Tuesday April 2, 2013
Punk Bernanke Faces Day of Reckoning
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
image femuscle. org
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke faces immediate arrest by the U.S. military at any moment. Alleged U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro is clueless while attending NCAA basketball games with the tickets purchased by former U.S. Treasury Secretary, crooked bank stooge Timothy Geithner.
The collateral for this bogus line of credit are toxic worthless bonds aka mortgage-backed securities that have been worthless since 2008.
The crooked banks then proceed to use this fiat line of credit aka free casino chips from the little bitch Bernanke to write totally naked call options in silver and gold and Japanese yen contracts and proceed with the premium collected to buy U.S. stock index futures and then write even more naked put options on the S&P 500 Futures Index.
What Bernanke has created is a massive bank derivative bubble that can collapse at any moment.
As the bible states "you know neither the time nor the hour".
Note: At this hour the crooked TREASONOUS Fed is enabling a new ponzi scheme with the Central Bank of Australia, by using naked derivatives collected in the S&P 500 to buy Australian dollar futures and sell Japanese yen futures.
At this hour the Chinese government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have warned Ben Shalom Bernanke to liquidate his ponzi scheme or face massive international financial retaliation.
P.S. Congratulations to David Stockman, who was the former head of the OMB under great American patriot President Ronald Reagan, for exposing Bernanke's ponzi scheme when he was a guest on Bloomberg (aka crooked bank extortion friendly) News.
P.P.S. Message to Bloomberg News and their Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooges Al Hunt and little bitch Judy Woodruff:
HIGH Treason Co-Conspirators
BushFRAUD, Hank Paulson and Pelosi
Former BushFRAUD U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry 'Hank' Paulson belongs in prison for money laundry in the illegal conversion of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds that are U.S. and French Taxpayers' money).
Message to Judy: When you interview Paulson, bitch, I would suggest you take an economics course at a major university in this country so you can then really cross-examine Paulson about the money he LOOTED from our U.S. Treasury and the crooked bail out he enabled with BushFRAUD and Pelosi that has turned the United States of America into a third world nation for a generation.
Final message to bitch Woodruff and little punk Al Hunt: NO bitch, NO Bush, NO bank.
NO bank, NO bitch, NO Bush.
The American People are now getting totally enraged!
This is NOT a bank monarchy, this IS a republic.
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Al Gore still remains the natural born, duly elected REAL President of the United States.
Duly elected, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President Al Gore
Political Fallout Begins: Former Cyprus President Named In Loan Write-Offs leading To Banking Insolvency
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The Canadian Government Offers "Bail-In" Regime, Prepares For The Confiscation Of Bank Deposits To Bail Out Banks
Once again, what conclusions can we draw from this article, where you state that Al Gore is (STILL) the duly-elected President? Tom, since I don't know Al Gore personally, can I give you my carbon tax money so that you can give it to him in person?
I am confused,why are some people angry that gore did not become president.
do they think he is not a family member and also a con man-global warming is his baby!
Notice how all these articles make your blood boil till your so angry you can't say anything anymore....Well I think thus is intentional. Thus why we are advised to only partake in positive information. Now I know why. Oh and another question that begs an answer is...How can they keep referring to Al Gore as if he was a good guy when his name is on the list of the committee of 300?
Gore was in office when Chemtrails started. Who in their right mind would ever think Fat Al the serial rapist would be a good guy to have as President? What a Blowhard.
And as for bernanke's arrest? Sure just like Hillary Clinton. That was Heneghan's whopper a couple week back and she sure seems to be having a good time. I guess someone forgot to tell her that she was under arrest and they just told Tom.
As the weeks pass , another wishful wannabe history maker , is discovered to be just that , I would have loved to have seen all of his articles to have been proven true , we now have seen reality is quite different
on Al Gore , I'm sure the election was rigged , and maybe Al would have done 1 or 2 things different , but not much , they are all puppets and being a true Patriot is not in any politicians blood(there maybe 1 or 2 exceptions) . The hard truth is WE the PEOPLE must understand what we have been programed , brainwashed , not to realize is WE are the solution , this is what Full Conscieiousness and waking up means , the tools are put in place, NOW we Must become Experts at Using them I am going to make the recommendation that all of US become experts at using the tools put in place for WE the People I'm saying learn , use , teach the OPPT this is the game changer the hard work has already been done for you a blessing in all ways , I have been researching the UCC for close to 30 years , it is for real, Use It.
i agree to this statement, being more true.
is somebody trying again to make another stealing of the peoples assets again, for the banks who do make money from thin air, and give it the golden value all of us should respect because they say so, then loan it to the actual workers who create real assets from raw materials. now this real object,tool, factory, homes,etc. does have real value,we can see it, use it, to make our lives go on, not this paper printing sheme. afterwards the bankters cause the no jobs conditions by shipping the labor they use to make tools, cars, homes, etc. to a third world county, then demand the deeds, land, assets, tools, factory to pay off the bank loan at pennys to the dollar, without ever making anything other than this printing press paper the bankters say is worth all our assets. the great depression is a good lession for all workers who do work to make life possable on this earth, and not the bankters who con us to think otherwise
Clean it up. What's with all the BITCH talk.
wake up time, you are a slave and do not know it, or how real assets are taken by the bankters who are humans who enjoy being the dark hearted monsters to the useless eaters as we all are called.
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