Hawk: The Final Takedown Of The US
“God Help Us, They’re Here!”
Friday, July 25, 2014 7:02
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Cabal thrive on fear and chaos, and try to control when and where to unleash chaos so they can step in and rearrange as heros their control systems.
The alternative news if full of this fear mongering over a collapse of the US.
The financial sites quietly hint at a new asset backed banking system by pushing gold, silver and metals.
The Dinar Gurus push intel fed to them and create hopium leading to extreme negative let down.
Each fear and negative thought is the power the Cabal feed on.
Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, ALSO HAVE FAITH IN GOOD WINNING OVER EVIL and it matters not what religious doctrine or not they base this FAITH on.
While the US corporate government may believe they will be putting the US citizen who resist their stronger control systems into shackled box cars and sending them to re-education FEMA camps or bury them in the black plastic coffins I believe that they have been fooled themselves by their own ignorance.
The 99% would never allow the 1% to do this to them today like they did in Germany.
I predict it will in fact be the 1% criminal cabal corporate US government and Corporate banking Cabal under DIVINE AUTHORITY OF THE POPE'S SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 DECREE that when exposed for their TREASON the 99% will support with COMPASSION THE RE-EDUCATION OF THESE WAYWARD CABAL who will go to these FEMA CAMPS either willingly for re-education or be arrested by UN sanctioned foreign troops to be shackled box cars and forced to accept either re-education or the black plastic box coffin.
The Cabal would like us to think these black plastic box coffins are meant for us 99%.
And in pushing this propaganda they hope in the Chaos they may escape.
Just my opinion..........
But with my eyes and ears opened by your Nesara website and my own research..........I TRULY HAVE FAITH THAT GOOD WILL PREVAIL!
Thanks John for your Service to the AWAKENING OF THE 99%.
I can understand how you feel, but I also know that God is greater than any American Government, and
Russian Government, and any government of any other country. Also, His sovereighty is unlimited when He
wants it ti be unlimited. The Bible tells that we are in a time of great distress of nations, and eventually all
nations will be judged under God. God is still on His throne. Pray for America for it may look very bad, but
God can still bring an awakening to this nation and will.
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