, although large organizations are sending out petitions, USDA could count it as just ONE comment, even if 500K have signed. So, please take just a few minutes and go directly to the site and comment.

More info on how to comment with step by step instructions:

A video that gives my take on what's important in the reg and how I feel about it-

Center For Food Safety

We have until July 3 to get 100 times more comments than there currently are. If we don't have tons of comments, then the agencies think it's not that important to us. Please, please comment!!

-Pamm Larry 
Initial Instigator, Prop 37, Director GMO Free CA, and Rabble Rouser for The Good Food Brigade (

The Actual Status Report

Let us also all realize that in the modern world, money is a commodity, like beer or cheese.  There are a gozillion different kinds and brand names of money in exactly the same way as there are brands of beer or cheese, and they all present their own national characters and quirks. 

Let us also realize that there is a profound difference between "money" which has a value in-and-of-itself, such as a gold coin that has some intrinsic value in trade, and "legal tender currencies" --- like bonds and notes and letters of credit.  And there is additionally, a market in other "securities" --- like stocks and commodity futures. 

For the past week I have been deluged by circumstance and correspondence to explain what is going on in the banking world.  Well, which banking world?  The world of actual asset-backed money, or the world of legal tender currencies, or the stock market or.....?   

If I were to explain in very general terms --- there is a Gross Imbalance, at least so far as the bookkeeping is concerned -- between actual assets and bonds, notes, and letters of credit.  And there is a terrible, inappropriate, and looking-to-be fatal infringement of investment banking on the rest of the banking world. 

Up until the disaster of 2008 and what has been called "The Big Short" on Wall Street, banking -- at least in this country -- was separated according to function. 
We have had traditional trade banks, limited commercial banks, international commercial banks, and investment banks.  

It is this last category of banks that demands our attention: investment banks. 

Investment banks have always been the shadiest, most irresponsible, most intrinsically dishonest operators on the block, and for decades prior to the 2008 Lehman Brothers et alia debacle, they were prevented by the Glass-Steagall Act from participating in general commerce and co-mingling their operations with banks meant to serve the public and do "straight" transactions among corporate clients.  

By "straight" transactions, we imply the honest mundane Point A to Point B transactions we associate with normal banking, devoid of hidden agendas, double escrows, undisclosed usury fees, undisclosed investments made "for" bank customers and shareholders, and similar rotten business practices that no sane country would condone. 

In the aftermath of the 2008 mess, Glass-Steagall was repealed and the investment banks were let loose like a pack of wild hyenas to feast upon the flesh of the unsuspecting world.  For many large commercial banks this simply meant the merger of their "investment bank" with their public commercial bank functions.  

For some, like Wells Fargo, that had already been skating the edge of the law by abusive use of copyright non-disclosure (Wells Fargo hasn't been an actual bank for years, but is instead a securities investment firm -- an investment bank operating under the trademarked name of the old "Wells Fargo Bank"---otherwise known as a wolf in sheep's clothing.) the repeal of Glass-Steagall meant coming out of the closet and no longer having to worry about enforcement of the actual law. 

Investment banks presume upon their shareholders and especially their depositors to use their deposited assets as assets that can be invested by the bank. There is a (largely undisclosed) quid pro quo, that if you leave your jewels in a deposit box, they belong to the bank as assets that can be used to secure investments for the bank or lines of credit for the bank.  So by removing Glass-Steagall, one of the immediate impacts of merging normal commercial bank functions with investment bank functions was to open up all the depositor's resources as investment assets. 

Oh, you, the unwitting depositors, are now supposed to be investors in the bank, just like you are unwittingly being mis-characterized as corporate franchises of the British Crown Corporation --- but never mind that your pants have been dropped and you've been bent over. 

Merrily, the banks seized upon this incredible windfall of new investment assets and began investing ---- mainly on PrivateTrading Platforms. 

What, you may ask, is a "Private Trading Platform"?  

These are to a Credit Scheme what unlimited crude oil is to Exxon. 

Like most evils, Trading Platforms were initially designed for good reasons.  They were intended to give investors a safe way of using "unused assets" to generate cash for philanthropic projects while also yielding generous profits for the investors --- a sop to the Uber Wealthy to make themselves richer with little or no risk, and make themselves out to be philanthropists at the same time. 

