Air Force “Chemtrails” Manual Available For Download
Sunday, March
31st, 2013
USAF Academy “Chemtrails 131 Manual Fall 1990″
By Harold Saive Originl Post HERE
Many observers
of the past two decades of covert aerosol geoengineering adopted the term
“chemtrails” to describe unnatural emissions and trails originating from
military jet engines. If the term Chemtrails originated at the DoD we could
suspect the term came into wide civilian use when a cadet or instructor
repeated it so often that “Chemtrails” was adopted by civilian observers to
describe unusual jet aircraft contrails. To their credit, the Oxford dictionary
provides an accurate description of chemtrails even if they failed to list the
US DoD as the original published source.
Oxford Dictionary Defines “Chemtrail”chemtrail – Syllabification: (chem·trail) – Pronunciation: /ˈkemˌtrāl/
Definition of chemtrail noun
” a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft and believed by some to consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a covert operation. ”
Origin: 1990s: blend of chemical and trail, on the pattern of contrail (Source)
In etymological terms, the origin of a word is very important. Regardless the intended definition, history clearly shows the term “Chemtrails” originated at the US Department of Defense as the title for a Chemistry manual used at the Air Force Academy cadet training program in the early 1990′s. Two editions of the “Chemtrails” manual are known to exist – A 200 page version for the 1990 Fall class and a 232 page version for the 1991 class. The course title “chemtrails” was so popular as to be adopted by the DoD for at least two academic years (1990-1991).
About the Chemtrails Manual Cover
- The Air
Force Academy Chemtrails manual cover shows a flame from a Bunsen burner
that appears to be producing two “trails”.
- The title of
the manual “Chemtrails” is printed between the two “trails”.
- Considering
the intentional graphic depicting “trails” it’s possible the Bunsen burner
represents a jet engine producing “chemically” induced, persistent
- A Bunsen burner is a common
piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame which
is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.
- A test tube
filled with a liquid is emptying contents into a flask.
- The
remaining graphic appears to be a chemical representation for “methane”
(CH4). Since Natural gas contains mostly “methane” it’s possible this
symbol alludes to the fuel providing the flame to the Bunsen burner. (Natural Gas)
Method: An
inter-library loan from the Alachua County main library yielded a microfilm
copy of the 1990 Chemistry 131 Manual used in training by the US Air force
Academy. The lending institution was the William T. Young Library at the
University of Kentucky as shown in the label below.
The microfilm
was in acceptable condition, however the 1990 Chemtrails manual was scanned in
1992 under less than optimum conditions from a used hard copy in less than good
The Alachua
County Library equipment was used to scan each of the 200 pages to digital
*.TIF files. Photoshop was used to optimize each image to the smallest file
size that would permit adequate resolution for on-line viewing. Each image was
imported to a Microsoft Word page where the complete manual was saved to a 30
MB PDF file. (Portable Document
NOTE: A second edition of Chemtrails (232 pages) was published
for the Fall 1991 class of Air Force cadets.
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