Friday, July 25, 2014

Bits and Pieces Late Friday Morning

Bits and Pieces Late Friday Morning


Sounddoc:   Banker Intel from 7/24/2014

I got my nephew into this and his banker (a good friend) has been giving us intel. It is amazing how Tony & DC are giving us what they can, with all the stuff that's going on behind the scenes. As Tony and DC said the bankers are as frustrated as we are. I am hearing it as well.

Here is the info we got yesterday from the banker:


“hey **** sorry about yesterday it was all a go but something shifted and we got stopped at 6:05 this morning but in other news the *date your uncle was looking at is way off unless something horrible happens. I am expecting it to go tonight or early I mean early morning tomorrow”

OKIE's post confirmed this as well.
 *date - I told the banker that if it didn't go tonight (Thursday), they could be delaying it till Tuesday 7/29/2014, for the following reason. Christine Lagarde seems to like numerology and that date adds up to the number "7".  

Anyhow, here we are again, it will be interesting to see what stopped it this time.

 Enough is enough, it is amazing how a few of BAD people can hold up this process. WHERE ARE THE GOOD GUYS?    CAN THEY REALLY STOP THIS CORRUPTION 



Steadfast:I am not a Numerologist,  but I think, and this is just a guess, but if you add up all the numbers, 7+2+9+2+0+1+4 =25  and if you add 2+5 together, you get 7.  

I believe the goal is to reduce the number to a single digit.  That is how I think they do it. Disclaimer,   Do not try this at home, and no numbers were injured in working up these calculations.


Bamaltc:  Could it be that those with the power to stop it have more power than those with the power to start it?


Demcoit:I got a phone call….Was told that the admirals group was put on high alert about an hour ago but no mention about how soon they would exchange. Nice to hear they got a call but it only puts us in the same spot WAITING…..I have a good friend in the group. This is the second call he has had in the last three months. So I asked when are you estimated to exchange and what are the details.? He said once they tell him he would let me know. Not much info but it's looking good



[waynoiam2] Somebody get the fat lady away from the buffet so she can sing!

 [.MikeH] waynoiam2 they always say that no news is good news well everything must be real good today then because nothing is coming out


Emailed to Recaps:

POSTED by KevinD53 on Dinar Daily

So what's next?

Basically, now that there is a President, they have to select a PM. If I understand the process correctly, it will go something like this.

The Presidency Council (President and 2 vice presidents) then shall name a Prime Minister unanimously. They must agree on a candidate for the post within two weeks. In the event that they fail to do so, the responsibility of naming the Prime Minister reverts to the National Assembly.

In that event, the Council of Representatives must confirm the nomination by a two-thirds majority. The Prime Minister then has one month to name his Council of Ministers. If the Prime Minister is unable to nominate his Council of Ministers within one month, the Presidency Council shall name another Prime Minister.



moneytalks1 » July 25th, 2014, HI Delta,   THree questions:

the CBI doesn't have to wait for the PM to sit before releasing the IR?

Does the CBI have to wait,once the PM is voted in, to have the cabinet positions formed and seated by the PM?

Thanx Delta for your reply. And besides, doesn't the Budget need a rate ?

From what I have gathered, to all all the above 3 questions, the answer is "no".


hawger03 » July 25th, 2014,

I believe that ousting Maliki is necessary for Iraq to move forward. Too much money is on the line and too many super powers opinions to allow Maliki to screw this up again! M has shown his stripes and Iraq knows that no real progress can be made with M calling the shots. Personally, I'm rooting for Mahdi to get the nod. Iraq will never unify under M and that is what the world powers want to see. That is the stability that they want and need.

 Iraq is no where near as strong when the three factions are divided and constant fighting is the rule rather than the exception. The next PM coming in will know exactly what is required of him to get their infrastructure and social projects off the ground.

I'm also guessing that the citizens of Iraq are wondering where all of that budget money from 2013 went. Those that lined their pockets instead of taking care of their country will get their just deserts......including M! All of this is my opinion only and should not be construed to be fact!


jdtolle » July 25th, 2014,   You have today

You have today. You can make it rich and you can fill it with meaning.

No matter what else you may have or not have, you have today. You have the priceless opportunity to live with purpose, passion, joy and love.

You can learn, explore, discover, build, connect, observe, understand, participate and lead. The possibilities available to you are determined by your creativity and your willingness to move life forward.

You have today, so while you do, grab some of those possibilities and run with them. You have today, and when it’s over you’ll be thankful you made such good use of it.

There is no need to wish for more when you understand and appreciate the value of what you have. You have today, and with it, the opportunity to create and experience as much richness as you can imagine.

Feel fully alive, feel capable, feel excited and enthusiastic about the great possibilities.

You have today, right here and now, so live its magnificent promise in your own unique and satisfying way.

— Ralph Marston

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

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