Excellent Video of
Malaysian Flt 17 being hit by missile -
like the right engine and wing area took the hit. Note the camera
operator is able to record the moment of impact in the first
2 seconds of this clip. Note the smoke burst left behind on impact
with the #2 engine area. There is a 18 second delay (speed of sound delay)
due to the distance and altitude of the explosion. Question: how did this video
operator know to have his camera running just prior to the missile explosion?
How many people run their camera in the sky looking for an airplane cruising at
altitude so high that most are not visible to the human eye? Note that
the pilots are maintaining wings level, the airplane and burning wing
still intact, in what appears to be an uncontrolled descent from 33,000
feet when the video ends at 1+19sec. (480P is best resolution
available)(select FULL SCREEN)
This video was posted on June 6th, more than a month before Malaysian flight 17 was reported shot down. This is the wrong plane and an unrelated video.
poor job of creating this one ,fake look at all the stilled frames and you will see.
Someone beat me to it ^^
top comment on the video says its not flight17
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