Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Wednesday April 17, 2013
U.S. Nears Civil War
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Wednesday April 17, 2013
U.S. Nears Civil War
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the French Embassy to the United States has filed a complaint to the U.S. State Department in regards to the illegal surveillance of their consulates in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago that is currently being directed by the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency), rogue Israeli Mossad with the director of this illegal activity being none other than Israeli Mossad agent, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, the little punk weasel Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on U.S. soil, which is empowered by the Treaty of 1787, has compiled 'smoking gun' evidence fingering former U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton as being directly involved with Turkish and Israeli Intelligence in ordering the assassination of former U.S. diplomat in Libya, Christopher Stevens.
Note: Ambassador Stevens had compiled evidence that bitch Hillary and former BushFRAUD Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice were operating an arms and narcotics money laundry involving Syria, Israel and Turkey with the Nazi German "Skull and Bones" Deutsche Bank underwriter for this TREASON.
P.S. It gets worse!
The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force has also fingered the entity responsible for the Boston, Massachusetts BLACK OP aka FALSE FLAG, which was, once again, aka Oklahoma City, 9/11, Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hook and now the FALSE FLAG in Boston, a direct attack against the American People.
The entity responsible for this Satanic criminality is the NSA (National Security Agency), Israeli Mossad, Nazi German "Becker Cell" in Hamburg, Germany (also tied to 9/11).
Most of these bought and paid for assassins, including the crisis actors, have already left the United States on a Lufthansa flight that took them to none other than the nation of Liechtenstein where they will get paid commissions for committing murder and mayhem by this Nazi German Deutsche Bank stooge financial institution, the National Bank of Liechtenstein.
Remember, folks, this is a precursor to MARTIAL LAW on American soil that has already been scripted with Bloomberg News and CNN to be used as the Trumpets of TREASON.
P.P.S. This insanity that we are experiencing in these past couple of days is a back drop to the worldwide financial Armageddon, that has been triggered by the trillions of dollars of crooked bank derivatives (that have been called on) that are now tied to the crooked European Central Bank (ECB), the Central Bank of Japan and the completely TREASONOUS conspiratorial,privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and its Chairman, Nazi German Deutsche Bank enabler, Ben Shalom Bernanke.
The FALSE FLAG BLACK OP attack in Boston, Massachusetts was ordered by the TREASONOUS criminal NSA after U.S. Treasury officials, led by American Patriot U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, confronted Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke concerning misuse of TRILLIONS of dollars of U.S. Treasury funds in a massive FOREX currency ponzi scheme.
In closing we have some good news.
Current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and former U.S. Vice President and now year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born U.S. President Albert Gore Jr. are in direct communication with U.S. military flag officers to put an end to this TREASON that has reduced the United States to a banana republic with their treasury looted and their Constitution shredded by this gang of filth aka the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family Syndicate.
Finally, the Bernanke Ponzi Scheme has totally unraveled with Japanese domestic investors selling foreign bonds aka the worthless derivatives that were illegally parked in the Bank of Japan by the Federal Reserve and the corrupt European Central Bank.
This makes any future monetary stimulus aka ponzi scheme activity impossible.
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the non-inaugurated, year 2000 duly elected, natural born REAL President of the United States.
Yes we could go to war but it would not be a civil war.
What was called the war between the states was not a civil war but was a war between the U.S. government and the civilians of the south.
Not only did the civilians of the north not want to fight the south, the U.S.government came to N.Y. and drafted 10,000 men and forced them to fight in the war against the south.
It was the Pres. that ordered an attack against Ft. Sumpter that started the war. The people of the southern states had been pleading with the Pres. to sit down and talk things over but he replied with war against his own people because of his greed not wanting to loose control of the people and the taxes that were comming in from the southern ports.
Our southern brothers should know that your brothers to the north did not make war against you.
It was U.S.government troups in blue uniforms ordered by the U.S. government that was responsible for the death of 700,000 Americans.
Just think, a Pres. that we were taught to look up to was responsible for those deaths. If you don't know his name you should and if not shame on you, just look it up.
Our government now seems to want to take control of us again but just stay cool folks as things are going on behind the scenes that will be a game changer for all of us and is just about ready to happen. By next week we should be very happy.
Do not be afraid of the changes as they are needed and will be all good.
No war for us. WE need to love one another.
We are the 99 to 1 and no one will beat us as long as we stick together. Ken
No Idea what crack pipe Heneghan's hitting off today, but "brother Shalom Jack Lew" IS A
ZIONIST/Rothschild Bankster TOM! SAME Team as Bernanke & Co,unless you quit "fronting for
the satan infested catholic church we'll never know GOD's TRUTH. Now C'mon drop TRUTH on US
Is this guy gay for Al Gore, or what? He seems to think that Al Gore would have been the savior of the world. Even Jesus couldn't do that because of a little thing called: "free will." We have been given free will to screw things up any way we want to and we have done a bang up job of it. This guy can't say anything without throwing in a shit load of adjectives that are unnecessary to get his point across. All the extra salad dressing makes him sound like a moron.
