Wednesday, July 2, 2014

News, Rumors, and Opinions Wednesday Morning

News, Rumors, and Opinions Wednesday Morning


[highlander65] There is going to be a Q&A between LaGarde and Yellen coming up on CNBC if you can tune in... not sure if it has any relevance

[highlander65] still waiting for LaG and Yellen Q&A but meanwhile: Yellen Says Rate Policy Shouldn’t Change Over Instability


MarkZ Tweet:   MarkZ @originalmarkz  ·  You all crack me up in a good way! :) I will dig hard today and join you all in chat tonight.


[Papajack] Good Morning, lots of voices out there in Dinar world this morning, Maliki, Iraq, UFO's, Global Reset, etc. It's enough to get a preacher to drink.

[Papajack] Let me tell you why we are still waiting, it's called the PETRODOLLAR.

[Papajack] You see since 1913 the Federal Reserve started printing paper money which was supposed to be backed by Gold and Silver. In 1933 FDR passed a law banning Americans from owning GOLD, and in the 60's Nixon removed America from the Gold standard.

[Papajack] The USA has been controlled by the Cabal in one way or another since 1871 when the US Corporation usurped the Constitutional REPUBLIC of the United States of America. All of us were born into this fraudulent system. But we are alive to see things set right again.

 [Papajack] You see this GLOBAL RESET is much more than just an RV, it changes everything and gives the entire world a RESET.

[Papajack] While this ride should have been over long ago, things were so bad you just couldn't put a band aid on them and thus all the delays.

[Papajack] That is why I have been saying all along the KEY to our blessing is the NEW ASSET BACKED CURRENCY.

[~ckgdrums] In other words, if we would have exchanged into the OLD system, the cabal would have figured a way to steal our funds! :(

[Papajack] When the NEW CURRENCY is in place we get paid, otherwise if we exchanged into the old system the BAD GUY's AKA Cabal would just steal it all through their rigged system.

 [Papajack] It has been the Cabal operatives working within the USA that have continually worked to stop the reset and keep the PETRODOLLAR system alive. I won't mention any names as that really doesn't matter anymore as they have or are being dealt with.

[Papajack] Don't expect big fancy announcements in the media, and don't listen to the scammers that will come out of the woodwork, listen to the Holy Spirit as to how you should proceed.

[Papajack] Remember pigs get fat, Hogs get slaughtered, and believers get blessed.

 [Papajack] In God we trust, all else we check.

 [Papajack] When you hear the banks are releasing the TRN's Treasury Reserve Notes,then you will know the blessing is at the door. And remember this is JMHO. I hope this helps because I am believing for Christmas in July!!!!


Stjnb :  Bruce on the "Big Call" said last night that the ISX linked to Nasdeq yesterday, but did not trade


51Percent:   Let's just boil it down, shall we?
For what it's worth, here is my assessment: If we are honest, we knew it wasn't going to be a cake walk. Maliki after all, is a dictator ...or "Sadam Lite" as Bluestar said. But he has virtually no chance of staying.

I read the Kurds & Sunnis walked out. With everything else I read, here's what hit my spirit... When all the MPs (Ministers of Parliament) were present, they realized they barely had a majority in total. I suspect many of those that did not show up were scared off by Maliki's goons.

Why else wouldn't they be there?

After all this meeting is the biggest event in the world at the moment and they know it. So there was a break, as would be normal, and, the Kurds & Sunnis did not return. Why? Because without them there could be no majority and Maliki's effort to get a voting majority, failed.

So, everything was tabled for 7 days. I've also read Maliki is negotiating with Iran for a way to go there for safe harbor. That makes sense.

Here's the bottom line as I see it: There are 6 billion+ people on this planet. Yet one single carbon unit homo-sapien - out of six billion - is blocking the entire Global Currency Reset. Imagine that. Are you a praying person? If so, you now know exactly what to pray for.

Remove a would-be king ...and the whole earth moves forward. 51 Percent.


jdtolle » July 2nd, 2014,   Already here

What are you waiting for? Whatever it is, stop waiting and start living.

The purpose of your life is already here, so live it. The meaning, the beauty, the opportunities, the resources, the time and the inspiration are already here, so go ahead and make full use of them.

Just dive right in to the substance of life. Start where you are, for the sooner your efforts begin, the more you’ll achieve.

Indulge that persistent longing to be creative, to say what you really mean and to live the reality of what you truly love. Everything necessary is already here, and so are you.

Let go of the excuses and silly rationalizations and let yourself live this day in all its beauty and glory.
Stop searching and wondering and start letting your heart lead the way.

Your most promising moment is already here. Grab it and joyfully go with it.

— Ralph Marston      

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

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