Wednesday, July 2, 2014


[Papajack] Good Morning, lots of voices out there in Dinar world this morning, Maliki, Iraq, UFO's, Global Reset, etc. It's enough to get a preacher to drink.

[Papajack] Let me tell you why we are still waiting, it's called the PETRODOLLAR.

[Papajack] You see since 1913 the Federal Reserve started printing paper money which was supposed to be backed by Gold and Silver. In 1933 FDR passed a law banning Americans from owning GOLD, and in the 60's Nixon removed America from the Gold standard.

[Papajack] The USA has been controlled by the Cabal in one way or another since 1871 when the US Corporation usurped the Constitutional REPUBLIC of the United States of America. All of us were born into this fraudulent system. But we are alive to see things set right again.

 [Papajack] You see this GLOBAL RESET is much more than just an RV, it changes everything and gives the entire world a RESET.

[Papajack] While this ride should have been over long ago, things were so bad you just couldn't put a band aid on them and thus all the delays.

[Papajack] That is why I have been saying all along the KEY to our blessing is the NEW ASSET BACKED CURRENCY.

[~ckgdrums] In other words, if we would have exchanged into the OLD system, the cabal would have figured a way to steal our funds! :(

[Papajack] When the NEW CURRENCY is in place we get paid, otherwise if we exchanged into the old system the BAD GUY's AKA Cabal would just steal it all through their rigged system.

 [Papajack] It has been the Cabal operatives working within the USA that have continually worked to stop the reset and keep the PETRODOLLAR system alive. I won't mention any names as that really doesn't matter anymore as they have or are being dealt with.

[Papajack] Don't expect big fancy announcements in the media, and don't listen to the scammers that will come out of the woodwork, listen to the Holy Spirit as to how you should proceed.

[Papajack] Remember pigs get fat, Hogs get slaughtered, and believers get blessed.

 [Papajack] In God we trust, all else we check.

 [Papajack] When you hear the banks are releasing the TRN's Treasury Reserve Notes,then you will know the blessing is at the door. And remember this is JMHO. I hope this helps because I am believing for Christmas in July!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor dumb ass guru's......they think the dinar is going to RV soon. Not so - if and when it does RV may be months away, maybe years. Who cares about their opinion because they are wrong. What ego's they have........

Maliki is not going anywhere. He plans to stay around and continue to get his percentage off every dinar sold. This is foolish, you say? Not so - he has accumulated big time wealth as a result of stupid Americans.

We keep hearing dinar RV tomorrow, this week, next week or whenever. Again , not so. This statement is to encourage people to keep purchasing dinar. What people don't know is that more dinar has been sold than will ever be enough money to cash in. Somebody is going to lose........wait and see.