You have an asset in a bank --- say, a ton of physical gold cashiered away back in 1956 -- and you agree to "block" this asset for a stated period of time, say, one year.  During that time, the asset will not be available to you to use or withdraw from the bank.  The Trading Platform organization will take possession of the transaction from there on, and will "trade upon" that asset for the next stipulated period of time --- in this case, one year --- in what amounts to a futures commodity market for assets. 

Just like in any commodities futures market, the participants are betting on values and setting values for the assets in trade, making money off the transaction fees, and margins and the 7 to 10 fold expansion of credit that takes place when a bank --- acting under the bogus "fractional reserve banking system" -- issues the "new money" created out of thin air into the system. 

What happened in real life is that a lot of parties who had assets just sitting in bank vaults all over the world jumped on the band wagon.  They were wealthy enough not to need those assets anyway, so why not "block" them and go on the trading platforms?   

And the trading platform owners thought, well, why not cut ourselves in for 10, 20, 30.... whatever percent of the trade value?  Guarantee the investors a 100% of return on their blocked assets off the top of the "fractional reserve" --- an amount of credit equal in value to the whole investment, plus a percentage of the rest of the fractional reserve created by this process? 

And after 2008 and the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the investment banks thought--- what ho!  We can take all these "unused" depositor assets and go on the Trading Platforms and nobody will be the wiser.  

This "system" is so insane, so profitable --- on paper --- that some investors including the CIA Retirement Fund, simply plunked down a gob of gold back when it all began and "let it ride" indefinitely, with the result that there are now Trading Platform Investment Accounts with 250 zeroes of "credit" standing on the books, and still no visible help to the poor and downtrodden, no relief for the "taxpayers" --- just more and more and more credit for these madmen, and more purported debt imposed upon the labor of the people and assets of the world. 

The reason that there is no substantial feedback into the world economy is that the Trading Platforms are too profitable at too little risk. And nobody is holding the investors--- whether investment banks or individuals -- accountable for actually doing philanthropic projects with the money.  They are being allowed to just roll the investments over and over and over.  

In terms of investments there is no other show in town that can compare.  So all the giant public employee pension funds and giant State of State "un-budgeted accounts" have been engaged in this hoop-la along with all the investment banks that have surreptitiously seized upon their depositor's assets----and blocked and invested their assets "for" them without their knowledge or consent.

Now we come to the issue of the Historic Trusts.... as I have explained before, there are numerous kinds of Historic Trusts, mostly old family trusts, some old business trusts and banking trusts, some government treaty trusts -- but what they have in common is that they hearken from a day when actual assets were used as money, and nearly all of the assets belonging to these Historic Trusts have been held as "Special Deposit Accounts" in banks that the banks have used to underwrite their operations.  

Historic Trust assets underwrite virtually all central banks on Earth. 

Some of you will recall that in 2011 the Chinese Government asked for the return of Chinese gold that the Nationalist Chinese Government left on deposit with the New York Federal Reserve Bank back in 1928.  Initially, the Chinese just wanted to be paid some of the interest they were owed on the deposit, but instead of paying on what was owed, the New York Fed stonewalled.  

You may also remember a disturbing similar report wherein the German Government made a similar request for the return of gold held in trust and that they were told they could only receive it back in relatively small installments over a period of years. 

What's happened?  Why are all the actual trustees and owners of the Historic Trusts being similarly stonewalled when they ask for an accounting of their "Special Deposits"?  

Because the repeal of Glass-Steagall allowed all the normal commercial banks to morph into investment banks and as investment banks, they seized upon their depositor's assets and "blocked" them and put them under contract to these private Trading Platforms for periods of years unbeknownst to the victims of these immoral, undisclosed, and non-consensual practices. 

It was never the intention of these out-of-control banks to share the proceeds of these surreptitious investments with the victims of these crimes, so what they have been trying to do is to circle the wagons and pretend that the records of these Historic Trusts have been lost, or make up excuses for why neither the assets nor the lines of credit that should be available from these assets are available to the Depositors. Well, the assets are "blocked" for varying periods of time, often years into the future, just like the Chinese and German gold deposits, and the profits from all this have already been contractually divided up between the offending banks and the operators of these "Private Trading Platforms". 

Meanwhile, Ted and Alice and Dick and Kelly are down in the trenches, suffering the hyper-inflation and bearing the purported (but odious) debt caused by this madness, and virtually none of the 'philanthropic projects" that were the excuse for letting this system exist in the first place are getting done, because the lure of compiling more zeroes is just too attractive to the mentally unhinged bankers and traders among us.  

