Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Omegaman:intel from PT: a TRN note was sent to him (Photo) from a FAMOUS Dr. in Mexico; the Patient had the TRN a 100.00 note; it DID NOT SAY FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE; AS well; he says the TRN will be live this week; and that the Public X is FRIDAY...believe it or not...we'll find out; but that is from a high source...

this is what PT described, and that he could not send it to me due to classified nature of the subject; as for FRIDAY, we'll see, and you're absolutely right about dates, however, i think it is safe to say, based upon PT's source, that we are at the door step;;

Carden:Sure, I enjoy his comments too! My statement still stands. Please read again. I wrote, THE ROLLOUT IS NOW, THIS WEEK. IT BETTER BE THIS WEEK BECAUSE IF IT DOES NOT APPEAR THIS WEEK WE CAN ALL KNOW SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN DENMARK! I had to capitalize this because I am that serious.

Omegaman: agreed C, this better be our week, and i believe it is; the PTB has no choice but to release, or face major problems;;;

why is it that i am favoring two upcoming days; wed 7 23; and fri. 7 25; i may have some rumored intel that may imo have some merit that may have you danglin like carrot on a stick; i say that i know not, time alone will tell, so say not i said yea, when that i said not...


Anonymous said...

If you have a photo; post it. Then maybe somebody might believe you. However, if it says NOTE on it it is garbage.

Anonymous said...

If the dinar is so popular would someone please explain why the Iraqi people are now using the Chinese yuan. Hmmmmm......are we going to get a surprise? Something is already rotten in Denmark.

Anonymous said...

that is to say, we all do not already KNOW that 'something IS rotten in Denmark' and has been for waaaaaay toooooo long!

Anonymous said...

Several people have said they know someone who has "seen" the TRN... If so... why hasn't anyone taken a picture and posted it??? With everything that gets posted on the net (and pretty much anyone can do it) IF there is truely a TRN note... I believe we would have seen it by now... Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

His patient already had the TRN?
The more things change,the more they stay the same......

Anonymous said...

The "TRN" is no more a "NOTE" (as in Promissory note) than the "FRN". Promissory notes are governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, Article IX, § 9-102 (Definitions - #65, Promissory note). as follows = (65) "Promissory note" means an instrument that evidences a promise to pay a monetary obligation, does not evidence an order to pay, and does not contain an acknowledgment by a bank that the bank has received for deposit a sum of money or funds. When one deals with doing "Bank Business" (i,s, making deposits, taking out loans, ect.) one is a "Bank" (person, meaning you).

If you'd bother to check the first paragraph of your Promissory Note you signed for your home you will find it does not meet criteria #2 & #3 of the definition "Promissory note" above but is actually a bank draft/check. (U.C.C. § 3-104(e)

Anonymous said...

that’s a lie. what does it say on the front of it? FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE or treasury bank note! what is it backed by? nothing! no one wants a fake note from a banker! release the silver certs that are already printed under Kennedy! that is our new money not the fake bank note bs! the good guys are wining and will not let the bis rv the dinar or do a reset with fake bank notes. victory is at hand! freedom is coming like a thief in the night.