LOL! Exactly why I can't understand how anybody takes this idiot seriously. He's definately hitting the good stuff!
Mossad slug Emanuel involved in the Boston incident of April 15, any U S military offivrt who see this reporthas a sworn duty and via the Patriot Act the lawful authorrity to IMMEDIATELY arrest the mossad slug Emanuuel who has been operating in the U S for more than a decade. Upon enhsnced interrogation and rendition, a shit load of treason infomation will come out, just follow the money it will take down the entire nazi network. And to the flag officer in direct communication with Chief Justice Roberts, if you want to stop the treason, it will require a full take down of CIA station Bangkok, and the related off the books rogue covert operation designated "hotel California operating from DIA headquarters Anscostia, Virginia, funded by the same off shore account network paying cash bribes to the traitor Obama. Treason the only crime mentioned in the Consitution, the flag officers)plural) must end this imposed treason upoon this nation and its people, the ball is your court flag officer people, you swore to protect the nationm against all enemies foreign or domestic, this nazi network is a domestic enemy within
For U S Flag officers(plural) and Chief Justice Roberts. Admiral J A Lyons has been informed of the exact location ans irrefutable documented evidence held in the off the books covert rogue operation designated "hotel California" you have all sworn an oath to stop war crime activities conducted from a E S governmentt buolding by U S personnel, war crimes include mengle type 'medical" experiments imposed upon live American POWs, that must be treason. And in regard to U S national security, many foreign countries know about this 1 of them has already blackmailed to U S based upon their knowledge of the operation. If you really want to put a stop to the pervasive treason this war crime operation must be exposed and stop, a legal note as pretend Cppmmander in Clief, for more than 4 years Obama has failed to shut this down and many have died via the "hotel California" process making Obama a war criminal under both U S and international law. Irrefutable conclusive documented evidence includes a master computer disc in modified promis software. Admiral Lyons has been tolld the exact location, also Admiral Dennis Blair knows about the off shore account money stream the same money paying cash bribes to Obama for years, it is now up to you to expose and end this treason
To Flag Officers and Ckief Justice Thomas, if you seek to stop treason, know this the off the books rogue covert operation designated "hotel California" is a serial and continuing war crime operation and under both U S and international law a war crime is treason. Admiral lyons American ThinkerApril 15, has been briefed on the exact location of this rogue off the books war crime operation and he has been briefed on the nature of the irrefutable and conclusive documented evidence, is is TREASON, and up to you people to expose it and bring justice to the msatter, do not fail this nation and its people, God's speed to your efforts to stop the treason and bring honorable justice to this nation
Gordon Duff on the internet April 18. Obama a war criminal for all seasons, it is now time for immediadt bold and firm action by the Flag officer corps and Chief Justice Roberts. War crimes by definition constitue treason. Act people the fate of the nation is now in your hands. admiral Lyons, american Thinker april 15, knows the exact location oof off the books rogue covert operation designated "hotel California" so does Admiral Dennis Blair, for more than 4 full years as pretend Commander in Chief Obama has failed to shut down this serial and continuing war crime, which is treason, the only crime expressly mentioned in the Constitution, greatly damages U S national security. IMMEDIATE action must be taken, since Obama is a war criminal the U S military Flag officer corp has a sworn obligation to act, and under the Patriot Act they have the lawful authority to act
On the internet April 18, see Gordon Duff, Obama by name a war criminal for all seasons. flag Officers(plural) and Mr Chief Justice accepting cash bribes from a war criminal is treason, multiple foreign intelligence services are aware of this thus greatly harming U S national security, please IMMEDIATELY expose and bring proper justice to this treason activity, at long last the American People need to know of this treason and the war crimes committed in their name, the Gordon Duff expose is excellent fully researched and supported, naming names
Waiting for firm bold and effective action on war crime and treason front by U S Flag Officers and chief Justice. Henghan reports that they are in direct communication, IMMEDIATE action is warranted and lawful and by sworn oath required. IMMEDIATE is IMMEDIATE. This chronic treason and war crime activity cannot br allowed to continue. Remember traitor and fraud Obama is not too bright, his gross incompetece could very easily start World WarIII, millions would die in addiotion to the thousands he is already responsible for plus the many who have died in connection with the "hotel California war crimes operation he has failed to shut down for more than 4 full years making him a war criminal under both U S and international law, failure to expose and stop this activity will make Flag officers and the chief justice war criminals as well
For U S Flag officers and Chief Justice Robeerts Pursuant to the Patriot Act, Bernanke has been giving material aid and support to terrorists, there is lawful authority to arrest him immediately. also getting the "smoking gun" evidence from Boehner and immediately arrest the mossad slug Emanuel, for more than a decade he has been a foreign agent operating in the U S, arreest him right away, no further delays while this nation and its people continue to suffer. and Obama's fraud and bribe taking are clearly acts of treason, greatly damaging U S national security, this is fully known globally and exposes the U S to great blackmail from many quarters. Will you please protect and defend this nation as you have sworn to do, before it becomes too late and more damage is done
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