Bottom line: the Glass-Steagall provisions need to be put in place again and the investment banks forced back into their boxes without any ceremony or great deliberation.  The "Private Trading Platforms" need to be shut down as illegal gambling arenas.  The assets need to be returned posthaste to the control and benefit of the actual owners.  The odious debts and non-existent credits need to be wiped off the books.  Those who already profited from this should be dinged for 100% of the profit, and that profit should be held in a Victim's Fund for the benefit of the people of this world including the permanent end of all taxation, the restoration of the natural environment, and the building up of new beneficial technologies and infrastructure. 

Since they couldn't bring themselves to actually carry through on the charitable and philanthropic projects, we will do it "for" them. 

In my opinion the members of the Municipal and Territorial United States "Congress" that allowed this whole situation need to run down a narrow track from DC to Boston being pelted with rotten vegetables the whole way, while their counterparts in London need to run a similar course all the way to Canterbury, where the faithful can seek absolution.  

As for the "Roman Pontiffs" and the Conclaves of Cardinals that allowed this --- and they are ultimately responsible for this entire mess -- no Hot Potato Reaction seeking to wash their hands by closing the Pontifical Office can excuse both what they have done and what they have left undone. 

The people and the Earth are owed far better leadership.  

Please Note Again:

I Do NOT "recommend" establishing TDA Accounts UNLESS you actually are a Federal United States Citizen (federal civil or military employee) or dependent (receiving free gratis welfare that you did not in fact pay for from the Federales).

TDA's are not any kind of Magic Bullet. They have, apparently, been utilized in some cases (so far) to ameliorate debts owed by federal citizens. If you are not a federal citizen--- employee or actual dependent -- stay out of their system.

The difference is the difference between the relief you get in bankruptcy from debts you ran up irresponsibly, and the relief you get in probate when your property and assets are returned to you free and clear following a hearing to determine your status.

If you actually want to buy Federal bonds, such as Savings Bonds, Treasury Bonds, etc., and have logical need for such an account on a continuing basis, that is what those accounts were primarily designed for.

Domicile -- The Governing Issue

A state is governed by public international law --- or is supposed to be; a commercial corporation, however, is governed under private international law. 

I make a distinction here between commercial corporations which are chartered by states, and international trade organizations which are not chartered and truly privately held unincorporated entities. 

Prior to this I have observed that "unincorporated" indicates "sovereign" entities and political status, and that it is entirely possible to be "corporate" without being "incorporated".  

So, in a nutshell, what the vermin have done is to grant us all a franchise -- like a Dairy Queen franchise -- to operate under our NAMES for their benefit.  This franchise is kept in a perpetual state of subjugation to their private municipal law by their presumption of guardianship over it, and periodically, these franchises are bankrupted for the convenience and profit of the parent organizations. 

Our lawful Trade Names, also known as our "Good Names" and "Christian Names"  have thus been infringed upon and have been abused via legal chicanery and transported into the jurisdiction of municipal (private international law) by fraudulent actions undertaken by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and more recently by actions undertaken by the Obama Administration. 

Whereas FDR mischaracterized us as Cestui Que Vie Estate Trusts, Obama has mischaracterized us as Public Transmitting Utilities.  And in both cases nothing is deserved but a firm and resounding, "No way in Hell." from the American Public.  

How to put an end to this pernicious deceit and fraud and victimization?  There are many issues to address, but by far, the most potent (and for them, unanswerable) issue is the issue of domicile.  Where do you choose to live?  And therefore, under what form of law do you live?  

You do have a choice.  You have to have a choice guaranteed to you, for any of this to be legal in any sense of the word. 

That is why the Expatriation Act was passed by the Rump Congress back in July of 1868 the day before they published their deceitfully disguised Articles of Incorporation as "The United States of America, Inc." --- a Scottish Commercial Corporation --- as "The Constitution of the United States of America".  

The main pillar of their deceit has been the presumption that you "voluntarily" chose to live and function as a British Citizen, merely "residing" here for the purpose of providing "essential government services".  

If they and their presumptions were to be believed, nearly all of the American population voluntarily went to work for the Queen and the UK --- sans a paycheck or any actual work assignments, of course. 

All of this concerns only them and their deceits and their internal issues and workings and multiple bankruptcies.  We are, in fact and in truth, not part of their baileywick at all --- they are in fact, part our our baileywick when they come ashore on American soil.  

