Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bluestar's Parting Commentary - "The Final Act" ...and ...which path will you choose?

Bluestar's Parting Commentary - "The Final Act" ...and ...which path will you choose?

(Thank you Bluestar for sending this to Dinar Recaps.)

Bluestar's Parting Commentary - "The Final Act" ...and ...which path will you choose?

Good Day/Night to all in Dinar/GCR Land!

It's been almost a year since I wrote an op-ed commentary on August 8th of last year that appeared here at Dinar Recaps.

At that time (as has been the case on more than a few occasions since then), many of us believed that the RV / GCR might be just around the corner in the "Light of Day"(a great song covered famously by Bruce Springsteen live), or "right upon us" or "imminent" or any one of a number of other scenarios that might fit the narrative that we so sorely and dearly wanted and desired.

Also, I postulated that a debate was raging as to whether this was a "Micro Event" (dictated by Iraq) or a "Macro Event" (driven by the GCR). It seemed that since chapter 7 had been lifted that the RV might actually finally happen and that the blessing had finally arrived. Wow, were MANY of us wrong!?
Since then we've had to learn the "hard way" that this event has NEVER been on our timetable. Instead, it has been a carefully orchestrated and deliberately protracted financial shift and spiritual test. Many lives have been changed, lost, and challenged during this time.

So, where are we? We are at the end of the winning "Micro Event" (Iraq's timetable wins) and it will meld into the second place "Macro Event". Sometimes they say that the hardest items to find are in plain sight. Surely it has been the case here with the RV/GCR. Might as we tried to determine the end game of this saga through a "chapter 7 ", "energy law" , "article" or some other cause and effect we were indeed "fooling ourselves" (Styx) and in many cases "hopium" overtook reality.

The plain sight object that needed to be removed has ALWAYS BEEN Nouri al-Maliki...Maliki "Saddam lite" (thank God there wasn't a bad tasting beer or soda called this) has put his country through a living hell the past 8 years and will depart shortly. Just after he leaves the stage kicking and screaming or without a wimper (who knows and quite frankly...DO WE CARE how he goes?) we will have the RV / GCR.

So ...after this "Final Act" will some of us still be preoccupied with being "right" about issues surrounding the revaluation? Will we still feel the need to be protective of our favorite Guru? Will voices of the Dinar community still clash over which group is best and why some others are not? And finally will we still have some Gurus pointing out what's wrong with other Gurus?

It's doubtful we will and even if we did it wouldn't mean anything. As a matter of fact,it NEVER meant anything .

There are so many good people in this God driven event...the question going forward is...

Which path will you choose?

Are the choices we make post RV/GCR going to be dedicated to the glory of God, betterment of humanity and our true desire to improve our world or will we fall prey to the short sighted actions that many people have once they attain sudden and sometimes unexpected wealth and good fortune.

After careful examination of the many fine people I have met and talked with during the past years on this incredible ride, I do believe that the right choice will be made by many Dinarians. In large part, this community is filled with caring and considerate people who have a deep belief in God.

So, the future looks bright and there are so many ways we can change and shape the future of this once and hopefully soon to be again GREAT country.

God bless you all!


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