Friday, November 16, 2018

Illegal Immigrant Who Entered The U.S. Via Obama-Era Program Now Accused Of Killing 3

American Patriot

#BOYCOTDISNEY Denies free speech: UNREAL! Trump Supporter Gets Banned From Disney World After Showing His Proud Support For Trump

American Patriot

Live Reporting: One Legal "Loss"...and one BIG LEGAL WIN!

Black Conservative Patriot

Tom Fitton: Court Orders Clinton to Answer Email Questions...Voter Fraud in FL?...Awan Bros. Update

Judicial Watch

Nineteen Services?

By Anna Von Reitz
This is a reply to a reader who noticed that, hey, under the Constitution, our States only agreed to receive nineteen services from these vandals, but this has now proliferated to hundreds if not thousands of government services.  What is going on here? 

The perpetrators making all these offers of services are not really your government.  That's for starters.  They are foreign, for-profit corporations in the business of providing government services.  

That lack of disclosure is a large part of the whole problem --- they have been "offering" services as private commercial corporations and people have been mindlessly accepting all sorts of "services" ---- and then have to pay for these services they accepted above and beyond those that the States agreed to. 

It's like the magazine publishers back in the 80's --- you'd get a "free subscription" to something like "Outdoor Life".  It would just show up in your mailbox, "Absolutely Free!"  --- and when you read the fine print, "If you like "Outdoor Life" just keep this complimentary copy and three more months of the magazine will be sent to your door absolutely free!" 

Okay, so typical American --- whether they like "Outdoor Life" and read it or throw it out with the Junk Mail --- thinks nothing of it.  Three months go by.  The magazines come. In the third magazine is a postcard-like insert and in absolutely tiny print it says, "We are happy you have enjoyed your subscription to "Outdoor Life". To continue, simply do nothing and the magazine will continue to be delivered every month.  To "unsubscribe" simply check the box on this return postcard and you will receive no additional copies." 

Well, guess how many people saw that card and read It?  

Pretty soon folks are getting all these magazines they don't want and scratching their heads.  And then they start getting all the bills attached to these "Free Offers".  And the complaints start piling up with the Congressional Delegations about these "unfair" solicitations and "subscription scams".  And the magazine publishers got their hands slapped and prohibited from doing this kind of "promotion" through the U.S. Mail. 

Unfortunately, the government, operating as a foreign, for-profit governmental services corporation has done the same sort of thing with governmental services.  They have "offered" services, often for free, and as people having unknowingly used these services (probably thinking that it was just part of the program) they have been "subscribed" -- exactly like the magazine subscriptions --- to receive these "unearned benefits".  

When they unknowingly sign up to receive these benefits by enrolling in or applying for what appears to be a "government service" they become identified as "U.S. Citizens" --- that is, British Territorial United States Employees or Dependents or Corporations or Political Asylum Seekers.   The British Territorial United States Government Corporation, like the magazine publishers, readily agrees. That's what the "offer" was all about from their perspective in the first place.  

What they don't tell their new subscribers is that: (1)  In exchange for all these wonderful new "free" services, the perpetrators are going to "take title" to their names and land and all their assets including their children to pay for these "benefits", and (2) the victim's political status is going to be altered to that of a British Territorial United States Citizen, a subject of the Queen and the British Crown, no longer a free and independent American.  

Just like the magazine subscriptions, these subscriptions to what-appear-to-be government services have unseen costs that no right thinking American would accept, if the cost were fully disclosed.  Just like the magazine subscriptions, there isn't a clear, clean up front offer involved.  Just like the magazine subscriptions, the process of ensnarement is gradual ---  you have to accept the proverbial  "additional three months of free magazines" --- before they shut the trap door.  That extra "three months" in commerce is the equivalent of three months of Due Process Notice that you are being offered and are accepting a magazine subscription.  

This creates an implied contract between you and the magazine publisher and it is then "presumed" that you are knowingly accepting the product and are expected to pay for it, whether you ever read your copy of "Outdoor Life" or not. 

Same thing with what appears to be the government.  All those services you "apply for" ignorantly, like Social Security, and Selective Service,  and all those benefit programs you "enroll in" like Medicare --- have a cost that you are not being told, which results in an undisclosed contract, called an "adhesion contract".  

It is primarily undisclosed on two counts: first, you are misled to think that you are dealing with your own government when you are dealing with a foreign, for-profit corporation in the business of providing "governmental services" instead, and second, you are not being told about the actual cost of participation in all these "offers" --- that you will be "gifting" yourself, your good name, your credit, your land, and all your assets to these Grafters in exchange for these comparatively petty freebies, and that you will be subjecting yourself to the British Queen as a member of the British Commonwealth System, too, and selling yourself and your children into eternal pauper-hood, a form of debt slavery. 

That something like this could happen in the modern world is beyond abhorrent, but the combination of commercial fraud opportunity combined with the ability to enforce these bogus contracts under color of law was apparently too great a temptation, and now we have the ugly and inevitable confrontation between the purported "subscribers" and the "magazine publishers".  