So how have they contrived to rob generations of Americans of the value of their material and intellectual and labor assets?  

By making a false claim of domicile.  They signed you up as "citizens" of their version of "United States" when you were a baby in your cradle.  And they have used this falsified public record against you all the days of your lives to make your subject to both municipal and territorial law, instead of the Public Law of your actual state and country. 

Thanks to their fraud, deceit, and Gross Breach of Trust, you now have to make a choice --- will you be recognized as an American, free men and women owed all the rights, benefits, and property assets of your heritage, or will you continue to let these Euro-trash con artists continue to feed off of you and your country like leeches? 

Obviously, you need to change the falsified public records by returning the Birth Certificates to their Sources and by making the declaration of domicile (or as they spelled it back then, "domicil") and expatriating from their foreign jurisdiction back to the jurisdiction of your birthright. 

We have made this Declaration of Domicile part of the Certificate of Assumed Name process, but you must all become aware of the importance of this issue of declaring your domicile as "land and soil" of Georgia, Maine, Texas, etc. -- and enabled to bring it forward properly in court.  

What advantage does a proper declaration of domicile provide you?  

It means you have to be tried under the Public Law, not private international commercial law.  It means that there is no such thing as a "thought crime" or a "victimless crime" or a "statutory infringement".  It means that you retain the full roster of trial options set forth in Blackstone's Commentaries, including "Trial by Record"--- which, if you have done your homework, will more than adequately prove that you are an American and that you are properly domiciled on the land and soil of your birth state. 

That cuts you free of their municipal law, and it also demands that instead of being treated under their territorial law, you are owed The Law of Peace from their military courts, as a Third Party Civilian Non-Combatant having nothing to do with their internecine power struggles and con games. 

If you have not actually and factually harmed someone who is bringing complaint or stolen or damaged someone else's property by your direct actions for which a complaining party appears --- there is no case, no prevailing law, and no presumable jurisdiction for THEM to operate it. 

You, therefore, have the option of declaring yourself free of their enslavement and their false claims, and merely have to become aware enough of the issues to do so and defend yourself and your assets accordingly. 

Here, courtesy a friend to the cause, is the controlling British law summation from Foreign and Domestic Law -- a Concise Treatise on Private International Jurisprudence, by John Alderson Foote:

"The 'right of expatriation' is not, perhaps, the happiest of phrases, but it is manifest that the feudal theory of indissoluble allegiance had become an anachronism, and a Royal Commission was appointed in May 1868 to inquire into the English laws of naturalisation and allegiance generally."

"As to domicil for testamentary purposes, or with relation to succession to personal property on intestacy, the law has been considerably modified …”

"British subjects dying in a foreign country shall be deemed for all purposes of testate or intestate succession as to movables to retain the domicil they possessed at the time of going to reside in such foreign country, unless they have resided in such foreign country for a year at least, and shall have made a formal and public written declaration of an intention to become domiciled there.”

"Domicil being a question of fact, it is not competent for individual States to enact restrictions upon, or facilities for, its acquisition ; and such enactments should not, in the tribunals of other States, obtain recognition."

"The principle that laws are commands addressed to persons, which has been referred to above,(«) renders it important to consider what entities come within that term."

"With regard to any particular municipal law, a foreign State must be regarded as occupying a position closely analogous to that of a foreign corporation ; the personality of the latter being conferred upon it by its own municipal law, while that of the former is created by the public law of nations.”

"Foreign States, or bodies politic created by international law, occupy a position analogous to that of foreign corporations. In the case of monarchical governments, the Sovereign may be regarded as a corporation sole, representing the State; in the case of democratic or republican governments, the State itself, under its international name or style, as a body politic, may be regarded as a corporation aggregate."

"Neither a personal Sovereign nor a body politic (or State) may be sued in an English Court, unless the privilege of sovereignty has been waived, expressly or impliedly, by voluntary submission to the jurisdiction or otherwise."

Bring their BIRTH CERTIFICATE to court and lay it down on a copy of The Holy Bible and on top of that, lay down your Expatriation of your identical NAME from their domicile and back to the land and soil of your birth state. Add the Certificate of Assumed Name on top of that---- and stare the Judge in the eye.  

