Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Judge Roy Moore To Preside Over Obama Eligibility Case

from Godfather Politics

Judge Roy Moore To Preside Over Obama Eligibility Case

Judge Roy Moore is one of my real life American heroes. He has always stood for the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the laws of the state of Alabama. He also understands the importance of recognizing America’s Christian foundation and the principles of law based upon the Bible.
As Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Moore defended the right to display the Ten Commandments at the state Supreme Courthouse. He lost his case, but believed that the law was still on his side. It resulted in him being removed from the state supreme court in 2003, but not without a great deal of public support for him and his position.
This past November, Moore defeated Democrat Bob Vance and won the election to return to the bench as the Chief Justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court. He was sworn back into office on January 11, 2013.
Now, Moore is about to take on another highly controversial case that could have national ramifications – the eligibility of Barack Obama to run or serve as President of the United States.
A lawsuit had been filed in Montgomery Circuit Court asking that Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman verify the eligibility of every candidate that was on the November 2012 state ballot. Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and current leader of Freedom Watch contends that there was sufficient evidence from an official source that questioned the eligibility of Barack Obama to run for president. Having that evidence, Chapman was obligated by state law to investigate and determine whether or not Obama was or wasn’t eligible to run, but she failed to do so. The court dismissed the case at the request of Obama’s attorneys.
Klayman has filed an appeal to the Alabama State Supreme Court to overturn the dismissal and require Chapman to do her sworn duty and verify the eligibility of all candidates on November 2012 state ballot. Klayman commented on the appeal going before Moore, saying:
“We are hopeful that Chief Justice Moore and the rest of the jurists on the Alabama Supreme Court will follow the law.”
“Klayman says he and his team ‘have great respect for Chief Justice Moore and his integrity and legal acumen.’”
“He is one courageous and brave man. There are few in this country.”
“It would be paradoxical beyond measure if the real and grave question of the legitimacy of the de facto President, a question which lies at the very heart of our American Constitutional Government, were left unresolved for want of the simplest of documents, a birth certificate.”
In 2010, Moore told WND that he had seen nothing that convinced him that Obama was a natural born US citizen and in fact, had seen a sufficient amount of evidence that indicated that he was not a natural born citizen and therefore not eligible to run for the presidency.
Moore is not one to crumble under the pressure of others as he exhibited in his fight for the Ten Commandments a decade ago. He is a man of very strong principles in law and justice and not afraid to rule accordingly no matter how unpopular that ruling may be among others.
Many people say this is a dead issue that he has already been elected and sworn into office and that nothing can be done, but hopefully, they may be in for a surprise. This may be our last hope, but as long as there is hope, we need to pray in earnest that Judge Roy Moore do the right thing according to the law and not according to the pressures from the White House.


Anonymous said...

how dose the judge plan on doing this? govt is a private corp. you can throw him in jail on ss card fraud though.

Anonymous said...

This goes to prove that you never know what to believe anymore. For example I read somewhere that Orly Taitz was just working for someone else as well. You never know when articles such as this..http://www.africaresource.com/rasta/sesostris-the-great-the-egyptian-hercules/who-is-paying-orly-taitz-the-birther-madness-movement-a-strange-coalition-of-rightwing-jews-and-so-called-white-supremacists-abdulkhadir-x/ ... ARE TRUE OR NOT. IT SEEMS THERE IS ALWAYS A HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND EVERYTHING. DON'T EVEN KNOW IF OBAMA IS GOOD OR BAD ANYMORE EITHER. I THINK IT'S ALL PART OF THE "PLAN" ANYWAY.

musiclover4 u said...

as of January 2013 we became the Republic of the USA under a republic you can fire

Anonymous said...

Huh?? Only soc. security fraud???? You've got to be kidding!!! How about TREASON for starters, then work down to voter fraud, perjury, stolen ID, malfeasance of office, forgery of draft registration as well as soc. security, and even possible murder if you want to thoroughly investigate who was responsible for killing (or the plotting of the murder) of Lt. Quarles Young of the state dept., along with Donald Young and two other homosexuals from Jeremiah Wright's church. It is amazing to hear the same lame statement repeated about the US being a "corporation" like corporate executives are excluded from being charged with criminal actions. Hello! The same law applies to any executive as well as to us...or at least it used to apply!!!

Anonymous said...

How about Identity theft? We know he is not Obama, WHO IS HE??? How about impersonating a?? How about genocide?? Theft???

JWalker said...

should start a class - action 'demanding' this be dealt with once and for all. If he's not legit.. then neither are his deadly EXECUTIVE fraudulent ORDERS.

Anonymous said...

From what it sounds like he will only be able to "force" Chapman to look at the records of Obama. What do you think she'll "find"? No full investigation, only saying he (Obama) is "qualified" without proving any of her investigations nor revealing any sources.