Wednesday, July 9, 2014



Rainey G July 8, 2014 The replay for Arthur's call tonight is:

(559) 726-1299 access code 794705

nana7 July 8, 2014  Great call.  Flashing real time update....says rv will happen this week.  Super news!!

Transcript of the “Batman CC tonight:  “BATMAN RETURNS!!!!!!”    (CC is still going on)


   605-562-3140  PARTY PIN:  329559#

SLH1812:  Call notes up to 8:54 Central:

Exo speaking:
1.    Maliki - in or out of Iraq? Info privileged at S3 (Kerry connection). Maliki now in London; purchased a soccer team, Exo said they know for a fact M did this. Kurdistan move was a bluff; Kurds control the oil. We know that's where the largest military base US...we knew that CBI was being moved to Kurdistan too. Tie in the fact that Sistani said we don't want Maliki, and look at how M was satying there in the middle and trying to create chaos...all this had everybody on the edge...when is the RV...etc.
2.    RV & GCR - we are looking for something to happen this week, but this is a fluid situation. Meeting changed to this Sunday  WF - we already know what they did (friends & family exchanges)...SDLCs, VODs, Structures, loans, etc they have been leveraging SKRs etc. Most recent cash outs, funds were UNclawed, allowed to go through; trading platforms are on high alert; TRNs expected to start mass circulation in the next few days; All currencies are locked and loaded WW in the system; WF starting to put their bank codes in.
4.    F&F--it's wrong, but it's reality. They know we're watching them. Affiliations create first in lines; that's just the way the system. Encourage DL to ensure our points are heard. We will have capital, and we can make some big changes in the future
6.    We need to udnerstand the MCA accounts; bank on the wealth side of the bank; understand the structure of the different accounts; diversified currencies; we don't know what they're going to do and how they're going to do it. That's why you need to have a diversified portfolio, and use arbitrage.
Exogen(E)/Batman (B):

B: am I going to be in the bank tomorrow?

E: ha, I hear the branch breaking already! Everything is pretty much lined up, watch for the red suit on the website bc it's time to the bank immediately! Everything is pointing to us being at the end. M Being out of the way, don't see anything that can stop this except manufactured lies

B: what is the significance of bank--structure, international commerce etc.

E: we've been looking at that bank for quite some time...WACA??? bank. They told him to put all his dinar in a wooden box and they would take care of it. (Scam)

E: one other thing...yesterday, a ton of cargo ships were unloading, electronics. More container ships on the way, means that WTO must have happened in the back room too. They are literally telling everybody that they are ready to business internationally. Getting some conflicting info on the cards (some loaded, some not), but all info is showing ready to go.

B: right, all that cargo, they wouldn't let it come in if they couldn't get stuff in without tariffs (???)

E: When you're dealing with containers and ships with that much cargo...well, just now getting my credit squared away...I've been checking I call you up and I tell you I'm opening up a store, and I call you and ask you to send me a bunch of TVs for my business--now are you going to tell me you want the money up front or will you give me credit?? Now, let's multiply this picture by an entire country! You will begin to get the picture of why seeing the cargo ships is so important.

B: We can see things progressing at light speed now that all realize that M is outta there. Things will be happening very rapidly now, even more so over the next 24 hours.

E: Is Rene here?
R: No, Rene is not here, she's gone (laughter)

B: Rene, go ahead

E: Yes, explain why it's important of having a plan in place

R: I'm going to do what B's friend said he would do, the Canadian farmer: I have a plan, I'm going to exchange a few notes and then I'm going to sit back and watch what is happening. Things are fluid. You don't want to cash in things all at once, unless things are super high, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Most important is to be safe about things, then GET YOURSELF PROTECTED...because once we have this money we will all be targets. People talk. So just be careful. That's my warning, think about this. That's about it...we don't know what we're going to do yet, we have plan all depends on what the govt does when it's released.

B: Thank you Rene. I'm with you, we don't know what's going to unfold with govt or the banks. There are a lot of things they could put into play. Doesn't make a lot of sense to spend a lot of money or time before we know how things are going. We will probably get some more intel as the night goes. Right now, Batgirl (BG), are you with me tonight? We'll give her a minute.

E: Batman, I just did get some intel...don't go crazy. We're hearing that tomorrow just might be don't everybody go crazy!

B: Amen to that Brother!

R: Is it BG's birthday?
B: It's midnight tonight! I planned it that way (hahaha)

B: I sent Maliki an email, I said to hold up till the 8th!

E: You should know Atlanta is the new Reno, but there are some people there now waiting to do SOMETHING, I just got that right now.

B: I had to take a call...BG, are you on now? They're having trouble getting in...they are muted. (noise, trying to open the line)

??: Get ready get ready get ready! So superfantastic, as another friend of mine would say.

E: Repeats that "this" could happen tomorrow. There are people waiting to do something right now that I can't get into the details right now... I don't see why this can't happen this week, I'll put it like that.

??: Do you know anything about Zimbabwe?

E:  Yes, we understand...well keep in mind it's fluid...Zim shuffle could possibly be a reality. No definitives in this
investment. All we can plan for is what MAY take place...we don't know what they're going to do, but we've heard that there ARE going to be TWO movements

BG: Batman, can you hear me?
B: We're all here to wish you a happy birthday.

(Everybody singing, wishing BG happy birthday)


Susan A. Exo: Said to not go crazy; but is hearing that tomorrow just MIGHT be it. Also, Atlanta is the new Reno. There are people right now....waiting to do something.


EXO: what we're hearing with everything locked and loaded and ppl willing to do right now.. based on platform and banking side..
looking good


G T July 8, 2014 Wow...Did you just hear what EXO say.......TOMORROW TOMORROW???




Susan A. July 8, 2014 Modified it and said...this week.

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:13 PM

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