You, as an American, are owed the full faith and credit provided by every municipal and territorial corporation on Earth.  You, as a British Territorial or Municipal "Citizen" are a slave and are owed nothing at all, not even common decency.  

You make the choice. 



We all know or knew someone like this!!  One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, 'Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd.' I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on. 

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. 

So, I jogged over to him as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, 'Those guys are jerks.'  They really should get lives.' He looked at me and said, 'Hey thanks!' There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. 

I helped him pick up his books and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before. We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books. 

Kyle turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my friends. He said 'yes'. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him. 

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, 'Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday! ' He just laughed and handed me half the books. 

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors we began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor and I was going for business on a football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak.  

On Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous! Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, 'Hey, big guy, you'll be great!' He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. ' Thanks,' he said. 

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began 'Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends.... I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story.' 

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. 'Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable.' I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. 

Not until that moment did I realize it's depth. Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life. For better or for worse. God puts us all in each others lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others. 

You now have two choices.  You can : 1) Pass this on to your friends or 2) Delete it and act like it didn't touch your heart. As you can see, I took choice number 1. 

'Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.' There is no beginning or end. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. 

It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.  




We need to recognize we are not just a group of people coming together to chat rant or even rage about what is going on. We are the forefathers of this great land coming together to re-claim our Republic form of government. We are the formers/founders of the California Republic.
We are standing in the shoes of those that came before us that established the California Republic. Because most if not all the work has already been done all we need to do is comprehend our place in it re-forming or re-filling the offices of the California Republic seats which are still standing but no longer occupied.
We need to comprehend our sovereignty, our equality, sovereign= nothing greater above nothing lesser below, equals in body, soul and spirit.
We must also comprehend that we are not all on the same level of knowledge and help each other to advance so we will all be on the same page of the work ahead of us and each of us must take responsibility for ourselves to study all that we need to learn and show up, be involved working together to complete our goals to bring California Republic back to its glory.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [woman, humans, beings etc] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”
It is our honor and our duty to work together to be at our best to not only fill the offices but to be honorable, trust worthy and responsible for the task ahead and onward. We need to grow up and recognize what we are intending to do and then do it.
We are the mentors of the next generation that will be taking over our places in this great work. Take this to heart. Wake up and realize our responsibility. Realize we are now creating/re-creating the desires of our forebears that wanted true freedom from the tyrannical monsters that were taking over, but oops THEY DID TAKE OVER and now it is up to us to TAKE IT BACK.

Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting

 It has long been suspected; the footprints and fingerprints were always present; McCain repeatedly denied it. Now the evidence surfaces. **John McCain was instrumental in supporting the weaponization of the IRS to target tea party groups.**

McCain minority staff director Henry Kerner to IRS official Lois Lerner and other IRS

officials: “the solution is to audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous”

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released newly obtained internal IRS documents, including material revealing that Sen. John McCain’s former staff director and chief counsel on the Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee, Henry Kerner, urged top IRS officials, including then-director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner, to “audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous.”  Kerner was appointed by President Trump as Special Counsel for the United States Office of Special Counsel.

The explosive exchange was contained in notes taken by IRS employees at an April 30, 2013, meeting between Kerner, Lerner, and other high-ranking IRS officials. Just ten days following the meeting, former IRS director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner admitted that the IRS had a policy of improperly and deliberately delaying applications for tax-exempt status from conservative non-profit groups.

Lerner and other IRS officials met with select top staffers from the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee in a “marathon” meeting to discuss concerns raised by both Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) that the IRS was not reining in political advocacy groups in response to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.  Senator McCain had been the chief sponsor of the McCain-Feingold Act and called the Citizens United decision, which overturned portions of the Act, one of the “worst decisions I have ever seen.”
In the full notes of an April 30 meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” In response, Lerner responded that “it is her job to oversee it all:”

Henry Kerner asked how to get to the abuse of organizations claiming section 501 (c)(4) but designed to be primarily political. Lois Lerner said the system works, but not in real time. Henry Kerner noted that these organizations don’t disclose donors. Lois Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen timely. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. Henry Kerner said that maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous. Nikole noted that we have budget constraints. Elise Bean suggested using the list of organizations that made independent expenditures. Lois Lerner said that it is her job to oversee it all, not just political campaign activity.

Judicial Watch previously reported on the 2013 meeting.  Senator McCain then issued a statement decrying “false reports claiming that his office was somehow involved in IRS targeting of conservative groups.”   The IRS previously blacked out the notes of the meeting but Judicial Watch found the notes among subsequent documents released by the agency.

