Obama accused of
nationalizing U.S. elections with new executive order
truther April 2, 2013
On Saturday, Barack Obama
was accused of nationalizing U.S. elections for Democratic partisan advantage
through the president’s issuance of a new executive order on the electoral
A March 30 Breitbart report cites several critics of the “Presidential
Commission of Election Administration” in which Obama
will have the unilateral authority to appoint up to nine commission members
with the “knowledge about or experience in the administration of State or local
elections, as well as representatives of successful customer service-oriented
businesses, and any other individuals with knowledge or experience determined
by the President to be of value to the Commission.”
On Thursday, the White House issued to the general public
details of Obama’s executive order.
Opponents argue that, due to Obama’s unchecked power to
appoint electoral overseers, the commission will be composed of progressives,
union bosses and academics with a bias towards Democratic and liberal
candidates, particularly at the state and local level.
Here is Section 2 of Obama’s order:
Sec. 2. Membership. (a) The Commission shall be composed
of not more than nine members appointed by the
Some opponents are criticizing the president for
prioritizing local elections over the economy with the latter featuring 8
percent unemployment and nearly 50 million Americans relying on food stamps. In
January 2013, Barack Obama decided to permanently shut
down his jobs council after its charter had expired.
Thursday’s executive order was announced a year before
what is expected to be a highly contentious 2014 mid-term elections. Next year,
conservatives are likely to contest Democrats for multitudes of congressional
and gubernatorial seats. The new commission’s emphasis on local elections are
creating suspicions on the president’s intentions.
In December, Obama held a 55 percent approval rating which has since gone down 8 percentage
points to 47 percent as of March 30, according to Gallup and Pew Research.
Soon after the White House’s announcement, some elections
experts blasted the president’s plan. Former Department of Justice official J. Christian
Adams said that the Obama administration may have violated federal laws by not establishing voter-assistance
offices on military bases despite congress having sent $75 million to the
Pentagon to make sure all U.S. troops can vote.
Most service members vote for Republicans, and many in
the military supported Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s run for
In contrast, when members of the Black Panther Party were
accused of intimidating voters at polling booths during the 2008 and 2012
elections, charges were dropped on most suspects by Obama’s Justice Department. Leaked internal memos have
since indicated that administration officials refused
to enforce voting rights laws because the perpetrators themselves were black
political activists.
Here is Section 3 of Obama’s new executive order on elections:
Sec. 3. Mission. (a) The Commission shall identify best
practices and otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient
administration of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have
the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve the
experience of voters facing other obstacles in casting their ballots, such as
members of the military, overseas voters, voters with disabilities, and voters
with limited English proficiency.
In doing so, the Commission shall consider as
(i) the number, location, management, operation, and
design of polling places;
(ii) the training, recruitment, and number of poll
(iii) voting accessibility for uniformed and overseas
(iv) the efficient management of voter rolls and poll
(v) voting machine capacity and technology;
(vi) ballot simplicity and voter education;
(vii) voting accessibility for individuals with
disabilities, limited English proficiency, and other special needs;
(viii) management of issuing and processing provisional
ballots in the polling place on Election Day;
(ix) the issues presented by the administration of
absentee ballot programs;
(x) the adequacy of contingency plans for natural
disasters and other emergencies that may disrupt elections; and
(xi) other issues related to the efficient administration
of elections that the Co-Chairs agree are necessary and appropriate to the
Commission’s work.
(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall
submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the
Commission’s first public meeting.
1 comment:
When a 100 million people wake up and realize that Obama is Chief Executive Officer of the White House private Corporation and not President of the Republic of the united States of America, then things will be much better.
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