A very powerful cartoon.....please
keep it going.
This should be posted in every school in Canada and the USA.
Only 31 words -- Think about it!
Isn't life strange? I never met one Veteran
Who enlisted to fight for Socialism!
86% will send this on.
If Muslims can pray on Madison Avenue,and the subway areas in Toronto, why are Christians banned from praying in public and from erecting religious displays on their holy days?
What happened to our National Day of Prayer?
Muslims are allowed to block off Madison Ave., in N.Y.C., and pray in the middle of the street! And, it's a monthly ritual!
Tell me, again, whose country is this? Ours or the Muslims?
I was asked to send this on if I agree, or delete if I don't.
It is said that 86% of Americans & Canadians believe in God.
Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in the U.S. having 'In God! We Trust' on their money, and having 'God' in their Pledge of Allegiance, or the Lord's prayer said in our schools or public meetings.
I believe it's time we stand up for what we believe!
If you agree, pass this on; if not - delete IT with the rest!!
Never grow a wishbone where a backbone ought to be.
Only 31 words -- Think about it!
Isn't life strange? I never met one Veteran
Who enlisted to fight for Socialism!
86% will send this on.
If Muslims can pray on Madison Avenue,and the subway areas in Toronto, why are Christians banned from praying in public and from erecting religious displays on their holy days?
What happened to our National Day of Prayer?
Muslims are allowed to block off Madison Ave., in N.Y.C., and pray in the middle of the street! And, it's a monthly ritual!
Tell me, again, whose country is this? Ours or the Muslims?
I was asked to send this on if I agree, or delete if I don't.
It is said that 86% of Americans & Canadians believe in God.
Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in the U.S. having 'In God! We Trust' on their money, and having 'God' in their Pledge of Allegiance, or the Lord's prayer said in our schools or public meetings.
I believe it's time we stand up for what we believe!
If you agree, pass this on; if not - delete IT with the rest!!
Never grow a wishbone where a backbone ought to be.
As long as the muslim is in the White House things will remain the same. Remember when our national day of prayer was cancelled but the next week 50,000 muslims covered the white house lawn and did what they do.
Remember when Obama was campaigning in 07 and 08 and he said he would change the greatest country in the world - well he has done it...........Remember he said it was time for a change.
Another piece of propaganda from the Dark Cabal and passed on by mind controlled minions.
Soldiers do not go to war to defend the rights of freedom. The go to war for their puppet masters. Their puppet masters are corporations acting like our government to serve the purpose of world domination. Power, control, and lots of money are made on behalf of brain washed soldiers thinking they are doing good but instead are serving the dark side. Just like this propaganda piece by ignorant people who pass this on thinking that soldiers go to war for our freedom. Wake up! When does going to war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, have anything to do with America's Freedom. Absolutely Nothing! Did you already forget that 9/11 was conducted by the collaboration of Christians & Jews while the Muslims were the patsy. Dam it makes me sick to see mindless drones spewing Dark Cabal , Nazi planned propaganda. The question remains now is if this comment will be published. If not, then I know for a fact who this website belongs to and will expose them for what they represent by blasting this comment and posting to all other blog sites for the world to see.
agree w/ much in Ur comment, but please consider most AMerican soldiers BE-LIeVEd they were DOing right- INTENT of Heart is MOST significant for each and all.
Cognitive disonance is a challenging mindset to overcome...
Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness & More Blessings 2 ALL always in all ways.... freemom7 :D
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