Judicial Watch separately uncovered that Lerner was under significant pressure from both Democrats in Congress and the Obama DOJ and FBI to prosecute and jail the groups the IRS was already improperly targeting. In discussing pressure from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat-Rhode Island) to prosecute these “political groups,” Lerner admitted, “it is ALL about 501(c)(4) orgs and political activity.”

The April 30, 2013 meeting came just under two weeks prior to Lerner’s admission during an ABA meeting that the IRS had “inappropriately” targeted conservative groups.  In her May 2013 answer to a planted question, in which she admitted to the “absolutely incorrect, insensitive, and inappropriate” targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups, Lerner suggested the IRS targeting occurred due to an “uptick” in 501 (c)(4) applications to the IRS but in actuality, there had been a decrease in such applications in 2010.

On May 14, 2013, a report by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration revealed: “Early in Calendar Year 2010, the IRS began using inappropriate criteria to identify organizations applying for tax-exempt status” (e.g., lists of past and future donors). The illegal IRS reviews continued “for more than 18 months” and “delayed processing of targeted groups’ applications” in advance of the 2012 presidential election.

All these documents were forced out of the IRS as a result of an October 2013 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the IRS after it failed to respond adequately to four FOIA requests sent in May 2013 (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:13-cv-01559)). Judicial Watch is seeking:
  • All records related to the number of applications received or related to communications between the IRS and members of the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate regarding the review process for organizations applying for tax exempt status under 501(c)(4);
  • All records concerning communications between the IRS and the Executive Branch or any other government agency regarding the review process for organizations applying for tax exempt status under 501(c)(4);
  • Copies of any questionnaires and all records related to the preparation of questionnaires sent to organizations applying for 501(c)(4) tax exempt status.
  • All records related to Lois Lerner’s communication with other IRS employees, as well as government or private entity outside the IRS regarding the review and approval process for 501 (c)(4) applicant organizations.
“The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun documents that raise questions about how the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the FEC, FBI, and DOJ to target the First Amendment rights of Americans.”

NEW wireless electric vehicle technology will threaten driver and passenger health

(Naturalhealth365) With most electric vehicles requiring charging every 100 to 250 miles, engineers are scrambling to find a more ‘convenient’ wireless charging options. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a method of “on the go” wireless charging – in which charging plates would be installed in roadways, while a start-up technology company outside Philadelphia is focusing on stationary wireless charging.
Radiation from wireless systems and cell phones has already been associated with many health problems like, multiple sclerosis, cancer, infertility and cognitive problems. Natural health experts are very concerned that the high frequencies involved in wireless car charging will only add to the problem – posing a real and present danger to human health and the environment.

Wireless WARNING: “Electric highways” will greatly increase the risk of disease

In March, engineers in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder announced they have developed a concept for wireless power transfer that uses very high frequencies to send energy to vehicles in motion.
The system requires the use of charging plates embedded in the road. Because cars are moving over them at a high rate of speed, engineers say that the plates – possibly located in special “charging Lanes” – would need to be installed every few meters.
The fact that there would be a 12-centimeter air gap between the roadway and the vehicle means the energy has only a small capacitance through which to be transferred. In the words of one of the researchers, this necessitated an “increase (in) the frequency of the electric fields.”
The team reported that they are using about 1,000 watts, in megahertz-scale frequencies, to send energy across the gap.

Alternate method converts magnetic waves to electricity

According to a story published in April in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Momentum Dynamics Corp. in Malvern, PA., has also developed a wireless recharging system for electric vehicles.
The system, which is already used to charge electric municipal buses in several U.S. cities, uses panels embedded in the pavement – transferring energy from the panels through the air and into the vehicles.
AC electrical current is converted to magnetic waves in the panel. A receiver mounted on the vehicle’s undercarriage ultimately converts the magnetic energy into DC electrical current that is stored in the vehicle’s battery.
The transmitter and receiver operate at 85 kHz, and are capable of charging electric vehicles roughly eight times faster than standard plug-in chargers.
Widespread adoption, of course, would necessitate a network of wireless car chargers embedded in roads and parking lots. But, are any of these developers concerned about the impact of these frequency vibrations on the human body?
Momentum Dynamics has already installed the chargers in several American cities, including Wenatchee, WA. According to a spokesperson, the Wenatchee technology uses a 200-kilowatt (200,000 watt) system.
By way of comparison, charging a smartphone requires 5 watts of power, while a laptop requires in the area of 100 watts. CEO Andy Daga calls the concept “revolutionary,” and claims that the technology can safely transmit electrical energy through air, water and ice.