The fact is that we didn't knowingly, willingly or "voluntarily" subscribe to this fraud scheme at all, because it lacked disclosure and lacking disclosure, no offer accepted can be considered "conscious"  (therefore the whole offer is "unconscionable") and therefore cannot be "voluntary" either.  

Essentially, all these international corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" have sought to expand their control and improve their bottom-lines by preying upon the people that they were hired to serve.  They have done this by the same process as the erstwhile magazine publishers: "voluntary" subscription that in this case, is not voluntary because it is never fully disclosed and because it is falsely presented as a "government mandate" to people who are not naturally subject to the British Territorial United States Government. 

As a result, the consequences in commerce are already well-established.  First and foremost, the British Territorial United States Government corporations must stop making all these undisclosed "offers" and demands.  The property and assets they seized upon under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure have to be returned to the States and People they have harmed and imposed upon.  Any services or payments that they legitimately owe to the victims --- such as vested Social Security accounts to which the victims and employers contributed and paid for --- must be paid out as commercial obligations without any presumption of ownership interest or pretense that these are "welfare benefits". 

As for the States of the Union, they have been dis-served, too, and all their land patents and titles must be returned to the States and the People. Our country is not going to be bought and sold for the sake of British and Belgian and French false claims in commerce, and our People are not going to be considered British Subjects or Paupers of the British Commonwealth for the sake of similar false claims in commerce.  

We have caught them at it and we have the patents that the perpetrators used to set up and automate this gigantic fraud scheme. 

Benjamin Fulford: Letters to the Editor - Victory of the Light - November 16, 2018


*BREAKING NEWS* Republicans to Subpoena Comey & Lynch!

Douglas M. Ducote Sr.

Breaking Spectre and 412 Anon review all the craziness that took place over the past week

We The People Insider 1776

DARK TO LIGHT: Exposing the 2018 Mid Term Elections


Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.16.18

Greg Hunter

Firestorm Apocalypse in California

American Intelligence Media

Attack: Apocalypse in america read article here plus more videos

Thursday, November 15, 2018

#DEWSOS!! USA is Under Attack! CA Today, Your Town Tomorrow! #NIMBYNOMORE!

You Are Free TV  see more of her links below video

11/15: The torching of CA is a Shadow Gov't military operation. WE, the People, are under attack and we MUST wake up and take action in our self defense, as is our right under the United States Constitution! The election stealing, torching of California and invasion of our Southern border is all being staged simultaneously to accomplish multiple nefarious Shadow Government goals. If you want to join me and Steven D. Kelley discussing these issues at 7pm Pacific Time tonight: Please watch the incredible video by AIM "Firestorm Apocalypse in America": Please subscribe to American Intelligence Media Now is the time to pray, act and be completely engaged freedom lovers! Thanks so much for supporting You Are Free TV and for your actions and prayers to promote humanity, liberty and the restoration of the American Republic! 1776 worldwide!! The Agenda 21 MAP for USA land/population control: Santa Susana nuclear energy site under complete threat from the Woolsey Fire and source of multiple contaminations in the past: Ridiculously, the media now wants us to think it is ISIS causing the fires!


Black Conservative Patriot

War Drummer: Who are the people of the Owl - Recognizing the Warlocks

War Drummer 

Is JFK Jr Still Alive? In Search of Vincent Fusca (a short documentary)

Jennifer Mac

Ep. 851 Another Troubling Connection Surfaces. The Dan Bongino Show 11/15/2018

Dan Bongino

BREAKING: Court Orders Hillary Clinton To Testify UNDER OATH about Private Email Server

Judicial Watch



LLEGAL IMMIGRANTS MARCH THROUGH MEXICO CITY, HEADED TO UN...migrants are stealing-raping Mexicans angry 11/8/18 There is far more danger than we are being told

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Border Incident: What They're Not Reporting

Headlines with a Voice

[11.15] More CEO's Resigning / Clinton 2020 / FoxNews & CNN / Climate Change & Free Energy

Destroying the Illusion

Mark Seylon:.Is this betrayal, coercion, treason and sedition?

Mark Seylon

Top US Officials Confirm To Putin Trump Preparing for Military Takeover of US

what does it mean

November 15, 2018
Top US Officials Confirm To Putin That Trump Is Preparing For Military Takeover Of United States
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin’s brief meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence and US National Security Advisor John Bolton confirmed Russia’s worst fears that President Trump is in preparations for having the American military take over control of the United States as, according to these top US officials, Trump’s only oath of duty is to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”—a document called the “Soul of America” that is under withering attack by radical leftist forces trying to destroy Trump—and whose threat against became dire after the 2018 Midterm Electionsrevealed America is in a cold civil war, and is now a country fundamentally split in two, with no real room for compromise.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]...Continue article here

Anonymous post to Q: Paradise Camp Fire was a pre-planned event! 11/13/18

G. Griffin report: The Koch Brothers Are Spending Millions to Push DACA Amnesty through Congress Before the End of the more

