Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Eric Williams says, “Our freedom is ON THE (PHONE) LINE TONIGHT” . . . MUST READ!!!!!

Eric Williams says, “Our freedom is ON THE (PHONE) LINE TONIGHT” . . . MUST READ!!!!!

Posted on by Jean
What Eric is asking for is so very simple, and it seems John will hardly listen to him.
If this movement is derailed now, we will only have ourselves to thank — and I think a very painful lesson to learn. The need for Grand Juries is fast approaching, and I think we do not need to take the time required to regroup.
Eric’s request is so very simple, and yet he can’t even get to first base with John.
If you have followed here, if you understand (read below) the single thing Eric has been stating/requesting, then I think it is time for us all to take some responsibility for what may happen if Eric’s request isn’t even given a voice, let alone honored. We all know that things are coming to a head. What if we get there — and have no recourse to deal with the results?
*  *  *  *  *  *  * 
Folks, we all know the government has been gradually eroding our Freedom but the establishment in the Bill if Rights, in the Fifth Amendment, of the Grand Jury, to be totally under the control of We The People, gives us the means of reversing this trend and reestablishing that which is being taken from us behind our backs.
There is an ongoing Nation wide grassroots movement to reestablish our control of the Grand Jury, but I feel it has been infiltrated by a government agent with the assignment of destroying this movement.
I contend this infiltrator is John Darash who heads up the New York State Grand Jury.  I contend he has and is causing Grand Jury members across the country to be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution.  He must be stopped.
John Darash has a National conference call every Monday at 9pm Eastern time.  I urge all concerned about their Freedom to call in and insist that Darash protect the Grand Jury members by having each one of the GJ members individually sign a formal Declaration of their Political Status as being of the People of the United States who has never ever knowingly and willingly given up his or her Freedom that we were all born with.  This Declaration is required to establish that the GJ members have the correct political standing to sit on the Grand Jury of their county.
I strongly urge everyone who reads this to call in and voice your concerns to John Darash!
I am Eric Williams, The Radical In The Twilight Zone

For the National Liberty Alliance 9pm EASTERN, Monday National Conference call:

For those who might want to have access to the type chat and the call, go to the below web site and click in the telephone image at the left of the page:
To Phone in and listen:
DIAL (559) 726-1300 – ENTER ACCESS CODE 385698; 
If you have technical problems with the above try  (877) 482-5838
 If you get a message “all lines are busy” try (805) 360-1075 and follow the instructions.


Anonymous said...

I don't trust anything this woman say's anymore , with this crap period .

Anonymous said...

I no longer trust her after reading the crap she put out , and thinks this Williams guy is right, WRONG I think he is dark period

Anonymous said...

the NLA instruments i've read are incredible in establishing the peoples' status & standing, very simply, without need of a separate declaration for same. WE the People are the power; without our consent nothing can be done against us. We must learn who we are (& Whose) & stand in our sovereignty against those who oppress us & perpetrate violations of law against our God-given & constitutionally-protected rights. Please help yourselves & we the people & learn HOW we can take back America both peacefully and lawfully- what a concept!! www.NationalLibertyAlliance.org

Blessings to ALL who choose same... freemom7 :D

Anonymous said...

You have no constitutional protections any longer.

Why do people in North America have such a hard time seeing reality?

It's as though you are living in the 19th century. Bill of rights?