“No heat or tingle” doesn’t mean it’s safe

A video intended to highlight the technology’s safety shows a person holding a working IPhone positioned between magnetic panels. The graphics on the phone’s screen are undisturbed, and the video is meant to illustrate that the phone can still make and receive calls, with “no heat or magnetic intrusion to a person’s hand or arm.”
“We’re showing it’s safe,” said Daga. “It (the technology) doesn’t give you any tingle. It doesn’t give you any heat. It doesn’t cause any damage to yourself or your phone.”
But researchers and natural health experts maintain that damage from high-frequency radiation occurs at the cellular level. In other words, the lack of sensations of heat and/or tingling does nothing to prove the system’s harmlessness.

High-frequency wireless technology is linked with rising rates of cancer

Cell phones and other wireless devices emit a form of electromagnetic field, or EMF, called radiofrequency radiation.
Researchers say ultra-high frequencies from EMFs have been associated with a variety of physical and emotional conditions, including multiple sclerosis, ADD, obesity, migraines, impaired fertility, chronic fatigue syndrome and higher rates of cancers of the brain, prostate, breast, liver, lungs and skin.
Effects from radioactive fields can be objectively measured – and include changes to neurotransmitters, breaks in DNA, increased production of free radicals and increased blood glucose.
(In fact, some doctors believe that electrosensitive individuals with high blood sugar may very well be suffering from “type 3” diabetes caused by RF radiation).
Double-blind studies have shown impacts on heart and blood pressure rates after a mere 35 minutes of cell phone activity.
And, a $25 million study by the National Toxicology Program (originally designed to prove that cell phone radiation is safe!) showed that 2G cell phone radiation causes brain cancer and DNA damage in rats.

Will wireless charging options increase the suffering of electrosensitive individuals?

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or electrosensitivity, is a recognized disorder, with the World Health Organization acknowledging that 3.5 percent to 5 percent of the population suffers from the syndrome when in proximity to wireless or electrical technologies such as smart meters, cell phones, laptop computers or power lines.
Symptoms – which include headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depression and sleep disorders – can take three to five years to develop.
With the increased radiation emanating from charging panels and pads, the suffering of vulnerable individuals may well increase exponentially.
And here’s a truly blood-chilling fact: environmental toxicity expert Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, reports that disease-causing pathogens become more aggressive in the presence of EMFs.
“Exposure to electromagnetic fields and microwaves from cell phone radiation is driving the virulence of many of the microbes that are naturally in us,” Dr. Klinghardt warns.
Although battery-operated electric vehicles accounted for only 1 percent of the market in the United States last year, this is likely to change as more options are developed for charging them. But will wireless charging of electric vehicles also result in an increase in the (already dangerously high) amounts of radiation to which we are exposed?
Sources for this article include:

Seizing Elian? Trump's fault you say?!

In MARCH OF 1993 you say???

I will just leave this right here...

“In March of 1993, The United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in Reno v Flores. (Yes, “that” Reno. Janet Reno, Bill Clinton’s first Attorney General who ordered that young Elian Gonzalez be torn from his fami
ly’s arms while hiding in a Miami closet. You might remember the iconic photograph?)

The Court in Flores decided that minors could not be incarcerated with the adults accompanying them across the United States border illegally. The decision was the result of a long dispute in how to best care for these children while the adults were detained for criminal proceedings.

You see, when aliens cross the border illegally, they are incarcerated until their criminal case is decided. The understandable argument at the time was “why should children be incarcerated while their parents are in jail?” It seemed a fundamental violation of international human rights. Makes sense, right?

As a result, the Flores case drew a line in the sand. Children could not be incarcerated with their parents or accompanying adult while being held for illegal immigration violations. And a subsequent 1997 agreement stipulated that children must be placed in a safer environment where they could enjoy certain privileges, including education, a clean, safe environment and other normal life cycle amenities that incarcerated individuals do not enjoy.

It was considered a “victory” for human rights. By separating adult and child, we protected the children, reducing any harm done to them for their parent’s or accompanying adult’s decisions. 