US: The Koch brothers, who back immigration and cheap labor, are working aggressively to push amnesty for 3.5-million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  In addition to DACA, they also are pushing for prison release and so-called free trade during the lame duck session of Congress before House Democrats are handed the majority in the new year.  The Koch brothers have said they oppose President Trump’s plan to end chain migration that allows newly naturalized citizens are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.  The Koch brothers also support the anchor baby policy of birthright citizenship. -GEG...Continue article here

New Amazon Facility to Be Built Near Congress in Order to Influence Lawmakers and Keep Its Monopoly

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, which is worth $200 billion, made two deals that will net $2 billion in taxpayer-funded subsidies: New York will extend tax breaks of $1.525 billion in exchange for building a large facility and providing 25,000 jobs high-paying jobs, and Virginia offered Amazon $573 million in exchange for a guarantee of 25,000 jobs.  In n 2017, Amazon made $5.6 billion in profit and paid zero in federal income tax, and received a $137 million tax refund!
Brian Brenberg, associate professor of business and economics at The King’s College says that Bezos chose Virginia to cozy up to the rule makers in Congress so that they will give him huge tax breaks, which will put Amazon in a position where it can fend off competition for years to come.  Bezos has already invested $13 million with 100 lobbyists, and he will have 25,000 new employees in Virginia available as boots on the ground to wield influence in the halls of power.  Professor Brenberg says that Bezos’ goal is to stave off competition by writing the regulations, as Amazon depends on political favoritism to stay on top...Continue article here

Trump’s New Restrictions on Asylum Seekers that Requires Them to Wait in Line Is Challenged by ACLU and SPLC

Last week, in an effort to stop the flood of migrants seeking economic benefit, President Trump signed an order to halt asylum claims made by people who illegally cross the US border with Mexico.  In the past fiscal year, 140,000 migrants from Central and South America have entered the US illegally!  Trump’s new rule requires migrants to make asylum claims at official points of entry where “they would be processed in a controlled, orderly, and lawful manner.”   The migrants will be funneled into the crowded entry points, with the hope that the long waits will discourage them, and they will apply for asylum in Mexico instead.  Mark Krikorian from the Center for Immigration Studies says that migrants who are unable to get the asylum hearing that they seek, will likely be processed and released into the US, which is their goal.
As expected, Trump’s order has been challenged.  The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is violating immigration law as well as the federal statute that governs the way administrative agencies can issue rules.
Trump has ordered thousands of additional troops to the US-Mexico border to offer support for border patrol agents in addition to more national guard troops who were dispatched to the border earlier in the year...Continue article here

Greece: NGO Is Caught On Camera Admitting It Teaches Migrants to Lie and “Pretend to Be Christian” to Enter Europe Under False Pretenses

Greece:  Ariel Ricker, CEO and founder of Advocates Abroad, a pro-immigration NGO that helps migrants enter Europe by providing legal aid and preparing (coaching) the migrants to lie in their asylum interviews.  In the shocking undercover video, Ricker says that the asylum process is simply theater.  She admits to teaching the migrants how to cry, to “act the part” of the refugee in trauma and even vomit to show extreme emotion.  She revealed that she teaches the migrants to pretend to be Christian — and how to pretend to pray. Ricker even admitted that her NGO is involved with human smugglers!  Advocates Abroad is linked with the international lawyers’ Bar Association, and has 380 staff members who worked with over 15,000 refugees in 2017. ..Continue article here

Corey Goode reveals Deep State’s Biggest Nemesis | Above Majestic Producers Exclusive Interview...and more

Edge of Wonder

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland

Radio Show Update, Vaccinations & Deep State’s Biggest Nemesis

BBS Radio and CA Fires
As most people know the BBS Radio headquarters was in Paradise CA. It was lost in the fire. As You Wish Talk Radio, my show has been one of the longest standing and highest rated show and there are many other great hosts on BBS Radio. . It would be a shame not to make sure it continues along with the long standing service Don, Doug families and staff have given to the awakening and healing process.  Please help BBS and their families get back on their feet and back on the air. They have already begun getting some of the equipment together lets all chip in to insure these great shows continue.

We have a paypal donation link and a gofundme link (provided below).

 PAYPAL link:

Government research confirms measles outbreaks

UFOs spotted off Irish coast under investigation

SGTreport: SPACE WEATHER, ROTHSCHILD & AGENDA 21, California fires


OOM2: California fires new one in San more


OOM2: Paradise Victim Interview

OOM2: Operation Torch California

OOM2: Firegeddon: An open Letter to people of California

Surely you folks get it by now.
Your once Golden State is being charred black by one ‘wildfire’ season after another.
Each successive year brings firestorms that are worse than the previous.
Have you folks even taken time to look at the evidence?
Have you even once questioned the official narrative or considered the true causes of these engineered fire calamities?
If not, please, PLEASE, check out the photographs in this photo-documentary.
Photos of Catastrophic Damage Caused by the California Wildfires
If those pics resonate in any way, we highly recommend you take some time to read the article featured below...Continue article here

See more Photo's here