Monday, April 1, 2013

Some Had Called It... It's Happening Before Your eyes..The Fed/London Currency Wall Is Being Replaced One BRIC At A Time

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Some Had Called It... It's Happening Before Your eyes..The Fed/London Currency Wall Is Being Replaced One BRIC At A Time
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 1-Apr-2013 19:45:01

There’s a New kid on the block and his name is BRIC. Not Rick, but BRIC (1).
Yes, it looks like it could be a permanent good-bye to the City of London Bankster’s worldwide web-of-debt, a system using the hijacked US Petro Dollar as the world’s exchange medium.
The demise of this system has been long predicted and BRIC is just one of many new trade systems now arising all over the world which directly oppose it.
And despite all the Banksters hard core corrective actions to hang on to what they acquired through many years of covert warfare against America and many of the people of the world through their worldwide web-of-debt, their evil rule is being eroded by the day and their system is being replaced one brick at a time (pun intended).
What exactly is the US Petro Dollar and how did it emerge as the World’s Reserve Currency?
The US Petro Dollar has been the World’s Exchange Currency, in essence a money-monopoly for the City of London Banksters, but this appears to be rapidly changing.
Is there a major global power shift occurring now based on new economic alliances?
It now appears that the US Military and American Intel have been hijacked by the City of London Banksters and deployed as an enforcer (2) all around the world to protect the Banksters’ illegal narcotics trade for a cut, and to protect the US Petro Dollar which is actually the building block of the City Of London’s worldwide web-of-debt Bankster system.
It certainly looks like the US Military and American Intel were deployed to Iraq and then Afghanistan as an enforcement arm of the City of London Banksters because both countries expressed intentions to dump the US Petro Dollar as a basis for oil sales. As incredulous this seems at first consideration, that is what actually appears to have happened.
more plus several videos:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's plenty of money around. Because the powers-that-be play a zero-sum game, they don't want to share. Playing by their rules, it's either them or us. Since they're making the rules, the rules have to be changed.