Monday, April 1, 2013

The Russians Got This Right

It always amazes me that we tolerate scumbag aliens (legal or illegal) who come to America and complain about our country and/or its laws.  If America is so shitty, why come here at all?  If Mexico is so wonderful, why leave it? 

The following (whether Putin actually said it or not) rings true for any country.  If you do not like it here, why the fuck don't you go-the-hell back to where you came from?
On February 4, 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Duma (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia :
 "In Russia , live Russian. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia , to work and eat in Russia , should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws.  If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities, minorities need Russia , and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America , England , Holland and France , if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities.  When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians.”
 *The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five-minute standing ovation!  Pigs would fly before that piss-ant fake (Obama) would have the balls to recognize the truth in this.  Very sad.
PS: Always say what you mean - Always mean what you say - NEVER  COMPROMISE ........


Anonymous said...

When the borders are erased, who will be the minority?

Anonymous said...

The problem I see here, or one of the problems is that Americans are not Russians and are not cut from the same cloth. Americans did nothing to stop the "Mexicans" as this article implies but only encouraged them at one time and when they finally woke up to what had happened it was too late. This isn't new here in America. Americans see that their government is abusing them daily and they still hold faithful to their political systems, religions, and other dogmatic systems knowing what is happening in front of their very eyes. The problem is that Americans can't stand up for themselves, and now again, "it's too late". There are thousands of illegal Russians in America and other races as well here. I find that when the word "Mexicans" is used in this context it is very racist, as there are illegals from all over the world.

Anonymous said...

The Russian leadership presumably discourages immigration - legal or otherwise. The illegal communist scumbags that are unlawfully running the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, posing as a lawful government for the united States of America, ARE ENCOURAGING THE ENTRY OF ILLEGALS OF EVERY AGE, SEX COLOR AND RELIGION, OR LACK THEREOF, AND EVEN PROVIDING FOR THEIR EVERY NEED while Americans are losing jobs, homes, cars, medical care, savings, food supplies, enduring family breakups from the stress, and the loss of all of their Constitutional rights. Seems to me that Putin and Russia have some intelligent leadership at the helm while America has traitors, scumbags and total idiots at ours - AND WE AMERICANS ARE ALLOWING AND EVEN ASSISTING THESE BASTARDS IN GETTING AWAY WITH THEIR TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES.

Anonymous said...

This is the third time in the last few weeks that some supposed quote from Putin has hit the American media that conservatives would support. Multiple times people have responded that they agree with Putin and would rather have him as president than obama. Now i do not support obama in any way. But Putin?? Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

The real problem is that the "Bible thumpers" are blind, [Romans 11:25 blindness in part has happened to Israel]. They are blind and will not accept the truth of Gen. 3:15 When the Creator told the serpent that he enmity between his seed [ that is the serpents seed] and the woman's seed. Hello!!!! anybody home satan has a people here who are destroying and in charge [ think rothchild rockefeller bush etc.] Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". But nevermind just go to your feelgood church on sunday and pray for israel and vote for another corrupt congressmen to send more aid to those that hate us, and send children die for in another endless war.