Monday, April 1, 2013

"Threat Level Red" Declared? Preparedness Pro – Air Force Reserve Base In Portland On Stand-by

"Threat Level Red" Declared? Preparedness Pro – Air Force Reserve Base In Portland On Stand-by

Thursday, March 28, 2013 15:46          (Before It's News)

According to Preparedness Pro via a post on Facebook, the United States Military has gone to 'threat level red'. After this original post was made approx. 5 hours ago (approx. 1:30 pm eastern time on Thursday March 28th, 2013), confirmation HAS BEEN received from 6 different sources as outlined in comments further down in the post. 

What are they preparing for? 

North Korea has declared war upon the

United States and South Korea.

The Pentagon has deployed B-2 Stealth Nuclear bombers to South Korea. 

One could quite easily say that WW3 is now upon the horizon. 

Let's all pray that cooler heads prevail. 

The original Facebook post is here:

Preparedness Pro
BREAKING NE:--just got a heads up that the U.S. military has gone to threat level RED and the Air Force reserve base in Portland (OR) has been put on Stand-by.

This is UNCONFIRMED so far---waiting on confirmation from multiple sources. Anyone else have any input?

A screenshot of Preparedness Pro's Facebook post is below.:


Jay Werner and proud of it said...

Lie Lies Liars all lies all day everyday nothing but lies, deception and fraud, why even lend legitimacy to this by b.s. by posting , how does posting this kind of garbage help anyone except those scum who issued it..............??

Anonymous said...

We need input from North Korean Ambassador Dennis Rodman as to what his little friend has up his sleeve. This ain't basketball!

Anonymous said...

They do it in order not to start disclosure and NESARA!

Anonymous said...

The USAF does not use the nomenclature "threat level red". Not sure what declared or by whom, but was not a military declaration if those were the words used.