A lot has happened since then. However, bottom line, these juvenile shelters have been operating in accordance with the law and overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services to protect those children from the hazards of parental incarceration since 1997.

So, since Donald Trump was running his real estate empire and selling wine and casinos in 1993, we are left to determine just how Trump managed to orchestrate this cruel “separation of immigrant parent and child” 25 years BEFORE he was President of the United States! The obvious answer is - he didn’t. He had nothing to do with establishing this United States immigration policy. Today, he simply enforces it. 

This one story illustrates how important it is for us to do our research regarding today’s headlines. The corporate media either refuses to do the research, is incapable of doing the research, or has done the research and decided to lie to you about its findings. Either way, this would make the corporate media lazy, incompetent or just plain deceptive.  Liars, if you will. But, if you are MSM, IT MAKES FOR A BETTER 'STORY' THAN THE IG REPORT and them ALL GOING TO GET ARRESTED!  

Friday, June 22, 2018

Jural Assembly Huh??? Wazzat???

Jural Assembly
Posted By: AZLew <Send E-Mail>
Date: Friday, 15-June-2018 13:40:31

Jural Assembly
Huh??? Wazzat???
Only one of the better responses to 'how did we get ourselves into this mess?'
Which mess? The one we are all living through.
Finally coming to terms with the consequences of allowing 'money' to be created as a substitute for exchanging one's labor for something of real value.
Wow! What a heavy thought to show up here on CGI or RMN.
Mebbe so, but I'll betcha Rayelan is probably thinking 'omigosh, never thought it could happen, but yaaaay'
Jural Assembly. When people rely on eyeball contact and a handshake to exchange something of value.
In a nutshell, commerce without 'money' but mutual trust. Sometimes, if appropriate, an agreement reached in the presence of witnesses who may become the arbiters in the case of disagreement. Like a jury. But not the juries we have been aware of all our lives. Not the ones trained to pick over 'legal' details and so-called independent rationale but based on similar cases written down and interpreted by those 'trained' in the law. Somehow the training really overlooked justice, but that's another subject for a later day.
Jural Assemblies are coming back. Slowly. For some it's a hard concept to grasp, as our educational system has moved ever closer to training rather than education through discourse and thinking.
Jural Assemblies are in place - at least enough to begin to be noticed - in most of the States in this country. It's true they really are not particularly obvious. Because it is a real grass roots movement. Not packaged for consumption for 'someone else' to benefit (i.e., give me your money) from it. You know, thievery under cover of 'law.'
Jural Assembly. Google it. Surprise yourself. If it resonates, seek your own. Can't find one? Start it yourself.
'Nuf sed for now. Let's see if RMN or CGI readers have some comment!

Jural Assembly Part 2
Posted By: AZLew <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 19-June-2018 14:15:30
There really is more.
Its the key to returning this country to its roots - as perceived by the Founders and expressed through the Declaration of Independence.
It's really easier than one would think after these last 150 years of further erosion from the Founding Principles expressed in that Declaration. There had even been some erosion during the 100 years receding that, but that would be 'normal' for the guys who were being chased out of town.
There's rumbling in more than 30 states of jural assemblies being revived. Common law is the basis. Not the corporate law that owes allegiance to (shhh - the Queen).
Google Michigan Jural Assembly. For starters.
Renew a kinship with the Founders through that search. More productive and satisfying than just more 'bitchin.'
Then stick your head out of your rabbit hole to see who else may be around in your neighborhood - or state - to link up with.
You will find that you are NOT alone!!!

  • Jural Assembly Part 2 (views: 39)
    AZLew -- Tuesday, 19-June-2018 14:15:30

    With apologies for some editing - but big thanks - to Jon Rappoport!
    "DECENTRALIZATION really becomes fascinating when you consider the formation of intentional communities based on political ideas of every stripe.
    Decentralization on every front is occurring. It isn’t always pretty, and not always on target, but that’s what you get when you get freedom. Life pushes through worn ground and explores new possibilities.
    It all comes back to the individual mind. Is that mind free and wide-ranging or is it programmed? When free minds cooperate, the choices are extensive, and success is possible in many directions.
    DECENTRALIZATION IS ALL ABOUT IMAGINATION. That is the key. When individuals conceive the futures they want, by imagining and projecting them, doors and windows into the future open. Not one future for all—but many futures side by side."
    Now you're ready for Jural Assembly Part 4! That's coming next!